Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
Avatar of HylianRose

HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name || Kyle Tenjuin
Origin || Manga; Psyren
Age || 18
Race/Species || Human
Power ||

Weaknesses || Kyle is a bit hot-headed and often doesn't think things through. He will often charge an opponent without thinking about the consequences. The way he uses his PSI is very defensively offensive, if that makes sense, but the way in which he uses it leaves him open for attacks more often than not. It takes him a while to get adjusted to a foe's movements.

History || Wiki

Personality || See Wiki
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
Avatar of Scarifar

Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 3 days ago

"I solve practical problems."

Name: Engineer (real name Dell Conagher)

Origin: Team Fortress 2

Age: Unknown, believed to be mid 30's.

Race/Species: Human

  • Arsenal: The Engineer boasts a wide variety of weapons and stuff. Exactly where he puts them all is anyone's guess.
    • Shotgun: 6 shells to fire until it's time to reload again.
    • Pistol: 12 bullets per clip.
    • Wrench: Can't be an Engineer without one.
    • Gunslinger: Beneath that yellow glove of his is a metal hand. Great for punching things, or for killing people in a gruesome way.
    • Short Circuit: A little device that disintegrates projectiles like rockets and grenades without worry. Also good for disintegrating people if aimed at them long enough. However, it has its own ammo, so it can't be used forever, and it doesn't have a very long range.
  • Buildings: He pulls a toolbox out of seemingly nowhere and creates a building. It takes a few moments to set up, but once up, it's devastating.
    • Sentry: A strong turret that fires loads of bullets. Also fires rockets.
      • Mini-Sentry: An alternative to the default sentry gun. It's faster to set up and harder to hit due to its small size, but that also means it's weaker. Can't fire rockets either.
      • Wrangler: A joystick-like device that allows the Engineer to take manual control of his sentry gun. Also creates a force field around the turret to reduce damage, and a laser sight to aid in aiming.
    • Dispenser: A big machine that heals nearby people, and resupplies ammo. Also creates more metal for the Engineer to use. This stuff ain't cheap.
    • Teleporters: Consists of two devices. Standing on one will take you to the other. As a safety precaution, only one person should be on a teleporter at a time, or else bad things will happen. Oh, and no bread.

  • Being a human: Everyone knows humans are fragile beings, and even he is no exception.
  • Low combat prowess: The Engineer relies on his machines to do the fighting for him. His shotgun and wrench aren't bad, but not exactly the strongest weapons out there.
  • Metal: His machines take up a lot of metal to create. He must have enough metal to create them, otherwise his little beauties will not see the light of day.
  • Lack of movement: his machines can't move away from one spot on their own. The Engineer must pack them back up into their toolbox form and move them to another location himself, where it'll still take time to set up, although not as long as it usually does to build them.

History: Hired by Redmond Mann along with 8 other mercenaries to steal Blutarch Mann's, his brother, share of land that they acquired from their father's will. Unfortunately for Redmond, Blutarch had hired 9 mercenaries of the exact same capabilities, so those two were locked in battle for many, many years. Many odd times were shared by both sides, including getting beheaded repeatedly by an axe-wielding pumpkin headed monster, getting blown to bits by a magical giant floating eye monster, forced to dance due to an angry magician's magic, and even getting sent to hell, but they always came out okay in the end.

Personality: This amiable, soft-spoken good ol' boy from tiny Bee Cave, Texas loves barbecues, guns, and higher education. Natural curiosity, ten years as a roughneck in the west Texas oilfields, and eleven hard science PhDs have trained him to design, build and repair a variety of deadly contraptions.

Extra: He is quite proficient with an acoustic guitar. Also, he likes to wear silly hats and cosmetics, and can create a chair to relax on, complete with tiny parasol and beer holder.

Favorite character is Gordon Freeman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Kick 'em in the piston!"

(Full Name Unknown)

Video Game ~ Borderlands 2




"Score another point for technology."

Though she doesn't have an arsenal, Gaige does have a few guns that she knows how to use. A Tediore Pistol (Tediore-brand pistols are cheap, and have the ability to be thrown like grenades when reloaded. Depending on the amount of ammo left in the gun when thrown, the explosion will deal more damage. Another replacement pistol will automatically digistruct in Gaige's hands after a short period of time.)

