Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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Now, moving faster than Nimika can react to, Michael lashes out from every possible angle with his sword. After a few strikes, however, he switches to using fists engulfed in shadows. "Shadow Dragon's Slash!" He says as he punches her, the attacks doing a lot of damage. Then, as the last of the punches connects, he switches to his shadow form, wrapping himself around Nimika before reappearing and releasing a torrent of shadows upon the witch. "Shadow Dragon's Waxwing Flash!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SephietheEvil
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SephietheEvil A Murderous Artist Witch, Fond of Cats :3

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At this point, after the spell is casted and Nimika is unable to use her magic, she simply rolls her eyes. "Oh boy-GAH!" She doesn't fight back at all against anyone's attacks. By the time all is said and done, she lies on the floor, heavily wounded, but still laughing cruelly at the group. "Foolish mutts..." Nimika grins viciously. "You can beat on me all your little hearts desire...but it's not going to fix a thing, is it? I can't stop Sephie. In fact, you're just wasting your time on me." "Sou da...." Meora acknowledges the truth of the witch's words with a scowl. She gets up to her feet, Ammi having healed her wounds, and looks towards the door. "We shouldn't let the witch get off easily...but at the same time, we need to help Sephie-chan." "Maybe I can burn this all away..." Ammi suggests. She holds up a paw to try and begin burning the horrible dark tendrils, which continue to grow across the floor and walls, but it's then that the door to the room opens a bit. The figure that steps out is none other than Cloudy, her eyes a bit spaced out, and her whole body wracked with endless shudders. "Cloudy?! Oh, my baby!" Ammi forgets about burning the tendrils right away while her daughter walks up to her. "M....M-Mommy..." Cloudy stops, facing forward, and not even looking at her mother. "...I...I'm s-s-scared...." "Honey, are you okay? Look at me." Ammi crouches down to her level. At this time, Cloudy finally looks up at her mother. She opens her mouth to say something, and instead, a mass of black tendrils fly out and entangle Ammi. The goddess is stunned, too horrified to speak or react for a good few seconds. "Dear lord..." Felixter recoils in horror. "Mo ii-yo!" Meora cries out suddenly, and races over to the door. She flings it open, and is momentarily stunned with the sight that greets her. Inside, the tendrils have grown, completely encasing Sephie, and leaving almost no blank spaces on the walls, floor, or any furniture items in the room. Meora shakes off her shock and gets out her pistol. A few tendrils rise up from the floor of the room, rearing up like snakes, and then moving quick to strike. "Meora!" Felixter is about to push her out of the way, but Meora flips out of the way of all the tendrils, hits the doorway, kicks off of it, and launches herself onto the top of Sephie's dark cocoon, where it is suspended from the ceiling. She presses her gun right to the connecting point, and unloads bullets into it until it breaks off and the whole thing falls to the floor. Meora does another flip backwards off of the thing, spinning her pistol around in one hand. The tendrils move away from Sephie's body to reveal her, but in no way do they recede or let up. They move themselves from the walls and floor, still attached to Sephie's heart, and move her out of the room. Sephie leaks black wisps from her blank white eyes and her mouth, completely limp and unresponsive. From her heart itself, a monstrous shriek is sounded out, and the tendrils lash out at Felixter, Meora, and Michael in particular. Some of the remaining ones go on to attack the others around the area as well, but not a single one goes near Nimika. "I told you..." Nimika works on getting herself back up from the ground, still laughing at her victims. "...It'll destroy her from the inside, and try to do the same with all of her friends..." "Help them? Why? It's fun to watch them struggle." Amber giggles, growing out a pair of wings so she can watch the battle from outside. Clancy follows her lead. "That looks like an interesting game they're playing! Ooh, and look how well Cloudy and Sephie are doing at it!" Clancy snickers. "What kind of game do you think that is?" "Hmm....one about squids?" Amber suggests with a grin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

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Not help them as in give aid help as in get me the other witch. *he takes his hand from Nattie and then snaps her neck.* Joe stops running and cast his fire breath attack on the tendrils. Kyru slices at them with her ninja stars. Srg: "There is only one way I can think to stop this. But it means I'll have to destroy her soul completely."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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Michael dodges the tendrils as guns for Nimika, grabbing her in a chokehold once he's close enough, the shadows rolling off his body as he grins maliciously at her. "Like I said...I'll show you no mercy.." He states, tightening his grip on her windpipe slightly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheGodofTacos

TheGodofTacos The ride was good over all but heres my stop

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"darn shadows." behind them a man appears "always hate them" walks past them uncaring into the room where the fighting is going on "What is this? A fight how lovely. " The man eyes them with without care then summons two Death Knights. "Take care of them." Then walks to Sephie.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A giant explosion can be heard outside followed by what can only be described as a yell of pure joy. In an instant a man with what looks to be a saw blade on a stick appears behind the group. "I'll turn you all into my MEAT TRAIN." the man shouts. He charges Joe who happens to be closest to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheGodofTacos

TheGodofTacos The ride was good over all but heres my stop

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Hem?" the man looks back to see the other man "I said ill handle it!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

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He comes to a dead stop three feet from Joe. "But the blood calls me to it. I MUST CONDUCT THE MEAT TRAIN!!!" he punches Joe in the face so hard it knocks him out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SephietheEvil
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SephietheEvil A Murderous Artist Witch, Fond of Cats :3

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Nimika blinks blankly at Michael for a moment, and begins giggling. It slowly works up to a loud cackle. "Adorable little fools...so childish..." Nimika grins, despite the fact that she's almost being choked. "Why would you even want...to keep someone around...who has that much darkness lying inside of their very heart and soul?" "It's not her fault." Felixter defends with a scathing tone. "She could've been just fine if it hadn't been for you horrible monsters!" "Tch.....you can blame your mother...if only you'd been born cat demons like you were supposed to..." Nimika smirks at Felixter, then turns her eyes back to Michael. "That's all null and void now...in reply to you sir, let me just say....I can be just as merciless." Nimika lifts one of her legs, and kicks hard at Michael, stabbing him with her dangerously sharp (and already bloodstained from past battles...) shoes. She brings up her hands to Michael's, and starts digging in her claws. "I tore the skin off of someone like this once....want to see if I can do it again...?" Nimika cackles even more, clearly enjoying this, despite how much of a disadvantage she appears to be at. "S-Sephie-sama! Kudasai! You have to snap out of this! You can't let your own inner evils run loose like this! I mean, at the very least, you gotta keep 'em chained!" Meora pleads to her unresponsive fried, continuing to nimbly dodge and shoot back tendrils. A moment later, she turns into a cat and jumps onto Felixter's shoulder. She uses him as a boost, jumping onto the wall. Quickly, Meora climbs up the wall, and then jumps onto the back of her limp friend. As the tendrils fly after her, Meora shifts back into her regular form, grabs one to use it as a swinging vine, and then tries to shoot the tendrils loose from her Sephie's chest. There's another earsplitting screech from the depths of Sephie's heart, and the tendrils that have become detached from the area die. However, since they are so numerous, some still remain, and those wrap around Meora's ankles sooner than she can land back on the floor. They trip her, causing her to land on her face, then start pulling her backwards towards Sephie, where more tendrils rear up in preparation to strike at the prey. "Ungh! Chikuso!" Meora hisses, starting to shoot at the ones around her ankles. "Destroy her soul?!" Felixter looks worriedly at Srg upon hearing his suggestion. "No! Then we'd lose her anyway, wouldn't we? I-" "FELIXTER-KUN! ABUNAI!" Meora suddenly cries out, interrupting him. Felixter whips around, and jumps to the side before a cluster of tendrils can attack him. This time, they come from Ammi, who seems to have been infected the same way Cloudy was. Now both mother and child have blank eyes, and the numerous tendrils are flying towards everyone in the room to try and infect them as well. Meora aims to shoot at more of the tendrils on her friend, but as soon as she gets rid of those ones, she's grabbed just as fast by ones from Cloudy. When she goes to shoot these, ones from Sephie wrap around her wrists as well, and wrench her pistol out of her hands, throwing it to the floor. "G-GAH! FELIXTER-KUN! MICHAEL-S-Gwuh....ucghk.....glk...." Meora's cries turn into sounds of choking and suffocation as she's entangled the same way Ammi had been earlier. Her green eyes start to lose color and go blank. Felixter backs away a few steps, trying to keep his horrified feelings under control. As far as Sephie's group goes, he is now the last one who isn't infected with these horrifying...things... "Sephie...SEPHIE, PLEASE!" Felixter begins to cry out desperately to his sister. "She...can't hear you....." Nimika taunts maliciously. Sephie turns towards Felixter slowly, and lets out a low croaking noise from her throat, instead of her heart. Her eyes flash back to their regular blue for a fraction of a second, but Felixter catches it. "Sephie! Can you hear me?!" Felixter has a brief flash of hope within his mind. He now believes it possible to subdue her through pleas while trying to find a solution. At this point, the situation has gotten so bad that just taking care of Sephie and her soul wouldn't do. The others are infected. If all 4 of them were to gang up on Felixter right now, not even he would make it. The darkness. Felixter has a flash of insight. The darkness. The darkness! Nimika said that these things are given power and amplified by the darkness in one's heart and soul. Each one of the people infected here have a considerable amount of darkness within them. Even little Cloudy has enough to spur the infection. Felixter definitely does as well. He might even hold more than his twin sister. If someone were to arrive, though, who had little darkness...someone who was innocent, pure enough not to be able to give this disease any sustainability...it would stop by their hand! But who?! Who did they know who was that pure?! Omoinashika? No, no...the amount of darkness might actually kill her from the outside, just because of the energy given off by it... "...Mirui?" Felixter murmurs to himself aloud suddenly. Before he can even begin to think of how Mirui might fare in this situation, or how to even get her here that fast, Felixter hears the sounds of two newcomers approaching. They appear hostile. "More enemies?!" Felixter hisses. He backs up, but is quickly forced to run to the side and fly up to the ceiling with his wings when tendrils from all four of the infected start trying to catch him. "I've never had a situation like this..." Felixter mutters quickly, trying to catch his breath. His eyes flick over towards the rest of the hall. "If I could get one straight shot down there...I could fly away, and maybe call someone over..." "Catch Nimika?" Amber asks. "Ehhhhhhhhhh....she's mean though. Doesn't like to play. Hurt us a lot once..." "Besides, it looks like Michael's playing with her!" Clancy nods. "Ooh, what if he leans in for the kiss?!" Amber giggles. "Don't be silly! No one would touch that hag!" Clancy snickers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheGodofTacos

TheGodofTacos The ride was good over all but heres my stop

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Well at least be civil about it." Turns back "now what can you do?" Talking to Sephie.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Karl:"Okay Boss man." He turns to the now flying Felixter. "Here kitty kitty I got a nice idea for your coat." Srg was distracted by Felixter's response for a brief second and in that time some of the tendrils wrapped around his leg but as they touch him his own darkness explodes from him. This dark form of Srg grabs the tendrils and starts eating them."Hmm tasty it's nice to finally be out of Srg for once I can't believe he forgot about me and the fact I adore taking in the darkness of others." after saying this his hands start to glow a dark purple. "SHADOW ABSORB!." this spell he cast starts to absorb all the darkness from everyone in the area. "Shadow Srg been a long time eh." "So you can still speak." "Yes and I must thank you, for you have taken the darkness out of my soul at least for awhile which means I can use my old powers my paladin powers. REDEMPTION!" as Srg says this a bright white light engulfs Sephie and as the light touches the tendrils they dissipate leaving not a trace of the darkness that was there."Ah well looks like I'll have to go back" Shadow Srg steps back into Srg's body and the light fades from his body once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheGodofTacos

TheGodofTacos The ride was good over all but heres my stop

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The Death knights start attacking Srg.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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He turns and slices down with his blade landing a nice strong hit right on the shoulder blade. Karl try's jumping up to grab Felixter. "Come on Kitty I can get a nice price from your head. TIME TO SALT THE WOUNDS AND BURN THE BLOOD." He starts to swing his axe at his target.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheGodofTacos

TheGodofTacos The ride was good over all but heres my stop

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Death knight ignores the blow and stabs Srg with there sword in the stomach.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Srg grunts and cast his frost breath spell into the death knights face freezing it completely. At this time Joe finally gets up with the help of Kyru. "Where is that crazy son of a mongrel?" he looks up to see Karl attacking Felixter. "Hey punk get over so I can kick your butt."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheGodofTacos

TheGodofTacos The ride was good over all but heres my stop

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The second Death knight rams Srg into a wall and starts punching him in the shoulders.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

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"Kyru help!" he yells Kyru turns around and creates her ice ninja stars and throws them into the other death knights back. Karl turns to see Joe standing."Ohh the old wants to fall to the new. GET OVER HERE MEAT PUPPET." he charges Joe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheGodofTacos

TheGodofTacos The ride was good over all but heres my stop

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Death knight punches Srg hard in the face then turns to Kyru and yells.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

She creates a katana of ice and stabs him in the throat. As Karl charges him Joe side steps, trips him, and puts his foot on his chest and says,"This old doesn't like your new." With Joe's foot on his chest Karl spins knocking Joe down again. He stands up and yells,"Hey Boss Man time for running." He turns and leaves the way he came.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheGodofTacos

TheGodofTacos The ride was good over all but heres my stop

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The other Death knight unfreezes and jumps on Kyru
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