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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Upon seeing his long, windswept hair, his signature hat, the longsword and shield, and the robes, Midna sharply sucked in her breath. Could it be...? No. It didn't take a keen observer to notice that the approaching figure was not the hero of legend. Something was dreadfully off, and it wasn't just the clothes' somber color scheme. As he approached, drawing the gaze of the crowd that had been bemused by Midna's silence, the Twilight Princess figured it out. It was his eyes.

The townsfolk seemed to receive his dark vibe even more than she did. Though neither of his weapons were in hand and only a smirk plastered his face, the people hurried to get away from him. One man, a soldier or at least a guard judging by his equipment, moved forward to halt the threatening figure. In an instant, the man was flung several dozen feet away to smack, unconscious, into the plaza's nearest wall. For a moment Midna was taken aback, open-mouthed in astonishment. Her shock continued through his little speech, though her mouth closed so that her teeth could grind in suppressed fury as the shadow questioned, derided, and then insulted her.

Not everyone present was as meticulous in their restraint. When the guard was thrown, they scuttled back from Dark Link in terror. Some of them simply fled the scene, and quite a few of them shied toward Midna, whose genial manner and less frightening visage made her the more comfortable between her and the shadow. Ironically, Dark Link's next move was to try to appeal to them via reason, which belied incredible bad judgment. Finally, when the shadow was done ribbing her, he fell silent in reply. Those who had grown to perceive this event as a debate looked at the Twilight Princess for a reply.

She made none.

Instead, the vanished in a spray of black specks and reappeared next to the limp form of the guard. She knelt and laid two fingers on his throat, feeling for a pulse. A steady beat beneath her pale fingertips indicated that his helmet had done its job. When Midna rose to her feet, she began to walk toward Dark Link, a look of eerie calmness on her face.

“This is most interesting.” The sudden monotony of her voice starkly contrasted its earlier liveliness. “An evil spirit, wearing the face of a beloved legend, attacks an innocent man, then mocks me while defending the goddesses. Once we are done here I will explain myself to the people, but I will not make conversation with a demon. Suffice to say this: I have the wisdom to know what is right. I have the courage to change the world. These people are under my protection now, demon. If you do not turn around and leave Castle Town this instant, I will show you the extent of my power.”

A look of determination now resided on her face. Her hands were slight raised, spaced about a foot away from her waist on either side, in a clear gesture of 'try me'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 1 day ago

Dark Link growled, the crowd was sacred of his figure no doubt due to it's resemblance of the Hero yet it's dark nature however this women was not the only one who could call on parlor tricks and use deceit. He spoke loudly cursing as if he could not help himself. "Blast and damn, seems I'm not the only one your spectacle attracted my other half, next time we meet I shall not be so generous." With that the shadow melted away, the sun shown back on the ground as if the sky itself had released the breath it was holding. The place seems safer when in actuality it was not Dark Link reformed not far away but different, using his magic his turned a golden blonde, his skin became a milky white, as his tunic and turned green, eyes softening to blue from red all hints of who he was were gone, for all purposes he was the hero he even wore a convincing smile .

This new Link bolted around the corner back into the line of sight of the common folk, silently he approached Midna, the crowd murmuring all the while looking at the visage, even the master sword on his back looked the part perfectly. "You there, I had heard reports of a shadow stalking the streets, last report came from here have you seen him?" He looked around at the worried crowd before going over to the poor knocked over man. He gently picked him up leaning him against the wall he produced a water skin slowly pouring a slow trickle into his mouth letting him drink. The guardsmen then asked the question that all others had wanted to hear the answer to. "Are you the Hero?" He asked as Link retracted the skin from his lips.

"Yes... Or that's at least what the Master Sword thinks." Turning to Midna he bowed his head in shame and defeat. "Truly I am sorry I did arrive sooner to deal with that shade, however I have to ask are you the woman whose been saying those things about princess Zelda?" He asked looking up at her with curiosity. He seemed worried to ask, as if he might have offended her. "It's just that I've met Zelda, I mean she is such a nice woman and so caring about her people. I don't understand why you want to see her dethroned... I mean sure the kingdoms in hard times but I grew up on a farm in Ordin village and the kingdom has always done right by us, it's only fair we support them right?" He asked though it sounded more like a statement.The crowd speaking in whispers about the hero and his thoughts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

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Ganondorf held his curses in. What was that moron doing? Supporting the enemy?! This had better be a way to turn Midna to his own side. He took it as that sort of opportunity.

