Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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"Alright, they're here! Please wait, Porunga, I'm sure I can think up the third wish when we're finished here," an unfamiliar male voice said with excitement. As the two blinding lights descended just outside of Toki Toki City's dragon ball shrine, the young man in the trench coat drew the sword sheathed on his back and held it in a ready stance. As the two lights began to take form as two humanoids, he prepared to charge. "Let's begin the test-- Wait. What the...?"

Trunks was absolutely puzzled to see the two warriors he'd wished for.. not quite ready for a test of strength. In fact, it would be murder to attack them in their state. One wasn't paying attention, and the other was actually ASLEEP!

The moment the teenaged female of the two materialized fully, she fell to one side and began snoring. Was she asleep when she was wished here?! What's worse is that she wasn't just taking a nap, it must have been night time on her planet, as she was in her underwear. Blushing slightly, Trunks took his eyes away from the girl and chuckled nervously, looking over at the one who had materialized whilst.. reading a book. Seriously, wasn't Porunga supposed to tell them what was happening before they were suddenly transported here? This was awkward in more than one way!

"Hehe.. Excuse me? Sir? Miss?" Trunks shrugged. He looked back up at Porunga inquisitively, but the Namekian Dragon had decided to plead ignorance and look around Toki Toki City as if nothing had gone wrong.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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The male of the two warriors that had appeared, the one sat reading the book, didn't seem to pay Trunks any mind... Nor had he quite realised he was no longer aboard the starship he was on minutes ago yet, seeming to be so engrossed in his book you could perform a lively dance in front of him, and he wouldn't even care.

The book itself appeared to be a journal someone had written upon the known kinds of Dragonballs and the extent of their power and limitations... And seemed to be a pretty big read, since the book was quite thick and he was only half-way through reading it at the moment.

"Hm... Interesting, from immortality and resurrecting the dead to a mass teleportation of people from one place to another..." Izaroth said, scratching his chin in contemplation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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"Nh.. Not time for school yet.." the teenaged female muttered lazily before yawning and pressing her face in the floor, believing it to be a pillow. A cold, solid pillow. Wait, that wasn't right. After her eyes had fluttered open, Blaze looked ahead and saw nothing but sky. She looked to one side, and there was a young man in a trenchcoat holding a sword, looking a bit flustered. She looked the other way and saw the other 'teleportee'. It was really cold for some reason... Rolling over, she took one look over herself before pulling her legs into her chest and tucking her head onto her knees, blushing bright red.

"WHAT IS THIS PLACE? WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE? WHAT-" Blaze found her eyes trailing up the massive lizard-thing and her jaw dropping at the scale of it, "WHAT IS -THAT-?!"

Trunks took a step toward the girl, but instead decided perhaps walking toward her with Tapion's sword still in hand would be a bad move. She was already in shock, didn't need to make it worse by playing axe-murderer. Sword-murderer. Whatever! "Please just calm down, this- this isn't what was supposed to happen!" he tried to convince the girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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"...Aaand there goes my train of thought." Izaroth said, looking up from the book. Reaching into his gi, he pulls out a bookmark and sets it into place on the current page before closing the book, and stowing it into his gi. Slowly getting to his feet, Izaroth then began to look around.

"Shrine, grassland, floating islands with buildings on top... And a giant dragon on steroids... Wait what?" Izaroth said, looking away from that last one for a moment, before looking back at it.

"Hm... Seems to be the Namekian Dragon... Popo...Pora... What was it's name again? ...I suppose the better questions to ask right now is where the **** am I, and why am I even here?" Izaroth said to himself, folding one arm across his chest, and tapping the side of his head in thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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"I summoned you here with Porunga's help. I asked for a specific pair of-- eh, it doesn't matter. I'll cut to the chase; ever heard of the Time Patrol?" Trunks asked as he approached Izaroth, slotting the sword back in its sheath as he did.

"Speaking of Porunga, you still have one wish. I would like to wrap this up..." The massive dragon said.

Blaze was quick on the trigger, and before anyone else could think to say anything...!
"Gimme my f***ing clothes!"

The dragon was quick to grant her wish, too, laughing a little before Blaze's school uniform materialised around her. ...At least it wasn't underwear. It was what she had ready for 'tomorrow morning' on Terra, so she got exactly what she asked for. As quickly as the wish had been granted, Porunga disappeared and the dragon balls dispersed again...

Blaze was understandably happier with the scene now, and stood up, wandering over to Trunks and the white-haired person.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

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"Time patrol? Can't say that I have." Izaroth said, looking at Trunks, passing a brief glance at Blaze as she approached as if to acknowledge her, before returning his attention to Trunks.

"Mostly I just spent my time exploring the universe, doing a routine training regime to keep myself on form, or just reading books. Sometimes I read while training too. I'm not really in the loop as to what's going on as much as I should be, truth be told." The white haired Saiyan said, taking off his reading glasses as he spoke, and putting them into his Gi, his green eyes unblinking as he kept his gaze fixed on Trunks, before taking out a visor-like scouter and putting it on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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"Interesting. You might make a nice addition to the Patrol... Well, you seem to have the right idea anyway." Trunks smirked as the white-haired man put his scouter on. Launching himself away from the two and drawing his sword again, ki could be felt radiating from the half-Saiyan all of a sudden and his power level rising if any scouter was reading him.

Blaze took a step back and waved her hands frantically at Trunks, "Wait! Why are you getting ready to fight us?!" she asked in panic. Still, some part of her was excited. She'd only ever trained with her brother before, and she was more than his match. Something primal in the back of her mind wanted to actually go ahead and brawl with this questionably violent purple-haired bowl-cut.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

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Izaroth promptly made a mental note of the power level displayed on his scouter, using it as a rough estimate of the half-saiyan's base strength, and tapped a button on the right ear to switch it to his preferred setting; A combat package that provided Izaroth an overlay of his current condition, a GPS map of the immediate area (if possible), and the stock power level reader mixed with an analysis system.

"...So this is a sort of initiation, huh?" Izaroth said, cracking his knuckles as he stretched his legs, keeping his gaze fixed on Trunks the whole time.

"We're not going back where we came from any time soon, so we might as well humour him." Izaroth said, his eyes turning to look at Blaze out the corner of his eyes, before taking one step back and raising his fists.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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"I don't know how exactly this is supposed to work! Can't I back out? Besides, if he hits me with that sword I'm gonna be missing limbs over a little spar- OHCRAP!" Blaze squealed, launching herself into the air to prevent a charging Trunks from slashing her in two. She turned around to face him while she hovered, that scratching in the back of her mind suggested this would be the perfect time to blast energy at this fool. So she did so! Not taking too much time to charge the attack, Blaze punched through the air aiming at Trunks, her fist releasing a ball of ki straight at the target.

Trunks merely swiped the ki blast away with his free hand, smirking, "Good enough. Got any more?" he asked confidently. ...Only after the blast did he realise, it was a really good thing that she was wearing shorts up there! Breaking from watching Blaze, Trunks flew back to avoid any approach Izaroth might have made and prepared himself in a defensive stance, "Come at me together! It's important!" he urged the summoned warriors.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

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"He expects me to co-operate with someone I've never met before? Does this guy fancy himself a miracle worker or something?" Izaroth thought to himself as he flew up towards Blaze, stopping once he was at equal height.

"Probably a bad time to ask, but what's your speciality, fighting wise?" Izaroth said, keeping his gaze fixed on Trunks, readying himself to react should the purple haired swordsman launch an attack while he was conversing with Blaze.

