Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Olivia Verde

9:23 PM

This was a stupid idea...

It started out a stupid idea...

...and it's sure as hell going to end that way.

Olivia's motorcycle raged as she drove closer and closer to her destination: New Rivière City. She heard it was a nice place - if only she could have visited this place under better circumstances. Right now, she was on a mission. The sky above was dark, and light rainfall was the signal that a bigger storm was on the way. That was something she could just feel in her gut. She knew exactly where she was going to go - but she'll have to be quick, and quiet. There's some people on her tail (Particularly NEST) that want some questions answered, and to be honest, she'll has the same questions they have.

For starters, what the hell happened?

Passing the sign that said "Welcome to New Rivière" Olivia knew that she was getting closer and closer to her goal. She thought about taking a route that isn't the most obvious one, but she was hoping that NEST and her other pursuers were anticipating that she was leaving the country. Unfortunately (For them that is), she'll be sticking around for a little bit.

Olivia scrolled into the wet streets until she made it to a dig called Molly's Tavern. She didn't know these parts of the city, but a friend of hers gave her the criminal hookup. This is the place where thugs and badasses assemble. This is hopefully the place where she can find information on her mark... maybe somebody that can help her find him, and get him to talk.

Because there's a lot of unanswered questions.

She's supposed to be after this one chick named "Vegas." Olivia didn't know who that broad was, but if she has connections, then she has them. So, Olivia was staring before the building. It was a dingy spot stuffed in between two other buildings. It didn't have any charm - it was literally two windows, a door, walls, and depression and bad decisions. Olivia felt like she was going to get Hep C the moment she steps into the place, but she'd have to press on regardless.

Olivia walked in, and all eyes fell on her as everyone tried to figure what a girl like her was doing in a place like this. Because everyone here looked like white trash, or some sort of thug. Olivia ignored them as she pressed on through the building. Earning all sorts of stares as she found herself a booth all the way in the back, and slid into it. Gently folding her hands on top of it.

Apparently this is where the Vegas wants to meet.

She should show up soon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nyx of whiskers
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Nyx of whiskers I'll steal your wine and humanity.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Vanessa "Vegas" Daniels

Sometimes, it's better to simply knock out the rich daughter before you kidnap her rather than after. A lesson Vanessa was forced to learn yet again for what must have been the hundredth time.

The girl sat next to the dark haired young woman, going on and on about how her father had 'wronged' her in some way or another. Originally, Vanessa had intended on questioning the girl about her father's business and why he had been neglecting to pay the money he owed, though it had quickly turned into the pathetic sob story of a bratty teenage girl. Looking back on it, Vanessa supposed there had been no hope in getting of use out of the teen in the first place. To say that she had been looking forward to the meeting she had scheduled would have been both an understatement and an exaggeration. She rarely looked forward to meeting with those who claimed to need her assistance in anyway, shape, or form.

"Sorry, to cut our little chat short," she said with a coy smile as the driver stepped out and open Vanessa's door for her, sharply cutting off another story, "but it appears we have arrived. Perhaps we will meet again." With that, she slipped out of the car and the smile vanished in an instant. She straightened her long, dark coat and ran a hand through her dark curls. "See that she is placed somewhere far away from me. If I have to listen to her whining for another second, I'm going to-"

"I understand, madam. There is no need for violence so early. I will handle the ransom but please try to keep your head for this meeting," said the driver, Johnathan. He assisted Vanessa fairly often and knew her temperaments better than even her sometimes. She often likened him to Batman's butler, Alfred, though Johnathan still had hair.

Sighing softly, Vanessa straightened and nodded. "I will, John. Finish with the girl as quickly as possible. I should be done in about half an hour but it may take any amount of time," she ordered, striding into the bar.

Vanessa ignored the looks she received, fully knowing that the sober enough half would know her and the drunk enough half would try to touch her as she passed. Yet, somehow, she glided calmly through the crowd, avoiding hands with ease. She made her way to the back booth, eyeing what she could see of the occupant as she approached. From what she could see, she was young and pretty. A smirk played across her dark red lips as she slipped into the booth.

"So, I take it you're may date for the night. How sweet of you," she cooed, crossing one leg over the other and placing a small, brass pin on the table. Engraved on the pin was an ace of spades with a stylized 'V' seemingly trapped within the spades. The symbol of her gang and, more importantly, the emblem of Vegas.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Olivia Verde


Olivia asked, smirking. "Sorry, but it's not one of those meetings." She jovially said. Olivia immediately leaned back in the booth, and looked around. Putting her hands behind her head as she looked off to the side. "Place's not nice enough." She laughed.

Between the jokes and whatnot, Olivia was sizing up this so called Vegas. According to her friend, Vegas was a bigshot within the criminal underworld. Olivia herself wasn't exactly the type who'd be working with these types of people, but she had no choice. She heard the fucker she's after came over to New Rivière, and since she's alone and has no idea about the city she's in, she (in effect) doesn't know her ass from her elbow. For now, she'll have to swallow her pride. Just for a little while.

This Vegas was a toned type that didn't exactly look like the leader of a gang. More like someone she'd see at the gym. Before Olivia pushes her luck, looks can be deceiving, and she'd rather not piss off a gang leader right off the bat. That'd just end horribly for her (With NEST on her, it isn't smart to add an entire criminal organization). Keeping on Vegas' good side until she tests the waters would be a great idea.

"I'm Olivia." Olivia started off, "And I'm here to ask... a favor."

Taking in a deep breath, