Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Start Date - July 10th, 2012

Time: 7:00 PM

Prologue: "The Hand Fate has Dealt To You"



It had all started with a letter it seemed. A letter with ornate coverings and fancy hand written dialogue delivered by a person, a different person to each individual, and personalized in each letter. Then those whom had chosen to accept the letter were given a strange invitation to join a group. What the group wanted? The Destruction of Hollows and a possible 'arrangement' it seemed as that's what each letter had written in it. Besides that the signature bearer being anonymous merely referring to himself or herself as 'A Possible Friend/Companion'. It was most likely the only constant in each letter. Each letter had disturbing knowledge of the person in question's abilities and even some personal information that whoever sent out these were most likely not privy to. Along with these letters was a ticket to be given to at certain airports near the location of the person as if they already knew where they were. To those who knew about the Soul Society it was certainly not their style. Whoever wrote these letters had certain knowledge about the world that a normal person shouldn't have had. It is eerie to say the least. But one thing was certain...in the past years hollow activity had been rising due to various reasons some more obvious than others. And some humans had been affected by it in different ways bringing forth powers unknown and or combated by beings long thought dead.

This story starts off in a plane. A private jet owned by or rented by the person whom had sent the letter. All the inhabitants whom had accepted the call were accepted on board the ship one by one as it flew across the world and picked up each individual passenger one at a time. Now the jet was on a take off for the ending destination...of which remained unknown to the inhabitants on board the jet and the waitress aboard it simply said they were going to America. Where? No one would say. But one thing was certain...someone or something was waiting at the end of this for the passengers on the plane...


How long had it been since he left Ireland? A couple days? Maybe a week tops? The jet was fast so he assumed it was only a couple days. It really didn't matter in the end. Regardless he was here and he wasn't going anywhere. He was the first one this jet picked up...it was strange as he watched new people come onto this fancy plane one at a time. But he knew one thing that was a constant....they all held some sort of spiritual connection that was for sure because he could feel it in his veins. His training may have been dulled out by the arbitrary life of a poor man like himself but he was still able to see what was clearly in front of him. Terry Adair was sitting in his chair for the entire flight only getting up to use one of the bathrooms on the jet. His leather coat was unzipped, and his shirt was not tucked in his pants. Around Terry's neck hung his cross which jingled slightly every now and then when he moved his neck. After all it was made of silver and the emerald in it made it look pretty but for anyone privy to Terry's abilities... well that was another story.

Terry had more stuff with him but it was all in the cargo hold area and all of it was unimportant. The Irishman had a glass of aged wine next to him which he sipped every once in awhile to put down his stress. What good was being treated like a guest by this plainly rich fellow if he didn't at least get a drink out of it anyhow? But one thing had haunted Terry's thoughts: How had this unknown party gathered this many people? And more importantly...why the hell did he know so much about him? Aye...that was one hell of a question he intended on getting answered. Terry had the letter neatly folded on his lap. He said nothing as he reached out and pulled out the letter with his rough hands.

Opening the letter up once more he read it once more:

"To Mr. Adair...In life there is only one constant. From nobles of the highest order whom serves only himself and or his people, to low payed farmers who strive in the hardest of condition the one constant: Death. I'm sure that you, of all people, were aware of the existence of an afterlife because of you being trained to use the abilities known as Fullbringer. You are aware by now that I am certainly not a person you know. No one besides you has known about your abilities...or at least that's what I'm told. From that one day in your life you have strived to become a person separated from others. A protector of the weak and the holy soldier of the Catholic God. Or at the very least that's what the ruse was. You were trained to combat monsters that are spawned from death...but they were not monsters more like souls to attached to this world that refused to move on. Hollow shells of their living selves, they hang onto things they shouldn't and you have seen many of these beings haven't you? You've likely seen ghosts, and other beings as well whom are not aptly named hollows. And I'm sure you know about the Soul Society as well. Perhaps you are interested in helping me fight these hollow former humans? Not for sport...not for gain....not for anything else other than necessity. You have every right to ignore this letter after all you do not know me and this letter is awfully suspicious in context. But I hope you understand one thing: Life is spiraling out of control and humanity needs a protector that doesn't tower above them like gods. Human beings have individuals like yourself that are capable of things not explainable by science. We need people like you if we are to take back our lives from the shadows of death and the psudeo guardians that hold them in place. If you want further answers....or you agree with me than please go to..."

