Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kalistar
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kali, I sent you a pm about what we'd talked about

Got it. Awesome. This'll be fun
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 4 days ago

Speaking of which, any Imps have any ideas for any campaigns, let's coordinate
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kalistar
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

What? Could this be? Both Kaylee and Joren are at this moment on their way to Tatooine?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 4 days ago

What? Could this be? Both Kaylee and Joren are at this moment on their way to Tatooine?

Hey...imagine that
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Took me long enough to finish this, but here is Darth Crudelis' apprentice!

Screen Name: NeutralNexus

Character you wish to play: Malov Kyren/ Darth Seducus

Race: Zeltron

Faction: Sith Lord/Apprentice to Darth Crudelis

Skills and Abilities:
Lightsaber Combat: Darth Seducus is an extremely skilled user of Form V(Shien/Djem So), able to hold off multiple lightsaber wielders with ease until he can launch vicious counter attacks. Complementing its counter-attack style with his equally dangerous Dun Moch, the Sith art of taunting and beguiling his opponent into attacking out of frustration or fatigue, making stupid and sloppy moves for him to capitalize on.

Zeltron Heritage: As a Zeltron, Darth Seducus is gifted with his race’s natural pheromones, enhancing his attractiveness and likeability to those around him. The Zeltron race is also gifted with limited telepathy, allowing him to feel the emotions of others and even project emotions onto them if need be.

Force Powers: Darth Seducus is extremely gifted in the dark side of the force, his destructive powers being extremely potent and apparent in his ability to channel such things as lightning and raw kinetic power. However, his true strength lies in his power to alter and deceive the mind. Complementing his natural Zeltron abilities, Mavol has the almost peerless ability to win over people using intricate mind tricks, channeling his emotions into his abilities to enthralling effect. In the mind, he is incredibly powerful.

Diplomacy and Deception: Malov is incredibly silver-tongued and witty, allowing him to move in and out of crowds with ease. He knows who to be aggressive with, who to smile at, who to bow to, and who not to cross. He is a versatile and impressive diplomat, even without his powers. One would have a lot of trouble telling if he was ever lying.

Athletic Ability: As a Zeltron, he is a naturally gifted athlete, but he had trained his body even further than his genetics provided. He is light on his feet and fast with his hands, keeping himself dexterous and alert at all times.

Pilot: While not an ace pilot, Malov is capable of flying and maneuvering in a spaceship with no issue.

Slicing: Malov is a decent slicer, his life before his Sith training allowing him to pick up the talent of hacking to grab a few credits here and there on his adventures.

Con Man: Among his talents, Malov excels at conning his way in and out of situations. With his deceptive nature and likeable personality, Malov can drift in and out of social circles with a few well placed lies. This, among all his talents, is his most dangerous feature, allowing him to infiltrate the likes of Republic congress and Imperial Remnant battle meetings with a few clever disguises and the impeccable ability to make things up on the spot. Many a time he has swindled information out of people, and very few times has that blown up in his face.

Connected: Even before he became Sith, he had allied himself with a few organizations, Hutt, Republican, and Imperial Remnant alike, having worked as a smuggler, spy, and mole in a few organizations even at a young age, allowing him a bizarre amount of resources at his disposal.

Background: Ever since his youth, Malov knew he wanted the power to make his own decisions. Born to a Zeltron couple on Nar Shadda, he was instantly taught the ways of the world. His family were immigrants from Zeltros, a pair thrill-seekers who had immediately found themselves indebted to the local Hutt family on Nar Shadda. His mother became a dancer for a Hutt named Trubba the Hutt, his father becoming an emissary for Trubba as well.

However, as depressing and crushing it was for his parents to essentially be slaves to a local Hutt, Malvo actually thrived in the scenario. Rather than hiding behind his parents, he went straight to the Hutt himself, desiring to lean about their iron grip on the planet. He envied people in power. living with two people who had such innate talent and squandered it on fruitless endeavors caused him to gravitate toward people with purpose, such as the Hutts, who took charge of their lives. He volunteered to work for the Hutt as a pickpocket and smuggler from a very young age, in exchange for learning how Hutts conduct their business and how they keep people in line. He learned the intricacies of infrastructure, who to sweet talk, who to threaten, with the Hutts he learned how the power of the mind.

As he grew, he began to pick up talents that helped him on his path to power on the cruel streets of Nar Shadda, even if his power was never legitimate. He learned the power of words, both truthful and deceitful, using his Zeltron abilities to convince people whatever he wanted. Little did he know that his Zeltron abilities were being enforced by a strong connection with the Force, making his words even more persuasive without his knowledge. While continuing to work with the Hutts, he became a con man on the side, using his physical nature and threats for the Hutts, while lying his way into a fortune of his own.

