Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mutank95
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It was morning, Steve had gotten up and had begun the day by cooking himself a steak in a cobble stone furnace and ate rather quickly before starting the day. He was working on mining in a cave the whole week looking for diamonds and had found a few but went to work on gathering more for some armor and weapons to go fight the Ender Dragon.

He had made his way to the cave and begun to mine out the blocks. Until he heard something in the distance. Exiting the cave, he saw what appeared to be a yellow semi circle being followed by pixilated ghosts. Seeing that he appeared to be in trouble, Steve had pulled out an iron sword and charged at the ghosts killing two of them before Pac man had made himself bigger with what appeared to be berries and ate the two remaining ghosts. After that was done Pac man said "thank you" in a very elderly voice, something he would have naturally being one of the most elderly video games ever made. Steve nodded and while he couldn't talk, a text box appeared beside his head saying "no problem, but I've never seen you before stranger" then the text box disappeared. Yes I know, I fear that there is a collision of our world's and many others, we must get out of here I fear there may be far worst things than what had just followed me here. Steve nodded and replied "right then, follow me" He said in another text box before the both of them began making their way to Steve's house not knowing who or what they would encounter next.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mutank95
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Steve and Pac man were making their way throughout the forest and ducked out of the way seeing that there was a portal in the sky and a man came falling out. As soon as he hit the ground Pac man looked to Steve "see? Told you, though I'm not familiar with the video game he's from" He said approaching cautiously with Steve. Pac man stood there "hello there, are you alright? That looked like a hard fall" He said. Steve added "what world might you be from?" he asked
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chaotix Warrior
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"Hey guys," Vector, a green crocodile wearing headphones, a chain necklace, gloves, and shoes, spoke as he turned to Espio and Charmy, "I'm gonna head out for a while, so, Espio, you're in charge until I get back." One of the other animals, a chameleon wearing only gloves and shoes, nodded.

"Understood," he replied in a calm voice, leaning against the wall as the third animal, a bee wearing a jacket, helmet, gloves, and shoes, frowned while buzzing about.

"Awwww..." he groaned, "But I wanted to be in charge for once!"

"Sorry, Charmy," Vector remarked, "But remember last time..."

"Yes, Sir..."

However, that conversation took place nearly an hour ago with Vector yet to come back, leaving his teammates a little worried, but they decided to wait a while before seeking him out.


In another realm, a raccoon wearing a cap, mask, shirt, and fanny pack was running across rooftops in an Italian city, swinging around using a wooden cane with a golden hook in the shape of a question mark on the top end of it. All the while, he was speaking through something that seemed to be in his ear, "Hey, Bentley, where is that safe again?" Then he paused, most likely to listen to the Bentley person he was talking to before responding, "Alright, thanks, I'll take a look through 'em." With that he lowered his hand into his fanny pack to pull out a pair of binoculars only to suddenly find himself enveloped inside of a blindingly white flash of light.


Suddenly, several yards away from the newly formed group, two portals appeared in different locations. One was about 30 to 50 yards southwest of the group and the second one opened up to the east about half the distance away. From the further one, Vector started to fall down, screaming until he landed at the edge of lake in the middle of the forest, groaning a little bit, 'What the hey?' he thought while standing up and dusted himself off, 'Well, regardless of where I am, I need to find a way back...'

Meanwhile, below the second portal, the raccoon was holding his hand to his ear, "Hello? Bentley? This is Sly? Can you hear me?" However, he groaned a little bit when he heard nothing but static, "HELLO?!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the forest. Eventually, he sighed before starting to climb up one of the trees, reaching into his fanny pack to pull out his binoculars to scan his surroundings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mutank95
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Pac man looked up at the portals in the sky and saw not one but two portals appear in different directions. Pac man looked to Steve "like I said, it appears as though our worlds are colliding with one another, we'd better find out who or what that was. You take the portal to the east, I'll look at the one to the south. Stay vigilant my friend, you have yet to see what kind of other beings there are" he said and looked to the stranger from earlier "as for you, you're welcome to follow either of us to investigate" Pac man said. And with that Steve equipped his iron armor and sword then began to head east investigating the portal in that direction. Pac man had his power ups ready in case of danger while investigating the other portal to the south.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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Emptiness... Silence, that is all which Alucard contented himself with within his black and ebony coffin, his eyes were shut, resting, his blood was cursed, there was no need for him to exist in the realm of humans, because of dracula's blood within his very veins. He pondered endlessly the events from before, with his father, the castle and of course, Maria and Richter, he knew Maria would seek him out eventually, as naive as she was, a part of him felt momentarily comforted that someone could appreciate him for who he was, and not care for his vampiric side, just like his own mother... Her words echoed in his head, not to harm, not to blame humans, Alucard gently nodded in his slumber, she was absolutely right, a pure soul even in death, someone Alucard looked up to and sought to be.

