Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by barkmeat2
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barkmeat2 The Bearded Dankier Hobbit

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Willard would be a liar if he said this was the first time someone pulled a knife on to his throat, but you can imagine his surprise when it happened in such a nice town. Fortunately she brought the weapon down and offered an apology. A younger him would have probably taken offense and promptly lashed out, but age brings patience and despite this outrageous reaction to a man sitting down he should take this at more than just face value.

"Eheem- I didn't know your beauty sleep was that important to you." He offered a small laugh to help lighten the mood. "But I think it's rather rude to pull a knife on someone you just met." Typical, normal everyday humans didn't act this way, then it hit him. That predatory gaze, jumpy nature, all of which tell tale signs of a wolf intruding on another's land. They were on the same boat,

"Now that all that unpleasantness is behind us, mind you telling who you are? Judging from your reaction you know exactly what I am, and I'd love to know how we go about this faux pas."

He gave her a cold, hard gaze, waiting for her response. He hadn't think he'd actually have to revert to his old self, frankly he liked playing the part of feeble middle-aged man, but this recent interaction might call for a bit more callousness. Willard was no fool and he hadn't forgotten his years of killing; he made peace, sure, but he never forgot. This woman was dangerous, to the town as a whole, and he'd be damned to sit by and do nothing.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by breathofarda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


The wind streamed through the trees, creating a low and rasping murmur all around the woman. Dark hair swung forward as she cocked her head, listening to the steady conversation of the forest that spread outward from her tree. The distant chatter of moving water, the soft and stealthy movement of small animals, the faint edge of voices that likely belonged to werewolves waking up for the day – all of the noises combined to create a gentle, familiar symphony for Jamie. As her attention drew closer and to more immediate affairs, a lilting hum began to slip forth from between the woman's lips. The occasional word or verse would interrupt the tune as she remained confident that she was relatively alone.

As she shifted her weight, legs bent so that she was crouched against the hemlock's thick limb, Jamie tilted her head back and peered upward. Thin pants designed for water resistance and a variety of temperatures clung to her hips but loosened along her legs, allowing for flexibility as she studiously scaled the tree. A dark turquoise tee-shirt clasped her torso in a fitted hold, tucked under the canvas belt of her pants to protect her belly when shimmying. Stretching up to grasp the next limb, the woman leaned into the trunk of the tree and paused, taking a moment to look at the receding earth below her. Exertion aided the brisk breeze in teasing color into her cheeks, the rising sun peeking through the colorful canopy only to dance in the depths of dark brown eyes. The new morning awakened Jamie, inciting her to a delighted pitch as she returned to her task, easily clambering onto the next branch. She lightly swept upwards along the thinning boughs, hands and feet confidently finding purchase despite occasionally daunting distances between tree limbs.

When Jamie sensed the tree's limbs were becoming too thin to easily hold her weight, she ceased her upward momentum and settled down, straddling her current branch and leaning back against the trunk. The sun dappled her dark head, keeping her warm despite the cool edge of the wind that had grown stronger the higher she climbed. Lids descended, sweeping dark lashes across her cheeks as she steadily relaxed. Time ceased to matter as she reclined, thoughts slipping smoothly across the surface of her mind without catching hold. Her expressions were subtle, but joy slowly suffused her features until an inner light shone outward to meet the sun.

When sleep attempted to cradle the woman in its embrace, she shook herself and straightened, hands steadying her form against the tree. Her body swayed, only to tip forward until she appeared to be falling. A natural grace led to thin hands instinctively capturing a branch, swinging her weight forward, feet touching a lower bough with only a whisper of sound as thin shoes brushed bark. In a smooth blend of falling and swinging, the woman made a quick descent, deviating only to switch to a nearby tree. She traveled thirty or so yards by moving through the trees, dark eyes flitting constantly as she absorbed her surroundings. In this way she came upon two men walking purposefully through he forest, one holding a map and appearing to be more in charge than the other.

“I think we are getting close to somewhere called Moonlight Manor. hmm i do hope its a hotel i’d like to sleep in a bed again.”

Her body obtained a stillness that existed despite movement, a trick designed to allow a hunter to come upon the prey without being noticed. She slipped down onto the bough until her stomach was flat against the bark, arms steadying her weight as she stretched her legs behind her and lowered her head, becoming as unobtrusive as possible as she observed the two strangers who were clearly heading for her home. Their apparent ignorance of what Moonlight Manor entailed was a source of relief and amusement to the woman. As they moved past her and continued on, Jamie rose once more and decided to follow them, weaving through the trees like a shadow.

@Maria 127
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MThePathSeeker
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Moonlight Manor
Damien Lee
He looked into her eyes and nodded before kissing her forhead one more time. "I shall be back." He said turning and looking back at her "I shall be back in time for breakfast." He said jumping off the balcony landing on his feet. He took a deep breath and howled once more sending a signal to the young wolf he had sent off earlier. Letting her know her leader was on his way. He breathed in the air catch the scented of Aurora as well as the rouge. North by north east the two have yet to fight or else the scents would have been mixed as well with the scent of blood.

His pace was slow, but steady as the adrenaline in his veins increased so did his speed. His eyes watched everything following, it had been five years since he entered this forest he knew it long before being alpha. But so did this rogue wolf, she had hunted like he had long ago. He had to meet this wolf to see if she was like him one of his people or perhaps something else. And if she was he would hope to make another comrade.

