"Damnit!" Koji cursed under his breath. He had just gotten away from that, that thing, when some newbie just strolled into the clearing like a happy little girl on a casual walk in the park and waved at him. She might as well of just told the monster "Hey that kid you're hunting is in the brush over there!"

Well at least she has guts Koji thought attempting to calm himself down, before he did something that would put his cursor in the red. After all she was willing to fight the beast with a broken sword, or was it a large, oddly shaped dagger he wondered. He guessed it didn't really matter and decided to draw his own weapon and walk into the clearing completely blowing his cover. Koji wasn't sure what made him want to help this girl. Was it the simple, but friendly gesture she had given? Or maybe it was just the bravery she had shown by preparing to fight a monster with a broken sword that made him want to fight. He wasn't sure but her looks definitely didn't hurt her case he thought, admiring her features while he unsheathed his spear, which some might think is broken like the girl's judging by the cut on the tip. Even though thinking that would be your last and most agonizing mistake since the cut on the edge gives it an extra sharp and extra painful point.

The bush the monster was in started ruffling like crazy when finally it appeared. An extremely tiny bunny!!! Koji charged at it and viciously stabbed at it. The bunny died in one blow and Koji's face suddenly looked like a tomato when he realized he just brutally murdered a bunny. The girl laughed at him until suddenly all the sounds of the forest disappeared as a cool breeze settled and cheesy, Legend Of Zelda like boss music started playing when a giant Rancor came out.
