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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dean went wide eyed as the vampire grabbed Mika, exactly what he was worried about. He stepped forward in one wide step, ready to grab the vampire and save the day, but he caught Mika’s smirk, and decided to stay back, taking in her body language. When she head butted the vampire and managed to get away from him, Dean smiled brightly, twirling his knife in his hand.

“I would love to…”, he muttered, stepping by Mika as if he was going to kiss her, and raising his knife. He walked up behind the vampire, as he tried to scramble off the ground and gain some leverage. Dean grabbed the man’s hair roughly, dragging him to the bar and forcing him to sit up, “See…we all make mistakes. Some bigger than others. But you…Coming here tonight, damn what a mistake that was? I would say I’m sorry, but you tried to eat my girl…”

Without anymore talking, Dean raised the knife, brutally bringing it down onto the man’s neck with a a grunt, over and over again, blood splattering every which way until finally the vampire’s head fell off, rolling to Dean’s feet.

“Son of a bitch…”, he finally whispered, collapsing onto his knees beside the vampire. He was now exhausted and would eventually be succumbing to multiple injuries, and in a world of pain. As a male bartender came over to them, simply handing Dean a couple of ice packs, Dean breathed deeply. He didn’t even want to check himself over for injuries. He and Mika had made a hell of a team, and that’s all his mind was on…

“I think my nose is broken…”, Dean finally chimed in, running two fingers down the length of his nose with a sigh, “Yeah…pretty sure it’s broken…Mika, you okay? I mean, judging by the way you kicked that thing's ass, I think you're more than okay. But seriously, are you alright?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

Mika smirked as Dean walked up to her before continuing forward and grabbing the vampire she had just beat the crap out of to get free of. There was no way she was going to let herself be taken tonight of all nights and make Dean feel any kind of guilt or grief because she got snapped up. They had a good run in being able to avoid vampires together and she didn't want to break that now.

She stepped to the side as she watched Dean drag the vampire to the bar and hack the head off with all his remaining might, seeing the head roll onto the ground making her step to one side to start heading to Dean at the bar whilst a bartender grabbed him an ice pack. She found herself still replaying Dean called her 'his girl' before ehe killed the vampire over and over in her head which sent her own flutters in her heart hearing it.

With Dean collapsing onto his knees out of exhaustion, she walked over and sat down next to him, as he felt down his nose coming to the conclusion it was broken. She took his face into her hands to check him over as he asked her if she was okay, smirking slightly as he admitted she kicked ass. "I'll have a great big headache from the headbutt later but I'm pretty sure I'm okay" she told him, having not even checked herself over yet and completely unaware that she sustained some hefty but not life threatened scratches from the broken furniture on her left side in her natural waist.

Feeling his nose for herself, she sighed, "I can fix that for you if you want" she told him, "but I'm glad you're still alive. Thought I was gonna lose you at one point. Can't believe you became the damsel this time round" she gave him a small smile, trying to lighten the mood as best she could. Looking around, she found a bar towel hanging off the edge of the bar so she leaned over and grabbed it, using it to wipe Dean's face of the vampire ood that she had some blame for getting on him.

She didn't even think about the blood that was on her cheeks from the vampires she killed. Feeling far too wrapped up in how Dean was. "only we can go on a date night and end up on a improvised hunt" she half chuckled. It was during this chuckle that she suddenly felt something not entirely right and looked down at her waist and saw a splintered shard of wood in her side, but not deeply, it bring clear to her that it scratched her at some pii t and lodged itself in her skin like splinter. "well shit" she simply said.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dean placed the ice pack against his jaw until Mika’s hands came up to his face causing him to open his eyes with a flutter and a smirk at her words,” It’s a headache that will be worth it though. We took down a nest together…that’s some pretty good work.”

He chuckled, groaning a bit at the pain in his ribs. He winced at her fingers touching his nose. It was most definitely broken, and full of blood. But it wasn’t the first time he had broken it. If anything, it just made his nose more distinguished. He nodded gently at her offer to fix it, before his eyes snapped open at her calling him a damsel, “Now hold on…I had everything under control back there….they…”

He left the sentence and huffed, but kept a small smile on his face. She was right. He had saved his ass, more than once, something he had to be grateful for. He attempted to follow her hands as she cleaned the blood from his face. Somehow, he had managed to not get enough in his mouth or his eyes to cause a change, although he hadn’t been especially careful. It was almost like face paint at this point.

Dean brought a hand up, wiping a few of the droplets of blood from her face, and laughing, “Hey…it was more fun than burying ourselves in alcohol. I needed that win if I’m honest. Happy date night.”

