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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by XLegs
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XLegs Genuine Donkey

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Targa Household Yuuma nodded in affirmation. "Perhaps one person was enough to satisfy the ghoul's hunger. The other two kills were just to eliminate witnesses. But..." The boy lowered the camera and bit at the tip of his thumb, deep in thought. "Why go through the trouble of breaking into a home? Why leave potential food around, instead of cleaning up and taking it with you? The ghoul could have just picked off a random drunk on the streets or something instead. Like this, we've got tons of evidence. Either our culprit is an idiot, or there was more purpose to this than just feeding." As Luca went off to explore more of the house, the young bureau investigator came stumbling back into the house, holding a tablet out. Yuuma took it and handed him back his camera. "Um, those are the two people who lived here officially, sir," he said, pointing to the screen. "A married couple..." he muttered, quickly confirming that the two identifiable bodies were them. Two people living in the house, and three bodies. Possibly a friend staying over or-- "But I asked the neighbor that first called the police here," the investigator spoke up, breaking Yuuma's train of thought. "And he said there was also a teen-aged boy, named Targa Akurai, who lived here. We have no information on him registered, sir." Yuuma looked up, a bit of surprise on his face. "What was his relation to the couple?" "Um, apparently, he lost his parents years ago, and the two decided to take him in. No blood relation, it looks like." "That's... off," Yuuma said, thinking out loud. He then looked to the puddle of bones. "The kid...?" "Th-the parents were human," the bureau investigator offered, earning him an annoyed look from Yuuma. "Yes, I can see that. Check their blood anyways." His mind went back to the mystery-kid. "And make sure the neighbor gives a solid description of the boy. Ask around the block some more about him, when you have the time." Yuuma handed the tablet back, and moved to the living room, eyes on the lookout for something in specific -- which he found quickly enough. Briskly walking across the room, he reached for a framed photo, and brought it into the light. It depicted a happy-looking family; A mother, a father, and a son. His eyes narrowed as he looked back towards the bones, bloody hand prints on the floor leading to it. "Do everything you can to identify our mess over there, as soon as possible," he said to the other investigators. "Check the wounds on the couple for any traces of ghoul, see if you can match it with anything on record." Yuuma then heard Luca call him, so he quickly made his way to his partner. He entered the washroom, and frowned a moment later, when everything had registered. Things were beginning to click together. "This might be too easy," he said, handing the picture to Luca. "A young-adult male apparently lived here, but he's completely unregistered. Sounds like this kid is possibly a ghoul. I'm thinking that he lost it, maybe from hunger. Doesn't explain the fact that there are three bodies though. Once we get all the results back, we'll be able to tell exactly what happened here, and have plenty of leads to help us decide where we want to go from there." He nodded towards the bloody pile of clothes. "Must belong to him. I'll ask to have it fully analyzed -- most of the blood probably isn't his, so we might not get much, but we can't pass up the chance to get him on record." He stepped back out into the hallway, ordering the bureau investigators to thoroughly sweep the washroom. Addressing his partner again, he took another quick look around. "I believe we're done here, Luca. Just need to wait it out 'til tomorrow, when the results come in." On his way out of the home, he passed by the young bureau investigator, and realized he had been fairly rude to him. He wasn't feeling very apologetic about that -- he had simply been doing his job. But... he could give the guy a break. Yuuma sighed, before speaking up. "What's your name?" he asked the boy. The kid looked like a deer caught in headlights. After making a sound that was not unlike a croak, he found his voice. "R-rank 3 Investigator Yamamoto Ryo, sir!" "Good work today, Yamamoto-kun," Yuuma said, giving him a tap on the shoulder. With that, he stepped back outside, and turned to wait for Luca.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akurai
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Akurai Kawaii in the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The last feast in the Targa home (1 month ago)
As usual when a month had passed the Targa family threw a feast for their son Akurai. They always waited a month give or take a day to throw the feast as the knew that was the longest their kid could last without eating. He could get headaches and a slight temper, but he always managed to stick to the feeding plan, it was the safest way to do things. The neighborhood was under the assumption that Akurai had been taken in by the couple after a close family friend from the females side had passed and as she herself could not have kids had chosen to take the boy she had left behind. It was both as a sign of respect to his mother and to fuel her own maternal instinct. As the boys teeth sank into the arm of some unlucky car-crash victim his mother smiled. "It's good to see your hungry" the years had made her numb to the sight of her kid eating people. "You know I still praise the day your real parents left you on our doorstep?" the boy gave of a sigh and a nod "Yes mom I know, you bring this up every time we eat" "Don't sass your mom kiddo" his dad shot in as he gave his son a stern look "Fine dad" and then the boy went back to consuming various parts of various unlucky people. The meal usually lasted about 1 hour and 30 minutes as Akurai took his sweet time picking away every scarp of flesh he could find, but it also took a while as he had his dad tell where each part came from. As a coroner Akurai's dad had seen some truly horrible cases, but he could remember every single one, or at least the ones he had stolen parts of to feed his ghoul son. The meal ended and the boy thanked his mom and dad for the food "I...know its a hassle for you to get this for me dad" "Dont worry... its better then to have you hunt down people"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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LetterA Sukeban Swag

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Totsuka Chou
The dark haired ghoul rummaged through drawer, grabbing a container with white characters written at the side. Her eyes squinted and furrowed, as though that would help decipher the words, neatly trimmed nails about to pry it open when her attention was attracted by the presence of Ishin. Glancing up, she found herself to be right, the red-haired man appearing through the door just as she popped the box open. And, glancing inside at the spoons, she heard Ishin's interruption, to which she replied with a thoughtful, "Oh." Given her father had been feeding her bits of her sister, perhaps he was not a good frame of reference, she decided, looking back at the cardboard box of spoons, shutting it. She turned once more at the sound of Akurai speaking, his additional comment sending a light blush of embarrassment to hint at her ears. Again, all she could muster as she shut the drawer was a simple, "Oh." Looking down, Chou made her way towards Ishin, stepping behind him as the two people conversed, partially because it was the spot she found most suitable, and partially because he smelled so strongly of fresh meat. She was not a greedy person, no, in fact she was rather content with the meal she had earlier that day, small as it was. Despite this, she still enjoyed the scent of humans, much in the same way humans enjoyed their scented candles- Her eyes flickered upwards, darkening as she heard the muffled sound of neighing. Yes, Chou's senses had been honed and sharpened, but even her ears were not so sharp as to hear a horse from behind the walls of the club as well as it's heavy and "sick beats". No, it was the horse itself that was loud, and even sheltered Chou knew to whom it belonged to. "Knight's out hunting," she absently commented, brows furrowed, pale hand reaching out to lightly tug on the cuff of Ishin's sleeve. "And I think he wants the whole world to know."
