Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

In the center of the garden was a small pond surrounded by flowers and trees. It seemed that there were many different ecosystems thriving within the garden. Flowers and trees from all around the world were spread around. On the lake was a small boat with a man in it. His face was covered by a straw hat. He looked up as Moriko walked into the garden and smiled. All that would be visible of the man would be his teeth. The light from the reflection of the moon lit his grin as if he were a nightlight.

“Welcome to the garden.” He spoke with a nice tone and waved at the water. Stones formed on the water or perhaps they were always there.

“Water that drips and water that crashes grinds stone to sand. Yet when the water is calm there is balance. The fact that these stones were here proved that the water can be tranquil. Yet whenever one hears about shipwrecks they think water to be so chaotic.” He said as he poured a drink and placed it on the boats railing.

As Zetsuko slipped away into his hopefully restful sleep he found himself alone in the dark. The darkness started to swirl and collect into a dark massive form. Red eyes dotted its top at what one would assume to be a head. White almost silver blue teeth came in under the eyes as it looked around the area. They shed light onto the surrounding area and he would find himself within his room.

“Sleeper of the night?” It asked in a strange and familiar voice. Its eyes shifted onto him finally as the details became clear within the room. Too clear some would say… it was as if he were focusing on each part of the room individually, at the same time. However the creature was formless… more like a blob with a cloak of fire.

“You must free me from this prison. Only then will you know the truth.” The creature said as its arm came forwards pointing at the book that wasn’t there before. It looked like a hardback book with a green cover. With no title on the outside, nor did it have any marks. If Zetsuko looked at the book when his gaze returned the figure would be gone. That and he would find himself awake holding the book assuming he picked it up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Moriko saw the man who greeds her from a pond. She smiled and greeds him back. While looking around she walked to wards where the stones where on the water. The flowers amazed her, it was so beautiful. Almost there, she turns around to see the moon. "It's a beautiful night." Moriko said with a soft voice and yawns a little. She stood in front of the first stone and looked at the man who was sitting in the boat. Moriko jumped on the first stone and holds still to look if it moved, but it didn't. Moriko continues until she was in front of the boat. "Good evening sir." And stept in the boat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Nybras woke with a slight start sitting up on the bed quickly with the book in his arms, he calmed down quickly however as he was coming to accept that things were going to be generally enigmatic around here. The mage stood up from the bed, threw on a cloak, and headed out of his room taking the book with him. He walked out to the garden passing Moriko and the man, casting a smile and a nod in their direction, and carried on to a more secluded place in the garden. once he found a good enough spot he sat down on the ground and looked up at the night sky. he looked back down at the book in his lap, deciding to look inside he tentatively flipped open the cover and looked at the first page.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

The first page of the book swirled and shifted through many different languages before settling on one that Nybras understood. It was the first langue his people taught him as a child. Sadly the first page didn’t seem to be the beginning of any story but somewhere in the middle. As he absorbed the words images entered into his mind. A young man probably a human sat at a council. The viewpoint would move around and settle onto this man… as if Nybras was this man now. He would view the events that he was reading about through this man’s eyes.

“You think the demons and devils will hold true to this treaty!?” He yelled and would notice that he was standing and holding a parchment.

“They will or they will perish. The old one assures us of this.” Said an older man with white hair. He was balding and all that remained of his hair was a massive white beard.

“You speak of the Vampire!?” The much younger man at this council meeting retorted.

“He hasn’t ever harmed us!” A younger but still somewhat old man informed the council.

“And how long have you been alive?” Said the one that Nybras was seeing through.

“He is immortal and has lived for god only knows. If he did something to us then we wouldn’t even remember it. That and he has magical abilities that rival the gods… so they say.” He calmly said as he looked at everyone.

“If you don’t believe that these infernal creatures will throw the first blow you are dooming the human race! We dwindle now because of the last war with these beasts. We have one major city left and that is all that remains of our pure race!” He explained as he looked at the others.

“What about the ones who live with the elves and other goodly creatures?” Asked the old man.

