Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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Azalea sat on a bench outside the Inn. There was a bird on her arm, a falcon it would seem, she had pulled a note off its leg and read it. Though the contents of the note seemed to shock her slightly. The bird moved to her arm and she made paper and a pen appear in front of her and began scribbling swiftly, in a language unknown to most. When she was finished she tied the note to the bird's leg and sent it off. She hadn't noticed Lyx until the bird was out of sight and she had released the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. She gave him a gentle smile, as if nothing happened. "Ah, so I see you decided to come out after all." She stated making it clear in her tone that she didn't want him to mention anything about what he had just seen. "I was starting to thing you hadn't gotten my hint." She stated, still seated.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Lyx walked over and took a seat next to Aza on the bench, "How could i refuse an invitation from a lady like you", he refrained from asking about the bird, instead leaning back on the bench and returning a smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Azalea smiled. "You seem to not talk much. Does the vast selection of creatures here not interest you?" She questioned, teasing slightly though she was sure he had met at least one of every species before. It was, however, strange to find such a variety all in one spot. "So, what are your thoughts about the inn so far?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Lyx took a second to think "my thoughts" he said "well it's nice to have found more werewolves, maybe them and Ian will get along though with them all being alphas i wonder how that will go. and i'm glad to see that dragons haven't completely disappeared, it's been awhile since I've last seen one. that other vampire, Dr. Name it was, i could tell he was turned, not born like me, but...he seemed weak. as for the half-breeds and the phoenix, well i don't really have anything special to say about them"

"but as for unicorns, by the spirits i think the last time I saw one was three maybe four thousand years ago, I remember the scent well, they always smell so...sweet" Lyx leaned forward and took two short sniffs of the air in front of Aza's face then leaned back again with a grin. "and for the inn itself, it seems a comfortable place to stay but it might be awhile before i really call it home"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Azalea gave the vampire a strong look after he sniffed her but shook it off. "Wow so you haven't seen one of my kind since before I was born. I never realized just how rare we are." She sighed but turned and smiled at him. "Are you planning on calling this place home?" She asked slightly excited to potentially finally have someone older than her. "Ah. Anyway, I'm sure you are hungry and as I said unicorn blood is supposed to hold over a vampire's hunger for quite some time. If you would like." She said with a slight smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Lyx glanced at the inn "I plan on staying, at least", he looked back to Aza as she mentioned her unicorn blood "yes, it's been awhile" he said sliding himself a little closer "you said you've never been bit before?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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"Not by a vampire, I've been bitten by various animals, and a werewolf before, but not a vampire. Did you know a deer will bite you if it feels that's the best way to escape a situation. They also aren't to fond of my human form." She put air quotes around the word human. She was very plainly not human, the horn ears and tail gave that part away. She would never be able to blend into the human world. This is partially why she lives at the inn. She focused her attention back on Lyx, her mind having wondered elsewhere. "Werewolf bits don't effect me either, other than the bleeding it causes. Oh which reminds me, unicorn blood is silver-blue color so don't freak out when you see it." She stated calmly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Lyx gave a soft laugh when Aza suddenly brought up deer bites. "don't worry" he said, leaning in and putting his arms around Aza "this won't be as painful, or as messy", He pulled Aza into an embrace as he bared his fangs and gently bit into Aza's neck.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Azalea clutched the back of his shirt for a moment, the feeling of his fangs punctured her skin giving her a pinching sensation for a moment. After a couple seconds the pain went away and she relaxed again. He was right, it didn't hurt as much as being bitten by other things. Sure it stung for a moment but other than that there was little pain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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Spinel smiled a little seeing the young girl enjoying her food, taking a sugar cube from the bowl as well when he got the chance. Maybe it was childish to do something like that before finishing his meal, but he didn't really care. Sweets were important in life; they reminded him that sometimes he didn't need to be asleep for dreams to live on.

Of course, he did need nourishing food as well, so he went back to what was on his plate again shortly after. Not before making a note to get another sugar cube later, though. In the meantime, he turned to the other quiet girl. "Um...I know I've seen you here before, but I don't remember if we've ever formally met...I might have been dreaming it, but I'm Spinel, just in case."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"I'm Wyvern but people call me Wy for short." Wy mumbled glancing at Spinel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Wy...I'll remember that this time, then." The redhead grinned at her before taking another bite of his food. "So, ah...how are you, I guess? I have to admit that I didn't think this conversation through...Oh, how long have you been here, exactly? If you don't mind me asking, that is. I'm just not sure exactly how weird it might be that it took me this long to introduce myself, you see. If I haven't before, anyway, what with how my memory is right now and all..." He blinked and trailed off at the end as he realized that he was probably rambling by this point. He wasn't sure why he was doing so terribly with conversation at the moment, but maybe it was a sign that he still wasn't fully awake.

