Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by writingrin


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Flying down was easier than expected. But the pull of gravity was stronger than anyone had experienced in centuries. If not for their ability to fly and therefore slow their fall, it would have been a terrifying descent! Even so, it caused a little alarm.

General Tatsuo soothed them with a simple, Steady, soldiers.

That was the scary part. The HARD part was not dumping their passengers off their backs. It would have been cruel to fly normally, thus taking the passengers from rightside up to upside down and over again and again. So they adjusted to fly more like a snake moves, with their noses pointed slightly down and their bodies and tail streaming out behind/above them. It wasn't nearly as uncomfortable for the dragons as the riders but it felt abnormal. At least it allowed them to ferry every single prisoner-of-war off their islands, however. It was worth it.

One dragon carried only two passengers. One was a boar youkai named Buta. He was so dangerous he needed a dedicated guard's full attention. He smiled the whole way down, even after his dragon transporter threatened to let him drop to this death if he didn't behave.

On the way down they all saw what had become of their homeland. It was shattered into nine islands.

“YOU did this! Raising your islands broke the continent in pieces! he broke out in a growl, which turned into an outraged roar.

The dragon carrying him bucked, reminding him of his threat, and his guard put a hand on his shoulder and shoved him down. Buta struggled briefly, then subsided, but his grin was gone. He wasn't quite so happy to be going back now. He glared at the guard, then turned his back. His beady eyes absorbing the new reality.

“The great orb did this? commented Prince Kuroaki. It's no wonder they wanted it.

Princess Jori stared down, opening her eyes to the wind so she wouldn't cry. Mere references to the orb had her doing that these days. But silently she agreed with her brother.

General Tatsuo snorted. As if raising the islands wasn't enough of a feat? Mere rumors have always drawn theft attempts. He looked over at Jori. It was bound to be successful one day. And our guard was down.

Princess Jori eyed him and then softened her gaze gratefully.

Prince Kuroaki changed the subject. General, where should we land?

“Somewhere abandoned with good airal coverage. Somewhere where we can get our bearings without encountering the locals.

Kuroaki glanced down. There's nowhere like that, sir.

Tatsuo nodded his great head, whiskers whipping in the wind.

“So we go for closest coverage. Over there. The stone forest. He raised his voice. Land among the spires. And you youkai mask your auras and keep them masked at all times.

The army banked to the left and did as he said, keeping their eyes and senses open for anyone that might be watching. There did not seem to be, luckily. Coming down they startled a couple of birds into the air.

“Unload and secure our allies. Make camp and protect the perimeter." General Tatsuo followed his own directions even as he gave them. "_3 leave your partner. You get over here and assist the prince and princess.”

_3 waited for her partner to take charge of Buta and hurried over. The prince waved her toward his sister. Princess Jori was the smallest dragon here and thus only had five riders. She'd now created a corral from her body and was eying the penned in youkai threateningly. They were weaponless and had their auras suppressed as ordered, however, so they were unlikely to do anything. Jori relaxed and shrank into humanoid form so that _3 could assist her. She tossed her pink hair primly, avoiding _3's eyes.

General Tatsuo looked around. Great pillars of stone rose on every side of them, like giant graveyard stakes. The ground was uneven rock. The stone was dotted with vegetation wherever it had gained a foothold and could recieve water, even trees in some places. Coming in he'd seen a waterfall, but as they wanted to HIDE for the moment he hadn't gone straight for it. Once everything was settled here he might send some out to gather water but everyone saited themselves before leaving the islands so it would be a while until it became necessary. What was more important would be to send out scouts. So they could travel tonight, undercover. He let his eyes drift over the dragons and youkai, assessing the current state of things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Kaizou and his fellow prisoners were dropped off by the dragon carrying them rather roughly, earning the dragon a few nasty glares. General Tatsuo's orders to pitch camp spread throughout the ranks, so the soldiers set to work, liberally employing the 'help' of the prisoners, who did so begrudgingly. Kaizou kept his head down and got to work; a few of his 'associates' had come down with him, but right now, he was unable to locate them.

A dragon soldier approached him, "Hey! Tanuki, get over here!"

Kaizou obliged.

"How's your shapeshifting? We're looking for people to scout out the area."

"I'm a decent shapeshifter as long as I can keep my tail hidden," Kaizou replied.

"That's good enough," the soldier said, and escorted Kaizou to General Tatsuo, around whom a small crowd was gathering of dragon soldiers who had volunteered to scout, or youkai prisoners who had been selected for their scouting potential.

