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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It was the middle of the day. In the town of Weiderholung there was a large festival set up. It was to celebrate the towns founding many many years ago. There were many attractions including some politicians giving speeches about how great the town was.

Linia was there at the moment, she was volunteering and helping to run the petting zoo at the moment. There were goats, sheep, chickens, and many other small creatures for children to pet. Linia looked to be enjoying herself.

Cia in the meantime was inside of a fest tent where beer was being served. She was obviously drunk as she was enjoying herself with a few friends, some of them old traveling buddies from her former life.

Cinia in the mean time had just finnished giving a speech and was heading back to her office in town where she needed to get some work done, there was an election coming up and this year she was running for mayor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aquintis was sitting at her booth, kicking back and relaxing. No one was really intrested in her stuff. She got that; steampunky type stuff wasn't really 'fitting' to this town. Around her booth though, there were fireflies, dragonflies, and butterflies made of scrap metal flying around. On the table were necklaces, bracelets, rings, and earrings made from scraps she had found. There were other sorts of inventions too, but there were too many to list.
Aria had just been looking around. She'd listened to speeches and seen mechanical lightning bugs and was just wandering adorns now, looking for something to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Dracuil’s mass was in the throne of his home, the Dark Chapel. It wasn’t his first home; he started in another realm. However, this was one that he could truly call his own, and one where he would have peace and privacy that none of his brethren could afford.

It was a place from which all would fall…

Of course, that would take time. This “Earth” sector he had discovered only within the past couple hundred years proved to be, from his initial observations, one where considerable power could be attained - a good starting point for once more expanding across realms. He wouldn’t make the same mistakes that he had made last time.

The results of his works were proving successful. More and more out of the ordinary events had come onto Earth, and the balance was ripe to be tipped in his favor when he would unleash his hordes, just like he had done with Helisum. He still recalled the fall of that realm with fondness. The face of the queen as her realm fell around her while he slew her was priceless. The Witch had cursed her before he could absorb the soul, which was just fine. Perhaps he would have the opportunity to kill her a second time, in the same situation, with the world burning.

Of course, first things first.

Nartholan disliked the Talinth dimension. Filled with rather uncivilized beasts who had the intelligence of farm plebs from his home realm.

He laid in a tower, just a little ways from the Dark Chapel, when he heard his master’s call.

”It is time. Locate and eliminate the heros of Earth and steer the Vanguard in their direction. The Witch already knows what to do…”

He signed. Just one day of rest… oh well, multiple lifetimes serving him did come at a price. Apparently the price was his peace.

He stepped through the portal that had conveniently opened besides him, finding himself at the back end of what appeared to be festivities. The colors almost overwhelmed him. The Talinth dimension was dark, stained with the tint of red and rarely involving color outside black and red. There was every conceivable color here, almost as vibrant as his… old home…

Steeling himself, he knew he would have to start somewhere. He looked at a booth with various bugs of different compositions flying around it. Earth was strange indeed, to have such oddly colored bugs… he stepped up to one of them and tried to touch it with his finger.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"... and that's why you should vote for me for Vice Mayor of this splendid city!"

These were the final words of Eric's speech that brought some applause, but obviously not enough to match that to the Incumbent Mayor's speech for reelection. The Vice Mayor barely had any role in office other than to take it's place when the current Mayor passes away, and Eric knew all to well that wasn't going to happen any time soon. After the speech and applause, Eric steps down from the podium and attempts to follow Cinia into the Mayor's office, but gets bombarded with the crowd asking him questions pertaining his purpose in the city and what his goals were. Eric felt these questions were redundant being he had answered these questions in his speech, but what could he do. He uses a bit of speed magic to try and bust through the crowd without slamming any of them into the ground, but eventually gave up as the crowd was too thick.

"How did she get through all of these people so qui.... oh wait never mind. That was an obvious question in itself. Ugghh mind as well..." Eric had mumbled to himself before giving in to the questions and started to answer them one by one.

There it was, the booth for the Weiderholung Military. Jessica goes behind the booth and sits on the second chair.