Terry closed the letter once more and put it back in it's case as he wondered what in the hell did this person find out he was a Fullbringer...was this person a member of the Soul Society? Was this some sort of elaborate trap? Or was it just a stupid joke to waste everyone's time? The questions he intended to find out when he met this mysterious person face to face. He was curious as what type of person would set all of this up for the sake of people whom he knew nothing about. Or was it one of those self righteous spiritualists? He knew nothing and that only served to make him more nervous. Terry reached down and sipped his wine once more and looked down the row of leather seats and wondered exactly... what was his life going to hold from now on? He knew after this night...he'd likely not be the same Terry Adair whom left Ireland long ago. And he was fine with that. "In the name of the Holy Father and Mother I pray that me and those whom are on this ship find what they are looking for in the place we are to go. Protect us oh lord of light and shield us from the devil's clutches amen." Terry mumbled to himself as he clutched his cross for a moment before sighing and letting it go. Old habits died hard....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 7 days ago

It was during her working hours when she had been given a letter, a fancy looking one that seemed written out to her specifically, though Alexis did not care much for it and had stuffed it into her bag until she had returned home. She was curious about this letter though and could not get her mind from it, all through the rest of her work hours, right through her walk home, not until she opened the door to her flat and flopped onto the couch.
She didn't often get letters from people which is why she was curious about it, unless it was from her family or important things, and now that she was home Alexis had time to fully admire the letter addressed to her. Well if you could call glancing over it before carelessly ripping open the envelope to the letter inside admiring, her dull eyes skimming the words, so formal to her they were, it made her care less about the whole thing. Well until it mentioned Hollows that is. She became somewhat interested at this point, and she had also noticed that this letter seemed awfully serious, maybe she might get what she was looking for if she answered this call.

Alexis didn't care much for her duty to both the living and the dead, she only went to fight hollows when she got bored really, it wasn't a big deal to her as she stayed out of the main fight. However the Quincy had found herself bored with her current life recently, and what she was looking for, was some excitement in her life and to get away from her home for a while. The Quincy didn't care for what this letter spoke off except the hollow part, as she was only seeing it as a way to get that entertainment she wanted and to flair things up in her dull life.

The letter had told Alexis that a plane waited for her at the nearest airport, she was never all to keen on planes, but if it was the only way she supposed that she would have to manage. Having had a difficult time getting to this airport as she couldn't drive, and wasn't to big on public transport or any kind, yea she liked to walk or use her little push scooter, so much simpler and it didn't need money, except the maintenance part of keeping a push scooter.
Alexis had managed to reach the airport much to her own surprise, bag over her shoulder as she was escorted towards the plane she was to take, after handing in the ticket that came with the letter. It seemed that whoever had sent that letter had things completely sorted out for her already, and no doubt that there were others already on the plane waiting for her.
Much to her surprise Alexis seemed to only be the second person to enter the fancy looking plane, feeling rather out of place with her scruffy, tomboyish appearance though quickly banished this though as she found herself a place to sit, well more like toss herself down with as little grace as a woman can use. Placing her feet rudely upon the furniture that was in front of her, Alexis scanned the small air craft's interior before letting her eyes fall on the man sitting a little away from her, sizing him up. He wasn't a Quincy that was for sure, she hardly knew what a fullbringer was at this point.
Turning her gaze out of the window as the plane continued to travel, picking up more people who seemed to have been given the same letter and accepted it, Alexis made no effort to communicate with them, having a bored expression that clearly showed her lack on interest in striking up a conversation. She could sense that these were no ordinary people, much like herself though none of them so far were not Quincy lie she was, but rather all like that first boy who was on the plane, it was expected as Quincy were not so common these days but she did hope that none of them had a go at her because of this. She didn't feel like getting to involved with these people, wanting to make this whole trip as simple and easy as possible, so she spared only a glance at everyone before turning her dull gaze back to the window.
She just wanted to know what was going to happen next, and how many Hollows she would be allowed to kill. "I certainly hope this won't be a huge waste of time. that would be a drag" she sighed to herself quietly as she placed her cheek in her hand, and rested her elbow on the armrest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Upon entering the plane Himiko noted at the people staring at her. Could it be because of her breasts? No, they don't seem like perverts... It was probably because of her nurse uniform, it was really the only type of clothing she had, its not her fault she forgot to pack more casual clothing!
(Oh goodness I've already left a really bad impression!) Though she didn't say that aloud, her nervous expression and eyes that darted around pretty much said it.

With her mothers medical kit in hand Himiko took some steps to a vacant seat at the front before tradgiclu falling face first, smack down onto the blue carpet floor of the plane. The scene was in slowed motion. In itself it was amazing. How Himiko managed to trip over seemingly nothing.

'Ma'am. Do you need assistance?' Quickly ripping herself off of the ground, to be face to face with a hunky flight attendant. With a red forehead and face, Himiko could only answer in laughs. "Aha... Haha... Hahahahaha." She took her seat hastly and looked away. Trying to block everything out after she buckled herself in her seat. (Well. Shit. That was probably the worst thing that could happen!)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Well I don't believe the boss would just waste your time miss. It's unlike him to do anything unproductive. Trust me whatever you're here for is important. If it wasn't why send the private jet?" the flight attendant said to Alexis after he got done handing out drinks. Terry, whom had not been paying much attention up until that point, simply chuckled at the thought of it, "Waste of time eh? That's what you thinkin' this is lass? You gotta think of the big picture..." Terry said as he adjusted himself in his seat, "...how I figure this you may ask? Whatever or whoever this person is who sent for us collectively got us for a reason. Otherwise...this letter I got in my hand here was written by my family as a joke and this is all some big play. I'd reckon that this is not some comedy that the Romans and Greeks sat and watched. There's a plan for everyone of us on this ship. Just as the lord Jesus Christ has a plan for each of us, this man does as well. Maybe not as grand but a plan none the less." commented Terry simply and indifferently as if he were reading through a page of the bible back when he was in Ireland. "Even if you don't believe that then I assume that you know why were going to our destination. That is....unless you were told a different reason than I perhaps?" Terry questioned inquisitively. He throughout his entire line of thinking casually fiddled around with the chain that held his cross on his neck. "Also before you ask I'm no preacher. I'm just a man so don't call me father or any nonsense like that. What about you little lady do you think this is a whole waste of time? Terry leaned into his seat heavily. He wasn't one to make small talk but he saw it as this was his business as well. He looked out with his left eye towards the girl carrying a medical kit whom he had asked the question to. He sat a row or two across from her but he was certain he heard his question after all Terry had a naturally loud voice even if he was talking as if he were to a guy sitting next to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 7 days ago

Alexis gave an annoyed glare to the flight attendant, when he replied to what she had said to herself, honestly no one asked him he was just suppose to serve them "Whatever" She waved the man away while huffing out her annoyance. However as much as she hated that he spoke, he did tell her something useful, well somewhat useful even though she didn't exactly care about the seriousness of the situation, she was only here for the excitement of an adventure.
Before she got a chance to return to looking out the window, to return to her own thoughts in her little corner of the plane she heard the chuckle of the first man. That annoyed glare she had turning towards the man as he started to blabber on to her like some preacher.
A preacher was what he truly seemed to be, as the man started to talk about God and Jesus and a plan for everyone, despite stating that he was no preacher Alexis thought differently. Despite the fact that she did not want to hear any of this, Alexis let the man speak on until he was done, though her concentration most certainly wasn't on him but instead on her shoe. She was purposely looking rude towards the man who she didn't even care to ask the name off, her attention of her show only wavering when some ditsy nurse made a noise entrance onto the ship, by tripping into her face. This made Alexis quietly laugh, attempting to stifle her laugh at the nurse though to no avail.

