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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(A training post if you will...got lazy a bit through O.o)

Kaizo had been walking around for awhile and decided he should head to the Squad 2 barracks as he was the new person there but the second he arrived outside the gates he was surrounded by many Onmitsukidō members, all giving him a cold look then one main one walked up to him and told Kaizo to follow him and as they were Onmitsukidō he really had no choice. Kaizo was lead through the barracks and then out of it again as they began making their way to some sort of training grounds which looked to be purposely made...tree's littered it but each looked perfectly placed then the man who lead him here stopped then turned and spoke " I've brought you here to test your combat abilities...the test will begin immediately" Kaizo raised an eyebrow at what he said, no explaining? what was he meant to do? then Kaizo noticed many Onmitsukidō members in the air around him all coming down at him for an attack which made his eyes widen. Kaizo then turned and grabbed one of the members wrists with both hands as his eyes narrowed, he pivoted on his feet then launched the member into a few others then began twisting his body to avoid various attacks but any chance he got to hit them he would but just as Kaizo was doing good he was hit straight in the right side of his head then went flying and flipping across the ground before skidding to a stop on his back looking to the sky, then an Onmitsukidō member then appeared above him aiming to smash his right palm into Kaizo's face, Kaizo tilted his head to the right then placed his left hand on the members wrist and his right hand on the members inner elbow then he flipped him onto the ground and flipped himself up then delivered a powerful stomp onto the members face knocking him clean out.

Kaizo then heard many Zanpakuto unsheathe which caused his eyes to widen, Kaizo went to reach for his Zanpakuto but one of the members had snuck it off him during the fight. Kaizo then looked up at the Onmitsukidō members and grinned "It's like that huh?" Kaizo then clenched his fists as his spiritual energy rose. a powerful yellow glow emitted from his eyes as he charged towards the Onmitsukidō members who were startled by Kaizo's seemingly rash approach but then Kaizo vanished leaving a small crater where he was as well as the sound of an explosion then more began to appear around the Onmitsukidō members and in seconds they dropped to the floor. Kaizo then appeared behind them all as they fell with his Zanpakuto in his right hand "I don't need my Zanpakuto to beat you..." Kaizo then placed his Zanpakuto back by his left hip but was then hit right in the gut then went flying, coughing up blood as he was hit, his eyes blurred for a moment before he flipped and landed on his feet then slid across the floor leaving a small dust trail, Kaizo then straightened his body up and wiped the blood from his mouth "Tch...what was that?" Kaizo then suddenly felt a presence behind him and twisted putting his right elbow out and gripping his right fist with his left hand to give more force to his elbow but it was a wasted effort as the Onmitsukidō leader caught his elbow effortlessly and before Kaizo could react the Onmitsukidō leaders left foot smashed into the side of Kaizo's head sending him flying once more.

Kaizo skidded across the floor then once he stopped he stumbled to his feet and coughed up more blood "I've had enough of this shit...I don't know what makes you so different but I'm done getting kicked around like a hacky sack" Kaizo then unsheathed his Zanpakuto with such rage it sparked as it came out then he ripped it in two as his Spiritual energy rose up around him in a physical form and obscured him from view then his Spiritual energy faded revealing his Shikai's and wasting no time Kaizo shunpoed at the Onmitsukidō leader who had unsheathed his Zanpakuto, the two clashed several times and each gave a hit here and there but as Kaizo clashed on this final time he threw his right fist at the Onmitsukidō leader who shunpoed to avoid Kaizo's attack and appeared behind him, slashing across Kaizo's back causing blood to shoot out of it but Kaizo turned around and smashed his right elbow into the Onmitsukidō leaders face sending him flying but the second his foot touched the ground he shunpoed at Kaizo but as he got near Kaizo he began to appear and disappear around Kaizo as to confuse him, Kaizo's eyes were darting everywhere but he couldn't keep up with this mans speed he was just to fast for Kaizo to keep up with and before Kaizo knew it cuts opened up all over his body, his legs gave out as he fell to his knees, his head hanging as he blood poured from his wounds to the ground forming a pool of blood around him " why couldn't I keep up with him?...why?...I trained my eyes to see even the fastest of opponents but I just couldn't see him..." Kaizo's vision then blurred before turning to black.

