Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zakara


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They made their way into the computer room, following after Vlad. Upon entering the room, Beelze noticed two rows, each with five computer stations, facing each other in the middle of the room. All of the computers were custom built with the most advanced quantum computer technology to date. Wow, this is actually some really nice stuff in here. I can definitely work my magic with these babies, thought Beelze. He noticed that each of the stations had a name-tag across the top of the computer. "Great, assigned seating," Beelze remarked, quite sarcastically. After a quick scan, he saw that there were two fridges on either side of the room, Probably for snacks and drinks. Hopefully we can get down on some online gaming. Beelze then went on to find his station to start the fun. He was really hoping to sit next to one of the girls, as he has not met them yet, and liked to know all of the variables he was working with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy limped down the hall. It had taken her several minutes to be able to move once Vlad was done with her. She was in pain but that was nothing new. She slowly made her way to the classroom. She wasn't looking forward to class. Her education was limited. She looked around the room, he name was written across the top of the computer by Beelze. Great put the dumb person by the smart person. She knew Vlad hated her. She winced as she sat down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Felice quietly took a seat at one of the computers, not bothering to see who he ended up next to. Starting up the computer, he started messing with the settings until they matched what he wanted before taking a look at the program. Hmm... Good, it seemed that the language settings worked well enough, though there was still a lot of English left on the screen. Eh, he didn't know enough about computers to do too much about that. He would have to... right. Maybe someone else might know, but... meh...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zakara


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Beelze was quickly getting to work optimizing all of the settings on the computer and checking for any firewalls. I haven't had much experience with quantum computers. Seems a little harder to work around, Beelze thought to himself. He was deep in thought when he noticed someone sit next to him. It was Roxy. Beelze noticed her long, flowing black hair, the hard look in her eyes, perfectly shaped nose, and luscious lips that formed her mouth. Wow, I didn't notice her beauty until now. Can't let feelings get in the way though, he thought.

He turned from the work he was doing on his computer to face her. "Hello, I'm Beelze Marke," he proclaimed, "I do not believe we have met." He stuck out his hand to hopefully get a handshake from Roxy. And now the fun begins, he thought while letting out a smile to show his 'friendliness' towards her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy ignored the offered hand. "Yes I know who you are." Technically they had met earlier and that was enough for her. She knew that Vlad expected them to work together but she was resisting doing anymore then she had to do when it came to Vlad's plans. "You're an expert when it comes to these devices." She gestured to the computer. "Mind telling me what the heck I'm doing. About all I know how to do is turn it on."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zakara


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Roxy rejected Beelze's hand which almost excited him in the thought of a challenge. Guess she has a tough shell to crack, he thought while giving her a smile. He's not going to let her affect his mood in any way. "Well, Miss, I was not there when you introduced yourself, and I really like to know the people I'm helping out. Not good for business if you don't have a close relationship with your clients," he smugly added in response to her asking for help. Pulling his chair closer to her, he stuck out his hand again. "Now let's try this again, please. I promise it will make everyone happier in the end." He looked into her eyes and gave an almost seductive smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy glared at him. Just what she needed. Someone with sex on the brain. Maybe it was a guy thing. "If your looking to get into my bed you can go look somewhere else. I have enough to deal with without adding you to my list of complications." Not to mention her list of people she did not want in her bed. "You can call me Roxy." She said the same way she always did. No one had questioned it yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zakara


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There it is, thought Beelze menacingly. She had looked into his eyes. He sent a tactile (sense of feeling) hallucination that caused her to feel a shiver down her back and a heaviness upon her shoulders."Roxy, Roxy, you've got me all wrong. I'm not into a woman who doesn't even have the decency to shake my hand," he said in a cold, straight voice. "I just want to get to know the person sitting next to me. Also, be more gracious towards the person offering their help. It goes a long way," he added.

