Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AeonSpiral


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Reading for a towel,and missing a time or 2, Caroline slowly stumbles for the door and tries to open it with the towel hanging over her front.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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"Mm, well the note, and well... Never mind. I'm sure it's nothing. Thank you anyway, ma'am."

More than a little bit rattled, she returned to where Jonathan was sitting.

"Well, according to the clerk, some drifter named Gonzo was around long before us. Sounded like the crazy sort. You think he might've been the one...?"

Elise ran a hand through her hair and sighed.

"I don't know. I'm getting a little too frazzled right now. Everything's really weird, and I thought this would've been a simple vacation."

She gave the cowboy a smile. Wry, but he would tell right away that she was as unnerved as he was.

"Thanks anyway, Jonathan. I think I'll be heading up to my room now. Thanks for the help."

With that said, she made her way back to her wing of the hotel, heading upstairs and back to her room, where she immediately laid back down on the bed and sighed in frustration.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Yeah I will see ya later then..." Jonathan said a bit confused waving his head at her.His eyes were still on the note reading it out to himself.This was after he got up and hobbled over to the clerk."Hello could you give me any information on this Gonzo person..." He to the clerk trying to keep his cool.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

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The door opens, with some difficulty, seemingly pushing aside a large sand-drift that had propped itself up against the door. The hotel looks very different, half-flooded with sand, the air dense with a playstation-era yellow fog effect, and everything seemingly frozen in time... featureless Glass mannequins stand mid-motion amid the sand drifts. Pushed by the door, the bellboy shatters on the floor.

The gardener's whistling persists.

I feel pretty! *snip!* Oh so pretty! *snip!*


The clock's ticking seemed to slow as her mind raced. It grew louder, more drawn out. There was an incessant beeping noise coming from outside the room's door.


"I'm afraid I don't know much more than what I told the girl..." the Clerk says, "He was a young-looking drifter, 20 at most, who carried a notebook with him. He protested against us through every step of construction, and threatened one of the guys in charge with a shovel, but I think he's been arrested now."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AeonSpiral


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"What. The Fuck." she exclaims as she falls over backwards and the towel flus from her hands.

Sitting in a drunken stupor she stares at the mannequins among the room. They're people she knows, her parents, her friends, even her producer is there arranged around the room.

Then she spots the one she thought shed never see. Michael, her fiance. She can't hold back the emotions, the tears flow freely. She crawls through the sand named towards the balcony. She stops at his feet and convulses.

"Why! What the Fuck is going on!? Why are you hear?"

Fuck I'm losing it. I'm losing it. I need to sleep. That's it, I haven't slept in days. None of this is real. None of it. How could it be? Too many horror movies, not enough sleep. That's all.

She stands up and touches Michael's glass face. "I miss you so much, but you have to go now. This isnt real baby. This isnt real." She stands for a few minutes touching the face of the mannequin, crying and shaking. Finally she slowly walks to the bed and lies herself down under the covers. She pulls them over her head and cries herself to sleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Mhm then do you know what room he stayed in?I have a feeling he is involved somehow with these...notes" Jonathan said looking directly at the woman clerk.He knew it sounded crazy and it did but he had a feeling that this Gonzo person was going this someway or another.He wanted to find as much information as he could on this Gonzo person.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

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She rests easily... Or rather, as easily as possible. The sounds of whistling and gardening fade into the background.

I feel charming! *Snip!* Oh so charming! *Snip!* It's alarming, how charming I feel! *Snip!*

Dreams come slowly, but they are fast, blurred, nonsensical. Something cold touches her shoulder. Right next to her, A familiar head frozen in the spherical, faceless orb on top of a glass body. The glass is clouded by slight redness. He seems to be missing an eye, various other holes have been added in. Perhaps as an artistic measure?

The whistling stops abruptly.

"Are you feeling quite alright up there, love?" Says a voice remarkably similar to Eric Idle's. "You should come down! It's lovely weather out here!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AeonSpiral


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Still under the covers, "Alright that's it." She springs up forci g herself to get dressed she runs from the room crying. She runs all the way to front desk clerk where she tells her everything and demands a different room
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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The clerk shrugs, "He didn't stay in a room, he just... Hung around, during construction."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

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The featureless glass clerk says nothing, sand gently drops from one of the chandeliers. The place seems devoid of life, save for a man in the corner facing away from her, clipping solid, vine-shaped sand aggregates that seem to be growing out of the walls. The whistled tune of "I feel pretty" echoes off the otherwise solemn, silent, spacious walls of the lobby.

"It's much warmer outside, love! The sun is perfect for the skin. Got a nice tan, me!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AeonSpiral


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"What is going on around here!?" she asks the man. "What's happened to everyone, and what's going on with all this sand?"

She eyes him closely, watching his every movement with those clippers. She scans the desk for something to defend herself with in case he tries to attack her.

"Why would I want to go outside? Last time I checked there was a creepy fog covering almost everything. No sun whatsoever. So tell me, seriously, what is happeni right now?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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"Okay what else did he do?Eat anything what was his behavior like?" Jonathan said now wanting to know more about this Gonzo person.His mind was racing wanting to know how the hell Gonzo was giving out these notes even though he would be in jail.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

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"Yer planeswalkin'. Lovely day for it, too." The man says, moving on to the fingers of a toppled glass maid when he felt that the vines were pruned enough. He seems rather keen on facing away from her, still.

"You get to head to all kindsa nice places." *Crunch!* "Exactly wherever yer heart takes ya!" *Cring-gling!*

"Hotel's just a vehicle, though innit?" *Crakt!* "Don't think any of the employees know that, though. Seems only the guest rooms work." *Crunkle!* "The rooms know who y'are though. Known since before ye got 'ere. So do the worlds under 'em... So do I."

