Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Balena_Rex said
Kk, I just added the lightning as my character was kind of inspired by wasp from marvel who can blast lightning out of her hands. so yeah. And the sword is just because Hawkman had a weapon and he gifted it to Blue Jay.

Ok, but that still doesn't actually explain the lightning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Balena_Rex
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Balena_Rex *I wish I was I can I who*

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

BlackSam3091 said
Ok, but that still doesn't actually explain the lightning.

It was something he was born with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Interested in coming back to this, for good this time. Would there be any way to revive Apollo? Perhaps some form of divine intervention? If you're hesitant to let me rejoin due to my history with this RP, I understand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[here's my character]

name: Malcolm Winston

Alias: Graviton

Age: 15

Sponsor: The Flash

Personality: he is strong willed, very determined, and laid back, but he can have a temper when someone pisses him off.


Gravity Manipulation: Malcolm's main ability is the power to control gravity in many different ways. He can surround himself in a field of gravity where he can control its flow and amount to give himself the ability to fly. Malcolm can also fire beams and waves of gravity in the form of glowing green energy to knock back his opponents with incredible force. Offensively he can use his power to create a field of gravity around objects to increase their weight and slow them down, but the more weight he puts on an object the more concentration and power it requires. Finally he can also send out powerful waves of gravity from his hands to send things flying as well as use it to pull things towards him. He calls this skill 'Attractions and Repulsion'

Mass Ball: this power allows Malcolm to create a ball of black energy that has a huge amount of mass but is still the size of a basket ball. He can fire this ball of energy at his enemies and it hits with an incredible amount of force to cause a great amount of concussive damage depending on how powerful it is. He can increase the size and mass of the ball but it will take up a lot more energy and even using this power at its regular level can be taxing if used too many times.

Gravity Bomb: Malcolm throws a ball of green energy at his enemies and creates an explosion of gravity which can send opponents flying for several yards depending on the strength of the bomb.

G-shield: this ability allows him to surround himself in a barrier of gravity that repels oncoming attacks, but it only works for attacks that can be effected by gravity and energy attacks can get through. Even though it is effective against physical attacks it cannot withstand intense force and will shatter unless Malcolm puts more energy into the shield.

Weaknesses: his powers are not effective against energy based attacks and has no defense against magic. All of his powers require him to use energy and concentrate, so if he exerts himself too much then he will suffer from fatigue. Aside from his G-shield, Malcolm has no superhuman defenses or durability which means he still suffers from all of the weaknesses that a human has.

Appearance: Malcolm has reddish blond hair and pretty well built for a fifteen year old. Graviton's suit is made up mainly of the colors blue and yellow. The top half of the suit is blue while the bottom half is yellow, and on his chest area is a big 'G' symbol with a circle around it and with a gold colored design. He wears a red cape that goes down to his hamstrings and his G symbol is also on the upper spinal area. His footwear are blue boots that are made for keeping his footing on rough surfaces. Malcolm also wears a red face mask to hide his identity, and has lightning bolt designs that run down the sides of the rest of his costume. Finally he wears black gloves for protection against toxic materials and waste.

Brief Bio: Malcolm's childhood in Central City wasn't what most would call great, his parents were recovering alcoholics and his dad had a few run-ins with some bad people when their money was sparse. In school Malcolm was never popular and he was the victim of bullying on several occasions. It was when he was ten that his powers manifested, he had been bullied that day and his powers stopped them from doing further harm. Realizing that he was a metahuman, Malcolm became afraid of what his parents would think they found out about his abilities. His fears led him to keep his powers secret from everyone he knew, but he tried his hand at hero work to try and make a difference like The Flash did protecting Central City from evil.

