Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Darog the Badger God Kawaii on the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hero's Legacy

"A visitor from another world comes to Earth in search of individuals with extraordinary abilities and powers in the vain hope that they can save his home. Those he found became a unified force for good, not only saving the visitor's home but also dedicating their lives to protecting the innocent. The idea grew in new and magnificent ways as other metahumans surfaced, joining together and turning what was once a desperate solution into an instrument for justice. Their task is not easy, facing new and powerful legions of individuals who used their powers for selfish goals, but regardless they push onwards in the hope of bettering the world

They pushed onwards until they were met with a new visitor from a new world. Xaal was a convict and warlord of incredible strength, malice and corruption. A force of evil they had never faced before, Xaal would never hold back his rampage. Destruction, and death was left in the wake of Xaal. He was defeated eventually, forced to leave Earth. The damage was great, but not impossible to fix. They decided to start recruiting for another team, in an attempt to prepare themselves for other cosmic threats like Xaal."

Basically the older team of Superheroes that faced Xaal are recruiting new members to make up another team in case any more cosmic threats come to earth.

I'm not going to say what the limits are going to be, since at the start of this RP our characters will be rookies at best, learning to become stronger with their powers. You can develop more powers along side the ones you start with, assuming it makes sense( Having Electricity Manipulation and developing control over Electromagnetism powers). So lets begin! the CS is below.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Walker of Darkness
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esper


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Name: Catrin Florentine "Siren"
Age: 16
Race: Metahuman
Personality: Catrin from the time she was young seemed to be very outgoing so when she was able to understand others and get them to do what she wanted it seemed to be natural leadership. She can be kind, but at the same time very cruel. She possesses a superior intellect to many as well as great understanding of how to get under the skin of others and uses it to her full advantage if she is able, usually to help others, but sometimes herself.

History: Catrin Florentine grew up as any other child in an upper class family did. She wanted for nothing and never asked, but would instead earn it herself. This work ethic had been instilled in her from a young age thanks to her father's numerous lectures about the value of hard work. When her abilities themselves manifested she didn't take immediate notice until a series of strange coincidences where it seemed those with whom she spoke would reflect the emotion she wanted them to feel.

As she grew older she learned a rough mastery of this power, using a combination of her looks, charisma, and wit to get others to do things for her. As this stage of her life passed she decided to instead of manipulate others for what she wanted to use it to help others. It was at the age of fifteen this happened and was soon noticed for her powers and began to work with others like her for the greater good.

Lust Manipulation
Love Manipulation
Emotional Manipulation
Equipment: None
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goldmarble

Goldmarble Old

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Aulay (Owl-Lee) Sokol

Age: 20

Height: 5'9”

Weight: 192 lbs


Responsible, dedicated, and nearly tireless are words Aulay has come to hear frequently. From going up in the woods, he was raised to never procrastinate, and to do things to the best of his ability the first time. Not to mean he doesn't like to have fun, but he likes to get what needs doing done, before having fun.

Of course, Aulay is also well accustomed to being called a redneck, a hick, due to his love of the outdoors and general idea of what he considers fun: Taking week long backpacking trips into the most remote wilderness he can find.

Born in the remote town of Kenai, Alaska, Aulay grew up in a small “naturalist” community around six hours away by motorboat, in a sheltered inlet with five other families. Their ideal was to return to the land, and live in harmony with nature itself. They hunted, fished, grew the crops that they needed of vegetables and tubers. Without electricity, except for the single generator used to power a radio if an emergency arose, they relied on each other to collect supplies for the winter; from food to firewood.

As a child, Aulay learned how to take care of himself rather quickly, learning from ten parents how to fish, pick berries, select mushrooms, and wood working. However, when his ability started to develop, it started concern in his parents due to him asking why some things glowed, or the color of something he already knew. Worried his eyes were forming some kind of defect, Aulay was taken into Kenai, then to Anchorage where the doctors performed scans to try and determine if anything was wrong. When they tried to get Aulay into the MRI machine, was when a nurse from Boston, who had a brother with a unique gift of his own, heard Aulay commenting that the MRI machine was “too bright.” It wasn't long after, that they realized the the young child was seeing far more of the EM spectrum than they, themselves could. These new colours he was seeing, these new lights were slowly labeled in his mind as broad categories that spanned massive ranges of tones.