However, this web of careful lies brought Malov into trouble around the age of 17, when he conned his way into an Umbaran mining operation, posing as an intern for the safety inspection branch of the mining facility. Using this free access of the mines, he began to feed both weak spots and the vital cargo hold to nearby raiders, giving them a backdoor for a raid in exchange for part of the cut.

The only problem with this plan is the Umbaran mining facility belonged to one Pyrx Reyta, otherwise known as Darth Crudelis. The cunning Sith Lord was well ahead of Malov’s plan, and rigged the cargo hold full of explosives to kill the mauraders attacking his mining operation. At the same time, he had his guards rope in the young ringleader of the plan, as he wanted to torture this con man himself. However, once Crudelis found the young man, he instantly sensed his power in the force. As one of the few who could resist his mental powers, Crudelis was able to resist Malov’s pleas and deals he tried to cut. However, that did not deter the Sith Lord from seeing massive potential in the young Zeltron. He could shape and mold this boy into a powerful Sith, and as such revealed himself to the boy. He showed Malov what could be done with the Dark Side, what he could acheive, how much power he could gain from undertaking such a profession.

Malov was instantly enamored, this was his ticket to power. He could see right from the start that this was more than just sweet talk and fancy tricks, this was true might, and he would be a fool not to accept this Sith Lord’s offer.

It was that day, many years ago, that Malov was deemed Darth Seducus, one of the most terrifying, enigmatic, and influential Sith of our time.

Character Class: Force Sensitive/Sith Lord

Items: A single red lightsaber, a L-23 blaster pistol, a Kazellis-class light freighter in which he keeps a credit stash, numerous fake IDs and disguise kits, along with his prized phrik battle-armor and sith robes(which he makes a point not to wear all the time).

Character Personality: To call him driven is an understatement. Malov is goal-oriented, focused, and power-hungry. Downright sociopathic in his pursuit of power, he will take any personality needed to continue his goals of domination. Cunning and calculating, no word he speaks is without purpose, no sentence is without a second meaning, every interaction he makes is a planned encounter to further his own goals.

However, this does not make him cold or stoic. Far from it, as he is a downright peerless actor. He is charismatic and charming, using his Zeltron born skills to ease people into talking to him. Everyone who interacts with him is nothing less than entranced, as if the very words he spoke were honey laced with a virulent poison.

This Zeltron extroversion only fuels his arrogance. He is cocky and confident, fully believing that at his core his focus makes him superior than all others. Nevertheless, he is powerful and coercive, and never to be taken lightly.

Character Alignment (Choose one): Dark Side

Do you know how to post pictures on the RPG Boards:


Sample Post:

“<Malov? Malov is that you?>”

The uttering of the massive Trubba the Hutt was raised by the sight of his young associate, one he had thought was lost to him many years ago. As the red skinned man waltzed in, he flashed the same charismatic smirk to Trubba that he gave the slug many years ago, one that was instantly recognized.

“Of course, my dear Hutt, how could you forget your favorite pickpocket and spy?" Malov responded, making his way past the two Gamorreans in the doorway into the large throne room Trubba sat in, surrrounded by armed men and a few Twi’Lek dancers.

“<My little red scamp!>” Trubba called out in boisterous fashion, the flabby, wriggling arms of the Hutt extending in joy. “<It’s been so long, I thought you had died on that Umbaran Mining job you had bragged about!>”

“Oh, come now, Trubba, you think one botched job could kill lil’ ol’ me?” Malov asked, the cape on his diplomatic suit brushing some of the dirt from the floor as he gestured. “You know me, I can talk my way out of anything, this one just....took a few years.”

“<A few years?>” Trubba retorted. “<It’s been long enough for your parents to work off their debt! You’re a grown man now, from the looks of it. No longer the little thief who sat on my shoulder and watched as I fed my enemies to the Nexu .>

“Yes, yes, those were good times.” Malov said. “In fact, I went and caught one of my own, have it housed to deal with another Hutt two planets over.”

Trubba’s large, flabby maw dropped open for a few seconds in confusion, a brow raised over its bulbous eye as it leaned forward, leering at Malov. “<You’re dealing with other Hutts? I though you and I were tight, why didn’t you tell me?>”

“Well, it’s been a few years, Trubba, I didn’t know whether or not you’d take me back.”

