Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Azuriel took the pen and signed his name though it was without a last name. It would be strange just to sign any kind of document with just a first name, but it didn't come to mind that he would have to explain why. "I signed it, so please get me out of here." He said with resignation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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Ok now where are these...“Penny? You all good over there?” Great now what. [Demonic Voice] "Yes..." Shit! I hope he didn't hear that. [Fake Human Voice] "I mean yes! I'm ok, I need to go farther in, I think I see a branch. Don't worry about me ok?!" I hope Rand ignores that slip up. Once I start transforming it takes a lot for me to retransform. Where are these dumb humans, I wonder if they're hiding somewhere. Maybe I should find that wolf mutt, she could sniff them out. If I make a deal with her, she could have all the humans, accept Paige and Rand of course. I could make up a story of some bull crap girl power, is she even a girl. That wolf might be a boy for all I know. Anyway I need to find her pronto.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Edward smiled as the pen and paper, as well as the hourglass and and sand vanished. "Not quite. Consider that first part your application to be my foot-servant. You aren't quite ready for me to just let you roam around, but if be a good little slave, I could possibly arrange it with my boss that you can freely move around this complex." He then took a second to glance over the paper to get his captive's name, however it didn't include a last name, but no matter. It was of little importance.

"So Azuriel." he said as the paper vanished. "I have basically complete control over your body thanks to that little piece of paper. However, you hold a rather fortunate position. If you behave yourself, I will only damage you mentally. But lets just say I have ways of enforcing obedience. And I suggest you don't ask how."
"Of course." She nodded, though she had a severe distaste for the insane fool she would stomach it for as long as the Manager asked of her. "I will just be to my room freshing up. You may either send him to my room, or comm me his location. However you wish to do this sir." she said before leaving the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 25 days ago

Rand cocked his head as he heard the strange response. That was certainly...strange. Even worse was the correction he heard in Penny’s voice. “Penny?” Rand called. “What was that?” The hunter’s mind raced. He ran to the bushes, not seeing any trace of her. “Penny!” Change of voice. Shapeshifter, mimicker, even going to stretch of trickster possibly. Was Penny taken or was the monster herself? Unlikely on latter, she would’ve killed me with the vantage she had. Stupid moron, Perrin would be going on a rant! Rand thought, looking around. If only I had my tools, there’s no way to test people. Now’s not the time, I need to find Penny soon.
The Manager gave a nod to Lyre. “I’ll request the vampire to go to you, but if he’s not there in the next half-hour I’d go and find him. He’s in quadrant B in the hunting area,” he said before she left. Turning back to his computer the Manager began typing again, then gave a frown. “Oh blast it where is she?” The Manager muttered.
Mat stopped his running and looked around, breathing heavily. Where was everyone else? He hadn’t even considered going with others when that...vampire...showed up and started killing them. What was this place anyway? He knew he had to just keep going though, or else he may be the next unlucky victim. Mat started running again but realized how out of breath he was. He didn’t want to take a break but he couldn’t keep running or he’d start puking. Mat slowed his pace down to a walk, trudging forward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Azuriel didn't say anything while he sat with his back on the wall. With his signature he just signed over his soul with the devil and he will just get his mind messed up without doing anything wrong. "I wasn't going to ask how." He muttered as he just glared at Edward and started to brood some while his thoughts ran from him.
Ilytise stalked through the tree as she watched a young human running before he slowed down to a walk. As she walked trees became closer that she pushed the trees down with a loud growl. If she managed to get a human, she would not know what to do with them. Sai'tioula would probably help the human escape or something along those lines.
Ishiya howled suddenly and continued to run until she stopped at a creek. It still bothered her that she needed to hunt a human but she knew that she needs too. She sat on her hind legs in order to look around before she noticed that there were humans near the creek. 'I don't think that I can kill anyone, no matter how much I tried. Issac will find out and punish her once he finds out that she didn't hunt or kill a human.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Edward smiled. "Did you just back-talk me Azurial? That tends to be a rather foolish thing for you to do. I will just give you a taste of your full punishment though. Just a quick an effective way to force you to do what you say without completely destroying your brain and replacing it, because what is the fun in that." Another rather strong burst of magic flowed from Edward to his prisoner, a sensation that would rather apparent to Azurial. Though, not necessary painful, more overwhelming. As a golden color dog tail popped up from the back of his pants.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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FlatlandGirl said
Paige stood there in shock. All she wanted to do was deck this guy and give him a nice verbal lashing but he left before she could say anything. "What a dick!" She said picking up her shirt and shaking it to remove the dust. "Can you believe him?!" She said to Mars. "Never mind. Don't worry about it." She sat on a rock and exhaled heavily through her mouth, blowing her bangs out of her face. "This is ridiculous."