Alexis turned back to the man and took a ship of her drink before replying to him, not really caring what he would think of her words "Not a preacher? well you certainly could have fooled me, however next time try to keep all that god crap to yourself next time ok?" She gave a forced, mocking sweet smile towards him "Besides I never said that I thought this was waste of time, I only said that I hope it wasn't, should learn to listen people geez"
Her tone was rather rude as she spoke to them, uninterested and bored she rested her cheek on the back of her fingers now, hardly bothered. Alexis moved her other hand to her chest where her Quincy cross sat on its silver chain, running her ruff fingers over its smooth metal "all in other words, keep it to yourself next time, i have no interest in getting to know you people" the girl spoke in a lower tone before once again moving her eyes back out to the window.
She had always liked being up high, even though she didn't like the idea of being in an airplane, the feeling of being high off the ground and in her own little corner of the plane made it better for her. If that is, no one came to sit in the area that she was siting on, she hoped that they didn't have to pick up that many people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Terry didn't care for the girl's lack of manners but he supposed that was fair enough being questioned by a stranger was not something he'd enjoy either, "Old habits die hard where I come from most people are preachers for their beliefs." Terry admitted. "But fair enough lass I didn't mean to step on anyone's toes. I just wanted you to think about what was going on as something other than nothing. I believe that this whole ordeal is going to turn out to be either a massive pain or intriguing despite the fact that this whole place is nothing more than a glorified way to get to where we are going. I'll leave you though I have no place in questioning another's motives nor their place in the world. especially a stranger like yourself." Terry stated as he swallowed a glass of wine and sighed. 'This isn't goin' to end well if everyone is hostile towards each other. I hope that the others on this ship aren't like her.' Terry thought to himself but he didn't say it for all to hear. It would be bad to start a fight in this place and have to deal with everything else as it came along with an uphill fight. But he respected her way of thinking even if it was crude she simply was more to the point than others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Himiko turned around in her seat. To be perfectly honest, she was hoping for a calm trip, so she had placed some headpones on in order to blockout any noise. It didn't work, considering she could hear bickering come from a few seats behind her. Hence, why she turned around.

"I don't mean to be rude, but could you two be just a bit more sensitive towards the others on this plane? I mean I can hear you from over here! With headphones on!" She scrunched her expression with her stern words. "We're all stuck here so lets' just try and be bearable for eachother. Like seriously!" She turned back facing the back of another persons chair.
-sigh- "Well, that was dumb of me to say..." She said to herself, closing her eyes, trying to lull herself into a comfortable nap station.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Terry sighed a heavy sigh and grabbed his glass of wine and chugged down the rest of it with exasperation. He was hoping that he'd be able to find at least a couple fellows whom shared his curiosity, not ire, towards their current situation. It seemed not as the young ladies nearby had no sense of that or at least it was warped compared to his own. As it seemed there were next there was little luck in this situation. But he supposed the Lord Jesus Christ and God would not expect him to fall down to harsh words for something as small as this. Terry regained his composure rather quickly and toyed around with the Celtic Cross on his neck some more as he looked out the window and saw glowing lights on the yonder. It would seem the destination they were seeking was coming soon. He wondered if any of the other guests were ready for this whole ordeal that they were sure to be going through soon. Or maybe this was a whole elaborate scam and they were all suckered into it by someone...whatever the case Terry ordered himself a small chunk of bread and some water to help the wine taste go down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The pilot of the ship spoke up with a clear masculine voice and prompted everyone on board the ship to sit down in the nearest seat and buckle themselves in as they were landing soon. It wasn't something Terry had expected to happen so soon but it seemed no one else on the jet was willing to bring up a conversation so it was a short trip. "Well then...this is....interesting..." Terry muttered as he noticed there was less people than he expected on the plane. "I thought there were more...I guess we stopped for fuel ups and to change crew members or something because this ain't normal..." grumbled the former priest as he waited for the plane to land. As they descended Terry breathed in calmly. He never enjoyed flying being a low income family boy before this day. Regardless of his personal thoughts on the matter Terry grinned widely as the pilot of the jet plane called out once more, "Thank you for flying on our plane! Please proceed out of the console and follow the man in the bright blue suit. I hope you enjoyed the flight." The pilot said with a obviously fake sincere tone. Terry got up almost immediately and told the plane attendant that he didn't bring anything with him aside from his clothes and his small travel bag. With that Terry got up and left the plane before going outside and immediately looked out onto the horizon. "I've seen pictures of this place....Isn't this Las Vegas, Nevada? Interesting..." Terry grinned widely as he chuckled deeply. "I may actually need this after all." Terry grasped at his cross and held it steady and tightly. "Oh I am looking forward to meeting whoever this is indeed!" Terry stated to himself as he looked onto the bright city lights around him. In the dark...it was almost like a city of angels....a city of angels bent on sin and vice....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 7 days ago

