Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kiley had came out the door jogging to their historically old volts wagon van that her and Elyana had purchased from a neighbor. Once she got to her now unlocked vehicle and was about to get into the drivers seat when a scream stopped her in her tracks she reached slowly for her 12 gauge shot gun. Watching her surroundings but she jumped when a little boy came running out for no where holding a fake pistol blood was covering his side and a woman not to far behind looking scared shitless it wasn't long until a creature came out of no where a large number 7 imprinted on it head as it swung it's already bloody tail at the woman slicing her in half. The boy had stopped and watched the whole thing and just starred as the things head turned towards him. Before it went after the boy Kiley was shooting at it, finally came out her shock and made her way toward the boy once it was down but Kiley knew it wasn't dead, yet at least.
"C'mon boy, we need to get ya checked," Kiley said picking up the now crying and shaking boy.

"MOMMY!! MOMMY!!" The boy cried as she ran towards her van people from her apartment flooding out to their cars. Elyana came running along with them not in her work uniform but in normal everyday clothes carrying a hunting rifle.

"Get into the fuckin' van Elyana we gotta get the fuck outta 'ere!" Kiley yelled running to the Van with the bleeding boy. Elyana didn't question her sister. When Kiley has a job to get done or a mission her usually mischievous and bubbly self turns into a serious persona that doesn't take questioning well. Once inside the van She starts up the thing with a roar and backs up hitting the creature who was getting up in the head knocking it down. Elyana had taken the boy and held him checking his wound" How is he?"

Elyana had rose the boys shirt a bit cleaning the wound with some wipes,"He's goin' ta need a few stitches but other than that nothin' ta serious," Elyana whispers as she pulled out a medical kit and pressed a cloth to his side taking out some gauze and wrapped his side,"All we need ta worry 'bout it the trauma that he's most likey gonna have after seein' his momma like that,"Elyana whispered as the boy curled into her more crying softly. Kiley kept quiet driving towards the bridge with such speed that the Volts wagon would probably break.

"Nothin' we can't handle,"Kiley said to her older sister.



Blitz sat there and watched the area fly by," So are we there to evacuate the citizen, kill the Xenomorphs or both," Blitz asked as they got closer to Manhattan," They gotta be evacuatin' by now right?" Blitz ask shifting in her seat uncomfortably not being one to get real close to people. Even if they're brothers in arms.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Little Hotaru,... well okay she was 18, not exactly little anymore was moving down a side walk. The magnum pistol her father gave her tight in her hand. Her eyes constantly darting around the streets. When she thought she heard movement she ran and ducked behind a car. Only what she was hiding from wasn't on the other side of the car. As she listened she noticed it didn't sound like whatever it was, wasn't walking on sidewalk or pavement. She spun around to see the creature on the wall of the building to her right. It was stalking her, she knew this because she remembered it from before. It and the 9 etched into it's head. Suddenly bullets ripped into the building around it and it scurried off. When she turned to find the owner,.. what she saw was a man sitting in a hummer. His helmet all positioned perfectly on his head. He waved her over and she came to the hummer she saw a team of roughly four more soldiers. They were not Erika's team. One of which opened a door and helped her inside. She sat there thinking she could finally relax. Her clothes were covered in blood. When the soldier went to check her if she was injured she waved him off. "It's not my blood,.... it's my fathers. That same one you guys shot at.... it was the one who killed him. It must have followed after me to finish the job." She said. The other soldiers looked to her and then at each other. The whole city was going to shit and there was nothing they could do. The driver turned forward and slammed his fist into the dash board.

"Well at least we got one civilian,... lets get her across the bridge." He said and he stepped on the gas and the vehicle pulled forward. Nine came out from it's hiding spot and hissed. That one hiss signaled about a half a dozen or so more of its kin. Maybe more, to come out and chase the vehicle......

........... Erika's hummer was traveling down one of the streets of Manhattan, Erika turned around and looked at Blitz. "Not everyone has been evacuated yet,... we are to save as many as we can." She said turning back around. "We are also tasked with thinning the Xeno population, so like Mile said before. Both." She didn't know what Blitz's problem was but this was not the time or place. She had been a problem ever sense she was transferred to her team. As if it was Erika's fault that she lost her previous team. She simply just shook her head.

The hummer stopped when Miles noticed something. It was a pretty shitty looking vehicle barreling up the road. Behind it was a whole lot of shit coming their way. Who ever drove that vehicle must have pissed off one of the Xenomorphs and now the rest was chasing them. Miles tapped on the hood of the hummer. "You see that Jarvis,... handle it." He ordered. It did not take long before suddenly bullets began firing out of the .50 calibur ripping into the Xenomorphs around the beat up Voltswagon. The humvee itself even pushed forward taking to the second lane opposite of the Voltswagon threatening to trample and take out any of the bastards that got in it's way.

Nine was watching it all from the top of building. It was not enjoying what it saw. Her kin were being slaughtered by that large calibur weapon that the humans had. It made a hiss and suddenly the Xenos that were chasing the girls and the humvee stopped and retreated. She had a plan for them.... they were not getting off this island. Nobody was getting off this island. She turned and saw her other kinsmen. One, six, and ten. She made a hiss to them and they lowered their heads and backed away and took off. They took with them a great number of the xenomorphs. To do what nobody would know, until it was too late.

Erika looked past Blitz and David narrowing her eyes as she saw the Xenomorphs retreat. That was just as disturbing then what they just saw. If the reports she read on the things were true,... that only meant one thing. They were planning something and she didn't like it. With the humvee now right behind the Voltzwagon that housed Elyana and Kiley. There was little obstacles in there way as they made for the bridge. Erika did not like it at all.... that was way too easy. "Why do I get this feeling we are being led into a trap....." She
said not to particularly anyone.

David turned around and looked back to Erika. "You don't look at all surprised to see them. Well like you've seen them before." He said to her. She waved her hand side to side.
"Only in reports,... nothing special. I mean it would be smart to research ahead of time what our jobs would entail right?...." She asked and saw him raise a brow. This caused her to raise both of hers. She looked over to Miles tilting her head.
"You didn't tell them?" She asked and he simply ignored the question. She rolled her eyes and looked back to David. "Our division,... Miles division is incharge of dealing with alien life forms. Specifically, the things we just saw. Wayland Yutani corporation has faced them once or twice during their explorations beyond our solar system." She explained. This caused him to nod and turn around to stare at some of the creatures that had not yet vanished into the alley ways. "So our company brought them to earth?...." He asked.

