Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dahlia Hawthorne
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Dahlia Hawthorne Beef or Chicken?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rezubian carefully inspected the vial before sipping its contents, and shivering lightly at the taste. "Are we going somewhere cold?" she whispered to Delila. Rezubian was more of a warm climate kind of person, so the cold bothered her more than anything. Maybe it was because when she was little she would sleep next to the furnace. "I should of unpacked in my dorm... I need my winter coat." she whined to Delila.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rainmaker


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Victor finally did make it to the class, knocking twice before letting himself in, having a very annoyed look on his face before giving the Survival teacher a stiff nod in respect more than anything before closing the door behind him. "Well sir, I apologise for my late arrival, but I was held up by something." It was about all the information he was about to disclose, but he didn't think empty politeness would matter much to the undead teacher anyway - and he wouldn't pretend to love this class. If any of what he heard about James rang true, that'd probably serve as a mild annoyance, at best. Letting out a little sigh, he sat himself down in an empty chair that wasn't adjacent to anyone - not that he knew any of the other students anyway, except for those that well, were, hard to overlook. The boy took a few seconds to calm himself down before looking at his teacher in the front "...anyway, sorry, sir. You asked to drink this, yes?" before taking his eyes off him and taking a closer look at the vial in front of him with a curious expression on his face while he shook the potion in his hand just a little bit, inspecting it from every angle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Isaac watched as the eager students of the survival class drank their potions, some eagerly, some carefully, some making sure to look at every angle before deciding, from his spot in the corner he watched as The Games of James (a euphemism for the Elite Survival Class in its entirety that the previous third and fourth years had come up with) began. As Isaac pondered how they would unfold, his keen eyes caught sight of the large clock-tower that stood in the courtyard as a flag blew in the wind, providing him with just enough time to read the large clock, seeing that time was beginning to pass more quickly than he had anticipated, he silently moved himself to the window, taking care not to interrupt class or to take his eyes from any of the action, and began to tie the rope that he had brought with him to the windowsill and then the other end around his waist. His next class was meeting on the courtyard grounds where the festivities had taken place the previous day. As Isaac sat on the windowsill he watched and waited, waiting to see what would happen next
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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Hotarubi felt as if something was calling her, she reminded the challenge Jmaes proposed her last night and before singning for the combat classes she told the teacher she prefered the survival classes, she took a small red seal from her pocket and used it to sign the documents.
She walked out of the room and headed to the survival classes room, she opened the door and looked at James with a tiny smile while walking to an empty seat, hs eplaced her halberd next to her and noticed everyone was drinking something, the same drink was in front of her so she simply took the vial and drank what was inside, the she let the via fall to the floor breaking it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KradKazumi
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KradKazumi Ancient

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While he was walking around, he passed by a class. He peered inside and saw a teacher and some students. Vials were in front of them. "What class is this...?" he looked, and saw that this was the Survival Class. He heard some people talking about it in the banquet. Words like cannibal, death, and more were said about this class. He felt the chills. When the teacher spoke, his thoughts quickly ended and covered his face a bit with his scarf on instinct. He left soon after, "I do not think that class is for me..." Though it interested him, he thought that maybe this was one of those classes where invitations or something were needed. It seemed like a class for elites.

Passing through a window, he saw the clock tower. It seems it's time for him to head to class, if he doesn't want to be late. "I need to hurry up!" he exclaimed. He was still thinking of which classes to attend, but he'll do that later. There was one class that interested him, but he will just take a look at it later. Quickly, he ran towards where the Magic Class will be held. Using his magic, he sped up more and ran in the halls. After a while, he finally arrived. Huffing, he stood before the door. "Okay..." after a deep breath, he knocked and opened the door. "G-Good morning!" he bowed then entered. "T-This is the magic class... right?" he asked, hoping that he went inside the right place. Fortunately, Kiraiian is standing in front, confirming that he is in the right class. However, he's still not completely sure as he doesn't know if teachers here teach multiple subjects. So he waited for confirmation first before sitting on a chair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sleeth
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Sleeth Paladin of the Squirrel God

