Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


7.25 am - The Siberian Taiga

The sun had risen early this morning, its glow projected over the large territories that filled the vast new world of the Russian landscape. A light breeze allowed itself to flow through the trees, rustling leaves and carrying the many songs of varying birds throughout the forestry. The green grass thick and lush coated almost every inch of the earths surface and flowers bloomed in large colonies in the open plains of fields while smaller groupings scattered through the forests floor.

Small prey such as rabbits and squirrels, along with many others, scurried about as they began foraging their day away, ears always alerted, movements swift and precise as they were always prepared for predators on approach. The large game ranging from deer to boar, even loose sheep or cattle from the old world, grazed lightly in open fields, shifty natures keeping them in groups as they maintained high alerts only to scatter at the first sign of danger.

The Siberian Taiga was slowly coming alive with all its inhabitants as they moved around each other, some without any knowledge of those nearby. Its vast forestry allowing coverage away from the slowly rising summers sun.

All the while, the wolves of the Taiga still rested in silence.


The young she-wolf slowly began to awaken as the forest came alive around her, the song of the birds causing her ears to twitch this way and that, the smell of prey cast upon the wind driving velveteen nasal passages to push and pull dividing all separate trails. Eyes of faint golden hues fluttered open as the light of the sun struck her face while the trees that surrounded the open field of the Rendezvous site poured a shadow of grey upon the areas untouched by the bright morning light.

Aiyana slowly pulled her head up, ensuring she didn't wake the he-wolf Tahoma in which she'd been curled beside. Slender hind legs sprawled off to her left, as her shoulders propped her up. Eyes now partially closed and maw parting as a slither of pink curled within its gape. Glancing about the large field around her she'd unhurriedly spring to all four paws, leaving Tahoma in place. Willowy legs shifting as fore-paws shuffled and extended forwards, chest dipping almost low enough to touch the dusty patch below and rump remained raised with tail pointing skywards.

As she eventually straightened up, her pelt would shudder and her head would tilt one way before the other vigorously as she shook off the faint brown particles clinging to her vibrant pelt of cream mixed auburn. She'd not cause a stir as she looked towards the slumbering pile of Okami and Suki, then towards Artorias and finally Tahoma. Pacing up a small mound of shifted soil, her hind legs would tuck under her rump as she sat tall on the raised earth, alerted yet relaxed as she watched her surroundings not yet ready to scout the territory as she did most days.


Barely shifted in his sleep as his ears faintly twitched forwards and backwards, tail curled around his side as his limbs tucked closely to his multi-toned bodice. The morning light not yet bothering him as he puffed a light yip and allowed legs to kick ever so slightly as he dreamed of who knows what. He managed not to move much within his deep thought as a little bundle of black melded timber fur pressed within his chest, the sound of her heartbeat ringing in his ears as he rested his own head just over her back.

Within the moments of his sister awakening he'd barely quivered whilst his eyes opened slightly, the sight of the tall female in front of him unfaltering his demeanor as he remained upon his side. The silence of the morning only tainted by the melody of the local choir and the proud stature of his sister spawning a grin upon his lips. Muzzle wiggled about, this way and that, as he'd gently shift the young pup upon him to a position in which allowed him to prop himself up on his elbows in a side-lay.

Tanned jowls parting as his yellowed k-9's would be bared, a snake of rosy flesh curl upwards whilst a docile whine emerging his vocals as he allowed the drowsiness of the nights rest to leave him. His hues a darker tone to those of his sisters, almost a chocolate tinge as he briefly glimpsed the terrain of the Rendezvous site and its few inhabitants still slumbering within its span.

"What a lovely morning," he'd allow the gentle, hushed tones to pass through his mind, "Absolutely beautiful."