In the midst of his pondering, Adrian felt the air around his coffin grow heavy, it wasn't a familiar feeling, and it was definitely malevolent. Adrian was at full power, it wouldn't take much effort to destroy what entities remained out there, but something was wrong, he could feel outside his coffin, the suns rays beaming down, and yet, the scent of the dead disgusted his senses, if he were not immune to the light of the sun, this would have posed a major problem, but he was only half vampire, A dhampir so to speak. The sound of their bones came closer, they could sense him, he could simply tell by their scent... Twenty meters... ten meters... five meters... one meter. That was close enough, by the scent in the air, no more than five undead surrounded him and so, ready to protect himself, he jumped into action.

With a kick from his boot, the door to his coffin immediately shattered, sending shards of broken ebony steel forward into the forests where alucards coffin resided, the coffin sitting up on its rear rather than on its back, sending the shard metallic pieces horizontally. Ahead of alucard were five undead zombies, armored and weilding swords, just has he predicted, the shards of his coffin were able to quickly sink through the skin and flesh of two of his opponents's craniums, revealing the disgusting blood and rotten pus filled brainmatter inside, carving off half their skulls with the assault, which caused the two undead to implode in a shower of rotten, spoiled blood, a fluid which Alucard despised. An elegant, fluent motion of his cape allowed him to protect his garnments from intaking the blood of his foes, before flicking the cape back behind his flamboyantly posed form, no worse for wear at all, however it still came to his attention that three more were homing in on his position.

Alucard frowned with disinterest, and turned away, turning to his coffin, he nonchalantly removed his ALUCARD shield and sword, then turned back to his foes, which had already quickly made distance in the time alucard had took to take out his weapons. One of the zombies shrieked whilst stabbing forward with a weak but fast attack, but the Dhampir was quick to predict such a sloppy manoeuvre and slammed his shield out with a riposte, which sent the undead onto its back from the force of his vampiric strength, the force of his riposte ripping the zombies arm clean off, along with its weapon, sending pus and black ooze drizzling from the wound. Alucard wasted no time in destroying his foe, using his sword to cleave through his opponents throat, severing the thyroid cartilage and cutting cleanly through the splenius capitis as he curves his blade upward, completely severing the head from the undeads body, but not before alucard could kick his foe away with a slam of his boot, as to not coat himself in the monsters blood as it gushed from the neckhole like a fountain filled of pus and rotten blood, which would make any normal person sick.

Alucard moved a hand into his cloak and removed two knives, deciding to finish off the final two monsters with mercy, he flung both of them with deadly aim and using both his dexterity and strength, quickly fired both knives through the remaining two zombies craniums, cutting through the rotten brain. letting both knives exit through the back of their heads, their bodies collapsing lifelessly, before the remaining monsters disintegrated into foggy blood.

"Strange..." Alucard pondered "Tis the time for mortals to be at peace with ones families... and yet here the dead roam without restraint... Why...?" Alucards gaze lowered slightly. "I wont find any answers by thought, my path should lead me to the answers I seek..."

Alucard thus proceeding to head through the forest, on his way through, he heard the voice of someone else@Chaotix Warrior, and as he approached, he spotted what appeared to be a peculier raccoon climbing up a tree, his physique plus his attire registered to Alucard as a thief, though a harmless one at that. Looking up the tree, Alucard spoke.

"Excuse me, strange entity? Are you familiar with these woods? These are not the ones I entered before my slumber... And you are unlike anything that i've came across... Whom are you...?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chaotix Warrior
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At the southwest portal, Vector was at the lake bed, looking around for a long while, seeing the strange block-shaped trees, water, and even the clouds, “Strange world…” he muttered to himself. Shaking his head, he picked a random direction, putting a mark on a tree only to see it collapse into smaller blocks, leaving that be instead, ‘An indication is an indication,’ he thought while unknowingly heading away from the group. Thankfully it seemed to be daylight right now, but he was starting to get a little worried about how steadily and quickly the sun seemed to be going across the sky, which meant he was going to need shelter soon.

At the eastern portal, Sly was staying high in his tree, somewhat confused by everything that was happening, despite never letting it show on his face or in his actions. “Bentley? Hey Bentley?” he asked, touching his ear in an effort to try, once again, to get through the static to talk to his friend, “C’mon, Bentley, answer.” Eventually, he gave up completely and looked through his binoculars only to see a strange, blocky, armored human approaching him, but he kept himself in the trees, hoping that he wouldn’t be seen. Staying out of the eyesight of the human was easy for the raccoon as that’s part of what his whole life, and his family’s legacy, has been about, but not necessarily for this exact purpose. However, he then heard another voice and started to shift his focus over to its source, seeing a regular looking human wearing an intricate attire, but didn't answer the question directly, "Strange entity?" he asked, half-mocking the human's accent, "As for these wood, I can't say that I have any idea about them."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mutank95
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As Steve headed east he had heard the sound of a struggle between another entity. Could it be whatever fell out of the sky? he thought to himself. He looked around and heard rustling in the trees. He looked up to see the a strange raccoon moving about throughout the trees. He must've been the entity that came out of the sky. he thought to himself. He was about to call out to him before he had heard the voice of another being. He hid behind a tree after hearing this being speak and from the sound of it he didn't seem friendly.

Meanwhile Pac man was still moving towards the south where the other portal was in an attempt to look for the other being that had entered this realm. He called out "hello? Is anyone there?" he called out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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Alucard frowned gently at the way the entity@Chaotix Warrior was mocking his accent, but didn't decide to hold it against him, perhaps the creature was from a land he had yet to encounter he thought to himself, and felt disappointed that this creature knew nothing about these woods, though it did authenticate a few facts for him.

"Then it's safe to assume you aren't from this land? We are strangers in some sort of realm that is incredibly odd... I would advise not letting your guard down even for a moment, if you do, the costs could be fatal, always remember that..."

Alucard thought about letting him know his name, though he wouldn't say his true name, he would merely go with the name he has used for a while now, that seemed about right given the odd and surprising situation he had found himself in.

"My name is Alucard. May I beseech you tell me your own? I fear the more time we waste, the quicker things might spiral out of balance..."

Alucard then felt the presence of more entities, not malicious ones but still had a foreign scent to them, causing Alucard to raise an eyebrow curiously, this was so strange... But he would have to hold on until it can be fixed.

"There are other foreign creatures here amongst us it seems... I advise we make a group and prepare ourselves... Who knows what malicious foes could be waiting for us in this strange realm... Though you shouldn't trust anyone you meet, who knows which entities around us could be wolves within sheeps nothing..."

Alucard then felt the presence from before get dangerously close, and in retaliation Alucard quickly unsheathed his sword, holding it inward with a flamboyant and defensive stance, pointing to the tree which the Steve@mutank95 was hiding behind.

"I can smell your scent, creature, show yourself peacefully and I shalt not slay you... Attack and I will grant you a painless death... Your choice, unknown one..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chaotix Warrior
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Sly didn’t move from the tree as he looked at the human for a long while without a word before chuckling as nodded, “It would seem that way, Mr. Alucard-was it?” he commented back. All the while, he kept half-an-eye on the blocky human, but never said a word to the other one, despite the fact that this Alucard person had already made a comment about other creatures. Eventually, he decided to swing his can a little bit before answering, “I’m Sly,” only to add, “As for ‘malicious foes’…I think I can take care of myself, sir.” With that, he started to look up at the sky for a bit longer, “Though, unless you can get off the ground, you might want to find shelter as, like you said, ‘letting your guard down, even for a moment could be fatal’. Though, I’ll be honest, I prefer housetops to treetops.”

Meanwhile, Vector started to hear the other’s voice and look around, “Hello, who’s there?” he asked, sounding a bit worried, “Espio…Charmy?” All the while, he turned directions to follow the sound of the voice, calling out every so often only to stop when he noticed the strange, yellow, walking mouth. Instantly, he took up a little bit of a defensive pose, getting ready to unleash his vocal cords at the creature.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mutank95
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Steve had stood there for a good while before being acknowledged by this strange being. Steve had came out slowly from behind the tree clutching his iron sword while he kept an eye on him. He didn't know what to make of him as the both of them as they really weren't from there. Then again, Pac man wasn't from there but he seemed pretty straightforward and only wanted to know what was going on. These two he knew nothing about but would be too soon to assume they had ill intentions. Still he needed to be careful around them. In a text box that appeared beside his head, he said "I am no creature, but if there are any creatures, it is the both of you however." he said still holding his iron sword as well as clutching a block of TNT.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mutank95
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Pac man had stood there looking at the being that he finally found. Pac man showed no signs of hostility but kept his power ups ready to fight in case this one was hostile "now now I mean you no harm, I was actually here to make sure you're alright?" he asked
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chaotix Warrior
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Sly stayed in his tree as he watched the Alucard person instantly pull out his sword and hold it ready to strike, demanding that the blocky figure to show itself. Once it shown itself, Sly gripped his cane just a little bit tighter in preparation to get in the middle of the two, not really wanting to be involved in a fight in an unknown area. All the while, the raccoon listened to the blocky character’s words and looked around the area before jumping down right in the middle. Making a connection that he feared the other was overlooking, “Hang on, let’s not start anything…yet,” he commented. Then, he turned to the blocky human, “Can you repeat what you…errr…said?” he asked, “You are calling us creatures, when you…and everything else here…are shaped liked boxes? I ‘beseech’ you to answer one question: is this land yours?”

Meanwhile, Vector stopped at he looked at the yellow, walking mouth before closing his own mouth without releasing any of his harsh notes at the other creature, “Really now?” he asked, still defensive, “Then who or what are you?” The crocodile, at the moment seemed okay bodily but it was clear he was rather concerned about where he was and kept on glancing up at the skies, seeing the sun passing more and more before looking at the moon slowly peeking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mutank95
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Steve looked to the raccoon who had now came out of the trees. He nodded and replied "yes this is indeed my land, my world actually. And it's clear that the both of you do not belong here. With that said, I'm sure you didn't mean to come here. You two must've came from other worlds correct?" he asked in another text box beside his head.

Pac man replied "I am the great and legendary Pac man. I believe you are from the Sonic universe correct? I know sonic, a good guy he is. Good friends we are" He said giving a small smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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Letting the two talk among eachother, Alucard simply awaited for the right time to interject into their conversation, resting a hand on his chin, his cape like cloak gently moved as if wind was blowing upon it, however no such wind was blowing in his direction. Eventually he spoke up, after listening to the two talk, Alucard sheathed his sword.

"That appears to be the only answer we can give. If you know these lands, perhaps it would be best if you could help us? You don't seem the malevolent type, but I wont drop my guard... However it would be appriciative if you could help direct us to some shelter. The longer we sit here, more enemies could be crawling from the earth to hunt us down, a secure location would be most beneficial to us."

All Alucard could ponder was how odd these people were, the language above the bocky entities head spewing words rather than talking, the quick footed painting raccoon and the world around them consisting of blocky objects, it truly was an odd realm.

"Have you found anyone else yet? Any other entities not from this world? I fear our meeting was not one of chance... There could be evil afoot..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chaotix Warrior
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Sly looked at the blocky human for a while before nodding a little bit as he seemed to pondering just what had happened, only recalling a few other times he’s meet other from outside of his world. All of them involving some sort of competition, but he always had at least one of his companions nearby. This time, he had to trust strangers, one who spoke in boxes and the other who seemed to be a little too uptight for Sly’s tastes, but he didn’t have much choice but to rely on them for help. Eventually, he looked around for a while longer nodding, “I don’t know much about this land, but I agree with Mr. Uptight, we do need to find someplace to plan out.” As he said that, he would look around for a while, “Is that dynamite lit?” he asked, ears twitching a little bit, “Cause…I hear something hissing.”

Meanwhile, Vector looked at Pac-man for a long while before nodding, “I think I heard of you,” he answered after a while, “And I presume it could be considered ‘his universe’.” He then started to rub his chin, as if thinking, “So where are we? And what is this place?” it was clear he was trying to think, “And how are we here…and are there others?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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<"Mr. Uptight?"> Alucard thought to himself. He was merely being cautious while keeping himself aware of the scenario, whilst this raccoon was being a naive, foolish individual, he was going to let his guard down one day or another, or rather, his guard has been let down already, as the sound of a hissing drew closer, Alucard was able to smell the scent of flesh and gunpowder, a peculiar mix, but it wouldn't have been the first time, the scent was of killing intent, indeed, that was no mistake. It was then Alucard spotted what appeared to be a blocky green creature, a grimacing expression set upon its face as it edged closer to the tail of the strange raccoon.