Member Seen 7 mos ago

It seemed odd to say the least that the combat class didn't seem to be available, at least as the lead had turned around. So again he went along, and allowed himself into the survival class where everyone was drinking a vial. Moving quickly across to the back where he planned to be as unnoticed as his stature would allow, away from peering eyes. He sat, and lifted the vial, smelling it a little. "Poison?" He whispers to himself, but nods. It was much like back at home. Repeatedly through life Ridicians were injected with many types of poison, because anyone who was too weak to resist wasn't worth living anyway. This poison he wasn't familiar with but he had hopes that unless it was a single ingredient he'd have immunities to some of the assets inside of it and a potential advantage. Otherwise, he might be in for another resistance check which was perfectly fine. Determined, he turned the vial up and dumped the contents down his throat. He shut his eyes and focused, attempting to slow his heart beats down which could give him more time. His breathing became long and shallow, his mind focused yet still aware of the world around him. He just had to wait, for instructions or moments of resistance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Talon had very sneakily teleported through the wall of survival class to ensure he wasn't seen to be late. He knew James would somehow know that he was the slightest bit late but he had hoped he would let him off with it even though it was extremely unlikely. He watched the new students drink their viles and pondered as to what James had put in them this year. A placebo? Some Poison? A laxative? He hoped it was a laxative, that was always funny.

K'shaar was in his magic class as soon as the door had opened. He was sitting patiently, making small fireballs and then destroying them just above his furry palms. Almost falling asleep as he waited on his teacher to arrive. When she did he snapped to attention, his back straightening and his head sending his hood flying back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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Hotarubi placed her arms on her desk, her hands covering her mouth and nose, she stared at James, every move he made , and thought about what she could have done to makw him that angry. "mave he fell in love with me" she thought and started to laugh calling the atenttion of everyone in the room, she realized it and covered her face in ambarrassament
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

James looked carefully around the class. Being late was no issue. Happily, he noticed the girl enter the room, and threw her a vial. The vial was a special thing he'd designed himself, It contaned a liquid that reacted when it came into contact with the plastic-like material around the capsule, hardening into a powerful solid. It would cause the capsule to be hardened, and last for two days in the stomach acid of an average human. By the time it burst, it would have harmlessly passed through her digestive system, and the gas would dissipate into the air.
Returning his attention to class, James took a second vial, and placed it on his table. It was bright green, like the other vials, and labeled with a complex numerical code, of which the meaning was known only to James. It was a part of his private numbering system. He looked around the class, before making his statement. Most simply ingested the fluid without a second thought. Victor seemed a little more attentive, however, and checked for poisons. The Ridican, he saw, quite obviously realized this was poison, and was already taking steps to slow it down. Prodigal. If he was as advanced on the applications of chemicals, and the other subjects of this class, then he would skip through it without a problem. The survival of the others, however, was in doubt yet.
"The first lesson, is that I am an undead. I am a murderous, psychotic monster, which feeds of the corpses of those that die in my classes. I will lie to you, poison you, and, if necessary, slice you open. As such, I have poisoned you all. Assuming the metabolism of the average human, the neurotoxin will reach the heart within the hour.. The only cure is in front of me on my desk."James gave each of the students a stern eye before sitting down. "the task is to survive by all means necessary. You are free to work together, against one another, leave the room, and make use of any abilities you have. There are no limits besides your skill and ability. The time limit is until you fall to the ground, dead."
James took a glass of wine from beneath his desk, and sipped from it, savoring the taste. The look of shock on the faces of the students, and the fear slowly beginning to creep through the room. It was intoxicating. Best served with a light wine, early in the morning, from James' experience. Had he been capable of becoming drunk, this would have left him staggering. And the fear was just starters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sleeth
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Sleeth Paladin of the Squirrel God

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Sleeth stood up, and walked up towards the front of the room, seemingly observing the area. He wasn't in combat here, so he could last longer in the phade being able to do the ritual instead of forcing himself in during combat. It wouldn't be too long still, ten seconds maybe, and he knew even if he saved himself he might not be able to get it back to everyone else without it being taken away when he went to give it to them but it was worth a shot. His eyes shut and as he began to speak blood trickled lightly from the left eye. "Ridicio, father, ascend me. Bring my figure to the night, my mind to the light. Allow me passage where men exist and do not, bring me to the world I cannot be touched. In life, after death, I silent as a breath... I fade." His eyes opened, the world seemed to have held still as he entered a new time frame and ran forward. This wasn't even half a second in the true world but he had about ten here. He reached for the vial, intending fully on drinking it first and attempting to bring it to the others but kept his other hand on his blade encase he had to defend himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zoe Beringer

Zoe Beringer

Member Offline since relaunch

((Hello, may i join? If so, should i assume i have been in the class the whole time during the poisoning, or wandered into the scene?))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


