Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rowdyruff
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

(Although not everyone's related, we are all from the same school/area.)

"Sun block?"
"Yes mom."
Anna had been interrogated by her mother about five times already within the space of two hours, as if Anna had suddenly removed everything from her suitcase and misplaced things since they last spoke. It was wearing away at Anna's sanity, and she kept trying to play music loudly and keep her door shut whilst packing so that her mother wouldn't be able to interrogate her easily - this idea was slightly flawed, evidently.
"You also promise to be careful, don't you?" Her mother questioned. Anna's mother always seemed to become very agitated whenever it came to Anna's independence and having to take responsibility for her actions. Sometimes it felt like her mother lacked any hope in her at all, and it was very demotivating. After two more interrogations of Anna's suitcase's inventory, Anna's mother finally decided to drive her daughter to the airport. Anna was itching with anticipation, she didn't know what was going to happen and she knew that her friends were going to be there; and other familiar faces. She'd be expected to draw and paint things that she saw, naturally. Her mother had even said that she'd like Anna to create some pieces to be presented in an art gallery, that had unsettled Anna very severely when the announcement was made and it had caused her definite interest in the travel to Brazil. Her mother rambled and ranted about how worried she was and how much she'd miss Anna, and although Anna understood it was growing very tiresome. Anna's father had left both her and her mother when Anna was quite young - he had never had a real reason for his desertion of the family, at least, that's what Anna's mother insisted anyway. Anna hardly remembered the man, she was just too young. However, she knew that it was very hard for her mother when she was gone, because she was the only person her mother had, really.

Naturally, Anna's mother had cried when saying goodbye to Anna at the airport terminal; and as Anna passed through passport check and the basic necessities to enter the airport it was only then that it dawned on her that she was now responsible for herself and solely independent. It unnerved her, and it was then that she wondered if this trip was actually going to reduce her levels of stress, or drastically increase it. She took a deep breath and received a few concerned glances from other travelers. She could do this, it wasn't going to be that difficult. The amount of time she had to get to her plane was quite short, so she grabbed a sub from a nearby shop in the airport and made haste for the plane. She wasn't going to miss it, she needed to prove to herself that she was at least semi-capable. She boarded the plane and prepared for her flight, and set herself up for some intense sleeping and music-listening sessions.

The flight felt a lot faster than she expected and she was at Rio de Janeiro-Galeão International Airport in no time. Her nerves were still very much present - or had at least returned - and as she went through everything that is necessary for departure and finished with baggage claim. She felt very anxious but very prepared for her own experience of independence and fun. She searched for a specific desk on the way out of the airport that specified "Teen Stress-relief!". The name was awfully bland and made Anna cringe whenever she said it, but by now she was too tired and groggy to really care. As she introduced herself to the people at the desk they ticked her name off and gave her a number of resources, this involved a room layout/list, a room key, and a voucher that her room rent one vehicle between them. She knew that the company didn't offer transport to the location, so she grabbed a taxi - although she was unsure of traffic laws and scared she was signing a death-wish - and set off for the "hotel". She was unsure of whether to call it a hotel because she knew that it was only accommodating the people on the trip. She couldn't really think of anything better to call it at that point in time so she settled on calling it a "hotel" still. The trip didn't take that long, considering she wasn't far from Rio itself originally (not at all really), and she arrived at the "hotel". She was directed to her room as a Brazilian man - who was young and actually quite good-looking - carried her bags for her. She arrived at her - empty - room and smiled sheepishly but gratefully to the young Brazilian as he placed her bags at the door and left her to decide where she'd like to stay. She quickly picked a room and laid all of the essentials out in the room that she needed. She decided to hang around in the large living area that would be used for the other two - as she'd noticed two other rooms - people that were coming. She was nervous to meet them.

(Intros do not need to be excessively long, just please make sure you more or less arrive at your room in the first post please. Thanks!)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Collab between Whirlwind & Enalais

Hailey sat in front of her dresser, putting in one feathered earring in one ear, and a big hoop with charms dangling from it in the other. She wore no makeup on her pale skin, and stuffed her straight blonde locks into a baggy knit cap. She knew it would be hot in Brazil, or at least she assumed it would be, so she wore a baggy tshirt that said “My parents visited Hawaii and all I got with this shirt” that she’d bought at a thrift store, and some high waist shorts she’d cut up from her mom’s old jeans. Slipping on a thin tan sweater and some brown cowboy boots, and she was dressed to go.

Her high yet soft voice rang out while wandering through the house, calling for her mother.

”Hey mom? Did you make breakfast?” she asked, though the smell of frying bacon should have tipped her off.

“Of course!” a deeper, but still very feminine voice responded. “Did you get everything packed?” her mom asked. “Underwear, lotion, swimsuit?” she rattled off things she thought her daughter would forget.