"Be easier to figure out a joint attack plan if we know the basic structure of each other's strengths and weaknesses. Usually I'm a close-quarters brawler, able to solve my problems by knocking out my opponent's teeth with my fists, taking all my punishment and giving just as much in return."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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"Oh my god, both of you can fly too-!" Blaze shut herself up as the white-haired guy started talking. Purple-hair over there wanted them to fight him together. And if white-hair was the close-quarters fighter, ...convenience! "I spent years figuring out how to use this power - shoot it - you want me to fight for real?" Blaze asked. This was all happening so fast she was lucky to have avoided having a heart attack!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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"...Going by that remark, I'd say you've not really been in a situation like this before... Though I'm one to talk. Alright then... Pay attention, cause this is important." Izaroth said, leaning over to whisper his plan into her ear.

It was a fairly simple plan; Izaroth would vanish from where he currently was, which Trunks would likely take as an attempt to attack him from behind, and would be greeted with nothing when he went to react, with Izaroth then appearing behind him for real this time, and backflip kicking the purple-haired warrior into the air. Having faith in Blaze's aim, he was counting on her to hit him with as many Ki Blasts as possible, or nail him with her strongest one. Izaroth would then follow up by slamming the half-breed Saiyan into the ground, and hoped that brief round of co-operation would be enough to get him to stand down... Or at least injure him enough that he couldn't get back up again.

"Get all that? Cause we're not gonna get a second chance at this. Tap my shoulder once you're ready." Izaroth said, turning to look at Trunks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Giving Izaroth a nervous nod, Blaze tapped his shoulder with her knuckles gently and made sure she was hovering steady. 'Focus... It's just like training, just... with a live target. ...I hope this guy survives!'

Trunks tagged the idea they were strategising, and let them go ahead. If the dragon didn't screw him over, he would have his partnership for the Time Patrol. Even if they weren't too strong now, two patrollers was better than one... Noting the teen's signal, Trunks tightened his grip on the sword and smirked. This was it!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

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Without saying a word, Izaroth swiftly vanished from where he was, reappearing out of sight, masking his power level, and waited for Trunks to take the bait, thinking Trunks would assume he'd reappear behind him and subsequently try to turn around and strike him, with fist or sword remained to be seen, only to hit nothing.

Once Trunks had indeed taken the bait, Izaroth initiated step two of his plan; Vanishing once more and reappearing behind Trunks, Izaroth then launched the purple-haired swordsman skyward with the backflip kick mentioned in the plan, though not before shouting out "PULL!", signalling it was Blaze's turn to act.

"Your time to shine. Make it count." Izaroth said to himself, looking up at Trunks and Blaze.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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"Eat this!" Blaze shouted as she closed her eyes, hands stil aimed in Trunks' direction. An oval shaped yellow blast flew out of her hands and straight at him, surprisingly accurate to say Blaze wasn't even looking!

Trunks flipped in the air and watched the ki blast approaching, cutting it clean in half when it came into range of his sword. Following up this, he made a lightning fast movement and appeared in front of the girl, swiping his sword at her horizontally while she screamed and covered her head with her arms. Of course, his intent was to tell her 'If this were real, you would be dead'. After making a quiet chuckle and turning around to look for Izaroth, Blaze snapped out of her fear and fired another similar blast at point blank, scorching a small portion of Trunks' back.

Trunks wasn't prepared for Izaroth now. Maybe this teamwork thing was a little more dangerous than he'd anticipated!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

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Given the cue when Blaze shot him in the back, Izaroth promptly vanished, and appeared above Trunks before crashing both fists down on the half-saiyan's head. He wasn't stopping there though; holding both hands out diagonally upward behind him, he then fired two Ki-Blasts powerful enough to blast him in the direction he was aiming, yet short enough of range that it wouldn't cause any damage to the surroundings. The whole point of this was so Izaroth could promptly strike Trunks in the back with his feet while he was still reeling, and knock him to the ground.

"Remind me to teach you the vanish technique at some point." Izaroth said, looking at Blaze as he spoke, before turning his gaze to Trunks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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"I can't help but feel like these people are in a whole 'nother league than I am..." Blaze said to herself as she returned to the ground, eyes always following Izaroth and Trunks as the former threw the latter around. Until ten minutes or so ago, she had no idea other people like this even existed... She was also curious as to whether these two had tails, too. But that wasn't important right now! Sucking up her fear of fighting the sword maniac, Blaze ran until she was underneath Izaroth.