"Anyways, you have your mouse and your keyboard, which are the two controllers you use with a computer," starting the 'lesson.' Beelze took the mouse and clicked on Internet Explorer. Immediately he went to google and started downloading Google Ultron. "You don't want to use Internet Explorer. Think of it as the last kid that gets picked in P.E. Just stick with Ultron and you'll be fine. Explorer and Ultron are different types of browsers which you use to move around the internet. Basically anything can be found or done if you search hard enough on the internet. Probably the best invention since the engine," he declared. Beelze was enjoying teaching, something he hadn't really done before, besides teaching people 'the plan.' "I think that's all you'll need to know for now. Vlad will probably go over some stuff with us soon," Beelze stated, ending his lesson. "Oh, and if you ever need anything, just let me know," he added with a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Of course, right then, the door swung open and two guys walked into the classroom. One was a tall guy with blond hair that wore glasses, and the other, who was partially hiding behind the taller one, had dark hair, and looked really shy. It was Haru and Hakuno, two brothers that had just recently been released and allowed to meet the others. "Sorry we're late. Just got released from our rooms," the taller one, Haru, said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Felice quickly caught a glimpse of the newcomers before going back to his work. Out of the other corner of his other eye, he could just see that shifter attempting to put the moves on Roxy. It seemed pointless to him, since he sincerely doubted that the dark girl was the kind who could be won over with that kind of charm, but he wasn't the one who'd get punched or worse for it. He rolled his eyes before setting to work on one of the word problems presented on the computer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Complete the assignment you are assigned." Vlad informed them. "Subjects will vary everyday. We will cover ordinary things like math and history as well as things like tactics and stratiegy. Use this time to get to know each other. You will be expected to pick a leader for tomorrow's practice mission."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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Two things stood out to Felice at that moment. Or rather, three things: One, the doctor had just said that he wanted the subjects to get to know each other; two, the stupid computer kept on wrongly correcting his name to the point of maddening frustration; and three, they would be performing a mission tomorrow.

That soon? He's not messing around at all...

It took a moment to discover that the settings had somehow switched back to complete English without his permission, but by the time he had fixed it again, his head was buzzing with the implications of the announcement. Perhaps the rest of the future would rest on how things went during the next 48 hours. And if they did, that would mean that he would have to act quickly and carefully. This could be the best chance he had to get anything done. With this in mind, he moved on to the next assignment on the computer, though he tried hard to come up with the best plan for just the next few hours.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zakara


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Beelze went back to his own station and got to work on the assignment. Battlefield strategies in overwhelming odds, he thought as the assignment booted up, Looks like I'll finally be doing something interesting. The thought of being the leader excited him. Having made the most effort to get to know people and talk to them, Beelze figured that he was a pretty good candidate for the position. He needed people to start looking up to him for guidance as he thought about the future. As he was going through the assignment, which wasn't quite the breeze the rest of the time here had been, two brothers walked through the door.

"Sorry we're late. Just got released from our rooms"

This is the perfect opportunity to help my cause for the leader position, thought Beelze. He pushed the chair back from his workstation and got up from it. Walking towards them, Beelze started to introduce himself, "Hello, I do believe we have not met. I am Beelze Marke, a shapeshifter," still carrying on his lie, "Welcome to the classroom of wonder. Sitting down we have Felice, he doesn't speak English, and Roxy, who is just delightful to work with," he added sarcastically. "If you ever need help with anything, please let me know," he said with a smile while offering his hand for the two to shake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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"Non dire niente da mi, Diavolo!" Felice reacted without looking away from his screen. He hadn't even thought about it before uttering the low growl, but he realized what he had said directly afterward. Great, just great. Someone he hardly even knew getting under his skin like that was irritating enough, but the last thing he wanted was to draw attention to it. Still, it wasn't as if he had just screamed it, so maybe he would be ignored. He probably couldn't be understood, anyway, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LenKagamine


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After arriving at their destination, everyone went to their respective places. Limbo's station was at the end and he sat there after everyone did. In front of him was a computer set, they seemed new and is probably the latest technology. 'Computers... I read about this,' though, even if he did, he has no idea about how this thing actually works. He managed to turn it on though. Looking at the others, they seem to knowledgeable about this. He felt kinda out of place, but he chose not to care after a while.