”Yeeeees,” Hailey said in a semi-groan, though she smiled while taking a biscuit and eating it.

“Well then get out of here! Don’t want to miss your flight!” her mom said cheerfully. Hailey just laughed and hugged her mom from behind, while her 5 brothers and sisters came up behind her and hugged her legs.

”Miss you guys too!” she sang out happily, getting her bags and heading to the airport.

Thomas left home that morning actually quite glad, his mother was sitting on the couch lazing about, his step father was getting drunk. So he wanted to get out of there before things got bad, going over a mental list in his head he made sure he had everything Notebook, pen, ipod, ear buds, clothes, and a portable dvd player with some lame sci-fi movies. All he’d ever need to have fun, the ride to the airport was quiet and the principal of the school even came to pick him and a few students who didn’t have transportation.

“Thomas, try to write something nice about the people you meet on the trip. And go outside your comfort zone.” The principal told him, usual teacher preaching. “Yeah whatever.” Was his only reply as he pretty much ignored him. The airport was like any other airport crowded and the TSA was uncomfortably close, he hated being man-handled but if it helped them sleep at night whatever.

Hailey happily boarded the plane when she was allowed to, stuffing her bag in the overhead bin and keeping a journal and pen out for her to write with during the flight. She had no idea what sorts of thoughts might come to her, what sort of interesting happenings might occur that she should write down, but she didn’t want to regret missing anything, anyway. She settled into her seat and watched person after person walk by, curious about who would be sitting next to her. After all, she knew a few people coming on this trip, but not everyone. She surely hoped fate would grant her the opportunity to make a new friend or two while having fun.

Boarding the plane Thomas’ seat was next to a girl, ”Is she wearing a beanie?” He thought as he sat down next to her and pulled out his own pen and notebook. Then he did his favorite thing and people watched, the way they talk the way, the way the act, and the way they dress all went onto paper and pretty soon he had a pretty rough outline of who those people were.

Then his thoughts turned to the girl in the beanie, he studied her for a bit but decided against writing about her and following the principals advice he went outside his comfort zone. “What’s up?” He asked, feeling like he was trudging through a sewer with this.

Hailey sat messing with the edges of her notebook, when a dark haired guy sat next to her. He seemed familiar, like she’d passed him before or something, but she didn’t know him. So, she gave him a winning smile and took in the sight of his notebook before responding to him.

”Hi! Um, not much I guess,” she said, still as friendly as a puppy and shrugging her thin shoulders a bit. ”I’m Hailey, by the way,” she held out her hand. ”Neat notebook, I brought mine too. Never know what you’re going to want to write down, right?” she said, lifting her notebook up a little. She paused briefly and took in his countenance, the heaviness of his aura and pouted slightly. ”Are you okay? You seem… down,” she asked, suddenly looking very intensely into his eyes.

Funny how one question could get someone to ask so much, she asked a million questions some of which he had no answer for and the look as she stared into his eyes almost froze him to the spot. “I’m Thomas” He said weakly almost afraid of this girl, but he took her hand and shook it, “I always have my notebook, I write for the school newspaper so i just jot down whatever comes to mind.” Now to try to think of something clever to say so he could deflect her question. “I’m fine.” He said a bit more firmly this time and he gave her a fake smile that she could probably see right through in a heart beat.

Hailey’s smile perked back up a bit when he said his name and why he had the notebook. Her lips became a suspicious smile at his defensive ‘fine’, but she wasn’t the type to pry. ”Alright. It’s nice to meet you Thomas. The school paper huh? That’s grand. Do you want to be a journalist after high school too?” she asked, this endless, getting to know you mentality going to continue until Thomas managed to completely deflect her or the flight landed.

Thomas looked at the girl, he hadn’t really thought about what he wanted to do after everything was said and done. Normally he planned out every other aspect of his life but not this. “Yeah, something like that.” He said, he continued to humour this girl but when questions got too personal he would deflect them, eventually the announcement came that the plane was landing. For some reason he wanted to keep talking, he liked this in a weird sort of way he didn’t quite know how to explain it to himself as to why he parted ways with her but he found himself saying something incredibly stupid and something totally unlike him. “If you ever need something you can come find me.” He said and scurried off before she replied, when he was out of her sight he slapped himself ”God i’m so fucking stupid.” He thought as he grabbed his luggage and joined another girl at the aptly named “Teen stress-relief” Desk he picked up a key and hit his room.

Hailey enjoyed talking to Thomas quite a bit during the flight. She found him fascinating, though particularly closed off about certain things. Then again, she supposed they had just met. She did hope fate brought them together again though as they landed and departed from the plane. Before heading towards the luggage pick up, she turned to Thomas, who said if she needed anything, to find him. She gave a bright white smile, happy to have made a friend in him, but he quickly ran off, making her tilt her head a bit. She shrugged though, figuring if she was meant to see him again, she would, and got her things.