Eventually he couldn't keep his heroic identity a secret anymore from his parents so he decided to tell them . They were at first surprised and then a little wary of his gifts out f concern for where they could lead their son to. His parents didn't approve of his crime fighting but he was able to convince them to let him keep up with his hero work. Eventually he had a run with Captain Cold while the Flash was away on a mission with the Justice League, and he managed to defeat the villain, it had been a close fight between to two but Malcolm managed to win. His victory over Captain Cold caught the attention of the Flash and he was offered the chance to become sponsored by the Scarlet Speedster.

He took the name Graviton for his hero identity and he began his career as one of Central City's costumed crime fighters, dishing out justice to those that would harm the innocent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

We'll keep accepting CS's until Sunday afternoon, at which point we'll decide who makes the cut.

Cheers, Sam.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I just finished my CS, I hope it is acceptable
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Edited Apollo's sheet a bit in an attempt to explain his return, and changed his personality up a bit to compensate. If this doesn't work, I actually have another character idea I'd like to throw down. Keep me posted.

Also, on an unrelated note, I just picked up a copy of Kingdom Come by Mark Waid and Alex Ross. Great stuff, one of my all-time favorites now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

All the sheets so far are looking good.

Aye, Kingdom Come is a terrific comic. The novelization by Elliot S! Maggin is even better though, really worth a read if you ever see it available.

One more day for the applicants to get sheets in!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Siti


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Sarin Aboev






Black Canary


Sarin is disciplined. She sticks to plans and does so without complaint. She's quiet and contemplative. With her, there's no beating around the bush with difficult topics of conversation; she's direct. She has little patience for people who bemoan challenges or following a goal.


Shade has no superpowers, but is extremely well trained in kyūdō (Japanese martial art of archery) and khridoli (Georgian martial art). She's keen with a bow and has a small arsenal of trick arrows including rope arrows, bolo arrows, anchor arrows and smoke arrows. Her bow, a long relex bow, is made of an extremely dense material that prevents damage and makes it a viable weapon alongside a curved blade with a length between a short-sword and a dagger. She speaks Russian, Georgian, Ossetian, Japanese and English fluently and is passable in Chinese.


She lacks any sort of healing aspect that other heroes may have, meaning she's vulnerable to wounds. While strong, she's also rather slight so those villains who have a size advantage on her may find it easy to pin her in isolation.

Sarin also has a weak spot for people who are struggling to survive under threat of some power such as a mafia or gang and will make an effort to put a stop to it without hesitating, which could distract her from a true goal.

Moreover, though Black Canary is her sponsor, their relationship is tenuous because of Sarin's original trainer and mentor, Shado, who caused turmoil in the Canary's relationship with Green Arrow. Sarin, however, sees this turmoil to be the result of ill placed jealousy and a sign of weakness.


Sarin is petite. She stands at 5' 3" and 110lbs and has endowment to match. She has thick, jet black hair that she keeps at about chin length. She has heterochromia, with one eye being brown and the other being an icy blue. On her left side, under her arm, she has a tattoo of the proverb "Mze abnele ghomes
ar abraleb" -- "Do not blame the sun for the darkness of the night".

She wears a skin tight, but armored black suit with a leather shoulder guard and quiver over her right shoulder, and a hood with a face mask. She has a thumb ring with a string catch that's made from lapis lazuli, matching the color of her blue eye and providing accuracy in release when firing arrows. Her bow is a tall relex bow made from an unknown material that keeps it unbroken and provides an amount of drawstring force that rivals most high tech compound bows. At her hip, she wears a belt with a hilt for her blade. Her black gloves are reinforced at the knuckle with with mercury sealed in pockets in the leather, working like brass knuckles and her boots are steel-toed.