Kaizo's eyes shot open as his spiritual energy sky rocketed, the Onmitsukidō leader stood behind him, his blade held against Kaizo's throat then suddenly the wind picked up for a second before dying down, this made the Onmitsukidō leaders eyes widen then he heard a voice a bit off to his right "Hey...I'm over here..." The Onmitsukidō leader looked to his right then to the Kaizo his blade was held against which had begun to glow yellow then suddenly it violently exploded engulfing the Onmitsukidō leader and the surrounding area "I'd say he felt shocked from that..." Kaizo then chuckled as the dust from the explosion settled, the Onmitsukidō leader fell to his knees burned then he fell flat on the floor "Well...did I pass the test? so called leader..." The Onmitsukidō leader turned his head and looked at Kaizo then spoke "You passed...but I'm not the leader...No one is...I'm merely the main teacher" Kaizo sighed then spoke "Well at least I passed...so you must be the strongest right?" The Onmitsukidō teacher shook his head then passed out. Kaizo let out one more sigh then made his way to Squad 4 to go get healed...this whole thing would surely get him a good reputation here...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kurisa said
Shinji listened to the many Shinigami that had entered, each asking for something different...well...nearly all of them. "Well...Where do I start...if I can sort those that wish to join this Squad out first that would be great then I can get back to the others as soon as possible. So..if those that want to join my Squad will come with me then we can begin..." Shinji then walked around his desk and out of his office expecting those that were planning to join his Squad to follow, he would lead them through various areas of the barracks before somehow arriving at a long staircase that spiraled downwards until they were lead into a large room under the Squad 1 barracks.Kurisa listened to the Shinigami then turned as the Bakudo he put on the Shinigami faded, he then began walking back towards the direction of his office then spoke "If you want to join this Squad then follow me...if you wish to turn and run do so now...I do not have time for cowards..." Kurisa had planned to go to his office but if this Shinigami followed then he would test him...this Shinigami would have to show some impressive skills if he wanted to get into this Squad...especially now that he has been told about who had trained him...(Sorry Shoske I had to skip the test cause...well...I like RPing this char and it's been to long since I have O.o we both know he would have passed xD)Kaizo had finally finished the test he was given but at a price...his body was cut, burned and bloody but luckily he was in the very Squad that treated such wounds and so he spent a few hours being treated then left...although he was meant to stay he didn't want to...he had a job to do now and that was to go get a mission to start proving himself within Squad 2 so he could become the Captain....then once he had done so...he would finally be strong enough to find that bastard that betrayed him and his clan...the bastard he shared blood with. Thinking about this caused Kaizo to get irritated which could be seen by the expression on his face and his clenched fists, yet his Spiritual energy remained at a controlled level...he had to do this as he would never be able to get anywhere in Squad 2...more to the point he'd have to loose almost all emotion as to not feel any sympathy for enemies that tried to give excuses...although he never really had trouble with that...

Taiki felt the restraints vanish and went to stretch only to flinch. He'd forgotten the hole in his shoulder. Ignore it. I made it past the first barrier. He breathed a sigh of relief and stood to his feet holding his shoulder. He listened to the captain tell him the squads "standards" and instruct him to follow. It can't be that easy...can it? I don't think so...nobles aren't so easily won. Let alone a noble captain...En garde, captain! Taiki didn't hesitate to follow the Kuchiki. "Don't count me out just yet Captain Kuchiki."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Axel said
Once Rinkei reached his office, he noticed the door was already unlocked. Upon entering, one could feel the presence of another but he looked as if he was expecting it. "If you think I'm surprised that you're here then think again, your tricks don't fool me anymore." The Captain said in a serious tone, closing the door behind him. "So did you come here looking to fight or to gamble?" He asked, looking at the mysterious individual sitting in his special seat. "And this is why I don't like coming here but I've come to gamble of course!!!" The mysterious individual responded before taking out a six sided die from out of their pocket. "You still know what happens if you roll the wrong number right? I don't want you to be whining if it goes badly for you which it likely will." The Captain said, taking a deep breath. "I know what I'm getting into silly, so yes I remember what happens if it doesn't land correctly. Besides, I'm the one who taught you how to play so why would I forget?" The individual noted, lightly tossing the die on the floor. Once the cube landed on the floor, it started spinning uncontrollably fast before halting on the five sided side. "Looks like I have to be your practice dummy huh? Now it's your turn to roll, let's see if you're luck has finally run out!!"
Rinkei/????(Revealed as Eliza later on in post)