Pulling her bags over towards “Teen stress-relief” she picked up a room layout/list, key, and voucher. She was so distracted in her own little world that she didn’t even notice anyone else as she smiled happily, wandering towards the exit. She almost made it before tripping and falling on the floor. Her things splayed out on the tile and she blushed a bit, hat falling off her head and letting her blonde strands fly about her face.

”Oops…” she giggled, checking her knees and knowing there would be another bruise there later. She began putting her things back in order and lazily placed her hat back on her head, but not with her hair stuffed in it this time. She brushed herself off and cleared her throat, going outside and waving for a taxi. She’d never done so before, and it appeared like a drunk girl who was waving to a group of friends across the street.

But finally one did stop to pick up the loco white girl, the driver helping her get her things in before she slid inside.

“Espere.” (“Wait”) Thomas shouted to the cabbie that just pulled up to the curb, the driver waited as he threw his bag in the trunk and slid into the back of the cab. To his surprise Hailey was inside, “Well then we just keep running into each other.” He said, he wanted to get out and hail another cab, but he didn’t know how long that would take, so he just rolled with it.

Hailey was waiting patiently for the cab to go, writing in her journal about her encounter with Thomas, when the door opened. She looked up, seeing Thomas of all people. Laughing lightly, Hailey’s eyes lit up at his words.

”I know! Seems like destiny or something,” she said, closing her journal and holding the top of it with both her hands. ”Maybe I needed you and didn’t realize it,” she said as the cab began pulling away towards the hotel. In her mind, she was asking herself if it meant something that they had sat by each other on the plane, and now in the cab. She believed it was meant to be, but he probably thought it was silly, so she didn’t admit that.

She spoke about fate and destiny, Thomas didn’t believe any of that it was just happenstance. “What would you need me for?” He asked, and started jotting down things in his own notebook.

Hailey hesitated when asked what she would need, thinking about it for a moment. ”Hmm… I don’t know yet. Someone to talk to so far, apparently,” she said, smiling. Hailey began fixing her hair, remembering it was probably sticking out everywhere. ”Oh, maybe you need me?” she asked, looking back to Thomas, and awaiting his thoughts. The cab pulled up to their hotel though, and she let the driver get out her bags while sitting and looking at Thomas a moment longer before they parted again.

Thomas actually thought on that. “Maybe…” He said but he didn’t give her the rest of his train of thought as the driver handed him his bag and he went inside leaving the poor girl hanging.

Hailey watched Thomas leave the cab and shrugged, nothing phasing her really. She got out and thanked the driver, paying him and heading inside. She observed her key which had a 3 on it and went to her room, putting her things on a bed and humming to herself while unpacking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AllOurPrettySongs


Member Seen 1 mo ago

The flight had been bland. There had been others on the flight who Yolanda had spent a good portion of the time just observing. What else was there to do? She had traveled before and had found people watching to be one of the most interesting pass times available; though that wasn't saying much.

She had soon grown bored of people watching and slipped headphones on, listening to music at what could be considered a damaging level. She didn't mind - as long as she couldn't hear the chatter surrounding nor the attempts at conversation the man beside her was stumbling through, she was happy.

Yolanda took her headphones out as they neared their destination, just to catch the end of the neighboring man's comment: "--tattoo?"

She blinked at him as he smiled and gestured to the small portion of tattoo now visible above the coverings of her singlet. She regretted leaning forward to sit now. However, being experienced in such a situation, Yolanda gave him her best confused smile.

"Ek praat nie Engles.*" She replied with a shrug and a slight hand movement. As the plane landed, she soon stood and moved past the man, who now looked quite despondent. She laughed a little at that.

Exiting the plane, she dealt with the tiresome customs and bag collection before stepping out onto the street outside and hailing a cab. Thankfully, the taxi driver spoke English and was able to get around her strong accent, something that some occasionally had problems with.

Arriving at her destination, Yolanda paid the man. She was well prepared when it came to money, having made the currency exchange long before she had even started packing. She stepped out of the vehicle and grabbed her bags, then swiftly walking into the reception area of the resort.

Yolanda gave a small smile to the woman behind the desk as she was handed her key. Room four. Following the woman's instructions, she soon found herself at her room. Setting her bags down - baggage was a pain that never ended - she unlocked the door and picked up her bags, entering and heading straight for one of the beds - the one on the far left.

She threw her bags down and sat on the bed, breathing deep. Only then did she allow herself a genuine smile.

[*I don't speak English.]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"Yes... yes, uh huh... yes mom. Yeah I did. Uh huh... yep... yep" Jack's mother rambled on and on over the phone going over some check list of what he was supposed to have. You would have thought that after moving out of the house and going to college you would get a little more independence, but it seemed like that would not be the case with his mother. "Mom... mom seriously I have to go. I'm already waiting in the airport and my flight is about to take off... Yeah... yes i did... uh huh, love you to."

