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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by frapet


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It is the year 1203 Various of the Northern Kingdoms are making plays against each other while the river the Yaruga is still the symbol of safety against the Nilfgaardian Empire. In Brugge a new mayor was elected, the eccentric Regan de Bruuk, a known associate of the shady side of Brugge and the main instigator of the Eastborough pogrom against the elves and dwarves in the city, winning the ‘election’ mainly on the propaganda of clearing the forest of Brokilon of the dryads that have been menacing the trade routes for so long. Eastborough is still smoldering from the violent pogrom as the city square is the scene of de Bruuk’s victory feast, non-humans are in hiding or leaving the city as others come in to witness the changes…

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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Cyryl reined in her horse overlooking Brugge. It looked so peaceful from up here, minor smoke stacks rising over various peaceful rooftops. she could only imagine how people were going about their regular lives. Or, that is, regular humans. It was in a panicked letter she had received that two of her contacts were in grave danger, because she had failed to act sooner.

She had first received letters about the current events almost a year ago, telling her about this new Mayor's agenda. She had thought nothing of it, promising to clear Brokilon was just like promising to catch the moon - Impossible and with only loss to show for the effort. Soon he escalated to declaring his own crusade on non-humans in the city, which spread like wildfire amongst the human voters and populace in the city, who really didn't need an excuse to make Elves and Dwarves lives miserable. Many non-humans left there and then, seeing the way of things to come, but Cyryl had counselled her two contacts, Bartek the Gnome and Cibor the Elf, to stay and see how it plays out. Two weeks ago she received a panicked letter saying Bartek had gone missing and Cibor was in grave threat from a 'danger that lurks in the Shadows.' Then nothing.

Cyryl waited there for a good while, taking in the countryside. Chances are it would be a while before she would see any other view than brick walls and shit stained streets. Gods, she hated cities
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by frapet


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Before Cyryl the plains around Brugge stretched out, the forest of Brokilon Northwest of the city, the Yaruga to its South. Autumn had just arrived and the shades of brown and green were complementing eachother. A low sun stretched over the fields where roads slithered over like snakes. Carts, people and cattle crawling over them. More carts than usual, but proportionally less humans than usual.

A group of soldiers in the cities colours were herassing a cart next to the road, its canvas already torn up and various goods spread out in the ditch next to the road. It was rumoured that De Bruuk had as little love for sorceresses and mutants as he felt for the non-humans.
In front of the gate a line had formed to enter the city, there the small ruckuss just described was repeated tenfold by those waiting to enter the city. Throwing objects at the non-humans, and verbally speeding their departure, or so they seemed to hope. It wasn't a pretty sight, certainly not compared to the rustic countryside.
Time to get moving?

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cyryl sighed deeply. It was just as bad as she thought. Well, there was no rush to head into the city, better to wait for the crowd to retire in their 'victory' to various taverns before going in. It would also probably be a better idea to wait for some company, a lone woman dressed richly was bound to attract unsavoury trouble. Bearing in mind the common folk's fear of magic she would like to refrain from using it, even if she had to in defense it would likely be counter-productive

She looked around to see if there was perhaps someone in common with her she could accompany into the city
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Graviloquence
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Adelmar knew that his return to Brugge was likely to be an unpleasant one, but he hadn't been expecting anything like this.

From a ways off, the quadroon observed the goings on in the outskirts of the city with a quiet but boiling sort of indignation, barely resisting the urge to get himself involved in the chaos and telling off the guards that apparently had nothing better to do than harass innocent civilians. The last thing he needed was to be thrown in jail before even giving a single speech, and, for that matter, he wasn’t sure there was much he could do for those who were currently ‘under fire’ from the boorish humans that were kicking them out of the city. He felt disgusted by the behavior of his ‘fellow’ humans, as, despite having some elvish blood, he hardly looked it, though he supposed that was probably for the best in terms of his own safety. And, as it was, he was beginning to question whether he’d be safe enough in Brugge at a time like this - which was an ironic thought for someone whose primary objective in life was to stir up the public and attempt to make large changes in the views and values of the majority.

Letting out a tired-sounding sigh, Adelmar absently ran a hand through his hair as he tried to devise a safe and inconspicuous way to get himself into the city, as it seemed that, at present, he would likely have a hard time not catching someone’s attention - he had a rather memorable face, after all. Quite suddenly, he caught sight of someone on horseback not too far away from him, and they seemed to be hesitating about entering the city at a time like this as well. After a slight hesitation, the bard decided that, if he was going to enter the city, he might as well do so with someone else, and, for that matter, he could use an ally in a relatively unfriendly place such as Brugge. With a renewed sense of determination and a pleasant half-smile on his face, Adelmar approached the stranger at a casual pace, doing his best to seem unconcerned despite his inner apprehension.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cyryl noticed a figure walking up towards. Another soul who probably didn't want to brave the swarm of angry folks. He approached casually, in stark contrast to the scene playing out behind him. He had the stride of a man who had been travelling all day, and his brown trousers did little to hide the autumn mud crusted around his boots. He still displayed a proud and pleasant navy-blue top, a rich but subtle colour, which was to be appreciated in courts for it's practicality and it's not-so-cheap price. A warming and practised half-smile sat upon his comely features, and she waved calmly to him in greeting.