And a Dahl SMG (Dahl-brand weapons are known for their lack of recoil and burst-fire option, allowing for accurate and fast bursts of bullets to fly towards your enemies without much disruption to your aim.)

Mechanical Enhancement
"You think this is just for show?!"

Gaige's mechanical arm might just look cool upon first inspection, but it's actually one of her biggest strengths. It's strong enough to bust through concrete, and allows her to hold heavy weapons easier. It also has built-in digistruct technology (Digi-structing is the technique of having a digital blueprint of an item, person, or creature that allows for the item to be built or reconstructed on demand.) allowing her to digistruct claws from her mechanical hand that can cut through flesh and bone.

"To hell with the first law!"

Gaige often uses the digistruct technology in her mechanical arm for summoning her deadly creation known as D374-TP, or Deathtrap. A hulking, floating robotic torso with no legs and two huge arms, with digistructable claws on the end of each of it's hands that can cut through mostly anything you could throw at them. His single eye can also fire out an incendiary laser for long-range combat situations. Once his lone eye catches sight of you, it's likely this brute of a bodyguard will not be letting you go if you assault Gaige or her comrades, unless you manage to destroy him. Though it isn't instant and takes time, she can re-digistruct Deathtrap after his destruction and get him back on the field to keep her safe.

Mechanical Genius
""Give me one hour, a cappuccino, and a please, and you'll see this baby fixed up better than when it first rolled off the product line!"

Considering she built Deathtrap, her giant robot full of love and violence, and built herself a robotic arm, it is probably obvious she's quite intelligent for her age. She's a natural with technology, and would be willing to bet after being given a little time, she could come to understand mostly anything. Even technology from other universes. Of course, it'd take time to figure out objects that are more advanced, but it's still very possible for her to figure out most things within hours while on a caffeine rush or extremely motivated. She can also break things... Though anyone with strength and a target could do that. Just on a less... Techy-level.


"Being organic sucks! I should just turn the rest of my body mechanical!"

Gaige is, of course, just a 16-year-old girl that happened to cut her arm off and replace it with a badass mechanical one. She's still human; crush her head like a grape, impale vital organs, break her bones, light her on fire; She'll die easily under certain circumstances, pretty much having only her arm and tools for self-defense when alone. Though her mechanical arm can hit hard, the rest of her body really can't do much damage to anything aside from weaker opponents.

Pet Class
"D-T! Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!!"

Her defense and offense is severely weakened when Deathtrap is downed. She'll usually have to rely on keep-away tactics until he can be re-digistructed, but isn't afraid to slug something strait across the face if it gets too close. It can take sixty to seventy-five seconds for Deathtrap to be accessible again, leaving a window of time to take her out before she becomes too threatening.

The Unthinkable
"You aren't even a machine; How the hell are you shooting fire?! ... I want to do that!"

Though Gaige is a natural with tech, she can't really grasp magic and mystic forces in general. She has heard of wizards before, but doesn't actually believe in them as a human shooting fire, lightning, or ice without the use of beautiful technology just sounds absurd to her. It can put her at a severe disadvantage against magical opponents, but with some thought, she may begin finding ways to upgrade her arm with similar abilities to counter magic. But she has absolutely zero thoughts about this at the moment; Aside from it'd be overly awesome to have a flamethrower built into her arm. She's been having dreams about that for awhile...

Gaige is a high-school student and newbie ECHOcaster(Basically a streamer) from a planet called Eden-5. Originally making designs for Deathtrap(Back then known strictly as 'DT') as a science fair project to combat bullying. Her rival, Marcie Holloway, was a contestant in the science fair as well, and used her father's money to buy her way through the competition. Marcie apparently stole Gaige's DT designs and sold them to Eden-5's police force. Which, needless to say, threw Gaige overboard and caused her to work rather hard on completing DT, who she now officially named Deahtrap, to present at the fair.

