Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

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So, I've been itching to join a Doctor Who 1x1 for a while. However, poking around these intchks, I've noticed a distinct lack of any number before Nine. Now, don't get me wrong, the new series is great, but I'd like a bit more variety. ^^ Now, I did say you might not need to have seen the Classic series. That kind of depends on which plot you're interested in, though. I'll get into that more in a second. But first, a few quick notes;

1) I'm in college, and classes can be hectic sometimes. My posts might come a bit slower, if that's ok with you.
2) I'd love to try something that's not a romance RP. That's not to say that I won't do romance, and we can go that route if you want, but in some cases I'd just love to see these characters interact and I wouldn't mind a plot more focused on their adventures. Also, I don't do smut.
3) I haven't seen all the Classic episodes. There's a lot of material to go through and I'm not quite there yet. I have been jumping around a bit, though, so I do have at least a general feel for all the Doctors and most of the companions.
4) I do not RP by PM. Threads, please.

For most of the ideas I have, I'm hoping to play one of the Doctors. Preferably either One, Four, Eight, or maybe Seven once I see more of his episodes. In all the ideas listed below, I'd like to play a Classic Doctor unless I specifically state otherwise.

Now, onto some of the plot ideas I had;

1) A Classic series Doctor meets one of the new series companions. This is one that those unfamiliar with the Classic series could jump into, and I think it would be fun to play out. Basically, what if a companion from the new series, after they already left the Doctor, happened to stumble across an earlier version of him? I'd be happy doing this with really any of the New Who companions, even if we may need to work a bit to justify how some of them could run into any Doctor again. Although I have a timey-whimey-spacey-wacey loophole that I think could work for Rose. And Donna, well... that's harder. I dunno, maybe a different face and TARDIS interior won't be as likely to bring back those old memories. And as for Amy and Rory, I never understood why Eleven couldn't ever meet them again anyway, so I'm fine completely ignoring that barrier (also they traveled with Eleven a bit more on-and-off, so we could easily say they ran into a Classic Doctor before the events of Angels Take Manhattan). Oh, and I also think this could work really well for not just main companions but also characters like River Song or Jack Harkness (they might be some of the most fun, actually). Also, we could make this work with a Classic companion who is after a particular Doctor's time, whichever characters we wind up choosing. In any case, I would like to play the Classic Doctor, most likely one of the incarnations listed above.

2) A Classic Doctor meets one of the new series Doctors. Sort of similar to the above idea, but with a later incarnation of the Doctor as opposed to a future companion. This is another one to have a lot of fun with and, maybe, you could still try this one even if you haven't seen the Classics. I mean, yes, technically the later Doctor should have all the memories of his previous versions, but just think of Day of the Doctor - how many times did Eleven so much as really mention or respond to anything he remembered Ten having done? I think you could still play Nine/Ten/Eleven/Twelve with just some basic background knowledge on whichever Classic Doctor we decide on. Still, it all depends on what you're comfortable with, I suppose.

3) A Classic Doctor and an OC companion. Fairly self-explanatory, and another that you don't really need to know about the Classics to have fun with. Just hop in my TARDIS and we'll go see the universe together. Would you like a jelly baby? :D

4) Any two Classic Doctors meeting up. Because these sorts of crossovers are always fun, right? Obviously though some knowledge of the old series would be helpful if you plan to play any Classic Doctor.

5) Something involving Four and Adric. Because this is my favorite Doctor/companion duo and I thought they were adorable together, but we hardly got to see any of them before Four regenerated into Five. Anything we can think of to expand on their adventures together would be great. In this case, though, I'd like to play Adric.

6) "Grandfather, you came back!" Hopefully if you know the Classics, you know what I'm referring to here. I'd love for a newer Doctor, preferably Twelve, to hop on over to Dalek-infested Earth and reunite with Susan. Ideally it would be after Susan spent a long time there, so probably at least 50 years after One first left her in 2151. Susan can either still be in the same incarnation she had when the Doctor left her, or she could've regenerated since then - preferably at the start of the RP, if we go that route. I would like to play Susan.

So, those are all the ideas I had. Feel free to comment if you're interested in any of them, even if you have suggestions for slight tweaks to these ideas. You can express interest either by PM or right here on this thread if you'd prefer. I'll post up some more ideas if any come to mind.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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Well hi there~ I would like to show interest in this. I like ideas either one or three as I know both Four and Eight fairly well (cause I saw the 1996 movie and am watching Classic Who [which means I had to go through some of Three's arc as well so I sorta know him too] on Netflix {although I had to get when Four regenerates on YouTube}) as far as having a relationship with those Doctor's I think a plausible one with Eight would make a whole lot more sense seeing as he was a bit more flirtatious as he was a bit more human with that regeneration. I don't mind going the route of 'best friend' or even 'family' member closeness with Four as he reminds me of my kookie ass uncle who is just adorkable. Now that I got that out of the way, for the first idea I can play a good Rose Tyler or if you wanted to double up for this, Captain Jack Harkness. I mean he does have two years of his memory wiped clean. What if he traveled with a classic who Doctor helping him against the orders of the Time Agency? Just an idea :3 I work a 9-5 shift but I check here when I have the free time. I also give what I get (or I do my best to match what my partner gives out cause it inspires me to give more) other than that I can't really think of many obsticals beyond that I don't do smut neither.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

