Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aiyana and Okami

Name Meaning: "Forever" / "Flowering" ; "Wolf"
Age: 2 Years ; 8 Months
Gender: Female ; Male
Breed: Gray Wolves

Cunning, Dominant, Friendly, Calm and Assertive, Aiyana likes to think of those around her, she enjoys lazing about when the time is right and will pick herself up quickly in times of need, she'll fight for what she believes in and always ensures those closest to her are safe and still free to do their own things. She won't bark orders all day and she'll follow whoevers in charge unless she feels what's happening is unnecessary or incorrect. ; Shy, Quiet, Kind, Caring and Intelligent, Okami enjoys just following along, he enjoys playing about and resting in the sun or shade, but he's definitely not one for picking bones with others, he relies on his sister for direction and is quick to think up a plan when it comes to taking down game be it small or large.

Aiyana and Okami were quite content in their pack's life. They were surrounded by those who cared about them the most, those who understood each separate pack-member and didn't hesitate to take on a bit of rough and tumble play with Aiyana.
The Willow Brook Pack was a tightly knit family, bonded closely and knowledgeable in the ways of hunting as a group, they were kind and relaxed around one another though this wasn't to last as humans, a decently sized tribe made their way into the Willow Brooks territory, they scattered the pack and killed those not fast enough to escape. Aiyana and Okami witnessed their own mother murdered in all the commotion and took off on their own, they were only 2 years at this point and now, almost 8 months later, they have finally settled, they'd found a territory unclaimed by others of their kind and filled with plenty of game and river beds.
Along the way to this new land, Aiyana and Okami had crossed paths with a canine of similar age. Younger than them, he'd been travelling alone for a while and needing to eat, they agreed to help one another out. Aiyana, Okami and the stranger who called himself Tahoma all hunted together that same day, bringing down a small Red Deer Doe. During this meal Aiyana would normally have claimed it for herself, feasting as the alpha of the small group, though part of her drew her to the young mixed pelt of creams and tans of the unknown brute. Allowing him to feast with her while her brother waited his turn, she'd offer Tahoma the chance to tag along and thus he became a part of the wandering party just before they settled in the Siberian Taiga.
Upon patrolling the outskirts of this new place, Aiyana decided to wander a short distance off to investigate an odd yet familiar scent. Coming across an old den and the faint smell of humans mixed with wolves she'd cautiously look around. And, being overly curious when she heard a noise hidden within some brush under the base of a tree, her only reaction was to move closer only to find herself staring upon a young pup left alone and visibly hungry. Unable to leave the little critter called Suki alone, Aiyana promised to take her on and raise her.
Aiyana and Okami along with Tahoma and Suki, have been together for a week in the Siberian Taiga territory. Developing their own small pack, Aiyana would eventually warm to the idea of Tahoma taking reign beside her as they hunt for small game to survive and remain on alert for others who may pass through, ready to take on new members or fend off unwanted intruders.

Pack Member / Loner: Pack Members
Pack Name: The Native Valley Pack
Pack Rank: Alpha ; Hunter
Mate: Tahoma ; n/a
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Name Meaning: "Beloved"
Age: 3 Months (12 Weeks)
Gender: Female
Breed: Gray Wolf

Personality: Affectionate, Playful, Silly, Unco-ordinated and Still Young, Suki enjoys everything about being a pup, she enjoys sneaking up and pouncing on unsuspecting adults and will quickly flop over for a nap if she is too drained of energy. Suki highly dislikes moving long distances and will sit or lay down until carried except maybe if the adults keep moving and threaten to leave her behind ... then she quickly bounds after them.

History: Suki was abandoned recently, her pack moving quickly when humans moved nearer leaving her tucked in a den under a tree's base to fend for herself at 9 weeks old. She had been found at 11 weeks by Aiyana who has taken her to the Rendezvous site of her miniature formed pack. In this new area, Suki was introduced to two larger brutes, one who was close to Aiyana, a sibling called Okami, the other slightly younger than the others known as Tahoma. She now thrives playing with Okami and snuggling up to him through the dark nights, he was designated the role of watching her when Aiyana and Tahoma chose to scout the territories vast landscape. Though Suki figured he didn't mind since they spent most days playing, lounging and keeping each other company with very few a complaint.

Pack Member / Loner: Pack Member
Pack Name: The Native Valley Pack
Pack Rank: Pup
Mate: n/a
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Avonaco, Av or Avo for short

Name Meaning

Lean Bear


3 Years




Gray Wolf


Avonaco is sly and intelligent, especially where it concerns humans. Having spent a great portion of his life among the nasty two-legged creatures, he has a well developed knowledge of their preferences, for example, the ability to be able to "touch" or "pet" him. Avonaco uses this intelligence to his advantage, scavenging food when food is hard to come by from unsuspecting and sympathetic humans. Avonaco is also relatively friendly, more so to tame dogs. He is cautious around other wild wolves, as his roots only partially lay within their community.

Avonaco was born to a captive mother and a wild father. Already pregnant, his mother was captured by humans in an attempt to establish a breeding population of captive wolves, which they hoped to cross with their dogs to produce a new breed of dog. His mother, who was mistreated in the process of "taming," gave birth to nine pups, three of which died. With sparse resources of the part of the human population, the wolves were kept in a poorly constructed enclosure that allowed Avonaco's mother to escape at nights to hunt and run free, an activity the human keepers remained oblivious too. Tempted, however, by the human pampering and easy life within the wood walls of the small tribe, his mother would always return.

