Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

What Lies Below
The Blue Moon Tavern
Name: Katelia (kuh-TELL-ee-uh)
Race: Human (probably)
Gender: Female
Age: 23 (maybe)
Occupation: Grown-Up Delinquent

Personality/Interests: Kat's always been someone with… flexible morals. She knows how to manipulate and work a situation to her advantage, but lately she's been favoring the straight-forward method of negotiations – that is, outright threats of violence. Though very clever and resourceful, she's never had an official education and tends to ignore other perspectives if they don't suit her interests. Kat is more solitary than social, and tends to keep to herself, finding entertainment in whatever's available to her. She's sarcastic, and can typically be seen sporting a small, crooked grin coupled with a raised eyebrow as she judges the hell out of everyone around her. Over the years, Kat’s gotten very good at annoying everyone around her, essentially killing any chance of personal relationships. This sits just fine with her.

Appearance: Short and lithe, Kat's not the most… intimidating figure. What she lacks in size though, she makes up in her striking appearance. With skin as dark as the night sky, silver eyes, and straight white hair cropped in a short, fluffy style, Kat attracts attention wherever she goes. Even more noteworthy than her coloring though, is the fact that she lacks a right arm. In its place is a scarred patch of flesh, cut right where the shoulder meets her torso. Kat has a tendency to simply chop the right sleeves off of her tops to get rid of the excess fabric, though she always wraps her torso in plain white bandages, so as not to let others see her scar. She has a litany of other, smaller scars littering her body.

Body build: Little
Hair: Short, messy
Hair color: White
Skin color: Dark brown
Eye/Iris color: Silver
Height/Weight: 5’, 96 lb (152 cm, 43 kg)
Notable Features: Missing right arm, scarring where the shoulder ends

Clothing Description: She wears soft leather boots, brown pants and a green tunic. White bandages can be seen underneath, covering the majority of her torso, especially her mangled shoulder. Kat also has a necklace with a thin silver chain, and an arrow charm on it, far more expensive than the rest of her outfit combined – it's the one thing she refuses to part with, even if it would get her hot meals and a roof over her head for three months.

History: Kat is from a small village, far from Toruka, in one of the coldest areas in the known world. Born to an unknown family, she grew up primarily living on the streets, stealing whatever she could. It worked out just fine – that is, until she was caught by the grouchiest old man in the village when she was twelve. After giving her a good beating for stealing, he took a good look at her and decided she could do more with her life. That was when Kat first touched a bow. The old man taught her archery, and over the years, she became known as the best sharp shooter for miles around, winning dozens of competitions and making her old man proud – not that he would ever say it. Eventually he died, as elderly do, and with nothing rooting her to the village anymore, Kat took to exploring, using her skill with a bow to get by, whether that meant hunting for food or entering archery competitions in whatever town she happened to stop by.

Of course it stands to reason that a young human woman can only travel by herself through the wilderness for so long before running into trouble. That trouble came in the form of a hungry jaguar, one particularly harsh winter. It attacked her as she was traveling through the forest on her way to her old village, deciding to pay the old man her yearly respects. By the time she was even aware of its presence, it was too close for her to draw her bow, and it pounced, aiming for her neck. She tried to dodge, but it still managed to latch on to her shoulder, tearing at her flesh with its wicked teeth. The last thing Kat registered before she blacked out was the sound of an angry hiss, and the jaguar's roar. When Kat woke up, she was one arm short and lying in a frozen pool of her own blood. More alarming than that, however, was the giant snow leopard curled almost protectively around her. The next few days (weeks? She couldn't be sure) were a blur to her, but through it all, the snow leopard never left her side, constantly bringing her whole bushes of fruits and berries, ripped from the ground. Kat has no idea how she survived – surely she should've died from blood loss or infection or exposure or… ! But somehow she's still living, with a new companion at her side. Nowadays, Kat tends to stay away from most towns, as people usually freak out at the sight of Hel, and he typically refuses to leave her side. They make do well enough, hunting in the woods or laying traps for prey. If Kat needs to purchase something from a town, she'll either take up odd jobs or fall back on her childhood skills (stealing). When she heard about the mysterious dwarven city, she decided to go for it simply because it was something to do. While she does love her life with Hel, things can get a bit… monotonous. Besides, it's not like she's unaccustomed to danger.

Hel: Hel is, quite simply, a snow leopard big enough for Kat to ride around – which she does, often. He seems to be tremendously attached to her, and it's not always clear if he answers to her, or the other way around. Nonetheless, he is unfailingly loyal to her, and quick to bear his fangs at anything he considers a threat. While Kat loves Hel, she's worried she's become too dependent on both his protection and emotional support. So far, life's done a fine job of teaching Kat that things she love tend to get taken away from her. She fears that when the day comes that Hel will no longer be at her side, she'll be both too weak and too broken to face whatever comes for her next.

Equipment: Water flask, tinder box, rope, spare clothes, various bandages and herbs for healing purposes, an old warm jacket, extra little glass bottles for anything she finds that she might want to take with her, an ocarina that she can no longer play

Weapon(s): Keeps an array of knives and daggers on her at all times, used for either throwing or slashing. Other than that, Hel's really the only form of defense she needs.

Powers: Connection to Hel

Abilities: None that she knows of

Talents: Expert knowledge of archery, slight of hand, knife throwing, lying through her teeth, pretty decent tracker

Magic: N/A
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Gifted: A Fast Paced Superpower RP (Relaunch)
The Gifted: A Fast Paced Superpower RP (Relaunch 2.0)
Name: Aya Lynn Germain
Alias(s): Cosmos
Age: 19
Affiliations: N/A
Factions: Honestly just trying to get by

Small and lithe, Aya's 5' build betrays none of her strength – she has years' worth of lean muscle hidden under her clothes, built up from doing aikido. Her long hair falls down her back, dark brown and thick. She's never been one for doing much with it. Aside from the occasional ponytail or braid, she's content to just let it rest where it falls. Her eyes are a deep brown color, and fairly weak. She's supposed to wear glasses, but she often finds them too much of a hassle to put on, and dislikes the idea of contacts.