He ran faster than any human was capable of running, the fog cutting through him like butter. He ran faster than the deer that ran from him thinking they were his prey. He jumped over hills and streams until finally he was at his destination. He was a few feet away from Aurora, watching her movements. Then his attention went to the wrong, her hair was dark, and her eyes weren't crimson. She was not of his people, but nonetheless he wanted to know her
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Sighing through her nose, Aurora rose to her paws and shook out her body, her stomachs rumbling cutting her patience short. Flicking her ears, Aurora huffed softly and focused on the task that needed to be done. Opening her muzzle and allowing her tongue to loll out, Aurora thumped her tail twice as she fully concentrated on speaking with the loner.

Why are you here trespasser? You've been hunting our prey and leaving their bodies half eaten around the forest. Explain yourself, my Alpha would rather avoid a fight I'd possible." Aurora's ears flicked as her head tilted to one side, her nose twitching as the familiar scent of her Alpha filled the air. Taking a step and then another closer to the wolf, Aurora sat once more and barked softly.

Focusing on the faint sounds coming from the house, she snorted internally when she heard the faint sounds of small feet and happy giggles, her attention diverted when another familiar scent filled the air, her tense shoulders relaxing slightly as members of her pack drew closer.

@MThePathSeeker @breathofarda @Maria 127


Smiling at the girl and rubbing her forhead, Kellen began to mentally go through the bookstore's shipment of books that were to be went it today. Sighing and rolling her eyes, she focused when the diner doors opened and then closed, Kellen began to tap her fingers against the tabletop.

She wasn't normally like this, but she hadn't slept well the night before and the chill slowly creeping slowly through the air wasn't helping, she'd always been one to easily get sick. Reaching into her jacket pocket, she tugged out a pack of tissues as well as a small notepad where she kept her homework assignments in, her lips lowering into a frown. Scanning the rather large list, Kellen ran a finger down and smiled when most of them were checked with a star or a check, only half the list was left to finish. Nodding before closing the notepad, she slipped it back into her pocket before sighing and closing hee eyes.

After her coffee she'd head back to the bookstore and begin on her essays, the silence and smell of books would help her focus, smiling Kellen patiently waited for her warm drink. @ViolentViolet
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by barkmeat2
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barkmeat2 The Bearded Dankier Hobbit

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Are you fucking kidding me. A third one. A THIRD goddamn wolf in this neck of the woods, honestly he wasn't even mad at this point, the gods -both evil and benign- were clearly mocking him. Here he was, a scientist deprived of fresh subjects, literally handed a smorgasbord. And fuck, judging by its size and stature this was a male; Ribald didn't have nearly the firepower nor traps set up to even scratch this guy. If he was lucky Ribald's death would be mostly painless, a wolf would be writhing in a poison induced agony, and Cat, poor, sweet innocent Cat can make a break for it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Freya Lockheart

Volrath’s Forest

Freya watched the wolf in front of her, lifting a paw and shaking the dirt from between her toes and off of her claws though she had not pained herself to bother cleaning up the mess that she made when she walked. Fury sparked in her eyes as the smaller wolf spoke her, intruding her mind with words that were not welcome by her. She stood, her full high well past ten feet, and stepped toward Aurora. Invade your territory? The wolf growled at her, her ears flattening against her head as she approached, her paws landing on the ground and leaving heavy imprints in the soil; muscle rippled beneath the thick fur of her body and her eyes flashed a golden seer as she neared it. Tell me, pack child; who was born here? Who can tread here without fear? She towered over the smaller, white wolf and looked down at the blue eyed wolf who claimed her home as hers.

She looked over toward where the male approached and turned from the female, a swish of her tail warning her that there would be no attack that did not come from consequence. He is weak. Like the rest of you, child. Freya, as the wolf, could be of any age, for her scars were those of one who had fought countless battles and killed countless rivals. She remembered slaughtering the wolves that came here before the current Alpha Female had commanded they stay out of the forest. She had met with the former, the man dead now and his replacement not heeding the warnings left behind by the man who ruled before him. She lifted her head and parted her maw, howling in warning as the man approached and soon, he was here. He was bigger than the white one, but small still in comparison to the hulking beast that stood before him. You do not listen well, Damian Lee; The foolish Alpha of a weak pack. Even the dying may destroy you. She invaded his mind easily her voice booming within the confines of his skull as she watched him approach. Freya gave no hint of fear when face with two wolves, who, combined, were less than half her size. You will die, like your ancestors when they walked here, without my aid; unless you follow your predecessor.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fumari
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Fumari Friendly Bird Nerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Town – Diner

Leif smiled up at the waitress while his hands quickly found the menu she’d set down for him, casually flipping it open in front of him—he didn’t really need to look too hard, as he’d traveled around and eaten at so many diners before, and a lot of the food options were similar. Morning specials were always cheaper, and usually tastier, he discovered a few towns before this own.
“I’m good, hungry, but good.” He joked with his usual half grin, “Are you still serving your morning specials?” he added the question in quickly, without really looking up at the girl. He knew her type: born in a small town like this, working in a small, most likely family owned business, and obviously familiar with most all of the permanent residence here. She’d be one of the first people to recognize his face as unfamiliar, he thought with slight annoyance. Living in a new place was all fine and dandy until people actually started to get to know your face, at least, that’s how it worked in Leif’s experience. Still, being outright rude to avoid being rude seemed counterproductive, so he gave the girl a bit more friendlier smile and replied. “I came to stay with family, of sorts.” He formed words as honestly as he could, which to be fair, wasn’t too far from the truth. Most packs did consider themselves family, and although he didn’t know if he could be rightly considered so just yet, he didn’t think that it would hurt to use it as an excuse to be here. It was better than admitting to being a simple drifter, because apparently, some townsfolk didn’t like those types.