Nonozumi Miko
Dark curls glittered against the moonlight, a Noh mask splattered lightly with blood illuminated between them. Nono had just finished a hunt, though dispersed upon a nasty arrival. Laughing, he jumped down from a rooftop into an alley, where he scrubbed at the side of his mask where he presumed blood to be. "Tbh, total buzzkill," he said to no one in particular, having barely taken two bites out of his meal before being interrupted. Couldn't a guy enjoy a simple meal without having to abscond at the sound of a human stampede? Then again, he wasn't entirely not to blame- he was hunting relatively close to a cluster of people. But that was just the way he did things! Nono felt he was much more easily unnoticed when in a group of people rather than-- He froze. Turning slowly, he found that he'd fallen from an alley straight down to in front of a wounded ghoul, an arm over his stomach. Alarmed, Nono stepped back, raising his hand as he monotonously laughed out a, "Woah bro you scared me- wait. Meatx3 man, is it you?" Lifting his slightly bloody mask over his curls, Nono revealed his face, as he added, "If it's you man, are you still open for business? My place is all the way across town and-" A faint neigh echoed the streets- "-I'm not really about to be all up in that guy's business, ya feel? Lmao."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bakura remained on the top, his eyes closed as he focused on the smell of several humans all bunched together and ready just for him. The smell of their flesh was salivating and nourishing, the smell if life. He wanted it, no he needed it. Or so he thought. His thoughts were interrupted by an unwary ghoul who was entering where he planned to hunt. Usually, he would attack without a second thought but it was the scent that made him stall. The taste of customers left an especially bad taste in his mouth. The Ghoul finally noticed, the Ghoul taking a shock back out of surprise. Bakura glared down at him above, his eyes cold and hiding any intentions he had. He sighed, jumping down and landing a small distance away from the man "I am, but I'd hate to break it to you but I doubt it. I was last person in the shop before I left" Just then, he was cut off by the neigh of a horse. He used his enhance hearing to listen on a nearby tv, listening to an announcement as a grin formed across his face. At the end of the alleyway, was four shocked humans startled by the loud neigh. Bakura partially activated his Kagune, four harpoon like appendages sprouting from his back and extending towards the humans. Each one wrapped around their necks and yanked them in, the sheer force snapping some of their necks. He pulled them closer, the one lively bodies now void of any life. Now only corpses for his pleasure. He dropped the two dead ones as the other two attempted to breath, only to further suffocate themselves as they used up their energies. Bakuras cold eyes transformed that of into a demonic beast, devouring the two dead bodies. He extended his left arm outwards as he ate them, clenching his fists as he ate with a grin. He used his two remaining appendages to stab the other two survivors in the hearts and pulling their bodies towards him. He dropped their limp bodies behind him as he quickly moved onto them, quickly devouring their bodies as his body surged with strength. He stood up, wiping some of the blood off the teeth part of his mask. He turned to the Ghoul, wary of him the entire time. His presence was different compared to before. He no longer had his injuries, he no longer had any restrictions. "I have a place nearby, if you wanna stay. But there's something I wanna check out if ya wanna come" As he finished, he looked at the ghoul with his cold gaze "And if you're thinking that I may kill you in your sleep" Another two appendages sprouted from his back, only leaving wonder to how many he had "I would of killed you already" With a single leap, he was already at the top of the buildings. He made his way to the source of the neigh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ishin raised an eyebrow as Chou sidled over behind him. It was the place he most often found her if he wasn't too conscious of his surroundings. He unconsciously ruffled her hair as she settled in to position as The Boy showed his kagune. Ishin smiled "a full Koukaku" and nodded before his own Koukaku rippled over his arms "you are a defensive type then? I find Kagunes reflect a ghoul..." he said softly as his Kagune rippled back into the skin. Chou tugged at his sleeve, bringing his attention to the sound of Knight outside. Ishin sighed...he had to deal with the boy first. "I can help you learn to defend yourself against Doves and other Ghouls that'd seek to harm you" Ishin had this speech memorized, it was given to each ghoul under his care "in return...I expect obedience and adherence to my rules and to the grand mask we wear to hide from those that wish to purge us from the world...you have sanctuary here for a short time if you wish to refuse." With that Ishin left, allowing the boy to mull over his decision "Totsu-Chan..." Ishin said, calling Chou by her pet name "stay with the boy for now....I need to go clean things up it seems" Ishin gave a short sharp growl as he turned on a heel and retired to his own apartment. A parcel left at his door was his final push to go out and clean his streets. The final part of his new helmet. He grinned gently as he pulled on his combat gear; a dark leather coat, black jeans, black combat boots and his trademark crimson bandage left hanging out like a scarf. Slipping the blackened metal helmet under his arm he tested the faceplate. His own liquid RC cells ignited causing stained glass pattern colours to bubble and coalesce over the plate. Savage was reborn. Ishin left his building through a window and launched into the air, climbing up the side of the building with ease. The sound of screaming drew him to the scene Knight was making. Crouched low on a building rooftop, Ishin watched and waited.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akurai