Powers: Astral Projection
Aya is capable of extending her consciousness outside of her body. Invisible to others, her spirit form is capable of passing through solid objects or going into dangerous situations or environments that she otherwise would avoid. She can also create projections of other people if she's touching them, separating their consciousness from their bodies. She has to be touching them to bring them back for the astral plane, however. If Aya snaps back to her body without touching the other person’s projection, then the person will be stuck there until she snaps to the other side again to bring them back.
Aya also has the ability to glimpse into another person's soul when it leaves their body – that is to say, when they're dying. When on the astral plane, the soul materializes as a shimmering silver dust, floating from the body to the sky. If Aya touches this, she can get flashes of what they saw and thought in the moments before they died.
She’s still in the process of figuring out how her powers work and there are likely still things that she doesn’t know about them. In the past she actively tried to avoid using them because she was so nervous about the potential consequences she could face if they were discovered, but now it's more out of habit.

Strengths: Aya can keep up her projection indefinitely, and can hear and see everything around her, making her ideal for reconnaissance missions. So long as she keeps up her concentration, she can also sustain the projection up to three miles from her physical location. She also has a heightened awareness of the astral plane and everything on it, such as ghosts or other metas who might make use of it.
Weaknesses: When maintaining her projection, her physical body is more or less helpless. She's still conscious, and can talk to others, but it's difficult for her to move, and she is oblivious to her surroundings. Due to her projection's intangible nature, she's also unable to influence her spiritual environment or talk to anyone through it.

Skills: Aikido, fluent in English and Japanese, conversational in Spanish, intelligent, adaptable
Equipment: N/A
Ranking: C

Brief History: Aya was just a quiet girl from Oahu before all of this. The discovery of her power had been terrifying to say the least, but keeping it hidden was an easy task. It’s not like her ability was particularly noteworthy anyway – she couldn’t breathe fire or heal herself or anything like that… thus life went on as usual for her. Her parents separated when she was young, her mom moving back to Japan. Aya's relationship with her today is still strained, but she had a happy life with her father. That is, until her dad was diagnosed with cancer when she was sixteen. Then life got a bit harder.

They were well-off financially, so medical bills weren't much of an issue. But despite their best efforts, Mr. Germain continued to deteriorate. He passed away when Aya was 18, just before she graduated high school. The day that he died, Aya had been sitting at his hospital bed, holding his hand. He was asleep, and she'd already gone through the stages of grief, accepting that he was going to die. Then his heart monitor began to sputter. Aya snapped to attention gripping his hand and hoping for any way to make him better, or at peace, or something. Her hopes manifested in her powers activating on accident.

On the astral plane, Mr. Germain was as hearty and alert as he'd been before his diagnosis. They were both shocked at the turn of events… and then he realized what had happened. His daughter was a meta. It was no secret that the Germain house wasn't the most welcoming to metas, which was part of the reason why Aya kept it secret for so long. He didn't cry or shout or reject her as she feared he would… instead, he just sighed. Like he was disappointed. Aya thought that was probably worse. But he still loved his daughter and he smiled through the sadness and stroked her hair until he finally faded away. Aya hasn't used her powers since then.

After graduating from high school, Aya left "the rock” for college in LA. She’s not exactly a big-city girl, but she gets along fine. She takes her classes, works part time at a local bookstore, and makes her way through tense, weekly phone calls with her mom. Thus far she's done a very good job of keeping out of meta politics, and to this day she remains unregistered and undiscovered.

Speaking: Aquamarine
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pokemon Academy
Name: Wes Toma

Age: 18

Gender: Male

School Team: Ignis

Physical Appearance:

Casual Clothing: Wes has always been unconcerned with his clothes. He wears a simple white shirt, a pair of old, faded jeans, and sneakers. He always keeps a pair of fingerless black gloves on.

Uniform: Wes' uniform isn't all that different from his casual wear – he'll put on a black leather jacket (the nicest thing he owns) or if it's too warm for that, a purple polo shirt.

Backstory: Wesley "Wes" Toma was born an only child to a single, teenaged mom in Mauville. His home life growing up was not a happy one. His mother's parents kicked her out after they discovered the pregnancy, forcing the two of them to struggle on their own. For a teenaged girl trying to manage a job without a high school education while raising a child, life was a stressful and frustrating thing. She often took those frustrations out on Wes in the form of acid words and biting, blaming looks.

And so Wes grew up independent and withdrawn. He was a brilliant, hard working boy, but seemed detached from the people around him. When he was twelve years old he learned about Lumi Academy, a prestigious boarding school at the edge of the region. From then on he was determined to attend the academy in the hopes of escaping his situation. He applied himself more than ever in class and got multiple jobs – since his mom certainly wouldn't be paying for it.

When he was sixteen, he was accepted with a hefty scholarship to help out. At Lumi he's a hardworking student in the top tier of most of his classes. But he never quite grew out of his introverted nature, and still holds himself apart from his peers. Wes is eighteen now, nearing the end of his schooling. But as graduation grows closer he finds a new stress bubbling up inside of him. Because while Wes excels in almost all his subjects, he still has no idea what he wants to do with his life besides "escape".

Ninetales – Claudia
Krookodile – Gambit
Jumpluff – Tilly

– Wes has a reputation as one of the most frustrating people to battle on campus. Good thing he doesn't battle much.
– He carries a Pokemon egg with him at all times that he's very protective of. He doesn't know what'll hatch from it yet.
– Speaking: Pale Goldenrod
Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Why We Fall

“If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.”

– Katharine Hepburn

Rae is a short, skinny teenager who walks too tall and fears too little. With long, wavy, chestnut hair, deep brown eyes, and a smattering of freckles, it's easy to be pulled in by her charm. However, underneath all that lie hard lines of ropey muscle. She has no tattoos or piercings to speak of, but both her legs, starting from her upper thighs, are made up completely of wires and shiny metal paneling. Rae was born without her legs developed. Because she was born to a family of Inquisitors, Rae had the best biotech available to her. Her legs are sleek and lightweight, a dusty gold color in an attempt to match her skin. She leans more towards expensive, high-fashion clothing and overpriced makeup, though she is not above occasionally dressing for comfort.

Basic Information

Victoria Rae Katona

Rae – used by everyone. Don't call her Victoria. Ever.
Trooper – used by her parents in rare moments of affection

October 3rd





Convicted for theft, systems tampering, homosexuality, illegal biotech upgrades, and drug usage


Janitorial Duties

None. Up until recently she lived with a quiet girl named Julianne. She turned 18 two weeks ago.

Education & Skills

The Katona family is famous for producing generation after generation of high-ranking Inquisitors. Rae was next in line.