Brief Bio:

Sarin was born and raised in rural Georgia near the town of Mleta in the region of South Ossetia. Her mother and father were proud Ossetian nationalists and passed on this trait in lessons to her and her siblings. When she was fourteen, a caravan from Russia landed in area, consisting of military police and mafia enforcers who layed down taxes and threats to those who wouldn't pay. Many of the families were frightened and did the best they could, but ended up failing to meet the demands and they were burned alive in their homes. The smoke was seen across the mountains and families with sentiments like Sarin's met and decided to fight back. At night, they made their assault on the camp. They killed man after man and armed themselves with the fallen's weapons making it easier and easier to fight back, until the tides turned and they were forced into submission. A truck went around that night by the homes and a man on a loud speaker announced that the rebels would be brought to their homes and see their families executed before being killed themselves. Out of fear for her children's lives, Sarin's mother sent her and her two brothers away. They made it as far as the crossroads at the bottom of the mountain and its forest, when two of the enforcers found them and opened fire, killing one brother and maiming the other. He fired back and killed the two of them, but was moving slowly. He and Sarin traveled for a day on foot, before he was too sick to travel. He insisted she continue on, since it was likely they were being followed. With great sadness, she left her brother behind and continued down the road at the edge of the woods.

It didn't take long for the men to catch up to her, but just before they caught sight of her, she was pulled into the tree-line by an unkempt man wrapped in rags and animal skins who told her to be still and quiet. After the men passed, he struck her in the head to knock her out and carried her away. When she awoke, she found herself in a wooden home in the woods filled with the smell of stewing meat. The man offered her a bowl. This man, she would come to know as Avtandil, was a hermit and practitioner of what he called "the old ways" and lived his life pursuing them. He fed her and taught her to take care of herself in the wild, trained her in khridoli martial arts and taught her to hunt with a bow. She lived like this until she was 16, when the men who tore her life apart found her again. They slew Avtandil and burned his home, but with her new skills, Sarin took down each of the men who attacked and followed their path in, out, where she found a truck and drove until she hit Tbilisi. There, she took on a simple job and lived in a one room apartment, and went out at night to stop criminals and extortionists terrorizing the undefended common people of the city. News outlets began talking of The Huntress.

One night, on her route, Sarin met another woman with a bow. This woman was Shado, who was following a contract out on The Huntress of Tbilisi. She didn't kill her outright, merely maimed her and talked to her, which is how Shado came to know of Sarin's past and her loss. Drawing similarities to her own struggle with criminal organizations affecting her family, Shado brought Sarin to a hospital and promised to come back to speak to her and to offer her discipline. Shado trained her in her art of kyūdō and stealth, honing her skills as an archer and an assassin. Despite the sisterly, though almost romantic, attachment she developed for Shado, she did things in her training that still haunt her, as she simply wanted to protect the weak and oppressed. Eventually, she became fed up with Shado's ambition and want of money and fought to leave, gaining an advantage on her trainer through her combination of Asian and Caucasian martial arts, prompting Shado to reach out to Black Canary; the closest she could get to Green Arrow. She told her of Sarin, who now had adopted the name Shade, and offered her as a fit for the gathering heroes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lucian said
Edited Apollo's sheet a bit in an attempt to explain his return, and changed his personality up a bit to compensate. If this doesn't work, I actually have another character idea I'd like to throw down. Keep me posted.Also, on an unrelated note, I just picked up a copy of Kingdom Come by Mark Waid and Alex Ross. Great stuff, one of my all-time favorites now.

I love that book, does it read like a religious story to you? because it does to me. If you love the artwork then you should read Justice which is another book done by Alex Ross, it's about a comic book version of the Legion of Doom.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Yog Sothoth said
I love that book, does it read like a religious story to you? because it does to me.

I wouldn't say it's a religious story, but it does have a ton of biblical references, particularly to revelations. Also, the main source of exposition is the bloody Spectre, so yeah. It has some religious overtones.

Yog Sothoth said If you love the artwork then you should read Justice which is another book done by Alex Ross, it's about a comic book version of the Legion of Doom.

Dude, definitely interested! Saw an add for Justice at the back of my copy of Kingdom Come, and I'm looking to get a hold of it. I'll update you once I've read it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hi... new guy here. Already talked to BlackSam via PM. Just putting my CS here as well.