“They water down our powerful bloodline by bedding with those creatures!” Scornfully the man yelled as he moved up and slammed his fist into the table. He was young and strong but that didn’t explain why the thick oak table cracked when his fist hit it.

“Enough!” Spoke a well-rounded looking man. He wasn’t thin but his muscle was there. He looked like he could snap the young man in half. The younger man moved back and sat in his chair to pout as he crossed his arms.

“This treaty is the only thing keeping us from desolation. If you push this council you will be banished from it for thinking so shortsightedly.” His words started to bleed together as the vision vanished and Nybras was looking at a blank book. It seemed that the book would only reveal so much information at a given point in time.

He handed her some tea and allowed her to look around. The small pond didn’t ripple as she entered the small boat. It didn’t even sway in the water like a normal boat would.

“The night is beautiful, although I find it lacking something. Substance perhaps.” He paused as he poured another cup for himself and started to blow on the steam.

“What is it you seek in the garden? Peace, clarity, solace or did you wish to just be alone?” He asked and then started to blow on the tea again before sipping it gingerly.

“I suppose I come out here to clear my thoughts and look upon the beautiful night.” He admitted as he looked at her. His eyes red pinpricks beneath his straw hat.

“So many minds all running about… if only we were again…” He paused as if something stopped him from saying something.

“Could you imagine not having an eye?” He asked as he looked at her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Moriko took the cup of tea that was given to her from the man. She hadn't payed any attention to how the water reacted when she got in the boat. She blow to make the tea cool down a bit so she could drink it. Moriko looked at the man as he began to speak. She agreed with the man about that it was a beautiful night but didn't quit get what he meant with that there was lacking something. Moriko took a sip of the tea and it was delicious.

The man asked her a question. What is it that I seek in the garden??? she repeated the question in her mind in search of an answer. But she couldn't find one. Moriko kept looking at the man and drinks her tea while he talks.

The man told why he was in the garden and then she couldn't follow it anymore about what he was talking about. So many minds running about???? About what?? What does he mean with: if only we were again????? Moriko looked at him with a questioning look on her face.

Then he asked her an odd question. Could I imagine not having an eye? "What do you mean with that? I don't get it." Moriko said to him with a voice that made clear that she really didn't understand why he asked that and what to say to reply on it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Nybras came out of his daze with a gasp. He looked down at the book in his lap for a moment thinking 'was that from?...i must study this more' he put the book by his side for now and laid back in the grass to think of what he's already seen 'could the vampire they mentioned have been Aku? that would make sense with what they said. and with the humans so weak what was keeping the demons at bay then?' he then reaffirmed what he thought before 'i really must study this more.' there was a lot it could show him, the massive fortress that housed the Lizan order of mages always seemed so...detached from the world.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

He watched the reaction of the female before him and noticed. He noted how confused she became when he asked his questions and even more so when she started to ask what he meant. He looked at her with an unseen smile on his face and took a sip of his tea.

“Sorry that questions was far from my point.” He informed her as he took another sip making a slurping noise.

“What I meant was could you imagine not having sight or losing your hearing?” He clarified his question as he looked into her eyes. His eyes moved past her as he looked at the water and noted the rippling that had occurred.

“Greetings young master.” Came a voice in the shadows and a body behind the shadows soon appeared. It was a young boy probably in his early teens. He looked at Nybras and noted his puzzled look or was it more of a thirst for knowledge look? The young man shook his head and walked closer. The light from the floating orbs lit up the boy revealing a somewhat scaled skin. Although he did have this he looked more humanoid that most of the bestial races. He had hands and like lizians he had what looked like claws, more so than fingernails. His scales were an assortment of colors and as the light hit him they seemed to change slightly. His feet were housed in shoes, so whatever he was revealed that he was more human than beast.

Strangely that was where it ended as his tail came up around him. It started off thick and moved into a fine point. His teeth were a bit sharp and would probably remind someone of a shark. His eyes were piercing deep yellow and the center, not the iris, was lightly red. His iris looked human but as the light hit his vision they turned into slits almost like a cats. After a few seconds they became big again and he shuffled in front of Nybras.