  • Computer Science
  • Anatomy
  • Advanced Robotics
  • History
  • Painting
  • Remedial English

  • Mechanical/electrical engineering
  • Weapons training
  • Hand-to-hand combat
  • Observation
  • Basic first aid


  • Back talking
  • Smack talking
  • Sweet talking
  • General flippancy
  • Fashion
  • Poppy music
  • Socializing

  • Being bossed around
  • Condescension
  • Asking for help
  • Animals
  • People who can't take a hint
  • Country music
  • Her family

  • Humming
  • Eye rolling
  • Doodling
  • Thinking out loud

  • Painting
  • Yoga
  • Being spiteful

  • Helplessness
  • Inadequacy
  • Bugs

Delving Deeper

To call Rae 'willful' would be an understatement. Stubborn as an ox would be more accurate. Hard headed. Clever and charming to be sure, but the moment you think you can tell Rae Katona what to do is the moment you realize you'd have better luck trying to set fire to the ocean. More spiteful than rational, Rae will often do things completely ignoring any consequences.

Though her childhood was far from blissful, she's grown up with more opportunities and resources than anyone should have any right to – and she knows it. She carries herself with all the swagger and confidence (some might say arrogance) of someone who's only ever had it good. Underneath the teenaged attitude and saccharine charm though is a soldier in the making. Rae is sharper than she'd have you think, and surprisingly disciplined when she wants to be. Not that you'd ever realize, with how she seems to court trouble. In spite of (or more likely because of) the strict discipline instilled in her, she takes any opportunity she can to break the rules with reckless abandon, her disregard for authority clear in every move she makes.

Though impulsive, Rae's a perfectionist and can't help but hold herself to implausibly high standards. She expects too much from herself, but hides her insecurities well.

Victoria Rae Katona was born the second child to Henry and Sabine Katona, a well known Inquisitor family. Their other child, Rae's older brother Jensen, was not an Inquisitor. No, instead of carrying on the proud family legacy, Jensen had gone off to be an entertainer of all things. It was quite the embarrassment. Henry and Sabine promptly cut him off and focused all their attention on their younger child – much to Rae's misfortune.

Her childhood was, in a word, regimented. In another word, stifling. In several words, a massive pain in Rae's ass. She had to always be at attention, practice with firearms, hand-to-hand combat, painting was a 'waste of time,' socializing was a distraction… Rae felt smothered. And bitter.

And so, like any teenager, she acted out. She started to steal things. She messed around with the systems. She made unauthorized modifications to her biotech. Never anything too severe, but enough for her to feel in control, even a little bit. Inevitably, she was caught stealing one day. The Inquisitor was an old friend of her father's, and willing to let the offense slide, much to her parents' relief. It just wouldn't do if they were disgraced by not one, but two unfortunate children. Having a thespian in the family was bad enough. A criminal would be the final nail in the coffin holding their family's pride.

Rae then proceeded to confess to a slew of crimes – only a few of which she was actually guilty of.

To her satisfaction – and her parents' collective horror – such a confession was too much for the Inquisitor to ignore, and Rae was promptly thrown in jail. Her parents were mortified. Then, when she finally let the reality of her situation sink in, so was Rae. She'd just confessed to a multitude of crimes. When her trial date arrived, there would be no way she'd be allowed to live. And so, Rae's own pride and bitterness had been her death sentence. At least, until J came along.

Drama Queen – Green Day
daddy's little bundle of joy
out of a magazine
everyone's drama queen
is old enough to bleed now

Rae was the first of the inmates to set foot on the new world.
Speaking: Plum
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Gifted: A Fast Paced Superpower RP (Relaunch 2.0)
Reformist Leader
Name: Sable Smoak
Alias(s): Aunty Sable
Age: 83
Affiliations: Heroes
Factions: Reformists

Powers: Typhokinesis
Sable has complete control over smoke, able to generate and manipulate it at will. She can also sense when smoke is nearby, and completely turn her body into smoke, using it to evade attacks or as a form of transportation. Because of her power, she is able to breathe smoke like oxygen.

Weaknesses: Sable is unable to anything into else smoke except for her own personal belongings, and is completely trapped inside air-tight enclosures. Her powers also don't work when submerged under water, and while she can generate smoke, she can't get rid of it. Her only option would be to send it to some open area where it can dissipate on its own. Sable is also blind in her left eye, and has the frailty of an old woman.

Skills: Airplane pilot, military strategy, knitting, mixing drinks, dancing, firearm training, and total lack of filter
Equipment: Lighter and a pack of cigs, walking cane, old people medication, makeup, and jewelry
Ranking: S

(Optional) Brief History: Her story changes every time she tells it, but the few consistents seem to be that she was a fighter pilot in the Vietnam and Korean wars, and at one point she was married. Beyond that is anyone's guess.

Speaking: Thistle
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Long Live the Queen
Legend of the Leviathan || Steampunk Pirate RP
Name: Lai Ning-Xue, "Winter"
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Winter is as cool and collected as the season she was named for. Elegant, sharp, and unforgiving, her icy exterior hides a wicked rage, festering just below the surface. This side of her hardly ever makes itself known, however. Winter typically puts up a calm, more nurturing front, and can even be playful or teasing to those she grows more comfortable around.
Weapon of Choice:

Other: Winter is an exceptionally deadly and ruthless fighter – all control, creativity, and measured fury. While on the Leviathan though, she does a good job of keeping this hidden. Instead of fighting, Winter serves as what she likes to call "ship baby-sitter." She does much of the cooking, patches her crew mates up, and overall acts as a grounding presence and voice of reason.

History: A lifetime ago, there was a girl who went by another name living in the war-torn empire of Yeojin. The two main ethnic groups, the Yeo and the Qira, were in a decades-long conflict, culminating in the Qiran genocide in the last several years. The girl, a Qiran by blood, listened to the sounds of war every day until it invaded her dreams, and she could no longer tell if she was awake or sleeping.

The girl’s family was well respected among the other Qira, and her parents were masters of healing. While healing techniques weren’t rare in this world, few had advanced it as far as the Qira. Whether with potions, herbs, massages, or meditation, the Qira had perfected this valuable skill. The girl, though still young and clumsy, was making good progress in her studies. But that ended one day, when she watched the war she spent so many nights dreaming of came to life in her home. Her parents, grandparents, brothers… she saw the Yeo steal them away and all she could do was cower under the stairs, silent tears trailing after her family. Eventually she pulled herself out of the ashes of her former life. Lost and orphaned, she found her way into the Qiran resistance, which was struggling to fight back against the Yeo. She was valuable due to her healing skills, and continued to refine them as time went on, but it wasn’t enough.

That was when she began learning how to kill. She learned to kill with her hands, with a blade, with a wire, with stone… she even learned to alter her healing concoctions into poisons. She learned to sneak and lurk, frighten and beguile. And all of these skills were put to use against the Yeo. Unfortunately, the girl, who had taken the name Winter, was largely inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. The Qira were still being massacred every day, and soon it seemed they would be eradicated completely and the Yeo would move on. That is, until, the queendom of Waylox stepped in.

Many are grateful for Waylox’s intervention, happy that the death and war that has plagued the empire for so long has finally ended. Others, more disillusioned, claim that they had only chosen to step in after decades of bloodshed because they feared that the Yeo would turn their attention to them once the Qira were dealt with. Winter, hardened and bitter by years of pain and violence, was a member of the latter group.

With the fighting finished, Winter could no longer see a reason to stay in Yeojin. Her people were a crumbling shell of what they once were, the infant time of peace left everyone on-edge and highly regulated, and there was no longer much demand for her set of skills. Winter was still damaged by the genocide, and unable to let go of her pain long enough to stay and help her people rebuild. And so she left for Waylox, putting her skills to use there.

She'd heard whispers of a coup brewing in the queendom, and her resentment of the royal family reared its ugly head. The large sum of money paid for her services was appreciated, but more than anything she wanted the Wayloc queen to pay for seemingly stepping in only when it was relevant to her interests. She wanted her to pay for stepping in too late. Winter was instrumental to the coup, quietly eliminating those who refused to be paid off.

Everything was going according to plan, but it did nothing to fix the hollow pit in Winter's heart. Eventually though, the queen's supporters, who had been rallying around her in secret, fought back. The usurper was struck down, and all who aided him were to stand trial and put to death for treason. Winter had been smart, and was careful throughout the coup to keep her identity secret. Indeed, most didn't know that the usurper's lead assassin was female, let alone a young Qiran girl. But she couldn't hide forever, and the authorities were getting closer and closer to identifying the most wanted person in the country.

Like any sensible person, Winter ran. She had to get away from Waylox, Yeojin, and the surrounding kingdoms. She had to keep moving. That was how she found herself crewing the Leviathan.

Anything extra: Winter's Theme

Speaking: Pale Turquoise
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

To be or not to be (Heroes)

Name: Alexandrie (Lex, Lexa)
Alias: Trick
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Alliance: Good
Power: Teleportation – Lexa can teleport herself and whatever she's holding to any location that she can see
Enhanced Healing – Lexa has enhanced durability and heals moderately fast (an injury that would normally take several days to heal instead takes several hours), though this has the side effect of injuries scarring more often than not

Physical Description


Height: 5’5”
Weight: 111 lbs
Hair: Long, deep red
Eyes: Amber
Typical Clothing/Equipment: Casual – baggy, loose fitting t-shirt and pants, with a pair of old sneakers.
Uniform – A black, lightly armored ensemble with gloves, a jacket, and a mask that covers the bottom half of her face. She also carries a katana, and dyes her hair black to help conceal her identity.


Personality/Attitude: Quiet, aloof, thoughtful, self-blaming, sarcastic, couragious, just, secretly empathetic
Skills/Talents: Karate and aikido black belt, weapons training, parkour, fluent in French and Vietnamese, superior reflexes
Favorites/Likes: Her dog Frank, japanese candies, quiet nights
Most Hated/Dislikes: People who enjoy hurting others
Goals/Ambitions: To help as many people as she can
Strengths: Resourceful, driven, takes no shit
Weaknesses: Brooding, quick to blame herself, stand-offish
Fears: Watching someone die when she could've helped

Additional Notes: Her parents and little brother died in a house robbery gone wrong eight months ago. Now she lives in an apartment by herself with an old one-eyed dog she picked up from the pound named Frank. Never been kissed. Has a day job working at a bookstore.
Speaking: Crimson
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Name: Artemis Marid

Age: 21


Though opinions vary on how beautiful Artemis is, no one can deny she's a striking figure to see, with her brown skin, starlight hair, and aqua eyes. She's a tall, slender thing standing at 5'9", with long, willowy limbs and subtle curves beneath her clothing. Her wardrobe is eclectic, with various scarves, jewelry, and feathers. She paints different markings on her skin and arms, adding to her unique look.

Occupation: Traveling Mystic

Personality: Artemis is whoever she needs to be to get by. But whether she's quiet and mysterious, or flirtatious and inviting, the one constant is that she's always looking out for herself. Though not particularly interested in other people, she enjoys using them as her primary source of entertainment. It's difficult to know who Artemis truly is or what she cares about, as she keeps everything truly important locked away – especially from herself.

History: Before she was Artemis, she was Emira Janan Mathilde Basira Felicity Lujayn Cosima Airtifae-Alqamar, Grande Duchess of the Silver Valley. Young Emira and her little brother Idris grew up with all the advantages that came with nobility. Idris, though younger than Emira, was the heir apparent. This was just fine with her – Emira was not quite suited for nobility. She was clever, worldly, and even charming when she wanted to be, but she had no interest in politics and governing. Idris, with his patience and generosity, would do well, while she entertained herself with seeing how quickly she could insult a dignitary and how long she could keep him from storming out of the palace after that.

When she was fifteen years old, a plague swept through the valley. They called it the Climbing Vine for the slow, crawling way it choked the life from its victims. Their mother was the first to catch it. Then their father. Emira and Idris were quarantined from their parents for more than a year before their died. The night before Idris' coronation, he fainted.

Preparations were being made for Emira's coronation even before Idris passed. Half a year after he first started showing symptoms, Emira charmed her way past the guard and crept into her little brother's room, as she had so many times before. Sometimes he had good nights, in spite of the sickness. His eyes would be bright and his laugh would ring out like a bell as she gossiped with him about the stuffy dignitaries, so full of themselves it was a wonder they fit through the palace doors. But that night was not a good night.

His eyes were glassy and his smile was weak as he clutched his big sister's hand with his waning strength. He whispered how proud he was of her, and how wonderful a ruler she'd be. Emira was the cleverest, strongest, funniest person he knew, and the people would adore her. They'd love her as much as he did. Emira looked at him for a long moment. Then she placed a kiss on his damp forehead, careful not to let any tears fall on him. She ran from the palace that night.

