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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Code Name: Lakon

Chapter: Black Shield

Chapter Demeanour: Ambitious

Personal Demeanour: Stoic/Pious

Character Type: Kill-Marine

Rank: Freshly-Promoted Battle-Brother

Power Armour History: A cobbled-together and partially-scratch-built suit of power armour, the sum of the experiences of its individual parts is estimated to near a thousand years, and at minimum spans several centuries. However the unorthodox nature of its creation has resulted in a machine spirit that has not yet properly coalesced into a single entity. While this has not caused any actual issues, the tech-priests that participated in the construction claim that performance will improve when the armour has properly bonded with itself and its wearer, and spend a good deal more time than is healthy performing obscure rites, waving censers, and chanting in binary when the armour is not in use. When asked, the tech-priests will insist that it is a suit of Mk 6 "Corvus" power armour, but the obviously Mk 8 "Errant" helmet lends a great deal of confusion and suspicion to that statement. Performance reviews thus far are consistent with Mk 6 power armour, however, and the tech-priests insist that it merely requires time for the machine spirit to mature.

Description: Lakon is a fairly typical superhuman brick shithouse. He stands just a hair under eight feet tall out of his armour, and even when he isn't wrapped in ceramite and plasteel his palpably indomitable will lends a more decisive air of indestructibility to the Astartes, moreso that most. Relatively young, especially when compared to other members of the Deathwatch, his flat grey eyes hold the deadness of someone who's lost a good deal more than they ever imagined they would, and a callous, determined disregard for his own life. At least as far as things that do not pertain to his mission. Where many might have broken in the face of the adversities he faced, Lakon simply carried on with his mission. Evidence of that is everywhere in the web of scars he's acquired, but is most noticeable in the bio-acid burns running down the left side of his head, and the quartet of deep gouges torn from the right side of his face. The scars prevent him from growing a real head of hair, so the Astartes has taken to leaving only a three-inch strip of black down the middle of the top of his head, which he keeps slicked back to ensure a comfortable fit under his helmet. Nowhere else on his head can grow hair with any kind of consistency, so he had it removed. The scars of such permanent removal are largely hidden by the much more obvious battle-scars that tend to glare at anyone staring for too long. Combined with his permanent radiation tan, and some wonder how he's even alive. He'd be more than happy to explain, and would even throw in a great deal of revving his chain bayonet for free, but thus far everyone has been wise enough to let sleeping Astartes lie.

Skills: Jump Pack Mastery, Astartes Shotgun Mastery, Astartes Boltgun Mastery, Close Combat Expert, Breaching Expert, Mental Fortitude Expert, Overwatch Expert, Advanced Navigation(Ground), Advanced Navigation(Void), Advanced Dangerous Terrain Negotiation, Advanced Grenade-throwing, Intermediate Survival(Void), Intermediate Survival(Urban), Intermediate Sleight-of-hand, Intermediate Trap-laying, Intermediate Stealth Tactics.

History: A Space Marine arrived unannounced to the Watch Fortress. His vessel was little more than a glorified space hulk, though it consisted of only a single escort-class void ship. An investigation revealed that it had been a pirate vessel, heavily contaminated by the warp, and had been home to more than just human pirates. The hydroponics bays had been overrun, turned into jungles, and inhabited by feral krootoids, and the foremost quarter of the ship had been home to a tribe of slightly-less-feral Orks. That hadn't seemed to slow the pirates down, though. They'd even been coping with the warp contamination and phenomena surprisingly well, though the occasional manifestation of a minor daemon was sufficient to keep the group from getting out of hand. It would have taken at squad of Space Marines had put an end to all that, however, but there was no evidence to suggest anyone else had been on board, and no life to be found when the shuttle touched down inside the Watch Fortress. The Space Marine exited his shuttle clad only in the plain black bodyglove he would have worn under a suit of power armour. No evidence of a former Chapter was to be found, even after scouring the temporary vessel. He reported directly to the Watch Commander, and didn't make a sound toward anyone else.

Equipment and Armament: Hesh Pattern Boltgun with Kraken rounds, Hesh Pattern Breaching Shotgun with Breaching rounds, Chain Bayonet, Combat Knife, Blind Grenades, Frag Grenades.