“I’m sure you have questions about that.” He plainly stated as he gestured to Nybras’s book.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

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Moriko took a sip of her tea and looked at him when he replayed on her question. He made clear what he meant and she immediately shook her head before thing about it. I...I...I can't... I just can't. If I lose my hearing... I.. would never trust any one who'd try to help me. And not having sight... I wouldn't move from where I was and suspect anything that I can hear near me. I....I..just wouldn't be my self anymore... No I.. I just can afford to lose them it is to important to me.. For how I am and to live. The thoughts kept running trough her hear and she holds her cup of tea tighter in her hands and stairs to the reflection of the moon in the water.

"N..No I..can not." Said Moriko with a really soft voice that no one hear except the ones that listened carefully to her. And she held her self still, not even moved to drink of her tea. Moriko just sat there on the boat with the man, it was like she was lost in her thoughts. A look of being afraid could be read of her face if you where skilled to read someones emotions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Nybras sat up quickly, startled by the sudden appearance of the reptilian boy. when he spotted him he stood up a turned to face him, saying "questions? i suppose that's a way to put it. it's more of a curiosity" he held the book against his chest and looked at this stranger, head tilted slightly to the side, his tail swayed behind him as he stepped closer for a better look. The boy was certainly an interesting sight, seeming mostly-human and part-Lizan, or perhaps simply part-reptile. "D-do you know something about it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

@ Netsuko

The real question he saw from Nybras was how the lizan looked at him. It was as if he couldn’t figure out what he was and that made him smile.

“Yes questions about this place or that book?” He asked him as he looked around.

“Perhaps you wish to know who sired me.” He pondered as he moved closer to the lake. His gaze fell upon the lake that fed the small pond nearby.

“My mother was a Dragon and my father rules this place. What parts of him that are still here that is.” He informed as he looked at the lake. He seemed a bit freer with his words although acted like something held him back. His hand rested on the hilt of a Katana although it looked as if it was just a nervous twitch.

“As for that book it should show you how to help my father.” He clarified as he kicked a small pebble into the water. The gravel beneath his feet crunched under his feet as he spun and started to walk away.


He looked strangely seemed to have no teeth or eyes but when the light hit him just right the places where they should have been they would glow. With his teeth they would gleam white and his eyes gleamed red. “Most couldn’t but imagine being split between each sense… a different body for each.” He said as he look his cup and drank from it. Strangely enough he took off his hat and didn’t even have a face. Well save for a small slit where his mouth should be.

“I am the speaker… well, the taster and listener as well.” He said with his small mouth, although his voice sounded the same.

“Please fix the puzzle.” He said as the area surrounded with mist and once it filled the area he seemed to fade away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

When the man took off hid hat Moriko turned around to see his face of what he spoke of. His face was gone only a mouth could be seen. Moriko's face turns white a little she just couldn't believe what she just saw. "puzzle?!" She spoke loudly with fair in her voice. then a thought came up: Did his form of his face looked like?..... No!... It can't be.... Then the man was gone when she looked back at where he sat on the boat. His teacup stood next to were she was sitting as if it was always there. Moriko drank her last bit of tea that was in her cup and looked up to the moon. "was that man... did he... he just looked like... but only a mouth.........." she talked to her self in confusion. "Fix the puzzle? What puzzle??..." Moriko puts her cup next to the other one and looked over the garden.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Nybras couldn't help but giggle lightly as the half-dragon walked away. this was all sounding a bit like the old adventure tales he used to read, and still sometimes did for that matter, the thought made him smile lightly as he looked back at the book. 'to help his father...' he thought "...help with what?" he sat back down and looked around the garden
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

@ Nybras

The young half dragon stopped in his tracks as he looked back at Nybras.

“Help free him. In a sense he is imprisoned here, stuck to the lands that he calls home. Parts of him are scattered about and you have been chosen to find them. You and the few with you.” He admitted as he looked at a flower. It was just a small pod, not in bloom.

“Most of the flowers here don’t bloom. I think it has something to do with my father’s emotional state.” He said as he turned to face Nybras.