Name: Tea C. Sun the V (That's TEH-ah by the way. I can't find the ' to put over the e)

Alias: Armory

Age: 18

Sponsor: Cyborg (If he's available. Since Tea herself is a cyborg, I figured it be appropriate)

Personality: Tea is kind, noble, friendly, and fiercely loyal to her friends. But this also comes with being naive and overly optimistic. Ironically enough, she's also very shy when meeting new people. But that doesn't stop her from being an utter beast in battle. (or at least that's how I'm going to try and play it. In truth, I have a hard time with personalities, so I'm trying to work outside my comfort zone of my own).

Powers: Tea used to be a very strong technokinetic with technopathic ability as well, however, those day have since passed. Her technopathy has been reduced to merely hearing whispers in machines, and her technokinesis is limited to strictly what's in her body, specifically the micro chip in her brain. Using a combo of both technopathy and technokinesis, she can take the data stored on the chip and forcibly materialize it in the real world. This is called Data Resolution. However, this is only temporary as the objects true form is data and thus has no real anchor in this world. After one minute the data will derezz (yeah, I stole that from Tron. It sounds cool) back into data and enter a "cooldown" period of about one hour. The only exception to this rule is her armor and the weapons it contains. This is because it was reverse rezzed. Basically, her armor IS real, and was merely turned into data and stored on the chip. Thus, it can exist in the real world forever, but can only be held on the chip for exactly 24 hours at a time. The back of the armor also has plates that fold out into a wing shape and while she does have six jets under them (two main, the rest for maneuvering), as well as a brake jet in her torso, flight is impossible. Due to her weight, the energy output required would drain her generator (her heart) ridiculously fast. However she can glide, and use the jets to assist in a high jump or to shift direction in the middle of a jump.

Her armor's weaponry includes:
Twin pistols: Stored in and attached to, her gauntlets (all ammo is data with both lethal and non-lethal rounds)
Twin collapsible mini SMGs: Stored in her thigh guards (all ammo is data with both lethal and non-lethal rounds)
Collapsible Bow: Stored in her left gauntlet, opposite her pistol. Primarily used for stealth (to use, she has to turn the gauntlet to line the bow with her hand. Arrows are data)
Cybernetic right arm also contains an experimental high-output energy projectile device. However, this is dangerous to use because risk of overheating could result in permanent damage to arm systems. Usage recommended only as last resort.

Data Weaponry includes:
Ammo for pistols (as magazines) - 20 total
Ammo for SMGs (as magazines) - 30 total
Arrows for Bow (individual) - 10
Twin katanas (because katanas are just better) named Kindness and Sweetness.

And that's it. But if the lock on her microchip was removed somehow, more data could be added or removed.

Weaknesses: WARNING - WARNING - Armor shock-absorbing systems and anti-electrical systems are malfunctioning. Too much damage can cause system to fail and allow heavy impacts and/or high voltage shocks to knock some systems offline. Please exercise caution when facing dangerous opponents, specifically those electricity-based and those with high physical strength. Thank you and have a nice day.

Appearance: For Tea herself, she looks like this:

Her armor looks like this (but obviously adjusted for a female frame) minus the helmet, and the back is covered with plates that can fold out into wings.

For her helmet? This (although the coloring and texture matches the armor):
While her entire right arm, left forearm, and both forelegs are fully cybernetic, the last layer of metal is colored to resemble her skin, but is slightly lighter.

Brief Bio: Tea remembers nothing from before her 17th birthday (or at least what she considers her birthday). Her first memory began in a high-tech laboratory somewhere. Awaking in a sheer utter panic, she attempted to flee, but was stopped by a tall black man in silver armor. The man, named Victor Stone, or Cyborg, managed to subdue her and calm her down, before explaining how he had found her lying, damn near dead, near the wreckage of an explosion out in the deep forests of the countryside. Unable to just leave her behind, he brought her back to his lab and tried to help her recover, but he had to replace half her body with cybernetic replacements. When he asked if she had any family, she just responded with "I don't remember". Asking what her name was, she tearfully responded "I don't know". The girl had no memory of anything. Even her name. Looking at her remaining human arm (or at least what was left human) she noticed a few letters and a number stamped into it. T. E. A. C. S. U. n. 5. Teacsun 5? Maybe it was a clue? Breaking it down, she decided to call herself Tea C. Sun the V. At least until she could learn the truth.