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Akurai Kawaii in the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

urai stood there as Ishin examined him and told him about his options, which seemed pretty limited. It was stay here and work for become a follower of Ishin or he could leave. The first thing that dropped into his head was to leave and never look back, but then again with his very limited knowledge about how this world worked he would get eaten or killed in a day. However staying was also not something he found appealing, it would mean having Ishin popping up out of nowhere and making his heart skip a beat, there was also the fact that he had to start taking orders from the guy that tried to kill him. Chou however was right in the middle of this, she had saved his life, but she was also very attached to Ishin. Sure she was a bit special and it looked like she saw Ishin as more of a father then anything and it was clear Ishin felt somewhat protective of her. Akurai did not want to leave her, but he also did not want to be around Ishin. This was not going to be easy and before Akurai even managed to come up with a answer Ishin had to go and Akurai was left alone with Chou. Akurai searched through his bag looking for two shirts, one to put on and one to put on later"Chou, Im going to leave. I know you like Ishin, but I dont want to be around a guy that tried to kill me... even though I might have said it was okay..."closing the zipper on the bag he handed it to Chou. "there is some money in the bag... thanks for saving me. I can come back every now and then... if Ishin will let me. However Chou.. pleas dont follow me" and with that Akurai set of running down the hall. It took him about one and a half minute to get out of the club. He turned to look for Chou, but didn't see her, at least not yet. Leaping onto a roof top he looked around and tried to find somewhere he could disappear to, but there was really one place he wanted to go. He wanted to go home, but he knew he couldn't. However still he started moving towards it. Making hardly no sound he soon reached the house just to find it crowded with what Akurai assumed had to be cops "That..didn't take them long" he said feeling himself sink down on the rooftop he was on. However in the crowd of unirforms there was two people that stood out. The way they carried themselves, the way they were and not to forgeet the brifcases they were holding "The..CCG is here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Coco くだらないブラット
Stealthly hidden behind a trashcan was Coco. The smell of the rotting human food and wasted products started to bother him. "Gah, human food reeks bad enough when it's normal, but its three times as bad rotting!" Covering his nose with his left hand he remained hidden. What Coco was doing was spying on a group of boys. He had noticed them earlier in the central area of Tokyo, who knows' what they're up to, Coco found one of them very attractive. He was tall, dark hair, sharp features and just an overall hunk. Coco began to replay the many ways he could trap his victim, abduct, stab, pin against the wall, rip him into shreds, maybe he could even make a nice sorbet out of his innards... Coco licked his lips, in doing so, a drop of saliva fell from his mouth. Ever so eloquently splatting on his left shoe. The boy Coco had his eyes on stayed outside, whilst the others returned inside what seemed to be a hotel. He was having a smoke, this was Cocos' chance to pounce on his prey. From the ally, he called out for help. IIIIYAAAA! HELP! The boy turned, cigarette in hand, he looked around. He was startled by the noise, he continued on as if he never heard anything, but he heard the noise once more. To him, it sounded like a cry for help, little did he know of the danger that awaited him. Upon entering the ally way, Coco could see the flickering flame that was thr fire on the boys cigarette. He laid face down on the ground, struggling to push himself up. Appearing as if he had lost all his strength. The boy, out of concern asked if Coco was alright, if he could walk, unbeknownst the trap that he had entered. H-Hey, sweetie, y-y'okay? What happened? Can you stand? N-nno... I, was attacked... This man came at me with a... *cough* a knife, he stabbed me. Please... Help.. As any heroic male would, the boy rushed over to save the damsel. It was his final mistake. Crouching over, he looked at the poor girl. She tilted her head up slowly... Her eye suddenly a bloodish red. She somehow, grasped his neck, vaulting herself over him and tossing him into the wall behind him. She giggled and used the momentum from the vault to land on her feet. Dipshit. Don't you know this kinda retarded shit only happens in your perverted manga! Hahaha!. It was clear from the boys body, his bones had been broken, probably fractured, puncturing many of his organs. Though, he still whimpered in pain. Every sad, pathetic noise, spitting blood. Some deep gashes had been left on the back of his neck. Some skin got underneath Cocos' nails. He picked at them and flicked them at the boy in disgust. He got closer, bent down and whispered into his ear. "What's that saying? Eat you heart out? Hehehe, don't mind if I do!" Wiping some blood off his nose, Coco had fled the scene, it was best he not be seen hanging around sites like that, the people in the hotel heard the noises from inside, he had to become more careful as to where he picked his meals. As Coco walked to the corner of the street, he heard a strange neighing noise, it was indeed rather strange, a horse? In Tokyo? There was only one thing it could be. "My prince charming! He's finally come for me on his valient stead! I knew I'd find you in Tokyo, even if you did run away from me all the way from Osaka! I still forgive you! Coco joyfully skipped in the direction of the noise. Only, his version of skipping, is a mad dash, roof to roof.