Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Ghoul, a species that is both carnivorous and cannibilastic. They feed on humans, or on other ghouls, and yet, they look human themselves. Their stomachs cannot hold in any other kind of food, aside from coffee, and they have several distinguishing traits, like their black eyes with red irises, or the fact that they can use the dangerous extra limb known as Kagune to their advantage. They are basically super humans, as all of their physical capabilities are like those of a beast, as well as healing faster than normal humans. A hunter that prays on mankind. Thanks to their nature, several incidents have arised and humans have tried to retaliate against them. From there, the Commission of Counter Ghoul, or CCG for short, was born. Specially trained people who can stand their own ground against ghouls by using their own Kagunes against them, by turning them into the weapons known as Quinques. These people are simply known as Ghoul Investigators, or as they are called by the ghouls, Doves. They act as the counter-strike force against the hunters that prey over humanity. The prey becomes the hunter. Their weapons are not limited to the Quinque, as they also use firearms loaded with what is known as Q bullets, that are also partially made with Kagunes. Tokyo, divided in several districts, has had its up and downs, in some places, the Ghoul activity becoming way too much for the Doves to be able to control it effectively, or in the contrary, the iron fist of the Doves falls upon the Ghouls, both guilty and innocent.
All right, I've had this idea swirling around my head for a while, so I just want to see who would be interested in a Tokyo Ghoul RP. :D Well, anyhow, I just wanna tell you that the story will transpire in District 8, a district I honestly came up with, where doves have the upper hand and ghouls have to move on their toes, as not to be caught. Several riots go down here, both by Ghoul sympathizers and Ghouls themselves. Of course, you gotta take into account that the Ghouls are actually the victims in this case, at least, for the most part of it. Anyhow, you can either play as a Dove or a Ghoul, however, there will be no Quinx's here, since, well, they are pretty much Ghouls. ): Anyhow, let's see who we can gather. :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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FIRST. Wherever Shiho goes, I follow. BUMP. We're girlfriends after all.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

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1,2,3 -lurks-
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well, time to bump this a bit~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