He laughed, and followed her eyes down to her waist, quickly pushing her hand away from his face in a panic as he noticed the piece of wood at the same time, “Dammit…I thought you came out of this one unscathed.”

He said the words in a frustrated tone, reaching his hand down to circle the shard of wood with his fingers, testing if it was deep enough to bleed from pressure. Thankfully, it didn’t seem to be. So, he met her eyes, bringing his other hand down, “Take a deep breath…one, two…”

He yanked the wood from her side, causing a small gush of blood to follow, which he pressed his hand to tightly. He shrugged her completely off of him, sitting back and pulling his over-shirt off quickly, his mind now completely in rescue mode, even though the wound wasn’t as bad as his mind worried it would be. As he pulled his left arm out of his shirt, he winced at the pain in his ribs again, throwing the shirt over her head and around her waist by the sleeves.

He placed both the sleeves in her hands, reaching down his own leg to his boot, where he pulled a bandana he had always kept there, in case he had to patch Sam up when they were out together. Rolling it into a ball a little bigger than the wound, he pressed it with a hiss to the wound, knowing it was going to hurt like a bitch.

“Hey…I can’t let you just save my ass without returning a little of the favor. It’s just a scratch…”, he reassured, mostly to himself as he took the sleeves from her hands and tied them tightly around her waist into a knot. He then leaned in and kissed her lips gently, “It wouldn’t be a date night without a little blood, right?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

With him agreeing to letting her put his nose back into place so it could heal properly, she was about to do so when he lightheartedly protested at her calling him the damsel but couldn't protest too much as she had saved his ass just as much as he had saved hers. They always seemed to be even on that front somehow and somehow it seemed so perfectly and typically them.

As he wiped the few droplets of blood off of her face, she screwed her nose and eyes shut in a way that she hadn't done since they were kids. She didn't know why she reacted in such a way but it just happened. Yet his remark in response to her comment about the date night made her chuckle back. "happy date night" she joked back.

She wasn't entirely surprised that he followed her eyes down to her side when she felt a twinge, nor was she surprised when he went into over protective/healer mode on her. "you and me both. Didn't even feel it happen" she told him honestly, letting him check how deep the shard of wood seemed to be before nodding at his instructions and taking in a deep breath where she started to count with him but in her mind, only to grit her teeth and vocally wince from him yanking the shard out.

As he shrugged her off of him, she let herself sit back ever so slightly to expose her waist to him a bit more so he had better access to it. She took the sleeves of his overshirt I to her hands gladly, knowing exactly what it was he was doing. She winced and hissed as he pressed the bandana against it, letting him take the sleeves once again and tying it tightly round her waist.

She smirked at his comment "well I can't let you have all the fun now can I?" she chuckled, kissing him back more than gladly. "for us at any rate" she smirked back at him, sitting up a bit more again and going back to his nose. "now.. Let's fix this nose of yours" she told him, pecking his lips once more and then lifting her hands up to his nose, feeling where it was broken and then looked him right in the eyes, then without warning she used the right amount of pressure and reset his nose with a slight crunch.

Grabbing the towel again, she held it up to his nose for the blood that was in it to flow out with any danger to him, stroking his cheek with her free hand.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dean stared at her for a few seconds, just taking in her face, her eyes, everything. There she was, covered in blood, a hole in her side…smiling. She looked perfect. She was perfect. He sighed as she pecked his lips once again, and closed his eyes at her hand touching his now extremely sensitive nose.

He instantly hissed as she checked it, opening his eyes to watch hers for some sort of warning. But he got none. The second his nose cracked, he let out a yelp, and then a loud and long growl, roughly grabbing her wrist, his knuckles white as he squeezed it.

“Son of a bitch! Ow…dammit, Mika…”, he groaned, still holding her wrist as she caught the blood that was now gushing from his nose. He whimpered slightly and leaned his head back, helping gravity stop the bleeding and then glanced back at her eyes, and released her wrist, as she brought her hand up to his cheek, “Thanks…ugh.”

He looked over at the bartender, who was standing there with her eyes wide, pouring whiskey into a glass with a shaky hand. She slid the whiskey across the bar, where two full glasses sat for he and Mika. The look on her face was both that of terror and that of thanks. He smiled with his eyes at her, nodding his head lightly.

At least it was just a broken nose. Tonight was supposed to be the perfect date night. It was supposed to be a night off, but he dragged Mika back into hunting like water flowing down a hill. She didn’t seem to mind, though. She just carried on like always, causing his heart to warm.