The young canid stirred deeply in her sleep, darkened pelt of cream through timber mixed ebony pelt shuddering with the twitches and jolts of limbs in her deep hallucination, slender tail wiggling behind her as she yelped and whimpered visibly looking to be chasing or playing with something in her head. The small figure hardly roused by the movement of Okami nudging her into the small gap between his forelimbs, she'd simply curl up to fit within its spacing whilst maw parted to mouth at the air with the accompanying high-pitched groans. It was obvious Suki in for slumbering further into the mornings reaches.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Artorias stirred slightly and his eyes opened as he picked his head up. his jaw opened as he let out a yawn punctuated by a slight whine and shake of his head. He pushed himself up with his front paws and slowly rose to his feet, he took a step forward and his rear dipped as his back legs stretched out behind him, as he straightened himself out he saw some of the others were waking, he saw Aiyana sitting nearby and started in her direction, his tail swayed lightly behind him as he walked and his ears flicked at the noised of the forest around. He stopped a few paces away from the Alpha she-wolf, tilting his head in her direction as he sat down before looking over at the other members of the pack, his tail curled itself beside him as he glanced from Okami and Suki to Tahoma.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Mizuki was up long before the rising of the sun, not actually having gone to sleep the night before. She stalked slowly through the brush and trees, following the strong scent of Rabbit. As she got to a clearing she spotted it, the critter rummaging around the roots of a bush for its own meal. Steadying herself against the trunk of a tree, and concealing herself from the Rabbit's sight at the same time, she glanced at her side to make sure her wound was still closed.

Scenting the air and checking the direction of the light breeze that ruffled her pelt, she carefully moved downwind of the critter and began to creep towards it, readying to pounce. She saw its nose twitch and jumped on it, crushing its neck in her jaws at the same time as she felt her wound reopen. Dropping her kill and lying on her unwounded side she began to lick the wound until the bleeding stopped enough for her to eat.

She knew there were other wolves in the area, some in a pack and some alone like herself, and as she ate she hoped that none of them would find her in her current state. She was not in good enough condition to fight off anyone if her wound opened from just hunting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Avonaco awoke pressed against the matted fur of a sleek black and tan dog. The dog twitched in his sleep, and Avonaco lazily remembered making friends with him, and two other strays, the night before. The two others lay not too far away, having already been aroused by the frosty morning chill.

Avonaco rose to his feet stretching, his dull white claws shining brightly in the shafts of sunlight that leaked from the sky. He left his black and tan friend, only to alert the two others of his departure. As he informed them, the white spotted dog flicked his ear in acknowledgement, and the smaller off white she-dog gave him a friendly lick on the mouth. A sign of submission, he thought, satisfied.

Many of the dogs in the man village prostrated themselves before Avonaco, when they saw him. They weren't too keen on having their necks torn open by a big bad wolf. Only the enormous, bear likes beasts, who guarded the sheep in the pastures ignored him. Avonaco wasn't really sure you could call them dogs; they were tall, taller than a wolf, and they had serrated molars of which Avonaco was sure they would have been happy to attack with. Especially if a wolf, one of the pasture sheep's many predators, roamed into their territory.

With once last flick of his ear, Avonaco rose to his feet and left the man village. His stomach was round and heavy with food, a procurement of the night before when he groveled at the feet of a pink faced two-leg.

Bounding out into the forest, Avonaco set out at once to find other wolves. He had been searching for months since he had left the man village. His efforts had not been fruitless. He had found the signs of wolves living together, and, inevitably, had nearly come face to face with some. But Avonaco was alone, and could not fight a large pack.

He would either have to worm his way into a smaller one, or, he thought frustratedly, find a mate a search that had already proved to be difficult. Still, feeling energetic and determine, he vaulted into the forest without a second backwards glance at the lazy village behind him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Had watched the awakening routine of the elder Artorias. Her gentle eyes watching his movements as he stood upon all four lengthy stilts and moulded himself into different stretches before making approach towards her. Aiyana's own head dipped as he sat nearby, a respective gesture as she greeted the wiser and older male. The gentle thoughts of her brother as he glanced about danced through her mind as her lips pulled slightly in a agreeable smile.

As she then glanced about further, eyes trailing over the edges of the forest she'd take a deep breath in, the darkened nasals of hers pulling at ever tidbit of information hovering through the minor breeze the forest provided. "I think it may be time to go and check the territory," she'd think to herself, sights resting upon the still slumbering Tahoma.

Shaking her head lightly, the sound of ears flapping against her cheeks could be heard. Hind legs slowly pushing upwards as she stepped forward and glanced upon her brother and the elder, "I shouldn't be gone for too long," the thoughts traveled lightly as she soon began walking towards the northern edge of the pack's rendezvous sight. This route led towards the river that passed through the Taiga's span, its water cool and refreshing to those who stopped to satisfy thirst.