"My lady!" His voice boomed over those of the murmuring crowd. "You are right. Zelda does not belong on the throne." He began walking toward the Twili. The crowd parted as though his presence was a knife cutting through the softest loaf of bread.

He shot a glare at Dark Link. "This kingdom is in shambles since your good king, Harkinian, had fallen ill." He addressed the people. "Zelda is not a suitable replacement. Though she is kind and she is good, she lacks the brutality required to keep herself and her people safe. Come people, let us raise a new ruler to the throne. One more capable of ruling."

"You're a Gerudo, are you not?" A shaky Hylian stepped out into the open space in front of the Evil King. "What does the fate of Hyrule have to do with you?"

"Trade. And, of course, protection. I propose open trade routes and soldiers to the Hylian people... on one condition. Zelda is not on the throne." He smirked at the Hylian.

"And who do you propose takes her place?" A woman's voice sounded from the crowd.

"Your lady, the Twilight Princess." He gave the princess a regal bow. "My lady, I offer my support in your endeavors."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 1 day ago

Link had spent his tell well scouting and determining the best route to the throne room, it would involve going through the royal quarters and the past each royal family members bedroom but it would be worth it. Sneaking past the first guard who was asleep on duty as he made his way through the garden occasionally trading glaces with his new fairy companion he stopped halfway through, here was where things got tricky. Pulling himself up onto the roof of one the verandas he slowly walked along jumping down once he passed the group of guards breaking for lunch under it. Soon he had made it across the garden and to the hall, he began to make his way though only stopping once seeing to servants duck into a bedroom. He decided to rest for a moment leaning against the wall he looked at his fairy friend. "Lets stop here, catch our breath before we move on, alright?" He sighed, he was saddened by Fi's silence as of late but he knew that she could sleep for long period of time and then awaken, time meant nothing to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Turning tail and running was the last thing Midna expected from the demon. While she longed to summon a trident and impale Dark Link from behind, she was forced to content herself with simply imagining it, given the company. After doing so, she turned around and walked back toward the fountain. “That was unfortunate. I am grateful that the demon fled and no-one else is hurt.” Her voice had lost its steely, tranquil fury, and she seemed to be at ease once more. Her confidence helped the remaining people to overcome their trepidation. With the intruder gone, a few of the skittish townsfolk returned from the fringes of the plaza. Along with them came a new arrival to the scene, a massive, swarthy man that struck Midna as a true warrior. Rather than floating up into the air once more, Midna -figuring that the Hylians had enough of magical displays for the time- lounged casually on the fountains edge. “Let us hope there are no more such surprises.”

That, however, didn't seem to be the case. Before the Twilight Princess could continue to speak, a tunic-clad figure rounded the corner of a nearby general shop and came barreling into the square. For a moment Midna was alarmed, but the leaf-green of the young man's clothes made her reconsider. After a moment she realized that she stood before the real deal, even more perfect than the myths described. Her lips parted slightly, and she was at a loss for words. Swiftly, though, her mind caught up with her. As much as she wanted to talk to Link, she knew she would have waited until later even if the encounter with his doppelganger hadn't left a bad taste in her mouth.

Somehow, it didn't surprise her when he, too, questioned her motivations. It seemed oddly appropriate, come to think of it; in all the legends, the hero of time had defended Zelda. Though opposition by combat and opposition politically were very different, Midna supposed it was the same case here. Does that make me...his enemy? She watched him sharply. He is shorter than I expected. Shorter than I.

A new voice, resonating with masculine baritone, swept away her reply. The 'true warrior' she had marked only moments before now spoke. Her yellow eyes narrowed to behold his visage. Something about him seemed oddly familiar, though not out of prior association. In fact, she felt as if she had seen him somewhere before. It came as a surprise to hear this man openly and unabashedly declare his support for her. Her mind raced to come up with words appropriate for such an unexpected circumstance.