She simply nodded. "Yup, they thought they could keep them contained and did a good job at it actually, however some organization sabatoged the facility and they got out. Once that happened shit hit the fan real quick." She said. David once more turned to look at her and nodded.
"I would like to know which stupid group thought it was smart to do that." He said. This made her smirk . She agreed completely. She then turned around and saw that the bridge was coming up. She gestured to Miles to pull alongside the Voltzwagon. He looked to her and then forward and did what she said. She was smart so he decided to take faith in her judgement. Once they were alongside the tiny car she rolled down her window. She then stuck her head out and made a motion for her to roll down hers and for her to stop the vehicle.


Jin and the police officers remained on the top floor barricading themselves in the offices using the desks and file cabinets. Trying their best to block any way in. Jin was not too happy with his current position but he was alive and couldn't really complain. Danny was dead,.... the closest thing to a little brother. He was always getting the kid out of trouble but this time he couldn't. He was likely dead now. Hopefully Taki was far enough away from this place and was safe. Then he thought of his fiance. He sighed and shook his head. You don't have the time to think of that kind of shit right now Yojiro. He looked over at the police officers. They just looked right back at him expecting him to tell them what next to do.
He simply rolled his eyes. "Look you know what to do, you are all officers of the law. You don't need me to hold your hands. Just because I took initiative and got you all up here doesn't mean I am in charge." He said. He sighed and cursed underneath his breathe. If his uncle saw him right now he would laugh. Jin Yojiro, taking charge of a bunch of scared shitless cops.

He then heard a pound at one of the doors. Luckily with the filling cabinet in front of it to keep it from getting slammed open. The monster on the other side would find it one hard time to get in. The windows were another story though.... they couldnt possibly block all of them. He sighed and figured it would only be a matter of time before they busted in.

....... Taki wasn't too far away. She had a friend with her this time. All she had was a machine pistol and him a regular .45 auto. They needed something a bit better. Therefore she decided to head towards one of the hideouts the Yakuza used. It should have some sort of fire power.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Elyana was trying to handle the crying boy who clung to her and make sure that was okay while Kiley drove like a bat out of hell to get to the bridge. They both knew there were those things behind them and they only had so much ammo, but then the sound of shots got both sisters attention. A Humvee come out behind them Elyana started to cry happy to see it but Kiley remained keeping a glare as the Humvee came right up to them and stayed behind them until they hit the bridge. It came along them the window rolled down and a woman signaled them to stop. Kiley tapped her shaking foot on the breaks and the voltswagon comes to a stuttering stop.

"What do the want?" Elyana asked looking at her little sister generally curious.

"Probably askin' where we goin'? I don' know,"Kiley mutters rolling down her window and waiting for the Humvee to pull up next to them,"but damn if we make it through this whole damn thang lets get a fuckin' humvee I feel so small compared to this damn thang,"she says.

Elyana smirks a bit," That sound like a plan now pay attention."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It did not take long before Erika thought up a good plan. Once both windows were down she climbed halfway out of hers. "Okay, I doubt that piece of crap can go as fast as I am going to want it to. So I want all of you to cram yourselves into our vehicle. I know it sounds silly ,but I have literally been trained my whole like to deal with those bastards. What they just did means they retreated because they are planning something behind the scenes, and I don't fucking like any bit of it. Right now we are going to push our humvee as fast as we fucking can to get it across that bridge." She said. She looked to David and Blitz. "You two shove over,.. it's going to get a little cramped. As soon as we are across that bridge I don't care what vehicles we get into afterwards." She said. After that she sat back into the vehicle. She then yanked out one of her stems. She then handed it over to David.
"They got a injured boy with them, inject that into him. It will stop the bleeding." She said. David took it and held it in his hand and then waited for the girls in the beat down voltzwagon to get into the humvee.

Jarvis kept looking around at the buildings and was not a happy camper. He was a sitting duck. He was surprised the damned things didn't take advantage of the moment and attack. Then again, Erika did say that the only reason they do this is because they are planning something bigger. How much about these things did Erika know?.....

Miles saw what she was planning and had his foot close to the gas. They were going to race as fast as they could over that bridge. Whatever the Xenos were planning Erika must have figured out it had something to do with it. What exactly was it he did not know but for now he would trust her judgement.


Jin Yojiro had himself parked in a office. The Xenomorphs were fixing to get into the place. He could feel it. Any moment now they were going to attack in force and it was not going to be fun at all. Suddenly he heard it,... a glass window shattering and the gun fire followed. He pulled out of the room and slammed open the door and saw that a officer had been downed by a Xenomorph and it followed soon after. However, it was the start of it, the window it busted through was now their gate way and more came crawling through. The officers began firing at them as they entered. This only caused more problems as their acidic blood burned through the floor and wall making the hole even bigger. The more windows go broken. He pulled out his pistol and prepared to aid them but he was suddenly cut off by one of the monsters. It was slightly bigger then the others. It had the number 8 carved into its forehead. It stared at Yojiro for a few seconds. Yojiro rose up his pistol and began to fire as it gave charge. It's head slamming into him and pushing him forward until they came crashing through the window behind him.

The impact in which they hit the roof of a car caved it in. Yojiro rolled of the vehicle as quickly as he could landing on his feet as he did so taking out his other pistol. He turned to aim at the creature and began firing off his pistol. By the time it reached him he dived out of the way. It slammed hard into the vehicle knocking it to its feet. It was already bleeding from some the hits from Yojiro's guns. Yojiro wanted to stay and fight but when he noticed a parked car had it's keys in it still he took it as a sign. He ran for it and smashed the glass window and climbed within it. He started up the engine and pulled out. When Eight came to his feet Yojiro was gone. It hissed at the vehicle.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kiley nodded grabbing her gun and her sisters hunting rifle along with the remaining ammo,"you have 'im?" Kiley asked Elyanna who was adjusting the boy. When she nodded Kiley hopped out of the volts wagon and ran to the Humvee. She lets her sister hop in first before going herself and sitting down shutting the door.

"Is he gonna be alright?" Blitz asked looking at the boy who was completely resting on Elyanna.

"He's in pain but he'll be alright," Elyanna responded. Moving the boys shaggy hair feeling his head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
Avatar of EWillden

EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

David saw the boy and did not waste anytime doing what Erika asked of him. He took the stim and looked for where the boy was hurt and in a instant injected it on the opposite side of the wound. There was no needle or anything, it was quick and painless. The medicine would also kick in quick causing the wound to numb and the bleeding to stop as quickly as it started. David sighed as he did so and tossed the stem aside. He then sat back and then looked to Erika. She had her body lowered and staring outside for any signs of the enemy as Miles floored it. The humvee was much faster then the old car Kiley had been driving even with the extra weight. Erika did make a mental note that they were to grab another vehicle first chance they got. Right now she was focused on the current task at hand.