Miscellaneous: Really likes Jump Packs, Drop Pods, and anything else that is good for hurtling toward the enemy at unhealthy speeds, preferably in the cramped quarters of a Voidship, but anywhere will do, really.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 15 days ago

Name: Haakon Jerak

Chapter:Marines Malevolent

Chapter demeanour: The Marines Maleveolent are... pragmatic at best, cruel and uncaring at worst. Gnerally infamous amongst other Imperial forces for their aggresive and antagonistic attitudes, they are vehemently dedicated to the destruction of the enemies of the Imperium, more so than the protection of its people. They have shown through multiple engagements their extremely harsh attitude towards civilian casualties, seeing their lives as expendable, and largely beneath their protection. Arragant to a fault, the Marines Malevolent despise what they percieve as 'weakness' in themselves and others, and strive to prove their own aptitude in destroying the enemies of mankind.
Though not a nature of their demeanour, it is of note that the Marines malevolent have very little in the way of 'current' marks of power armour, having to rely on antique models as a result. In fact, they appear to have been forced to rely on older technology in general, using ancient pattern bolters as well(common power armour is antique MK 6, or 'Corvus' pattern). As a result, it is not uncommon for the chapter to salvage armour in order to repair and replace their own, a particularly infamous example is that of the Archimedes Rex incident, in which a force of Marines Malevolent claimed salvage to the derelict mechanicus forge ship of the aformentioned name, as it contained Astartes power armour and weapons. Nearly coming to blows with a force of the Salamanders chapter, the Marines Malevolent seemed rather desperate to get the armour and other Astartes equipment within, suggesting that they are very hard pressed to maintain their own equipment(it is unclear why the Mechanicus does not seem to support the Marines Malevolent as with most chapters, it may be a result of the chapters antagonistic nature, or some incident in the past between them and the Mechanicus).

Personal demeanour: Haakon bellies his chapter very closely, he is arrogant, haughty and pragmatic to a fault. He seems to most as openly antagonistic and generally spiteful, he claims he simply 'does what must' when no one else will. He considers anyone who is not a space marine to be beneath respect, and anyone who cannot fight for themselves as intrinsically weak and worthless. He finds those who think the job of a space marine to be anything other than the destruction of the enemies of mankind to be a naieve fool. He takes pride in his accomplishments, and is quick to claim glory and recognition, but often attempts to pass failure off on others.

Character type: Company Champion

Rank: Veteran

Power armor hisroy: Haakon wears an truly antique suit of power armour, named Merciless Rain, it is horrendously antiquated, supposedly having been first used shortly after (or even during the end of) the Horus heresy. It's base, the helmet and chest are MK 6 corvus pattern, but the legs and arms are of the older MK 5 heresy pattern. The armor has many deeds of its previous bearers stenciled on it, along with the name of every space marine to wear it Stenciled on the helmet(3 are from the Marines Malevolent including Haakon). By reading these, along with the myriad battle crys and litanies also stenciled, one would clearly see the armor's connectio to the imperial fists. Fully a third of the names and deeds can be attributed dirctly to heroes of their chapeter, while another two fourths can be attributed to their second and further founding chapters. Only the last three names are not of origin from the sons of Rogal Dorn, being the names of those in the Marines Malevolent to wear the armor. How the armor came into the possesion of the Marines Malevolent is unclear, though it is understood the fists and their succesors seem unaware of its absence, or at least know not where it went.(Most likely it was stolen scavenged from the field by the Marines Malevolent to replace their own losses. Most likely, this is what has given the armor it's 'Heresy Pattern' additons((as only litanies and prayers are stenciled on the limbs, whilst deeds, battlecries and names are on the chest or helmet))). Since coming to the Marines Malevolent, it has always been worn by a Veteran of the First company, as a badge of honour for skill, strength, or ruthlessness in combat. Haakon recieved the armor on 674 M.41, following the breaking of the siege of Yeteries IV, where he is recorded as having slain over a company of Tau as they attempted to flee the falling city.