Alexis hardly spared a glance to all the new comers, however some did manage to catch her attention even though she played uninterested. they weren't this fullbring thing that the rest were they were like her. The voice over the intercom had startled her a little as she was beginning to think that this trip would never end, it was certainly the longest flight she has had since she came to Karakura town so many years ago, and sitting around was making her feel restless wondering how people even liked air travel.
Clipping up her belt for landing Alexis had kept her gaze fixated on the window, though her fingers were tightly gripping the arm rest as she tried to not let the landing bother her, after all she had been working up an image she didn't want to ruin. Especially not in front of that priest, who had preached to her earlier, It was difficult but she managed somehow,
Once landed Alexis was among the first to stand and get off the plane, rather eager to not have to stay on for longer than she had to, wanting to stretch her legs on the ground where humans belonged. Grabbing her small bag and leaving without saying much to the flight attendants, even as they tried to be nice, not that she was normally nice to start with towards strangers.

Once out Alexis hooked her bag over her shoulder and kept walking, uncaring to what everyone else was saying or doing, and acting like the site of Vegas wasn't all that special. Well to her it wasn't all to special really, just another large city full with people and lights, she preferred small towns that didn't have so many people and lights.
Spotting a vending machine Alexis split from the group quickly, heading getting out some of her pocket money for the trip and slotting it in, grabbing a coke before heading back to the group. All the time she was wondering what were they going to do from here, and who should be the one to call the shots in the group, because one can't have a group without a leader...she played far to many video games.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As Terry looked back to the plane and noticed the moody lady was finally getting out of the plane. "Well I hope you enjoyed the ride lady." Terry said with a calm plainness but was doing his best to not allow his sarcasm to leak out. "You know where we are r-" Terry said with a grin as suddenly a long haired blonde boy with dirty clothes threw himself out of the plane's exit entrance and landed on the ground with a large thump and send a small wave of air blowing around him causing Terry's coat to flap wildly, "Hey! It looks like we're finally on the ground! Yeah man!" said the rowdy young man, Terry estimated by the boy's voice that he was from the western half of Europe and that he was also younger than himself. Maybe fresh out of high school if that. "Man this city looks A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! What do you think old man!?" the boy asked Terry whom looked at the boy with indifference, "I am barely older than you by the looks of it my friend and I don't believe I met you on the plane...who are you?" Terry asked as the boy shrugged, "You didn't meet me because I was asleep. I get really bored when nothing happens and I only wake up when stuff get's exciting." the boy said with a cheerful smile at which Terry raised an eye at, "And your name?" Terry repeated as the boy gave him a big thumbs up displaying his biker gloves with pride, "I'm Lambert Dumont my big friend! I'm here to reply to that message I got personally!" Lambert was a surprisingly mild name for a person this hyper. "It seems things just got a little more livelier Lambert. It is....nice to meet your acquaintance. I'm Terry and I'm from Southern Ireland." Terry introduced himself to Lambert who gripped his hand firmly and gave him a huge huge which made Terry feel like this kid was made of god damn steel, "WELL thanks for being so kind man! I'm not used to people being so nice to me." Lambert said gleefully at which Terry idly patted his back awkwardly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