The vehicle made a quick turn down a street. The bridge finally within view. Miles cranked the humvee up as much as he could push it. Turning the wheel side to side to avoid the abandoned cars. It took little to no time at all for them to reach it. Once she felt they were far enough out she nodded and turned her attention forward. Now they were on the bridge and hopefully beat the Xenomorphs to it. Sure enough it did not take long before she felt the bridge began to buckle. "I hate being right..... the bastards are using their spitters to melt the cables that hold this bridge together. They hoped to collapse it and trap us and any other survivors on the island." She said. She popped her head out of the window beside her and looked behind them. She could see the Xenos hard at work on doing just that. However, she had full confidence in their speed that the bridge would hold long enough for them to get across and the vehicle was fast enough to see it done. She glanced forward and noticed something on one of the arches. This caused her to sit back down and inside. Without warning she grabbed the wheel and pulled it to the right just in time. A large ball of acidic spit hit the road beside them where they would have been had she not done that. It quickly began to eat a hole where it had hit.

Miles was almost about to yell at her until he saw the spit fly right past them. How in the hell did she see that coming. He then began to recall some of the reports on her and then he realized that maybe there was a few other things they did to her besides give her augmented arms. He looked forward waiting for another moment she would do that. She turned and looked to Jarvis's position. "You see them on the arches? You open fire on them." She said. Once more, just as she gave out the order Jarvis immidiatly began to open fire on them killing a few and easily scattering the rest.

With his help making it the rest of the way was no problem. "Where to next?" He asked Erika. Erika looked to him and then back forward. "We head back to the base,... split into two vehicles and we find a good place to settle our asses down. The base will be a good place to stay low for now. It's defenses will see to that for awhile anyways." She said. That was the plan and that was what they were going with. If the others had any disputes they were free to hop out now while they could.

As they closed by she noticed that there was a good sized line at the base. A lot of people were being checked and scanned in and once they had been they were allowed inside. The humvee pushed forward and past them and once the guards saw Miles and Erika they opened the gate for them to go by. What the group would see were tents and temporary housing for the refugees of the city. She watched as they pushed forward. She gulped and looked to everyone. "There is enough room in my place for all of us. It will be safer that way." She said. She then gestured to Miles to proceed. What the group would come across was a good sized building. About the size of a Queen sized mobile home. However, it was just for one person. The base had many of these buildings within it for the other high raking officers such as herself. When she exited she noticed a eighteen year old girl. Oriental by the looks of her sitting against her place. She had a .44 magnum resting beside her as she looked into what would seem like a locket. She sighed and decided to walk on over.

"Hey you know how to use that?" She asked the girl. Hotaru looked up and over at her shocked to even see someone come up to her. She then looked down at the pistol and then back up to Erika and nodded. "Yes, yes I do... I'm sorry is this housing yours? I will move if you like?" She said. Erika then stepped closer and tossed her a canteen full of water. The girl caught it alright.
"Take a drink of that,... then I would like you to move your but inside." She said gesturing to her door. The girl looked up and then at the door and then back at Erika.
"You sure?" Hotaru asked. Not to sure how to react to the lady.
"Yes, I am sure. I am in the need of action ready people to join my little militia. So far I got two girls in the humvee with a little boy. With you we increase our standings pretty high." She said. Hotaru nodded to her answer. She accepted what she heard ,but was a bit confused still. She unscrewed the top of the canteen and took a drink of the cold water. She then saw her reflection inside and noticed how she must look. She was covered in blood not her own. She sighed and then poured the water over her face washing most of it out.
"Before you ask,... no I am not hurt. It isn't my blood. It's my fathers. One of those things took him from me." She said. She then understood her current position and liked the idea of joining Erika even more. By doing so she would be given a chance to see the one with the Nine on it's forehead. She would then use her father's pistol to get her revenge. She suddenly smiled and this caused Erika to raise a brow.


Outside the base and waiting in line was Yojiro. He was to unequiped to go after his Fiance. Perhaps with a little help from someone inside he could do so. He was so unsure of it all as well. After what he had gone through he had little faith that his boys would keep her safe. Then he heard a familiar sound. The sound of a motorcycle. Not one of those things you see bikers ride. It was more expensive and a lot more fancier looking. It was a kawasaki. The driver took notice of him and drove it right up to him. However, tied to it was something familiar, and something he did not want to see right now. Not like this. This put the feeling of dread and sorrow on his face.

When the rider pulled off her helmet and revealed to him Taki, he knew just from her tear stained face that what she found at it's location was a horrible sight.
"I am so sorry Yojiro... I tried to save her I did." She said. "A Xenomorph had gotten to her first. It had the number Six on it's forehead." She explained this so that Yojiro would not blame himself. Infact better yet, plan to take it out on the creature that did it. He then looked behind her and noticed she had a friend.
"Whose he?" He asked. Taki handed him his sword before looking over to Ramiro. "Oh him,... I found him and kind of adopted him." She said. Yojiro snorted as he couldn't imagine her doing something like that ever. He then looked forward and then back at her.

"Well it's good to see you made it anyways. At least one person that means a lot to me survived..... Danny's dead." He said. She glanced towards her helmet and then back at him. "Looks like we both failed.... I know it sounds odd that I cared about my Rival but.... that's the thing. I wanted to win you over yes, but never in such a way... plus she was kind of a good friend as well." She said. Yojiro smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't blame yourself Taki... there was nothing you could do." He said. He then gestured towards the gate. "Let's just get inside and find something to eat. I am starving right now." He asked. She nodded and climbed off the bike swinging one leg over and joining him in the line.

Ramiro shook his head at the whole thing and then hopped off as well. He felt kind of odd being beside two orientals. Then again as bad as he looked people would probably think he was their grandpa or something. He had to chuckle at that and when Yojiro and Taki looked at him he simply waved them off.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Elyana shifts a bit uncomfortable as she gets out of the humvee Kiley climbing out behind her with the shot gun strapped around her.

"We safe?" The little boy asks looking at Kiley. Both girls were suprised he was already talking he hadn't said a thing other than when he crying.

"We should be but, I'm keepin' my shotgun with me just in case," She says putting the safety on it and putting it on her back.

