Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Medjedovic
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Medjedovic Not a Smart Man

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

These hiders will be filled as the RP progresses.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Rumors of walking corpses? Is that all? Hard to believe they'd muster up this much of a force for petty rumors."

Jorn Segundis

Born Telrio Delicor Ingmar, Jorn began his life as the son of a rather large noble family in the eastern kingdom of Fariche. Able to provide everything the boy could ever want in his life, one would say he lived a life of extreme privilege... Though if you were to ask the man now, he'd say it was the most boring experiences of his life. Now he didn't mind the female attention, or how most of the merchants jumped through hoops to appease him... Still, it was all mundane. This is why the boy began to foster an interest in the family house guard and the local army. Surely the life of a soldier was filled with more thrills and adventures then just sitting at home being pampered. So- when he was able- Jorn would sneak from his family's estate to the local barracks and guardhouses in order to train with the troops.

The mountainous terrain that enveloped his home land had led to several oddities in training- at least in regards to the central kingdoms- focusing more on movement of small squads and dispersal then forming of ranks and 'proper' combat. War was neither fair nor chivalrous, you misdirect your opponent and strike hard when they're not looking. Or at least that was what the senior soldiers and officers offered the boy as they tutored him. Though his family never approved of his 'uncivilized' interests, they did nothing to divert the boys attention. Being so far down the family inheritance (being the second youngest out of 7 male heirs) they figured becoming a well established knight or honor guard was the best opportunity for their son. And the soldiers loved him! He became a mascot to the guard, a young boy who trained in a field not far from where they held their drills. Everyday, mimicking their movements and emulating their routines to the best of the young boy's abilities. It didn't take long for the officers to notice and offer the boy a proper station, a squire to the Lord-Commander, Lerique. Faithfully Jorn served his adoptive family for many years, but around the age of 23, that all changed. Having worked his way up to a Master Scout, the young warrior had reports that a tragedy had befallen his family and forced the man to retire from service.

It was no mystery to anyone that Jorn's father had dabbled in the art of 'dueling', a dangerous sport in the Kingdom of Fariche that was usually frowned upon... At least if not endorsed by local arenas and Lords. This was not to say that the Lord Ingmar was particularly any good at the combat-sport (losing about as many fights as he had won) but one particular exchange had gone horribly wrong. Despite the name, the spars were often times fought to a surrender or conceited due to injury, but very rarely was a life taken and so abruptly as Lord Ingmar's. Reports came in that the noble had suffered a grievous wound and attempted to withdraw from the duel, only to be slain with his back turned as the assailant fled with the family sword. It was this that sparked Telrio into becoming a 'Duelist', a practitioner of the sport, and saw him fight in many tournaments and illegal sessions in hopes of finding his father's killer.

Hoping to cover his tracks, Telrio adopted a new name. 'Jorn Segundis', that's what people would begin to know him by. His training with the soldiers of his land had led to great success in this hobby, able to nimbly dodge his assailants and often outflank them for the victory. He was famous, you couldn't speak the name Jorn without some story of his latest exploits in the arena. It was this fame that brought to him the moment he had sought after his whole career... The showdown with his father's murderer. To Jorn, it was just another fight, a paid event by the Lords and Ladies of the capital city of Reinmarch to celebrate a bountiful harvest and booming economy. Personally invited, Jorn had no problem working his way up the tournament's ladder, dispatching foe after foe until the time came for the quarter finals.

Seven years since his father had passed, seven years since some coward cut him down... Who would've thought that the same bastard would be who he faced now. Though unsure at first, as the fight progressed there was something odd about the blade his opponent was using, and it was only after a successful parry that brought about the identity of the blade. A small shield insignia adorned with a rounded green gem that held a cameo of a weeping woman flanked by sentry towers... His family's crest upon his family's blade. In a fit of rage, he'd cripple the man with a strike to the back of his legs, causing him to fall to his knees as he lifted his open hands in surrender. That wasn't good enough, not for Jorn. So in a brutal display he toppled the man over with a knee to his nose, stood firmly upon his chest, and stabbed his helpless victim through the throat with his family blade.