Mars gave a quiet sigh, it seemed as though the little group had disbanded already. "Well it seems to be just us now, if you don't have a better idea i think we should try to either find somewhere better to stay or make this place more defensible"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 25 days ago

Mat jumped and looked behind him as he heard the loud growl nearby. He gave a curse for his bad luck. He didn't even bother trying to see what was after him, he turned and ran as hard as he could. If he was lucky, whatever was nearby wouldn't pursue. Mat breathed hard and pumped with his new adrenaline, focused on getting out if there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"What? No, I wasn't!" Azuriel exclaimed while he pressed his back against the wall like he was trying to melt into it in order to get away. When the magic touched him, the feeling was something that he couldn't explain at all. As soon as it happened it stopped but not before he sworn he was sitting on something. "What am I sitting...ow!! What the hell." He exclaimed when he pulled on something furry. Azuriel looked over his shoulder and saw a golden furred dog tail. He looked at Edward and back to his newly created tail. "I'm going to be turned into a dog?"
Ilytise grinned as he started to run after her little stunt. She transformed back and used the shadows to catch up with the runner. Every time she uses the shadows to travel faster she always appears to be some kind of black mist. Hunters tend to mistake her as a demon when they see her. One even tried to kill her by cutting her with refined steel. How wrong he was when tendrils of shadows ripped him apart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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Edward was just grinned at the shock and awe of his new victim, Azurial. "Somewhat. You see, I need you to be able to do simple tasks for me like being my deliver boy and such, so I can't turn you all the way into a dog. However, just consider this a warning to what happens if you misbehave to much." He then stoop up and conjured a bottle of tea in his hand and placed in his prisoners cage.

"I suggest you drink up if you're thirsty. Not much point in keeping you around if I am just going to starve or dehydrate you anyways. Also, if it was some sort of potion or poison, I could just force it done your throat. I still don't trust you to leave the cage quite let, but again, when you prove both your worth and obedience I will see if the Manager could give a free pass to roam around the building. I can teleport you back to me at any time anyways."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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Damn, that was too close. He's in the bushes? Time to disappear. Glad I can evaporate into mist. Now time to find...bingo! It's that boy...what's his name? Connor!? Rand's friend. Awww too bad. What is he looking for? Water? If he is this would be the perfect plan for me. Now to find somewhere to turn into a lake. Somewhere far enough from everyone else, but close enough for them to hear Connor scream. I don't do anything without a show of course. I wonder if Rand will be mad if I turn Connor. Wouldn't that be a funny site, best friends having to fight against each other. If Rand wins that will be amazing, he would really be as strong as I think he is. If Connor wins, I still win but it will be a bittersweet victory. My plan is going into affect. Ah ha! That tree is perfect, the shady area. Now time to look good, dream of a cool lake, fresh water. Now a beautiful cool mist, make sure Conner feels the mist. Just wait and then...SNAP! Connor is all mines.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 25 days ago

Mat suddenly tripped while he ran over a branch, making him fall on the ground. Cursing, Mat got up but suddenly puked, falling back down on his knees. He had over-exerted himself and was now paying the price. Mat looked around, trying to tell if he was still being pursued. He didn't hear anything, but was that a trick? Mat looked at the tree next to him. Better safe than sorry? He knew that he'd just puke again if he tried running. Mat scrambled up the tree, reaching up to a higher branch. After he got about twenty feet up Mat finally took a break.
The tiny trickling stream was not going fast enough for Connor. He needed a bigger source to hurry back. The hunter stood up from the stream, looking around the area. He took a few steps away from the stream. Where would a better source be? Possibly heading upstream was the key, but how far out was that? He had already gone plenty far from the cave.

Connor continued debating on whether to head up or not when he suddenly felt a wave of mist. Connor looked back at he stream and frowned. That source was too small to generate mist. What caused it then? Connor took several steps away from the stream, looking for what could've caused that. He suddenly saw a gentle lake near a tree. How had he missed that before?