When she was eighteen years old, Artemis locked Emira away with her guilt and tried not to look back.

When she was nineteen, she heard a rumor that the Grand Duke of the Silver Valley had finally died without an heir.

Artemis traveled from one town to another, making her living as a mystic. In reality she was little more than a charlatan. Her ethereal looks, intelligence, and the skills she learned at court – languages, dancing, and singing, among others – helped her sell the facade. Before waking up in the forest, she made her living telling fortunes, selling "enchanted" baubles and sometimes outright stealing. Artemis played whatever role was required to entice her customers, and dazzled them with petty revelations about their futures or innermost thoughts (either flat out lies, generic statements that were easy to read into, or educated guesses based on how the customers presented themselves).

She told herself it was easier to forget over time – easier to push away the guilt. She could turn into someone else and feel nothing at all. After all, it was Emira who'd turned her back and ran from her Valley. Her little brother. Not Artemis.

Maybe if she said it enough times it would make it true.

Speaking: Dark Turquoise
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by c3p-0h
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Legends of Lhivoria

Grey Coulbourne

Revenge has never healed a wound.

◾ Name:
Lady Grey Isadora Dalisini Coulbourne
"Lady Fair"
"Bastard Bearer"
"The Forest Whore"

◾ Age:

◾ Gender:

◾ Sexuality:

◾ Origins:
Vaernin Forest

◾ Residence:
In the process of moving to Hyland’s Keep

◾ Joyful ◾ Guileless ◾ Resilient ◾ Impulsive ◾

◾ Personality:
In spite of her name, Grey has always been someone of boundless warmth and joy, never one to love in finite amounts. Her kind, sunny demeanor earned her the affectionate nickname of 'Lady Fair' among the common folk of the forest. But with her kindness comes an eagerness to see and believe in the best in people. Grey is someone unfit for the deception and intrigue of court simply because she's too naive to question other's intentions, and too compassionate to cut someone else down to further her own ends.

Grey is an impulsive adventurer and an incorrigible flirt, finding a game in everything she does. But while she has a reputation as a bit of a rascal, she's surprisingly easy to silence. A raised voice, a stern look, and Grey is still and submissive, too meek to push back. But once it's passed, it's usually not long before Grey is back to her warm, playful ways. What she lacks in force in the face of adversity, she makes up for with sheer resilience.

◾ Role & Career:
Only daughter to Lord and Lady Coulbourne

◾ Hobbies & Interests:

◾ Likes & Dislikes:
+Her daughters
+The outdoors
+Good food
+Good drink
+Good company

-Large bodies of water

◾ Other:
A terrible cook, but can tell the quality of individual ingredients based on the taste of a dish
5'2" (157cm)
Never learned how to swim

◾ Family Members:
Lord and Lady Coulbourne – parents
Three trueborn brothers
Linara and Fayne Oak – daughters
Doran Trynne – ex-lover, deceased
Tiras Sky – fiancé

◾ Biography:
Lady Grey Isadora Dalisini Coulbourne was born the second child to Lord and Lady Coulbourne of Vaernin Forest, and their only daughter. Their's was a sternly religious, almost militant household, one that pushed for excellence and discipline, and accepted nothing less than the best. Perhaps this harsh upbringing was what drove Grey to mischief and adventuring, searching for some escape from her regimented home. Too impulsive, too honest, too warm, she was always the black sheep of her well-kept family.

And so, it really should've surprised no one when she gave her heart too easily to a man who didn't deserve it.

Doran Trynne was handsome, charming, and just the right amount of dangerous. And oh, how she loved him for it. He only loved her last name and the feeling it gave him to know that he'd managed to catch her. But Grey couldn't look past her idealism to see that. Predictably, he played with her, used her, and left her, but not before planting seeds of life within her. It was her younger brother Orin who found her crying, curled beneath an oak tree after being missing for two days. Between her tears, Grey whispered the truth to him: she loved Doran, and he was gone. She'd told him of their future child, and he'd left after a thunderous rage. Orin was quiet for a long moment as he looked at her. Then without a word, he helped her to her feet, and escorted her home.

Her parents took the news as well as could be expected. That is to say, not well at all. As they yelled and glowered and bemoaned their luck at having such a disgraceful, foolish daughter, Orin snuck away. It wasn't until three days later, after Doran Trynne had been found dead at a riverbank with an arrow through his chest, that Grey's little brother returned home.

Grey was hidden from sight for nearly a year, but in that time rumor festered through the forest. Lord and Lady Coulbourne carried the disgrace of having a foolish, unmarried mother for a daughter. Scandal stained their name with every whispered name and drunken speculation.

When Grey finally gave birth, it was to two tiny girls, Fayne and Linara. Her parents wanted to abandon them to the forest and let nature take its course. But then Grey did something she'd never done before: she spoke against them. Though by no means an obedient child, Grey had always submitted whenever her parents raised their hackles.

But exhausted and impassioned, Grey finally fought back. And they conceded to allowing the bastard twins to live.

She entrusted her girls to a household servant, Liliana, her oldest friend (and first unrequited crush). Grey gave them enough money to hide away at the far edge of the forest, away from rumor and speculation. The two women exchanged letters weekly, idle gossip mixed with news of the two young girls' daily lives and development. Grey's heart was in a constant flux of crumbling apart and sewing itself back up again. Sadness at being separated warred with the sheer joy of knowing her girls were alive and cared for, and the hope at being with them again.

Then her parents told her that they'd arranged for her to marry one of the Hyland bastards. Grey was to be sent to Corevial to attend the princess' festival with an entourage to represent House Coulbourne, and then from there return with House Hyland to Mount Promonon. The scandal surrounding her had grown too shameful, and even though she showed no hint that she'd been pregnant, even though no one knew of her daughters, her family name could not bear the burden of her mistakes. And so she was to be sent away, to the mountains, and hopefully the forest would forget. Her daughters were not to go with her – if they were seen together it'd only reignite the rumors they were trying to douse.

Grey could weather her family's shame. She could adapt to a marriage with a man she'd never met. But she will not be kept from her daughters.

◾ Speaking:
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Salem Witches' Institute {Harry Potter}

Julius "Jules" Aquino






Cedar, Dragon Heartstring, Pliable, 11 3/4"

None, but has been begging his mom for a dog for years. Or a dragon.