~ ~ ~

Town – towards the Moonlit Manor

Lucio was pretty surprised by himself when he finished fixing up his neighbor’s lawnmower within the hour—it was only a few dinged up blades that were causing problems, which the now well-greased man had easily taken care of. Lucio quickly wiped down his hands and walked back into his little houses to quickly shower. He passed the living room as he moved, noting his son’s tiny form wrapped in a bundle of blankets on their dingy old couch. Draco’d listened well to his dad and stayed out of the way while he worked, instead watching SpongeBob for the whole while. The father smiled a bit, and again continued to the bathroom. It took him maybe ten minutes to shower and dress, after which he quickly packed up a small lunch for the two of them before making his way back to the living room.

“Ready to go, buddy?” he asked, and quickly a small blonde head of curls popped out of the blankets and nodded furiously. The boy had a toothy grin, his canines protruding much farther than the rest of his tiny white teeth, a sign of a born werewolf.

“Dad, can I carry the lunch?” Draco asked after noticing the familiar lunch box slung over his father’s shoulder, containing a pair of PB&J sandwiches, an orange, and some juices. Lucio nodded his head with a smirk and handed the bad down to the boy just as they walked out the front door.

The walk to the manor wasn’t a long one, thankfully. The two had walked it so many times now that it was familiar even to the younger wolf, who happily lead the way. Lucio walked slower behind his son, a grimace slowly forming over his lips. There was an odd smell in the air that left the older wolf much more stiff and alert than he liked. It was mixed in with the familiar scent of his pack, which didn’t sit well in his mind. Maybe he’d head out after they got to the manor, check and see what’s going on and if he was needed at all. He wanted to get to the manor first though, so that Draco wasn’t a part of the mix.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aurora Solomon

Snarling and slamming her front paws on the dirt, Aurora lifted her head and howled in anger. Don't threaten any of us, I ask again why are you here, hunting our prey? she questioned the female wolf, her tail swishing in agitation as she watched the wolf flatten her ears and direct her words towards her Alpha.

It was true there were stories of wolves born within the forest, tales that Aurora herself read to Sena before she went to bed. They were the stories she grew up to, if you ever met a wolf that appeared twice the normal size, you were to either leave them be or take their presence as a warning. Flattening her ears and lowering her head as her Alpha stepped to her side, Aurora released a soft snarl at the loner before focusing her gaze on its glowing eyes.

Even if this wolf towerred over her and could easily break her neck with a mear stomp of her paw, Aurora wouldnt back down, she'd peotect her family. The familiar scent of pup and pack drifted through the air then, nose twitching in recognition, Aurora internally barked happily, her ears flattening against her skull as she waited for something to happen. The faint sounds of footsteps off to the west, catching her attention momentarily before she focused on the she-wolf once more.

@ViolentViolet @Fumari @MThePathSeeker
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Jacob - Lone Wolf
As they walked nearer to Moonlight Manor he was beginning to doubt that it was a hotel. The path way seemed too narrow making him feel as though he was intruding upon something he shouldn’t. He began to look around him and then as he drew closer he began to hear voices, not normal voices internal ones.

He was slightly taken aback by the woman’s tone of voice, it was a bit to authoritative and slightly threatening to his liking. He did not like her accusing tone of voice but soon realises that it is not directed at him.

As they walk into wolf confrontation Jacob freezes, he wasn't sure if he wanted to get into the middle of a fight between unknown wolves. he was being wary. The more he looked at the she wolf that belonged to a pack the more he felt the urge to protect her. He walked right in front of the pack she wolf and stared deep into the trespassers eyes.

"If it is a fight you want fellow lone wolf then fight me but there will be a catch if i win you leave here and never come back, if you win i will let you finish what you started with this pack and won't intervene as long as i remain a loner, but you and i both know that a pack is stronger than one lone wolf. Take your pick wolf."

Josh - Lone Wolf
Josh was always on high alert, in both wolf form and human his hearing was far superior than that of a regular human being, so he noticed that there was someone or something moving in the trees he had decided to ignore it as it did not seem very threatening and besides the way he saw it was if they wanted him dead he would be already. In his old pack he was more of a scout and a look out as his hearing was a lot better than most of his pack mates, they used to say to him that he was more supernatural than anyone else they knew. Not many people or wolves could sneak up on him.

He turned to look around, he was trying to pinpoint the location of whatever was moving in the trees, just as he was getting close to pinpointing it he heard someone’s voice. As he turned to look he heard a woman’s voice in an accusing tone. He quickly noticed that it was not aimed at them as they soon came upon the confrontation of two wolves. He watched as his brother froze as he was unsure of what to do.

He then very surprised when his brother went to protect the she wolf that belonged to a pack. his brother never protected those he did not know but yet today he made an exception for a woman? Josh was very confused.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CallaLily
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CallaLily The Flower Girl

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Rhea B. ~ 7:00 A.M. ~ Moonlight Manor

He chased Rhea through the woods with ease. As she stumbled over rocks and tried to bypass trees with only the moon to light her way he easily started to catch up. He could have given her a fifteen minute head start, and he still would have caught her. He didn't laugh at this fact though, instead he snarled. His eyes were a bright yellow, his fur was a dark brown with a few light streaks of blonde Rhea had grown to love so much. Her attacker was a wolf, a wolf that had once been the beautiful Xavier Smith.