Six months later, after Aulay had turned eight, the family was contacted by a Professor from the Wilmer Eye Institute who wanted to bring the family to Baltimore to try and determine the visual range that Aulay could see. Seeing nothing wrong with the idea, the family agreed. After a battery of tests, it was found that Aulay could see from the Extreme UV to the some portions of radiowaves, but it also appeared to be broadening in scope. It was quickly found that Aulay had related these “colours” to darkness, since that was when he saw them the most, and everyone would how it was getting dark. So, Aulay was lead into a special room, lined with several feet of lead to block all radiation from entering.

It was traumatizing. Having never witnessed real “darkness” before, Aulay found himself terrified of the lack of light. Not being able to see, was distressing, unnatural, and completely alien to the child. Since then, he has been utterly terrified of the idea of “darkness” and not being able to see. Luckily, his vision has expanded to encompass so much of the spectrum that make it almost impossible for him to be blinded.

Since that trip, he returned with his family to their little home in the remote wilderness of Alaska. He took up hunting with his father, helped another family build a cabin to join them, and in general, because a rather bright, and intelligent young man.

Thus it came to him as a surprise on January 4th, when he was still just thirteen, they heard the roar of a helicopter descending to the ice of the frozen inlet. It was members of the FBI, seeking Aulay's assistance in what had become a standoff just outside of Kenai. A group of men who had been found to be part of a child slavery ring, were barricaded in a home with several victims that they were now holding hostage. They were claiming that the house was wired to explode, and that they would blow it up, if they didn't get their demands. The men and the FBI had been in a stalemate for two days already.

Forty minutes later, Aulay arrived at a hill overlooking the building, after asking for the Police and Federal agents to turn off their radios for 1 minute. Using a pair of binoculars and his ability to see through the walls themselves for anything denser than the wood or drywall, he saw a number of bundles scattered through the walls. With the power out in the building, it was the suspicious blinking light of the detonator that he saw on a table. Ten minutes later, a single shot was fired from a marksman. It punched through the outer wall, and destroyed the detonator. Teams moved in to secure the hostages and criminals with only a handful of shots being fired. The end result was two suspects dead, one critically wounded, and three captured. All hostages were recovered safely.

It was Aulay's introduction into the world of heroism. He was hailed as a saviour, a hero. He didn't like it. It was too much attention, too many people intruding on his quiet life. He vanished with his friends soon after, when asked where they went, the community of Diamond Point just shrugged, “They'll be back when they want to be, and when you're gone.”

The group of kids returned six months later, and Aulay had come to a realization; he would do what he could for others. After he turned eighteen and his younger brother and sister were old enough to take over his chores.

He started learning law, training his ability to shoot by hunting, and just target practice. He agreed to help the local park wardens with search and rescue missions as part of his training. Being able to see the radio transmitters on stranded people on the ground, let them locate sinking ships to lost dog sledders.

When he turned eighteen, he moved to the FBI training base in Quantico, Viginia. He began training as a marksman, to which he was already accurate enough, but needed honing in his calculations and expectations of hostage scenarios. He also became acquainted with computers for, essentially, the first time in his life. His curiosity and drive to learn made him a fast study, and within a year, he had gone from barely knowing what a mouse was, to learning to code his own apps. After talking with the intelligence crew over an idea he had, he learned how to remote hack into most cellphones, and enable a rotating signal output that was rather distinctive and easy for him to see and trace. His final test came before the paperwork of his graduation, he was requested for a mission where a pair of super powered individuals were waging a war in the streets of Washington D.C.

Aulay was deployed, helping to coordinate agents in the field to surround the target as best as he could, but ultimately he was forced to pull the trigger.