"Evade, Sly, your blindside is in range!"

Alucard couldn't wait for Sly to avoid it as he proceeded to bolt forward, quickly shooting past the thief in the process, his body evaporated into a plethora of after imagery with each step he made, as if time could not keep up with his movements, the dhampir had suddenly stood behind the raccoon, with quick reflexes Alucard swiped his shield outward, knocking the hissing creature away and rebounding it off the side of a tree, but not before Alucard flicked from his pocket a set of rebounding knives, using these as a bouncing tool, they quickly pierced into the back of the creature, sending it hurdling into the air. To finish off the entity, Alucard elegantly opened his cape with his left hand and held it outward, on doing so, from the depths of his cape, balls of fire errupted from within, homing on on the creeper monster, setting it aflame, causing the creature to explode midair, safely protecting the three heroes from its malevolent suicidal intentions.

With the threat eliminated, Alucard closed his cape, expression unchanged, his direction turned to his companions.

"Let us discuss someplace where we may get a small respite, this location is not the most preferable area to partake in talks..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mutank95
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Steve looked to Sly and nodded "yes yes" He said then looked to the other person "and to answer your question yes there are others, I believe two to be exact. Let us-" he said but was cut off by the sound of a creeper nearby. He was about to react before the strange man had killed it. Not acknowledging him, he simply gave a wave motion for them to follow and began to walk back towards the spot where him and Pac man had met up.

Pac man shook his head "I do not know why we are here but it's clear something has happened and now we're all here. There are others yes and my current companion went to go find them. I believe we should head back and meet up with them" He said. The sound of zombies in the distance had made him turn "and from the sound of it we'd better move fast" He said then prepared his power ups for battle. However these were not ordinary zombies as they weren't blocky like this world and one of them looked like an executioner welding a large ax (resident evil 5 infected). Pac man looked to the new stranger "move!" he yelled then began by firing some power ups at the infected killing a few of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chaotix Warrior
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Heard the hissing growing louder and louder only to widen his eyes and was about to react when, quicker than he could even see, Alucard had already taken care of the threat. Looking more than little shocked, the raccoon stared at the whole ordeal before nodding, “Ooookaaaay…” he said, sounding more than a little shocked as he watched the blur and plethora passing around him. Once the creature exploded in the now dark sky, Sly still seemed to be a little bit shocked before starting to look back Alucard, “Yes, I’d like to find some sort of HQ before another one of THEM attacks us.” All the while, he started to get up into the tree and follow Steve, “So what is this…world, was it?…called?”

Meanwhile, Vector nodded a little bit, “Indeed something is afoot here, and I don’t think it’s just going to go away on its on. Therefore, we need to get moving and find some clues.” Just then, he heard the sounds of movement and groaning only to catch a glimpse of the zombies only to use his ‘music’ to attack them, seeing quite a few fall down before following his new acquaintance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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Alucard, along with Steve and Sly proceeded through the jungle, and as they left, Sly could see a faint light blue aura fill Alucard, but before he could question it, Alucard spoke up, to relief the raccoon on what the aura was.

"That entity, once killed, left its soul, its lifeforce behind, I absorbed it, to increase my strength and make me stronger, it's name is apparently called "Creeper". An odd terminology for such a fiend... But let us not worry about that, who are the other entities we have yet to meet?"

While they continued to traverse the forest together, Alucard slowed his steps, feeing the presence of more monsters, fiends, zombies by the scent of them but different, more like a parasitic organism than a zombie, or rather a mix of them both.

"More fiends... Be wary...I also sense less malevolent scents mixed within, your allies may be under assault..."

Alucard nodded whilst he raised his head up slightly, as to say "go and help your comrades" while Alucard ran on ahead, shield and sword at the ready, his cape elegantly flourishing behind him to help Pac-man and Vector, as the two noticed Alucard rushing toward them in order to be of assistance, gripping a holy bible from under his cloak, he threw it toward one of the las plagas, and as it connected, it exploded into a vat of holy light, completely toasting a group of the Plagas.

"Entities, we have come to your aid!"
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