Their lesson started and Limbo was introduced to the two main things used, the keyboard and mouse. "Mouse?" he wondered why it was called that. Looking at it, it has kind of a resemblance to a mouse, though only a bit. He was told to download Google Ultron because Internet Explorer wasn't any good, or so they said. He read about this somewhere that said Internet Explorer's only use is to download another browser. Limbo has no idea why. In a few seconds, he managed to reach the website for the other browser and started downloading it. His reading actually came handy, he wasn't that confused anymore after remembering and realizing which is which.

While he was waiting for the the download to end and perhaps for further instructions, Limbo went ahead and tried customizing his computer. 'This actually is pretty fun,' a few minutes later, he finished and the computer now looking better for him. Black, black and black. Was pretty cool, or so he thinks.

The doors suddenly opened and two new people arrived. A blonde guy and one looks like he's avoiding everyone's gaze. Since he only wanted to see who it was, Limbo faced his computer again and checked the assignments that Vlad just mentioned. He read it quick then leaned on his back. He unconsciously was leaning towards the computer and it made his back hurt a bit. Meanwhile, the other's chatters are heard. "Roxy, Felice, Beelze..." he named them one by one silently, trying to remember their names. He thought why not since there's only a few of them and he's gonna be with these people for a while. One suddenly shouted, he was Felice if he remembered correctly. Even now, he still can't understand what he's saying.

Then he remembered, "A translator... I read about it too." he mumbled while he searched for it in the new browser, the download just finished. Finding it, he typed what he heard and set the translator to 'Italian - English'. "Do not say anything to me, Devil, huh." Is he mad to someone? 'Who's the devil?' Turning his attention to the PC, Limbo decided not think about it and just went to do one of the current assignments.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy was slightly reassure when she wasn't the only one who didn't know shit about computers. although Limbo seemed to adapt to the assighment quicker then she did. "You figured to out." she commented as she looked over. Since he sat on her other side it was easy for her to see. "interesting. You can change things. I like the black theme you have going there."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LenKagamine


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As Limbo worked on his assignment, he heard Roxy speaking on his side. Her spot is just next to his. Roxy, who was hunching over, seemed to have been observing what he was doing and gave a comment on his computer's new appearance, "Thanks. I like black after all..." perhaps it was because he lived in a kind of monochrome world with his power. The organization wasn't really colorful too.

Leaning on his back and stretching a bit, he took a peek at what Roxy has been doing, and she seemed to be having a hard time with computers too. Though, Beelze was just next to her. Why isn't she asking him for help? And he realized, 'The one arguing earlier was the two of them isn't it?' He then asked Roxy, "Do you need any help with things?" Limbo thought maybe she wanted to customize hers too or something. "I'm not as knowledgeable as the one on your other side though..." he almost said in a whisper as he wore his headphones. Nothing was really playing so he would still be able to hear Roxy if she replied.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"I think Beelze is currently busy snoozing the new arrival." she pointed out. "I have no idea how these things work. I know there's an assignment in there somewhere but I have no idea how to find it. I can't remember if it's right or left to open things." she admitted. She wanted to customize her page but she needed together the assignment done before Vlad returned. Otherwise she was going to end up being punished again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LenKagamine


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Looking at where she pointed, Beelze is talking to the new arrivals. He either is helpful or wants to have a good impression to the other students. Vlad did mention about us having a leader sooner or later... It might be a part of his plan. Though, he has no interest in being a leader so it doesn't bother him. He has also seen all kinds of people in his line of work to the point that no one can surprise him anymore.

Since the chair was one of those with rollers, he moved closer to her computer and started pointing at things. Roxy said she didn't know how to find the assignment, so he's here to lead her. Pointing at application, he started "You open this then this. Then this one by right clicking then choosing 'Open'... or you could just double-click. After that, there would be options on the left side. Pick 'Assignments', then its your choice which you'll start with first.. Did you get it?" he finished and slowly went back to his place. Hopefully his explanation was alright.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy shivered when Limbo rolled closer. She watched him warily rather then focusing on what he was showing her. She should have been paying attention but she couldn't take her eyes off him while he was in her space. She learned long ago to be wary of letting people too close. If either of them had been paying attention they would have noticed that her assignments were clearly labeled. Fourth grade reading. Fifth grade math. She had subject that the others didn't like how to follow orders and spying 101. "Yea I think I've got it." she told him when he moved back yo his computer.
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