Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Character Sheet

(Template Here))

Former Unit: (include rank, if applicable)
Role: (Rifleman, Squad leader, etc.)

Physical Description:
It's probably best to actually describe the character if you are going to rely on a picture, or you can do without the picture if you like, but definitely describe.

Talents one has either naturally or through education or training of some sort.

Explain how your character got there -- no 'the story will come out in RP' lines, please -- I want a feel for where your character is coming from. Feel free to work up names and places and so forth. Be sure to mention arrests or feuds and debts and the such.

Psychological Profile:
An idea of how the character thinks and so forth; should be linked to the history.

See the character guide and notes on equipment.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Gavriel Shattah
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/Nationality: Israeli (Polish Ashkenazi/Lebanese Mizrahi)
Former Unit: Shamal Rishon (Staff Sergeant/NATO OR-6) in the IDF, part of Shayetet-13 (Flotilla 13), the Israeli naval special operations unit, in both the Raids and Underwater battalions
Prior Service units:
- Shayetet-13 Selection
- Battalion 932, Nahal Brigade, Rifleman 04 grade
- Battalion 933 (Tironut/Basic Training), Nahal Brigade, Rifleman 03 Grade

Role: Rifleman (cross-trained as a designated marksman)

Physical Description:
Average height, with strong shoulders and upper body. He has olive skin and features that would let him pass for Arab easily; deep-set dark eyes, dark hair long on the top and short on the sides, but not American/European military high and tight (Israelis aren't known for it) and no tattoos. No beard. Off work, he prefers a pair of fairly skinny jeans, an untucked v-neck long-sleeved shirt or button-down shirt and a pair of Oakleys. His shoes tend to be leather jobs that he can wear with bare feet.

- Operator with Shayetet-13, the Israeli general staff unit tasked with naval special operations missions.
- Advanced Course in SCUBA operations, including open and closed circuit systems.
- Underwater Demolition training
- CQB/Counterterror
- Small Boat Handling
- Parachute school
- Land Navigation
- Small Unit Tactics
- Sea-to-Land incursions
- Reconnaissance (particularly hydrographic survey)
- Cross training: Marine Scout-Sniper School, Marine Corps Base Quantico
- Krav Maga, expert
- Score 100 on the Bar Or, the IDF military fitness test
- Familiarity with IDF, East Bloc and NATO standard weaponry, particularly the M4 platform, the Kalashnikov, and IDF issue weaponry. Centurion used him as an instructor on the Negev during the familiarization in Guyana.
- Speaks Arabic, English, Hebrew, smattering of French picked up in Guyana.

Born on Gadot, a Kibbutz in the Hula valley on the Lebanese border to Asher, whose family are Lebanese Jews that were pushed out of Lebanon after 1967 and Ruth, from kibbutz Lohamei HaGeta'ot and whose father, Mordechai, is a survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and a veteran of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Her mother is of French Jewish ancestry and fought alongside her father in the 1948 war. Gavriel was raised in a communal environment toward the end of the Kibbutz movement, as his father worked as a mechanic on the commercial farming equipment while his mother, Ruth, who was educated in computer sciences, became part of the kibbutz-sponsored computer company, which managed to be successful. He was raised in comfortable circumstances as 'differential wages' were instituted.

At age 17 in 2003, he joined the IDF as part of the Nahal brigade, an elite infantry unit composed of kibbutzniks and Mahal (foreign) volunteers that saw a lot of service in Lebanon until the pullout in 2000. He would have joined whichever of the best units held selection first, and that happened to be Shayetet-13, the naval special warfare unit of of the Israeli Defense Forces.

With Shayetet-13, he served in the 2006 Lebanon War, and was part of a number of coastal reconnaissance operations operations into Syria on behalf of the IDF.

During this time, circa 2007, he married one Naomi Yadin, had two daughters, Adara and Rivka, and then found himself divorced by the end of 2012. He spent two years out of the IDF (resigning active duty, but continuing on as a reservist in a failed attempt to keep his marriage going) working as a networking and IT specialist in Tel Aviv when he heard about Centurion's offer.