As the plane landed, they would notice a woman with a parasol slowly sauntering towards them, making sure that the sun kept off her pale skin. She had a schoolgirls smile on her face and a skip in his step. She approached the old man in their midst and extended her hand for him to shake as she walked, unfortunately, she had been focusing so hard on how she looked approaching, that she hadn't noticed that her step was a little... Off... And suddenly, she found herself flat on her face, she remained still for a second. "Not... A... Word..." she moaned from the asphalt. She scrambled to her feet and exhaled deeply before re-presenting her hand to him "I." she sniffed up the blood that was slowly leaking from her nose thanks to the impact. "I got your letter." she said, handing him the invitation letter. She then looked at the others. "Wow... I didn't know there were any more of us out there." she said, the letter had only said that they were looking for extraordinary beings, and she had assumed that that meant all Bounts. She looked over at the others. "Weird how you guys seem to like being out in the open."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As the new person walked over to them he saw she was going to offer her hand to him but fell flat on her face. Terry didn't move to help her because he seemed like the type that did things on her own. Regardless Terry did as she suggested and ignored the sudden intrusion once she brought up the letter, "I guess you mean you're like us eh?" Terry commented plainly as he looked at the woman. He wasn't one to pick on others but it seemed that some people needed to be more careful..."We're not the people who sent the letters out lady. We're all here for various reasons but it seems that other girl doesn't want to come out of that plane...I guess she's heading home." Terry said indifferently as he reached out anyway and shook the new woman's hand. "Yo new girl! We're all out in the open because this place is awesome! I've never been to Vegas before!" commented Lambert as he hopped around and threw a few mock punches at nothing seemingly hyped over something or another. Terry simply let him do what he was doing as Dumont seemed like the guy who would get worked up over a simple comment. However a tall elderly man in a black suit with a red tie and thinned grey hair over his spotted bald head waltzed over and bowed to them all, "Hello young mistresses and masters. I'm called Albert Wester Jr. and I'm going to be your driver. I'm sorry for not coming sooner but I was only just informed moments ago and I've been waiting here for days now for you to come as per the boss's orders. If you would follow me quickly we should be getting to our destination as quickly as possible." Albert commented as Terry greeted Albert with a Chinese sign of respect by putting his hands together and bowing with his upper body and thanked him for his efforts, "Oh no need to do that it's what I'm paid to-" Albert said as Lambert suddenly broke in, "Yo yo man let's get GOIN'! Where are we goin' anyway?" Lambert asked as Albert calmly pushed up his glasses, "Well 'dog' I am nothing more than a servant and we will be going to Golden Arch Casino and Hotel. It is where our master normally meets with people he is usually interested in." commented the man with a simple grin, "Ah so it's a male we're dealing with now eh? Not that it makes much different but it is nice to know that small bit of info." commented Terry as he lied through his teeth. He was more worried if this old man was lying to them...but it seemed that he was telling the truth, Terry quickly followed the man whom confirmed that the boss was a male indeed and that he had a limo waiting for them all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 7 days ago

Alexis made a deadpan face towards this new man who came along, Lambert he called himself, yet another jock who thought through his mussels and not his brains She couldn't care less about him, though she felt that way about everyone here, though she still felt that she should introduce herself, so that he didn't end up calling her some random silly nickaname.
"Alexis" She stated simply "And no handshakes please", After saying this she opened up her can of fizzy and took a ship, her grey eyes scanning the airport that they were still waiting around in, getting rather bored again though she figured that soon someone would come to collect them all. While they were waiting she had noticed a new girl walk towards them, with her parasol looking rather girly for her tastes, she couldn't help but laugh quietly however when the girl tripped flat on her face, turning to face he other way and taking another ship of her fizzy drink a she found interest in something else, encase her laugh was heard.
The girl spoke about being out in the open, it was strange to hear since she herself was always out in the open finding it easy to blend in, she suspected that these fullbringers idn't have much trouble blending either, So then what was she if she wasn't Quincy or fullbring?

As they continued to wait it wasn't to much longer until a man approached them, introducing himself as Albert Wester Jr. Alexis spared their designated drive a side glance while taking another ship of her fizzy drink while he explained everything to them, well at least where they were all going at least. despite the rather loud interruption, by the blond idiot who didn't seem to know what an indoor voice was. Great a whole car ride with him...
"It make sense that the one who summoned us is a male, I can't see it as a woman. though I could be mistaken" she replied to Terry. Puling her bag more securely over her shoulder, Alexis got ready to leave to the car with the others.
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