“You’re perfect, you know…”, he muttered behind the towel on his nose, his green eyes lighting up as he glanced back at her.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

Mika did usually give warnings, but this time she just wanted to fix his nose before it got worse for him, she also didn't want to leave him dreading when it was going to happen so, she acted like it was a band-aid situation and just did it. As he gripped her wrist tightly, she took on the pain knowing he needed it. "Sorry, but was for the best" she replied to him.

When he tilted his head back, she sighed and rolled her eyes, moving his head forward again a bit, "Don't lean your head back, do you wanna have blood fill your throat and drown you from the inside?" she said to him, but nodded at his thanks. She had almost forgotten about the bartender being in the building until he looked up and gave her a small smile of thanks. She felt bad for having the bar get into such a state and knew they'd have to some how make it up to the bartender.

As much as she would have loved the night to have ended without the impromptu hunt and bar fight, she really didn't mind that it did. It almost revitalised her if she was honest with herself after being grounded and not allowed to do a single hunt. She also knew it wouldn't be them if something didn't become a spanner in their plans. So for this she didn't blame Dean in the slightest, neither of them were to know the two hitting on her were vampires at first.

She smiled when he called her perfect, seeing his eyes light up as he told her. "I'm far from perfect Dean" she told him modestly, before standing up onto her feet and helping him up in the process. She then turned back to the bartender, "Thanks for the drinks. We'll uhh...clean this mess up when we leave" she offered to her.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dean furrowed his brow at her pulling his head back down. John had always taught him to lean his head back. Better in your stomach than bleeding all night. But he took her advice and kept his head straight, shuddering at the thought of choking on his own blood.

He reached his hand up to hold the towel against his nose as she helped him up, wrapping an arm loosely around her waist, “When you act like that? I call that perfect. Seriously, I’m glad you were with me tonight…My dumbass would probably be dead, if not.”

He smirked and stepped over to the bar with her, leaning his arm on it as he sat down, and took his glass of whiskey. He sighed with an edge of absolute relief as the whiskey touched his tongue, and burned the inside of his beat up cheeks. He didn’t mind the pain, and if anything the whiskey would help him wash the rest of the blood down, and hopefully not make himself sick.

“I’m sorry, Jess…”, he whispered to the bartender, a little sad that she happened to be there, when this happened. She shrugged her shoulders, pouring another shot into his glass, simply cutting her eyes to him. He smiled back warmly, thankful she wasn’t upset with anyone, just scared.

“Bobby Singer owes me.”, she muttered, winking to Dean. He nodded, shooting the second shot, and Jess pulled out a bigger glass, “But you look like you’re having it rough. Both of you do. Any ambulances, emergency numbers, anything like that I need to call?”
Dean shrugged and shook his head, “Nah. Bobby’s sleeping, or rummaging around the house, and he’s pretty much the only one who gives a crap about either of us. We’ll be fine. Right now…I wanna drink. I feel like shit.”

Jess raised her eyebrows as she filled up Mika’s glass again, and simply went back to wiping the bar. Dean could tell that she knew about the hunter life, somehow, and didn’t want to get any more involved than she had to, other than subtly helping them get rid of some vampires, without getting her hands dirty. He was impressed.

He turned to look at Mika, nursing his next glass of whiskey between both his hands, “So, was date night everything you wanted?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

The way he looked at her, she could tell that John had been telling him all the wrong things when it came to a bloody nose. It was however a common myth that one would need to tip their head back but it was in fact the worst thing to do, as she explained to Dean.

She smiled at his retort reiterating that what she did tonight made her perfect in his eyes, which despite her being modest on idea, she was incredibly thankful for the comment. "I'll always have your back, forever and always" she told him as she walked them both to the bar and sat down, taking her glass of whiskey and drinking it gladly before she apologised to Jess whilst also thanking her for the drinks.

When Jess said that her uncle owed her, she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow and wonder what he owed her for. She didn't recall anything that he had outstanding with people, but then again she had been in her own little world lately when she was helping man the phones. She too shook her head when Jess asked if they needed anyone called for them, not wanting to disturb Bobby if he was still sleeping, it wasn't fair on the guy after overworking himself senseless to keep things ticking over, whilst also looking after her.

Something struck her about Jess and wondered just how much of the hunter's life she did indeed know and how she knew it, but she wasn't going to get into that line of questioning now. She was too tired to have an intense conversation and wanted to simply enjoy her drinks with Dean and unwind.