Omni-spectrum vision, the ability to see all electro-magnetic radiation as "light". Where humans can see but an infinitesimally small band of the EM Spectrum, Aulay perceives it all as a rainbow of colours no one else can even fathom or relate to. From the ELF frequencies of 3 to 30 hertz, to being able to witness gamma radiation at 10 exahertz, to radiation we cannot even detect with our technology. What does this ultimately mean? Aulay is pretty much impossible to blind by high intensity light: He already is adapted to see more light than any other human is capable of, nor can he be blinded by a "lack" of light, as even in the darkest of caves, there is background radiation he can see by. The only time he has witnessed "darkness" was during government testing; sent into a room surrounded by 3 feet of lead on all sides when he was young, the experience terrified him. He is able to see through buildings, and read their structure from the shadows casted by denser materials. Energy emitting objects, such as life forms, cell phones, powerlines, all emit a "glow" of the energy they are releasing.

As a marksman who trains to try and deal with people who have abilities, and having eyes that let him see through buildings, Aulay has acquired some more powerful than average firearms to try and cope with these uncommon threats. His most powerful rifle, and least used, is the Lahti L-39. A massive rifle weighing in excess of a hundred pounds, firing 20x138mmB cartridges. It is widely considered to be the most powerful anti-material rifle ever made, that doesn't use "recoilless" technology. It is a semi-automatic firearm with a ten round box magazine which itself weighs in excess of 4.5 lbs loaded. For projectiles, he mostly uses specially developed AP rounds, which are essentially large, tungsten slugs. However, for extraordinarily tough threats, he has developed a saboted High Velocity Armor Penetrator round which uses a foamed aluminum sabot, that falls away from the tungsten dart within 75 to 200 yards. He does keep a few high explosive rounds on hand, if a situation calls for it however, but coming from a citizen safety standpoint, collateral damage is meant to be contained to a minimum. The main downfall of this firearm, is its lack of mobility. Trying to move such a heavy firearm, that is 7'4” long is no easy task.

Aulay's main rifle is a custom made, semi-automatic rifle chambered in 14.5x114mm that he designed and made himself. Inspired by the Lahti, the rifle is much lighter, utilizing modern steels and alloys to cut the weight down to 64 lbs, and the length down to a slightly more reasonable 6'6” in length. While most would consider this rifle itself to be extreme, he chose the caliber for its ability to punch through the concrete walls of buildings in a city with a minimum of deflection. In his testing, he found that smaller calibers, such as 7.62x51mm, .300 Winchester Magnum, even .338 Lapua had trouble even getting through the walls. 12.7x99mm or .50 BMG he felt was being deflected too much to be reliable upon penetration to hit the intended target. 14.5 with nearly twice the energy of the 12.7 gives him both the punch, and accuracy he desired. Yet this firearm is not without its downsides; it is still very heavy. It's recoil is still fierce, and its length is unwieldy.

He does have an alternate main rifle however, for locations not as built up as cities where reinforced concrete is the norm. For these locations, he uses a PGWDTI Timberwolf rifle chambered in .338 Lapua. It is the most accurate rifle he has, and with him doing everything right, is more than capable of hitting a chest sized target, at 1200 yards with 90% probability.

However, he is also a firearms enthusiast and has a decent collection of other firearms, of less “purposeful” nature. From ww2 collectors to a variety of handguns.

One of the other items he relies upon for his work, are his Zeiss Optics 7x50 marine binoculars. Large, and clunky to some, they offer a wide field of view, and excellent light transmission.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esper


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Name: "Sigil" "Claire Warden"
Age: ??
Personality: The woman seems to be hard to read, her personality and mannerisms changing with each identity she takes on. Despite this she lacks malice in most of her actions, only desiring peace and to be left to her studies.
History: Sigil has only had one goal from when she came into her abilities, cursed as she calls it. That was to be left alone, but history repeatedly dragged her into several conflicts over the years with noted reluctance. Born to the chief of an island tribe, she was blessed from birth and took up apprenticeship with the Shaman at a young age. She learned from Shaman how to use her body as a living magnet to draw life energy into herself in trace amounts to power her runes.

One day when she grew old an ancient being washed ashore near her village and was brought to her. Try as she might she was unable to save the seemingly normal young man and asked what his dying wish was. This was a trick by the young man to take on the curse of living forever, her kindness betraying her. With the passing of the ancient she awoke the next day to prepare the funeral rites, only to find herself young once more and the young man had turned quite old.