“And I, uh, warmly thank you. Sir! You need not bow before me...just yet, at least. Allow me to make myself no longer a stranger to you.” While she sounded elated, she subtly failed to return to him any gesture of respect. Her voice rose as she began to explain.

“I hail from a land called the Twilight Realm. Sound familiar? No? Well, if you were to look east, west, south, and north, for all your years, you would not find it. It lies on another world, one perpetually shrouded in the half-light of dusk and dawn. It is a beautiful land, in its own way, but it is a lonely place without the life and variety of Hyrule. My father is King Mizorant, but his kingship is one quite different from the one imposed on this land. You see, my father is the proud leader of a system of government called an Elective Monarchy. Every few years, the Twili -my people- gather. Competitors to the throne, from all walks of life, appear to challenge his position. How do these competitors do battle? With words and deeds. Each strives to prove that he or she is more worthy of ruling than the next, and to their favored competitor each Twili gives a voice. The one with the most voices becomes the new ruler. As such, to stay in power, the ruler must make certain that they maintain the favor of the people. The boundary between noble and commoner shrinks, and the Twili and their King share the same will. That is what is called Elective Monarchy. My proposition is this: I give to you, and every citizen of Hyrule, a voice. I will strive to win your hearts, and if you deem me worthy of ruling, I shall strive to be the greatest ruler Hyrule has known. And should you choose Zelda? She is yours, and the consequences of her rule, yours also. Questions, please!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WatermelonTango


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

((Collaborative Post Between WatermelonTango and ApollosArcher))

Zelda didn't sleep well last night. She for the first time had to hold a man at arrow point to be picked up by the castle authoritees for questioning. The looks in his eye haunted her; he claimed to be a servant of Impa. He was currently in custody to be questioned by the authoritees, but Zelda couldn't help but believe him. He seemed genuine, and she was sure that the dark gauntlet on his arm was a burden on him. What sort of twisted dark magic would do that kind of thing to someone? Zelda stood lost in thought as she fiddled with the contents on her desk.


Link got up slowly deciding it would be best to press on before anyone noticed his presense. He began to slowly move though the hall when he heard approaching guards he panicked before ducking though one of the doors. He froze as he turned, his Tri-force piece glowing brightly as he looked forward, face to face with the princess he was looking for he was at a loss for words.

Zelda looked at the man who had just stepped into her room with surprise.
"Who are-" She began until she got a better look at his face. Zelda blinked with the sudden realization. "I.. I remember you! You're the boy who fled Castle town during his initiation!"

Zelda's attention was caught by the glowing triforce symbol on his wrist. Her own symbol was glowing in response.
"No..." She began, her disbelief making it difficult to form a proper sentence.
Link nodded and gulped. "My names Link, Princess I was one of the farmers conscripted by your father due to rising amount of monster attacks in Hyrule fields. Yes I deserted but fate decided on something else." He slowly reached back and gripped the Master Sword gently pulling it free knealt before her. "I'm the Hero reborn."

There was a moment of silence as Zelda processed what Link had to say. The boy she had known as a simple farmhand was the bearer of the triforce of courage!
"You know... You couldn't have come at a better time." Zelda said with a warm smile.
"Things in Hyrule have been getting more and more uncertain. Strange forces have been gathering in castle town, and with you here in front of me now I know I don't have to face them alone."
Zelda approached Link and inspected the blade of the master sword.
"This is the real thing alright. I can feel the power emanating from the blade itself. Did you have trouble sneaking past my guards?" Zelda had a good humored grin on her face.

"No not really, they seem to just walk the same patterns over and over again. You pay attention it's simple. Didn't hurt I used to walk the place so I know my way around." He gave her a smile as he placed the sword back in the scabbard. "I'm glad I can help you Princess, Hyrule is home just much as anyone else. Where should we start?"