"Yeah why don' we get ya inside and get ya somethin' ta eat alrigh'?" Elyana said walking away towards the mobile home.

"By the way whats your name?" Elyana asked looking at him.

"Noah..or pup," Noah said leaning his had against Elyana's shoulder yawning.

"Alright Noah. Lets get ya some food and get ya ta bed alright?" She got a snore in response making her laugh.

Kiley look over when a chuckle came from Blitz,"Not comfortable leavin' your weapon already?" She asked as she brought out her m4-177 crosman with her,"I'd think it'd tak another attack or two for you to get to that point?" Blitz said.

"Well after what I jus' saw I ain't takin' a chance even if I am in a military base,"Kiley said shrugging.

"I get it kid. I don't blame you for feelin' like that cause I'm like that along with almost everyone in the base. Just don't pull it on anyone or else you get it taken away from ya," Blitz says leaning against the Humvee.

"What were those damn thang's anyway?"

"Xenomorphs," Blitz says pulling out a cigarette and lighter.

"Their ugly motherfuckers," Kiley mutters leaning next to Blitz who chuckles blowing out some smoke.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
Avatar of EWillden

EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Erika heard their talk about what those creatures were. She knew exactly what they were. They were the galaxies greatest killing machine. We can only fight them because we have the weapons to do so. If it were not for the guns we would be no match for them. "The first Xenomorph encounter started with a salvage team,... this team was about six strong. They received a distress signal and went to answer it. Just one of these things attached itself to one of them. The moment they took it on board they were doomed. Well most of them were. In less then twenty four hours it had nearly killed all but 1 of them. This was just one of them. From what I have seen on reports with encounters of the creatures, none ended with a happy ending, the creatures are smart, strong, and merciless hunters." She said. She wasn't particularly talking to anyone just speaking her mind. "However, through much failed attempts we had found a way to contain them and study them thoroughly. My father is one of the many scientists that had to go through this. If it wasn't for the man who disrupted the facility the creatures we are fighting right now would have never gotten out." She said. She looked to them and sighed.

"It was not them who doomed the city, but the action of one human. Thinking he was doing a humane act by releasing the hellspawn from their cages. What he got out of it was his ass handed to him,..... literally." She said. Her speech basically blamed the idiot not the Xenomorphs for the city going to shit. She looked to Hotaru. "Hun, there is a personal shower inside. I suggest to wash up and get a new change of clothes or else be reminded of the hell you went through to get to this point. Best to have a clear mind before you have to face those things again." She added.

Hotaru looked over hanging onto each word and nodded. "Yes ma'am,... But I won't forget what I had to go through. It's the only reason I am alive. I won't rest until the bastard that took my father is dead and rotting." She said. Her eyes full of cold revenge. "I however do remember my father telling me to stay clean." She said. She walked up the tiny steps and opened the door and peered inside. The room wasn't your typical quarters of a lieutenant. It had a very comfortable bed as well as a desk with a computer sitting on it. There was a mini fridge in the corner and several posters on the walls. She then took note of the other room separated from this one. She figured it had to be the bathroom and walked over and opened the door. She saw the shower and walked inside closing the door behind her.

Miles looked at the weapons the girls had. He approved of the Shotgun that Kiley wielded, nothing like a good 12 gauge shotgun to blow away the Xenos. However, the hunting rifle that Elyana wielded was questionable. "Don't mean to interrupt or anything ,but is that a bolt action? If so you might want to get a hold of a weapon that would fire rounds a lot faster. When the fighting starts you will find that the speed in which the enemy moves will be faster then you can load a shell for each shot. Don't worry though I will put in a order for some weapons to get brought up to us." He said. He wasn't too confident in their abilities either. These were city folk, not brought up like us military. They never had to fight up till now. Perhaps they were good and we would all find out now. Until then he would rather have them get their hands on weapons that will improve their chances of survival.

Jarvis the huge german, whose size wasn't fully shown do to a good bit of his body hiding in the gun emplacement. Before doing so he unlocked the heavy machine gun from its spot and took it with him as he slid down. Carrying it as if it's weight was nothing. He held it up its muzzle pointed up in the air. He opened up a compartment in the but of the weapon and removed a large cigar. He stuck it in his mouth and bit down biting off the front and spitting it out and sticking the other end in. He then reached into his pocket and yanked out his lighter and lit it up. He put the lighter away and then took a long drag before removing it from his mouth and blowing out the smoke. He walked over to the girls. "To be honest,... perhaps its my German side talking, but I rather look forward to the next encounter. I expect a good worthy death from those things. To go out guns blazing,... sounds like the best death one could get." He then shrugged, not even knowing that the ones who die right off are the lucky ones. The Xenos don't try to kill you unless they have to. They will attempt to disable you and then drag you off to become a host for the parasite that will be placed inside.

David walked over as well after he had climbed out. "Those things scare the shit out of me though. Such animosity, without any remorse to even children." He said. After seeing Noah's condition he figured anyone was a worthy prey for the monsters. It did not matter who it was. He sighed and looked to the walls protecting them and wondered if they were truly safe. Perhaps for now they were.... but how long would it last.


Not too far away sitting in their own spot was Yojiro, Taki, and Ramiro. The three were in a tent provided for them. They didn't expect it to be just them in the tent for long for there were two more cots. Yojiro stared at the dirt below him. Taki looking straight into his sad eyes. She felt sorry for him. In one day he lost two people he cared about. Scary part was the day hadn't even ended yet. Not even close at that. What the fuck where they going to do?... For now she found her hand moving to rest on his knee and giving it a light squeeze. His eyes looking to the hand. To her surprise he smirked. "I still have you though Taki... that's all that matters to me right now." His voice rang out breaking the silence. Her face turning slightly red as she blushed. Her hand was about to move away but he grabbed it. "Don't move your hand away,... not yet. Your touch is rather comforting right now." His eyes now going to hers. He could feel her pulse and it was heavy.

"You two going to kiss or what?" Ramiro said. The two looked to him for a second. Yojiro releasing her hand and moving his to the back of his head. Ramiro snorted and shook his head. "Why do you hesitate man,... you might not get a second chance. Best get it over now before you regret it." He said. Yojiro found his hand falling and his gaze looking back to her. The man wasn't wrong. They might not get another chance.