Trunks slid to a halt back on the ground after dodging and blocking Izaroth's attacks. Sheathing the sword he made one closing attack, his hand movements chaotic and rapid before they were thrust forward aimed at his attacker. The fireball-like blast attack launched, only to be intercepted half way to its mark by a steady stream of bright yellow ki from Blaze, both of the blasts dissipating in the process. She could have let the attack continue on and just go for Trunks instead. Trunks gave a chuckle and lowered his hands, as Blaze had already done the same.

"Your priorities are each others safety, you can work in basic combat together, and you both have a certain potential. Glad to see Porunga gave me exactly what I asked for!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

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"...Looks like I'm postponing my afternoon nap..." Izaroth said once his feet had touched solid ground.

"So, mind telling why the hell you bought us here in the first place? She's barely been up half an hour and I was just getting to the good part in my book." The white-haired Saiyan said, looking rather annoyed at the whole turn of events.

"And you'd better give me an exact answer. I'm in no mood for games."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

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"I asked if you know what the Time Patrol is. This was kinda your initiation, I guess!" Trunks chuckled and rubbed his neck, "I had Porunga bring me two warriors that could fight in sync, be inseparable- uh- not in that way, just as a team!" he laughed, blushing just a little.

Blaze strolled over to the two, pulling her glasses out of her shirt pocket and fixing them on before holding her hands behind her back. So much for looking as cool as Mr. White. This man was supposed to be her partner? No doubt she'd end up being the sidekick! Shorter, questionably adorable, obviously weaker. But the begging question hadn't been answered: "The hell is the Time Patrol, Mr. Purple?"

Trunks smiled at Blaze and bowed his head, "Introductions help too, I guess. My name is Trunks, I help run the Time Patrol with the Supreme Kai of Time. Our job... is to protect the flow of time that already exists. Recently, things have been pretty bad. We think we're fighting an unseen enemy, who are excessively changing time in a certain area of the universe. Specifically, the activity revolving around a planet called Earth's own warriors and their enemies over the eras."

Blaze took a step back and waved her hands frantically at Trunks, "I think your dragon got the wrong person! I'm no intergalactic fighter!"

Trunks shrugged and looked at Izaroth, "I don't know. I think you two made a good first impression," he commented as he turned to look at Blaze again, "Personally I think Ms. Red is selling herself short. I wasn't at my best, but nullifying one of my ki blasts was good going."

"...Blaze Tsila," the redhead mentioned, looking down as she thought about what was happening. Heck, when the morning comes on Terra, the family would be worried sick when they find an empty bed and no trace of their adopted daughter.

"Blaze, then. It's nice to meet you. And you are?" Trunks then asked the snowy haired character.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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Izaroth, however, remained quiet between Blaze and Trunks' exchange of dialogue, mulling over the facts of the situation, only really piping up after he was called out to introduce himself.

"Izaroth Aestorm. If you can't pronounce my name properly, then just call me Izzy instead." Izaroth said, before folding one arm over his chest, gripping his chin with the other and resting that arm's elbow on the folded arm as he put two and two together in his head.

"...I think Porunga didn't call forth already established warriors for a reason." Izaroth said, before glancing at Blaze for a moment.

"If Porunga summoned two skilled warriors, their pride or their personality, or some combination, may prevent them from forming a proper degree of camaraderie. In other words, they might be at each others throats more often than those of their enemies. Whereas two warriors who've yet to realise their full potential... They can forge that bond as they help improve each other's strength." Izaroth said, before looking back to Trunks.

"Though, I think you might want to give Blaze a means to inform anyone who knows her why she suddenly disappeared. I doubt she'll be able to commit to this if she's concerned about the state of affairs back home." Izaroth said, before taking a deep breath.

"As for me, I generally travel alone aboard my starship, never staying in one place for too long. A nomad, if you will. I'll just need to trigger my homing beacon at some point so my starship comes here on autopilot. Never know when I might need it."
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