Psychological Profile:
Gavriel's magnetic north was disrupted by his divorce from his wife (and her rapid remarriage, with his kids). At first, he was somewhat okay with it, but then as the reality set in, it started to rankle on him. Centurion offered a way out of the spiral of his life and a change from things – how big a change, he didn't realize. Gavriel is not naturally a talkative person, and he is not always patient with people who do not keep up. Given the chance to argue, he will, with much passion, but not much grudge in most casual conversation; playing the Devil's advocate comes naturally to him. Given a competent leader, he is a disciplined and effective soldier, but he is opinionated and informal in the Israeli manner; it’s said that if you’re serving in a company in the IDF, you will be calling the Captain by first name within a month. That’s not how the rest of the world does it, but the Israelis get along just fine with their more egalitarian outlook. Of course, Israeli officers come from the ranks, not an academy.

- Head/Face: Ops-core ballistic helmet, high cut, with at least one headphone attached, NVG's attached and dust/sand goggles attached just in case. There are two mounting points for his flashlight, if he cares to attach it thus and for a camera, just in case. He doesn't do baclavas, but he does wear Israeli-style camouflaged netting around his neck to help keep things from chafing, which can be used to cover up his face and head in the sun if necessary. He also has his oakleys.
- Body: Combat shirt and fatigue pants, as well as a Grathik-manufactured armored vest that is being issued to all the human troops; it resembles Dragonskin but it's made from different materials. His vest has pouches attached for ten 5.56mm magazines, a hydration system, weapon cleaning kit and various other miscellaneous equipment including a dive knife and multi-tool, maps, pens and so forth. A belt with a buttpack containing a first aid kit (with not one, but two tourniquet kits), survival gear, a sheathed Dustar Knives combat knife, an Israeli model, as well as a folding knife of the same make and a very bright flashlight – the kind that has protrusions on the head to allow for glass-breaking. He also has a pair of bolt cutters and a good digital camera. Wrist-mounted compass and dive watch – expensive, solar powered and pretty damned nice. Mechanix gloves, classic.
- Blackhawk Warrior assault boots, low-cut, non slip soles. Old school canteen pouch to hold expended magazines.
- Pack: Extra food, clothing, empty magazines, poncho, liner, etc, etc. Gav also has a demo kit. Duct tape, electrical tape.
- Primary weapon: HK416, 14.5” barrel, Eotech Magnifier and holo (or Grathik knockoffs), Israeli sling with the plastic clips, attached to paracord wrapped around a polymer (for silence) sling loop and the rear stock. AN/PEQ-2, forward grip-pod, KAC MBUIS and flip front sight, cowitnessing. 300 rounds of ammunition. Round fifteen and the last four rounds of every magazine are tracers to let him know that he's running low and needs to be ready to reload.
- Sidearm: M1911A1, with ambidextrous safety, synthetic grips, expanded ejection port and tritium dot night sights. The holster is rigged on the waist, crossdraw position, grip canted. Four magazines, .45ACP
- Grenades; Frags, Two WP (the WP rises instantaneously, instead of waiting for smoke to mark a position.) Pouches on the vest.
- Optional: Wetsuit, dry suit, fins and SCUBA gear. If he thinks he's going to get wet, he'll put on a drysuit under the uniform. He also may supplement his web gear with the sort of rapid-inflation flotation device designed for naval special operators to wear under the vest.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Agathon
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Agathon Shadow Trooper

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Josè Sepúlveda
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/Nationality: Spanish
Former Unit: Served in the Legión Española as a Sergeant
Role: Squad Leader (if applicable)

Physical Description:

Josè has a height of 6'1 and has a strong build. His hair is black and has a slicked back look, he also has some stubble. His eyes are blue. Josè's casual outfit consists of usually tinted aviators, a light blue or yellow buttoned up shirt and dark blue jeans. No tattoos or piercings.


- Went to a Spanish Military Leadership school, graduating with knowledge of ground tactics and strategy

- Familiar with a wide range of vehicles and weaponry belonging to NATO.

- Special Training in Land Navigation

- Strong Leadership capabilities

- Can operate armored vehicles

- Particularly observant of situations, terrain etc.

- Good handling of the HK416

- Excellent charisma.


Born in the city of València, Spain. Josè had a tough upbringing with his family which consisted of two younger sisters, Sofia and Valeria. He had no brothers, but he had a mother and a father. His family was poor, his dad was working hard for less than the average salary. His mother was sick and the family was not able to afford treatment. They were barely able to pay for Josè and his sisters education. School was not any better and he was bullied. When Josè graduated from mandatory school, his mother's condition was critical and she died a couple of months after his graduation. His father still worked his low-paying job.