The mysterious individual handed Rinkei the die before he proceeded to roll it on the floor. It spun uncontrollably just like the first time, eventually stopping on the three sided side which made a grin appear on his face. "Looks like my luck has finally run out, but I guess this may be my hardest challenge yet. Still, it looks like you're going to be here for awhile so you might want to start unpacking." The Captain lightly chuckled before leaving out of the office. "Remember it starts now so you better prepare yourself, for the worst has yet to come!!! The mystery person added, shortly dissipating afterwards. Damn Eliza, damn you dice, why did it have to land on that side out of all times? My pride won't be shattered so easily, I'll show her that this test is nothing shy of easy. Just you wait and see, I'll be having so much fun that she will wish it had landed on something else. His mind relaxed a little while heading to the gate.

At least my coffee wasn't endangered though because my heart wouldn't be able to take the loss. Speaking of coffee, I think I'll see myself to some when I get back from checking up on those seated members. Hmmm, I wonder who I will send on a search party to find that boy? Rinkei thought as he reached to the gate. "You don't have to go Captain, I'll check up on them!!!" The lieutenant's voice could be heard from far away, making him stop. "If you insist but take this letter to the new recruit, I'm sure she'll enjoy the contents inside this message." The Captain said, tossing the concealed letter into the sky, knowing that she would come and catch it at the right moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Star Platinum

Star Platinum

Member Offline since relaunch

Expllo said
After the fight, Ayashi gave a small laugh when Yu ran away, then headed to Squad four to get a bit of healing done before she went to go meet with the head Captain. They worked fast, and it looked as if Ayashi didn't get into a fight at all except for a bit of dirt in her hair, otherwise she looked completely normal. Heading back to the Squad one barracks, the guards let her in noticing her from before, they led her to the Captain in which she respectfully spoke to him about wanting to join. There she noticed other people in the room, but decided to pay no mind to them as she figured they were there for the same reason as her. She followed the Captain silently as he lead them through various rooms, then down a staircase, to a large room. "Big, dark, seems like my kind of place," Ayashi mumbled.

Yoshimitsu, after silently following Ayashi for a short time, approached the guards to the Squad 1 Barracks. "Hey, uh, guys, how's it going?" he said, trailing off as he scratched the back of his head. This is stupid, his brain correctly told him, but he continued nonetheless. "Anybody know a good place to get some training in? Like say from a captain, who might happen to be leading another shinigami around the barracks right now..." he trailed off again, scratching away to the point where hair was coming out of his head. "You know, like the Head Captain? Captain of the 1st division and the shinigami elite, that Head Captain?" he continued to murmur, the guards nonplussed by his antics. "Y-you know, you guys look kind of busy, maybe I should stop bothering you, leave you be, something like tha-" he said as he attempted to shunpo past the guards into the closed gate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Zane620 said
Aya looked Leaf in her eyes while she was being serious, while Aya however was smiling and giggling. "Awww Leaf cares about me. And the lieutenant is okay? I swear I thought I sensed everyone dropping like rocks, but thats good that she is okay." Aya said as she stood still and looked at leaf for a few seconds before randomly hugging her and picking her off the ground. "I'm glad you are all right too leaffyyy. Now turn that dreayness into something better! Or I won't stop hugging you." Aya said while giving her own serious face while most would wonder why Aya now looks dreary herself.

"The lieutenant might be sort of annoying for the most part but she knows how to fight when she's actually doing her job. In fact, I don't think she even needed to come here, not even for a check up. And of course I care about you, what kind of person would I be if I didn't?" Minari asked before Aya hugged her. "OwWWWWW!!! Ok ok, I'll stop with the dreary mood, only cause your crushing me!!" She said in high but painful tone. Her face forcefully cheered up, mostly because some of her wounds were opening up if she didn't comply. Still, she was happy that Aya had enough strength to crush her but something attracted her attention. "Now you don't start getting all serious on me after cheering me up. I can't be happy if you're not, so cheer up or else I'll start hugging you tightly."