"Help!" She would scream, "help me please!" She kept screaming, though she really knew that no one could hear her. Her throat was raw and her breath was ragged. She was started to slow down, and Xavier saw this. He pounced, knocking Rhea to the ground. Rhea twisted, managing to face Xavier before he could pin her to the ground fully. His eyes were so human, too human to be a wolf's, Rhea knew. She took a deep breath and began to speak to him. "Xavier, you don't have to do this. I love yo-" She was cut off by a growl, Xavier's claws dug into her shoulders and she winced as she felt him draw blood. Xavier's eyes looked around, confused. When Rhea made a sign of pain he let up just a little, then started to growl again. Xavier opened his jaw revealing slightly yellow canines and the rest of his large teeth. He bit down on Rhea's arm slowly, and Rhea started to scream.

Rhea's scream woke her. She found herself lying a foot away from the bed, entangled in a couple of sheets. She groaned and lifted herself up from the floor, letting the sheets drift to the ground like feathers. She lazily changed from her sheer nightgown to a nice dress. Her long hair was left free, and with that she exited her room and went straight to the door. She left the manor behind to smell the comfort in the air. She knew each of the pack members smells, because they all carried something distinct about them. It was true they all smelled like wolves but Rhea was pretty sure she smelled like fresh linens and honeysuckle. That aside, just the normal scents of the forest were enough to make her happy. Songbirds cleansing their wings, pine trees with fresh scratches that secreted a lovely scent, all these things brought her away from her recurring nightmare. One scent though, almost gave her a new one.

Far from the manor Rhea could smell a scent that reminded her of a foreigner, with all new notes and tones that set her off. Nearer to the manor she could smell her favorite pup, Draco. This sent her over the edge, and she snarled deeper than any human could. A threat was somewhere in the forest, and so was a pup. Her maternal instincts kicked in, and she thought about nothing more than protecting the young child.

Rhea started to run, which looked like it should be been hard to do in her dress and house shoes, but Rhea made it appear easy. She jumped over all obstacles and gained speed, running faster than humanly possible. Her only guide was the scent of Draco and his father Lucio, but in a very short amount of time she made it to them. "Draco! How are you buddy?" She asked him, dropping to her knees right in front of him to match his height. She inspected him silently, making sure he had no new injuries. She then turned to Lucio, and frowned up at him. "Lucio, did you smell it? Do you want to go check it out? I can stay with Draco."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fumari
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Fumari Friendly Bird Nerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Lucio - About half way to Moonlit Manor

They were maybe half way to the manor before Rhea met them, making both the Lucio and Draco pause their feet. He wasn’t sure how she always managed it, but Lucio had to admit that when there was a pup involved, that woman could travel at speeds he didn’t even want to attempt reaching. He hadn’t even the chance to catch her scent before she was crouched beside her son.

Draco himself was currently wearing one of his brighter smiles, his little canines displayed proudly. “Rhea!” the little wolf spouted excitedly, already diving into her for a hug. “We’re going to the moon house.” He said happily. Behind him, Lucio smirked, but it quickly fell after Rhea spoke again.

“Yeah, I smelt it.” Lucio grumbled irritably, though if you knew him any, you could tell that it was pure concern written into his posture. The fact that he could smell his pack, his alpha, on the move… and then that other scent. Something was beginning to stir, and it left the older wolf feeling uneasy.

“Yeah. Yeah, I think I should.” Lucio grumbled, snapping back to the situation at hand and tossing the woman an apologetic smile. He knew she didn’t mind taking care of Draco any, but he still felt like he was just dumping him on her sometimes.

“But dad, what about our lunch.” The young wolf interjected with a slight pout, raising their lunchbox above his head as a solid reminder. He didn’t want his dad to miss lunch in the garden.

“I’ll be back in time for lunch, don’t worry buddy.” Lucio reassured, “You get a head start, bud, and be good for Rhea.” He called, though, he didn’t expect the boy to be troublesome. Even at his worse, the kid could never be considered a brat. After a quick hug from the young wolf, the elder quickly began in the direction he last smelt his pack leader.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MThePathSeeker
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

He heard her words in his head. Her threats meant nothing to him. As she approached he stood in his human form unfazed. "Your threats mean nothing." He stated bluntly "I follow my own path even if it leads me to my death. That is my way not the way of a tribe that had faded into the shadows of myth and history long ago." Her eyes meant his but his eyes showed no emotion no sign of caring or humanity in them like any alpha would have for his pack. He had not changed since coming here five years ago. The only thing that had changed was he was responsible for more than himself now.
"If you wish to hunt fine. But I will follow no one." His whole life he had been alone even with his grandfathers teachings he chose to stay alone. But his people were a peculiar kind. They attracted people, drew them to becoming groups. He had always found this annoying.

As he looked into her eyes he saw she had no fear but also something different. Something all to familiar "вы, кажется, потеряли свой свет, а (it seems you have lost your light as well)" he spoke in his native tongue which was rare since he came to America. He looked to the younger wolf pass the rouge "Aurora stand down." His order strange but filled with his authority. He continued to watch Freya
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by breathofarda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Slipping from one tree to the next was not unlike a dance, especially when one sought to do so with stealth. Her form swayed on a delicate line of balance, feet finding sure footing and long fingers curling confidently around branches, easily taking her weight when necessary. She wove her lithe frame around a network of boughs, never catching her clothes against the reaching fingers of branches or the occasional thorny vine. Dark hair spilled around her shoulders, emphasizing the translucent pallor of her throat and collarbones. Despite the concentration she granted her endeavor, a smile teased her lips. The smile quieted when she realized one of the strangers had twisted around, searching for a noise she must have made.