Clicking off his phone Jack carried his carry-on with him onto the airplane. His seat was located towards the very back, which really sucked because it meant that he would have to wait for every single person in-front of him to put all their stuff away and situate themselves. Finally he made it to his seat and crashed into it. Plugging in his headphones Jack stared out the window next to him and prepared for the take off. Thankfully he wasn't afraid of heights or planes or anything because this flight would really suck if he was.

As soon as the plane touched down and the captain turned off the seatbelt sign Jack was out of there. Instantly he felt a wave of heat. While the plane had been air conditioned to the point where it was almost too cold, in the airport it was hot. Taking off his sweatshirt and laying it over his bag, Jack navigated his way over to the sign that said Teen Stress-relief! "Oh how discreet of you." He mumbled to himself before pushing open the door.

After signing in and grabbing the stuff that they handed him, Jack made his way outside and grabbed a taxi. The ride to the rooms was short, luckily because the AC in that one was broken. Entering the hotel he checked in at the front desk, entered the elevator, and began the search for his room. The sheet of paper that he had gotten from the front desk said he was in a couple adjoining rooms, his being room 4. Making his way to the room he open the door and tossed his bags down. Moving to the first bed near him he laid down with a sigh of relief. Looking around the room, Jack noticed that he was not alone in it; with him was a pale girl with blonde hair, pulled back. "Rough ride, huh?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


Member Seen 11 mos ago


He had waved his parents goodbye, seemingly happy as the smiled then driving off into that cliche sunset that was ironically to the left of the airport. Though, shrugging he'd walk inside the airport. Going through the ticket thingy, security check and seemingly half a mile of walking through the air port he finally reached his terminal and waited for the plane and during that time he had wireless wifi and so he took a few selfies doing those ugly faces that are usually most liked and some memes for tumblr. While he waited for a few hours he randomly took pictures of some people he looked oddly unique in the crouds. Buying some coffee, honey buns, and some merch from the stores.

Aaron's family was the high ranks of the middle class and had a high-over average of money in use. As he progressly ate his honey bun towards the terminal he could see group 3 already going inside of which was his group. He squealed in his mine, biting hard on the honey bun then running towards his bags, unplugging his phone from the station charge then quickly into the exit that lead into the plane.

During his time in the plane he looked around, pondering over whos gonna be the shitty faces and the ones who are going to be these shitty stars, people. Shrugging he didn't have to worry that much he was just too bored at the time.

Arriving at the other airport he quickly skimmed through the arrivals section of the airport, rushing through the building itself going through the security and through the lines he urged to be done with.

And soon he finally reached, something called 'outside' beautiful, hearing the ocean breeze even though it was a few miles away, hearing the roaring of engines starting motorcycles and hearing chatting from nearby pedestrians. He smiled, loving this thing called nature and so he just decided to walk to the hotel..or something along those lines.

He reached the building of which many individuals stayed at, going through the doors and thus he saw a woman, glaring at him with this creepy anime smile. He nodded, taking sometime to be settled in the resort. Thus he didn't need instructions from the woman and so he ran towards room 4, quickly opening the door, and there he saw an Iggy Azalea looking woman and a man of which he saw infront of her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soulseeker383
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Soulseeker383 The Scholarly Singer

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rick rolled out of bed and hit the alarm clock. He showered and put on a comfy, red sweatshirt that read 'Midfielder' over a plain, dark grey, t-shirt that hugged his muscles quite nicely. He wore a pair of loose, faded jeans and black sneakers. Nothing too fancy. The flight was going to be long and he was dressing comfortable. As far as Rick knew there was no one to impress. Sure, he wanted to make friends, but hopefully his clothes wouldn't be the only impression they remembered.

He grabbed his iPod, phone, keys, wallet, and luggage as he walked through his house. He went through a checklist in his head to see if he remembered everything. He got to the end of it and seemed to have everything. If there was anything that he had forgotton it would surely be for sale somewhere in the city if it was a necessity. There was a note from his mother on the fridge. She had already left for her one of two jobs that she worked since Rick's father had left them. The warned him to be careful and not get taken advantage of, not to show off too much, make friends, and the she loved him. The last part was obvious. Rick had never doubted his mother's love and she had always had enough to replace the missing parent in his life.

Rick started up his pick-up truck and headed to the airport. He prayed as he drove there that it wouldn't die. Ever since he had totaled his car last summer, he had been driving the 'ole rust bucket' as he liked to call it. It wasn't much but it got him from point A to point B. Even better, he still had his license and a vehicle, which was more than he expected after taking out that farmer's fence.