Member Offline since relaunch

Hotarubi catched the vial and left it on her desk, she caefully listened to Jame's speech and smiled when he said everyone was poisoned, Hotarubi stood up and walked towards James and placed a vial with a liquid of the same color everyone drank, "i'm sorry, teacher, i think this is yours".It was obviously the vial with poison, Hotarubi made use of her Saiminjutsu, it was an easy trick, she just held the liquid in her throat and let the vial fall on her legs a second a before braking her glass bracelet making everyone think it was the vial,the second step was to spite the liquid inside the vial while covering part of her face.
"oh, by the way, do you know what the chef put to the salad in the banquet? or maybe it's just western food that makes me puke every morning" she said looking at the undead man. she put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a tiny pill, leaving it on his desk, then she calmly walked to her desk with a victory smile and sat down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"God dammit." Delila crushed the empty glass vial in her palm out of frustration. The only way out is to just withstand this, she has done this before, she is strong enough. [i]I can do this[/]. She inhaled and exhaled slowly, cooling herself down before staring down at Rezubian, now she was a different story; The girl could barely withstand a scratch on the finger let a lone the side effect of being poisoned, but it was Delila's duty to protect and serve Rezubian, and under any circumstances she refuses to fail.

She was a strong girl, physically and mentally. Delila closed her eyes and thought for a moment, her lips pursed making a cringing frown. "Shit..." She muttered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Whereas he had appeared to be casually slouching in his chair, James was, in fact, tense and ready. One of the braver students always made a dash for the bottle of antidote, and usually attempted to kill him for it. The only thing that surprised him was that the Ridican had been the first to move, James had expected the Draconian, the norse girl, or perhaps Hotarubi. However, he sat there without moving, as the Ridican took the bottle. It appeared the boy would not challenge James if it was not required, and James thus allowed him to take the bottle unharmed. However, now he revealed information that changed the game of survival.
"There is only sufficient for one dose. Only one person can be cured. Anyone wishing to have a cure, either for themselves or a friend, feel free to either kill the Ridican, or persuade him to give you the serum. All methods are allowed." James sat back again. It wouldn't be long before the poison took effect. It had an incubation period of about an hour, he knew, and once that time had passed, the students would be puking their organs out. Those that couldn't figure out what poison was used, and didn't have any other tricks up their sleeves........ would die.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Isaac's smirk of nostalgia left him as he watched the student eagerly grab the bottle and James reveal the true test of the Vile Vials, he tried to suppress his old memories, unfortunately it all came rushing back at him too fast for even his reflexes, he was suddenly transported back several years ago, the memories seeming to him to be just as real as this reality, he tried to stop his younger self from doing what he did, but he was unsuccessful, as he was every time he tried. Isaac was suddenly jerked back to the warm waters of reality as the bells rang, signaling not long until his actual class. Saluting to james as he made his exit, he took one final look at the room that brought back so many of his embarrassing memories, he looked forward, smiled, and threw himself out the window.

The cool wind began to rush against his face, the cold hard ground fast approaching as Isaac entered free fall, magnificent was the only word Isaac could come up with to explain this feeling, freeing as it was of all responsibility, his senses forcused on only one thing, no dragons to fight, no undead teachers to worry about, no worrying about the blood that Old Lady Ell had been coughing up lately, just him and the cold crisp morning air, these were the last thoughts of Isaac as the ground finally arrived at it's destination...........

Just a few inches short of Isaac. The rope caught him and pulled him back just enough that he was able to land comfortably. He smiled, some people drank tea, some wine, some swore by the new Coffee fad that was going around his hometown, but this, this was his wake-up call. As he untied himself from the ledge and left the rope hanging he forced his hair back into place, and put his swords back into their sheaths, having removed them to cut himself down from the rope. He made his way to his class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sleeth
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Sleeth Paladin of the Squirrel God

Member Seen 7 mos ago

The Ridician blinked suddently, twisting away from the class and resting his hand on the hilt of his blade. He was on a cool down still he didn't have time to enter again quite yet nore did he expect he'd be given time for the ritual so that he could drink it. One survivor for a class, no, he had more some where. No one would attend a class who could only have one succeed. Survival, and resistance. He needed time, so he moved back into a corner, and his eyes flashed silver for a split second giving him some time off thought.