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Targa Household
"Alright," Luca said, following Yuuma outside. It was a start. They just needed to wait to get the results of the tests before proceeding with their investigation. A good night's rest would make time go faster. As he was walking away from the door, he stopped several meters away and turned around. "Is there gonna be anyone here tonight?" the boy asked, looking unsettled. "Y'know how the culprit comes back to the scene of the crime? Maybe we should--" His eye caught the glimpse of a silhouette up high on a building near the house. Pitter patter on the rooftops... Luca kept staring, trying to distinguish the features of the figure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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LetterA Sukeban Swag

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Totsuka Chou
A small button nose wrinkled as she was petted, feeling flustered and embarrassed at the show of affection. It's not like she was a child, she thought as she wiped stray bits of hair from her eyes. And, in what seemed like an instant, he was gone. Stay with Akurai, she thought to herself, as she glanced at the male, wondering if she perhaps should take a seat. This was the longest time she'd spent with people who weren't dead or dying, and frankly, she didn't know the standard mannerisms. Just as she started to reach for Akurai and "lay down the moves" as she'd heard men in the club say, she was interrupted by a request. And, after placing a bag on her hands, he absconded. Chou's dark eyes looked at the bag, opening it and finding pieces of paper, pulling them out to take a whiff- it didn't smell delectable enough to be edible, though there were faint traces of human on it, and before she knew it she was spending quite some time sniffing paper. Remembering, suddenly, Ishin's words- Stay with the Boy,- Chou looked down and tucked away the papers back into the bag, placing it on the bed and starting out. She slipped her mask on over her face, her nose sniffing out Akurai's scent with ease, graceful leap after leap over rooftops until her speed drastically slowed, the smell of something more deliciously sweet reaching her nostrils. Humans. A whole pack of them- and Akurai smelled so closely to them it was almost hard to distinguish him, but in the same silence mimicked of her caretaker, Chou silently landed beside Akurai, a hand wrapping over his lips. "You shouldn't be here," she whispered slowly, her dainty voice even softer than usual- now that she was closer, she knew that those weren't normal humans. They were hunters, murderers- danger. "You have to leave," she continued, pulling him before stopping. Though they were covered by a mask, Chou could've sworn her eyes made eye contact with someone from below and her grip on Akurai tightened before her kagune sprouted from her shoulders. She repeated, "You have to go," before pulling him to his feet and adding, "I'll distract them." Without another word she leapt down, her wings releasing shots that fired into two agents and the ground as she did so, landing with silence and focus.
Nonozumi Miko
"Aw, what a shame," pouted Nono before stepping back at the sudden transformation. While he couldn't say he wasn't impressed with the feat, the entire event took quite some time, and the curly haired ghoul found himself staring at his nails as he debated on whether or not he had homework for tomorrow. Flicking away a speck of dried blood that was in his middle finger, Nono glanced towards the Meat man, glad to see he'd finished feeding. He looked much better, too- healthier, stronger. Pushing himself off of the wall he'd been leaning on, Nono slipped on his Noh mask with a smile, chirping a, "Tbh I'm willing to stay anywhere today, lmao." Admittedly, he didn't like how the ghoul said he had something to check out- given the earlier neigh, Nonozumi didn't exactly have a hard time guessing what that 'something' might be- but it was better than holing up in Dark Nights. Imagine an honor student like him walking out of that sort of establishment! He merely nodded at the killing subject, following suit after the older ghoul. Nono, after all, was a lucky sort of guy and had Meat man wanted to eat him, he probably wouldn't have ever come across him at all. As he landed and followed behind, however, Nono couldn't help but note that he was heading towards the nieghing, one part of him chiding at the bad news, another part wondering if this was just part of his good luck in the works.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akurai
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Akurai Kawaii in the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I ate him, every last piece.