At some point in his life, Avonaco's mother began taking her pups out on night trips, teaching them how to hunt and fend for themselves. Much to the astonishment of their human caretakers, Avonaco and his siblings, with what appeared to be very little exercise, were steadily growing stronger and wilder. The caretakers, who had believed the soft captive life would have fattened up the pups, making them lazy and mellow, were shocked by the wolfish and feral nature of the pups. At some point in his life, Avonaco made the conscious decision to leave the man-enclosure for a permanently wild life. A few of his siblings followed suit, and they have spread across the territories beyond the human village, parting ways.

Avonaco's mother and the rest of his siblings remain with the human population, who have begun crossbreeding them with the tame dogs. Avonaco, in the meanwhile, roams the wildnerness, occasionally coming back to the village to scrounge for food when he is too lazy to hunt. For now Avonaco is without a pack, something he wishes to change in the future.

Pack Member / Loner


Pack Name


Pack Rank




Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Mizuki
Name Meaning: Beautiful Moon
Age: 3 and a half years
Gender: Female
Breed: Gray Wolf


Personality: Easily Angered and Overly Cautious, as well as Cold and Calculating. She doesn't get along well with most other living things, and prefers quiet anger and solitude to talking things out with anyone. She is her own wolf, and Alpha in her own right, and will not submit to anyone.
History: Born to a pair of loners who abandoned her as soon as she was capable of fending for herself, Mizuki has learned the hard way how to do things, and has survived on her own ever since. She learned quickly to keep moving, never staying in one place for long as she struggled to stay alive. She's never been in a pack, preferring her loner lifestyle to the "chains" that a pack brings. She sees her ability to survive on her own as freedom, and though she will help another wolf if they ask she will not accept any help.

Recently she got caught in the middle of a fight between two packs over a territory border, and has been injured. She cannot stay anywhere long enough to let it heal completely, and cannot hunt with this injury as the scent of her blood scares away any prey before she is close enough to catch it.

Pack Member / Loner: Loner (for now)
Pack Name: N/A
Pack Rank: N/A
Mate: N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Name: Artorias
Age: 8
Gender: Male
Breed: Vekvoturian Mountain-wolf (Siberian Black wolf)


Personality: patient, easygoing, calm, Artorias takes almost everything in stride and, despite his age, can occasionally be found playing with a pup or wrestling with one of the hunters.

History: Artorias was born to a lone mother along with three other siblings in his litter. They stayed with their mother while they learned to hunt and survive but eventually the four left their mother, she went on to raise another litter, and joined up with a small-but-growing pack as hunters. The alpha of the pack was stupid but very tough, one of Artorias's sibling challenged him after another bad hunt only to lose and be killed. Artorias and his siblings chose to leave that pack to it's fate abandoning it and striking out on their own. The three did well for a time until they found themselves competing with another pack for game in their area. They could not catch as much food with it being taken by the pack so he and his remaining sibling reluctantly joined the pack. They were fed but the pack had little stability, going through two alphas in the time they were there. Eventually a rather bold wolf became alpha and wanted to take on a nearby human tribe for food. Their attack was a failure, the humans decimated the pack and the survivors scattered, he has no idea what became of his other two siblings. After they scattered Artorias wandered for a time and Eventually came across the beginnings of a small pack, only a pair of alphas, one hunter, and a pup. And it's with them he remained.

Pack Member / Loner: Pack
Pack Name: The Native Valley Pack
Pack Rank: Elder
Mate: None
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tip
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Tip Prime example

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Tahoma
Name Meaning: "Frozen water"
Age: 2 years
Gender: M
Breed: Gray wolf


Personality: Tahoma, on the surface, is cheerful and fun loving. He tries to find enjoyment in everything he possibly can, and is not afraid to try new things. However, beneath his cheerful demeanor is a surprisingly deep person. Tahoma is something of an existentialist, and believes that his life is dictated by the choices he makes. It doesn't matter what situation he is thrust into, he believes that the best choice is the one he himself gets to make, and will never agree to something that has been imposed on him. Tahoma is also very emphatic, to the point that it feels supernatural. Another core of his personality is his drive to repay all his debts. If he owes someone, he will stop at nothing to pay them back. He is surprisingly straightforward and scarcely tells lies, even small ones.

History (much thanks to @AcaciaMalikov for helping me with the history) : Tahoma wasn't much of a follower, though much of his life depended on him being able to follow his leaders, from the day he could help hunt it was always about listening and doing as he was told. While he didn't always approve to being commanded about, he never stood against his Alphas, much wiser and stronger than he, they made sure the safety of the pack was top priority. So, when he wanted to do his own, they disapproved and made it clear he needed to follow the packs laws, though he never caused problems he simply liked to guide himself.
At about 1 year and around 8 months, he'd found himself leaving the large group he called home, the Alphas standing tall as they watched him leave, his mother watching at a distance as he left the territory and she'd let loose a gentle cry. He wandered aimlessly for the next few weeks, listening to himself and following his own decisions as he brought down small prey such as rabbits and the occasional sheep. Along his travels he came across a pair of wolves like himself, only a few months older than him, they seemed to be in search of the same thing as him... A place to settle and begin a new life.
None of them hadn't eaten for at least two days and they'd quickly agreed to work together to bring down a decently sized prey, in which they succeeded and scored a female Red Deer. He'd watched Aiyana's brother immediately remove himself from the downed beast as his sister dug into the warm flesh, preparing to wait himself he was quite shocked upon being allowed to feast alongside the she-wolf, her eyes watching his every move as he settled nearby and enjoyed the meal.
After spending the night nestled together, the trio moved on and found themselves in the Siberian Taiga, forming a small pack as Aiyana came back from a short scouting session with a tri-colored pup scruffed in her jowls. He now remains with the group, bonding with Aiyana and helping guide them in their daily routines, waiting for those who dared trespass ready to accept friends or fend off foes.

Pack Member / Loner: Pack member
Pack Name: Native Valley pack
Pack Rank: Alpha male
Mate: Aiyana
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