Rick pulled up to the airport and parked his truck in long-term storage. He was fairly sure nothing would happen to it because honestly who would want it. He walked into the terminal and through all the security measures. He didn't mind too much the pat-downs and x-rays. Social media had ruined and sense of privacy that the previous generations had enjoyed. He had grown up under this scrutiny and so it didn't bother him much. He placidly strolled through security and to the gate his flight would leave from. He sat with his headphones in and waited for his flight to be called. When it was, he produced his ticket and walked to the back of the plane where his seat was. He saw a few familiar faces from school as he walked by, but none recognized him. Or rather, he thought to himself no one cared to recognize me. What have I gotten myself into. I have no friends on this trip and I'm not going to make any. I'll just enjoy myself when I can and shut myself in my room during the down time.

The flight was fairly uneventful and Rick promptly went to asleep before he could even pull up the playlist that he had made specifically for the flight. Next thing he knew the blessedly quiet, still, and altogether boring gentleman that had sat next to him on the flight was gently tapping his shoulder. Rick was the third to last one off the plane and after a bit of looking around the terminal, found the "Teen-Stress Relief" counter. He signed in and exited the terminal. He briefly considered walking because it was so beautiful and he wanted to see some of the city, but decided against it since he had no idea where the hotel was other than an address.

Rick hailed a cab and put his luggage in the back. The cabbie knew very little English so Rick just handed him the address and hoped that the driver knew the city well. During the ride Rick was plastered to the window taking in all the sights of the city. Even though most of what he saw was poverty it still fascinated him. He saw a few young boys play soccer in the street and secretly hoped there would be an opportunity to play a match against some his own age while he was here.

The cab pulled up to the, what Rick hoped, hotel. Rick paid the cabbie and carried his stuff indoors. It was indeed the hotel. He pulled out his key which said 1 and unlocked his door. He noticed a girl in the living area as he walked in his room. Someone had already claimed one of three beds. Rick put his luggage next to a vacant one, layed on the bed, and stretched out. He had been cramped so long. All in all, he was just happy that he made it and that he was here. Rick hoped that it would be a trip worth remembering.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AllOurPrettySongs


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Yolanda gave a small start at the sound of a male's voice. Her eyes darting towards him, her smile faded a little. She wasn't quite ready for a social interaction, but thought it best not to make a bad impression.

As she opened her mouth to reply, another male entered the room. He seemed quite full of energy, something she didn't particularly appreciate at this particular moment. A few moments passed before she realised that she had yet to reply to the first man.

"Not really," Yolanda responded, her accent prominent. "I'm pretty used to long plane trips."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 28 days ago

David could only let out an audible sigh, he wasn't one to say "I told you so," but the situation he currently found himself in certainly warranted it. He might very well be late for his flight-- their flight, technically. While he wasn't particularly looking forward to it, the flight to Brazil was a very generous gift, he wouldn't want to inconvenience someone by missing the flight. Eve, David's step-sister, was driving like a maniac, eating a leg of chicken wrapped in waffles, and talking on the phone with their mother-- well, her mother, his step-mother about the situation. Eve was certainly breaking traffic laws, and perhaps even a few laws of physics, based on the speeds she traveled down the freeway with. Eve had always been able to do impressive things like that without much thought, regardless, the matter at hand was that they both had 1 hour to get to the airport, that seemed to be 30 minutes away.

Eve nearly chocked on her food responding to her mother, her sultry, accented voice sounded over the car radio, "Yes madre, we're like 5 minutes away--"

They most certainly were not 5 minutes away, still, David's downcast eyes flicked over to the dim glow of the car radio clock; 5:55 am. We shall see.

"I will make sure he gets there, madre." At this Eve gave an overly obvious wink to David, he did not reciprocate, "Si, si, si. I'll be at her hostel downstate for about as long as he's gone..." That was a lie. Eve was going with David to Brazil for the "stress-relief" or whatever the company wanted young adults in Brazil for. David was the original heir of the trip, Eve was apparently able to get an extension of his own invitation to her. She isn't telling their mother or father she's going because she should technically be taking classes.

The thing with Eve was, she just didn't care.

"Si, mama-- papa, too!" She had perfected a tone of voice for talking with their parents, she gave a final "Love you!" in a cheerful tone before hanging up the phone. This pleased Eve greatly, as it meant she could return the car radio volume to 'lethal' volumes.

David glanced back at the clock, 5:57. "Evelyn!" David had to exert his typically reserved voice for her to hear his cry.

She turned down the volume again, and asked with a mouth full of chicken and waffle, "Que?"

"Do you really think it's safe to be going this fast?" The gray of the asphalt blended with the green of the trees as they speed by on the freeway, it was early though, and not many other cars were present.

"Oh suuuuure." She responded playfully, "Por que, Davy? You worried about me?" Eve placed a hand over her heart and exaggerated her surprise as she said this.