She looked back at Dean as he looked at her and asked her his question, half scoffing a chuckle and nodded. "you know what? It strangely was..I mean, it would have been more perfect without the vamps hitting on me and starting a bar fight to end all barfights, but after being stuck at home? It felt good at the same time to end it like that" she chuckled, swirling what bit of whiskey she had left in her glass around.

"And like you say, we make one hell of a team together." she smiled, stretching one hand across and patting his wrist.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dean smiled, watching Mika swirl the alcohol in her glass. As he watched the amber liquid move, he listened intently to her words, taking a deep breath and downing the last of his latest shot, “I agree. Bar fights are kinda my gig, and this one actually ended up with the other person looking a lot worse off than me…which is rare.”

Jess simply huffed an ‘mhm’ as she poured him another glass of whiskey, having seen Dean, in the height of his mourning starting fights, just because he wanted someone to hurt him. Every bartender in the place had carried him out at one point, whilst he hovered around Sioux Falls, hoping to find answers about the girl who he had lost.

Dean rolled his eyes at her, and brought the glass back in front of him, “I’m tempted to start hunting with you again, full time. I don’t know how Bobby would feel about that, or even how long I’ll be here, but you’re welcome to come with me when I go back to dad.”

He broke his sentence and twisted his arm to grab her hand, “I’ll handle dad, before you start worrying about him. I’m just saying you can come with, if you want to…”

Jess looked up from her wiping and stopped moving for a second, hoping that Dean wasn’t bringing some random girl into the hunters life. The girl looked like a hunter, but with Dean, she knew he could be reckless.

“What do you say?”, he asked, pulling her hand up to his lips and kissing her knuckles, his eyes almost twinkling.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

Mika couldn't help but smirk slightly as Dean said about bar fights being his gig, whilst also not being able to ever disagree that the other guy came out worse this time. She was pretty sure having heads laying around the bar couldn't get any more worse off than Dean. She gave a half nod half shrug at his comment as she kept the smirk on her face. She knew just as well as anyone else how bad he could get into bar fights, she couldn't ever forget in a hurry those nights where she wasn't her and found him staggering back to one motel or another looking worse for wear due to fights.

So she could easily imagine how it's have been just bad in this bar on numerous occasions when she was hiding from Dean in Bobby's. She noted how Jess gladly topped up his drink once more as he then brought it back to him and spoke out loud his idea. An idea she wasn't expecting so soon to creep up, especially as it meant being around John. The one bloke she wanted to sucker punch the most for how he spoke about her (his description of her as poison being massively to blame about how she saw herself at times) and more importantly, how he treated his boys.

She downed what was left of her drink, putting the glass down on the bar once again and thought about what he was saying to her as she watched him twist his arm round and hold her hand. As he kissed her knuckles, she felt like she couldn't say no to the guy. "alright, ill get back into the game with you" she replied with a soft but warm smile that was echoed within her eyes.

"but... If your dad says one thing out of place I remain the right to punch him in his face" she smirked, knowing that neither of them could ever forget how much she would love to do it. "I'm not gonna stand by and let him talk to either of us like shit...but I gotta ask, does he still think I'm Kenzi?" she said to him, not wanting to bring the mood down, but she felt like she needed to know what she would be walking into.

If John thought of her as Kenzi, then she would have great pleasure in shocking him sharply by declaring she was her true self. Just to see that smug face be wiped...for once.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dean had watched her face so intently as his lips rested against her knuckles that he almost didn’t hear her confirm that she would come with him. His eyes lit up a bit at the idea that he wouldn’t be alone on the road anymore, barely able to concentrate and having no support other than John barking orders. He smiled, and sat their hands down on his lap, as she continued to explain her terms to him.

He nodded, “Deal…I know you and Dad don’t see eye to eye, and that’s fine. You’re that much like Sammy.”

He let a little chuckle leave his throat, before diverting his eyes as Sam’s name echoed in his head, and the worry crept through the alcohol. He took a long drink from his glass and tapped it on the counter as she asked other question he was dreading, pushing the thoughts of Sam aside as Jess poured him another drink. She tapped the bottle on the counter, their little under the table signal that he needed to slow down.

“I um…yeah. He still thinks you’re Kenzi. That might complicate things at first, but I’m sure that we can sit down together and talk.”, he explained nervously, squeezing her hand, “He hated Kenzi, but he wasn’t fond of Mika either, you know. He thought you were a distraction. You were too close to me settling down and abandoning the life.”