Eliza silently jumped up from out of her bed before looking over to the two. Good that they're distracted, now I won't have to be bombarded with questions. Let's see my possible escape routes, the window will be hard too get to. Leaving out the door is way too close to them so that's a no no, plus I might make a sound when the door is closed.
Still, those are my only two options so I have to choose between the two and pick fast. Well leaving out the door will go smoothly after I make it past them, while I still have to climb out the window which will leave me more opportunities for them to see me.
She thought before stealthy moving towards the door. She made it past the door successfully, with only a glimpse of her hair could be seen passing by as the door flew open as if the wind was the cause.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aya let Leaf down and looked at her with a question look. "Cheer up? But I am happy, now that i think about it when have I never been happy?" Aya said now getting lost in thought as she then sensed someone moving and look towards the door and saw someones hair leaving the room. "Can i get the hug later? I believe Crimson just left." Aya then shunpoed out of the room infront of Eliza and shunpoed back to Leaf. "Yep it was her, also because she somehow changed her form and everything her new nickname is now! Vanilla" Aya said not realizing she could have just brought Eliza back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Since he was just effectively dismissed after experience at least four types of hell Giovanni left the squad 1 barrack. IF what he wanted was so important to him he probably would never go back. But it was important so eventually, and hopefully soon, he would have to face the man again. Once he was far enough away from the barrack he took a deep easy breath. For a moment he envied other shinigami who werent as sensitive as he was. They didnt have to deal with the amplified sense of raw power, or be hyper aware of the things around him. It was a minor annoyance most times but the few times he was in the presence of captain Level shinigami who decided to spring a piritual leak it felt like he was trying to carry a mountan on his shoulder. a mountain with elephants, gorrillas and probably a dragon where the Head captain was concerned. the Upside, if you can call it that, was that he never really forgot a energy signature. Its a lot like a face to him, he might not remember the name but he remembers the face/energy. It made tracking easy but he never had a reason to do that.

However for now he needed something to do. A mission would be nice, something to pass the time while honing his skills. he was positive the Corps wouldnt send him anything. and that honestly pissed him off but there wasnt anything he could do about it yet. He also had the option of training, since he discovered the possibility of his Zanpakuto hiding something from him it had been on his mind that he actually hadn't fully unlocked the powers of his shikai. that was something else he had wanted to ask the Head captain about. But a mission sounded better right now, so with a heavy sigh he went to the only place he was sure he could find something to do.....squad 4 barracks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Koatsu listened as the Head Captain requested for those that wished to join to follow before watching him walk off somewhere. "Looks like it's time to get walking I suppose. Now the long awaited challenge that comes next will decide whether or not I am worthy of being here." He thought out loud, following right behind the Captain's Reiatsu. The Captain walked pretty fast or maybe just took long steps because of his height. He had to speed walk in order to keep up with the Captain before being led to a downwards spiral staircase.

He expects me to walk down all of these damn stairs? This isn't the time for complaining, I have an impassable test to look forward too so this should be nothing. Koatsu kept his head in the game, noticing a large room upon making it to the bottom of the stairs. He didn't know exactly what to expect but he figured that the test would require him to be trapped inside by the size of it. He unsheathed his Zanpakuto, readying himself beforehand for what was up ahead.

"I guess it's time for my moment of truth huh? I'm well aware of what will happen if I don't accomplish this task so it's either pass or die. I knew the risks of this test the second I felt your spiritual pressure and when I sensed the guards as they led me to you. I've been in another squad once before and none of us had Reiatsu nowhere near this and we trained to the extreme. That must mean that you take your training routines one step further. Which means that I have to put all of my skills to the test in order to prevail."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 6 mos ago