Keeping his hooded head low, he turns around, fixing his clippers on the under-chin bump of a glass trachea...

I feel pretty!


The Clerk again shrugged, "I wasn't there for most of his time here. He was just... Wierd. Gawky, had this way of looking right through you sometimes. He seemed really intent on convincing us not to build the hotel, but he never told us why."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AeonSpiral


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"Why won't you look at me? You claim to know me, but yet I haven't seen your face. And what exactly is planeswalking? Explain to me what's happening. Please."

He would detect an obvious tremor in her voice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

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"Planeswalkin's something that just comes natural when you fall in the right hole, love." *Crunch!* *Crack!* *Spikt!* His cutters chewed off the maid's head, and he smacked it away like a golf ball, spattering small pieces into the sand next to him.

"There's worlds an' worlds an' worlds, an you're in all of 'em at once. But also not. There's holes though. There's holes in your world that go to all different kinds of places... Places like this, where yer heart took ya. I'm you, Love. You're me, too. But also not, on both counts..."

He prodded the maid's glass breasts with his clippers. "Heheh."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AeonSpiral


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Completely freaked by this person, and this hotel she decides its best to make an exit.

The one thing she is sure of is that she doesn't want to go outside. Something about the Gardner and the way he spoke about just seemed too off.

She goes down another hallway in the opposite direction from which she arrived in the lobby. Hoping she'll find anyone alive.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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"Thank you then i would like to see his room...i have a feel he is involved in this strange event..." Jonathan said wanting the key to his room,If the clerk would not give him with his words then he would have to find some other way to get the key.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VioletRose
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"There's champagne in all the mini-fridges for guests over 21. There's also a restaurant/bar in the Northern wing." The Clerk says, "Or the North-western wing, or..." She rubbed her forehead, "I'm not great with directions at this angle. It's the wing to the right when you come in from the front door."

"Don't fret, dear. I understand where you mean. Thank you." Lilith said as she inclined her head to the hostess. She turned and made her way to the bar, her heels clicking loudly on the highly polished floor. It was always a particularly satisfying sound to her, something that now brought her comfort. As she strolled towards the bar, she began to further inspect the hotel. She took in her surroundings, carefully. After all, it was her job to take in things. In other words, Lilith was paid to gather information. Her official title was a "Private Investigator" but she much more preferred 'information proficient'.

Lilith was in the restaurant/bar in no time, nodding to the man who held the door open for her. She strolled confidently towards the bar and slid smoothly into one of the high bar stools. She gracefully crossed her ankles and adjusted herself until she was comfortable. "What can we get for the lady today?" The bartender asked as he leaned on the bar towards her. "A whiskey please. Preferably something that was barrel proof, if you have it. On the rocks, as well, please." She said, noting the look of surprise on the man's face. Quirking an eye brow at him, she waited until he nodded his head and left to fetch her drink. She smirked slightly and rested her glasses on the bar. When the bartender returned with her drink, she nodded to him and took a sip from the dark whiskey. She let out an appreciative sigh and took another drink. She swiveled her bar stool around and continued to sip from her drink as she took in the patrons of the bar and restaurant.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HHHippo
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HHHippo Constantly Hungry

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"Hmph. You'd think they'd be finished by now." Nicholas says, pulling out a fag and lighting it.

"Hey, gardener." He says, inhaling the smoke deep into his lungs, and then slowly breathing it out. "When's the hotel officially opening? We gotta be early or something."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

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The hallway was long, and, since most of the lights were gouged out by sand vines, very dark. She was confronted with rooms and rooms and rooms, and then a large ballroom with a little garden of cacti growing in it. Someone with a sick sense of humor carved smiley faces on them... Well, at least they were living, probably.


"Like I said," the Clerk stated, confused, "He never stayed here, he was a car bum. He just hung around when the hotel was being built."

She thought for a moment, "I mean, it's unlikely, but you might find something of his stashed somewhere. It's probably been picked up by the landscapers or something, though."


The Bartender, who was a burly, middle-aged man with a bushy, graying beard and an... eye-patch? Didn't seem quite as surprised at her order as he did frustrated with the amount of water (though small compared to most places, to be sure,) that restaurant policies forced him to put in it, muttering a gruff "Mhm." as she finished speaking her order. Formal dress and well-kempt hair aside, he looked like he'd be rather more at home behind the bar at some saloon in 1800s New Zealand rather than a fancy, flashy place like this, but perhaps experience and good skills at the tap were hard to come by in Middle-Of-Nowhere, ME.

Come to think of it, there were other unusually rough-looking folks at the bar. One particularly large man in a leather trench coat, face obscured by an equally leather, equally roughed-up wide-brim hat, was sitting on one of the worse-lit ends of the bar and drinking what (in her expert opinion, must be) rum and coke with a straw. Another muscular chap with a handlebar mustache was chatting up a woman in a booth on the exact opposite side of the room.

Aside from the oddities, there was a man in a suit with a pencil mustache sipping wine alone at a table, probably waiting for food, a tall, auburn-haired woman nonchalantly eating a delicious-looking club sandwich... With silverware... (What sacrilege!) And three especially young fellows talking, laughing, and drinking in a corner booth with a pizza between them. It was early yet, and not many other noteworthy people have come to the restaurant, or even stopped by for a look.


The dreadlocked man turns around, startled, and eyes his observer through the fog, "Ah, no, it's open, man. I, uhh, don't exactly work here, though. I'm just here to help people out. With things."
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