He sighed, pressing his lips together tightly, “But I’ll deal with that. I don’t want to go through…that…alone again.”

He was just drunk enough for his mind to lose a bit of control over secrets and things that he would normally keep inside, to not lay his problems on other people. It was part of his rage issue. He kept things bottled up, until the only way to get the frustration out was fighting, having sex, or getting so drunk that he didn’t care about it anymore.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

If they had to share John's car when finding him again, she may have been a bit more hesitant at following Dean back into the field metaphorically speaking, but the fact she had her own car, it meant her and Dean could find John and stay in her car, taking turns to drive and reduce the amount of conflicts as possible. Yet when they did have to share John's impala, then they would but she hoped that would be rare in comparison.

She smirked at him calling her like Sammy in the regard of butting heads with John but she also saw the brief moment of sadness in his face when he brought up his baby brother once more. She followed his movements with her eyes only as he tapped the glass down on the bar for another drink. Seeing the signal Jess gave she gave her a silent nod in thanks for her making the signal that Dean shouldn't have another drink after this one she just poured him.

There had been so many times when she wanted to ask Dean the question she finally asked, but until now she didn't see a valid reason for asking it. Hells, she didn't want to ask it now but she knew if she was to be around John then she had to know what persona he knew her as so she knew what she was going to be walking into. She was also convinced Bobby wouldn't be best pleased with her going off with Dean and being around John so much.

So she listened to his answer when he plucked up the inner strength to give her it, nodding in understanding. She knew John wasn't ever her biggest fan, but there were times when she thought he sort of liked her because she wasn't like the other girls he used to go around with. Hearing that wasn't the case made her realise that the Chambers/Winchester/Singer family fued triangle clearly went deeper than either her or Dean truly realised.

Yet the slither of hope she did get out of his words was that she was his reason early on to want out of the hunter's life and actually settle down. She squeezed his hand that was still on his lap, leaning forward and kissing him softly and briefly before pulling away, "hey.. Listen to me Dean Winchester. You are NEVER going to go through anything alone again with me around. We're a team. We have defied so many odds to be together again and I won't let you do anything alone, just like you won't let me do anything alone. You and me? We're forever. We're home. No matter what." she told him with strong conviction.

Sure, they have their issues and they fight, have angry sex to make up with each other and so forth but at the end of it all they were solid and too stubborn to let each other break up for long. "I love you Dean. If sitting down and talking with your dad is what it takes to be with you then I'll do it. But first we gotta convince dear ol' Uncle Bobby" she told him, ending it on a slightly more lighthearted tone.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 4 days ago

The alcohol was starting to hit Dean a bit harder than he had expected, causing him to glance at the bottle Jess was holding. She held it up and swirled it around, giving him a visual explanation for why she was cutting him off. In his stress and pain response, he had almost polished off the majority of the bottle himself. Sighing, he turned his head back to Mika as she squeezed his hand, raising his eyebrows and kissing her back.

He couldn’t help the little dumb love look that captured his eyes, at her words. He was relieved to hear her say that not only would she come with him, but that she planned to follow him anywhere he went, “I would like that. Forever sounds really nice, and I think I had too much to drink. I actually realized how much I needed you around this last time I was alone with Dad…like you have no idea…”

He scanned her face as she spoke, having trouble finding the words to respond to how loving her words were. It almost caused him to internally cringe, to hear someone talk this way about him. No matter how long he hung around her, it would never stop being a new feeling, for him. It would never stop causing his heart to jump into his throat and that childlike stomach ache to form. In his alcohol induced delirium, he ate it up, and word vomited a slurred, “I love you so much…”

But then the idea of telling Bobby came up, which he knew would be a conversation he would have to have with his surrogate father, himself. While Bobby loved the way Mika perked up around him, he also knew that Bobby didn’t completely trust him to keep her safe, because Dean tended to make stupid decisions when he was stressed, and if they fought, he was a runner. After the last time he abandoned her at the hotel, Bobby had been a little more than hesitant about them going out alone. He gave a shudder, and nodded, “Yeah, Bobby’s going to be his own challenge. I’ll talk to him…I think he’ll understand after I tell him about the werewolf hunt…”

He broke off and took a drink from his glass, his eyes coming to meet hers again, shining a bright green under all the blood that covered his face, “I haven’t found the right time to bring up what happened, or why I was so quiet for that week…I’ve been scared he would go after my dad.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

She let him digest what she was saying, she wasn't sober herself but she wasn't as drunk as he was. Yet she was still sure that the alcohol had something to do with making it easier for her to te him what she has always thought. As what she said computed to him, she smiled as he said he would love to have her around forever and how much he truly needed her.

