Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


For a moment or so Tohru was dazed by the sudden slap across her face and the fact her self made enemy had challenged her to a duel. Thankfully, it wasn't to the death due to Claymore's strict rules on using real weapons in battle, while Sabre was more lax on theirs, but still...was she even going to oblige such a selfish gesture. Twas clear why Asuka hated her so, and if given different circumstances, then most certainly she would be spilling the Prince's blood across the school grounds. Her mind was adrift in thought, but back the world of the conscious was she brought by a tapping on her fairly broad shoulders. "Oh, Rin-san. It's you." Humbly she spoke glancing over the girl, not even realizing she had dismounted her horse Shear-Breeze. She was about to take him back to the stables before she was lost in her mind. "I'm fine, thank you." A soft smile and a bow she gave. "But you don't look so good yourself. Tell me, what happened?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 11 days ago

"well let just say I meet some not very kind people" I say while scratching my head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


So it was just as she suspected, they were both in boiling water. "Hmph, really now." Said Tohru taking Shear-Breeze by his reigns and walking him back to the stable. "I too have run into some unsavory company we should say, and I don't think it will be the last I see of her."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 11 days ago

"i see, welp I better get going I have somewhere I need to be, have fun horse riding." I walking away to the court yard
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


"And good luck with your duel, Rin-san." Rather cheeky Tohru added while Rin left. "May Amaterasu bring you great victory over your adversary."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 11 days ago

I walk to the court yard that where Yuuko is waiting for me "what took you so long?~" she say. "oh just saying hi to someone" she pull out her wooded sword from her bag her keychain was two masks one happy, one sad I guess she is the captain of the drama club "if I win you well be my laydog~" a laydog do I wear something hot because that took too many level "hm what if I win?" "i will be your maid and call you mistress Kumori" she smilr st me and I smile her back she know i'm going to win but she is very good hide her fear what a brave girl she is. everystudent in the court yard look at us and make a circle we rush at each other our wooded swords hit and now our battle have begun
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


After putting away Shear-Breeze and making sure he was well fed and groomed, Tohru bid her gallant steed goodbye and dressed back into her school uniform, no spot nor blemish marring the perfection and grace she maintained, same with her princely image. Twas but a few short steps away from the academy on the forest path that a sound caught her ear. Distant first it was, the small clack of wood against wood, but the closer she drew, so too did the sound grow in decibel, until she was standing on a hill overlooking the school's magnificent courtyard. There, she saw the two, Rin and the other girl, Yuuko she believed her name was, engaged in a fearsome quarrel of false blades.

For a moment or so, Tohru stood there, observing the fight with a scrutinizing gaze, yet a rather wry smile inching its way across her lips. Rin-san's skill with a blade is quite admirable. A little stiff, yes, but with proper training, certainly she could become a wonderful swordswoman. Yet, her joy would be short lived. Another sound had caught her, this one closer, the crunch of the freshly fallen autumn leaves under foot, and with it...a presence, ominous, dangerous, indeed an unwelcoming sense she felt. She did not turn to face them, but she knew they were there, women, four of them at least, girls the same age as she, perhaps even older, their faces obscured by a bizarre sort of masks, each hand possessing an equally strange curved blade.

"Are you Itagaki Tohru, famed Prince of Claymore Academy?" Sharp one of the women inquired, slightly her voice muffled by the porcelain mask. Tohru dared not to turn and face them, rather cast a cold glare over her shoulder and grit her teeth in response, "And if I am? Who was it who sent you, the Hanazono clan perhaps?" She expected as much, the bloody feud between the families now escalating to this, hiring cowardly cutthroats to do their sordid bidding. Not honorable enough to face their adversaries on the battlefield any more. But a surprise it came to Tohru when the leader of these...assassins...dismissed her inquiry, "We have no interest in your pitiful family squabbles, Itagaki-san. We are only here for one reason, and one reason alone...to take your life."