@Vampy and Nybras

The night was young although uneventful for the most part for Moriko. The night was clear and the moon shown clearly, shining brightly. Howls could be heard in the distance but not too closely. It was getting a bit frosty outside as a sudden cold wave came over the area. Most of the plants started to frost over, as it hit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Moriko looked she saw a few for states of flowers freezing. That's odd. And she got up and saw that some ice was forming on the lake. Moriko stepped out of the boot and walked over the stones on the grass. " How can the temperature get to freezing so quickly? " she asked in the open. Moriko turned around to wards the castle and started walking back to go inside. On her way she kept thinking of the things that she had seen and heard from when she got at the castle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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'the few with me?' Nybras thought as the stranger left 'does he mean Moriko and the others? and the only one i've seen with some control over this place is Aku. is he that guy's father? or could he be the warden to the prison?'. He didn't get long to wonder before the air grew colder and the nearby flowers frosted over. He silently wondered if That was due to the stranger's father as well. He got up and began to head back through the garden, aiming to head back inside to escape the cold.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

The half dragon was waiting both of them as they came inside. He bowed politely and moved up with some blankets to help them warm up.

“Around this place the demons and devils discourage anything beautiful.” He explained as he handed the blankets over.

“I’m sorry for not introducing myself before. And we haven’t had the pleasure to meet.” He said with another small bow as he faced Moriko.

“My name is Thanalog. It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” He said with another bow.

“If you both feel like staying up I can discuss what training you may take while here.” He informed each as he led them into a living area with comfortable looking couches and chairs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Moriko cane back inside a boy who looked like it was half dragon seemed to be waiting for her to come back was holding blankets to warm up. He handed her a blanket and puts it on. Then Harkon came inside moriko turned around and greeded the both of them a good evening.

The half dragon boy explained why it got so cold. Moriko was still thinking about the meeting with the old man on the boot.

The last thing that the boy said was something about training and she stopped with thinking about what all happend this evening.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Nybras accepted the blanket from the The dragon boy, who he now new as Thanalog, and wrapped it around himself, though his tail stuck out a bit behind him. He nodded back at Moriko and shivered a little. as Thanalog lead them into a living area and mentioned that he's talk about soem of the things they'd train in here he nodded again and went for one of the couches. taking a seat on one and pulling his feet up under his blanket.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aqutanama
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Aqutanama The Only Juan

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Thanalog watched both of them as they covered themselves. He bowed as Moriko greeted them and a smile moved across his face. As they sat in the living area he stocked the fireplace with more wood. Embers fluttered into the chimney following the smoke. He looked over to both of them after he was done with the fireplace. He then sat in a comfortable looking arm chair.

“If you both like I can tell you about the history of the world as I was informed how things unraveled those thousands of years ago.” He started off as he looked around between the two who had joined him.

“My father was the one in the legends who made both sides sign a contract. No more war.” He clarified as he pulled out a small book and a quill. He started to write into it.

“He informed me that there was a lycan prince that followed him on his mission. They wanted the war to stop between the goodly races and the evil ones. This was before the sun was blotted out by the Evil council. From what he thinks happen was the humans broke the contract. Seeing as they don’t live long and it happened only a few hundred years after the contract was signed. My Father… he goes by Aku now, made the contracts with blood magic. Anyone who broke the contract wouldn’t be able to use magic of any kind and would be branded to become invisible to everyone else as if they didn’t exist. Some would view this as a blessing but most didn’t.” He informed them as he started to move his tongue around in his mouth. He got up and moved over to a table getting some water. He couldn’t help but drinking down two glasses.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Moriko chose a chair near the boy that looked to give her her comfort and sat down. The boy started to tell the old story that they all know well but when she hear the name Aku she just could not believe it. Moriko looked at Harkon in the hope that she heard it right. She waited and listened until the boy was done. "So your dad is Aku and he....." she felt still and looked around to the window. the old man from the boot looked like Aku... I don't get it anmore " hold on what is going on here... I mean I just was in a boot with a man that last looked like Aku and he vanished, and there was something about a puzzle..... Just what is going on?" she spoke what she thought out loud with out her knowing.
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