...Or that he needed more sleep. That was always another option.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"I'm good and I've been here a few years. I just tend to stick to myself." Wy said quietly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

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Name was having a very tense moment.
He hid it as well as he could but he was fighting his discomfort and pain as well as he could. When Aza and Lyx had wandered off he thought nothing of it and went back to his meal.

But now he could smell it on the air. Blood. Honestly species didn't matter it always had that thin coppery aroma. As Name continued to fight the need to feed in his life the harder it became, and the more aware he was when it was drawn. God dammit he could smell them feeding from inside the inn!

Name was sweating and had a death grip on the table edge, as his fangs slowly pushed through his gums. "It will be fine just need a distraction." Name reassured himself. He ordered a hot pot of coffee to the table and before it had even been on the table for more than a few moments he poured a cup and quickly downed the hot liquid.

He was back to normal. As the coffee scalded his mouth and throat, it dulled his senses and hunger. The old doctor hoped no one noticed his crisis, it had been resolved in the time it took for a pot to make it to the table.

Name was finished eating and was ready for bed. But Autumn looked like she was enjoying herself, so he smiled and grabbed a couple sugar cubes and mixed them in his coffee.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Lyx felt Aza's heartbeat as he drank, it was a pleasant feeling. after a minute he decided he'd taken enough and pulled his fangs out, then he licked where he had bitten causing the marks to heal and planted a soft kiss on her neck before pulling back and giving Aza an appreciative smile.

Inside the inn, Ian looked up, his gaze falling on Dr.Name, he was looking on with a knowing glare as the fledgling shuddered and drowned his thirst with coffee. he could tell that he neglected his thirst and that it was costing him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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Azalea smiled back at Lyx. "There, that should hold you over longer than normal." She stated as she stood up. She wobbled, only for a moment before gaining her balance. She had stood up to fast and her head spun. "So, what's up with your werewolf friend? Is he just your blood bank or it there something more to it?" She asked, not trying to be rude, just simply curious. She had never seen a werewolf and vampire travel together, in fact it was commonly known that at one point the two species hated one another, some of that tension could still be seen today but it wasn't nearly as bad as it used to be, especially when she was a colt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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"Ah, I see. That's kind of mysterious~." Spinel finished off the last few bites of food on his plate before looking up again, very satisfied with how good the food had been. "Oh, but is this conversation becoming irritating, then? If you'd rather be by yourself, you can just let me know. Everyone has to have some time to themselves sometimes anyway, right? I don't mind it if it's helpful." Pushing his plate away slightly, the male thought to get another one of the sugar cubes before a plate of cookies caught his attention. "Were these here before? How does she know so well? Aza's seriously the best~!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Autumn was sitting there happily eating her macaroni, legs kicking back and forth in content when she smelled it. Her nose twitched at the coppery-penny smell of it and she froze, spoon slipping from her numb fingers to clatter loudly against her plate. She could sense Aiden's surprise through the bond but she took no notice, her eyes had a faraway look to them. While she didn't need blood to survive like full-blooded vampires, she knew the smell all too well; both the smell of her own and other kinds from the beings trapped at the facility. Her tiny hands clenched into fists as she began trembling, not seeing the table or Inn members in front of her. Instead she was strapped to a cold table, staring up at a bright light. There were doctors surrounding her, prodding her with sharp objects, various cuts scarring her tiny body. She stared at them with terrified eyes as one of the picked up a scalpel, the metal glinting in the fluorescent lights as it was brought closer and closer to her left eye.

She gasped, jerking back and falling out of her chair as a result. She scrambled up and darted away, mind still trapped in the horrible memory. She raced through a doorway and stumbled up the stairs. She didn't know where she was going, she just needed to get away from the smell of blood. Terrible, terrible blood. Aiden's alarm was trickling through the bond and he was trying to calm her down but it wasn't able to pierce through her blind panic.

Autumn eventually stopped and curled up in a corner in a tiny ball. Tears were streaking down her face and she whimpered, rocking back and forth slightly as she covered her face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

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Name was shocked as Autumn scrambled away from the table in a blind panic, and raced away into the inn.
"Dammit Name!" The doctor cursed himself. Nate had mentioned over the phone that Autumn might be suffering from some physiologic damage, and he had been to caught up in his own moment of weakness to notice her rising panic. Luckily they had finished feeding.
"How am I going to explain she has nothing to fear from blood when I can't even stand its scent?" Name asked himself. Still it made a few things easier at least.
Picking up Gary the rabbit Name followed after her mad dash.

It took a few minutes but he found where Autumn had curled up. "What can I say" Name pondered to himself.

Word's not forthcoming Name crawled up beside her, hugging her and whispering in a comforting voice. "It's okay sweet child. I'm here, your safe."

Still talking softly and soothing he continued, "As long as you have Aiden and me nothing will ever hurt you again. I promise I will keep you safe Autumn."

Name ment every single word.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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seeing as Aza looked a bit unsteady he stood up to help but she steadied herself so he just stood next to her, "Ian?, he's been my closest friend for a long time now, well, my only friend really" he sighed
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