[Metal Gear Alert Sound] Interesteeeed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Great, so, three people interested? I say that's about enough to at least try and get things started. xD I'll get a CS on in a while.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ghoul Character Sheet
Appearance: [Image or words, or both, are good] Ghoul Mask: [Do you wear one? If so, what does it look like?] Name: Nicknames: [Unofficial or given by the CCG] Age: [Ghouls come in all age and sizes, just make sure they are grown up enough to know what's going on] Gender: [Duh :3] Rank: [Ghoul Rank assigned by the CCG, basically tells how strong you are. C is the lowest and SSS the highest. Your character can go as far as S, though] Kagune: [What does it look like?] RC Type: [Use this useful link to determine it] Personality: [Do explain whether they hunt their food or get it by other means] Biography: [Doesn't have to be that long, just cover what you think is important]
Dove Character Sheet
Appearance: [Image or words, or both, are good] Name: Nicknames: [How you may be known to Ghouls] Age: [18 or older, you need to have at least graduated, after all] Gender: [Duh :3] Rank: [The Rank given to you by the CCG. Goes from Rank 1 to Special Class Investigators More info here Your character can go as far as a Rank 3 investigator] Quinque: [What does it look like and what can it do? Only Rank 2 investigators and onwards can have one] Personality: [What outlook do they have on Ghouls?] Biography: [Doesn't have to be that long, just cover what you think is important]
Here are the CS's, let's see them come. :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Also interested, will post my CS here
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Dove Character Sheet
Appearance: A young man of quite evidently foreign descent, Hisoka has yet to lose his youthful appearance, standing at around 5'8. He has very bushy eyebrows. Name: Hisoka Araújo Nicknames: N/A Age: 18 Gender: Male Rank: Rank 3 Ghoul Investigator Quinque: N/A Personality: It cannot be said that Hisoka hates ghouls, but he does view them simply as an enemy. He shows little to no remorse in his work, but he does not seem overly eager unlike some other young investigators. However, Hisoka seems to lack the concept of 'going easy' on an opponent, trying to fight until they are in his mind beaten - which usually involves broken limbs. Outside of his new work as a Ghoul Investigator, Hisoka is a peaceful youth who speaks in a kind if somewhat lazy tone. He goes above and beyond his calling as a 'junior' investigator, following the instructions of his superiors and then some in order to please them. In that sense he is an ideal subordinate, but his clumsy and slow streak outside of anything involving field work balances that out. Biography: Born and raised in Tokyo, Hisoka is the son of a Brazillian jiu-jitsu instructor. Hisoka, being the son of a foreigner, was unfortunately the victim of bullying through out his time in regular schooling. Although rather vicious at times, Hisoka never once raised a fist in self defence on the word of his father. But why would his father of all people allow this to continue? It was not that he was not concerned for his son, no, he was concerned for the other children and their safety. To say Hisoka is decent at fighting would be like saying a fish is decent at swimming, and Hisoka's father realised this early in his son's youth. Movements and techniques which would otherwise take weeks or months to get a completely functional grasp on were down to a T in only a days work with Hisoka. Perhaps his fathers greatest hubris was taking advantage of this seemingly eidetic muscle memory to teach the still young Hisoka joint locks, both dangerous and complex techniques within martial arts, long before the appropriate time. Pitting him against other children would have been anything but fair, especially with his personality. Hisoka may have had a career in professional martial arts had life continued in that manner, but that is not the case. The truth is that Hisoka's father was a less than kosher man, involving himself in dodgy business in order to help sustain a living for his family. One facet of this underground life was connected to a ghoul labelled 'Marrow'. A dispute between Marrow and Hisoka's father soon found its self in their living room, Hisoka's father laying on the floor with a fist sized hole in his chest and a 16 year old Hisoka seeing the whole incident. The oddest thing, which even Hisoka realises, was that he did not panic, feel fear, or even sadness. There was only a weird serenity which came him over when Marrow moved towards him, ready to clean up the rest of the mess. What happened next felt like clockwork for Hisoka. Marrow's fist came shooting out towards the boy, but he was already on the move - the fist grazed Hisoka's cheek with enough force to rip the flesh, leaving a small wound which would scar, but he moved forward none the less. Step in with the right leg, impact shoulder with chest, clinch hands around the back, hook with the left leg around his calf and pull; a takedown which used the attackers punch to bring them to the ground. With Marrow in a position of weakness and clearly surprised, Hisoka took the opportunity to get him into the first lock which came to mind - the inescapable triangle choke, all within a second and a half. Even ghouls can't survive without air and blood circulation, nor can they properly form their kagune in such a state. Ten minutes passed before Hisoka let up on the hold, the ghoul having already gone limp and turned an odd colour in his constrictor-like hold minutes ago. It was only after the act that Hisoka felt the impact of what he had done, the adrenaline fading away to be replaced with a paralysing dread. A few hours after, the CCG found a teenager kneeling over the corpses of two people - one being B-rating ghoul 'Marrow', more a criminal than a ghoul, who had evaded CCG investigators for months. Despite being older, Hisoka was enrolled into the CCG academy, and then two years later promoted to Rank 3 Investigator by the Chairman himself. Although he lacks a Quinque Hisoka is undoubtedly a threat to ghouls short of those S-rating and above, a rare anomaly of a purely 'anti-ghoul' individual, talented in all fields so long as it pertains to ghouls. Outside of that...well. No one's perfect. tl;dr MMA prodigy kid chokes a ghoul out and here we are
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