Shizuka had been singled out from among the prisoners and kept under guard. It was to protect her from prisoners who may want to harm her as well as to make sure she doesn't try to use her powers to disorient or trap the dragon army. They would keep her around until the camp was done, then they would corral all the prisoners together and have her trap them until they were needed again. So Shizuka sat on the ground, surrounded by four soldiers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by writingrin


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Princess Jori hadn’t been allowed to bring any assistants of her own down and she was willing to put up with that in order to be allowed to come herself. But as long as her sister’s handmaiden was here, why not put her to use? The girl was half youkai but she’d served her sister well for many years. Jori would made due. She approached the dragon guarding her and waved Katsu forward.

“Come attend me,” she ordered.

Katsu appeared startled but quickly approached.

Jori waited a bare moment and then pivoted on her heel.


Prince Kuroaki kept an eye on his sister, smiling slightly when she reached her tent. She probably thought she would have it all to herself. Little did she know she’d be sharing it with himself. But then he frowned and approached general Tatsuo.

“I’m not sure I like all these pillars. They’re too easy to hide behind.”

Tatsuo glanced at him, then nodded. “Perhaps you’re right. Should we move, your highness?”

Kuroaki frowned pensively.

“Not if you don’t believe so, general.”

Tatsuo’s eyes began to twinkle. “We are hiding, yes, because we don’t want to announce to the whole world we’re back. Not because we’re in physical danger from whatever might find us. Let’s focus on the first part. As for the second, rely on our strength and training.”

Kuro still looked uneasy.

“It’s only for one afternoon. We’ll move under the cover of night.” He patted the young man’s shoulder.

Kuroaki nodded.

Then both men turned to examine Kaizou and the soldier with him. Kuro internally raised an eyebrow. He knew this Tanuki. He wouldn’t call him a ‘troublemaker’ exactly, but he knew him to be opinionated and angry at the dragons. Except perhaps for Shinrai, due to all her efforts? He was not one of the prisoners of war though and could have chosen to remain in the Sky Islands. Kuro was almost glad he hadn’t remained (since he might have become a troublemaker there) but seeing that he’d volunteered to come on this mission somehow made him uneasy. Had he come just to win his freedom, or for some other reason? He shook his head at himself. Shinrai would be ashamed at him for thinking the worst in people. So he forced himself to nod slightly in civil recognition to the Tanuki.

Tatsuo peered down at Kaizou. He was a large man, of course, well suited to his high position. “State your name,” he directed first. Then asked flatly, “Do you intend this expedition any harm?” watching keenly for a reaction. This time Kuro’s eyebrows did draw up in surprise.



Miho finished putting up Jori and Kuro’s tent, then helped Katsu set up the interior. Jori herself, since she had less passengers, had been the one to carry most of this stuff. They set out two bedrolls, pillows, blankets, a trunk of clothing, a pack of clothing, and even a tea set. Katsu took care of that.

“I will go and make us some tea, princess.”  With a curtsy, Katsu left.

Miho lingered and eyed the Princess. Jori was examining herself in a small mirror. They both saw a young, pretty girl who was miserably overwhelmed. Miho slowly turned and knelt facing the entrance so she could guard it.

“It wasn’t your fault, Princess,” she murmured.

“I don’t need you to tell me that!” Jori hissed vehemently. She looked at the pain in her expression and then thrust the mirror away. She brought her knees up and hugged them. “I’m sorry.”

“I understand,” Miho replied evenly.

A sigh, almost a laugh.

“Do you?”

Miho glanced over her shoulder and then back at the entrance.

“Yes,” she stated simply. Then she fixed her eyes outside the tent. Next to a pillar she could just see the back of Prince Kuro. She recognized his blue hair and tail.

“I want her back too,” she murmured.

Katsu returned just then with tea. Miho wondered if she’d stolen it from the store of water. Surely there hadn’t been time to get fresh water and heat it, but she didn’t say anything. Katsu knelt quickly by Jori and poured her a cup. She kept her face down but said, “We all do.”