Care of Magical Creatures
Muggle Studies

Magical Creatures Club

Personality:(At least a paragraph)
Jules specializes in back-talking, smack-talking, trouble-making, and heart-breaking (because really, look at those eyes). Already very independent, Jules hates it when people tell him what to do, and even more when they talk down to him. He's rash, and has no tact to him at all, but at least you always know that what you see is what you get with him. Somehow though, people can never stay mad at him when he does something that by all accounts should land him in detention (and often does). Jules still has all the wonder and curiosity of a little boy, and a smile that lights up his face.

Though he's never cared much for things like rules or authority, Jules has high moral standards and empathy, and no patience for cruelty. He's a small, but scrappy kid who isn't afraid to stand up to someone and pick a fight… even when it can only end badly for him. Jules is also very responsible, something that tends to catch most people off guard. He's a dependable sort with a protective streak, who you can go to for almost anything, and he'll have your back. Especially if it means making a little mischief. He loves mischief. In his few years at Salem's, he's already garnered a reputation among teachers and students alike for pulling pranks and being a general disturbance. Jules never means any harm, though (unless it's fight pickin' time) and mostly just does it to make others laugh. He likes spending time with other people and cracking jokes, so he's pretty popular with the other students his age.

He's brave, loyal, curious, and mischievous, but all in all, he's just a kid who's stumbled into magical abilities and wants to have fun with them. What can possibly go wrong.

His mom
Animals of all sorts
General tomfoolery

Being talked down to
His mom being anything but happy


A scrawny punk from Richmond, CA, Jules was born to single mother, Rosa Aquino. Rosa, a squib, immigrated to America from the Philippines when she was still pregnant, and managed to find a shabby apartment in the Bay Area just in time to give birth to him. Though she lacked any talent for magic, she knew that in all likelihood Jules would be a wizard just like his grandpa. So when at three years old, Rosa inexplicably found him sitting on top of the refrigerator – where she'd hidden a toy she'd confiscated from him two days ago – she knew exactly what was going on. On her next day off from work, she took baby Julius to San Francisco's wizarding district and walked him through the allies.

His introduction to the magical world was… a noisy one. He stared, wide-eyed as Rosa walked him into Sybill's Savoring Sweeties, a candy shop. The two of them played with the different treats, some changing color, some moving all on their own. They dissolved into giggles as Jules' wonder and delight. But then as Rosa was distracted talking to Sybill, little Jules picked up a few of the fire-crackers and dropped them on the floor. The ensuing cacophony was something to behold, and he almost lit the store on fire. The two woman did the reasonable thing and freaked out, but Jules just giggled at the spectacle, in awe (it wasn't uncommon to hear gunshots at night in Richmond – Jules had stopped being afraid of loud noises long before magic entered his life).

The knowledge that he was different from the other kids at school, that he had magic, didn't impede his ability to make friends. Instead, it was all the time he spent in time-out. Teachers were quick to brand him a trouble-maker for both his love of pranks and his uncanny ability to start fights with other kids in the play yard every time someone wasn't looking. It didn't matter if Jules was the target, or if it was his friend, or someone he didn't know at all. If someone started doing something that he didn't think was right, he stepped in. Luckily, five year olds can't do much to seriously hurt each other. But still, it landed him in time-out often enough, and poor Rosa got more and more calls about her unruly son. Eventually, enough was enough, and she decided that it was time he got a good lecture – along with a couple of smacks to the head. Jules wasn't exactly cured of his ways, but at least he got better at knowing where the line was drawn – and when it was acceptable to cross it.

As Jules grew older, Rosa started depending on him more and more. She took him to doctor appointments to translate her broken mix of English and Tagalog, had him take official phone calls for her so she wouldn't have to speak, and had him negotiate with their landlord, because she didn't trust her ability to do it well enough. Jules took on more and more responsibility, almost becoming a parent in his own right. His mom worked two jobs and late nights, so he learned to cook and made dinner for her from the few ingredients stocked in their fridge so she'd have something to eat when she got home. As he got taller and more responsible, Rosa seemed to shrink, time and her heavy work load weighing her down.

Leaving for Salem's when Jules was eleven was both the most exciting and most painful thing he'd ever done. He hated leaving his mom. Who was going to talk for her, or make her dinner, or give her a good morning kiss? And Richmond wasn't exactly a safe neighborhood. Even at his young age, he knew that much. But Rosa insisted, saying that they would write each other every week (a tradition they still continue, even today) and that she would be fine. Besides, didn't he want to learn all about magic? He'd learn so many wonderful things, and then during breaks he could come home and they could go into magical San Francisco so Jules could show off and not get in trouble for using underage magic. It'd be the best experience of his life, she promised.

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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Grand Theft Auto: The Syndicate






December 4th, 1995




RACE Indian
SEX Female
HEIGHT Approx: 5'1"
WEIGHT Approx: 96 lbs

  • None on Record


From all accounts, a polite, intelligent young woman, if a bit aloof.

Ezra Solanki – Father ALIVE
Bhaavana Solanki – Mother DEAD
Isabelle Jefferson – Sister ALIVE
Jeffery Jefferson – Brother-in-Law ALIVE
Anju Jefferson – Niece ALIVE
Cade Solanki – Brother DEAD
Zachariah Solanki – Brother ALIVE
Jameson Solanki – Brother DEAD

KNOWN RESIDENCE Apartment 1504, Del Perro Heights

The daughter of Ezra Solanki, a notable US diplomat. Has dual citizenship in both America and India. Has lived in several countries, including America, India, Japan, and France. Currently works as a bartender at Delirium Nightclub in Rockford Hills.

No Prior Record

FACE CLAIM'S NAME Shivani Persad
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The EWIP- Fantasy RP
Mirror, Fox, Key

Name: Meryn

Abstract: The quiet, roof-hopping delivery girl.

Meryn is a twig of a girl. Short, thin, and physically unimpressive in almost every way, people can often mistake her for a young boy, rather than a full-grown woman. She has sandy brown skin, long, straight black hair that she often keeps in a braid, and pale green eyes. Meryn also wears a small wooden pin with her name engraved on it, stuck to her jacket.