Jamie moved, slipping around a trunk so that her body was shielded from the more perceptive werewolf's eyes, her own dark gaze peeking around to keep a peg on them. She felt a prick of annoyance at his sharp senses, but it allowed her a quick piece of information: he was like her. Werewolves didn't choose their positions so much as they were chosen, with the stronger and more aggressive individuals becoming enforcers, warriors, and the smaller and sharper ones being like Jamie - like, perhaps, the fellow currently searching the trees in an effort to locate her. She couldn't move with him staring so intently only a few feet to her right, but since the two weren't moving particularly fast, she wasn't concerned about falling behind.

Surprise vibrated up her spine, causing fingers to convulse instinctively and hold on tighter. Although she'd heard voices, she hadn't paid too much attention – that was, until the snarling erupted. Tension straightened her shoulders, chin notching up and nostrils flaring as she scented the air. She didn't want to give up her position so easily, but the need to know what was going on was a persistent itch. Luck, if that's what it was, arrived, sweeping the man's attention aside as he and the other fellow were both drawn to the same noises she had noticed.

As the one man hurried forward and intervened, Jamie quickly descended, landing soundlessly on the balls of her feet, form hunkered low in a crouch. She rose, limbs unfurling as she took long strides forward and came up behind the second man. She didn't intend to invite trouble by doing so, but he was blocking the quickest path to the commotion. She glimpsed the form of Aurora facing off with a behemoth of a werewolf, a sight that both concerned and frightened the woman – despite her courage, Aurora surely wouldn't win such a battle. Hearing the voice of the alpha caused a fleeting smile to lighten the woman's expression, dispersing any concern she had been harboring – he would, of course, take care of the interloper. Their dire exchange about death didn't worry the woman, since she knew that even if the alpha wasn't enough, he had the pack at his back, and a pack would always trump a loner.

Slipping around the apparently confused man, she offered him a quick glance of dark eyes shadowed beneath an even darker fringe of lashes, a smile dancing along the corners of her mouth. She didn't enter the circle that consisted of the Alpha, Aurora, the threatening she-wolf, and the new fellow who moved to protect Aurora. As a huntress, Jamie wasn't one to jump into the fray, rather preferring to wait until she felt she was needed. Warriors were the combative type, and perhaps the Queens under the right circumstances. Without thought, the woman shifted the majority of her weight behind the slim bulk of a young tree, naturally seeking to blend in as if she was merely on another hunt. Her head tilted, cheek settling against the smooth bark, mind settling down so she could easily listen in on the stream of words that flowed from the others.

@ViolentViolet @MThePathSeeker @Maria 127 @Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Freya Lockheart

Volrath’s Forest

With the arrival of the other wolves, most in human form, on the edge of the forest she turned when the small white one spoke to her and snarled, her massive maw bumping against the side of the brown male that tried to get between them; the dried blood from her earlier kills rubbed off against them, it smelled not of any prey that had hunted before and would know, instinctively, that it was not something they were able to hunt. If she so chose, Freya could open her jaw and simply swallow the small white wolf, though, in everything she did now it was her attempt at chasing them away from what would surely kill them. Claim the ancestral home of the Narvak again, and you will fall victim first to the rage of the First Pack. She warned her, telling her something that she should recognize again from her children’s stories, as Freya was the first in hundreds of years, to show her face to the pack wolves who had settled twenty kilometers again. Her eyes lay brilliant silver again, finding ice blue with ease as one massive paw lifted and pinned the male wolf to the ground. She swung around to look at him again, growling at him as well. I am attempting to save their lives. Do not get in my way boy.

Letting the male go she moved again, walking over to where the Alpha Male settled with his arms crossed, stupid and ignorant. You are my relative; a descendant of my ancestor from a far off land. She said to him and him alone, her thoughts blocked to all other wolves in the area as she looked down at him. She lowered her head, crouching to look him in the eye though she was tense and clearly ready to turn on any wolf that dared attack her and kill them without a second thought. Without a warning she snarled at him again, her paw lifting and knocking him off his feet before it came down on his chest and pinned him to the ground. She could easily have crushed him if she chose though she did not. Instead she leaned over him and looked him in the eyes with one of her large, silver wolf eyes. You should listen to what you are told, Damian Lee. Even your blood does not call to the forest; your blood does not carry Volrath’s magic; your blood and your pack with die if they come without the Narvak’s territory. Will you leave your mate and seed behind for another foolish man to kill? She asked him, scrutinizing him, her head tilting to the side slightly though she did not look away from the man. Acnarian, vertak. Live, Brother. For after me, there is no one left to guard the ancestral home.

Freya stood, turning away from him and walking around behind a tree, following the acute scent of a woman wolf that she knew was there the entire time and fired a thought toward her. You need not hide, Pack child. There is not threat other than the wrath of Volrath. She told her, passing passed her as she rounded around behind, brushing against a few of the wolves as she did. Her scent was that of the Earth, blood, the wolf, and something else that gave it that dangerous edge that sent even most predators away from her. Even those that resided within the forest with her. When she came to a stop she was standing in the exact place she had been when the white wolf had come to find her, waiting, near the edge of the forest for the pack to arrive. She hunted near the edge to draw their attention on purpose, to drive them out of her ancestor’s ancient home.

@MThePathSeeker@Maria 127@Arista
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Trinais
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

~~ Leo ~~

It was just after 11 when Leo showed up at Moonlight Manor, his VW Beetle coasting up the driveway on fumes while he kept the windows down for air circulation. It was less about keeping cool and more about the stink though. He'd been on a graveyard shift at the local In-and-Out-Mart, then spent a couple hours mowing lawns on the east side of Stillwater for cash- so his plain white tee was covered in dust and grass stains while the front seat of the old car was thoroughly soaked with sweat. That, he could deal with. It marked the car as one of the few things that were well and truly Leo's.