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Name: Coco Nickname: (I dunno) Age: 19 Goul Mask: A chocolate brown heart shaped eye-patch, over her left eye. Rank: A Kagune: Two large black wings. They are sharp and form the shape of a moths wings. The wings are adapt for sharp speed and shooting razor sharp thorns, not to mention graceful flying. RC Type: Ukaku Gender: Male Personality: Coco is really selfish but has a complex on how he looks. Often acting like a Tsundere to anybody he encounters, he prefers to humiliate, taunt and bully with insults the people he meets for fun, friend or foe. Coco takes great pride in dressing and acting female, to the extent where he only feeds upon 'cute' boys. To try assimilate with humans he forces himself to eat sweet cakes, which he truthfully hates with a deep passion. He doesn't particularly like to fight, but he is reasonably good at it. He prefers to stalk, pin down and eat. Biography: There isn't much to tell, as far as Coco could remember, he just appeared in Osaka and was raised there for most of his life. He was actually raised by gouls. Trained by gouls. And, supposedly, loved? If you could call it that. A lot of the gouls he stuck around were cruel, and picked on him, so he would crush their skulls or at least make them see the light at the end of the tunnel. The humans wouldn't accept him ether so he decided to change his appearance to seem more appealing. In doing so, he accomplished his mission, but blended in with the humans a little too well, to the point where he had to feed in secret, unlike before where they would randomly pick and chew a victim, he selected them based on looks, followed them home during the night... Pinned them against a wall and left a bloody mess. The reason for Coco's movement to Tokyo was to find a specific boy that he had chased from Oasaka. His boyfriend, his special friend. "He's mine, well he doesn't know it yet, but he will"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

All righty both of you are accepted! I'll work on my own CS for now and will start a CS after one more CS. :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Colour me interested.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Appearance: Ghoul Mask: Ishin’s mask is a stylized metal helmet which looks to be a single piece of stained glass dyed multiple colours. It has no features present on the face plate and gives Ishin an eerily inhuman appearance. Name: Ishin Kuhaku Nicknames: “Savage” Age: 23 Gender: Male Rank: S Kagune: Ishin’s Kagunes are patterned in stained glass colours. His Koukaku emerges from behind both shoulder blades, becoming flexible armour that wraps around his chest. His Ukaku emerges from his shoulders and are long and thin ‘wings’. Ishin prefers to have them solidified at all times during combat. RC Type: Koukaku and Ukaku Personality: Ishin is a calm and collected man, full of sarcasm and wit and born with a silver tongue. He always has a calm word for friends and a smart ass one liner for enemies. This attitude seems apt as the man that runs one of the Sanctuaries for Ghouls in District 8, under the guise of a night club called “Dark Nights”. This personality is flipped whilst hunting or fighting, under his mask he becomes diabolically savage and attempts to elicit as much pain as possible from his prey and any doves that are fool enough to walk past him. Biography: Ishin was born in to the Ghoul world, thinking that what he was to be the norm and that humans were merely lower on the food chain to Ghouls. That’s how his parents decided to raise the children under their care. As Ishin grew, he came to realize that Ghouls were a new development and not the norm. Humans outnumbered his kind. Accepting this, he developed himself to pass as a human…not wishing to go the same way his parents had and become infamous binge eaters. His teenage years were fraught with the usual things shown in tv dramas, sitcoms and movies. First loves, first heart breaks, failing tests and passing classes. All this was added to the struggle of controlling his hunger and the urge to eat as he slept his way through highschool angst. Out of highschool and in to college, Ishin used the inheritance he had from his parents that had passed a few years into highschool to set up his own business. A business he could use to help ghouls to hide from the doves and to give protection to the ghouls of Ward 8. He named this business Dark Nights and it became known for its ‘shock horror’ atmosphere for a nightclub. He used this to continue providing funds for his education.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Gah, I forgot my character sheet for this. -.-' I'm such a dummy. Anyhow, I think I'll bake up an OOC for you guys. Ishin is accepted too. Let's hope there's more interest once the OOC goes up. ;P Otherwise, we'll start this with the three of us.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unlucky0013
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Unlucky0013 <(^_^)> / /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

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int, working on dove :3 ---- or ghoul, if you'd rather
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A dove would be good, actually, would balance things out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Might be interested, willing to play a dove or a ghoul as needed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Great! Here is the OOC Anyone with accepted characters, feel free to move them to the Character tab. I'll be out for a bit, so look out for the business, all right guys? :3
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hmmmm... aren't dual-type ghouls like Ishin supposed to be ultra-rare? Also, ERMAHGERD IT'S JONAH! :D :D :D :D EDIT: Art of Fun, mind if I work on a Shinohara-esque partner/parental figure for Hisoka?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yes they are, but they are possible. Hinami being a prime example. I figured if I was the first one to make a Dual Kagune Ghoul...it'd be acceptable xD
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