Connor crept up to the lake and looked around several times. Get the water then get out, he thought. Connor went on one knee and dipped the bucket in, checking his surroundings as he did so.
Rand walked through the forest with wary attention. He wanted to shout but knew it would be foolish to draw attention. The hunter gave a breath and rested against a tree. He honestly wasn't sure where to head to. If he wandered around the forest he could find Connor or Penny or a supernatural ready to kill him. If he tried to leave he could summon help but would also be abandoning his friends. Rand sighed, what should he do?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 25 days ago

Mat suddenly tripped while he ran over a branch, making him fall on the ground. Cursing, Mat got up but suddenly puked, falling back down on his knees. He had over-exerted himself and was now paying the price. Mat looked around, trying to tell if he was still being pursued. He didn't hear anything, but was that a trick? Mat looked at the tree next to him. Better safe than sorry? He knew that he'd just puke again if he tried running. Mat scrambled up the tree, reaching up to a higher branch. After he got about twenty feet up Mat finally took a break.
The tiny trickling stream was not going fast enough for Connor. He needed a bigger source to hurry back. The hunter stood up from the stream, looking around the area. He took a few steps away from the stream. Where would a better source be? Possibly heading upstream was the key, but how far out was that? He had already gone plenty far from the cave.

Connor continued debating on whether to head up or not when he suddenly felt a wave of mist. Connor looked back at he stream and frowned. That source was too small to generate mist. What caused it then? Connor took several steps away from the stream, looking for what could've caused that. He suddenly saw a gentle lake near a tree. How had he missed that before?

Connor crept up to the lake and looked around several times. Get the water then get out, he thought. Connor went on one knee and dipped the bucket in, checking his surroundings as he did so.
Rand walked through the forest with wary attention. He wanted to shout but knew it would be foolish to draw attention. The hunter gave a breath and rested against a tree. He honestly wasn't sure where to head to. If he wandered around the forest he could find Connor or Penny or a supernatural ready to kill him. If he tried to leave he could summon help but would also be abandoning his friends. Rand sighed, what should he do?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Azuriel leaned forward and grabbed the bottle of tea and sat back. He flinched when he newly obtained tail bend in a painful and awkward position. "What should I do if I become hungry?" He asked as he had to remind himself not to appear that he was talking back and took a drink. It got him wondering how he was going to prove his worth when he can't even see half of what's in front of him.
"You know that a bear that climbs a tree to escape the hunt, becomes trapped instead." Ilytise said as she leaned against the tree trunk a couple feet above Mat. It was strange that humans would think that they can escape just by climbing high into a tree. This is like one of those horror movies her host loves to watch at times. "But if you think this would work against creatures that can see through the dark or even smell you then go on right a head." She added while she absentmindedly touched the blood ruby necklace that houses her soul in.
Ishiya smelled the ground to try to find some human but her ears flattened against her skull when she noticed a lake that she didn't see before. She never been around other supernaturals, except for Issac, Edward, the Manager, and of course her sister, that she didn't know what to expect. Hitting the water with a paw Ishiya growled when water hit her face. If any human sees her, hopefully they will think that she's an actual wolf and not a lycan if they happen to be a hunter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leotamer
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"You don't have to worry about that. Food will be provided to you, three times a day as is usual." he said. For the first time, he took a through look at this servant. He was quite battered and bruised. He hadn't noticed before as before he really didn't care about his life, however now that he already signed the paper and seems to cooperate, might as well keep him around. He seems like could be useful.

He looked as though he suffered burns and one of his eyes was injured quite badly, though he was unsure of how badly his sight was effected. "It would appear you're rather injured, and these wounds seem to healed to be recent as if they was from the hunt. I could admit to heal them, however I am unsure how much good I could do and it wouldn't be instant. These wounds are to severe and I am too late to cure them with the snap of my finger. However, a major part of my career previous to the one I am currently holding was a healer. I also should have something or another for your injured eye. Again, I can't simply heal it, however I do believe I have some very useful pairs of glasses that will allow you to see even if your eye was removed. However, it only lasts so long as they are not broken and on your face. Consider it a "welcome to the job" gift. He said as he appeared to be rummaging through some things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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Oh! Here he comes, what the hell just hit me? A wolf was it that girl again? No this wolf looked different then her. "Hey go away, if you leave now I'll help you get a nice yummy human to eat later. Don't ruin this for me." Shoot, go back in to liquid. Ok that's it, put the bucket in the water. Got you! [Demonic Siren Voice]"Wow Connor your so gullible. Welcome to my world now!" I'll just shoot him in the water, scare him a little and then I'll turn him. Wow when I make a plan, I REALLY make a plan. Now put him unconscious, and the rest is simple.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FlatlandGirl


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eklispe said
Mars gave a quiet sigh, it seemed as though the little group had disbanded already. "Well it seems to be just us now, if you don't have a better idea i think we should try to either find somewhere better to stay or make this place more defensible"