ladyonyx04 said
Well hi there~ I would like to show interest in this. I like ideas either one or three as I know both Four and Eight fairly well (cause I saw the 1996 movie and am watching Classic Who [which means I had to go through some of Three's arc as well so I sorta know him too] on Netflix {although I had to get when Four regenerates on YouTube}) as far as having a relationship with those Doctor's I think a plausible one with Eight would make a whole lot more sense seeing as he was a bit more flirtatious as he was a bit more human with that regeneration. I don't mind going the route of 'best friend' or even 'family' member closeness with Four as he reminds me of my kookie ass uncle who is just adorkable. Now that I got that out of the way, for the first idea I can play a good Rose Tyler or if you wanted to double up for this, Captain Jack Harkness. I mean he does have two years of his memory wiped clean. What if he traveled with a classic who Doctor helping him against the orders of the Time Agency? Just an idea :3 I work a 9-5 shift but I check here when I have the free time. I also give what I get (or I do my best to match what my partner gives out cause it inspires me to give more) other than that I can't really think of many obsticals beyond that I don't do smut neither.

Well just so you know, if I play Eight it would have to be almost immediately after the events of the 1996 movie (from Eight's perspective) as I haven't listened to any of the Eighth Doctor audio dramas yet. As for what you said about Jack - I'm assuming all that was in reference to Torchwood? Sorry but I haven't seen it yet. ^^" Not sure how much of a barrier that would be, though, so you could still go through with it if you think it would work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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When Jack first met Nine and Rose during the Blitz he remarks: "I had two years of my life wiped out by the Time Agency. For all I know your friend is right to distrust me." So that's way before he gets recruited by Torchwood, and that's perfectly fine if you haven't watched that side show. (Although it does a pretty good job of explaining how Jack coped with being stuck on Earth) it was just an idea I had when I read that the companions of today could meet a past version and I think that after the events of the 1996 movie would do just fine cause I haven't heard his drama audios neither [although I should. Sounds like fun to me :3]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

ladyonyx04 said
When Jack first met Nine and Rose during the Blitz he remarks: "I had two years of my life wiped out by the Time Agency. For all I know your friend is right to distrust me." So that's way before he gets recruited by Torchwood, and that's perfectly fine if you haven't watched that side show. (Although it does a pretty good job of explaining how Jack coped with being stuck on Earth) it was just an idea I had when I read that the companions of today could meet a past version and I think that after the events of the 1996 movie would do just fine cause I haven't heard his drama audios neither [although I should. Sounds like fun to me :3]

Oh. Yeah there are some episodes of New Who that I really don't remember very well at all apparently. o.o But I suppose if I'm playing the most forgetful Doctor of all time then it really shouldn't matter too much if I myself wind up forgetting tiny details here and there.

So that's... Eight and Rose and Jack?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Who was the Rani?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

That's okay I remember a bunch of new Who stuff so feel free to ask me if need be ^.^ lols true that. We could do that or have someone new going along with eight. Whichever works for you.
RumikoOhara said
Who was the Rani?

The Rani was another Time Lady who was an enemy of The Doctor's...or so I think. I haven't seen any of Sylvester's Doctor to really know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

RumikoOhara said
Who was the Rani?

The Rani was another evil renegade Time Lord, kind of like the Master. She and the Master actually teamed up at least once in the series to screw shit up across time and space together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

ladyonyx04 said
The Rani was another Time Lady who was an enemy of The Doctor's...or so I think. I haven't seen any of Sylvester's Doctor to really know.

She's also in Colin Baker's episodes. Or at least one of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

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Kaga said
She's also in Colin Baker's episodes. Or at least one of them.

Not there yet neither I'm afraid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Very good

I mention her because I thought she had potential

Steven Moffat nixed her return (Insert choice sailor slang questioning his sanity and heritage)

Russell T Davies has said that if he had brought back the Rani, he would have cast actress Ruthie Henshall
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well I suppose it's time (Pardon the Pun) to dust off an finish an RP I had an idea for which I called "The Ticking Clock"
In it the Rani realizes that her biological clock is ticking down because as she and the Doctor are the last it behooves them to at least try to save their race
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Um. I'm a bit confused. What exactly was your idea?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I think what the other person's idea is that The Rani wants to find someone to marry cause she wants kids....then again that's just my thought. I could be wrong >.>
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Anywho! Eight and Jack and Rose, then?

Might take me a little bit to do some planning so the RP doesn't fizzle off right away, but I'll get it started when I can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ladyonyx04
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ladyonyx04 Future Companion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

That makes sense take as long as you need I'll check here often to see if you have anything up or not. Just let me know Kay :3
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