She fled the village, believing herself to be cursed and not wishing ill fortune upon those she knew over the decades. For years she wandered, procuring a boat and trying to learn of her powers. Several years later she had to an extent mastered her shifting abilities, becoming a legend herself, a thing to be feared out of ignorance. Age no longer mattered, nor did her old life. She went from place to place, staying a few years, then leaving in the same manner.

A single thing remained a constant for her however and that was tattooing. She loved her art and no matter her form she always included the decorations on her body. Currently she has amassed extensive experience with tattooing and works freelance under her new identity Claire Warden, her work popular among those who embrace darker themes.

Unexpectedly she is also able to channel life energy into others, healing their wounds and purifying them to optimal health. This development came only in the last decade and she still works on trying to master the ability, helping those who she finds on the brink of death.
Equipment: Tattoo kit, Rune Wand, various inks
Rune of Regeneration: In order to protect herself from dying she has written a rune that allows her body to regenerate from the damage it takes.
Rune of Wings: Etched into her back, she is able to summon temporary wings, enabling her to fly for a few hours a day.
Rune of the Third Eye: Although not visible to the human eye, if she meditates she is able to have a brief vision of a single object she is in physical contact with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grif of Hearts
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Grif of Hearts Sometimes vaguely amusing

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Hero’s Legacy
"Stick ‘em up! Pew, pew."

Name: Lucem Nathanus Lux
Alias: Apprentice Lux
Age:15 years old
Gender: Male


Lux has the spritely appearance of a boy in his early teens… deceptively young and frail as his capabilities stretch far further than an ordinary human of his age and size. Composed of a short stature at 5’2 and thin, gangly limbs Lucem Lux is almost a stereotype of every boy his age, the freckles matted across his pale and otherwise unblemished skin only amplifying that look. His face is full of childish features with a small button nose, thin lips and large eyes a shade of bright green. Thick golden locks spill from the top of Lux’s head, the loose strands of messy hair framing his face and reaching down just to his shoulders. Arguably Lux’s most interesting physical features are his veins, those along his arms tinted a bright shade of gold by the magic that seeps throughout his body.

While Lux can occasionally be seen wearing the clothes of ordinary human beings he is partial to the garbs he has grown up with, those worn by the apprentices of his world, tweaked to suit the style of hero he aspires to be. Thick brown boots cover his feet, tough leather reaching just up to his knees and held on with silver buckles. Black trousers cover his legs, held up by a brown leather belt with pouches, potions and all manner of bizarre trinkets fastened to it. A dark grey shirt covers his torso, his body further shielded by a long brown leather coat with the sleeves pulled up to his elbows. A cowl rests on Lux’s shoulders and covers his neck and his head if he chooses to have the hood up, decorated with a few simple stitched patterns in red and gold. This sometimes hides the goggles Lux wears, brass, bronze, leather and glass to protect his eyes during the various magical and scientific experiments he is involved in.



Typically, Lux does not rely on any equipment to do battle. While he, like most mages, takes part in regimental physical exercise and can handle a small range of weaponry, Lux prefers to abandon these in favour of his magical abilities (and occasionally an improvised weapon). As an apprentice mage though, Lux can be heavily dependent on the use of alchemical brews to supplement his powers. As such, Lux’s belt is lined with a variety of vials containing all sorts of brightly coloured liquids. This can apply various affects, typically providing him with enough energy to cast more than a few spells in succession.


An apprentice in the ways of magic, most of Lux's powers stem from it. A remarkably capable student, Lucem has learned the ways of the magi far faster than any of Manus' other students, party due to his enthusiasm and partly due to his unusually cunning mind that can absorb information like a sponge. His knowledge far outweighs his physical capability to sustain some of his spells, meaning that many combinations of spells or those used in quick succession can wear him out and run him dry incredibly quickly. However this is a limitation he is quickly working on overcoming.