It was the black garbage bag in the passenger's seat that concerned his nose. The car smelling like rabbit would attract other wolves and potentially the Fish and Wildlife services (if their noses were that sensitive, and if he ever happened to be stopped by one, but after some of the things he'd seen on the cross country road trip to his new home it wasn't outside the realm of possibility).

When Leo parked the car, he took an extra few seconds to breathe out the night's frustrations and force his eyes to stay open. He was at the threshold. Not much farther. One hand grabbed the bag in the passenger's seat. The other opened the driver's side door (instinctively jiggling the handle up before pressing down to actually open the thing) and his sandaled feet stepped out onto the driveway.

Leo slung the bag over his shoulder, slamming the car door shut with his foot, and carefully hefted the catch to the front door. It was a pitiful bag- half a dozen rabbits and two hares. He hadn't had the energy to bring in anything bigger for the group. He'd barely had the energy to shift in the first place. His first week with the pack and most of his "hunting" had been pre-packaged roasts and steaks or cash paid under the table for the lawn mowing company he worked with.

Dad wouldn't call it hunting, he thought. Any human can buy food- a Hunter works for it.

The bag of rabbits was his first true offering to the new pack and he would have to answer for the lack of big game. If it wasn't good enough... well, he had enough money in the bank to get to the next state.

Leo cracked open the door to the downstairs kitchen, careful to hurry the bag into the sink when he noticed a blood drip starting out of the bag- a bone had punctured the lining at the base and left a trail of red droplets on the tile floor.

Shit! Where was the mop? Where was the mop!?

"Uh, guys," Leo called out in the kitchen. He gave up on the mop and grabbed a paper towel off the counter, setting to cleaning right away. "Or gals. Um. Dinner? No- lunch. I got lunch!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista Le Insomniac

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aurora Solomon

Instinctively lowering her when the order came from her Alpha, Aurora shifted uneasily at the words the she-wolf spoke of, her mind instantly filling with the words from the tales her own mother used to read to her, her ears flattening against her skull as a shiver ran down her spine.

Those who guard the Forest of Volrath are meant to keep others out of the ancestral land, for a long time ago a war nearly destroyed the land and nearly killed off the remaining werewoles. It never says what caused the war or why the forest now has magic that can kill anyone who dares enter it without permission but one thing is known. If a warning is given by the present protector of the forest, you'd do best to heed the call and leave before the forest senses you there and begins it's attack, even the protector can't save you then.

Raising her head and then to her feet, Aurora nudged her snout against the new brown wolf before doing to same to the male, a gesture of thanks before moving towards where her Alpha stood, her ears flicking as the she-wolf's scent filled the air as she departed. She raised her head and displayed her neck before beginning to make her way back to where she'd entered the forest, her muscles rippling as she ahook out her body, the fresh scent of trees and her pack helping her relax once more. "I think we should leave Alpha...the others are arriving home and...I don't feel we should stay here anymore." She whispered softly, her eyes focusing on everyone that had arrived to confront the she-wolf, almost forming a half circle, her snout teitiching in the direction of the Manor when the scent of blood filled the air. It seemed Leo had arrived with food, although why blood was in the air caused a soft whine to escape her maw, her eyes focusing on her Alpha once more.

She, as well as the others of the pack couldn't leave until he said so, the new wolves could leave as they wish.

@ViolentViolet @CallaLily @MThePathSeeker @Maria 127 @breathofarda @Fumari
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fumari
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Fumari Friendly Bird Nerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lucio - Volrath’s Forest

I didn’t take Lucio too long to rediscover his alpha’s floating scent, which quickly lead him in the opposite direction of the manor, to Volrat’s Forest. He unconsciously swallowed down raw nerves, and quickly shifted into his much faster, four legged form in order to properly track. It wasn’t his specialty, not in the least, but he had a sharp enough nose to know which direction to run.

Eventually, he found his pack, or at least the few present members who stood with their leader. Then there was the much larger wolf, whose unfamiliar scent he’d caught earlier. He only caught the last few bits tossed between Damien and the stranger wolf, before the altercation seemed on the edge of being settled. Lucio huffed, making himself known while he slowed to a trot.

“Guess I’m a bit late.” He laughed in his mind, and made his way to join Damien and Aurora. The latter seemed ready to turn back, and Lucio momentarily worried that he’d only stir things more by being here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Freya Lockheart

Volrath’s Forest

Freya watched from where she sat as the small female touched her nose to the side of the brown male and walked over to the Alpha Male where he still stood in his human form, defiant and idiotic for still standing so far into forest that which she could feel stirring around her. Her silver eyes stared toward the males where he had been watching her the same as she watched him, and even though he was of a sister pack he would never have noticed out the vines near Freya coiled in anticipation. If they were not gone by the time she left them, the forest would consume them as it had the mountain pack several years before. One of her ears swivelled back, listening to the stalking of a predator behind her and she looked over her shoulder in time to see the lizard walk through the bushes, it’s tail as long as her body and even Freya feared; not for her life, but theirs. If such a creature had shown itself this early in the day then it would not be the last to find them before the ancestor wolf left that night; perhaps even away from the forest for the first time in two years. She stood suddenly, turning and diving into the bushes, vanishing for a moment though she could be heard and the yowl of a feline creature resounded before Freya stepped from the undergrowth again, carrying a three tailed panther between her jaws.