"Well, this is kinda just your friend's car..."


"And neither of us actually have a license..."

"Mmmhmm?" She took another bite of the wafflechicken.

"O-or a permit!"


"And this car isn't even insured!" David couldn't understand how she could be so reckless and nonchalant about all of this.

She didn't respond to this, she just looked at him, she did this whenever he might say or ask something she didn't approve of, but might not feel like explaining why. David had already been siting in a reserved manner, but her glare must have made him sink several inches further into the seat of the filthy car. It felt like an eternity-- How could she even do that!? Drive and stare so intently at him? It was always surprising to David exactly how much of free spirit Eve was, it was also one of the only things that reminded him the two weren't 'really' related. "Davy?"

The sudden vocalization pulled him out of his reverie, had he been sleeping? "Yes?"

"We're here."

Hearing this, his eyes immediately went to the clock; 6:00 AM. No way. He looked over at Eve, who only had her typical smug smile on, "Definitely a new record of some kind..." She moved to the backseat of the filthy car to remove her 'luggage' just two book bags of different designs, knowing Eve they could contain anything from trip necessities to 80 pounds of MDMA. David had a laptop case and an actual suitcase-- so that'd be next. They needed to check in their luggage, and then go to security. Eve marched ahead, listening to some music-- maybe they wouldn't be late? David let out a sigh and followed.
"I'm up at midnight, I'm dippin' off in my Nizzikes, A gun and a metal pizzipe, a knizzife is to my rizzight, I'm lurkin' servin' on pussies who lack a purpose, I've got 'em filled up with frizzight like Mizzike is you all rizzight?"

Eve felt herself nudged by her seatmate, apparently she had begun to recite the lyrics of the songs she was listening to, switching from Hardcore Hip Hop to more Chill IDM, she found herself trying to emulate her brother a few rows ahead of her. Sleep was good, it'd do to pass the time. While she briefly considered texting a few of her friends, they were definitely on the plane-- her final verdict, a yawn-- advised against it.

When she awoke, the plane was apparently in Rio. Distantly following David, she traced his steps to see where she should go herself. Her trailing eventually led her to the "Teen-Stress Relief" counter, just her name and passport was enough to get all the information she needed-- the hotel, the key, and room number, 2. Exiting the airport, Eve noticed that, perhaps to get away from her, David opted to walk the several blocks to the hotel.

Maybe he just needs some alone time?

Eve was able to put that out of her mind for the second, and recalled her knowledge of Portuguese to hail a taxi. Pretty soon she found herself at the impressive looking hotel, sooner still, she found herself in front of the room that would be her new temporary home. Eve entered 'dos' and did three things in a very specific order-- Plug her phone into a charger, turn on Cartoon Network, and finally collapse on the bed. Seizing her phone once more, she sent a mass text to her friends;

'So I thought Brazil was the big booty capital of the world? I have yet to see a fabled big booty bitch.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rowdyruff
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It took Anna a few moments to process the behavior of one of her roommates, and to realize who the boy was and his... reputation back at school. Rick Cravens. Her mouth dropped open to form a literal "o" shape and she immediately pursued him into his own room. Her thought process happened quite quickly as she prepared herself to say something. She didn't know whether to be quite negative and aggressive towards the boy - as he'd been quite an asshole to some girls that were in her art class back at school - or to be calm and collected, as he hadn't necessarily been aggressive towards her. Hell, he probably had absolutely no idea who she was, if he was asked 'Y'know Anna Calloway?', he'd probably look absolutely bewildered. Anna decided to take the calm route, as everyone was in Brazil for specific reasons - if it was for stress-relief or to make new friends - she wondered if he was here to create a new identity of herself; but she thought she might be thinking too deeply into things.
"Uh.. I don't know if you know who I am, but, well, I'm Anna. I guess you already know that I'm one of your roommates." As she introduced herself she stepped further into the room and pushed the door shut behind her, feeling a little sheepish having just invaded his room and also anxious because she was unsure of how he'd react to invading his privacy. Her phone made a buzzing noise, and she knew it was most likely her close friend - Eve - but she decided that introducing and socializing with a roommate, no matter how much of a supposed dick he is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soulseeker383
Avatar of Soulseeker383

Soulseeker383 The Scholarly Singer

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rick opened his eyes and sat up from where he was strectched out on the bed. He was quite glad for the disturbance because he was drifting off to sleep. Rick had been on long roads trips before, but nowhere near as exotic as Brazil. The travel had really drained him, but he wanted to stay awake and meet people. Especially his roommates. Rick rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and noticed a very beautiful girl standing in his door. Although the rooms were separated, he had expected to be rooming with only males since not all of them were of legal age. This just briefly passed through his mind as he surveyed the girl in his doorway. She was a brunette with dark features, smooth skin, and a small chin. Rick decided that he was fine with the oversight of having males and females in the same room. He could definitely be ok with all of this.