Things eventually got better for his family. His father got a better paying job, so he could sustain his family better. Josè decided to enlist in the Spanish Army when he was old enough and his sisters went their separate ways, but they still remain in València and maintain contact. Josè's father still lives in Valencia as well, but kept contact with his son and daughters.

After two years of serving in the army, Josè had made quite a name for himself in the Army and had been deployed into different areas including, Iraq and Afghanistan, where he led a squad into several battlefields. He proceeded to pass complex tests and was selected into Legión Española, where he found his calling.

After being in the Army and Legión Española for a long time and the appeal wearing off, he made the decision to look into Centurion.

Psychological Profile:

Josè's upbringing had quite an effect on him. His mother dying and being bullied in school has taken a toll on his mind. Even though his childhood was really bad, Josè remains a calm and caring person with a knack for his charisma. He tries to befriend everyone and isn't afraid to speak his mind if opinions are different. He is optimistic and confident most of the time and doesn't have much trouble making difficult decisions and judgment calls. He saw quite a lot of violence and lost friends when he was deployed overseas, but even with the difficulties of the past he tries to keep good relationships with whoever he serves with.



- ECH helmet with an attached headset and NVG's. Flashlight attachment available on right side of helmet. Sand spray type color on helmet.


- Wears a Digital Desert Combat Uniform with a Tactical Vest attached as a plate carrier. Has eight 5.56 x 45 mm NATO magazines in the magazine holder. Tracer rounds included. Includes other miscellaneous equipment including, maps, note taking equipment etc. He also has binoculars attached to his belt.


- Pack includes other essentials such as food, spare clothing, water canteen, space for maps, rulers, more note taking equipment and pens or markers for planning.

Primary Weapon

- HK416, 16.5" barrel. Uses mainly a holographic sight for close range encounters, and resorts to using telescopic sights for long range encounters. Forward grip to increase steadiness


- Prefers M1911A1 because of previous experience with the sidearm in Afghanistan. Four magazines, .45ACP. Gun attached in holster on the right side.


- Two M67 hand grenades, four M83 smoke grenades, 2 white, 2 green, for different purposes. Attached to the right and left of the tactical vest, near the magazine holsters.


- None
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Virani
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Virani The Reclusive Writer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Cora Laurent
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Ethnicity/Nationality: Scottish/American
Former Unit: Long Range Recon Unit
Prior Unit/s 25th Infantry Division, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team - Sergeant

Role: Designated Marksman

Physical Description:

Cora has an inverted triangular face shape with her forehead being wider than her jaw and her face narrowing to a pointed chin. High defined cheekbones and her light weight give her face a gaunt, angular appearance. She has never been called pretty or beautiful as her eyes are a little too large, her mouth a little too wide but she has been described as striking or arresting. Her eyes are a vivid green and dominate her face. Her hair is a dirty blonde in colour and reaches mid back (on duty its pinned up) Her physique would probably best be described as athletic with long legs and a lean musculature bordering on skinny. She is not skin and bone however, and has a healthy amount of muscle and fat. Her bust is on the smaller side (B-C cup) but appears somewhat larger due to her weight and small hips and stomach.
When off duty she makes the most of being able to dress in a feminine fashion and her style is a mixture of hippy and bohemian flavors with long flowing skirts, baggy or ripped vests and shawls. She has also been seen in bohemian style maxi dresses and is never without her favorite pair of faded brown cowboy boots. She likes big belts and wears multiple necklaces and silver rings


Weapons Operation and Maintenance
Expert Pathfinder(Gradated Pathfinder School)
Expert Marksman (Graduated Sniper School)
Special reconnaissance and observation,
Surveillance and target acquisition
Intelligence gathering
Black belt in American Kenpo
Skilled in Survival skills for various terrains


Born in a small town in southern Louisiana to a Scottish mother (Moira) and American father (Jack). Her mother (qualified MD and surgeon) met her father (Captain in the US army) in London where she was attending a medical conference and he was on leave visiting friends. After a long distance relationship for several years Moira emigrated to America and settled down in Southern Louisiana, Jack retired from service and became a deputy in the Sheriff's department. Cora was an only child and, after her mother died when she was ten from Cancer, was raised by her father. Not that you could really call it raising as her father basically ignored her as much as possible (he had no idea how to relate with her) and focused entirely on his job becoming a workaholic to deal with his grief.