He brought up metabolism, which means it needs time to digest, probably a capsule. Powder? No, that could be mixed into the concoction, if we need time to digest it, there must be a gas capsule in it. small, yes, extremely so but it must be there. I'll take my chances in saying so. Then again, as such, any poison that is taken by drinking could be removed if they took a simple action, it could get it all out, or at least lower the levels enough so there isn't enough in it to overpower their immune system...

He'd waste nothing though. His arm went up and then swung back, elbow crashing into the window. "Why is it that we fret? The poison he's spoken of is a gas and we took a liquid." He explains to them. "Meaning there must be something inside of us to release gas. Throw up, just expel whatever it is." He explains, but taking no chances, he lifted the antidote to his lips and drank it anyway. "Just hope that it hasn't yet kicked in. The longer you wait the greater the chance that it gets you. He brought up basic human metabolism and we just took it less than five minutes ago, it shouldn't have broken yet so get it all out. Lose you're lunch or your lives. You're choice."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Jargon closed his eyes as James spoke. Poison. He took a deep breath and slowly stood up from the chair, remaining calm to keep his heartbeat down. He frowned as he began to think. If he remembered some Neurotoxin's are effected or make inadequate by heat. He was able to increase his body temperature when not in the severe cold with no damages to him. He walked slowly over to an area that wasn't flammable, and quickly raked up his body temperature. Pretty soon, his breath was visible in the air, showing the stark difference in the temperatures.

All he wished was that the heat wouldn't have the opposite effect on the poison. Hopefully a reaction could take place in the chemical compound caused by heat that formed it into something nontoxic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rainmaker


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Victor leaned back, setting the vial of poison down with a deep breath of relief. He was glad he was right about this one thing and didn't just listen to what the teacher said, and was now watching the others deal with the situation. He was a little afraid for them, but he didn't think the teacher would straight up let them die - not really, anyway - and considered it a learning experience for him more than anything, observing the solutions the others came up with. Assuming he wasn't lying when he talked about the metabolism, throwing up would probably be a safe bet - at least something worth trying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Stein watched as the students desperately attempted to survive this encounter, going about it ina number of ways. Victor and the Ridican were safe, due to their caution and skill. However, the rest were failing at doing anything meaningful, as was expected. There were always a few prodigys among a horde of nitwits. The students would have about twenty minutes left before the solution was sufficiently ingested into their bones.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Isaac looked back at the window, he could imagine what was going on as he headed off for the nearest tree, a large Oak that must have been there for centuries. Laying down in the shade of the Oak and waiting for his class to start, Isaac began to ponder about time, about how centuries ago, It's possible that there was a student, at this very academy, who was standing just over there, looking for a shady place to sit on a hot day such as today, and would have seen only a small sapling, finding it unsuitable the student would no doubt go back to his room, and perhaps, dare Isaac even think it; "Study" Isaac greeted the word like an old friend, but like an old friend there were conflicts between the two, and so there was some begrudging respect, and some steel, to Isaacs voice as he said that word.

Then, taking an apple out of his pockets, Isaac began to munch on his early breakfast, a tradition that he had learned from people far to the south, A breakfast, before the normal breakfast, got the body and the mind working sooner, and one could focus one's energy on things that happened at breakfast, as opposed to having thousands of warriors all groggy and hungover from previous nights, this is what some of the great tribes had done to avoid being left open for attack in the morning hours. Isaac loved those times. He watched as the fat Elite Tactics Professor, began to waddle across the yard, a strange Knight indeed. With almost no hair to speak of, and shaped like an unshapely blueberry, the professor cut a not very Intimidating figure, however, inside that lump of lard body was a mind that rivaled even that of Professor Stein, in tactics anyway, none could match James love or passion for poisons, but the Elite Tactics professor, who was now getting rather close, could indeed give anyone a run for their money at...

"Chess" The rather large blueberry looking man said as he sat across from Isaac and opened a board, placing the pieces in their correct spots. Isaac raised an eyebrow and began to put his own pieces in their spots, taking black, as usual, he preferred it, they were the perceived underdog, and there was something conceptual about playing as black, it was the same reason he had painted his own armor the color, there was just something about it that he liked. Professor Plutrawn knew this, and, secretly prefering white anyway, took the color of the paladins of righteousness. After the game was set up. Plutrawn raised an eyebrow, and the game began. Thousands of plots and plans racing through both players minds and being discarded just as easily as the game began to take hold, the Knights, Bishops, Kings, Queens, Pawns, Rooks, all almost taking on a personality of their own as the two generals went to war.
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