The feline was the same size as the small white female wolf she looked at across the clearing and the longer carried the carcass without a problem until she came to stand before them. She dropped it, letting the strange animal fall in front of them as a warning and a reminder before she spoke to every wolf who could hear her. Heed my warning now. This is not the largest, nor the most dangerous of what will come to hunt you. In the Forest of Volrath, the hunter becomes the hunted. She finished her words, her gaze sweeping over the pack wolves assembled before her, finding each gaze with her own moonlight silver until she looked at the new wolf. He was not much larger than them, normal and small, a wolf who would never traverse this forest alone, though something struck her as different about him. She pushed aside the though before long and sat behind her kill, the felines blood pooling in the grass and soaking into the dirt while fresh crimson dripped from her giant maw.


Cassiopeia River Milane

Stillwater – Town Square

Cass ran a hand through her hair in the similar manor to that of a male and she leaned back against the bench again, reclining as if she was relaxing. She didn’t fear the area around them, in fact she could smell Damian and she was not afraid of him. “I get jumpy when I haven’t slept in three days.” She mentioned though even as she said it she shrugged and looked sideways at him. Her eyes were a dark red, a burning crimson that found him even as she settled back with both of her hands behind her head. “I’m looking for those hunters actually. And Damian Lee.” She tilted her head to the side as she spoke, feeling the spray from the fountain as she looked at him.

A drip of water slid down her cheek and dripped off of her jaw as she looked at him. She flashed him a smile, one with nice white teeth and pointed canine teeth. She was daring to say the least, but she didn’t look as if she really wanted to die. “Cassiopeia River Milane. But you can just call me Cass.” She held out a hand to him, waiting to see if he would shake it anyway. She did of course; know that the pack was busy with a stray right now, though, unlike Damian, she knew better than to mess with the wolves in the forest here.


Claudia Spencer


The young woman nodded as he spoke; of course he was hungry, he was at the local diner though she didn’t say anything that could be taken the wrong way. Claudia hated offending people. “Of course.” The high school girl lifted a hand to gesture to the chalk board not too far away that from them where a few food items were listed in colourful shades of chalk and from the dust on the end of her skirt it was clear that she had been the one to write it down earlier that morning. “Today it’s our waffle breakfast sandwich, or cake, it really depends on what you want to call it.” Claudia smiled at him, reaching over and turning the page of the menu so show him the first item on the list. “As well as the apple flapjack stack with choice of syrup,” she pointed toward another item on the breakfast menu she had set on the table with him. “It’s really good with the cider and cinnamon maple syrup.” She recommended, sounding cheerful and happy like any small town girl should when talking to those who were in the same place, especially when it came to customers and people from out of town.

“How long are you planning on staying?” She was always curious when it came to new people in town, though it seemed as if there were more than usual in the last year or so and almost all of them had gone to the estate on the other side of the forest at one point or another. “I might know your relatives actually.” She mentioned, though it was a given that she probably knew most of the people in town; she didn’t personally know everyone because of how often she was busy and in truth; the girl didn’t have many friends. She thought it would be fun to get to know someone for a change, since she hadn’t since her aunt had died from a wolf attack.


Yuki Yeageshi

Moonlight Manor

The woman had watched her mate leave her behind, worried though she knew he would be back in time for dinner that night, so long as Freya didn’t kill him like she had another wolf seven years ago. Her black hair swung in the wind before she went back inside, closing the door on the balcony behind her as she went to wash this morning, before she really went out to do anything though as she was stepping out of the shower there was a knock on the door and she heard it open into the master bedroom that she and Damian shared. ‘Mama? There are people coming.’ Yuki heard her son call out to her and she sighed, wrapping the towel tightly around her body and walking out to see her eight year old son by the door, half dressed and half asleep. When she’d turned off the water she had heard footsteps not too far away but they weren’t close enough for her to really care what it was since it wasn’t a threat until they entered the forest. She couldn’t smell what it was that was approaching the manor though her son having heard it and not panicked must mean it was someone he knew. “It’s probably Lucio and Draco bud. Why don’t you go get dressed and we’ll meet them on the way okay?” The boy nodded and smiled and left to go get himself dressed.

Yuki heard movement downstairs and assumed that it was one of the Queens getting up, since they had the uncanny ability to sense the approach of children and got very protective of the packs cubs. Yuki had never been fortunate enough to have that sense and turned out as one of the Huntresses before mating with the previous Alpha Male to produce her small, blonde haired son. Dressing in a soft summer dress that fell just passed her knees she walked downstairs to find Aurora’s daughter in the kitchen reading and her son chatting her ear off. “Come on James, Sena. Let’s go meet Draco down the road.” The woman said to the two though the girl shook her head and Yuki knew that her mother had told her not to leave with the loner on the other side of StillWater. The boy on the other hand waved to his friend and grabbed his shoes before running outside with his mother following after him at a more leisurely pace. “Stay close okay?” She called out to him and he responded with a ‘yes mama!’

It wasn’t long before they rounded the bend in the forest trail and came across Lucio, Rhea and Draco all together, the Queen obviously concerned by the scent of the loner, though the Alpha Female showed very little worry other than that for her mate because of his stubbornness. James ran up and skidded to a stop, nearly falling in the process but her managed to catch himself on Lucio’s sleeve just as he turned to leave them. “Lucio, be careful in the Forest of Volrath. Come back as soon as you can.” She cautioned him, clearly more knowing about the problem than the rest of them since she had met the wolf they were so terrified seven years prior and hadn’t seen her since. Approaching Rhea she laughed as James tumbled over but lifted himself up without a scratch. “Just like his father.”

“Don’t worry about the loner Rhea, she’s too far away to do any damage. Hopefully Damian realizes what he’s doing before it’s too late though.”