His words brought the curiosities back of what happened on that last hunt of his before he made his way back to her and Bobby. She also knew that he would probably cringe at her words as he always struggled with accepting the reality that someone would want to be in his life willingly and be devoted to him. Yet she also knew that she would say it until she was blue in the face to keep reminding him that he was worthy of being loved and to love. That she had always seen more to him than anyone else did and always would.

Hearing him tell her he loved her back made her keep the smile on her face, having never doubted his love for her. Even despite the fights and arguments.

She knew as much as Dean did that Bobby would be hesitant to let her go with him because of last time and she knew it would take a lot of convincing to make Bobby agree, but it would be worth it. She didn't have the heart to just run out on Bobby without a word, not after he spent so many years nursing her back to health and practically raising her.

Then came the mention of the last hunt and a bit more information with it. "you wanna tell me about what did happen?" he asked him softly, looking concerned for him, knowing it must have been bad if he was so hesitant to speak of it before now and the scratches down his chest.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
Avatar of JustAnna

JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dean diverted his eyes briefly, running over in his mind whether he could talk about what had happened, or not. He didn’t want his dad to look worse than he did. It was a rough spot, and John’s way of dealing with genuine fear was to just…not deal with it. John was most likely the person who taught Dean to run away from things that he didn’t want to deal with. As the images flooded his mind, he shook his head and furrowed his brow, not wanting to ruin the date night, but needing it off his drunken chest.

“Um…It’s hard to talk about, considering it was the closest I’ve ever come to actually dying. Like…I could feel it. I could see it in my dad’s eyes.”, he explained first, scanning her eyes. He then turned his hands down toward his lap, where their hands sat.

“We were on this hunt. There were supposed to be six of us, and it ended up just me and Dad. Dad was insistent on going anyway, because there were kids involved, you know?”, he stopped briefly and took a deep breath, “When we got to the house, there were bodies everywhere. Some of them were just rotted and gross and others were obviously hunters that had come to these kids rescue…”

“We found the kids, right as the werewolves attacked us. For a second, it looked like we were winning. I took out about four of them, but there were more…like a big pack. Dad left with the kids. I stayed back to try and fight them off.”

He clenched his jaw, taking a drink as the images of the dead children came into his mind. John had been forced to kill them, because they had been turned. Their faces stayed in the back of his mind every day.

“I got ambushed. And this lady. She-she started ripping me up, trying to get to my heart while I was alive. She said she wanted to eat it while it was still beating. It all happened so fast that I didn’t even realize Dad was killing the kids in the lot, which made her leave me alone…but I was bleeding bad. I don’t know much else about what happened after that, with them. I just remember waking up…”

He could feel the pain creeping up into his throat as he broke his sentence. One of the biggest reasons he came back to Mika so fast after he healed enough to do so, was because he needed to process how John had treated the situation. It was something he still hadn’t come to terms with, and he fought with the idea that his dad might actually have let him die, if he hadn’t gotten lucky. He knew John loved him, but John loved the job, and getting things done almost more than his own family. He blinked, to keep tears from having space in his eyes, and took a deep and shuddered breath.

“Um…I woke up alone. Some lady had stitched up a few spots that needed it. Others, she couldn’t stitch because they were bleeding so bad. She disappeared too, after a while and I wanted to call you…and just…”, he broke off again, now feeling guilty for even bringing it up as his voice cracked, “I just wanted to tell you I was sorry, and just…say ‘I love you’, to make sure you could hear it. I wanted you to hear my voice, and hear it from me that I was dead.”

He sniffled roughly, fidgeting with her fingers as Jess placed a hand over her mouth behind Mika’s head.

“And I couldn’t find my phone. Come to find out, Dad was making arrangements. He didn’t expect me to survive, and abandoned all hope…left me there. He apologized later…but I couldn’t save those kids. And I almost died, because Dad’s reckless. I’m reckless. I didn’t think I was ever going to see you again…”

He shrugged, letting her know that he was done with the explanation, for now. There were a few more details, but not details he could muster the energy, or that he wanted to speak out loud, for fear of ruining the night more.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

Mika was half expecting to have him refuse to the offer of listening if he wanted to talk, so when he started talking it showed just how much they had grown as a couple to her and how much trust he truly had in her. Hearing that he almost died made her go slightly wide eyed, keeping her eyes on him and her hand in his.