"Not as happy as you should be!!! You survived meaning that me, you and Fumio will become besties!!" Minari said happily before hearing Aya say that Eliza had left. She was going to jump up but saw Aya in pursuit so she just remained there waiting for her to come back with her sister. Aya shunpoed back in the room shortly after, confirming that she left but didn't seem to bring her back. "What!!! You didn't stop her from escaping?!! We need to find her soon or else the Captain's going to torture me when he finds out!!!" She jumped up before the door opened up. A woman with lavender colored hair entered nonchalantly, carrying a letter of some kind in her right hand. "You don't have to keep the girl from leaving anymore. The Captain gave her permission to go but more importantly." The woman tossed the letter in Aya's direction. "That's for you and I was never here." She said before walking back out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"She seemed like she planned that out quite well, who am I to stop a plan right away." Aya said with a proud smile placing her fist on her hips, not noticing Leaf had already gone after her sister. Then another girl entered saying Leafs sister could leave and that the letter was for Aya, but then said she was never here. "Yes you were! I clearly saw you walk in and hand me a letter!" Aya grumbled to herself as people seemingly kept saying she made up everything. Aya then looked at the letter and sat down in a nearby chair before she read it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zane620 said
"She seemed like she planned that out quite well, who am I to stop a plan right away." Aya said with a proud smile placing her fist on her hips, not noticing Leaf had already gone after her sister. Then another girl entered saying Leafs sister could leave and that the letter was for Aya, but then said she was never here. "Yes you were! I clearly saw you walk in and hand me a letter!" Aya grumbled to herself as people seemingly kept saying she made up everything. Aya then looked at the letter and sat down in a nearby chair before she read it.

As the Lavendar haired girl attempted to make her escape, she bumped into a silhouette of a man. No facial traits could be seen, only two alluring eyes and a set of horns "Weren't you taught any manners. It isn't polite to enter another person's home without asking" Before she could react, the two of them vanished, only leaving a bright flash. Within a few seconds, the flash reappeared, with Viole walking out of it. "My my, if people were to be meddling within my Squad I would atleast like to get notified. Hopefully she'll be able to make it home" He shrugged, walking up to the room which the lavender haired girl came from. He opened the door and walked in, with a smile "Hello there, what seems to be the problem?" He asked Aya
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aya stared at the letter seemingly zoning out, she then heard a voice ask her what was wrong, so she turned and saw the Captain of the squad so she stood up and looked at him, poking his cheek and giggling. "I have several tiny holes in my left arm and right leg. A bigger hole in my left leg, and above my left breast is all sorts of sliced up." She said with a grin before spinning around, while most would be laying down she was quite happy from the pain. She then stopped and looked at him again and poked him again before giggling once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Zane620 said
"She seemed like she planned that out quite well, who am I to stop a plan right away." Aya said with a proud smile placing her fist on her hips, not noticing Leaf had already gone after her sister. Then another girl entered saying Leafs sister could leave and that the letter was for Aya, but then said she was never here. "Yes you were! I clearly saw you walk in and hand me a letter!" Aya grumbled to herself as people seemingly kept saying she made up everything. Aya then looked at the letter and sat down in a nearby chair before she read it.
Contents of letter(For 8th division Recruit Aya's eyes only)

Whenever you find the time to read this important letter, just know that I know that you took at least a second or so before opening. From what I've been told, you've handled yourself very well out there. So for your completion of the task, I'm going to make you the 4th seat of the squad so congratulations!!! Actually that was just a joke to get you all hyped for nothing but you're the official 10th Seated member. This may change depending on whether or not my predictions become false since I'm writing this the night beforehand. If so, please refer to letter two which is on the opposite side of this sheet that you are currently reading.

....P.s. Please fill out the registration form that was packaged along with this note in a very detailed manner. Once you are finished, please take the form to the Captain's office for further instructions. Also, if this message isn't taken to the place instructed within the required time, then your rank along with the points earned via completion will be deemed void. Time left before form invalidation is approximately 5 days, two hours, 48 minutes, 37.5 seconds and decreasing.

- Registration Form(Completely optional) -
Welcome to the registration form, if this is your first time registering then write Y and if not, write N.