James Xavier

Moonlight Manor

James had slept in that morning, though he had been awake most of the night patrolling or talking with members of his circle, and had a good reason to be sleeping in until nearly ten the following morning; he had only fallen into bed at four am. When he finally rolled out of bed the place was empty save for him and the small girl born of Aurora Solomon, the Beta Female who he was trying to convince to his side as well. If he could only get Yuki to either convince her mate to step down or let him challenge Damian than he could save so many wolves’ lives without having to split off as an entirely different pack. He didn’t want to tear others apart, though sometimes he felt like he didn’t have a choice in the matter and every time he wanted to do it he saw how happily his circle interacted with the other wolves of the pack and he backed down from the idea. The young man sighed and pushed his hair out of his face as her yawned his sleep away and stood, dressed in only a pair of black silk boxers when he heard the door open downstairs and one of the newer pack members walk in with food.

“Yeah, I’ll be down in a sec!”

James yelled down the stairs from the room he had on the second floor, directly across from the top of the stairs and shook his head, black hair laying in a messy fuss that looked perfect and like he had just gotten out of bed. He grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them on without anything else; he was just finishing buttoning them up when he got down the bottom of the stairs, the hardwood flooring cold against his bare feet. “We need carpet. I’d be so much warmer on the feet in the morning.” James grumbled as he walked through the house with the confident swagger that he had always had, though it wasn’t a city boys walk. He was confident and not afraid to show that he knew what he was doing, hence his being appointed as an Enforcer by Arthur and kept by Damian. Or maybe it was just the Alpha’s way of keeping him at bay, just like their relationship with his cousin.

When he came into the kitchen it was clear that he had only just gotten up and not cared enough to put much on since his chest was bare, leaving his well-muscled torso plain to see, with the scars of a bear’s claws right across the left side of his rib cage from his journey into Volrath’s Forest. “Hey. Rabbit? Guess we’re having stew or roast hare when the girls get home later.” James said lazily as he yawned and stretched his arms up over his head, the muscles in his arms flexing as he worked the stiffness from his joints. “Don’t worry about the floor. It’s really not that bad considering I killed someone in the living room.” James Xavier joked as he walked up and leaned on the wall with his arms cross over his chest, flesh tears in the flesh of his forearms clear from this close though they were healing well and hadn’t been seen by anyone yet; not that he really cared. “Bring it downstairs, we’ll skin them there.”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MThePathSeeker
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Damien watched the rouge leave into the mist. The smell of blood still on her maw. "We are not man. But beasts that can only kill." He mumbled but he knew everyone could hear him. Everyone shared the same senses, so there is no such thing as privacy when you are a wolf "If this there is a bigger threat like you speak. I will not fight it. I will accept it. So if you wish to kill me go ahead..." He said louder this time his eyes filled with no life or emotion. As his pack members watched him he turned to Aurora "Let us head home. We've spent enough time here." As he walked his aura seemed to change. It was sad, lonely, as he reminisced of a past event.
It was six years ago his grandfather had just past away from old age. He was 19 and started to travel to America at the request of his grandfathers last wish. Along the way he had met others like him. Others who had shared his blood, and along the way he began to see them as family. There was a village where they chose to stay at for a few days. But days became weeks as there was someone who was kind to them. A local farming girl, she would be bring him and his pack at the time food even though the village shunned them..

He hands gripped a nearby tree and ripped the bark off of it angry for remembering the event. Not one day went back when he didn't see that event over and over again in his dreams. And not one day has gone by where he would change it if he could. This forest made him remember things he wanted to forget, people that he casted away. "Sometimes...only a death can be redeemed with another death..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Trinais
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

~~ Leo ~~

Leo stood frozen in place at the kitchen for two reasons when James appeared. First, the fact that he hadn't heard the Enforcer approach at all- Leo was still on his hands and knees when James entered the kitchen and entered his field of view. Leo's wolf was supposed to be in tune with his surroundings; it was part and parcel with being a Hunter in the first place. He should've heard the Enforcer moving about upstairs well before now. The surprise at meeting James Xavier in the flesh was written all over Leo's face.

And the second reason for his stunned silence was the aforementioned flesh. The guy was ripped- with a capital R- and Leo was glad he was already on the floor because the sight of Jame's abs set things stirring just south of the border, in a way they probably shouldn't be. He;d only been on the pack's property for a week and Leo knew better than to set his eyes on someone who could be spoken for and probably wasn't interested in the first place.

Don't get your hopes up again. He's an Enforcer. He'll kill you without hesitation if you step out of line.

Just like he killed someone else.

That was the third thing that shut Leo up. Whether or not James was telling the truth about killing a man in this house was anyone's guess, but Leo, being fresh off the road, was ready to take the statement as true fact and an attempt to establish dominance between the two. If Leo had the strength to shift into a wolf, he'd do it instantly, roll over an bear his throat for James in a heartbeat. The scars across James' body just seemed to confirm to Leo that James was capable of taking someone in a fight and coming out on top.

So here he was, in a strange pack's lands, making chit chat with a guy who might just pick fights with bears for fun. And Leo barely knew everyone's names to boot.

I want to go home, he thought with a barely audible whimper.

Then he realized, this was home now.

Finally, after mustering his courage to meet James' eyes (Leo was on the low end of submissive, so he ha to show some deference to the more aggressive James) Leo found his voice- buried somewhere between his stomach and his man bits.

"I grabbed what I could," he said sheepishly, getting another garbage bag from beneath the sink. He opened it up, slid the bag with the catch inside, and tied it off before stepping behind James. "Rabbits and hares. Stew is doable but... you don't eat them raw?"

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