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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryka
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Ryka The Dungeon Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I have been writing this concept for nearing three years now. As I have my own story and characters within, I would love to have others... input into the realm... Sort of like a Dungeons and Dragons module. An excerpt of a part of it follows:

Tyrin held his sword tightly against the blade of the enemy in front of him. The metal scraped and sparked against each other. Tyron pushed all of his might into his blade, and his enemy's snapped with a spray of blood surged into the air from the devastating slash. The enemy soldiers sounded a retreat and sprinted off towards the treelike in the distance. Tyrin yelled for his men to give chase to them. As they sprinted after them, the smell of blood and death lingered in the air. The sound of the battlefield was deafeningly quiet. No birds, no wounded men, just the ever present scent of death. As soon as Tyrin and his men reached the tree line, the sound of inhuman screams hit their ears. They hadn't even stepped forward into the darkness of the forest before the feeling of uneasiness was around. Suddenly one of the enemy soldiers appeared from the blackness that the forest provided, screaming a silent scream, as if his vocal chords had been ripped out. Then in an instant he was gone. Tyrin's men stepped into the blackness, towards the spot of the man's sudden disappearance. They stared at the ground, the huge amount of blood on the forest floor was astounding as if he had bled out in an instant. The guttural screams echoed around them, and the men started to panic. Tyrin stepped into the midst of them. "The enemy is being killed off before we have a chance to slay them! A new enemy presents itself, and we must over come it. We are the best of the best, wear your pendant with pride, and do not retreat now! Fight til your dying breath!" They roared in approval of the speech. "Kill them all!" they replied to him. Then all at once everything went silent. No screams, no yells, no growls, not even a breath was heard. Then the black figure emerged from the darkness, it's scythe-like claws glistening with a red color. "What the hell is that?!?" the soldiers yelled as it rushed at them. They swung their weapons, but it didn't ever seem to connect. The beast disemboweled the first soldier it reached, through the plate armor that covered his torso, he pushed his intestines back in as best as he could as the beast slashed at him again. The man fell to the ground, his blood draining into the forest floor. The other soldiers scattered running off into ever direction. Then the inhuman screams flooded the air around the men as they tried to flee from the creatures. "Stand your ground!" Tyrin yelled as he attempted to slash at another of the figures. The figured slashed into his side, a deep slash gouged out into his flesh. His voice shut down to keep silent from the searing pain in his side. The figures rushed his men, and one by one they fell. Then the bodies would disappear momentarily after they fell. His own body became a scratching post to the figures as they gouged out chucks of his flesh. He continued to slash at them as they surrounded him. The air was putrid with the smell of blood. Tyrin yelled as he began to run from the forest, he knew he was outmatched, outmanned, and out of time. His footsteps thudded heavily against the ground. The occasional squish of the blood and dirt echoed into the slowly quieting forest. The screams left his ears as he began to exit into the sunlight. The black figures stayed away from the light as much as they could. He couldn't see anything but their black shapes, darker than anything else he had seen in his life. He slowed his pace as the pain set in and he followed the nearest road, and after a long period of time ended up at the house of Raiya and Ryka. The few moments of consciousness that were left within Tyrin were full of delirium and searing pains as the infected wounds killed him slowly and painfully.

I plan on having a character within the story with everyone, as well as GMing certain things that happen. Now the concept is this:

Genre: Fantasy/Medieval/Magic/Horror.

Land/Area: The Continent of Karadin.

Goal: To figure a way to clear a great evil from the land before it spreads. (Slysari)

Start: You are going to be a part of group of adventurers, you may know each other before hand or not, that is up to you in character. You are summoned by the Emperor of Karadin to come and cleanse a horror that is plaguing a part of his empire. Mount Daymon, a once cherished icon to the empire, now turned into a graveyard of tens of thousands of soldiers, countless peasants, and wandering traders. Rumors in taverns, inns, marketplaces all seem to utter the same word. "Slysari." You are sent to find out what this plague is that is a threat the Emperor's citizens, and eliminate it.