((Battle Music: Dance with Me in Hell))

Suddenly all four assassins dove on her, Tohru swiftly yet narrowly dodging their frenzied slashing. She quickly drew her sword, but damned she be forgetting the one she grabbed was not her true weapon, but the fake wooden replica she used in training. Still, the wooden blade did its work for the most part, blocking hit after hit from these four diabolical women, but after so much, finally the damned thing had given and was sliced through the middle by their attack. "Agh!" Tohru grunted, the sharp pain of steel carving across the thin layer of her cheek and drawing a small drivel of crimson. She stumbled a bit, taken off guard, soon another painful slash to her backside, then to her midriff cutting open her blazer. These women, just...just who were they?! The way they fought, it was a sword style of the likes never witnessed by Tohru before, so graceful and yet so violent. It was though instead of fighting, they were dancing, twirling about and soaring through the thin air with such elegant but unpredictable moves....and that is what made them so dangerous to the Prince of Claymore. This...this isn't good, dammit! I can't read any of their moves! Their attacks, I can't stop them! Sooner or later...these vile women are going to cut me to ribbons! Amaterasu...give me your strength! I may not be victorious over these vicious assailants, but at least let me leave this fray alive....

She could sense them smirking under their masks, the lead assassin raising her blade forth for another ill strike. Tohru, though wounded, her body racked with such severe pain and fatigue, she once more rose the remnants of her wooden blade to them, snarling under her breath in absolute defiance, teeth bared like the fangs of a rabid wolf...or better yet...a fearsome lion, "I am Itagaki Tohru, heir to the Itagaki Dynasty and Prince of Claymore...and I will defeat you! HAVE AT THEE!!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 11 days ago

I dodge her every sword attack it look like she is getting tired, me however I think I'm getting a hang of this I never sword fight for so long not since me and...never mind. We fight and fight I thought I was going until "I am Itagaki Tohru, heir to the Itagaki Dynasty and Prince of Claymore...and I will defeat you! HAVE AT THEE!!" I hear tohru fight with other girl and her friends and now I'm in tie ends should I keep fighting the drama captain or help tohru no NO! Trust no one remember?! She just going to stab behind your back like your So called "friend"...but...I promise her to bring her back...so I made my choice I kick her wooded up in the air and punch in the face making her pass out and I rush to help tohru!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Pain...that is all she could feel at this point, burning, seething pain everywhere.

Still, Tohru kept her defense strong against the women, even if she was just armed with practically a pathetic stick of a sword. Slowly but surely they wore her down, the fatigue eating her alive like some sort of invasive parasite. But she had to push against. Twas not a fight for victory, but survival, to live and hunt down the ones responsible for this vicious attempt on her life. She was quite familiar now with their moveset by this point, though it took getting carved up nearly eight times to decipher it. But now, she would gain the upper hand in battle. The first swordswoman, a form one swing to the left! She dodged it. The next, two alternating slashes followed by a twirl and a thrust! Swiftly and with such grace she evaded and blocked the assassin's strike, breaking her stance and disrupting her balance. The last two, both a diagonal uppercut! Double back, then strike! And right as she weaved under the two, her sword came up, hitting both in the face and shattering their porcelain masks, knocking them out cold. "Heh, two down and two to go!" Wounded, yes, but still she stood smirking defiant at the remaining assassins.

Incensed they were, she could feel their anger emanating as plain as day. One of the assassins, she grit her teeth under her mask, storming over to attack, but...she was halted...by the leader. "Yuki-chan...let me handle this one." She whispered, holding her hand out before the other. "But Kaname-senpai! I-!" Quick was the girl Yuki to protest, but stifled as she possibly sensed a sharp glare from under Kaname's mask. Begrudgingly she nodded and stayed back, Kaname's attention now towards Tohru, carving her eyes at Kaname from across the battlefield. Locked were the two in a menacing staredown, neither of whom wishing to speak, until Kaname decided to break the tension, "I'm impressed with you, Tohru-san. Your skill with a sword is quite remarkable, even when you are sorely outnumbered. Make no mistake however, we still intend to kill you. But it will be my greatest honor knowing I have fought such a worthy opponent today."

Tightly Tohru gripped the handle of her sword, albeit her hand shaking uncontrollably. "Then....who was it, huh?" She spat back at them. "At least give me the privilege before death of knowing the one who sent you!"

