Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Clyde caught sight of the fox as soon as Heloise mentioned it. He started to approach the fox slowly, but the fox had already jumped past him onto the deer. Letting out a aggressive growl, Clyde stretched out and shifted into his animal form. Now in the form of the black wolf, Clyde towered over the fox, His orange eyes meet with her gold ones as he bared his fangs in warning, and released another low growl at the smaller creature. Killing intent was visible in his eyes, and he wouldn't hesitate to tear this girl apart if she meant to take this deer from him and Heloise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Ah, damn" Heloise sighed She didn't want death tonight. She stood to her full height, but had no illusions that she was intimidating, not as her human form. Mostly, she just wanted food.

They were all hungry, that much was clear "please, back down. Look we are all hungry., and I am sure none of us want to fight. Can we be reasonable? Because I'd much rather this deer be eaten then for it to go to waste" her voice showed her weariness even as she tried to sound sure of herself
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Brusenna shrugged. "I was mostly exploring and looking for food." She answered softly as she sat across from him, legs tucked under her as she spread the dress over her legs. "It's very nice to meet you, my name is Brusenna but I usually go by Senna."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cody nodded, he sat cross legged his hand turning a ring around his finger. He had promised his brother to wear it as long as he lived, he planned on keeping that promise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Light was slowly receding and the space around him was growing cold. He awoke well into the decent of night and his gray eyes gleamed with the feint moonlight pouring in through the window opposite of him. He was in a small room, relatively bare despite the beat up mattress he was sitting on and the candles strewn about. The room was situated on the third floor of an abandoned building near the waterfront of the city, once an old textile building he was in the housing district of what he supposed were the workers rooms. Long since abandoned he had recently claimed this section of the building as his own- the rest being owned by drug addicts, prostitutes, and a minor gang. He was a new comer, only having been in the city for about a month, and so they kept their distance from him.

As he moved himself to get off the mattress he felt a sharp pain singeing through his shoulder. Wincing he brought a hand to it, feeling the damp bandages he had wrapped around it the night before. He thought of the deep gashes in his flesh and the crude stitches he had administered himself. He looked down at the stains of blood and medical supplies he had stolen strewn about his bed; he thought of the pain and gritted his teeth. He needed antibiotics and some painkillers. Standing he made his way across the room and picked a coat off from the ground. Moments later he was slinking his way through the allies, making a beeline toward the local clinic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LittleRedPanda


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She had seen other people from her perch. She watched as they shifted from animal to human and back to animal as a new animal appeared. They were like her apparently. Thus her nap was abandoned as she watched the others, from her vantage point in the tree. She let out a little animal yawn as she watched them. She really did need either food or a nap. Her body was so tired but she stayed where she was, just watching. It seemed they didn't take too kindly to the fox newcomer, as it was attempting to steal their food. She shook her head. It was a stupid move.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lyle walked slowly along the sidewalk, his gray eyes glazed over with pain as he tried to concentrate on the route he had to take to get to the clinic. He wondered numbly what would happen once he got there; he'd heard stories of the local clinic being raided by druggies all the time, so if he asked nicely, maybe with his claws, they'd just give him what he needed out of habit. His lips parted to show glinting, sharp teeth- his bodies instinctive reaction to half shift while in danger or badly hurt. As he walked he noticed people slinking out from alley ways like rats- the night life of the neighborhood slowly waking. He felt their eyes on him and he quickly lowered his head; wounded he would be unable to defend himself if they wanted to thrash a weak shiftling like him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Clyde's face softened at Heloise's words. The fox shifter was clearly just as hungry as the two of them were.Still the fact that he had been the one to track and kill this deer and some scavenger thought they were entitled to take his hard work pissed him off. Turning back to the fox he bared his teeth again before his body shifted back into his human form. "Fine." before he turned back to the fox again."If you ever come at me like that again, or any of my prey, she won't be able to save you." Hoisting up the deer carcass by it's neck he motioned to the warehouse. "Now lets get inside before something tries to eat us instead."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Heloise breathed out relieved. There was enough death arkund without them tearing each other to shreads. She leaned down, and helped lift the deer, nodding. "Thank you" she said softly. He didnt have to listen to her, didn't have to not tear the fox shifter topieces, but he had, and that told her he was kind. But she knew his threat would be carried out if the fox shifter attacked again, and she resigned herself to that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sitting on a large stone under the sun, sat a rather large female lion. Her eyes her closed, her tail swishing slowly against the stone. If she could, a small smile would be apparent on her face. This was what she loved doing most. Unlike her human form, Evie could sit under the sun for hours without being burn, thanks to the fur. She sat, thinking for a moment. This, this is the life. Not having to deal with a little brother or a crazy dad. Living, just like this. On my own... She thought, stirring a bit. It'd been a while since her family had died. She snorted a bit. It was just like him, her Dad. His Lion pride got in the way and had gotten them killed. She was the only one that had survived.