Description: Haakon is not a completely standard space marine, his appearance reflects the nature of his homeworld, chaotic and aggressive. The right half of his head is shaved, with tattoos from his homeworld, and from his chapter, some look like waves, and other's are more archaic symbols. He has two honour studs on the right side of his head. The other half of his head is not shaved, and he wears the black hair long, some of it falling to his left and some of it brushed over the right side of his face. His right cheek is rather seriously burned, you can see some of his teeth through small holes in his flesh, it extends to cover much of his nose, which is itself very crooked from having been broken one to many times. He has no facial hair. His dull brown eyes are rarely filled with anything but contempt and arraogance.
His armor is like that of the rest of his chapter, an antique. It's age means it is covered nearly head to do in stenciled high gothic, from the crossed out names of long dead battle brothers, to litanies of strength and purity and hate, to the battlecrys of fully 4 Chapters (Marines Malevolent included). The Corvus Pattern helmet itself is most interesting, as it has almost no room to left to stencil, bearing the names of every champion who has worn it(Including Haakon's), his Helicon pattern Plasma pistol has the caution stripes indicating his veteran status on the breach, as well as the words Fury and Hate stenciled into the barrel. His two handed power sword is a Loi pattern "Burning blade", a relic of the chapter, known as The Scalding Silence, in its hilt is engraved the Battlecry of the Marines Maleveolent, as well as the name of its current wielder. Aside from this however, the armor seems... unkempt for lack of a better word. Its mix-match of antiquated 'Heresy' and 'Corvus' pattern armor alone forces it to stand out, and it seems upon closer inspection(of a techmarines) to have a need for maintenance, as well as repair(a sign of the chapter's seeming feud with the mechanicus).

Skills: Haakon is a superb melee combatant, especially when it come to single combat. Having been a company champion for the better part of his career. His skill in melee is something to behold, though his skills at range are far less developed. He has defeated many great and miniscule foes in his time, and many more since his being apointed to company champion.

History: Born on Tethurn V, known as Kreik to the local people, the planet has one great fertile contenent surrounded by a plethora of rocky islands. On the world, you are either born a simple farmer on the center continent, or a raider on the rock and salt islands. The Raiders pillage the mainland for food, resources and loot, and it is from these hard men the Marines Malevolent choose their initates. The piratical sailors worship the Great Kraken beneath the waves, and believe the Marines Malevolent are those he has deemed worthy of sailing to the war in the sky, where the Kraken is in perpetual war with the Great Storm, and that his warriors wear the symbol of the storm as trophies looted from the dead servants of the Great storm. The marines Malevolent do nothing to disuade this belief, and do not protect the Islanders or those on the mainland, believing their raids create the cruelest and strongest initiates, who they take from the raiding ships to their great fortress monastery, hidden deep beneath the ocean. The raiders believe they take these young men, and drown them beneath the waves. Then, that the Kraken imbues their bodies with great strength, and so the Raiders call the Marines Malevolent the drowned raiders. They are not, strictly speaking incorrect, as all initiates are indeed drowned and revived as their first trial, those who do not wake are simply allowed to float in the sea.
The Marines Malevolent themselves also worship the great Kraken, and many do truly believe the Great Storm is simply what drives the enemies of man, and they are the drowned warriors who fight against them.
Haakon was one of these raiders, he killed his first man at the age of eight, burying an axe in the chest of a farmer defending his family. At the age of 12, the drowned warriors came to the ship of his father, and took him from the ship, it was the single greatest day of his entire life. After passing the trials through pure will and strength, in the final trial in which a neophyte must kill another in cold blodd, Haakon was the first to kill in his grouping. Upon becoming an initiate, Haakon took a liking to close quarters combat above and beyond that of his fellow scouts, and found himself ill suited to the role of the devastator squad, unwilling to sit behind the large guns he wished to be in the center of the melee, bringing the Emperors fury to his enemies.
In the assault squad, Haakon flourished, earning many honors for his fury and skill in close quarters combat. He never moved on to the tactical squad, but never rose to the rank of sergeant in the assault squad, uncertain of his own leadership abilities. He served bravely in many campaigns, from vicious sieges and aggresive boarding actions Haakon became known for his fury. At the Siege Yeteries IV, Haakon was one of the Assault marines used to break the siege of the Tau held city, and he slew a great number of Tau, including a few battlesuits almost single handedly. For his skill, and his ruthless brutality when facing the enemies of mankind, he was elevated to the 1st company Vanguard Veterans, and his career went only upfrom there. After a decade of service in the first company, he personally saved the Captains life by stepping between him and a Slaaneshi chaos warlord known as Kelathrix the Burner. The engagement ended after Haakon beheaded the warlord, and detonated his flamer canisters, incinerating the body. Haakon survived, though his face was horribly burnt from the experience. For this, the Captain named him champion, for the previous had fallen in the very same battle. He was given The Scalding Silence as a badge of office.
For the better part of two decades he served as champion, until the he was called to the Deathwatch. Now, he serves the Imperium there, prepared to bring fire and fury to the enemies of mankind.