Zelda reached out and grabbed Link by the hand.
"Follow me," She said as she lead him to her balconey. From up here they had an excellent view of Hyrule town.
"As the bearer of the Triforce of Wisdom, I can sometimes sense when something is going on. I usually don't know what's happening, but I can usually tell if it's good or if it's bad."
She paused as she looked out solemly over the town.
"Recently the visions have been the darkest they have ever been. I can feel strange magics not native to Hyrule at work within castle town, and murmurrings of conspiracy in the streets. Something big is happening."
There was a large crowd gathering in the center of town. From this height they couldn't make out any specific details, but such large crowds are not common place in Castle Town.
"...What do you make of that crowd?" Zelda's brow was furrowed with concern.

Link's face flushed as the Princess held his hand as they look over Castle Town. "I don't know, I've been trying to get in here to see you. Perhaps this calls for some investigating by you and me? My first act serving the kingdom?" He gave her hand a gently squeeze trying to reassure her as they looked over the town below. Something was definetely going on, what ever it was Link didn't like it.

"Perhaps we should use a different way out though? The way I came in required swimming through the moat against the current. I almost drowned trying to make it in." He sighed trying to think of a way they could get out of the Castle without being spotted, no doubt the guards would try to stop him if they went out the front door.
"You know I have just the way. A secret tunnel out of the castle and into town. Promise not to tell anyone, okay?" She said with a mischevious smirk.

"It's a secret to everybody."


Zelda and Link made their way through the streets of Castle Town. While there was the odd passerby, the streets were noticably emptier. Most likely due to the goings on in the castle square. The two of them finally made it to the commotion. What they saw was hard to take in.As the two neared the square they could make a strange women standing above the rest and man who towered over the others in the crowd looking Gerudo in descent. What shocked them most was a perfect copy of Link standing their in middle of the crowd.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Navi stayed quiet as Link infiltrated the Castle. Her breath caught when he entered in through the moat. She remembered doing this a very long time ago with another youth in green. Then again waterways were usually the weakest point in any Castle it was more than likely just a coincidence. Hyrule Castle itself was not the same one that Navi had once seen. It had been demolished and rebuilt a half-dozen times since her days. The architecture was similar though and Navi noted with disgust the guards were just as incompetent. Link slipped by them more than easily.

Navi found it mildly sad how boring there infiltration of the Castle was. Eventually however Link came to the Princess Zelda's quarters. He entered them quickly to find the Princess on the otherside as though she had been waiting. Zelda was at first alarmed at how Link had entered the Castle but seeing the Triforce of Courage glowing on his hand calmed her.

The sight of her brought back horrible memories for Navi, of a Princess not much older than this Zelda. She was angry, beyond angry and it was Navi's fault. "Strike her name and her deeds from the record and legends of the Hero. If she need be there refer to her only as 'a friend' or 'the fairy'. Navi of the Kokiri Forest, I banish you from this place. You are no longer welcome in Castle Town. If anyone should see you here they have every right to kill you on sight." The Princess waved her hand. "Go before I change my mind and have you executed."

Navi gulped but this Princess Zelda had not that rage on her face. Indeed her attention was not focused on Navi at all but only on Link. As it always has been, Navi thought with some amount of contempt. Zelda showed Link a glorious view of the Castle Town Square were some sort of event appeared to be taking place, Navi could make out no more than a large crowd but it was what she felt that worried her the most. She could feel three... no four, three sources of black magic emanating from the square. The distance made it difficult to divine exactly where they came from or exactly how many there were but the fairy could tell something very dark was going down.

Link and Zelda agreed that they should take a closer look. Zelda volunteered a secret passage that ran beneath the Castle for there exit. It was deep and old and indeed may well have dated back to one of the previous Castles built on this spot. It was far older than the passages above.

When they arrived at the Square a strange sight met there eyes but even stranger was all that Navi could feel. She slipped off Link's shoulder and fell to the ground transforming back to human shape just as she touched the paving stones. For several seconds she could not find the strength to stand under the weight of the dark powers in the square.

The greatest of them all belonged to a dark skinned man that towered above the crowd. The power that he gave off was not evil exactly but it felt tainted. Navi had felt the same presence ages ago, in the great Black Tower during the Hero of Time's final battle the dark wind that had prevented Navi from assisting her Hero had felt the same as this, it was the Triforce of Power which could mean only one thing about the man's identity. The King of Evil was returned.