She remained silent as he spoke, not wanting to interrupt him as he got what he needed to off his chest. Shhe couldn't believe that John would think a hunt that required a minimum of eight hunters could be dealt with successfully with just him and Dean. It was hard to not think even lower of John at that moment. Yet she could also see why John would feel it was too critical to just leave unattended as it involved kids.

As he explained about how a woman who was clearly a werewolf just ambushed Dean. The idea that he could have died alone because John was busy dealing with the newly turned werewolves broke her heart. It ripped it into a thousand pieces and she found it difficult to not let out a few tears for him. She slowly nodded in understanding as he explained about how a woman patched him up, but anger bubbled inside her when John just started plans of Dean's death before even making sure he survived or not.

No wonder he wanted to rush to her and Bobby's so quickly, to the point he didn't even let her know he was coming. She would have wanted to run to the only safe haven she knew of if she was in his place. She always felt lucky to still have him in her life but how she felt even more grateful for it. She could be grieving him right now, going absolutely insane like he did when he thought she was dead, but she had the luck to not have to go through that.

Seeing his shrug to show he was done talking for now, she got off her stool, pulled her hands out of his and just hugged him tightly, not knowing if any words that would nearly be enough, not after she had already told him what she felt before the story. She tried to find words to say to him but nothing felt appropriate to her, so she silently kept ahold of him.

"what happened to those kids wasn't your fault Dean..." she finally whispered to him, kissing the top of his head. Pulling away just enough to look at him in his eyes, placing a kiss on his lips, letting git linger for a couple of moments then pulling away again. "we don't have to talk about it anymore if you don't want to. But know I'll always be here for you when you need someone to talk to." she told him.

"how about we head home?" she asked him. "or we could walk round town judt to clear our heads before heading home" she suggested another option. Whatever he wanted to do, she would go along with it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dean waited for her response, as Jess wiped her eyes and turned from them both, going to put some bottles back on the shelf from the fight earlier. When Mika stood from her barstool, he flinched, but soon found himself wrapped in her arms, which caused his body to relax, his arms wrapping around her tightly. He buried his face in her neck, taking a deep and shuddered breath.

He couldn’t imagine how she would have reacted, or the lengths she would have gone to, if John had just broken the news to Bobby, and forced the poor man to tell her that Dean had died, especially with how John tended to explain things. Bobby would have been a mess, too. That was a lot of trouble for one person to cause, and in his mind, he was just thankful for being alive…if not to keep her sane.

As she pulled away from him and kissed him, he closed his eyes tightly, kissing her back, his hand coming up to brush her cheek gently. Reluctantly breaking the kiss, he stared between her eyes and gave a small nod, “I know…You’re pretty much the only one.”

With a sad smile, he looked her up and down, before gesturing toward himself, “I think we would probably cause a bit of panic with the townfolk, right now.”

He chuckled, feeling relief just from the act of finding something amusing. He leaned his forehead against hers, and took a deep breath, before letting it out sharply, clearing his chest, “I think it might be better for us to get back to the house. We can spend some time in the lot, if we want to get some fresh air before we clean up…or after. I’m sure I could find a water hose…”

He could tell that his mind wanted to lighten the mood, by his quips coming back, most likely as a result of the alcohol he had chugged, a little faster than he meant to. It was an eventful night, and his relief in not ruining that night was washing over him.

“I know I’m not touchy feely, and I don’t know that that will change, but when I was dying, the only thing I could think about was surviving…because I needed you to be there. I didn’t want the last thing I ever stared at to be some dingy ceiling…”, he muttered, pecking her lips. He then let her go, and stood from his own barstool.

“Jess. I think we’re going to head home. I’ll leave Bobby a note about what happened, if you wanna lock up until tomorrow night.”, he called over to Jess, who simply nodded, looking around at the mess.

He grabbed Mika’s hand and started walking with her toward the main door of the bar, trying not to scare the hell out of anyone in the movie theatre.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

It saddened her that he admitted she was probably the only one that would be there for him whenever he needed a shoulder to cry on or an ear to hear him. It almost made her realise just how much more important it was that she was there for him and feel validated in her own way to herself. That she was wanted and needed by someone and not just another person who no one gave a crap about.

She watched him as he looked her up and down then gestured to herself and it suddenly reminded her that neither were in a very presentable state to be walking around town. She chuckled with him and nodded in agreement, "you're probably right, it's bad enough we gotta walk home. So maybe hang out in the lot would be better" she replied to him after he gave his own suggestion.