Arrested and put on trial for the blatant disregard for the rules of the tournament and the murder of a fellow combatant, Jorn was set to rot away in prison. Though evidence hinted that this man was indeed his father's killer, without a confession there was nothing that could save the duelist from his fate. That is, until a rather well dressed official stepped forth. It was then that the 'Priest' offered a different solution, having the man exiled and forced into the service of the Sunlight Lance. He spun it in such a way that it would be considered mercy for Jorn, having served his country both in military service and publicity with his dueling. Though hesitant, the Council of Judges agreed, and so Jorn's fate was sealed.

Two years have passed since Jorn's conscription. Though somewhat annoyed by the bureaucracy, Jorn understands that the Lances are responsible for his continued longevity. So, faithfully has he served without question. And when the officers of the Lances came to offer a new job to the man, he answered the call without hesitation.


Cynical and boastful, Jorn would come off as a pompous ass to those who had not known him. However, he adheres to a strict sense of morality and honor... Well honor among thieves anyways. He's been known to smuggle small baubles and trinkets from his missions, displaying them as trophies of his deeds. However, theft is the only grey area for the man, any other act of lawlessness is immediately frowned upon and berated by Jorn.

'I won't let you tarnish the name of our patrons. Act right, or I'll set you right.'

Still, he has his soft spots, helping the young initiates with their duties while doing his best to shepard them from acts that would cause problems for themselves or the order. Many have come around to calling him, 'Big Brother Segundis', just don't let him hear you call him that.

C: Reflex,
D: Throw, Stealth, Armor, Acrobatics, Weapon Proficiency (Sword)
E: Survival

Light Shield (Armor E)
Medium Armor (Armor C)
Crossbow (10 bolts)
Smoke Bomb (x4)
Fire Bomb (x2)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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The_written_John Professor Screwball

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Jonathan McKenna









Jonathan is both a realist and a pessimist, years of bad luck and personal suffering have caused him to become ferociously dependent, craving the desire of safety, craving the desire to be loved, he is affectionate, loving and selfless, seeing himself as a maggot, a pest and a piece of dirt, he would gladly give his life for someone else, despite him greatly fearing the thought of dying. Despite his selfless attitude, Jonathan can be a control freak and rather demanding, fearful of being forgotten, fearful of being left behind, Jonathan tries for force scenarios to go a certain way, to aid him at times, unknowingly by himself, Jonathan deep down is a coward, and weak, and possesses a mass amount of self-loathing.


Standing at six feet and two inches tall, Jonathan is physically athletic but rather plump in appearance, a caucasian skintoned male having a set of long incredibly dark brown hair that reaches down his back, however tied near the back of the head into a ponytail, the hair is swept back neatly as a result. He also possesses a patch of hair reminiscent to that of a soul patch upon his chin. Despite his age, his facial features are reminiscent of that of a 15 year old, with less serious, innocent light blue eyes with his outfit consisting of a long sleeve pure white cotton shirt, with steel armour plating, a brown belt tied around his waist and a pair of armored steel leggings and boots. He also wears a fake silver necklace, a silver pendent attached.


Jonathan grew up in a rather bustling and overcrowded city, a happy and optimistic young lad, possessing a slight learning disability when he was younger, however due to this minor setback, others would treat him differently, as he grew up, he found out that, he had no talent, no skills, no reason to exist, to top it off, as he grew up, the friends who he met over the course of many of his childhood years merely abused their relationship with him, living and being forced to manual labor almost broke the child, from his weakness, and the only allies he ever had took advantage of his pain, his emotions and his suffering, and played him like a fool.

As such, the child was sexually abused, kicked, beaten and forced into servitude for entertainment by richer families, which is own family could do nothing about, enslaved practically under those families as well, and for years he was emotionally and physically tortured. Between the ages of six and fifteen, they didn't see a human who was weeping and crying, just a broken toy who wouldn't entertain their narcissistic desires.

The child was also forced to fight for them, forced to hunt for their food, and forced to assist their forces to fight other noble families, all for entertainment of course, this helped to strengthen his bludgeoning arm... Something they would soon regret.

He however had one reason to continue living, there was another servant in their services who cared for his safety... however this friend had crushed the joy within his heart, the only one he could call his best friend didn't really care about what he felt or the struggles he has experienced, and merely abused his weakness to find ways for the masters to torture him further. He didn't even care, and turned his back on the weeping depressed male, punishing him to a life of true loneliness...