Yojiro leaned in closer to her, finding her eyes to be more and more..... intoxicating. They lured you in with each second you stared into them. He supposed that's how she killed people before. Her face drew closer to his as well and then their lips touched. Her lips tasted sweet and were soft. When they released Yojiro came to one conclusion. He lost one woman to these things.... he wasn't going to lose another. He looked to their weapons and realized how unprepared they were.

"We are armed with pistols, two sub machine guns and a shotgun.... Perhaps we should find a group better armed, with the hopes of being better armed ourselves." He said. All he had was his sword and his two pistols. He saw how much rounds it took to take one down. Not exactly reliable. He rose up and offered his hand to help her up. Taki smiled and took it. Using his strength to rise up. They proceeded to leave and then Yojiro looked behind him. "You coming Ramiro..." He said. The old mexican getting up to his feet and nodded. The three stepped out and scanned the area. Ramiro pointed to the group. "They look better equipped... and may even get more weapons brought to them. I bet our survival will be much better if we joined them." He said. Yojiro took note that three of them looked like regular marines, while the other two looked like they belonged to Wayland Yutani Corporation. If anything that made him know they were the right group.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Kiley's eyes were wide when Erika finished her story. These things had been helped by a human! Miles voice brought her back Kiley nodded,” Yes it is and I would like that for her. I'd think she'd be a better shot wit' one o' yer rifles then her bolt action than anything,” Kiley digs into her pocket and curse. There were still bullets but only 16 left. She looks over and went wide eyed for a moment looking at Jarvis.

Blitz chuckled,”I'm with Jarvis on this one. Rather go out guns blazin',” She says.

“I think I'd like that ta. I mean I rather go out fightin',” Kiley says earning a 'really?' look from Blitz,”What? Ya'll expect me ta jus' sit behind these walls an' hide? Hell no! My Pa raised me better than that!” She looks towards David calming down a bit,” The only thang I see scary about those thangs are their damn tails, claws and teeth plus the huntin' thang. As far as that I'm not that scared o' 'em,” She says shrugging

Blitz lets out a bark laugh,” I can tell, Spit fire,” She say taking a drag over her cigarette.

“Spit fire?”

“Yep that's your new name for me,” Blitz says smirking blow out the smoke chuckling.

Elyana had finished patching Noah up properly she had him eating a snack she had brought. She had sat him on the bed,” There rest a lil' now sweetheart. Ya'll be good as new in a few days a'ight?”Elyana says earning a nod from the boy who curled more into the bed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

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Erika let the others remain outside for a little longer. She decided to enter the building next. She found the boy that was saved resting on the bed and Elyana right beside him. Her rifle was as old as the Voltzwagon they found them in. Bolt actions were a thing of the past. Semi automatics were commonly used now. It was a good idea for Miles to decide to have a few weapons sent over to them. With better weapons their chances of survival might just increase. She walked over to the mini fridge and bent down and opened it. Reaching into it and pulling out a bottle of the Wayland Cola. She twisted it open and moved to sit at her desk. She decided it wouldn't hurt to check her emails. Maybe her father responded yet.

Miles stepped over to the side letting the others continue to engage in their conversations. He pulled out his comlink and pressed a button on it. "This is Major Miles, I am putting in a order for some guns to be delivered to the quarters of Lieutenant Erika Brawns." He said. He then waited for the response which followed soon after. "The order has been submitted and will be delivered to you shortly." Miles nodded and looked over seeing that they were being joined by three others. There little group was growing it would seem. The more the better I suppose. He walked over to greet them and as he got closer he soon gathered that, this trio was the oddest combination he had seen so far. The two oriental people were understandable ,but they had a older latino following after them. From the opened shirt of the Japanese male he could tell from the tattoos that this man was Yakuza. Or some oriental gang member. The lady,... she could be as well. It was hard to tell. "Can I help you three?" He asked.

"Yojiro, Jin Yojiro. I have taken notice that your crew has a better chance of survival then our small one. So we decided that perhaps we should join you. More members might help you in a way." Yojiro answered. He moved his shirt revealing his own weapons. Two chrome shiny 45 automatic pistols. Then there was the fact that at his hip was his Nodachi. A blade much like a katana but the blade itself was longer then normal. It also required two hands to wield it properly. Unless you know how to wield it like Yojiro does. His tattoos covered most of his chest and rib cage. "Of course what I have is not exactly enough. Was hoping we might get better armed as well." He said. Miles looked to him and the others. Other then Ramiro armed with a shotgun, they most certainly were not really well equipped.
"Who are your friends?..."Miles asked.
Yojiro looked behind him and then pointed to Taki. "This is Taki, she is the only thing I have left in this world. I am not going to let those things take her away too." He answered. He then pointed towards Ramiro. "Him,... he goes by Ramiro. He is just a new friend I gained in trying to survive this mess. According to Taki, he is quite reliable."

Once more they received a nod from Miles. "Well as far as weapons go. I did put in a order for a box to be delivered to us. These guns should keep you well equipped enough to survive this. The only thing left is dependent on your resolve. Guessing it is pretty good if the three of you made it this far at least." He said. He then walked away allowing the others to make their own acquaintances.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Elyana looks up at the sound of the door opening and sees Erika she gives her a smile before climbing in next to Noah and laying down. Noah curls into her and lets out a soft snore which made Elyana relax a bit hearing it she looks up at Erika again before saying," Thanks fer savin' us," Elyana blurted it out more than said.

"Look new people," Blitz mutters making Kiley looks over and pales.

"That sword is fuckin' huge," She whispers Blitz lets out a barked laugh.

"Well it is one of the bigger swords. The guy looks like the type to be wieldin' it probably very deadly with it but I'm goin' by looks here," Blitz says Taking the last drag of her cigarette and throwing it away. Kiley looks at her shocked before she continued," I know somethings about swords. One of my old team members was born in Japan and had basically made swords and trained with some master to perfect wieldin' 'em before movin' to America and joinin' the Marines. He taught me a thing or two bout swords and how to wield them but in no means am I good. All I can do is swing the damn thing and pray it hits," Blitz said shrugging.

Kiley laughs a bit," I probably would do the samethang," She says," But I guess ya cant swing an' pray now huh?"