Akurai felt a hand over his mouth, but before he even had the chance to panic he heard a voice he knew.'Chou ? I told her not to follow me !' but it was oblivious that this girl had totally ignored or forgotten about that. As she said he needed to leave and it was to dangerous to be here he groaned. He knew that, he knew that these guys could at any moment just outright kill him. "Chou you get out of here, you have nothing to do with this !" Those words fell on deaf ears Right before him her wings grew out of her back and after giving a quick comment to him she jumped down to the streets. Running to the edge of the roof he could see her fire of two shots, but there was no sound what so ever. However as he looked down he looked right into the eyes of one of the CCG agents and he gave the man a slight nod before jumping down to street just beside Chou, however he was not nearly as silent or graceful. As Akurai looked up he noticed the boys eyes were still locked onto him. Straightening himself he took a few steps towards the boy with his hands raised "I dont want to harm anyone. If you havn't already seen the pictures of me in there I live here or... I lived." He saw a few heads turning towards him, both cop heads and the heads of his neighbors. 'you will never look at me the same will you ?' he asked himself before he continued. "I did not kill mom and dad if any of that still matters to you. I did however kill that other thing in there." several cops started to yell for him to get to the ground or they would fire, but he just kept talking "In my defense he was eating my parents so I feel very justified" a gun fired and the bullet graced his neck, but another cop pulled the gun out of the slightly trigger happy mans hand and and told him to simmer the fuck down. "Now to the less... graceful parts or rather missing parts. In that house there is a very, very dead ghoul with with barely and flesh remaining on his bones." he could hear the woman that had lived beside his house fall to the ground crying "I ate him" and with that Akurai's eyes flashed into black with their ruby red pupils and his kagune grew out of his back and soon after a rain of bullets were fired a him, almost every bullet hit his armor and fell to the ground but the few that hit him hurt like hell. He let out a growl of pain as he fell to his knees and he felt everyone look at him. "I ate him, every last piece I could and do you know why ? I did it so I wouldn't eat my parents !!" Fighting to get on his feet he groaned, his breath grew rapid and shallow as his heart raced. Everyone was afraid of him now, the people he called friends and neighbors no longer looked at him with a smile on their face, the looked at him scared out of their minds. "Never have I killed a human, nor will I. I might be a ghoul, but I'm not a monster. Most of you would confess to that, but right now all you see is the eyes and the thing wrapped around my body." he had never felt more like a politician as he did in the moment those words left his lips. "So I beg the two men with briefcases, let me and the butterfly behind me go and I will never bother you again." inside him a faint hope glowed as he really hopped they would agree to letting him and Chou go. "Let's not spill blood if we don't have to"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by XLegs
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XLegs Genuine Donkey

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Targa Household "Of course. We'll be notified if anyone shows up." Yuuma paused, noticing Luca eyeing something. "Hm? What's wrong--" He heard the ghoul before he saw her, the tell-tale sign of crystal spikes cutting through the air alerting him. Taking a simple, sharp step to the side, he swung his briefcase in an arc above his head, catching most of the spikes with it, and narrowly dodging the rest. He stared hard at the figure that landed before them, mentally noting any information he could get. The ghoul looked like a younger female, so most likely not Akurai. Yuuma didn't recognize her mask or kagune, which meant she was either unregistered or from another district. Her kagune was shaped like butterfly wings... no. Moth wings. And most importantly, it was an ukaku. He frowned. The fact that he had never seen her before meant she likely wasn't a troublemaker. Yuuma wasn't fond of killing those who didn't truly deserve it. But she had engaged him and Luca. That was enough reason to fight. If she made any move against anyone else present... That would be enough reason to kill. The cops surrounding the house started reacting, finally noticing her. Some drew their useless weapons, some took cover, and others tried to get the neighbors on scene away. "Jumping in here was idiotic, girl. You're outnumbered, and I've always had an easy time with ukaku ghouls. Especially now that I have this..." He held up his quinque, clicking it open, causing it to unfurl and reveal it's form. He let the hammer side drop to the ground with a heavy thump, the pavement below it cracking and giving way. "If you stay, you will die." And that was when Akurai showed up. Yuuma's eyes widened for just a moment, but his face quickly hardened again. The boy started speaking, desperately trying to garner sympathy. Throughout the little speech, Yuuma's expression never changed. From the first gunshots, to the story being told, to the boy revealing his kagune. He glanced towards Luca. "Watch my back," he said, before easily lifting up his quinque. It was only the second time he had wielded it. It still felt foreign in his hands. With long, purposeful strides, he stepped towards Akurai. The boy had a strong kagune, but no fighting experience. He had no chance. There were too many people here, bearing witness. Yuuma was a ghoul investigator, and in front of him were two ghouls -- his job was to eliminate them, or face consequences. He had to keep up appearances. As Yuuma reached Akurai, he said one word, with little emotion, and quietly enough that only the two ghouls could hear him. "Run." A moment later, he spun around on his feet, winding up and taking a heavy side-ways swing at Akurai, preparing himself for any counter-attack from either of them. He aimed not to do damage, but instead launch the boy several dozen feet away -- which would undoubtedly still hurt, but wouldn't kill.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unlucky0013
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Unlucky0013 <(^_^)> / /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Giichi Hadwin Targa Household On route to the old victim's basement, Giichi just came around the street corner with his food trailing beside him when he saw the fight go down at the Targa household. {Whale oil bee.} He thought to himself. {Just when I was about to enjoy my food, the neighbors just had to cause a commotion...} "Hey, I do-" Before Giichi could finish his sentence, the ghoul that was following him disappeared without a trace. Without much else to do, Giichi desided to watch the event close up. He didn't really know what was going on at the moment, but hopefully he might be able to pick up a small snack when it was said and done. That moth girl sure did look scrumdiddlyumptious~ Giichi quietly walked to the surrounding corner and leaned against the side of the building. The cops there didn't seem to mind too much as they were busy protecting the people and shooting at the other ghouls. {Heh, foolish fools} There was one cop, however, that did try to get him to move back to safety, to which Giichi just shrugged and waved him away with his hand. Giichi's mouth started drooling at the thought of the feast about to come from this battle. So much so, that he had to cover his mouth with his hand to try to get a hold of himself and eventually began chewing on his own thumb.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Targa Household
As the kagune appeared from behind the ghoul, Luca quickly activated his quinque. The weapon flung into his hand from the briefcase as the ghoul shot her projectiles. He dashed to the side, making his way away from the trajectory of the attack. He shot a glance over at his partner who was almost trying to warn their attacker. After hearing Yuuma tell him to watch his back, Luca locked his gaze on the ghouls. Before he could object, Luca saw Yuuma charge in. "Hey! Don't rush in on your own!" Clicking his tongue, the young investigator followed after he saw Yuuma swing his quinque, making his way towards the ukaku to make sure she wouldn't go after Yuuma along with the other ghoul, wary of any attack that may come his way like the one he'd witnessed but a few minutes earlier.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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LetterA Sukeban Swag