Rick gave her a puzzled look as he got up since she shut the door, but decided to let it pass since it was probably an instinctive reaction more than a hint. He had always been terrible at picking up on such things. He walked over to the girl, she had said her name was Anna, and stuck out a hand.

"Hey Anna! You look familiar, but I have to be honest I don't think I've ever seen you. No, that's not right, I have. We had art together, what was it, last year? I think that's right, but correct me if I'm wrong. In any case, I'm Rick. It's nice to meet you, Anna."

She was shorter than him and seemed nice enough. He was a little afraid that she was in his art class. He needed an art credit to be on track to graduate and had to take the class. He hated it and regarded everyone in there lesser than him because they actually chose to be in there, whereas, he was forced. Rick remembered being quite rude to several of the girls in there becase they didn't play sports and were a little different than him. Rick had spent most of the time just carving obscene words and things into the tables with an Exacto knife when the teacher had her back turned.

I hope she wasn't in that class and I'm wrong. Even if she wasn't she probably doesn't like me. This is probably just something she felt she had to do since we'll be rooming together. If she was in that class she probably hates me. I was probably a jerk to her. There weren't many in that class that I wasn't mean to. How am I ever going to make friends on this trip if they all aready don't like me?"

Rick flicked his eyes over her shoulder hoping she couldn't see how nervous he was. He was never the most confident person when it came to meeting people, but the fact that she was already acquainted with him, or at least his reputation, made him even more anxious. He hoped she couldn't feel how sweaty his hand was when they shook hands. She was beautiful, but he didn't want her to get the wrong impression. He silently cursed his social anxiety and the poor, social decisions he had made in previous years.

"So, do you know anyone else that is on this trip from school? If there was a list of people that signed up I never saw it. I signed up last minute because a spot opened up just in time. Kinda lucky for me, I guess."

Rick hoped that sounded a lot more confident than he felt because to him it just sounded like babble. He silently cursed himself again for how inept he was at all of this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
Avatar of Whirlwind

Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Collab between Whirlwind & Darcs

David sighed. The trek to the hotel had been longer than expected, not quite exhausting, but tolling. Still, it had provided him a much needed respite from Eve, and other humans in general. He had recognized a few of the people present on the plane as his peers-- presumably all here for the same reason-- that he wouldn’t be here with people he didn’t know concerned him. His roommates would have pre-existing biases.

Just stop thinking about it, man. You’re already here.

Right. People might begin to stare if waited outside of the hotel any longer. He took out his earphones as he entered the lobby of the hotel, apprehension in his eyes. He quickly made his way to room 3, the place where he’d most certainly be spending most of his time in Brazil. More as a precaution than anything, he placed a light knock on the door before entering.

Hailey had just finished unpacking, putting a tie dye dreamcatcher by her bed when she heard a knock. Smiling happily, she bounced to the door, opening it to see David, Eve’s step-brother. Though Hailey knew Eve a lot better, she knew David well enough and smiled brighter, reaching out and hugging him as per her usual self before backing up so he could come in the room.

”Hi David!” she said spreading her arms as if to welcome him.

He exhaled in relief, while having his own room was always ideal, he could have done much, MUCH, worse as far as rooming companions went. “H-hey.” he said, pulling his luggage in behind him into the very… Tropical(?) themed room. Again, apprehension moved through his bodies when he realized social cues demanded certain things of him, his bane. Small talk.

“Um… So… Uh, H-how was your flight, Hailey?”

Hailey stood back, folding her hands together and just nodding as David responded, smiling again when she thought about her flight.

”Great! I met a guy named Thomas. I’m sure you’d get along. How was yours? Did Eve come with you? Is she not in this room too?” she asked, frowning just a tad in her curiosity.

“Um,” he thought for a second, considering the best possible answer, “She’s definitely here… I just don’t know if she’s here, you know?” He placed the suitcase on his bed with a heave and began the ritual of unpacking, meticulously refolding every article of clothing. “You know Eve, she could be halfway to Spain by now…”

Hailey thought about David’s answer, moving her tongue over her teeth and then smacking her lips when she came to a decision. ”No, no I don’t know what you mean,” she said, giving a little shrug and striding to look over his shoulder a bit. She watched him folding, forgetting about personal boundaries for a moment. She gasped at his statement, the kind of gasp that one gave at a spider or mouse. ”You’re right!” she exclaimed, running towards the door. ”Well, she’s not getting away that easy!” she announced, running down the hall, knocking on doors 1, 2, & 4 before standing there, folding her arms & waiting.

Eve had already gone into the post-jetlag dreamstate when the fateful knock came at her door. Her clothes were already strewn about in her, as of yet, unoccupied room. She skipped over the laundry to her door, in a manner very similar to the way someone would slam a door, she opened it, half annoyed, half curious, all groggy.