"Oh it's still swing and pray. I just gotta pray a lil' harder than usual now," Blitz says earning a muffled laugh from kiley
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yojiro smirked at the whole thing. This lady spoke as if she knew his people just because one of her old marines was some shoalin monk or something. He simply shrugged the story off ,he tapped his sword a couple times though. "To be honest, I am saving it for a specific Xenomorph. I know their blood is acid so once I cut one, chances are that means the end of my blade. Therefore, I am saving it for the one that matters. I had a fiance once, a Xenomorph with the number Six carved into it's forehead. That one is mine." He said. He wanted revenge against it for what it did to the woman he had loved. Once that was over, then he would not mind handing himself over to Taki completely. He is indeed claiming her as his though, but he wants to be able to love her without any regrets. He then looked at the walls of the military base. He wasn't to confident in their protection. "They will find a way in you know? Past the guns and the wall. They always find a way in....." Yojiro spoke. This cause Miles to follow his gaze to the wall. Miles then shrugged. The man was right, there was really no defense on earth right now that could stop them. None of the cities or bases were ever constructed to keep Xenomorphs out just people.

"We will be prepared don't worry about that my friend." Miles said. He then noticed two vehicles coming down the road. One extra hummer and a truck. He then smiled and gestured with his head. "See, perfect timing. Now with the proper weapons we can fight this battle." He said. He wasn't too sure if his words were meant to encourage Yojiro or himself. He had little confidence that any of them would make it. Himself and Erika might survive for quite a long time ,but it would end somewhere down the line. As soon as the truck stopped two soldiers jump from behind it and then turned around to help lift out a crate. They then carried the crate over and placed it down. They did this two more times. Then themselves and the soldiers in the hummer got out and climbed into the truck and took off. "Oh also requested an extra vehicle or else it would get too crowded in just one Jeep." He said. Yojiro walked over to the crates, Miles following him over. Miles lifted the tops off of the three crates and what was revealed was exactly what the group needed. Not only were there enough assault rifles for those that needed them, but side arms as well. Now the assault rifles were not like the ones Blitz used ,but ones like the ones Miles and Erika used. WYC issued assault rifles. The popped out pretty easy as Miles lifted one out and handed it to Yojiro. Yojiro then took it and turned to face Taki and handed it to her.
"Here you go,... now we are ready to survive this hell" He said as he took another and handed it to Ramiro. The next one was for himself. Miles then removed two more and handed them to Kiley. "Take the other one to your sister...." He said. He then grabbed the last one and was to hand it to Hotaru. He even grabbed a ammo belt and a extra side arm while he was at it. "Grab one of each,... when the fight starts, fire in short bursts. Saves ammo, besides you got better equipment now. Much better then whatever that thing is." He said gesturing at the rifle Blitz had as he climbed up the steps and entered.

What he would find was Hotaru just coming out of the shower. She had just put a towel around her as she walked out. He took note of a cute. Right above her right breast. He looked to Erika without even flinching. Yes Hotaru was sure a eye sore but now was not the time or place. "Make sure she gets that well treated before she puts on anything." He said. He then laid down her armament on the desk. He then looked back over at Hotaru. His eyes going straight to her face. "Once your all good and ready. Everything is here. Anything else you will have to ask Erika for." He said. He then glanced around the room and smiled at what he saw. His Erika was this strong leader and yet deep down. She was still the teenager he meet at the academy. He then moved to a spot and sat down. Leaning his head against a wall and closing his eyes. "Wake me up when the shit hit's the fan......again."

Hotaru nodded and looked to her cut. To her it didn't look so bad. However, she felt it every time she moved her shoulder blade a certain way. The skin pulling on it. She then recalled how she got it and her face changed once more. "Must have been when father saved me. I guess the creature did in fact hit me with her tail after all." She said. She moved a hand up to it and felt it. She hated what she was going to do ,but she had to find out. She stuck her fingers into the wound. This caused her to wince and bite her lip. "It's.. Not..that..deep. A decent bandage and some medicine is all I need." She said.

"Oh please,... I can patch you up so it won't even leave a scar. Well it still might but thats beside the point." Erika said getting up and moving over to her. She then sat the girl down in the chair she was in. She then looked at the wound and then looked to her first aid kit pulling it out and tossing it onto the desk. She pried it open and pulled out some sort of laser. "This will repair the damaged tissue." She said. When she moved to touch Hotaru's skin she was in for a little shock. "Wow,... what kind of soap or lotion do you use?"
"Why?... is my skin soft?" She asked. Receiving a nod from her. "Something I got from my mother. I have oddly enough natural soft skin."
Erika snorted. "Well I'm jealous,... I have to use that expensive stuff my company puts out just to get it soft, but not that soft." She said.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Kiley looked at the rifles in amazement. Now she was no stranger to guns...at least old fashioned but this rifle kinda scared her it looked huge in her small hand but she wasn't paying attention and didn't hear the creeping foot steps behind her. Kiley jumped a bit when she her a "AHH" behind her making her scream a bit and almost punch a laughing Elyana in the face but Elyana dodged still laughing.

"Its me! Its me!!" Elyana says hands up.

"Ga-damn Elyana Elizabeth!! Don' fuckin' do that!" Kiley yells shoving the Elyana's rifle into her arms,"Go fuck yerself!! Fuckin' scarin' me like that!! What the hell!?"

"Oh ya love bein' scared," Elyana said smiling.

Blitz lets out a cough and looks at Elyana,"How's the boy?"

"He'll be a'right jus' need some rest an' he'll be good as new,"The girl said trying to avoid her sisters icy gaze mouthing help me to Blitz who turns and slowly walks away. Elyana looks at the new comers and smiles," Hi y'all!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Southerners... Yojiro thought the moment he took the time to listen to their words. The way they spoke and their accent. It was certainly not belonging in a city like New York. He shrugged and nodded to Elyana and then looked to his two companions. Each one with a rifle. Ramiro had a decent side arm as well strapped to his side. He sighed, believing they may just make it through this...

....Then it happened, the alarms at the base went off and soldiers where running not to the entrance of the base but to a different section. They ran to the waste disposal building. It had a direct link to the sewers. Beneath the base and hardly any defense protecting it. Gun fire was soon heard causing Miles and Erika to step out of the housing. Erika blew a bit of hot air up towards her bangs. "Okay,... Well that moment of peace did not last long." She said. The base was being infiltrated and she figured they would have little time to escape when the shit really began to fly. She looked to the others, mostly her men and then the newcomers. "Well take that as a sign to get prepared for the fight of your lives.... that gun fire won't last long and when it stops then we are totally fucked."

Hotaru came out half way and heard the talking and then looked to the boy on the bed. "We should probably place him back in one of the hummers. In preparation for a retreat then. If we are truly no match then we can stay here." She added. Erika turned and looked to her and then nodded. "Elyana go help her,... Everyone else take positions. We will make a tiny stand right here. Not much of one but a tiny one. Just enough to give us a bit of a space to buy us a ticket out of here."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Elyana nods going into the Home while Kiley stayed outside taking her gun off safe then looking up to see Blitz had appeared with a new gun with her old rifle on her back.