- Plasma pistol
- Loi pattern power sword (Scalding Silence)
- Krak grenades
- Frag grenades
- Standard Astartes field equipment
- Melta bombs
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StoneWolf
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StoneWolf Ulvheid, Berserk Warrior of Odin

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Hagni Bloodmoon

Chapter: Space Wolves

Chapter Demeanour: Space wolves are ferocious and aggressive warriors, though far from mindless berserkers, they are certainly possesed of a feral exuberance for battle. While other chapters may spend the night before battle in prayer and meditation, the Space Wolves are more likely to mark the eve of battle in bawdy celebration, raising owerflowing jacks of Fenrisian ale to brothers they may be mourning once battle is done. A Wolf will drink and make merry, for tomorrow, he may die. Space wolves exhibit a fierce sense of loyalty to their comrades in arms and this is on occasion extended to their compatriots in other branches of the Imperium's military.

Personal Demeanour: Proud: Dignity and Honour are very important to Hagni. With in him burns a deep hatred for the Thousand Sons legion.

Type of Marine: Long Fang

Power Armour and History: This suit is stained forever on its inside surfaces by the blood of its previous
occupants. For some reason a tradition has developed that the life-fluids spilt when the wearer of this suit is killed should not be cleaned away. Rather they are left as a harsh and visceral reminder of a Space Marine’s ultimate duty, one that steels his mind against the threat of death. The wearers of this suit have time and again shone out as magnificent examples of the Adeptus Astartes—holding breaches, saving commanding officers from certain doom and eliminating enemy leaders to singlehandedly win glorious victories. The current occupant has a lot to live up to! An ancient pair of particularly heavy, Mk3 greaves has been worked into the leg armour of this suit. They are surely witness to some of the hardest fi ghting of the Great Crusade, for the evidence of blast impacts is still visible on the ancient metal. The feeling for the occupant of the power armour is that of being an immoveable bulwark, solid and unshakeable as a stone statue.

Description: Hagni is close to 8' in his power armour as many other space marines. His greying hair is kept quite short while he lets his beard grow long and thick. Now it is halfway down to his chest kept in one thick braid with one wide ring at the end keeping it all together. His face is that of a seasoned warrior, very angular and with prominent cheekbones. His canines have grown long and sharp and are visible every time he smiles or even speaks. Hagnis eyes have with time gained the yellow color of a wolves and they are as sharp as ever, a piercing stare from those is mostly enough to get and normal man to back down and move out off his way. Even though his armor is now painted black, Hagni still adorns it with wolf pelts on this left shoulders, a large drinking horn strapped to his waist and other trinkets and charms from the Fenrisian wolves. He is a stern but not unfriendly soul, quick to invite you to a drink and boast about deeds that have been done or speaking of deeds to come.

History: Hagni died and was reborn the night his tribe was killed by the Snakeheads. That is the way of life on Fenris, kill or be killed and this night the Bloodmoon tribe had been careless. Being chosen by the rune priest at the moment of death Hagni was taken to the Fang where the Wolf priests remade him. When he awoke again he was ready to undergo the training and trials of a Space Wolf Bloodclaw. It quickly became clear that Hagni favored the heavier weapons of the Wolves arsenal and through the years he rose through the packs finding his ways into the Long Fangs. His rage now under control, his fangs longer and sharper as his wits. His hair and beard now turning grey. Following his Lord into the Jericho Reach he made his first contact with the hated Thousand Sons. The Wolves had come in search of their lost Brothers but found a army of Thousand Sons breaking through the void. The fierce battle claimed many good wolf but they took more lives than they lost finally driving the traitors back into the void. Hagni being one of the few survivors of his pack chose to stay behind when the Company left. Seeking out the Deathwatch offering his services as a Long Fang and wielding his heavy bolter.

Weapons and Equipment: Heavy Bolter, Bolt pistol, Combat knife, 3 Frag and Krak Grenades.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jb
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Jb Because we're here lad

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