She was born without the ability to speak, but she rarely has any trouble getting her point across. Though she carries herself with a subtle confidence, she's acutely aware of what she is and isn't capable of, and is constantly trying to push that boundary. Independent, fearless, and just a little bit spiteful, telling her she can't or shouldn't do something is usually the quickest way to get her to do it. Although she seems aloof and closed off, Meryn is more soft-hearted than she first appears. If someone comes to her asking for help, she can't help but comply – even if she does roll her eyes and drag her feet along the way. It's easy for her heart to override her head, and her naivety can sometimes get her into trouble.

Though she grew up as a street urchin, and was generally looked down on by the majority of society in the first few years of her life, it wasn't long until she discovered a hidden talent: if she wanted to get somewhere, there was very little that could stand in her way. She could scale walls, leap from rooftop to rooftop, slip between bars. Soon enough, the entire town became one big playground to her. Eventually, the townspeople recognized her skill at getting from one point to another quicker than anyone should rightly be able to, and she began delivering notes and parcels for change. Today, Meryn is the most trusted delivery system in town for all sorts of letters and goods (that aren't too big for her to carry). When she's not swinging around the town like a monkey, she enjoys all sorts of music, and has recently started picking up different instruments from her customers and experimenting, with varying degrees of success.
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Red Hoods: Initiates
Kiri Hae

Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Species: Human
Volunteered or Sentenced: Volunteered

Speaking: Indian Red
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Age: 142
Height: 5'8"
Species: Kitsune -- Sound Family
Physical Abnormalities: 3, 6, 9, damn she fine.
Kitsune Traits:
  • Shapeshifting
    • Kiko is able to shift between fox and human forms at will, holding either one indefinitely. She will however revert to her fox form when seriously injured or under great distress.
  • Fox Fire
    • Kiko can summon floating orbs of blue fire that have a mild hypnotizing affect on those who see them and drawing them towards it.
  • Sound-Based Illusion
    • As a kitsune from the Sound family, Kiko specializes in sound-illusions. Her singing voice also has a similar hypnotic effect as her fire.
  • Soul Pearl
    • Like all kitsune, Kiko's soul is held in a large white pearl that hangs on an iron chain around her neck. Separation from her pearl for an extended period of time would be fatal.
  • Longevity
    • Though Kiko is about as strong as the average human and just as prone to injury, kitsune are difficult to kill. She can heal at a slightly accelerated rate, and she reverts to her fox form to recover from injuries that would be otherwise fatal.
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Alyssa Koharu Kasprzak | 24 | Editor
Tell Me About Yourself
Alyssa Koharu Kasprzak was born in Naha to an Okinawan mother and an American father on a work visa teaching English. Her childhood was spent moving between Japan and the US, and thus she's spent most of her life feeling like an outsider. She keeps her head down, her thoughts to herself, but also has a penchant for asking for forgiveness rather than permission - it usually works out... when she doesn't get caught.

Work History
After graduating high school, Alyssa moved back to Japan to pursue her dream of making manga. Her first real job was as an editorial assistant at Shonen Spirit (where she picked up the nickname "Kazu" after many, many failed attempts by her coworkers to pronounce "Kasprzak") fetching coffees for the editorial team. Then she was promoted to checking for typos, and then for minor continuity errors from panel to panel. After a few years of proving her worth and working her way up, she was finally named lead editor for one of Shonen Spirit's new series, Umizoi no Tamaki, published internationally as Tamaki by the Sea. She hopes that if all goes well and Tamaki is successful, she'll be one step closer to publishing her own series.


(List characters they know and have some kind of relationship with. Can be PCs or NPCs)
Character: Relationship

Speaking Color: Pale Turquoise
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Louise Tempest. Call her Temp if you wanna keep your face pretty.

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Appearance: Look for the short young woman in a tie, with a messy flop of hair, freckles covering her cheeks, and a mouth full of curses. She'll be easy to find – brawls tend to be hard to miss.

Occupations (Former, Current or otherwise):
Clock Maker

A Reputation
A Sharp Suit
Some Busted knuckles

Personality: Temp lives up to her name – loud mouthed, short fused, and always ready to crack a bat over some kneecaps. It's easy enough to write her off as a violent lost cause, a grown-up delinquent that you'd do well to stay far away from. Most do. Temp knows she has issues – anger issues. Her first instinct when faced with anything even mildly inconvenient is to resort to violence. Whether she's throwing fists or words, she tends to set people off. That's fine, she tells herself. Who needs them anyway? Not Temp, no sir.

If asked, she'd say her strengths are that she's quick on her feet, tough as nails, and unwilling to put up with anyone's shit. And she is all these things. But she's also brave, pragmatic, clever, and curious, with enough determination to see through any challenge. And while she loves a good fight, her anger is more often than not fueled by a strong set of morals that her grandpa wove into her like a seam in a coat.

History: Temp grew up in little town called Dodge with her grandpa, a tailor named Gabriel Fournier. He was a harsh old bastard, chewing out her ear whenever she got into fights or ran around in the suits he made. But he took care of her -- cleaned up her cuts and started leaving out suits that just happened to be her size. He tried to teach her tailoring but she just kept on stabbing herself with a needle and throwing tantrums. He'd just about given up on teaching her a trade (because Lord knew she needed a trade to support herself -- no way in Hell anyone was ever gonna marry her) when the two walked by a clockwork shop on their way to a concert being held in the town square.

Louise -- Gabe didn't care what the brat wanted to call herself, her mother had named her Louise -- paused mid-step to look in through the shop window. The sunset made the ticking clockwork gleam, and she took a step towards it, eyes watching the steady tick, tick, tick, of the gears. Her grandfather had a fine metal pocketwatch sure, and she'd always had a passing interest in it; the delicate gears and tapes, the steady clicks of time. But seeing it all up close like this… how did it work?

Gabe watched as his granddaughter stared in open curiosity. An idea formed in his head.

Within a month (it'd taken much negotiating and pleading, what with her reputation for trouble) she was made an apprentice clockworker under Finnegan Choq, owner and operator of the shop Choq's Clocks. The ticking brass of gears and clockwork became home.

Her grandpa will always be first in Temp's heart. But she managed to make room for old man Finnegan once she started learning from him. Gabe passed when she was 18, a month before she graduated from her apprenticeship, and that… well, if that wasn't a kick in the shins. Temp grit her teeth and told herself to fight through it. She'd make her old man proud. She’d thought she’d made Finn proud. But the day he told her she’d completed her training to become a fully fledged clockworker, he sat her down with a sigh.