Appointed Rank:
Close, medium or long ranged type combatant:
Previous Work History(Ignore if first time):
Reasons for joining:
District Of Birth:
Other(Do you intend on stealing a sip of the Captain's coffee, plan to drink it all, take the recipe for your own evil purposes Etc.):
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zane620 said
Aya stared at the letter seemingly zoning out, she then heard a voice ask her what was wrong, so she turned and saw the Captain of the squad so she stood up and looked at him, poking his cheek and giggling. "I have several tiny holes in my left arm and right leg. A bigger hole in my left leg, and above my left breast is all sorts of sliced up." She said with a grin before spinning around, while most would be laying down she was quite happy from the pain. She then stopped and looked at him again and poked him again before giggling once more.

Viole was surprised by this meeting, not entirely sure how to react. Not only was she not off-put by his appearance, but even poked his cheek. Hmm, this may be some type of introduction that I haven't heard of...its best not to be rude Viole also poked Aya in the cheek, trying to make her feel at ease. He heard the amount of damage she had taken and was surprised that she was able to twirl around. And once again, poking him in the cheek. Was this a sign of friendship? "Well from what I've heard, being covered in cuts isn't very enjoyable. So why don't I help you out?" He said with a smile once again. His right finger tip began to glow a dim purple, as he poked her cheek. Suddenly, all of the cuts on Aya began to fade away, as if time was going back and the cuts never happened. A crackling noise came from Viole's body, as the last cut Aya had disappeared. He smiled "Isn't that better?" He said, leaving his fingertip on her cheek.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Phobos said
Viole was surprised by this meeting, not entirely sure how to react. Not only was she not off-put by his appearance, but even poked his cheek. Viole also poked Aya in the cheek, trying to make her feel at ease. He heard the amount of damage she had taken and was surprised that she was able to twirl around. And once again, poking him in the cheek. Was this a sign of friendship? "Well from what I've heard, being covered in cuts isn't very enjoyable. So why don't I help you out?" He said with a smile once again. His right finger tip began to glow a dim purple, as he poked her cheek. Suddenly, all of the cuts on Aya began to fade away, as if time was going back and the cuts never happened. A crackling noise came from Viole's body, as the last cut Aya had disappeared. He smiled "Isn't that better?" He said, leaving his fingertip on her cheek.

Aya stopped twirling when he poked her in return and the obvious statement most would say that being hurt wasn't enjoyable, yet Aya shrugged. "Don't know, to me it's a wonderful feeeeling, but I do need them recovered so I don't die in such a silly way." Aya said and then saw his right finger tip glow purple as he then poked her, and practically instantly all the wounds she suffered were gone. He left his finger on her cheek and asked her if that was better, so she stared at him with a curious look before it turned into a wide grin and her reiatsu for some reason went higher. She walked closer to him giving him a big hug. "Kyaaaa you are sooo adorable copying me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
Avatar of Phobos

Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zane620 said
Aya stopped twirling when he poked her in return and the obvious statement most would say that being hurt wasn't enjoyable, yet Aya shrugged. "Don't know, to me it's a wonderful feeeeling, but I do need them recovered so I don't die in such a silly way." Aya said and then saw his right finger tip glow purple as he then poked her, and practically instantly all the wounds she suffered were gone. He left his finger on her cheek and asked her if that was better, so she stared at him with a curious look before it turned into a wide grin and her reiatsu for some reason went higher. She walked closer to him giving him a big hug. "Kyaaaa you are sooo adorable copying me."

Viole's face showed a strange expression "You like...pain?" He had yet to hear of a condition and wondered where its origins came from. He would remember this for later. He waited for some type of thanks for healing her, since that was the usual reaction, but instead a curious look. He looked at her too, not knowing what to do but having a blank expression. Suddenly, she grinned and increased her reiatsu. Nothing of threat, but random. Then, something strange happened. Something Viole had never experienced or felt before. Aya hugged Viole, his eyes widening "A-adorable?! C-copying?! H-HUH?!" He was completely confused, having no idea what was going on. He didn't even know what adorable meant. Maybe it meant ugly and she was attacking him? "What do you mean copying? I was just trying to make you feel at home?" He said, confusing himself and trying to get out of the hug without using any force.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

rusty4297 said
Ryan watch Shiro split the attack he had sent. He sensed Miyume's spiritual pressure approach and he quickly ducked, putting his left hand into the ground for stability and swinging his right leg around at her. As he did this, he aimed his right hand at Chie, "Soren Sokatsui." Whether he was hit by the kicks or not (up to you), the soren sokatsui would have went in Chie's general direction.