On the day of the science fair, Marcie's father bribed the judges, helping win her first place with a defective robot based on Deathtrap's blueprints. Gaige placed third. Marcie then shoved Gaige, causing Deathtrap to identify her as a hostile. Deathtrap attacked with its claws, causing her to explode due to a miscalibration by Gaige. Gaige was escorted to the principle's office, and faced expulsion and arrest for accidentally murdering her rival. She called her father to create a distraction to help her evade arrest, (The distraction involved a golf cart, and a lot of gasoline. Her father is pretty cool in her opinion.) and bought a ticket to Pandora to live a life of adventure in search of rumored vaults filled with alien technology and legendary treasure on the planet. Rather than staying in a prison cell for... Forever, probably. She didn't exactly know where her life was going to take her, but no matter what difficulties she was to face, they are probably more worthwhile than planning how to escape captivity...

After arriving on Pandora and boarding a train due to offers of loot and fame, it ended up being a trap to kill Vault Hunters that ended in the train crashing, and leaving only six survivors. Gaige of course included.

Over the next few months, she traveled with her five Vault Hunter companions across the planet, their mission turned from a quest simply for loot to a quest to save the planet from the Hyperion Corporation and it's leader, Handsome Jack. It involved robots, vicious wildlife, dragons, the undead, marriages, explosions, grandma's stories, giant turkeys, clan wars, getting wasted, killing ancient alien warriors, and much more. A story that is badass, but certainly not brief.
"You know what? It was worth it."


Gaige comes off as your average teenage girl, aside from having slaughtered skyscraper-sized beasts and enough people to fill up a small country. She's full of energy and usually willing to be the first to step forward in most situations, not seeming to be scared of hardly anything aside from rust. She has grown to be quite fond and experienced in the art of violence, fighting being more of a pleasure for her than most might expect. Taking down a big challenge to her just means becoming more of a badass, and she never passes up on the chance to become more badass.

She'll treat people fairly enough with her smart-mouthed, curious nature. Sometimes asking too many questions depending on the situations, or getting angry due to someone saying something they'll soon be regretting, but still fair.


She likes cupcakes and hot chocolate, and her favorite color is purple.

She dislikes country music.

The Hyperion Corporation has a bounty of $820,000,000,000 on her head for "creation of unauthorized technology" and "excessive adorability."




Video Game ~ Animal Crossing (New Leaf)




Massive Arsenal

Villager has a very large assortment of items that can be used in combat against his opponents or to grant him new abilities. From basic tools such as axes, shovels, fishing rods, and nets, to slingshots, firecrackers, balloons, bowling balls, potted plants, and boxing gloves. He has a little something for every occasion, allowing for him to be a very versatile fighter.

Deep Pockets

Villager has the ability to grab and store almost anything in his pocket as long as his reflexes are quick enough to catch the item in question, allowing for him to block projectiles, and also throw them back at any given time.

Medicine Man

Aside from items for combat, Villager also has a supply of medicine from his town, allowing for him to lend a helping hand to those feeling down due to nasty aliments. Good for bee stings, and it's even fruit flavored!


Villager is familiar with the Animalese language due to living in a town full of animals, and therefor is able to converse with animals. Or... At least understand them, considering he doesn't speak.



Villager, either because he refuses to, or because he can't, does not speak. Making communication slightly more difficult. He instead relies on flailing about and acting out what he is trying to say. Which can be both problematic for him, and annoying for others.


Villager is small enough to be considered a child, and is lighter than most people would expect. He's easy to throw around, and attacks end up sending him flying when they hit directly.


Villager was the mayor of DokiDoki Village before he ended up disappearing. He was careful and always thought about the environment, as well as the towns' folk, and lived a calm and normal life. (With the occasional issue, but what's life without it's challenges?) He was very close with those who lived in DokiDoki, almost feeling like it was one big family. The countless encounters and events that happened over the years in DokiDoki could fill book after book, but this is no place for all of those stories to be written out.


Villager is a kind and caring individual, willing to make friends with just about anyone as long as they aren't mean to him. He'll greet you with a smile that'll never fade as long as the conversation doesn't turn sour. Though giving he likes the occasional prank, friendships can be ruined quite easily since he can get on someone's nerves without much effort.

Generally he serves as a loyal companion once befriended, willing to help others out in a pinch when they need it. Sadly his bravery isn't infinite, as sometimes he ends up getting scared, and that leads to him either cowering behind others, or running for the hills.


He is extremely scared of bees.

He has an expansive Nintendo game collection, and a lot of Nintendo memorabilia.

Cherries are his favorite fruit.
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