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Totsuka Chou
The moth clicked her tongue as her shots missed, several striking other humans' arms, but not detrimental enough it seemed to stop them from clearing the scene. Just as her wings arched back to ready a second wave, her head twitched to the side- Akurai? It was at this point that she stopped listening, her senses overwhelmed with keeping up with making sure Akurai was unharmed, and the two briefcase-toting strangers didn't take a step closer. Her attention flickered back into focus when one of the two investigators made a move, her body already ready to turn sharply towards Akurai. Her eyes glanced over as the second human rushed behind the first, clicking her tongue again before releasing a loud and distracting shriek, followed with a quick array of seven shards poorly aimed. Chou pushed off the ground towards Akurai, her arms wrapping over him and pulling him away from the oncoming swing, Chou's wings lifting to cover her as the force of the weapon forced her back, reopening mid-flight to let loose another barrage of shards, her attention too busy on landing to aim properly. Upon feet hitting ground, however, Chou smacked Akurai on the head as though scolding him for not listening to her, chiding him with a stern- "Please. Run. I'll be right behind you." And, after letting go of him, stepped in front of him, her wings unfurling to their fullest. There was a small pause, Chou sucking in air as her body leaned forward slightly, her wings retracting slightly, shards starting to form. With a release of her breath, the butterfly leapt to the air, releasing three bursts carefully aimed, her landing reaching her closer slightly towards the investigators, the touch of her feet against the ground releasing another sharp burst of shards.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Traitor
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Traitor under cardiac arrest

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A street in the 8th district
The entire street was locked up in a bad traffic jam. During the last hour, rank 1 investigator Morizumi had managed to travel the entire length of one city block. The woman sighed in frustration, looking into the rearview mirror to see if there was a way back by now, but the line of cars reached as far as she could see. After brushing a strand of hair out of her face, she picked up an open dossier from the passenger seat. It was one out of three, and she had almost skimmed the entirety of it now. Covering a yawn with her free hand, she stared at drawings and blurred pictures, names and a galore of useless details. The file was a collection of known data about notable ghouls in the 8th district, whereas the other two were an essay about this wards Doves and a geographic file about significant locations. She hated any sort of work-related occupation outside of her official shifts, and technically seen the ride from the 9th to the 8th district happened during her free time, but there was virtually nothing else to do while she was stuck here. The investigator opened the first button of her dress shirt and leaned back taking in the details of a ghoul named 'Harlequin'. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Five hours earlier. It was a total joke. A facade, so shallow that it brought a sour taste to her mouth. The entire parting ceremony her ward had organized was so obviously fake that it made her angry. People shook her hand like she was a close friend, bowing before her as if she was a respectable character here, but nothing of that was even remotely accurate. Morizumi didn't show that she was aware of the gossip behind her back, but on the inside, she despised her promotion and the entire fuss about it. All she wanted was to earn the title of a rank 1 investigator, and now they gave it to her as a parting gift. It felt wrong, it wasn't what she wanted and it wasn't what the 9th ward investigators felt when they gratulated her either. "Take this and fuck off." would have been a more honest farewell, and probably even one she could respect more than...this. She had cleared out her desk in the branch office, all of her belongings were already in the car, but the young woman still didn't leave the compound. The local data administrator turned pale when she showed up in his doorframe to ask for the dossiers about district 8. He offered the expression of a man facing something unpleasent he had already considered a matter of the past. On the inside, she felt insulted, had she never brought any kind of trouble upon this man. She took the folders out of his hands and left, plain and simple. On her way out she came across Nakamura, chief of the 9th ward. "You still here, Morizumi? Don't have the heart to leave us, do you." His joking tone displeased Shina, but she played along. There was no need to pick a fight with him now. "It's just too homey here. 'decided I need a souvenir to take with me." she replied, waving the three files in his general direction. "Take care out there, Morizumi. It's a rough neighbourhood. They have the ghouls under control for the most part, but the troublemakers over there are no joke." For the fraction of a second, Shina felt a sting somewhere inside. Out of all the things people said to her, this was likely the most genuine advice she had gotten. The moment passed and disappeared. Turned into the opposite emotion, moments later. "Good luck hunting that Clown." He was a liar too, Shina knew. The whole story about the Clown moving to the 8th district was nothing more than a ruse, and she knew it. They were looking for a way to get rid of her and thought she wouldn't notice, but she did. It was ironic, really. All she ever tried to achieve was being underestimated by the ghouls she needed to kill, and now she had been too successful at it, even fooling her superiors. It should have felt good, but it didn't. It felt like getting betrayed. "I'll get her.", she lied back. She had played them too, the same way they had played her. Her transfer over to the 8th was nothing more than a ticket away from the ridicule. It was her way out, and she had taken the chance. It also meant an end to the fruitless hunt after the girl that took her eye, though with the month-long absence of any solid lead, the whole deal felt like a defeat anyway. "Misery" didn't mirror the friendly expression of her former superior, nor the wave. She just turned around and left, to never look at the 9th district HQ again. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Morizumis train of thought about the two odd ghouls named Baseball and Pitcher was interrupted by a commotion originating from somewhere further down the road. She had not noticed the crowd of people forming just barely in sight, but when they started screaming and running down the street, it caught her attention. Immediately she was fully attentive to the scenery unfolding not far from her car, but from her current position it was hard to tell what exactly was going on. The involvement of ghouls was likely, but she assumed to find maybe a rowdy B-class ghoul having a public picnick or something. High-profile monsters usually didn't draw that much attention, so her elaborate guess went towards 'idiot ghoul didn't catch the witnesses fast enough'. She dropped the dossier back onto the passenger seat, reached for the suitcase standing at the leg room and got out on the street. Not casually, but not with a huge amount of haste either. Being the only person in sight who walked towards the source of panic instead of running away. While Morizumi was without a partner, there were civilians in potential danger, so she was duty-bound to interfer with whatever was going on ahead. She was unaware of the challenge Knight had issued to the 8th's investigators. "Rank 1 Shina Morizumi... Misery reporting for duty. she said to herself, her voice overpowered by the panicking screams of frightened passengers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akurai
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Akurai Kawaii in the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Akurai prepared for the impact of the hammer, he was ready for the pain that would come with however it was his best ticket out of here. It was just one problem, Chou. Somehow she had managed to get between Akurai and the hammer and she absorbed most of the blow from it, lucky her kagune took most of the force. "He wants us to run" Akurai said just before he took both the Dove and Chou's advice.