"Heard the gun shots. Here's some extra ammo for your shot gun and a case to put them in," She said handing it to Kiley before loading her rifle,"Now help me get the supplies in the vehicles and get ready to get in when the firing stop. Kiley nods at her putting the pack oon her hip and dropping her bullets in before following Blitz to do their task.

Meanwhile Elyana had gone into the mobile home nodding to Hotaru as she enter going towards Noah who had woken up scared looking around,"W-whats gwoing on?" He started to panic breathing heavy and looking around the area,"Where mommy?I want mommy!" He cried.

"Noah, Baby listen ta me okay? The monsters 're 'ere but me an' the others 're goin' ta protect ya okay but I need ya ta be quiet. Okay?" Elyana spoke in a calm voice. Though she is shaking and is scared shitless Elyana didn't and didn't want to show the boy she was. Picking him up and holding him to her tightly she starts out the door her rifle in hand.

"Where do ya want 'im Lieutenant?" Elyana asked looking at the vehicles.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Erika rolled her eyes at Elyana. "Please, I don't even let my own men call me that, it's Erika." She said. She then gestured over to the jeep on the right. "Put him in my jeep..." She answered. She then looked over at the sounds of the gun fire. Suddenly explosions could be heard. It did not take long before she started to see jeeps backing up as well as soldiers. Chasing after them were the enemy, Almost like a black wave rushing over rocks. Thousands of Xenomorphs could be seen charging at their intended targets. One such Xenomorph leaped in the air at one soldier. The man got the Xeno with gun fire but the acidic blood from the creature began to melt him as it fell on him. Erika stepped forward until she was in front of her jeep. "Miles, take the other jeep,... get these newcomers in them and get going." She said. She then turned and looked to Blitz, Jarvis, and David. "You three start climbing into my jeep." She said. She then swung her rifle around and aimed it towards the horde as it closed in on them. As soon as they were in range she began to open fire. With short bursts she was cutting them down one Xeno at a time.

Hotaru started around the jeep ducking underneath Erika's gun fire and aimed her own rifle. She began to open fire as well. Doing as she was told and followed Erika's lead. Firing in short bursts so as to not waste ammo. She was not as good of a shot as Erika ,but she was just a school girl. She felt it wouldn't take long before she gets good at it. She just hoped it would fast. As she got into the vehicle and stopped her firing she quickly began to feel her shoulder was sore. She moved a hand up to it and began to rub it. "Man that thing's got a kick." She said. Erika smirked as she heard her words and then she moved her right hand to a part of her rifle that most certainly set it apart from Blitz's. She pulled back the stock and as she did the second barrel right below the top one punched out a grenade. When it exploded it blew one Xenomorph apart. Scattering its remains against it's kin who stumbled for just a second do to the impact.

She continued this barrage until she was out of the grenades and went back to firing it short bursts. Jarvis began to head towards his position on the jeep. While he did so he opened fire with the big machine gun in his hands. The .50 caliber rounds ripping into Xenomorphs as it's fire was directed at them. Thanks to the cover fire of those around him he was able to climb up and sit his ass back down into the gunner's seat of the jeep. He locked the gun in place and then continued his relentless attack against the enemy drawing closer and closer. David was moving backwards which was not planned. He was beginning to feel the effects of fear as he tried to fire at the enemy. His shells did hit home but not in spots lethal. He kept swearing underneath his breath until he saw one climbing up the side of one the homes and look right at him. Two large sacks glowing a bright green until it released it. Acidic spit hit him and in a instant it began to melt not only his weapon ,but his armor and skin. He died screaming as his arms were the first to get eaten away as well as parts of his face. Erika heard the screams and bit her lip. She continued her fight not letting his death distract her.

The Spitter was attempting another go in a short burst of rifle fire dropped it from its perch. The fire came from Yojiro. He too was firing upon the enemy giving Taki time to get into the second Vehicle. He looked to Ramiro and then to the .50 caliber on their jeep. "Climb up there and give us some extra support damn it!" Not everyone could fit in their jeep but there was enough room in both jeeps to fit the group. The just had to choose which jeep. Miles climbed within the jeep and started it up. Waiting for those going with him to get in. Taki had climbed in and then following after her was Yojiro. Within the jeep they had two more spots open. Ramiro had done what he was told. He did not have to be told twice as he climbed up the jeep. He then sat himself in the gunner seat and began to fire. Now that there was two .50 caliber machine guns ripping into the black tide. They were starting to get the enemies attention. As if the Xenomorphs were running towards them and began to spread out preparing to flank.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Elyana ran hugging Noah close while Kiley and Blitz followed shooting the aliens as they came Blitz getting them through short burst but Kiley getting them by short and long burst. Blitz glances over for just a second to see the girl shaking.

"You gotta do short bursts Spit fire! Save the ammo!" Blitz yells back at her and it wasn't even a moment later that Kiley started listening to her advise advancing back towards the jeep. When Jarvis started firing the .50 caliber they both made a run for the jeep ducking to avoid the bullets. Kiley felt her heart beating against her chest and her breathing stopped when she saw David well what was David.

"Keep movin' Spit Fire! come one!" Blitz yelled pulling her along.

Elyana seeing this grabbed her rifle and gave the cover fire taking the Xenomorphs out that Jarvis missed or stunning the Xenos long enough for Jarvis to shoot them and her sister and Blitz to get away. When Kiley and Blitz got closer she started to aim more down her sight firing at a spitter who was about to launch a spit ball and fired shooting it where it had turn its head and spat at one it's own kin.

"HELL YEAH!! Bulls eye!!" She yells before as Blitz and Kiley filed in. Kiley sat back panting only to be pulled back by Blitz.