Deciding to help her, Cyborg offered Tea room and board to help her in her search. One day, about a year later, while visiting the city, Tea was assaulted in the streets. Attempting to defend herself, she found herself wishing for a weapon, like a sword, and suddenly, one materialized in her hand. Without even thinking, she easily disarmed her assailants. In her shock, they managed to get away, but she didn't care. She was too stunned. Then she realized she couldn't exactly walk around with a full-blown katana in sight. She tried to make it go away, but nothing was happening. Panicking for a few minutes, it eventually broke down into little pixel-like squares and disappeared... right into her brain. Immediately making her way back home, she explained what happened to Cyborg. Without hesitation, she asked permission to become a superhero. She had heard about this whole crime-fighting thing and had strongly desired to become one herself. But Cyborg refused, on the grounds that they had no idea what her abilities were or how they even worked, not to mention she hadn't even had any training. After arguing for a bit, Tea locked herself in her room. Deep down, she knew Victor was right, but she didn't care. Ever since that day he found her, she had wanted to do something to show her appreciation, and now that she had learned she had a special ability, she wanted to be able to help him. To take some of the load off his aging shoulders. So she decided to train in secret. The first thing... how the hell to form her katana. Which... actually came easy, now that she knew she could do it. So was using it... almost like... muscle memory. Weird. Didn't take her long to figure out she could form two katanas. Soon she discovered she could form an entire suit of armor, chock full of weaponry. And she even figured out how to put it back. Although she also noticed her weapons had a time limit. The armor on the other hand. Once she started using it, she eventually realized she had to pull it out once every 24 hours to let it recharge (she had been doing this subconsciously at night while she slept to deal with the 24-hour rule). Finally, she started taking to the streets at night, where she began to take on small time crime under the name "Armory". Needless to say, she was caught by Cyborg rather quickly. Realizing how determined she was to help him, and that nothing he could say or do would stop her... Cyborg decided to place her on "the team". At least that way there would be others who could watch her back, and keep her from doing anything stupid, as well as being "official". And that brings us to today. (I figured she would be a new addition. That way I can learn how this works alongside Tea)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@BlackSam3091, does Malcolm's bio fit what you're going for with the rp? Because I don't mind changing it around if it doesn't seem to fit.

@CrimsonWarrior55, longswords own katanas, lol! i'm sorry but I couldn't help myself lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Gravitons looking good Yog, I'll let you all know who's made the cut tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yog Sothoth said
@CrimsonWarrior55, longswords own katanas, lol! i'm sorry but I couldn't help myself lol

Lol. No prob. Bottom line is; Everyone likes the slicey-slicey.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@CrimsonWarrior55 and Siti Thank goodness for you both entering with other female newbies. All the other new characters who have been entered have been male and I thought poor Kendra was going to be all alone XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I am really curious to see how a gravity based hero does in an rp, I haven't seen it done yet in a superhero rp
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Siti


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@XxFelsingxX No, no! She won't be stranded in a pool of testosterone haha Hopefully at least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Siti said
@XxFelsingxX No, no! She won't be stranded in a pool of testosterone haha Hopefully at least.

testosterone is awesome, it's what makes DBZ look so badass lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Ok everyone, time for the good news/bad news scenario.

Good news is that Lucian, CrimsonWarrior55 and Siti have been accepted into the RP as new recruits.

Bad news is the rest of you didn't make it. Sorry guys, but we only had so many spaces.

Cheers for all the great applications guys, later on.
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