The event pushed him over the edge, and Jonathan while their back was turned, used a smithing hammer, and proceeded to slaughter his abusers one by one, four deaths. It didn't take long before he was relinquished of his weapon, beaten by guardsman and locked away. Luckily for him however, one had witnessed his mass rampage, a member of the Sunlight Lance... And his life was changed forever.

He would have been sentenced to the gallows to hang, but, through careful negotiations, the member of the Sunlight Lance, in exchange for his life, brought him into their ranks forever. Forced into the vampire hunting guild of the Sunlight Lance, Jonathan pondered if it was a blessing... or a curse. The Sunlight Lance were intrigued by his ferocious tenacity, and his skills when under stress, and sought to train him, and train they did. Jonathan felt more... at peace. For the next five years, he lived with the sunlight lance. Lived and felt like he was part of a true family. Though his own personal feelings about himself, never really changed, though his prowess in bludgeoning tools certainly improved, as did his desire to survive... He had no choice but to move on.


B: Vigour
C: Armor
D: Weapon Proficiency (maces and hammers), Reflex, Awareness
E: Athletics, Discipline,
( Upgraded vigor - C to B, Armor - D to C, Awareness - E to D)


War Hammer (Weapon D)
Medium Shield (Armor D)
Heavy Armor (Armor B)
Arquebus (10 shots)
Painkiller (x4)
Rumelian Ale (x2)
Grenade (x2)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Mine honour is my life; Both grow in one; Take honour from me and my life is done"

Ser Angriff Kalstan
The son of Tavion Kalstan and Raina Kalstan, Angriff was raised to a life, most considered privileged. While peasants worked the land and fought in their lords name. Angriff lived a life with little want, at-least in his early years. His father was one such lord, governing his ancestral lands earned a hundred years ago through bloodshed and war with the vampires alongside the Fair Lady. The self proclaimed king taking rule over what the Vampires once ruled and rewarding those he deemed worthy with parcels of land. Angriff was trained and lived in a society of chivalrous conduct and warfare. He was trained in combat, to fight honorably and tutored how to govern ones land and taught an education, expected of one of his noble bloodline and station. For he was to become a lord. In a time where stories of knights during the war with the Vampires were commonplace, Angriff aspired to become such a Knight as the stories foretold. When he came of age, he was presented with a suit of plate by his father, forged intricately and clearly by the hand of a talented smith. This would be the armour that would allow Angriff to fight with chivalry and honour and to beat back the darkness.

However, all good things must end. With humanity swiftly turning against itself. With high society turning to war against one another over philosophy and the treatment of surfs. We was doing what the vampires could not do. Destroy us. Eventually, war found itself in the region controlled by family Kalstan. The people fed by ideals and seeing an opportunity, began to rebel in the region, inspired by the war across the kingdom despite the Kalstans rather fair treatment of it's surfs. Tavion ordered that his son and wife be smuggled out of the castle, while he and his knights stayed behind to defend the castle.

Angriff and Raina made their way to a neighboring region, t'was a hard journey, wearing on the both of them. Angriff bared the weight of the plate armour given to him by his father. The region they had traveled to was not yet reached by the war, nor would it be. Here, Angriff got his first job working as a scribe, setting the armour to one side as he made money to support him and his mothers living. After a few years had passed. His mother had died from plague that ravaged lands. With nothing else left, Angriff returned to Castle Kalstan to learn more about his father and his fate. Finding nothing but a heap of rubble and bones where the Castle once stood. Angriff, at that moment vowed to fight much like the knights of old. Donning the plate, he vowed to embody honour and chivalry in a land of turmoil. To fight the good fight and to bring to justice to those that ruined his ancestral land and any that preyed on the weak.

A few years of travelling the kingdom, rumors began to circulate about the travelling knight. These rumors are likely the reason that he would later be found by a knight of the holy order of the Sunlight Lance. Upon hearing the orders goals, Angriff pledged himself to their service and has remained ever since.

B: Weapon Proficiency (Sword), Armor
C: Bravery, Vigor, Discipline
D: Ride
E: Speech
Heavy Shield (Armor C)
Massive Armor (Armor A)
Healing Draught (x3) - Speeds up recovery of bruises, cuts and broken bones.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Quextamon
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Quextamon Leader of the Decepticons

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

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