As she reached the edge of the forest she'd begin winding between the large trucks of the surrounding trees. Her paws lightly crushing the below mulched earth as she moved elegantly and trailed the outskirts of her territory she'd spent so long looking for; ears alerted, tail flagging high behind her and nasals racing as she listened to the fauna going about their daily habits. Her presence startling some, while only catching the attention of others, most knew of a passing wolf to a hunting wolf and some didn't waste energy unless visibly being eyed for lunch.

Aiyana remained unaware as she begun patrol as to what or who was lurking within the territory, her senses on alert as she was ready to face just about anything and deal with any newcomers she may pass, whether friend or foe she always seemed prepared.


"Artorias," he'd nod lightly towards the awakening elder. Still rested upon his side and elbows Okami would watch the movements slowly happening around him, little Suki still deep in a slumber as she rolled and wiggled and cried and mouthed about within the spacing of his forelimbs. The sound of life around him keeping his maw baring a grin before he'd focus upon the figure of his sister stating she was going to take her routine of ensuring everything was safe.

He had little to no worries about her being able to defend herself in the chances she passed another wolf or possibly even humans. Okami knew that Aiyana was strong enough to fight back and fast enough to outrun anything coming her way. "I guess I'll stay here with Suki," he'd kid lightly, the mental train of thought drawing him to watching the small bundle of fur he generally pup-sat daily anyway.


Had lightly stirred upon the awakening of more of those around her, the sound of them shuffling and interacting making partial sights flutter open for investigation. The sight of the larger, ebony male they called 'Artorias' sitting nearby, made her huff in curiosity before she looked up at Aiyana and then Okami.

As Aiyana begun heading off she'd roll onto her stomach, fore-paws shifting to slide under one of Okami's limbs about her and her chin moved to rest upon that same leg. "Why does she always leave us here?" Suki had thought about this many times before, though Okami never really answered it a way she understood as she watched daily, as the female who'd found and provided her with a sanctuary to grow, left.

The feeling of being abandoned always struck her in these moments, but it usually never lasted long as she'd glance at Tahoma still slumbering and then to Artorias sitting so near. Mini jowls parted as her still youthful milk-teeth bared themselves with that slender snake of flesh curling, she was still tired and ready to pass out again as she shifted all her limbs to press further into Okami's fluffy and warm chest. Head buried in the crook of his elbow as she watched a few birds fly through the seemingly cloudless blue expanse above.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tip
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Tahoma stirred. He subconsciously let loose a low growl, and pawed out for the warmth of Aiyana. As she wasn't there, his head perked up, alert, and he flexed his jaw. Shaking his pelt, he stretched out his legs and slowly stood up. Aiyana was gone, presumably on her patrol route. He dipped, his head respectfully to Artorias, ans looked over at Suki slumbering, pressing herself into Okami. A soothing growl escaped the alpha-male's mind, "I am going to go hunting. I won't be gone long, I am sure." And he lightly bounded away.

Tahoma picked his way cautiously through the bushes, following a strong scent of blood. A wounded or injured animal would be an easy catch. As the scent got stronger, he reached a clearing. Sat in the middle of it was a seemingly wounded gray wolf, munching on a rabbit hungrily. Tahoma was shocked to see another wolf. He knew there was loners about, yes, but these parts were roamed by his pack. The he-wolf cautiously approached, and hushed whispers passed through his mind, "Hello? Name yourself."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Mizuki had nearly finished her catch when a sudden, albeit hushed, thought from behind her caused her to jump to her feet, ignoring the jolt of pain that went through her side as she did. "Announce your own name and I shall announce mine." She slowly backed away from the male. By his scent she could tell he belonged to one of the packs in the area, and he was quite honestly surprised to see her on their turf.

Mizuki mentally sighed, represented physically by a short burst of air out her nose. "Are those who live in a pack really so sheltered that they startle at the sight of a lone wolf?" She thought in silence a moment, being careful not to project anything to this pack wolf. At least he is only cautious of me so far. Perhaps this pack wolf may let me go without a fight.

She sighed again and sat by her rabbit, flicking her ears in annoyance at needing to constantly negotiate for her freedom. How can one stand to allow someone else to dictate everything they will do in their life? She shook her head slightly as she banished the thought from her mind, once again addressing the pack wolf. "If you wish me to leave I will go without a fight. Simply show me the way to the edge of your territory. I, most likely, would not return of my own will."
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