Magic: As a magi, a variant of human from one of many alternate realities, Lux can wield great amounts of mystical energy and channel it to his will. The subjects a trained magi can study are vast and despite Lux only being an apprentice in the art his knowledge is equally vast. He can produce, but is not limited to, the following effects;

Aerokinesis: manipulation of air currents.
Energy projection: utilising beams or spheres of raw energy as a weapon.
Flight: Through using telekinesis on himself, Lux can mimic flight.
Photokinesis: creation and manipulation of light.
Shielding and deflection: creating a magical barrier to shield himself and others.
Telekinesis: movement of objects with magic.
Superhuman speed: allowing his body to move at a speed beyond human capability.

Eidetic memory: Seemingly unable to forget a single event since his early years, Lux has a picture-perfect memory that remembers every spell and skill he has ever learned. It is not a genetic or actively magical trait though, leaving Lux clueless as to its origin.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

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Hey. still got room?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Darog the Badger God Kawaii on the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

BRO!! YES! you got one more room for you :p.

Also, everyone is accepted so far 8D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

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Up tomorrow. Techlevel? Can I be a cyberninja?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Darog the Badger God Kawaii on the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Darn it! late reply! Yes Cyberninjas are welcome 8D.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Darog the Badger God Kawaii on the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Deekus Vaalim "Centurion"
Age: 40 (Norisian Age is equivalent to a human in their teens)
Personality: ~~WIP~~
History: ~~WIP~~

Force-Field Manipulation - Centurion's main ability. He can generate and manipulate Force-fields, creating from an internal energy source and a Neural link with Deekus' mind, allowing easier and more fluid control over the force-fields he creates. Despite being a primarily a defensive tactic, Deekus has a wide range of offensive capabilities with his force-field, one of his more powerful is the creation of an "Air Bomb" for particularly more powerful foes.

[Superhuman Level Physical conditioning - Norisians are beyond the human limits in physical conditioning, but with the Centurion suit, Deekus# own abilities have been pushed into superhuman level, allowing to withstand high levels of damage and dish out as much as he needs.

Flight - Deekus, without the suit is gifted with the ability to fly.


Battle Ready Combat Arms Borg Suit Mark XI "The Centurion" - The suit was discovered on the Planet Vulka. Zakarr and Deekus considered it a relic, and tried to move it, but in a turn of events, the suit latched itself onto Deekus, and adjusting to his physiology, the sudden shock and trauma of the suit adjusting to Deekus kncoked him unconscious. After a week of recovering, Deekus joined Zakarr in travelling to Earth, under his adopted brother's tutelage in controlling his newfound abilities. The Suit itself comes with a sentient AI, allowing the suit itself to offer tactical advice, and to take over in dire situations.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Name: Sasha Postroy Rasputin
Alias: “Molli Mayhem”

Age: 25 at time of death. 29 physical age. Actual age unknown.

Molli is a walking corpse and as such, alot of her feelings have been dulled. She is only remotely aware of the nagging feeling called empathy. She is a force of Necrotic Destruction, her distaste for the average mortal life is almost palpable. She has no qualms sacrificing a village to power a single spell nor did she blink an eye at death of the heroes that tried to stop her.

Molli Mayhem used to be Sasha Postroy, a Russian-American street level vigilante who fell in love with Magic superhero “The Way”. Born with small scale dreams of escaping the gutter, Sasha became Molli Mayhem to defend her 'hood' from the local drug kingpins. She waged a war that was all but helpless until she met “The Way”, local hero and one of the magic sides most brilliant young Magis. The two fell deeply in love and became a inseparable couple. They would become a staple amongs Metro Bays more influential organizations, the two helping other heroes take down all kinds of threats.

However, the world is beset by many dangers. And the Resurection of the Mad Monk Rasputin was one such danger that would shock Metro bay for all eternity. Rasputin rose in Russia, bringing with him a army of the dead and with a elder god powering his magic. Heroes from all around the world were embroiled with the battle against him but the Mad Monk had felt a old remnant of his linage across the Ocean. He reached out for Molli, who in truth was the last of his blood and with a act of unspeakable evil, destroyed the very Soul of Sasha. In its it place he planted the soul of a his Daughter, who he had managed to keep secret from all of the world. She was as cruel as her father and set about to aid him in his plans. Her first act was to tear a poor, grief stricken “The Way” into pieces, consuming his very flesh and blood before turning his brain into a phylactery. After disposing it into a another plane only she could possible dare to enter, she set out to spread terror.