She noticed she had been absent mindedly chewing her hair, so she brushed it back out of her face before greeting him with an equally practised and disarming smile. "A pleasant enough view, wouldn't you agree?" shame about the city was the unspoken addition she refrained from saying. Diplomacy was as much about what was spoken and what was left unspoken.

At first glance she had no idea why she was approaching him, but she knew from the flamboyant clothes, yet practicality and lack of commitments and guard he was no noble, but a spitting image of a bard

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Graviloquence
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Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

As he approached the stranger, Adelmar noticed that they were, in fact, a woman, and she was dressed in a practical set of leathers, yet they seemed less suited for protection and more for 'looks' than typical leather cuirasses or jerkins. In terms of looks, she was certainly fair-looking, yet there was something about her that made her seem like far more than just another traveler heading into Brugge. She had a powerful air about her, yet it wasn't the stuffy and arrogant one he often associated with nobility - it seemed to come from a more 'natural' and primal source than that. He wasn't quite sure what that power he felt was, but figuring that out was one of the last things on his mind at present.

At her wave, he inclined his head in acknowledgement of her greeting, and, in response to her previous statement, he merely replied with a civil, equally pleasant-sounding, "Indeed." This was in response to both her stated and implied remark to him, for, as it was, he was finding it more and more difficult to refrain from being involved. The only thing keeping him from trying to do something about the whole spectacle was the knowledge that nothing he could do would be of much help to anyone.

"The city certainly seems to be in quite a stir today, doesn't it," the bard stated, gesturing at the general chaos occurring at the city's gates casually enough, but the look in his eyes was one indicating an unspoken question. I take it you're not keen on trying to get through there right now, either?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"The city certainly seems to be in quite a stir today, doesn't it," was what he said, as if to justify why he was here and not down there, his words also as if in question to her wandering why she hadn't entered yet. Having dwelt in many noble courts, he had picked up a layer of subtlety rarely seen throughout the land. In fact she had no doubt he was some kind of spy for someone or other, which made her suspicious. She had no idea where her contacts had gone, or who they were targeted by. Or what they found, like names? My name?

She studied the scene below further. The sun was visibly setting, but rain clouds covered any sort of night sky. If the darkness didn't disperse them the rain would. Of course, heading into any sort of Tavern would be a danger. Perhaps she could find lodgings with this Bard, even if he just knew a safer inn to stay at

"So are you from around these parts?" She started, dismounting her sore self from her horse

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Graviloquence
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Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

The bard noticed the approaching weather as well, and, for a brief moment, relief flashed in his eyes as he glanced up at the sky. At his recent acquaintance's question, however, his face resumed its pleasant neutrality as he replied honestly, "I'm afraid not, but I've visited the city a few times before."

He could tell that the stranger was not completely comfortable around him, and, while he understood that, he attempted to kill a bit of the unease and formality between them by adding with a wry smile, "I don't know everything about it, but I do know what parts of it to avoid. I guess one could say that I know it well enough."

There was a relatively clear offer of a sort of acquaintanceship hidden within his humor, however, as he was still hopeful of gaining at least one person's trust before entering Brugge at such a time as this. While it wouldn't be horrible for him if she refused his help, it would definitely be inconveniencing, especially considering the imminent rainstorm brewing overhead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by frapet


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cyryl & Adelmar:
If the pair would glance at the gate they would see a figure leading a small group of city guard gesturing wildly at those guarding the gate. Men from his following took over the jobs and things seemed to move along faster now. It didn't do much for the acts of racism along the road. The onlookers that the small spectacle of racism had generated where returning home now as the first cracks of thunder sounded and the looming rain started pouring.

Without a crowd the 4 soldiers who were pestering one of the wagons, which turned out to be owned by a dwarfen family, took their innings and gazed for the hiltop where the bard and sorceress had gathered. The soldiers started walking up the hill, one in the front shouting:

'Thats our spot, get going you-'
it was than that the soldier with a red and blue doublet, presumably the captain, hushed him, making his way to the front of his small band.

'Excuse 'im m'lady hes not right in the head, it's been a merry day. Who are ye and what is your business here?'

Altough asked nicely enough the guards hand was already resting on the pommel of his blade, the others having their iron studded bludgeons still in hand, one of them approaching the bard casually.
'This one pestering you lady?'
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