He said that it was best if she went her own way. She was talented – talented enough to start her own shop if she wanted. But she brought too much trouble to keep her around the shop. Finn had kept her as an apprentice out of respect for Gabe, but there'd been too many fights, too many mornings of fixing broken machines and cleaning metal shards from her knuckles.

Maybe she hadn't made anyone proud after all. Maybe she wasn't capable of it.

Temp hasn't dared open up a clock face since Finn dumped her. Instead, she ran into the arms of her other love: violence. The alleys and bars of town were chaos in those weeks following her graduation. It was a common occurrence for the sheriff's deputies to throw her in a cell to cool off for a night or two. It wasn't long though, before someone decided to put her fists to good use.

Sasha, the owner of the seediest bar in town, had been trying to get Temp on her payroll for the better part of three years. But Gabe would never hear anything of it, always grumbling about how Temp could do better than some half-brained bouncer. But Gabe wasn't there to tell her no anymore. And thus, Temp became Sasha's right hand, breaking up fights (with a little too much gusto) and tossing out drunks. Sasha tried to get Temp in on the more questionable work she did – shakedowns and intimidation. But Temp always told her to piss off when she tried.

A couple years later, something dark grabbed hold of her dusty little town: a creeping, crawling sickness that moved through the town like curling vines, ensnaring everyone it could manage to wrap itself around. First you got sick. Then your spirit dwindled, your eyes dimmed, you coughed and vomitted and couldn't get out of bed. Then you died. After enough deaths with no sight of a cure, there was a panic. People started fleeing the town in droves. Temp was one of the last holdouts, jumping on the final rickety wagon out of the dead town, helping a kid up to his mother when --

Finn. Where was Finn?

She couldn't stop herself from running back to his shop. He'd been fine the last time she'd seen him from across the square, he was healthy, why wasn't he –

Finn was sitting at the front counter. He was gazing down at an old pocket watch. Temp recognized it. He'd always fiddled with it, but no matter what it never worked. He glanced up at her before turning back to the device in his hands.

"I'm sick," was all he said. Temp felt something break in her. She immediately opened her mouth to argue, to yell and scream, but he silenced her with another look. "I've had a good life. Long. Get out of here, kid. Grow older than I did." He held the pocket watch out to her – something to remember him by. In that moment Temp was gripped by burning rage.

What right did he have? Who said he could pretend to be some dying, benevolent grandfather to her, imparting this last gift? He'd thrown her out like she was nothing, after all she'd done. She'd trusted him, relied on him, and what had he done?

Temp hated him. She hated him and she was glad he was dying.

Hot tears pricked at her eyes.

She looked at the watch in his crooked, wrinkled hands. Her fingers twitched to take it.

Then her hand snapped into a tight fist and her jaw clenched shut. She spun from him and ran out the door, slamming it behind her.

Temp tells herself she doesn't regret it.

Additional Info: Terribly superstitious. Blame her grandpa.

Do you have a personal story arc prepared: In the works

Theme Song: Hellraiser by Blues Saraceno

Speaking Color: Crimson
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pokemon Hoenn: Make a Wish
Name: Haven Dao

Age: 22
Haven was born in Goldenrod City in Johto, the middle of three sisters. Her father left when she was two, just before her sister, Carol, was born. Haven gained a reputation in town when she was younger as a delinquent, whether it was from petty theft, trespassing, or her personal favorite, graffiti. You couldn't walk three blocks of the city's streets without finding her art staining the side of some old corner store or covering up some unfortunate billboard. Her teachers said she was acting out for attention. Her sisters said she was being a brat. Haven said she was just having fun.

One afternoon when she was sixteen the police hauled her back home by the scruff of her neck (again), threatening her with juvie if she didn't get her act together (again). Haven just rolled her eyes and stomped off to her room as her mother frantically apologized and thanked the officers.

That night Haven snuck out of her room to find her mother and her older sister, Rose, sitting at the dining room table. Hiding in the shadows of the hallway, she heard the most heartbreaking thing she could imagine – her mother, crying tears of frustration and helplessness because the water was going to be turned off, she didn't know which bill she should pay with their diminishing funds that month, and to top it all off her second child seemed dead set on making an already stressful life even harder.

Shame hot in her throat, Haven snuck back up the stairs and started packing. She left before dawn.

A month later her mother received an envelope in the mail with ₱30,000.

Haven had channeled her energy into her art, traveling from town to town for inspiration and selling her art at various markets. Eventually, she even started getting commissions – first from local businesses needing a painting to brighten up their walls (or sometimes from students looking to get out of doing their art projects for class) then from town councils, asking for some street art ('graffiti' was too crude a term, apparently) to add color to the asphalt and cement streets. She wasn't a spectacular battler (she'd gone to a standard academic school before she'd dropped out, rather than one that specialized in pokemon careers and had learned most of her skills watching other kids on the streets for fun and had stopped by a gym or two on her travels), but she was decent enough to make some extra cash from that on the side and relieve stress when an art block hit.

It took her almost a year to finally work up the nerve to go home. She'd sent an envelope of money every month to help out her mom. She wasn't causing (much) trouble anymore. She'd technically ran away from home leaving no way to contact her and had probably worried her mother half to death. But… her mom wouldn't be too mad, right?

Haven knocked on the door to her family's shabby apartment. Rose opened the door and stared for a moment at her wayward little sister. Then she smacked Haven on the back of the head and pulled her into a tight hug. Her mom was an overjoyed, sobbing mess.

Haven felt a small bubble of pride rise up in her to see that the apartment, while still old and ramshackle, seemed less like it would fall apart at any moment. There was the same old, dirty refrigerator, but it was stocked full of food. A new faucet had been installed on the sink that had only ever managed to trickle out a thin stream of water before she left.

Her room had been left exactly the same, waiting for her return.

Haven stayed home for a happy week (full of lectures and hugs alike from her family) before she started feeling restless. The wandering life had suited her, she discovered. She liked exploring the region, making art, seeing what the world had to offer.

Her mother was against it. She wanted Haven back home and back in school.

Naturally, Haven was gone that night, out the door with a note on the counter.

Haven still calls her family and sends them a share of her earnings every month. She's sure to visit every once in a while, as well. After she'd explored every corner of Johto she made her way to Kanto for two and a half years before finally deciding to head to Hoenn. The art institute there is famous, even in other regions. Getting something displayed there would put her on a whole new level in the art community, she knows, and she never could resist a challenge. And if not, then maybe she could get some inspiration, at least.


Speaking Color: Coral
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