Therefore Cora basically raised herself and any time she was not in school she spent roaming the woods and bayou's around her home. She only returned home to sleep and eat which was just fine with her father. Surprisingly given the absence of a parental figure Cora did not rebel against her father and did not 'go off the rails' as many had thought she would. What they didn't realise was that Cora had decided at an early age to work hard and escape the small town as soon as she was old enough. And so she worked hard and graduated school with very good grades. She immediately enlisted with the US Army. Her father was against her decision, he was an old school soldier who did not believe women had a place in the military especially on the front line, but Cora had stopped listening to him years ago.

After basic and AIT infantry training she was assigned to the 25th Infantry Division, 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team based in Hawaii, and she trained there until 2007 where she and the team were deployed on a 15 month tour to Baghdad, Iraq in support of the “surge” and she excelled there proving her skill as a marksman and scout. They remained there until 2010 when they were re deployed to Afghanistan, she served in various places such as Salah, Din, Diyala, and Kirkuk Provinces where her team conducted safety and stability operations. Cora, used to roaming the wild alone, was adept at scout/recon duties and this coupled with her natural marksmanship meant that she served in this capacity throughout her time with the unit. Though surrounded by violence Cora loved what she did and felt she had found a home with her unit. But after their tour in Afghanistan was over their team was re directed to more training and administrative deployments. Cora grew restless and with the full support of her CO she applied for, and was accepted, into Sniper School at Fort Benning in Georgia.

She completed her training there and from then until six months ago she served in the Army's Long Range Surveillance Unit again as a Marksman and Scout. Though she enjoyed her time in the unit she was removed from active duty after being attacked by soldiers from another unit when she in between missions. She defended herself sufficiently that they did not succeed in their attempt to rape her and she was able to get away but she was injured and so was sent back to the US. She and the soldiers involved were subject to a full investigation which Cora assumed would get to the truth of the matter. But the men's unit closed ranks and the investigation could find no evidence of the attack and so the men were sent on their way with clear records. Though Cora officially also had a clear record she was assigned desk duty in fort Benning and it was made clear that she was a reminder of a stain on the army's reputation. As soon as she heard of what Centurion were offering she joined them at French Guyana.

Psychological Profile:

Cora is not the easiest person to be around, she's not nasty or malicious but suffers from a lack of tact and will speak her mind with a directness that often makes others wince. She does have a sense of humor though it is dry and leans toward the darker side, unsurprising given all she has seen and done. She is affectionate by nature and likes to be around others though only on her terms, she doesn't really like crowds as she finds them too noisy and too containing. She is somewhat of a free spirit and does not like to be controlled or constrained by others which is why small units work best for her.

Until the incident that severely injured her, by her fellow soldiers, Cora was a bubbly flirtatious woman who wore her heart on her sleeve and showed her emotions openly. She refused to become cold and distant as so many of her fellow soldiers did, to her it was important to maintain your humanity even at the worst of times. But the attack wounded her in more ways than one and she lost her natural tendency to smile and laugh, instead becoming harder and more cynical, her sarcasm took on a harder edge and her humor became darker still. She threw herself into her work and never dealt with the emotional ramifications of what happened to her. She does not trust easily any more, especially men, and so it takes a hell of a lot for her to do so. Side note: Cora has a strong deep south accent.



-LW ACH Helmet with attached comms and NVG, Flashlight attachment available


-Standard Army combat uniform (Modified to give out low IR Signature) has pouches for six 7.62 Mags, Compass/GPS, Ear protection, Penlight w/ Filter, Camo Paste and binoculars. Belt with several pouches and holders containing: First aid kit, Water canteen, Whistle, Insect repellent, Survival gear, Combat knife and flashlight


-Spare first aid kit, Food rations, Spare Mags, clothing, outdoor sleeping kit etc

Primary Weapon

- HK417A2 Semi Automatic - enlarged assault rifle designed for long range use, higher accuracy and penetration, but lower rate of fire and smaller ammo capacity than standard assault rifle.


-M1911A1 - Four magazines, .45ACP. Gun attached in holster on the left side


-Ghillie Suit
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