The next was that of a man that stood in the middle of the crowd his appeared the duplicate of the Hero standing behind Navi but she knew what he truly was. He too she had met ages past, deep in the Water Temple below Lake Hylia he had been part of the corrupting force that nested there. Shadow Link, Darkness' Champion just as much as Link was Light's. He was reborn to match the current Hero but his power had not changed. They were stronger now though, with age his magic seemed to have intensified.

Then there was the elegant Lady that stood at the center of the ground. Her power was not so dark as that Shadow Link possessed but it was black magic, magic of the darkest night right before the dawn comes, the magic of Twilight. Navi had never met this particular figure before but the fairy had lived through the age of Twilight. Hidden with the other fairy deep within the Cave of Ordeals were the Great Fairy dwelt. None had been pleased to see Navi but as much as they despised her they would not doom her to death in the Twilight for fairies cannot survive in that world. From the legends Navi guessed this to be a decedent of the Twilight Princess, Midna. Only the royal family of that realm would have artifacts to allow the Twili to avoid melting into the shadows that light cast.

The accumulation of these figures and the magic they gave off was not a good sign. It weight so heavily on Navi that as she made to stand she retched onto the cobblestone of the street before getting shakily to her feet. "My Princess, this is not a safe place to stand. I would advise you to get as far from here as you can, this may escalate to violence and given who is here in this square the Hero may not emerge victorious. It may be best that the Triforce of Wisdom was elsewhere should a battle break out."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ganondorf waited quietly as the woman asked the crowd for questions. There was an obvious air of uncertainty that thickened as each on-looker asked their questions. He began thinking of a more subtle way to grab the princess' attention. Perhaps he'd propose a secret meeting when the crowds have dispersed? This woman seemed promising.


Happy watched in interest as Midna spoke. She told of her background and her plans. She was very intriguing. Almost as intriguing as the mock Hero. The black toned Link was unmistakably the Hero's dark side. The land's history often spoke of him. He was always only as evil and ruthless as the Hero himself was good and pure.

Another interesting character was the brawny Gerudo. He too seemed familiar. A little too familiar. Happy was well familiarized with Hyrule's oral history. The legends and stories of old that only exist through the mouths of old people and children. His aura held the strength of power tainted by selfish greed. This man was clearly the Evil King of Legend.

What did the Evil King want with Midna? Did he plan to use her? He has always been known to be manipulative. Perhaps he planned to corrupt the princess. This all provided she wasn't already corrupt.

He hoped she wasn't corrupt. She had convinced him and, by the sound of it, several of the Hylians in the square that her cause was a noble one. Or at least one worth pursuing.

He thought he would try to catch up with the woman and her odd friend after the event. He wanted to offer his support as well as his advice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 1 day ago

Dark Link growled, as he stared at his counter part both Links hands rested on there respective blades. Shadows Link was not on his back but on his belt for quick use. He always wondered why the Hero did that, a sword on your back just made it harder to reach. Never the less he stepped forward walking towards Link and Zelda. Link readied himself for a fight that never came, classic him always wanting to jump the gun and battle rather than listen. As he passes the Princess he gave her a wink and then a sharp whistle to draw the crowds attention to the Princess and Hero who had arrived. As he did he stepped into a shadow and vanished like sand in the wind, deciding that to many questions would be thrown if remained.

Ganondorf then heard a whisper in his ear, it came from his shadow. "Master, I suggest you remain clam but the Hero and the Princess are here, we do not have the ability to challenge them. I suggest working with this women, she seems to be like me in some respects, however she is somewhere between Light and Dark." With that he stopped speaking simply waited staring at where Link stood. Link now stood directly beside the Princess as if to shield her from a fight that would not come. At least he hoped not his Master was surely smarter than that, his previous Master had been at least that smart.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Midna froze. Suddenly it seemed like every important person in the world was present. Perhaps that assumption was right, too: there was her, the Gerudo warrior, the Princess -whose opposing status did not escape Midna's notice-, and no fewer than two Links. Her gaze flickered back and forth between the two. While she was watching, she heard a whistle off to the side, and while most of the crowd looked to the whistling Link and then followed his pointing finger to notice the arrival of the second Link and Zelda, Midna kept her eyes on the original. It surprised her, then, when he touched a townsperson's shadow and melted into nothingness. "I guess we have our doppelganger," she murmured.