Beneath her mask, Kaname sneered, her answer...forever jarring Tohru, "Why should I...when you already know her, the one who broke your heart those few years ago. She is the one who took your beloved Chizuru from you, the one who has watched you with great interest, and the one...who desires the day she finally slays you in battle.....she....is the Black Knight."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 11 days ago

I stop running for moment and hide. why is tohru talking to her assassin is she.....oh no...nononononoNO don't tell she making a deal with her...no tohru can't do that. like she say she is the Prince of Claymore and well she can't...can she? no don't let your bad thoughts mess with you stay focused I stay my ground and wait my attack.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


No....it couldn't be...

The dream...that is all it was...just a dream. There was no way at all it could be real. Tohru, it felt as if the very breath was sapped from her lungs, a dry, empty husk slowly quivering in a cold sweat beading against her forehead. And all she could do at the moment was stare in absolute shock and dismay towards the ground. "The...Black Knight...?" She uttered quietly. No, she couldn't believe it. All the while her mind flashed back to that very dream, the arid smell of blood tainting the cold, dismal air, the clashing of swords, the tearing of flesh and armor, like thunder ravaging throughout her mind. She could see it all again, two knights locked in a bloody fray, their weapons glinting amidst the crash of lightning. Then, how they skewered each other and died...

"You're lying!" She quickly snapped out of it, growling at the assassin Kaname. Kaname shook her head, "You cannot deny the Prophesy of Rebirth, Tohru-san, but prophesy or not, it must be fulfilled...by spilling your blood. It began with the sacrifice of the Rose Maiden, the one you called Chizuru, and it will end with you. Besides...rejoice knowing you will hold her once more in eternal paradise."

"Shut up!" Tohru yelled incensed with such fervent rage. "I will not have any more of your lies! Draw your sword, and let's finish this!" And obliging, Kaname snickered raising her weapon, "Very well. If you insist your death be quick, I shall deliver it so." But a pause, Kaname sniffing the air. "Yuki-chan. Someone else is here. Seek them out."

"Right!" Yuki nodded and away towards the trees she dashed, leaving Kaname and Tohru to finish their duel. From tree to tree she leapt with such catlike reflexes, until she stopped at one, overlooking a particular young girl. "Hehehe, hello little interloper." A sadistic grin forming under her mask, she suddenly dived from the tree branch and attacked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 11 days ago

I look up and look at the girl was about attack Crap! I roll out my hiding spot and hold up my wooded. I look at tohru and her assassins "...hi tohru"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


((Battle Music: Abysmal Waltz))

"Rin-san!" Tohru yelled to the girl, briefly distracted, not good! Soon enough, she felt the sharp tinge of the blade crossing her other cheek before swiftly dodging the other attack from Kaname. Swiftly the assassin took after her, her blades a flurry of vicious slashes and jabs, all of which Tohru was finding difficult to block and to evade. "Run! Get out of here!"

"Yuki-chan! Kill that girl!" Kaname barked her grim command, Yuki obeying. She chased Rin down baring her sword to the girl and ready to strike, "Hehehe! I'm gonna chop you up real nice for my Kaname-senpai!" A gleeful cackle as she swung her sword towards Rin, her eyes gleaming with such ill malice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 11 days ago

I block your blade into my wooded sword and dodge your attacks and I kick her chin "well helping you trying to stay alive!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


"I'll be fine!" Tohru shouted back while trying her best to fight off Kaname. "I can't risk anyone getting hurt because of me! Go!" Kaname was wearing her down again, that once great spark of energy she held in her chest, slowly dissipating to fatigue. Meanwhile, the battle raged on between Rin and Yuki, but to the girl Rin was a challenge, dare she say, even better than her with a sword. "Oww!" Yuki yelped, a sudden kick to her chin knocking her off balance. "Grr! You rotten chickadee! No fair!" She growled rubbing her chin and charged Rin once more with anger blazing in her eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Ok just don't die!" I say to tohru. I dodge another attack by crazy assassin I need to Distract her but how? than I hit me little game call cat and the mouse I ran past her "come at me you assassin loser!" I ran to court yard and into the school halls
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


"Come back here you little snot! I'll carve your eyes out!" And so the assassin Yuki chased after rin, leaving Kaname to continue her fight with Tohru. Though weakened, Tohru succeeded in matching her adversary blow for blow, however, sustaining a few more ghastly wounds in the process. Her wooden blade, it was whittled down now, no more than just a birch twig. How foolish of her to grapple against a real blade with it. Now, more than ever, desperately she wished she had Lionheart. If so, she could've finished off Kaname in a few short moves, but still the woman held her own against Tohru. "Are you just about ready to give in, Tohru-san?" Rather mockingly she cooed. "If you continue any further, surely you will not last. Surrender, and I will give you the mercy of a quick death."