"Hey can you take over for a bit? I've been here since this festival began." The person at booth asked.

"Sure why not, It's not like this huge crowd gathering won't be a problem at all..." Jessica said sarcastically.

"Don't worry, most of them just want to sign up, only a few smart ones will ask questions." The person replied back before standing up, saluting to Jessica to which she saluted back, and walked off.

For the most part, he was correct. Most of them just walked up, said hello, and signed up without further questions. Jessica knew not to ask too many questions about their character because they would know if they would be eligible or not if they were able to answer all the questions or not on the application. Some of them asked questions like. "How many do they have per squad?" or "If women can keep their hair length, then can I?" Most of which were easy to answer.

This isn't as bad as I thought. Hopefully the crown get smaller so I can get a break and look at the other booths. I really want to buy that Mechanical Dragonfly over there! Jessica thought to herself looking at the Steampunk booth down two booths.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cia stumbled out of the fest tent, she looked very drunk, though in truth she had more fun acting drunk than she did being drunk. Cia stumbled towards a man with combed back hair. (Nartholan) "Look at this guy! All dressed up to come to a festival!" Cia shouted to her near by drinking buddies. Cia stumbled around a bit, though it was mostly for show, she was no where near a drunk as she acted.

Linia in the mean time had just finished her volunteer work and was headed towards Aquintas's booth. Linia's memories of her past life were there but she didn't remeber any of the details, though she did remember those who were important to her. Due to the county being fairly spread out most of those who reincarnated hadn't met each other more than once. Linia approached the booth and quickly recognized Aquintas. She stood for a second in awe that she had found her former adivser. "Aquintas? Is that you?" Linia said approaching the booth with a look of awe in her face.

Cinia had gotten to her office which wasn't far from the fair grounds. In truth she had walked out another exit and barely used any time magic to get away from the reporters. She decided to let Eric take care of the reporters for her, as she had some other work to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aquintis heard her name and looked up. She was working on making an owl. "Uh yeah, I'm Aquint-oh my gosh! Linia?! Hi!" Aquintis set down her owl and stood up from her chair to step in front of the booth. "Hey Linia!" she repeated again
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Nartholan turned his head slightly to the rather obnoxious, drunk lady that had yelled something that was likely intended at him in his direction. He gave a small huff and ignored her. Appearantly folks have no control over themselves around here... he caught the mention of the word 'Linia'. It seemed familliar... perhaps, something his master had once said? He leaned forward a little to listen while trying to appear interested in the admittedly interesting multicolored butterfly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Linia smiled at Aquintas as she ran up to her and gave her a hug. "It's been so long! I didn't think I would see you in this life time!" Linia said in excitement. "How have you been?" Linia asked with a huge smile on her face. Seeing another from her time was something she was rather excited to see.

Cia in the mean time saw that the man ignored her. She stopped acting drunk for a moment as he headed off towards a booth. "Well he's no fun." Cia said with a bit of disappointment in her voice. "But her certainly isn't from around here, he seems off." Cia said to herself as she stood still with her arms crossed for a bit. If anything Cia would be the most knowledgable to all of the reincarnations thanks to certain artifacts she had been gathering from the Black Market.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aquintis hugged her back. "Haha, yeah. I've been doing pretty well," she said, motioning to the crafts she had made. "How have you been though?" she then asked.
Aria saw Nartholan eavesdropping on the blue headed and purple headed girls. He seemed a little suspicious, and she felt like she recognized him from somewhere, but she couldn't place where. The police station? No. A criminal? No, not that either. She'd keep a close eye on him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eventually, the crowd grew bored of Eric and started to disperse. Eric answered his final question and finally started to walk off towards Cinia's office.

"I swear this happens every time!" He said to himself. "Things happen for a reason, oh well. I hope she used the time away from folks to some good use..." He said as he opened the door, looked behind him to see if anyone followed to which no one did, and walked inside.

"About time those people gave up on me..." Eric said shutting the door. He walked over to the tea brewer and pulled out a teabag from his chest pocket. He put the teabag in the machine and let the machine brew the tea. He sat down and got on the internet. He proceeded to sift through his folders into a blank notepad. He opened it up to view the contents.