Jori refrained from angrily snatching the cup. She took a deep breath, then a long sip to calm herself. She fiddled with the tea cup and nodded. But what she was thinking was ‘NOT AS MUCH AS ME.’
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Then both men turned to examine Kaizou and the soldier with him. Kuro internally raised an eyebrow. He knew this Tanuki. He wouldn’t call him a ‘troublemaker’ exactly, but he knew him to be opinionated and angry at the dragons. Except perhaps for Shinrai, due to all her efforts? He was not one of the prisoners of war though and could have chosen to remain in the Sky Islands. Kuro was almost glad he hadn’t remained (since he might have become a troublemaker there) but seeing that he’d volunteered to come on this mission somehow made him uneasy. Had he come just to win his freedom, or for some other reason? He shook his head at himself. Shinrai would be ashamed at him for thinking the worst in people. So he forced himself to nod slightly in civil recognition to the Tanuki.

Tatsuo peered down at Kaizou. He was a large man, of course, well suited to his high position. “State your name,” he directed first. Then asked flatly, “Do you intend this expedition any harm?” watching keenly for a reaction. This time Kuro’s eyebrows did draw up in surprise.

Kaizou looked up at General Tatsuo, maintaining a certain amount of defiance in his glare; it wouldn't do to appear too accommodating. "Kaizou," he replied, "and no, I intend this expedition no harm. I merely desire my freedom, but these godforsaken mountains are no place for a tanuki to make a home, so I'll help until we've found the princess and gotten to some decent land." His goal for now was to locate the princess, the only good dragon in his opinion, and if possible, to come into possession of the Orb, something his superiors had ordered him to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by writingrin


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Tatsuo looked at him. Then nodded. "Very well, go with the others. Bring back whatever information you can. Don't get caught." He narrowed his eyes in an 'am I clear?' gesture. Then dismissed him.

The Prince accepted his decision and turned. He looked at Buta, decided he was restrained enough, and kept his eyes drifting until he saw Shizuka. He felt very bad for that youkai. The plans for her had been settled in advance. Kuroaki had seen to that. Shinrai would never forgive him for being negligent with his power over them. He thought she would approve of his plan to free them though. And most of them seemed to want to help her, or at least to not be against it.

He approached Shizuka and Tatsuo fell into step with him. He looked over his shoulder. "What is it?"

Tatsuo's eyes were on Buta. "I think I'll stick around over there for a while. Just in case."

Kuroaki felt uneasy but he didn't comment. He split off to stand near to the wall youkai and her guards. He nodded to them and then faced her between them. "Shizuka-san, are you doing well?" he asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

"Absolutely," Kaizou answered, keeping a straight face. He went to the group of dragons that was prepping the scouts.

Shizuka looked up at Kuroaki with her piercing red eyes, her look calm and inquisitive. She spoke with a soft, airy voice, barely above a gentle whisper, "I am doing well, your Highness. I hope you are not too tired from such a grueling descent."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by writingrin


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kuroaki nodded at the youkai girl. As always, it was difficult to imagine her being part of The Great War. She'd experienced all that chaos and destruction, terror and bloodlust, then been taken away and imprisoned believing she would be viciously killed next. And she'd still turned out like this? Well, he didn't know what she went through emotionally when she was alone or with friends.... Shinrai had been through the war too and lost her brother--or so she thought--and actually passed out at one point from being overwhelmed. She seemed lovely and put-together too, to most people. But he had been there for her various breakdowns over the years. So he often wondered about these youkai prisoners, like Shizuka, who seemed so calm. What was really going on inside them? He knew Shizuka to be a pleasant creature, though, in any case. And he was sorry that assisting his people ostracized her from her own.

"Very good," he replied. Then he shrugged slightly. "It was worse than expected but not that bad." Especially since it was shorter than expected as well.

"Are you..." he wondered belatedly if he should even ask, but did anyway. "How are you feeling to be back in Japan?" He was nervous, he supposed. There was every chance that his plan to "save" these youkai would get him and his own people killed somehow. He needed to understand their point of views so he could stay on his toes. Shinrai would want him to trust them, let them stick to their word. They'd made a deal with him after all. But he couldn't be sure they didn't have ulterior motives. At least some of them. He didn't think Shizuka had ulterior motives. But some of what she was feeling might be shared by the others. So he wanted to know in any case.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
Avatar of Stern Algorithm

Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

"Well, it is a bit disheartening to see the land split up," Shizuka replied, "But the land isn't what's important, I'm just glad these youkai are now closer to regaining their freedom and dignity." Looking around, she could see that many of them were having a hard time hiding their excitement, despite their grudges against the dragons. "If we can manage to help you find the princess, maybe we can part on good terms, or as best of terms as can be reached, and not remember only the worst of each other."
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