Name: Elias Stanek
Role: Division of Covert Operations Director (BlackOps General)
Known Bio: Elias was born 35 years ago in Atlantic Seaboard Metropolitan Area #8 (formerly Atlanta, Georgia). Elias' grandfather, Jakob Stanek, served with distinction in the war and earned a position within Victor Mondal's administration in the subsequent years. Jakob saw the direction the wind was blowing when Victor's daughter became chairperson and retired in a manner befitting of his station. Elias came to respect Jakob from a young age, more so than his own unremarkable father. When Elias graduated from academy, Jakob retained enough connection with Erika's regime to secure his grandson position within the shadowy Division of Covert Operations. Though Jakob's motivation for requesting Elias' appointment appeared to be nepotistic in nature, Elias' post assured the safety of Jakob and his own children from disappearing in the next silent purge.

Known Quirks: Despite heading a quasi-military branch of the secret services, Elias Stanek possesses no combat experience. This fact irks his immediate subordinates, who take umbrage at his nepotistic appointment. Those underneath him may also find his humorless demeanor grating. Though he may lack military qualifications, Director Stanek does well at his post. Those willing to overlook his unapproachable facade find him agreeable and accommodating. His cooperation with the SigInt and HumInt directors has led to numerous successful raids and captures of Enemies of the State.