Shiro flicked his Zanpakuto and cut through the smoke then Spiritual energy began warping and manifesting itself around his Zanpakuto as he pulled it back behind his head then slashed forwards releasing a large arc of his own Spiritual energy at the Captain. If there was one thing Shiro knew what to do with his Spiritual energy it was to be able to use it in an offensive way and right now this was all he had due to his Zanpakuto spirit and him not getting along as of right now...but...maybe in time that would change
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Every reaction he made just made her grin even more not knowing her reiatsu was still going up. So when he wondered what she meant by copying, while trying to get out of the hug, although she kept a tight grip, she looked up at him. "Copying, you know when I poked you, you then poked me. Thats copying. I poked you to be silly. You really don't know what copying is?" Aya questioned before giggling. "In a way thats soo cute, it's like a little boy denying everything. It's so cute I just can't help but hug you even more!" Aya said as she resumed hugging him, not really noticing that he was trying to break free from her grasp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Phobos said
As the Lavendar haired girl attempted to make her escape, she bumped into a silhouette of a man. No facial traits could be seen, only two alluring eyes and a set of horns "Weren't you taught any manners. It isn't polite to enter another person's home without asking" Before she could react, the two of them vanished, only leaving a bright flash. Within a few seconds, the flash reappeared, with Viole walking out of it. "My my, if people were to be meddling within my Squad I would atleast like to get notified. Hopefully she'll be able to make it home" He shrugged, walking up to the room which the lavender haired girl came from. He opened the door and walked in, with a smile "Hello there, what seems to be the problem?" He asked Aya

After giving the new recruit the letter as order, Minasa made her way out of the Barracks before bumping into something. Her eyes widened in surprise, blinking a few times to make sure her eyes weren't deceiving her. The silhouette with demonic horns spoke, while she slowly froze up in a petrified like manner. The person said that this was his home, implying that he was indeed the Captain which was more frightening then she originally thought it was. A bright flash of light soon covered the hallway, which gave her an opportunity to shunpo far away, without being tortured. Maybe if Minasa explained herself, there probably would be no need to make a run for it but that wasn't a risk she was willing to take.

Minari jumped on Eliza's bed for relaxation and decided to take some sleep time for herself. Aya was talking to someone that looked like the Captain of the 4th Division so she didn't have to worry about anyone waking her up at the moment. The second her eyes closed, she was sound asleep as if it was only pure willpower keeping herself up the whole time. Meanwhile...back in the land of Mundo De Los Sueños(Dream World), Rinkei dropped to his knees. Shinji the great king of Alm(Almarasa for short) watched as his generals fell in battle but he had one last secret up his sleeve. He had one last warrior that would be sent out onto the battlefield before he was forced to rain havoc upon entering. That warrior was Minari, the Pegasus Holy knight that would give the remaining forces of Alm an edge in battle. She had a magical stave that is said to heal any injury but the Hollows were not going to give up so easily. They released the great giant, a big long nosed hollow with a large reaper like cloth covering nearly their entire body. The fearsome beast charged a red ball of dark magic that could destroy the castle ten times over. One would think that all hope of repelling the the Demons known as hollows from this world would become non existent if that ball of unimaginable dark magic were to be released unto the world...To be continued
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Vongola_Hasayo said
Taiki felt the restraints vanish and went to stretch only to flinch. He'd forgotten the hole in his shoulder. He breathed a sigh of relief and stood to his feet holding his shoulder. He listened to the captain tell him the squads "standards" and instruct him to follow. Taiki didn't hesitate to follow the Kuchiki. "Don't count me out just yet Captain Kuchiki."

Kurisa continued to walk down the halls then eventually they arrived outside of the barracks in the outdoor training grounds, Kurisa took his position in the center of the grounds then turned and spoke as Taiki arrived "So you believe you have what it takes to get into this Squad?...well...rather than answer that question how about you show me?" Kurisa crossed his arms and closed his eyes as he waited for Taiki to make a move "lets see how well you have been trained..."
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