She jumped a bit when she started hearing noises around her. People... talking. That usually meant danger, but she should check it out. She needed to see what was going on around her territory. So far, she'd managed to keep others out of her small little area. After all, she liked that rock. Slowly, she opened her eyes, letting them adjust to the sunlight. After a few moments, she stretched her arms out, letting her claws appear. Lifting her head, she let out a large yawn and then got up. After moving her neck around, stretching it out, she sauntered over to where the noise was coming from. She noticed a black wolf shift into a man. Her eyes narrowed and she watched the others around him. She looked around. There were two others near him, one human, the other a fox. Her ears perked when she heard something from above her. Eyes narrowing once more, she looked up. There was a small red animal sitting in the tree directly above her.

A grin grew on her face as she formulated a plan. How funny would it be to scare the living daylights out of that little thing? However, her thoughts returned to the man. He didn't seem like one that would take any crap. She might end up with a wolf's mouth attached to her neck. However, she couldn't think of a good way to really approach them without setting the male off. They were always more territorial. She shook her head and slowly and then, with ever gentle steps, stepped into view. She shifted slowly to her human form and stood a good distance from them. "Hello there. Sorry if I startled you. It's just, not many people come around here. And I like to know what's going on around my territory." She sent the male a toothy grin, so forceful she had to close her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cody was on the move again, his paws silent when hitting the ground as he ran. He may not be as big as a wolf when in coyote form, but his agility made up for that. He stopped his ears flicked, when sound hit them he tensed, but it wasn't another person coming his way it was people talking. They were risking on being discoved by doing that, that's why he was silent didn't want to draw any attention to himself. He looked from behind some rubble he saw several people, talking he was mostly the silent type only talked when he needed to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Clyde tossed the deer body through the warehouse door, before facing the newest arrival. " To think just yesterday, I thought I was last one of us alive in this godforsaken city." Despite how sarcastic he sounded and his less than stellar interaction with the fox shifter, he was genuinely happy to meet other surviving Skinwalkers, and he could smell others nearby. He was never good at telling other Skinwalker's animals without seeing them, except when it came to lions. He supposed it was just some way they carried themselves. "Well I apologize for trespassing on your territory, but I don't recall seeing you, or any other of your particular kind while I was hunting for this one." He signaled at the deer. "That being said, you're welcome to join since It seems like I'm sharing this kill with everyone anyway."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Heloise set about building a fire. Outside of her tiger form, she generally got cold very quickly. "For which I am gratefully thankful for. If there is anything I can do for you, I would gladly repay the favor" she said

she don't know why she continued on to say, "it is nice after all not to be alone. I like being around others"except that it was true. It was incrediably lonely being by yourself when you were a socialable person. She never minded so much in her tiger form.

She looked up, "I can cook, if you would like"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LittleRedPanda


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Robynne swished her tail around herself as a lion walked underneath her tree. She could see everything going on down below but her attention was momentarily diverted. Up above her she heard the sound of a squirrel chattering at something. Looking up through the branches, she saw the animal clearly. A small brown squirrel was only a few feet farther up the tree trunk and her tummy rumbled at the sight of it. Scrunching down, her muscles tensed to spring. Quickly and with as little warning as possible, she sprung up the tree trunk, her paw outstretched to catch the animal off guard. She ended up swatting it on the head, knocking it off it's perch and down to her branch. She landed back down, catching the animal by it's tail. It struggled and squeaked under her heavy paw. If she hadn't been so hungry she would've let it go, it sounded so pitiful. Pressing her paw against the animal's throat she made quick work of applying enough pressure to the tiny animal's body to snap it's fragile neck. The dirty part done she leaned down, taking the squirrel in her mouth by it's now limp neck and ran down the tree, headed toward the group with the deer. They had a fire and the warmth beckoned to her. She padded slowly forward, into the circle of light before the now humans. She kept her head low so as to show no threat. She simply walked close to them and dropped her squirrel on the ground, sitting on her haunches behind it. She looked up, searching the eyes of the others to see what they would do. She meant no harm. Didn't even want their deer as she now had her own food. She just wanted to simply share the warmth of their fire if they'd let her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakon rilt
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Drakon rilt