She found instead that her Father had been once nad for all defeated and what awaited her was a short and hectic war with the Old Molli and The Ways allies who wanted revenge. The battle was long and horrific, scaring many and even forced some magic users into permanent retirement. But Molli was defeated.

But Molli never stays down long, and she is back. And she is PISSED.


Molli is one of the worlds greatest necromancers. Her entire being is a giant bomb of necrotic energy waiting to be unleashed. She can channel bits of it into a weapon or object, often combinging her magic with techonologu. Such as easily turning a mall into ground zero for a ghoul infestation trough a bomb. Or she can shoot you and have you rot from the inside out. In short she is very powerfull. She is also a Lich, undead and unkillable by conventional means as you have to destroy her phylactry to destroy her. Heroes have found It easier to disassemble her trough powerfull magic and technology. The longest she has been out of commission is 4 years. During said 4 years one hero kept her head separated from the body inside a different dimension.

Molli has a small armory worth of magic relics, blessed weapons and priceless artifacts.

other: Molli eats people. She is also mute and communicates trough a magic pendant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Still accepting?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

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Name: Zel'Akrim Flameborn

Age: 18 Bardolian year (22 earth years)

Personality: Zel'Akrim is brash, somewhat foolish and very secure in himself. For his race, he is young and he acts like you would expect a earthling 20 something to act. But he I also a accomplished bounty hunter and galactic ranger. He isa relentless and inteligent hunter who tracks and captures his target with precision and as little colleteral damage as possible. He posses a very forward, die hard attitude towards accomplishing his goals and have been known to butt heads with the more aggressive heroes in times of discontent. Never the less, he has adopted Earth as his second home.

Bardolian is known as the Black Planet. It is named so for the volcanic ashes that since long have covered the surface. The air is rich with sulfids and deadly to humans. The Bardolians however, have long since made the planet their home. The ruined surface is their doings, a nuclear war forced one side to detonate charge deep withing the planet core, triggering a massive chain of volcanic eruptions. The destruction halted the war, and in the aftermath they finally put aside their differences.

The Bardolian was very good at war however, and the moment they made intergalactic contact, conquest hungry had their planet added onto the menu. They fought several wars, created alliances with like minded races while fighting tooth and nail with invaders. During one such invasion. Zel and hiss older brother is born. His brother and him grow up watching tv-reports of war and both enroll in the Bardolians “Galactic Rangers. “ Elite soldiers who fight on the frontlines. They become quite the pair. Several medals and rewards are given the young soldiers as they are outstanding Rangers. But the Commanders and the established elite refused to let his brother rise in grades as he is far to brutal and coldblooded. Zel on the other hand was levelheaded in comparison and had a uncanny ability to perfectly learn and mimic enemy and allies alike. It made him invaluable when it came to training new recruits.

But his brother quickly grows embittered with the older commanders inability to see past his violent ways. And he betrays the Rangers. Leadingmajority of the Rangers into a ambush, he is to date the worst traitor and cost the Rangers 400 lives as a consequence .

Ashamed, Zel quit the Rangers to go after his brother. Their chase led to earth, where he and a few Earth heroes cornered and defeated his brother at last. Zel found earth to be amazing, and he requested to be stationed at the planet as a Ranger Liason.

Enhanced speed: Bardolians legs are much denser and naturally more powerful then a humans.
Innate Weapon Mastery: Zel has a complex mind that lets him comprehend most weapon and wield it expertly in ways no normal person can. He is a combat genius.
Ability Learning : Zel is able to learn certein things from observing. If a opponent uses kungfu style moves he can learn it simply from studying him for a few hours at a distance. He uses this to turn his enemies strenghts against them. This does not work with actual powers such as flamebreath or the like.
Enhanced Tracking

Zel owns a small armory worth of weapons. Most trusted is his high energy, extreme precision Bardolian rifle. With a almost instant trigger to hit, the beam carbine is used to snipe and take out targets from range. He also has two “sixshooters” that he he made into plasma revolvers that can shoot far more then just 6 bullets. He also carry a assortment of bombs and grenades.

other: Zel has a brother. Currently in jail pending intergalactic trial.
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