Character sheet:

Race:(Dwarf, Elf, Human, Half-Elf, Halfling.)
Appearance:(What's your hair like, your body shape? How muscled are you, or are you thin as a board?)
Class:(See below)
Job:(Were you part of the Royal guard, or just someone who stumbled into saving others?)
Weapon of choice:(Are you an axe-man? Do you like swords? Or do you just like to punch things with a flaming fist?)
Personality:(Well this should be obvious, but for those of the faint of heart, fair warning. - Are you mean, nice, what sets you off?)
Background:(Same as before, but... instead just your past.)
Other information:(Anything else to know about your character!)


Cleric: You heal things, and you commune with the gods of the lands to help you in times of need.
Fighter: You are strong, you like to wear heavy armor and hit things really hard.
Rogue: You are clever, you get into strategic positions to stab people in the back, and you know how to talk your way out of bad situations.
Paladin: You are a holy warrior, the gods have given you blessings to fight for them, but you must be virtuous!
Wizard/Sorceror: You cast magic, whether it is to cause harm, distract, disguise, or benefit your group you cast it, you know it, and you are beyond intelligent.
Ranger: You are an arrow-slinger, you like to stay back in fights and fire arrows when the time is right. You can track things with much less effort than most.

(Now of course when it comes to magic, don't overpower and godmod yourself as being able to cast Goku's Spiritbomb worth of fire in an instant, gathering that magic would exhaust you and take an immense amount of time. Be reasonable, if not GM powers can always step in.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 3 mos ago

im interested in this :)

Though with backstories as my worst thing with a CS, is there any kind of timeline for this?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm in.
I just hope my posts will be lengthy enough for it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

I'd be interested, working on a sorceress.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Name: Aeola Ithilwen
Race: Elf (Possible elemental ancestry)
Gender: Female
Appearance: Exceedingly slim, with pale skin, white hair and grey-blue eyes. Looks like she might literally blow away in a stiff breeze.
"It's just how I am. I forget to eat sometimes."

Class: Sorceress
Job: Wandering enchanter
Weapon of choice: Lightning magic, or an oak staff inlaid with Elven text in copper
"It's an old prayer, to call the rain. The copper is to catch the lightning it brings."

Personality: Aeola seems to be halfway in a dream most of the time. Unless something demands her focus, she drifts off into thought. When something does catch her interest, however, she proves to be very lively and quick-witted.
"Hm? I was watching the clouds. There's something about the way the moon lights them up."

Background: "There's nothing there I care to tell. I've wandered the roads and forest paths for centuries now, and I see no reason to stop."

Other information: Aeola keeps a screech owl named Palantiriel ("Pala" for short) as a pet/ traveling companion.
Theme Music
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I will post a character soon enough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ryka
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Ryka The Dungeon Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well Gemini I dig it. So Welcome aboard!

@Shadowcatcher There is a timeline. Where the adventurers are joining into the fray the menace has been plaguing the land for nearing 50 years at this point, seeming to get worse and worse.

@Haru Nyan I am pretty easy going, just lets not go with one sentence replies ;)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rubix
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm interested! Will post a character sheet asap.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryka
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Ryka The Dungeon Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Rubix Wonderful!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rubix
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Name: Samuel (Sam) Arvarell

Race: Human

Gender: Male
Appearance: 6'1", lean with slender shoulders, olive skinned, green eyed, medium length black hair parted in the centre. Usually wears lightweight leather armour for mobility.

Class: Rogue

Job: Formerly employed as spymaster by the Lord of a sizable estate, until he was caught with the nobleman's wife, when his natural affinity for stealth came in handy escaping the Lord's guards...

Weapon of choice: Shortsword, however is proficient with daggers and small axes as well.

Personality: Smooth talker, strongly opinionated, sometimes too much so for his own good. His front of confidence verging on stupidity belies his quick mind and equally quick sword arm.

Background: Born a measly washerwoman's son, he never found out who his father was, he did however find out at a young age that spying and secrets were not only something that came naturally to him, but were a way out of poverty.

Edit: Forgot to mention an age, for the record it's 27.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryka
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Ryka The Dungeon Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Rubix That is a great sounding rogue, welcome aboard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rubix
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Ryka Awesome, I look forward to it!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Mia Marquis

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Mia appears as a very young and cheerful looking teenager who stands at a petite 5'3", many people mistake her for a child at first glance. Having bright green eyes that show a glint of joy with every blink, atop her short peach-colored hair is a big magician's hat adorned with flowers. Her outfit consists of a sleeveless button-up dress with a frilly top decorated with a floral pattern and ends at the bottom with a big puffy skirt.