"Chou you better come after me in one piece!"

With that Akurai jumped onto the closest roof and started to move, he needed to find someone who could help. There was no way Chou would win this fight and saddly thee was only one person he knew, Ishin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tomoko
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kusime Institute
Keiji would walk through the streets of Tokyo in order to reach the all known school: Kusime Institute. It was not that he enjoyed spending his time in one classroom for the rest of the day. The reason why he did not mind to go there was because it somehow let him feel a bit more human than he actually was. I mean... a ghoul is not really the most welcome person in the world as he would go on random killing sprees from time to time to silence his hunger in order not to attack in a public place which would result in him... dead. There was however a bit of humour in it since it would actually be his punishment for killing all those other people in this city just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. If he could change himself, the first thing would be to revert his eating habits into those of a human so he would stand out less than he already was. Or so he thought so. Having to puke everything out after taking only one bite out of a sandwich was not exactly the most favorable experience that anyone could ask for. Before he knew it, he already arrived at the school he went to. His first year in college. It was for most people an exciting time and maybe also a scary one as one could not expect how it would be there. But that was what it was all about, is it not? How could one live without any spark of adrenaline running through their veins and just witter their days at home on the couch. Well, that was not too bad now that he thought about it. But one could go mad for being locked up too long of a time. His thumbs would slip into the pockets of his pants as he would walk through the gates of the domain. His eyes would roam over the several windows to see if any classes had already started and of course there were. Well, it was not that abnormal that there were actually people in there. It would be weird if there was no one, as if it was some ghost building or something like that. A yawn would escape from his lips, almost unable to close his mouth again. The thought of the need of sleeping more popped up inside of his head as he had only three hours of sleep today. Not the best thing that he could do as he knew he had class the moment he would wake up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

CCG 8th District HQ
"I know what I'm doing." He puffed out his cheeks in a petulant manner, making his way to the buildings exit. "I guess it's my first time actively hunting a ghoul, yeah. But that does not mean I don't know how to fight them!" He quickly pointed out with a raised finger, looking back to Matsuoka, his smile showing a little bit of teeth. "Valedictorian. I was really bad at a few subjects, but my average was higher than everyone else's thanks to Combat Education and Ghoul Biology." Hisoka puffed his chest out proudly, looking back infront of him with shut eyes and a wide smile. Of course, that would only go on to reveal another one of his odd traits. Although it was unknown over what, Hisoka tripped forward and landed face first with a rather painful sounded 'thud', lower back raised in the air. How embarrassing. Slowly lifting himself upwards, Hisoka brushed off his front with a clear of his throat, trying to return to his near-professional demeanor as if nothing happened. "Should I drive?" He asked, trying quickly to divert any attention from his fall to a different matter, hiding the burst of red on his cheeks. Yuuka couldn't help but stifle a laugh. "Sure thing. Just uh, be a little more careful behind the wheel, okay?" The Special Investigator and her new partner exited the cafeteria. Yuuka shoved a hand into the pocket of her CCG blazer, expecting to find her car keys, but she came out with only a fist full of empty air. In the end, she wound up patting herself down to find her keys. "Where did I..." she said, pausing as she came to a slow realization. Awkwardly (perhaps more for Hisoka than his partner), Yuuka reached into her cleavage with a black hand and retrieved a set of keys which she started swinging around on her index finger. "I always lose these things in the weirdest places..." she muttered. Alarms blared. Yuuka snapped to attention, but quickly realized she was already at the centre of it. With one foot on the other side of an active RC cell detector, her Quinque prosthetics had tripped the alarm. Guards flooded into the room, packing guns armed with Q bullets. They took aim at Yuuka. She sighed. "Relax, boys. It's just me again." She held up her badge and her license, and immediately everyone lowered their weapons, mumbling and groaning about the trouble Yuuka had caused them. Yet more fuel for quiet gossip. "Sorry about that, Hisoka-kun. These Rc cell detectors aren't calibrated to tell my prosthetics apart from real Ghouls. They keep telling me they're gonna fix it, but they never do. I'm supposed to exit through a special door so this doesn't happen, but I guess I got a little careless, what with how excited I was." She dropped the sweaty keys in her subordinate's open hands. "My car's over here. You'll probably recognize it once you see it. It's the one that's all beat up and stuff." The car in question was more than beat up. It was dented, scratched, dinged, keyed, and even missing a mirror in an astonishing display of ignorance towards road safety. Either someone had gone to town on this car, or Yuuka should've been barred from driving ever again. "You still wanna drive, right?" Hisoka said nothing, taking the keys and approaching the beat up car. It's not that he refused to say anything, but more that he could not find the words. Ignoring the feeling of the keys, he unlocked the car doors, slipping into the drivers side. Just like moments before, he tried to redirect the conversation to something less