"It's not over yet," She says before rolling down a window just a bit putting the muzzle of her gun out and firing. The two girls follow her firing at Xenos and watching for Marines and civilians.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Once everyone was within the jeeps Erika sprinted for her door and opened it. Just in time to use the door as a shield. One of the Xenomorphs had made an attempt at leaping at her but got greeted with the steel door of the vehicle. However, this also launched Erika to the floor, when she rose back up she could tell the Xeno was already recovering from the hit. She didn't waste time with it though and fired into it's chest dropping it to the ground quickly. She then climbed into her seat and flipped on the radio. "Alright Miles follow me, we are getting our asses out of here. We will have to make a run for it and find some sort of place to set up shop. We can't run for too long so that is not a option." She already had a good idea as to where they would go as well. Being the daughter of a lead scientist did have it's perks and she did know of a small facility close by. It was overly big but it was enough to house the group for a long period. It may even get unnoticed by the Xenomorphs if they are careful enough. She pulled back the clutch and back the jeep up then pushed it forward once more and spun the jeep towards their only exit. She knew the base would fall,... if it wasn't today it would of been another. It housed one of the biggest threats to the creatures. She suddenly felt her side get a little wet and when she looked down at it, what she found was that the thing she gunned down had cut into her with its tail before going down. She reached down to feel it, she was relieved to know it wasn't deep. Right now was not the time to nurse it either. They had to get out and they had to get out now. She pushed the jeep as fast as she could dodging civlians and fellow marines as she did.

Miles Jeep was right behind hers. Ramiro on top with his own .50 caliber. Gunning down as many of the fuckers he could. He was actually starting to enjoy it for the most part. He had to,... if he didn't keep a straight face he knew that this shit would be scary to him. Fighting down a horde of these things was beyond impossible. Well in this field setting anyways. He was sure if they were located in a spot with less open areas that they could easily defeat these things. Narrow paths would force the enemy into a bottle neck and they would be easier to kill that way. "Man, I picked a perfect time to quit smoking...." He said.

Miles kept his focus on the task at hand following his lieutenant as best as he could. With the aid of those in his jeep and hers it shouldn't be to hard for them to escape. He could see them drawing close to the main gate and when that happened he decided to press a button on his radio. "Alright,... people stop your firing, hate to be a cold heart but we do not need their attention any longer. Let the others draw them in while we get out of here. The heavy fire will just draw them to us instead." He ordered. He then looked to those within his jeep. "I know those are my fellow marines out there ,but right now I only care for our survival right now. Just mine and Erika's. You are all welcome to come with of course, but that means we have to make sacrifices." He added. Yojiro pulled his gun inside and nodded. He understood perfectly and moved his hand and pressed it against Miles shoulder.

"Don't blame yourself,... if we die with them then there will be no one alive to enact justice upon these creatures later on. Best we survive so we can get the revenge our people deserve." He said. He then sat back and looked to Taki. "What?..."
"Nothing,...just admiring the short speech is all." She answered. These Marines already lost one man. She knew for a fact that they were not going to be put in a situation where they would lose another.

Jarvis stopped his gun fire after Miles had made the order. It was indeed cold but he didn't care. After seeing David go the way he did. Best they survive this. He saw the wisdom in the words and decided it was best to follow them. Besides, Miles was their commanding officer so orders were orders. He just watched as they exited the base. Those that fled being chased down. Those who stood up and fought back shortly taken down. He felt the base had underestimated the Xenomorphs and didn't take them at all seriously. This was the payment of their foolishness.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Kiley leaned back away from the window's after the order and sat in her seat trying to breath. Her eyes were wide and she looked pale trying to calm down she leans against her sister who started playing with her hair instantly.

"What happened? Kiley's never been like this," Elyana asked Blitz who looked at the girls with pity and a bit of pride.

"She saw David's body and freaked out a bit," Blitz responded before looking at Noah," How are you doin' kid?"

"'M fine. Are t'ose mwonsters gone?" Noah asked looking around at the adults to answer. Blitz shifted not sure how to answer and Elyana remained silent trying to think up of a way to tell them their not gone. Kiley beat them to it though having calmed down she picked the boy off the middle of the seats and shifted him so he was sitting on her lap.

"They're not gone. There's ta many fer 'em ta be gone," Kiley says softly Noah looks down at his lap nodding understanding what she was actually saying," But 'ey me, Ely and Blitz will protect ya. But ya gotta follow everythang we tell ya ta do darlin' okay?"

"wes ma'am," Noah said.

"God don' don' cal me Ma'am it makes me feel old," Kiley groans earning a chuckle from Elyana and a smirk from Blitz.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Erika had to smirk hearing those behind her joke around with the boy. They sure loosen up fast. I suppose that is a good thing. Herself?... she put hand to her chest and could still feel her heart racing. Suddenly the jeep rocked as they had hit a stray Xenomorph. Of course the hit was her intention. The bastard wasn't even on the same side of the road ,but she swerved the jeep to make sure she took it under. That one was for David. She doubted she killed it though. Well she did until she heard Miles jeep hit it as well. That just made her smile even more. Bastards,... both the Xenomorphs and the foolish assholes back at the base. They had a good surface defense against the Xenomorphs ,but what they did not understand was they needed to block off the other entrances. Entrances only they would use. She blamed those deaths on them not the Xenomorphs. Just like how she blamed this whole thing on the humans who helped their escape. If it wasn't for the asshole who let the Xenomorphs run free none of this would have happened. Little Noah wouldn't have lost his mom or gained a permanent reminder of his ordeal. Every time the boy looks to that wound he will be forever reminded of what he lost.

She looked to the seat next to her and saw it was empty. She looked behind her and saw the girls all crammed in the back. She sighed and stared forward. "A co pilot would be nice right now....." She said. Hotaru turned to look to the spot and then back at the three girls. She took it as a sign and climbed over to it and sat down. She then looked to Erika and noticed the wound. The blood was certainly flowing. She placed her gun down and moved a hand to it. "What can I do miss Erika?" She asked. Erika looked down and saw that it had gotten worse,.... that or it was worse then she had thought it was. She cursed under her breathe and stared forward. "Pouch on my right side... I know it may look awkward but that's where they will be. Stems... same ones I used to stop Noah's bleeding with earlier." She said. Hotaru nodded and reached over. She didn't know what she meant by the awkwardness. Not like Erika was a guy or anything. She opened the pouch and reached in grabbing one of the them. She then looked up at Erika. "Where do I inject this?" She asked.
"Opposite side of the wound. It will stop the bleeding and numb the pain. Latest in Wayland technology." She said quite proud of her father's company despite everything. Hotaru nodded and pressed it against her hip on the opposite side of the wound and pressed the button. The injection was instant and painless. Not like your standard issued syringes of today.

It took about a few seconds before it kicked in. The bleeding slowing to a stop and the pain was non existent. "When we get to the place I mentioned earlier we will fix it up proper." She added. Hotaru watched and then sat back up. She then looked around at the buildings then back to Erika. "How far we got to go?"

"Not too far....." Was Erika's response. "Half an hour away at the most if we get no interruptions."

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