Her legs are covered with a pink pantyhose lined with various fruits to accentuate her already colorful attire, her feet are wearing purple frilled flats. Her hands are covered with long gloves that-with just a few more inches-reach her shoulders.

Her physique is nothing too noteworthy, being on the slight side of slim and as much as one would expect from a magic-user, not the most battle-ready body out there. If anything, her frail figure makes it easy for her to get hurt, but it does make it easy for her to dodge and move about with ease.

(For reference I used: http://www.zerochan.net/1876025)

Class: Wizard

Job: A traveling bard who has heard many stories of the plague, leading her to the area. She seeks fame and glory as she sets out to exterminate the plague...Hopefully.

Weapon of choice:
A wand that looks (as well as acts) like a musical baton. This dual-formed weapon changes which magic she uses. In its Wand form, she can call upon spirits from various tales and story books to aid her and her companions. Said companions all appear as small, cute and plush-like to an almost comedic degree, but the adorable critters can prove to be just as fearsome as their real counterparts, even with their watered-down abilities/weapons. But as one would expect from small bite-sized clones of their originals, it doesn't take much effort to temporarily destroy one of the buggers.

In Baton form, Mia can call upon various instruments from thin air to fulfill a more supportive role. She can orchestrate a battaglia that can inspire a fighting spirit to her allies, a requiem to soothe her friends and heal their wounds, an elegy to fill the minds of their foes with sudden thoughts of melancholy and dread, or she can simply rattle the eardrums of their adversaries by making said instruments play with deafening volumes ad nauseam. Of course, as the plays the musical piece she is left wide open as the effects slowly sink in.

Bright, colorful and always in high spirits. Mia is a girl who is just oozing with happiness, a thing that she wishes to share with the others around her, it's a trait that people either love or hate. Despite this cheery personality however, belies a sensitive girl who hides her insecurities and problems behind one big smile.

Mia enjoys the company of others, so as long as they can show her a good time, appreciate a good laugh and not be a stuck-up jerk. If there is one big flaw she has, it's her childishness. Mia is one who isn't exactly the most mature teen out there, she's prone to sudden outbursts when she doesn't get what she wants, is disheartened when not everyone agrees with her and is overly excitable to the point of recklessness.

Born as an only child to a musician and a sorceress. Mia was always closer to her musically-inclined father and decided to follow in his footsteps of composition. At a young age, Mia could play various instruments that her father kept around. Violins, trumpets, drums, etc. When she picked it up, you could be sure that she'd perform like everyone was watching, this fancied her so much that she began to compose some of her own original works with the help of her father. Her mother, while disappointed that her daughter did not share her views in the arcane, was still proud of her nonetheless.

Eager to please her mother (as well as the masses), Mia had a sudden idea: "Why not use magic to make my performances prettier?!" With a little bit persistence, her mother managed to teach her the basics of summoning and illusions. When the day finally came for her big public debut, Mia got out her wand and in the middle of the marketplace...Performed like she never did before. Instruments forming out of thin air playing sweet melodies to the ears of the public, notes forming from the empty space she was in, vivid and vibrant colors that just exploded and set alight the marketplace and soon she was the center of attention. When it was all over, the rattled girl wasn't expecting a massive applause and demands for an encore. This little impromptu orchestra made her so happy and giddy, so much so that it became her reason to travel all over the land, eager to spread her uplifting performances everywhere.
Hah, look at how long mine is compared to the others!
I feel like I may have outdid myself, or just overcomplicated it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ryka
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Ryka The Dungeon Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Haru Nyan Totally, totally dig it. Someone to be happy in a time of death and violence.

One or two more and I am ready to start this wonderful thing.

I may as well get mine posted for everyone.

Name: Sayrin Mordun

Race: Human

Gender: Male


Class: Paladin

Job: Royal Guard, asked for the leadership role to take the group of adventurers to Mt. Daymon.

Weapon of choice: A long-sword, and a large steel square shield with the Royal Guards seal upon it. Crossing blood red scythes behind a dark purple skull.