Identified Incarnates

"Hmp this list is still rather lacking... Cinia, what's your next agenda?" Eric asks her across the hall, closing the notepad and logging off.

The line was still continuously long, and Jessica didn't know what much to do. By a miracle in her eyes, all the applications were filled out. She was now aloud to put the sign up that said,

'Sorry for the inconvinience, but the booth is closed until further notice. Thank you for your contribution!
The Weiderholung Military

Jessica sighed as she got to stand up and look towards the Steam Punk booth. She started to walk towards it when she noticed some people starting to go to the booth. She hoped that they were just friends and she could just get that Dragonfly. When she got close, she heard a familiar name. "...Linia..." That was all she heard coming up to the booth. I wonder why that name is sooo familiar... must just be a hunch and nothing more. Jessica thought to herself while she approached the stand.

"Uh excuse me? My name's Jessica and I was wondering how much was that mechanical dragonfly? I'm coming from the Weiderholung Military Booth, so I have decent money..." Jessica shyly said, afraid she was intruding in a conversation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Excuse me for a second, Linia," Aquintis said to the purple haired girl. She turned to the new girl. "Oh, they're fifty dollars," she said, smiling at her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aurous sat hugging his knees. He didn't attempt opening up a booth for fashion. No many people were hectic about fashion as they used to be when his parents ran the company. He wasn't even a people person in the first place. Aurous was wearing his everyday white coat. It was built for winter weather but it clearly wasn't winter. The climate didn't bother Aurous and he loved the coat it was his fashion statement. As he walked among the hordes of people he came across a booth that actually may be fun. The military.... But it was closed. He cursed underneath his breathe and continued to walk. Less then a couple seconds later Aurous found another booth that peeked his interest. It gave of a steam punk type of tone which was a beautiful type of fashion statement in Aurous's eyes. There was a lot of people there so he hovered around the booth waiting for the group of people to disperse. Aurous was very shy and antisocial so he stayed back. Although he was very noticeable.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Deal!" Jessica said forking over 50 dollars to Aquintis. "So how does this work? I love mechanical machinery!" Jessica asked while she set the dragonfly to fly above and around her head. She saw a guy moving from the military booth to the current booth where they are all at and moves to the side to let the man in, but also hear Aquintis speak about the Dragonfly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Nartholan found the odd butterflies too interesting to pass up. Appearantly they were for sale, too, considering one person had just bought one using only paper. He still had a few gold coins in his pocket from back home... who knew what he could get with coins if the goods were bought with paper.

Taking a look at the rest of the booth's inventory, one item in particular caught his eye. He knew his mission was to ultimately help tear all this down, but the master couldn't complain with him blending in a little. Besides, it would be something to put in his collection...

The item was a ring that had a peculiar design, and looked almost... mechanical in nature. Handmade, no doubt. He came over to the booth, in with the small crowd that was forming.

"How much do you wish for this?" he asked, pointing at the ring in question. He would inquire about the butterflies next.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Hirothelegend "It's simple really. You just tap it lightly on the head and it'll start flying. It won't fly away from you though, it'll stay close. If you want it to stop flying, you simple stay still and it'll land so you can tap it lightly on the head again."

@ArenaSnow Aquintis then turned to the man. He was holding the ring which she'd crafted for so long. "Hundred dollars," she simply said. She was actually quite glad people had come over to her booth. Most people found no interested and called her work "scraps of old junk" when in honesty it was so much more.

@Slendy She'd noticed another man hovering back, probably nervous around large groups of people no doubt. She lightly waved him over, giving him a kind smile. She hoped she wasn't being rude at all, and she felt as if she were forcing him into a situation he didn't want to be in.
Aria kept looking at him from a distance. She watched as he looked at a ring then said something to the blue haired girl, no doubt asking her how much. Why would he want to buy that? It's probably so that he could blen-Wait, what?! What am I thinking? She looked at the man once more. Oh my gods...I think it is...I have to get a closer look to be sure though... she completed her thoughts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Nartholan nodded, even though he didn't have any idea what a 'dollars' was. He pulled out a few coins from the pocket of his less than familiar coat. Said coins had mined from the southern regions of his homeland and were made of pure gold; they did the job in most situations and he didn't have to worry about a shortage given his master's abilities. "Would these work?" he asked. Hopefully they took gold around here, otherwise the resource situation would prove more dire than he could imagine. Either folks around here are poorer than dirt, using mere paper for goods, or they have mined up every last bit of useful resource to be had... Of course, even if so, there was still the world's inherent magic capacity to be had.