The fact he could still make a quip or two brought some relief to her as it meant he wasn't entirely lost inside himself. She listened to him admit he wasn't touchy feely but that he wanted nothing more than to survive so he could see her, looking him in the eyes the entire time before she pecked his lips back.

With the decision made she stepped back just enough to give him room to stand from his barstool, taking his hand back and let him tell Jess about getting the mess sorted by leaving a note to Bobby. She said her brief goodbye to Jess as well as saying sorry for everything once again as she walked to the main with Dean, trying to avoid drawing any attention to people in the movie theatre half.

Exiting the bar, the cool air hit her in the face, a welcoming sigh escaping her as she took in the breeze. "and the walk home begins" she smiled, squeezing his hand and began walking back to Bobby's with him. She avoided as much eye contact from anyone else in the street as possible so not tod raw too much attention, though she was aware plenty of people in town knew she was Bobby's family in some way and with her current appearance and Dean's appearance, she could only imagine the kinds of hushed conversations that would be had.

As long as she avoided any of Sherrif Mills' police so word wouldn't get back to the woman over it, she decided she wouldn't worry too much.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter

Member Seen 4 days ago

Dean also took in the fresh air hitting his sticky face as they stepped out the door. Unlike Mika, he was drunk and waved at almost everyone they met on the sidewalk. Most people withdrew away from them as they passed, not wanting to be anywhere near Dean, in fear they would end up with the river of blood he was covered in on their body, or that they would be killed.

He frowned, “Everyone’s so rude, tonight…”

He was almost thankful when they hit the quiet, dark road that led to the junkyard, and everything fell silent around them, other than the crunching of their boots against the gravel. He glanced over at Mika, smiling at how the moon was hitting her skin right now. Oddly enough, she was even more attractive, covered in blood, than without.

He laughed at his thoughts, tripping at one point as some of the later shots began to hit his head. He giggled at the trip, and turned to walk backward, “You’re so beautiful. You look…-hiccup- like a painting. I just wanna get you all wrapped up and…”

He tripped and fell backward just as they got to the gate, his back slamming into the sheet metal with a loud bang. Holding his finger up to his lips, he turned and shushed the metal, reaching out and holding onto Mika’s arms as she approached. He adjusted himself and backed through the fence, wrapping her in his arms tightly, while he hummed in her face. The tune was a Bryan Adams song, from their teen years. He paused the humming and leaned in close to her face, “You’re the only…-hiccup- person I wanna be this way with. You know that? You’re perfect…and smart…and…”

He fell backward again, tripping over a bumper, and fell to the gravel with a loud thud and a groan, before laughing. A light flickered on inside the living room window, as he laughed loudly, reaching for Mika.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 4 days ago

As Dean's drunken state seemed to get worse the moment they hit the outside air, she smiled and shook her head at him waving to everybody with his free hand. "theyre not rude, they're scared. We are covered in vamp blood" she told him, whispering the last two words to him. Though she did have to admit fit was amusing how he was so carefree in not worrying about town gossip, and how she was trying to be a lot more discreet.

As they got to the quiet dark path that lead to the junkyard, she was glad they wouldn't have to deal with other people but she just kept being more and more amused at how Dean was seemingly getting more drunk. When he tripped she quickly covered her mouth with her free hand as she chuckled before trying to hold him a bit, only for him to let go of her hand and walk backwards.

She smiled, highly amused by his drunken rambles once again by his description of her before stifling as much of her laugh as possible when he tripped again and fell into the gate. "bloody hell Dean" she laughed walking over to him, letting him grab her arms to steady himself once again. She looked at him as he pulled her right into him tightly and hummed their song to her from when they were kids.

She couldn't even remember how it became their song, but she never once complained about it. It brought fond memories of how he made her feel better after he father lost his shit at her again. She was about to reply when he stumbled in the gravel for a third time and this time fell over a bumper and hitting the ground hard, whilst almost taking her with him. Luckily for her she managed to steady herself she fell to the ground. She winced at his fall but when he laughed, it became contagious and she laughed with him before the light turning on in the house made her look up quickly, causing her head to swim from the quick action.

Looking back at Dean, she reached for his arms and pulled him up with a groan and wince because of her waist and kept ahold of him. "quick hide, if Bobby sees us like this we'll be in trouble!" she said in an almost childish manner, smiling at him as she gripped his hand and ran into some cover squatting down, pulling him down with her and covered her mouth to try and not laugh out loud.

It honestly made her feel like a kid again, hiding from the parent because she didn't want to get into trouble. Except this time, she knew Bibby was smarter than her parents were.
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