Her instincts were still not at ease, though. Even though Dark Link had vanished, the general atmosphere was wrought with tension. She pushed off the fountain and held her hands in the air. "Very well then! If we have no questions, I see no reason to stand on further ceremony. This party is now over. Thanks for coming, more thanks for listening, and please do consider voting for me in one week's time, when Hyrule's first official poll is held. Fare well!"

The crowd, still somewhat tense and now having no further pretext to remain, began to disperse. As it thinned, the more pivotal personas were left behind. Midna, Ganondorf, Link, Zelda, Navi, the Happy Mask Salesman, and by extension Dark Link remained. One more figure was nearby, though even more insubstantial than Dark Link now. It was the image of a tall, robed man in a chameleon mask, humming and buzzing like a holographic projection. Not noticing, Midna simply clasped her hands behind her back, wearing a small smile and wondering who would break the ice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Well. This is a day for the history books." The Happy Mask Salesman cleared his throat uneasily as his nervous eyes darted from person to person. He could feel the discomfort rising from the bottom of his spine to the top of his head. He gave the others a smile and tried to hide the unease.


Ganondorf could feel the clear dissonance of wills in the air like a thick fog. Each member of their respective sides casting sly glares at their opponents. He looked at the small man that had spoken. He was a twig and clearly struggling to hide his emotions. Though he smiled largely and spoke with a joyful tone, he was still trembling a little.

Ganondorf looked at the others one at a time, sizing them up. The Princess Midna with her fiery hair and dark clothing. A different power emanated from her. One that was totally self-driven. The Hero of Legend was there as well. His sword, Evil's bane, was with him. The King could already feel it tugging at his heart. A woman who could be no one else but the Princess Zelda herself. She looked calm, but he was unsure. Past versions of the fair girl had been quite outspoken and almost angry. Dark Link had his usual demonic presence about him. And there was still Vaati, now cowering behind Ganondorf's robe.

"It is indeed." He said to the little man, eying him. "Are you a historian, my friend?"

"No sir. Just a humble mask salesman." The strange man's response included a deep bow and a bounce upon returning to a standing position.

"Then why, may I ask, are you here?" Ganondorf's voice scratched a little bit as he tried to cover the slight irritation.

"I wish to speak to Lady Midna." He looked at her and gave her a slight bow of the head.

Ganondorf looked at the woman as well, waiting for her response to the jittery man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

The Happy Mask Salesman, being the only soul present that Midna was acutely familiar with, was a welcoming option for her to choose. "By all means," she invited, "Speak your mind."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 1 day ago

Link looked at Zelda before he opened his mouth to speak. "Ciela, lead the princess away, I want to investigate this it seems to be a issue I can solve with words." He sighed and stepped forward nervously, following after the strange women. Surely if he spoke with her he could convince her to stop this strange voting system. Hyrule had a system and it had protected them for hundreds if not thousands of years. The Goddesses could be trusted... Right?

Dark Link slipped away, tailing the Princess a evil idea coming to him as he moved past her. If he could impersonate Link once more and fake the Hero's death Zelda and the royal city would try to attack Midna, once that happened his master could bring troops and unleash his power to "liberate" the kingdom. A grand idea now he just needed to take care of a few things first...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"W-well, I was hoping we might speak in private as I don't know any of these people... at least not personally-" he looked around the clearing. "-and I feel it would be inappropriate to talk about it around them even if I did know them. It isn't terribly urgent."

The Happy Mask Salesman twisted his hands in nervous knots. That was the only sign of anxiety he showed. He could feel the most malignant of the powers staring at him, boring holes into his calmness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

At last, it seemed that the gravity of the situation was beginning to get to Midna. An uneasiness wormed its way into her consciousness, and she looked at the others assembled in turns. Every glance held suspicion, but the swarthy warrior seemed all the more ominous for his lack of action. It was enough to make Midna want to leave, but she knew she could not simply flee without giving the impression of fearfulness. As such, she was happy when the nervous-looking Happy Mask Salesman suggested that they speak in private; it provided a legitimate excuse to leave this foreboding plaza behind. "Certainly," she responded. The word came out a little too quickly, which she realized, so she hurried to cover for herself. "Any inquiry is important."