Paige stood and crossed her arms, getting frustrated. She looked at Mars. "I don't think you should be moving anywhere yet; not with that leg any way.I was hoping Connor would be back with water by now, and as for making this place defensible," She picked up a rock off the cave floor that appeared porous and tested it on the wall of the cave. It had a chalk - like effect but it didn't rub off. "I can lock us in safe but that is about it right now." She said as she started drawing symbols along the opening of the cave that would block demonic entrance. Using the rocks, she was able to climb just high enough to get a devils trap drawn a few feet into the cave from the entrance on the ceiling. She jumped down and dropped the now smaller rock and brushed off her hands. "That will keep most unwanted visitors out, any way." She said with a hint of relieved satisfaction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Mars watched as Paige used her chalk-like rock to draw warding symbols and noted the claw marks scarring her ribs. He almost asked where she got them but thought better of it, if she wanted him to know she would tell him and he really should pry when Paige was the only one still around to help. "Wow you seem to have all kinds of helpful skills, I'm not much for anything outside of a fight, or even in a fight right now, but if you think i can help with anything i'll do my best to assist." Mars said, still he hoped that something changed soon for the better. Mars doubted that the symbols would hold off something as powerful as THAT vampire for very long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

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Mat froze up as he heard the voice above him. Oh you've got to be kidding me... Mat thought, slowly looking up. He had to admit he did not expect to see what seemed like a normal girl looking down at him. She had been the one to make the growl, or was that something else? Whatever it was, he knew that this girl was now after him. "Had to try something you know?" Mat said. "Couldn't help myself, and can't do that right now too." At that moment Mat jumped to another tree, barely catching onto it. Mat looked down, grimacing at the height. He stared back up and continued, thanking his own experience of doing this. Mat jumped to another tree but this time he missed the branch, making him fall down a couple feet. Mat barely grasped a branch and hoisted himself up. Cursing, Mat looked around him, trying to see where the girl was.
Connor hadn't expected the sudden threat to be the water himself. He didn't even have time to react as he was shot inside of the lake. Right before he had analyzed the voice's words, realizing at the last moment that this thing knew who he was. Connor dropped the bucket he still had clutched in his hand. Water seemed to surround him. Surface! He needed to reach the surface! Connor pumped his hardest to go up, but he realized his efforts were being worked against, like the water was actively pushing him down. Connor was quickly running out of breath, his vision started to draw black. No, he needed to keep trying, this thing wanted him panicked, wanted him to submit and fall unconscious. They'd have to try harder. The hunter shoved through the water, breaking through to the surface. He felt exhausted and was shaking as he let his head up at the top. Connor looked at his surroundings and gave a curse. He was right in the middle of the lake. I failed you Rand. I'm so sorry.
Rand couldn't hear anything as he trudged through the forest. There were no more screams, no more shouts, he couldn't even hear crickets chirping. Was everyone already dead? He couldn't tell. All he could do was hope. Rand looked down, ashamed that he lost everyone. He couldn't even keep one simple girl in sight. The hunter kicked a branch that was at his feet. The stick flew out and shattered when it hit a tree. The sound echoed around him. Lovely, he probably attracted something. Maybe he could finally kill something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zaitherin
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Zaitherin Local Chicken Lady

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"I didn't get these from this hunt...I was told I got into a bad car accident and I got this burned up arm and this scared up blind eye. Well that is what I've been told anyways." Azuriel said absently as he watched Edward searching for the glasses. He shifted to where he was sitting on his knees so he wouldn't have to worry about setting on his tail. His tail...he never would have thought that he would accept the tail as a part of him so quickly. Sitting on it a couple time and you would have no choice but to accept it as a part of yourself quickly.
Ilytise just smirked as she waited bit for the human to try to get as far before she went after him. It didn't come through her mind that dawn will be coming soon when she easily jumped into the next tree. 'Sai'tioula's hobby of free running through town has its advantages. She thought with a chuckle as she grabbed a branch and let her momentum take her to the next branch. A lake appeared in the far distance and Ilytise just took a glance at it until she jumped back onto ground.
Ishiya took some steps backwards when she felt insulted that whoever this large lake thing is thinks that she eats humans. Growling her dislike at the comment she turned and headed back into the forest. A large buck appeared nearby and she crouched down to get ready to attack it before a large crack echoed through the trees. The buck suddenly looked around until it bolted away. If she could talk properly, she would be cursing up a storm for the loud sound.
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