He didn't know for sure, but he felt more than just one pair of eyes on his back that moment...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@ArenaSnow Aquintis took the golden coins and examined them. "Yeah, these would work," she smiled at him, handing him the ring but it was knocked out of her hand while Aria was walking past.
Aria had watched him take out the gold coins. It has to be Nartholan! she thought. To make sure though, she began walking past them and 'accidently' bumped into Aquintis. "Oh my! So sorry," she said as she picked up the ring and placed it in his hand. She looked at him, seemed to mouth something like, it IS you!, then walked away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Nartholan stepped back slightly as a woman bumped into (Aquintis). Wait... not just any woman... Her face struck him as familiar, no doubt he had seen her before; somewhere. He knew from an earlier briefing that there would be a number of familiar faces. Obviously that held true here.

Accepting the ring, he waited until the strangely familiar woman had walked away before looking at one of the oddly colored dragonflies. "And how much for this?" he asked, pointing at it. He had to blend in as part of his job, but this was one of the fruits of his occupation; he had never seen a butterfly like that before. He also knew that he had to do... something. Something to disrupt the festivities.

He hated to have to call up the rather barbaric dezinions of Talinth, but it was part of the job. Come on over, Mardolg... we've got a party to bust.

Mardolg happily feasted on suspiciously colored and shaped bones in one of the many half-ruined Talinth fortresses when Nartholan's call came. Now? In my meal?

Couldn't be helped. Ah well. He pointed his sword in the direction of two other mean looking demon knights and pointed at a portal to the side of a crumbling wall. He would be there soon. In the meantime, he had to finish this meal. He started eating the bones themselves...

Near the back of the party, a little ways from Aquintis's booth, appeared two demonic soldiers, with weapons drawn and the will to create chaos. They began to advance on the back of the booth just to the left of Aquintis's, slightly visible from the corner of the eyes of anyone who happened to look in that direction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hirothelegend
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Hirothelegend Bionis Disciple

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jessica noticed the Gold Coins come from the stranger's hand. Are those actual gold coins? Where is he from?... Jessica thought to herself when suddenly Aria bumped into the man dropping the coins. The sound of the coins rang through Jessica's ears. It IS gold! Jessica had a sudden realization. Afraid a confrontation might irrupt, "Still." Jessica said catching her dragonfly and placing it in her laced messenger bag matching her dress. She used to wear this dress to do maid work, but now it's her casual outfit whenever she isn't training. While turning to put the dragonfly in her bag, she last minute saw something about to destroy her booth.

"Hey! My booth... what are you doing? That's property of the Weiderholung Milit-" She was about to say when the booth was already destroyed. What do I do... These guys look scary... She had thought just standing there near the Linia and Aquintis stunned at the things that attacked her booth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tabitha
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Tabitha Birthday is on June 10th!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Hmm, that was rather quite rude. Hm, since you seem to have golden coins I'd say seven coins," Aquintis decided. She heard a large crash and looked over. What the hell...
Aria spun around as she heard the crash of the Military Booth being destroyed and she saw the demonic soldiers. She turned back to where she had just come from. It was him!
"Aquintis! Use your blade wings and ring the bell in the tower, get people to safety both of you! And as for you Nartholan! Stop this destruction immediately!" she cried out. She pulled out her sword seemingly out of nowhere, but really it had been on her back the whole time.
"How do you know my name?! What?!" Aquintis was very confused, but she did as the woman said. This seemed very dangerous and she didn't know what was going on at all. She pulled her blade wings from under the booth table and put them on, flying off towards the bell tower.
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