Just then, the hero began to approach. A tiny panic entered Midna's head as Link drew near. He was going to talk to her! What could she say? If Twili could have blushed, she might have in that moment. At any rate, the diminutive salesman was instantly forgotten. "Can...I help you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 1 day ago

Link did his best to shake his nervousness as he approached Midna, she was a princess after all. He gave a curt bow out of respect for her title, even if was trying to up set the system he would show her respect as she deserved. "Hello Princess Midna, I'm sorry but I have to know what the end goal of all of this is, Hyrule has always been governed this way and when there was strife or suffering a Hero has come forth in there name. I know times are difficult with the King being ill but I cannot fathom why we would change or royal family in a time like this." He looked her over, she seemed rather regal, a few years older than him at least. He hoped that should we prove reasonable and friendly enough. "I hope I do not offend with my statements Princess Midna." He added trying not to sound rude.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

For a brief moment, Midna closed her eyes to put her thoughts in order. This was no time to lose oneself. When her eyes reopened, she perused the wavy hair, blue eyes, and pointed ears of the young man standing before her with their scarlet irises. <i>Enough childish shyness. This 'hero' is my foe.</i>

The Twilight Princess kept her face even as she replied. “Of course not. I would not expect a warrior to understand the intricacies that necessitate a new rule. You mention the legends that I too have read, the recurring cycle of the kingdom falling to darkness and the hero saving it.” Her heartbeat was beginning to speed up. Her breathing was steady, but only because she forced it; why was he having this effect on her? She dearly hoped her suspicions were incorrect. “In-in the end, those legends all ended more or less happily, but only after the land was savaged was it saved. My en-end goal is to break the cycle by becoming the ruler of Hyrule, one with the power to oppose the demon king. That is what is best.”

As she said this, she made herself look away from Link's sky-blue eyes. Her gaze happened to fall on the swarthy warrior that had pledged himself to her cause, and something in her brain clicked. Her mouth fell open as she realized that she was looking at none other than Ganondorf himself. It could be no other; he had the obvious strength, the flame-orange hair, the dark clothing and complexion...how had she not noticed this before? Her mind raced to figure out what action to take, but she found her focus shattered by a flurry of conflicting emotions. One of them distressed her deeply, and it was fear. One question arose from the tumult: where was Zant?

After a few awkward, silent moments, she composed herself and came to a conclusion. Her melodic voice sang out, loud and clear. “If any of you doubt that I have the power to protect and serve this kingdom, now is the time to quarrel with me.” The Happy Mask Salesman had been totally forgotten by now. Midna's eyes bored into Zelda's. “I will gladly take on you, Princess, or you, Hero of Time, or even you, my Gerudo compatriot, in a sportsmanlike duel. Not very ladylike of me, I know, but Hyrule needs a strong ruler, and I must show that I have that strength.”

The Phantom Zant stationed nearby flickered and disappeared. Time was short.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Happy brought the attention back to himself. "Let's not any of us fight... o-or duel... or whatever. Clearly we are at a very... tense cross in the roads to say the very least, but I highly doubt that fighting it out in the middle of town square will solve anything!" He was unaware of how loud he was getting, but it didn't stop him when he realized it. "No disrespect, my Lady, but, if I were you, I would not challenge any of these here to any sort of physical quarrel at this exact time as they all have one thing in common. They have next to nothing to gain from having you live. Your plan will go nowhere if they smother you out now. I don't doubt that you're strong. I know that you are, but I also know that at least some of these people wield the power of the Goddesses themselves. So please tread carefully!"

After sharing his piece, he realized just how far out of line he'd stepped and quickly clapped a hand to his mouth and forbade himself to speak anymore. His calm cover dissolved around him and he could no longer control his knees. They shook with a nervousness so strong one could smell it.