“<I don’t believe you, Malov.>” The Hutt said, gesturing to one of his men to advance on the calm Malov. “<Why are you telling me this? Come to think of it...why are you here now?>”

“Well, to be honest, Trubba, I’m here for your assets.” Malov said with a smile, giving a small glance to the man advancing on him. “I’ve actually been active for years, I just haven’t revealed myself until now.”

The Hutt leaned back, a cold frown crawling across its face. “<And what does that mean? How would you even claim my assets?>”

“Oh, no, I meant claim them publicly.” Malov said, with a subtle nod to the guard advancing on him. “You see, ever since I sided with my captor, I’ve been slowly swiping your assets right out from under your nose.” He gestured to emphasize his point, all at once every thug in the Hutt’s inner circle drew their guns, all pointing them straight at Trubba. “A bribe here, a promise there, it didn’t take much to get them on my side. You always treated your men poorly, Hutt, a flaw that’s easily exploitable when you have no loyal companions.”


“Oh, nonsense, Trubba. I’ve only been using what you taught me to do. When you have the opportunity to seize power, you take it.” Malov said, taking a few menacing steps towards the Hutt, taking a hilt off of his belt. “And I can tell you that since I’ve left you, I’ve taken that advice to heart. I’ve gone far beyond simple gangster, Trubba, and now I’ve become something more.”

“<And what’s that, you peice of bantha poodo?>” Ever defiant, Trubba flapped back. “<What have you become?>”

His defiant attitude was immediatly regressed by the sound of a lightsaber igniting, a red glow now filling the room, much to Trubba’s horror.

“A conquerer.” Malov replied, bringing the saber down on Trubba’s head, ending the Hutt’s reign in one, violent swoop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zugzwang

Zugzwang The Pentagon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@mattmanganon, if you don't post something in the next day or so, I'm going to soldier on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Oh, well, I thought we were waiting so that we don't just run off with the RP by ourselves. Yes, I'll get a post up at some point tonight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 4 days ago

Nexus, you're approved
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright, I got to wait until Cold Hands appear again, then we can get to making a sweet sith-y plan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zugzwang

Zugzwang The Pentagon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


I figure, since we're the only people directly involved in the scene ATM, we have free reign. If you want to speed things along and get a titanpad or something going for some of that dank collaboration, I'm down. I finished most of my midterms today, so I'm treating myself to a day of doing fuck all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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So can anyone tell me what's going on within the story? I'd like to know where I should begin, while I wait for Cold Hands, anyway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 4 days ago

So can anyone tell me what's going on within the story? I'd like to know where I should begin, while I wait for Cold Hands, anyway.

Let's see, the Imperials have taken Eriadu, disrupting a major trade route of the Republic. They have also captured a Jedi who is set to be interrogated, however, someone may have other things in store for her.

Joren Kel, the son of a Jedi and a former Jedi Knight himself...and his crew has run afoul of an underworld element on Nar Shaddaa, and has escaped the Smuggler's Moon, and are currently en route to Tatooine to lay low for a bit. All the while, newly minted Jedi Knight Kaylee Starsmore has been sent to Tatooine to investigate a number of mysterious deaths on the planet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kalistar
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<Snipped quote by NeutralNexus>

Let's see, the Imperials have taken Eriadu, disrupting a major trade route of the Republic. They have also captured a Jedi who is set to be interrogated, however, someone may have other things in store for her.

Joren Kel, the son of a Jedi and a former Jedi Knight himself...and his crew has run afoul of an underworld element on Nar Shaddaa, and has escaped the Smuggler's Moon, and are currently en route to Tatooine to lay low for a bit. All the while, newly minted Jedi Knight Kaylee Starsmore has been sent to Tatooine to investigate a number of mysterious deaths on the planet.

You know 'Shape-

You have a real talent of completely oversimplifying things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zugzwang

Zugzwang The Pentagon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I thought he did a great job.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 4 days ago

Zug, you haven't known Kali all that long, she like to bust balls, especially mine. It's all good though, I love her to death and we've been friends for years. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zugzwang

Zugzwang The Pentagon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh I know.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cold Hands
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Cold Hands Guilds Resident White Walker

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Okay a post will be up today. Between the floods and all the double shifts because of layoffs, I get some free time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 4 days ago

Okay a post will be up today. Between the floods and all the double shifts because of layoffs, I get some free time.

I was wondering how you've been making out. Glad to see you're alright
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

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Oh yeah....I also meant to add that I'm hoping to get something posted tonight
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

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Kali, check your pm's
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