Death? No...death would not have her. To her last breath, Tohru was determined to fight, but she could feel it, the blood slowly draining from her veins, her uniform practically dyed red, how heavy and bloodshot her eyes grew, the frailty of her limbs. Her body, it was shutting down, unable to endure any more from the wicked assassins. But still, she rose her blade, with every ounce of strength, how little she could muster in a painful gasp of air, glaring in defiance. Kaname, to this, merely a dismayed sigh, "Very well. You've made your choice then Fair Prince of Claymore. It's a shame...that I must kill a beautiful woman such as you, but..."

And then, she charged forth, like a black, poisonous wind sweeping across the battlefield, the end for Tohru was near, "...this is GOODBYE!"

The end...it was here. Tohru knew she didn't have any strength left to fight at all. She was finished. A final breath, she closed her eyes...and awaited Kaname's killing blow, but then...

((Battle Music: Death by Crucifixion))

"AGH!" A swift strike of silver connected with Kaname's mask, slicing through the hard porcelain and carving quite the nasty scar across her rather unblemished face, such a force that threw her back, her body crashing into the thick trunk of a nearby tree. Tohru, her eyes opened as another force pushed her to the ground below. There was nothing, no agonizing pain erupting from her chest, no cheshire grin from Kaname to haunt her in her final waking moments, no blood spilling from her heart pierced by an assassin's blade. No...there was only her disbelief at who stood between her and the now unconscious Kaname, her blade drawn and a fierce glow in her eyes blue as ice,

"...Ha...Hanazono-san?" Asuka, of all people, she had saved Tohru, but why? Sheathing her katana, the red haired beauty hissed her answer glaring at Tohru over her shoulder, though typical of her to be so...selfish in her endeavors, ~"If anyone is going to kill you, Tohru-san, it will be me. Not these miserable cutthroats."~ And another surprise as she offered her hand to help Tohru stand after being knocked down. ~"You had best tend to your wounds. I would hate for you to miss our duel."~ Yes, there was malice behind her charm, but nevertheless, Tohru managed to eke out a small grin, taking the girl's hand and rising to her feet, "Likewise. It will be an honor to face you in battle, Hanazono-san, but now I must hurry. Rin-san is still in danger!" And with a generous farewell, off was Tohru towards the school, praying that Rin wasn't hurt already.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 11 days ago

I run past in court yard into halls and into the garden I don't see anyone I guess the club taking a break today. I draw my wooded sword and was ready to fight with a crazy assassin
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Her lungs were burning by the time she had reached the school, along with every inch of her battered and tattered figure, yet Tohru kept on sprinting, her voice, ragged and weary as it called out for Rin, "Rin-san! Rin-san, where are you?!"

She knew well Yuki, the other masked assassin, was after the girl, but she never would have suspected Yuki already had Rin cornered in the school gardens. Even if the two were surrounded on all sides by beautiful flowers dazzling with such vibrant color, the sweet, serene scent of cherry blossoms wafting amidst the cool evening air, the atmosphere encompassing the two combatants was indeed grim. "End of the road, cutie!" In sickening glee did Yuki cackle, brandishing her blade and slowly approaching the trapped Rin. "It's had its twists and turns, but eventually every path must lead to a destiny. Sadly, yours will be to die here in this garden. But don't worry, I'm sure when the White Knight discovers your mangled corpse, she'll be sure to give you a funeral worth remembering." And such a reward Kaname-senpai will give me for killing the both of you! I can't let you down Kaname-senpai! <3
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 11 days ago

".......Oh BLAH BLAH poem BLAH BLAH white knight BLAH BLAH I'm a crazy assassin enough movie talk! I train myself to be the great swordwomen like my mother and her mother before her and beside I can't die here and now...I have a promise to keep...and I plan to Keeping it!" I rush towards assassin hitting her real sword and my wooded sword ok old me let see if you still can fight
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