Ganondorf looked at the woman with a mixed expression of surprise and irritation. Before he could say anything in response to her challenge, the salesman spoke up. He was clearly nervous, but spoke his mind quite clearly and very much so in favor of the darker princess. Turning against is own people. What a shame and, even more so, a coward.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Navi knew her duty was to protect the Princess. In every one of his incarnations Link had been fully capable of handling himself and Navi should trust that would come out of this unscathed. Besides Ganandorf's end game was always the complete domination over Hyrule. With the Hero and Princess gone he could with enough time convince the people he was a fit ruler and he did need them on his side but that would never happen if he started a fight to the death in the middle of Castle Town square. He'd likely wait for a less public location and more stealth like means. Link was right, for the moment this could be solved with words. Midna was a skilled politician she also would not be foolish enough start something here. Dark Link worried her slightly, even if he was no longer physically present she could still feel his presence. She trusted though that Ganondorf would keep him under control.

Even knowing all of this something inside Navi didn't wish to miss this. Of course Link would tell her what happened afterward but she knew the people here and there magicks much better than he did. She could help him. She lingered for just a few minutes. She'd hear just the beginning to make sure Link was alright, then she'd take the Princess to safety. As she'd expected Link started with an honest question regarding the Cycle of the Goddess. If this was to be a sportsmanlike debate then this was a mistake. Navi herself could conjure up a thousand arguments on why this cycle was not a good thing and she was the one fighting to protect it. As she expected Midna did just that rebuking Link rather effectively. He was a warrior, not a politician.

Navi decided that while Link wasn't doing a brilliant job he would be fine. She was about to take the Princess elsewhere when Midna offered a challenge to all three holders of the Triforce. Navi stopped. Even she knew that leaving now would look like cowardice. She could find an opportunity or excuse to remove the Princess from the situation later but leaving at this moment would not be good for Zelda's reputation. Midna would make sure that everyone knew she had run and hidden inside her Castle. If she had to stay anyways she might as well participate.

She stepped forward her eyes sharp and her skin glowing ever so slightly an iridescent blue. "No one here is questioning your power Lady Midna." Navi had more experience with the land of Twilight than any here but even she was relying on the rumors of that day. "The power of the Land of Twilight is formidable, one might even say to rival that of the Goddessess if your family still wields the Fused Shadows. It is your motive that worries us. The last time your people graced us with your presence you came to conquer. You blacked out the light of our world and crippled our Light Spirits at the behest of the King of Evil. Why should this time be any different. If we vote you into the Castle should we find the Land again cloaked in Twilight." She hoped she'd gotten all of that right. The Twilight covering the land she herself could attest to, the rest was speculation and rumors that had circulated at the time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 1 day ago

Link looked at Ciela, shocked at her statements, this woman had relations to that old story? It was one of the more remember Hero stories as it had been one of the darkest and most serious to date. Link stepped forward closing his eyes for a moment to collect himself. "I do not fight without reason Lady Midna. You say the cycle must be broken yet no one else who has ever opposed the demon king has succeeded, only the one wielding the sword of evil's bane has defeated him." He spoke with authority, yet not as Link the Link you knew, his voice almost seem to change as if thirty different voice's spoke through his own, as if each past Hero was united in one voice, it was strange if not slightly awe inspiring. "I am not very good with words Lady Midna, but I know things, things that no other man knows how to do. I can slay dragons, reverse time itself, and wield magic long forgotten. Yet my hands have never done those things. Each Hero... No each **Me** did those things, I was not there but I know how to do it. I can play many instruments yet I have never had a lesson. I am the defender, the avenger, and hope of each Goddess made flesh. I can solve complex locks and problems in less time than great scholars. If you break the cycle, you break seal. If you continue with plan to change the way the world works, the Goddesses may not let me return. I could be the last Link, the last hero to save you all." Link ended his speech and stepped backed to Ciela grasping at his head as he blinked. Link seemed a little out of it, perhaps not only did the past Links leave him skills perhaps each of them shared part of his mind, giving there skills only when he needed them. If that is so, then Link called on all of them to help him argue back at Lady Midna.
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