awkward for him. Never mind the fact his face was beet red. "When I was going through the academy, I was always thinking about ways to hurt ghouls without a quinque or Q-bullets. Knight reminded me of something I thought up. Ghoul skin is tough, really tough, but it's not hard. If you poked it, it'd be all squishy and stuff, but if you stabbed it the knife would probably just bounce off." With them both strapped in, he started the car, testing the engine a little to get it started, "In a purely scientific sense, things cannot be hard and tough. It's a scale, I guess. The reason why maces were so effective against full plated knights was because they bent the armor, rather than trying to stab through it. Ghoul skin is a little bit tougher than that." He paused, pulling out of the CCG carpark, eyes on the road. "When things freeze, they become hard, but not necessarily tough. Take a rubber ball for example; if you hit it with a hammer, then it'd just bounce off. But if you froze that ball, then hit it with a hammer, it'd smash. This should apply to the body of a ghoul." He finished, the embarrassment of the earlier exchange having faded away behind his vocalised thoughts. "...So I was thinking, if I threw liquidized difluoroethane at a ghoul, it would freeze the surface it hit and make it easier to break, exposing whatever is under the tough layer of skin and some of the flesh." Hisoka's phone went off in his pocket, drawing his eye from the road momentarily. He quickly reached for it, placing it down on the car dash as he drove towards downtown. "Could you check that, Matsuoka-san?" Of course, it was a news flash. Knight's most recent actions and his challenge to Yuuka. Note: Collab between Turbo and Art
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by stoof
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stoof anime rper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

close to the dark nights club a small skateboard shop was open. a young man around 19 years old named sora mamoru was sitting behind the counter reading thrasher skateboard magazine with his feet that are covered in a pair of white with black skateboard DC shoes. he looks calmly with his eyes jewel quartz grey eyes towards the clock that stands on his computer "ugh this late already" he said to himself before he removes his feet from the counter and calmly puts the on the ground with a small sigh "time to go home" he said while he stands up and unzips a grey hoody with the store loge on his chest and the name on huge on his back. by putting the hoody off he reveals a black slim fit tank top that shows a bit of his athletic muscle body although it keeps a little mystery behind it although it also reveals a black tribal tattoo on the outside of his right upper arm. he calmly hangs his hoody around the chair behind the desk and walks away from the desk towards the back while he pulls his black jeans up and tightens the white cotton belt with metal bucket so his pants doesn't drop anymore. after a minute sora rolls out of the back riding a skateboard through the store and stops infront of the door. he presses the light switches on the wall to putt of the lights while he kicks the tail of his skateboard making the board's nose shoot up so he can catch it in his right hand. he walks calmly outside while he carries his skateboard and closes the door before locking them followed by jumping up and grabbing a cage the rolls down in front of the door. he drops his skateboard on the ground and places his left foot on it before he kicks off with his right foot making speed so he can ride calmly towards the Meat, Meat, MEAT!! restaurant
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Musoka
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Musoka Toku Fanboy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ishin growled violently at the brash attitude Knight had taken all of the sudden. He was admittedly one of the more…flashy…of the 8th Ward, and despite Ishin’s requests…he would incessantly call attention to the Ghoul World. Ishin both hated and respected the man under the mask. He was strong enough to be so vehemently violent against their prey and their hunters, but this strength also gave him a certain air of arrogance. The red haired ghoul growled before he looked down at the CCG closing in to Knight’s proximity. As much as he didn’t want to help, he had a duty as a sanctuary owner to the ghouls of the ward. His kagune rippled forth, ripping his skin and coating his arms in thick bands of multi-coloured RC cells. His wings hardened and crystalized, extending to their full span. The effect was the inhuman idea. A silent harbinger. A violent angel of death. He leapt down beside Knight and growled. “You’re an idiot…but you will get your fight so long as you promise to be quiet for a few weeks after this” Ishin demanded before staking towards the CCG group that had arrived in front of him. Many were simply armed with Q-bullets, none of them attaché case wielding Doves. Except one. One that Ishin knew from the incoming Dove files. Ishin was so glad he had that simple connection to the CCG to allow him to know the Doves by name and face. He stood at his full, overbearing 6’2 feet and pointed at the group of CCG. His wings suddenly shifted, flicking a hail storm of crystal daggers at the CCG. Blood spewed from the few dumb enough to not protect their neck and Ishin blurred into the middle of them. Koukaku sharpened into deadly, sinister blades, he became a whirlwind of violence. The sounds of tendons ripping, muscles tearing, and bones snapping and breaking mingled with the gurgling cries of those unlucky enough to be dying from the initial onslaught of Ishin’s wings. Ishin drew himself to full height, eyes staring directly at the one eye of Morizumi “Ahh…the one The Clown told me about” he said, his voice echoing through his mask and sounding all too inhuman “Show me….SHOW ME THE QUINQUE YOU MADE FROM OGRE!” Ishin shouted loudly and fell into a crouch, his blades glistening with ruby red blood.
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