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cody sat there in the dark, his brown fur of his coyote form helping him mix in with the night. He watched the other animal go up to them, he heard other voices. A gang. They would try and steal there food, he really didn't want blood to be spilled. He ran over his paws quiet on the ground, he let out a low growl at the gang one of them shot him, he grunted but stood his ground they finally ran.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiri


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lyle burst through the doors of the dimly lit and dull looking clinic. His breath had begun to draw out raggedly and he found his eyesight fading, he was losing too much blood and was slowly falling into the danger zone. To his left sat some obscure citizens in rags, most likely bums off the street looking for a place to sleep. He heard coughing and the low murmur of someone praying; the place held a thick stench of sickness. At the gray desk sat a blonde woman, who jumped as he entered and nervously eyed him as he surveyed the room; her hands firmly folded in her lap she watched him. Tensely he made his way toward her,

"Alright, doll-" he grumbled through gritted teeth, "help a sorry soul out and grab me some pain meds from the back. And while you're at it get me some bandages- you're going to patch me up." She began to protest but upon seeing his eyes glint along with the fangs which protruded from his mouth, she quickly stood and followed his directions.

Moments later he emerged from the clinic; head held high and feeling much better. His coat pockets sang with a weeks worth of pills and as he made his way down the street he pulled up his hood. Now that his shoulder was taken care of he had more important things to think of; revenge on the bastards that did this to him. He made a mental note to relocate his home while he was at it; clinic ransacking was most likely common in such gang run parts of town. He slunk his way into the shadows of a nearby alleyway and tried to remember exactly where he was when he was attacked. He was sure that it was a gang of werewolves; a little asking around could help him out there. Lyle knew that the mannerisms of lycanthropes drew them toward brawling and the like; he set his course for the nearest pub in town, The Hags Head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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She smiled at the man's words, chuckling a bit. "I'm the only one here. This land here, isn't mine. Mine is smaller but I was curious as to who was nearby my territory." She replied. She looked over at the deer carcass and her stomach rumbled. No, there wasn't enough for all of them. She'd more than likely eat it all if she even started. "If you want to share some with me, that's on you. Just know that though I may be human, my hunger is still that of a lion. I'll just go hunting tomorrow morning. Maybe... She began, trailing off.

What if they went as a sort of pseudo pack? They might get more that way... Though, she didn't know how well they would work together... "Maybe, we could go hunting together tomorrow... We might get more food that way. I know there's a pack of deer very nearby. Though, we don't need to kill them all off. We need to leave a few of them..." She continued, looking off into the forest. She sighed and shook her head. "Sorry, I'm talking too much. I'll just go sit over here and wait. After all, I'm the beggar here. I'll take what I can get. If I'm in the way, just tell me." She told the group before walking over towards the fire-pit, changing back into her lion form and curling up next to the fire-pit, her tail slowly swishing back and forth. She closed her eyes, completely at ease. Well, that's what it looked like anyway. On the inside, her muscles were tense, ready to jump if she was given any reason to. She didn't trust them completely... Not yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Clyde cracked a smile at Heloise's offer. "That would be awesome." The lion girls suggestion of hunting together was very appealing, even more so by the fact that she already knew of some prey nearby. Truth be told, he was getting a little tired of living on his own, especially with all the manner of things that existed out here much better suited for killing than a wolf. "I'd be up for hunting with you, if you'll have me."

Now that they were inside, he finally had time to sit down and rest for the first time in a week. He hadn't realized until now how much energy he had spent hunting that deer, but now he was finally glad to be over it. Moving closer to the fire he took the time to look at the little group that had started to form. He had just met Heloise this morning but he felt he could trust her. The lion girl was a little strange, but didn't seem like an immediate threat. He didn't even notice the small red creature that appeared near the fire. "Now when did you get here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Heloise smiled, and set about preparing the deer, and cooking it, "oh, the red panda? she appeared a little while ago" Heloise said, "I decided not to mention it. The fire is warm, after all, and she wasn't bothering us, really" Heloise was a kind soul, untouched by the horrors of the world. She enjoyed being able to help others.

She carefully cooked the deer. In her tiger form she didn't mind raw meat, but when she was human she prefered it cooked, and prefered to eat with some semblance of dignity.

"If she would turn human, I would gladly offer to cook that squirrel too"
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