That was of course, until she saw the perpetuator of the crime that was waking her up. “HAILEY!” She screamed, immediately embracing her friend in an all-embracing bear hug.

David had taken a break from unpacking to peek out the door and see the commotion, at the sight of the hug, with no emotion on his face, he merely turned and went back to his luggage.

Hailey tapped her foot until the first door opened, revealing her sleepy looking friend. “EEEEEVE!” she squealed in a high pitched girly giggle before hugging the girl back, squeezing her before pulling away, looking like sunshine. ”Gah, how was your flight?” she asked excitedly, heels bouncing and forgetting at the moment all the other doors she’d just rapted on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bbyangellike


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A Collab Between bbyangellike and Darcs

"I cannot believe that you, of all people Rich, even thought that it was a good idea to be out of the house so late in the night with your friends without so much as a text!" Jenn nagged as both of the Miller siblings took their first steps out of the airport, luggage in tow.
"I'm sorry!" Rich apologized, flashing his younger sister his signature sheepish grin, "It's just the guys heard that we were going to be out of the country for a while and all so they thought we'd head out for a drive a bit.

"You weren't doing drugs were you?" she deadpanned, taking out her phone to turn it on before walking ahead of him to the taxi stop, "Cause I swear if you were doing drugs you're so dead to me."

He jogs up next to her, being careful to keep their luggage upright and not on the ground, "Of course not!" he claims, "I feel a little insulted that you'd even accuse me of such a thing dongsaeng (little sister)." he wraps a strong arm over his little sister's shoulders to which Jenn shrugs off with a hopeless sigh.

"You really make it difficult for me to be mad at you oppa (older brother)." she sighs once more, taking a look at her now turned on phone just as a taxi pulls up to the stop.
Rich is the first to spring into action, going to the back of the taxi to put their luggage and bags in while Jenn pulls up a note of the hotel's address, ignoring the text that she had just received just now and removing the notification. The taxi driver, a short, fairly-tanned fellow, nods and allows for Jenn and Rich to get in their seats before speeding off. Jenn removes her heavier cardigan, leaving her in a cropped black band tee (that she cut up herself) and coral pink shorts, and on her feet are comfortable sandals that she's sported on since they left America. She ties her hair up into a ponytail, "The weather's gorgeous." she comments as she finishes tying up her hair.

"It really is." is all her brother can reply with.

Jenn picks up her phone from the seat beside her and looks at the text she'd just receive.
'So I thought Brazil was the big booty capital of the world? I have yet to see a fabled big booty bitch.'

"What the..?" she raises an eyebrow, her eyes looking at the name of the contact that had sent her the text, 'Eve <3'

"WHAT THE?!" she practically screams, causing her brother to snap out of his daydream and look at her with worry.

"Jenn?" he asks, voice laced with concern for the sudden, uncharacteristic outburst from his sister.

But Jenn doesn't respond to him, instead she's responding to the text she received, 'What. The. Fuck. Thought you weren't going to be coming!!!'

Eve shot up in the hotel bed at the buzzing of her phone and immediately checked 'the who' before the 'the what' of the new text.

From 'JenJen'

She couldn't help but let out a slight squeal at Jenny's response, 'wouldn't of been a suprise if i told you!!!!!!!! <3'

The drive to the hotel had felt fairly short, at least for Jenn since she was waiting for Eve's replies the entire ride. It had been quite a while since she'd last seen her good friend and she really hadn't expected her to be coming at all. So to hear the news through a text was a huge surprise for the female. After arriving at the hotel and checking in the siblings quietly made their way up to their floors and up to their rooms. "So..." Rich starts a little awkwardly. Ever since Jenn's breakout and constant staring at her phone and out the window throughout their ride, Rich had realized that maybe talking to her at that time frame was an unwise move if he didn't want his neck snapped by her. Despite being her older brother, he was at the mercy of his little sister since she acted more of an older sibling than he did.

"Eve's here and she didn't tell me." she explains, "Also sorry for the outburst. You know me and my girlfriends." she chuckles, looking over at her older brother and shrugging, "When we're talking we just can't stay quiet."

"Yeah yeah." Rich rolls his eyes. No wonder. To say the least, he wasn't surprised to hear that, knowing Eve, the girl was full of surprises.

As the doors to the elevator open up to the floor the siblings make their way down to their respective rooms, both being in the same general direction, they both hear a familiar squeal. They both look at each other and look down the hallway to see Eve and a good old friend of theirs, Hailey Rhodes.

"Holy crap. I can't believe it!" Jenn squeals, dropping her bag to sprint towards the two females, "Oh my god! Of all the people to see here it has to be the both of you?!" she gives them both a big hug (or as big of a hug as a 5'1 Korean female could).
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