Personality: Sayrin is blunt, to the point of being harsh, especially when it goes against the will of the gods. He is easy to approach, albeit gruff-looking, honest and caring about his men, or followers.

Background: Sayrin joined into the Emperor's militant forces at the age of 14, training himself harshly on a daily basis while communing with the gods even if he never got a reply. He slowly rose up the ranks until his 23rd year of life, where he caught wind of a scheme to assassinate the emperor, stopping it before the culprit could get the poison into the wine. After that moment he was assigned to the Royal Guard, and has faithfully been serving the Emperor, and the gods for another 9 years. Now at the ripe age of 32 he is built strong, and you can almost see the holy light emanating from him.

Other information: Sayrin can be seen every morning bowed in silent prayer to the gods.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yay! Now we just have to wait.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SuperTacticalDerp
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SuperTacticalDerp The New Monarch

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Really interested!

Name: Brother Vas, of The New Order

Race: Human
Gender: Male

Class: Cleric

Job: Spiritual Adviser

Weapon/Magical Abilities:

- Silver Dagger: A sharp ceremonial blade for the use of holy rituals or cutting through the hearts of men or demons. Religious symbols cover the blade's entire surface.

- "Sight Beyond Sight. Sense Beyond Sense.": Heightened and evolved senses reaching from the norm to the paranormal. Even without eyes to bare sight, Brother Vas can see more then the average man.

- Healing Aura: A spell of pure holy energy to cleanse those wounded and begin the natural healing process. Will not restore a man to his full strength, but get them up and moving so they they may fight another day.

- Sacred Fire: A small fire spell known by all in The New Order as a defensive measure. The flames cannot burn mortals of pure souls, only harming beasts of a dark brood.

- Light of The Followers: A summoned orb of pure light that can illuminate the darkest depths. An ability meant to aid his fellow travelers then himself.

Brother Vas is a more relaxed follower of scriptures, a kind soul who sees the gateway to the afterlife not in promises, but in action. The holy man is seen as a constant of charity and service to his fellow man. He is the type of holy man to sit a man down and drink them both under the table if it meant helping a poor soul through a rotten day. Outside of The New Order, Brother Vas is often found in crowded places speaking amongst every form of man, woman, or child. One's wealth, land, or privilege does not concern him, as all should be truly born equal.

Brother Vas has spoken little of his past. Most followers of the gods know only that on day, after a great rainstorm had poured down upon the capital city, Vas was found at the front steps of The First Temple of The New Order. The sun arose from almost a week of harsh rain to shine down on a man with no eyes, the scars of some dark thing still ripped into his face. The Order took him in, healing his wounds and teaching him of their ways. Brother Vas found that he was quite adept at the holy arts, healing his face beyond anything any other follower could achieve.

Brother Vas swore from then on to be at the service to any in need, a sentinel for the pure. He trained for years onward, learning many skills and values to teach others. He also swore to never take away anyone's ability to choose, believing that everyone deserved to follow their own paths to enlightenment. His reputation has spread throughout the land, making him an obvious choice to trek along with others to investigate the Slysari threat.

Other Information:

- Being technically blind may lead to some awkward IC situations, so please have fun with it!

- Brother Vas is a holy man in every sense, but sometimes a holy man must live a little outside the norm to still feel alive. Love, drink, and a little personal satisfaction is not forbidden by The New Order, just asked to be kept in good moderation.

- Being able to see without sight and sense without senses may lead to some meta moments where Brother Vas will know someone's name or tell if someone is trying to get behind him. Only beings of darkness beyond the control of gods can really get the better of him, as they seem fuzzy and hard to see. If this isn't acceptable, we could all probably work something out without this being OP or breaking the game.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryka
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Ryka The Dungeon Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@SuperTacticalDerp Sweet Action!

A BLIND CLERIC? Nothing bad ever comes from that, the gods light the way! I am totally into what you have chosen for your magical abilities.

Welcome aboard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SuperTacticalDerp
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SuperTacticalDerp The New Monarch

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Ryka Thank you! Can't wait to see how this goes!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scoutas
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm interested in joining, but I'll complete a character sheet in several hours, after sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryka
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Ryka The Dungeon Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Gotcha Scoutas, Sleep well!
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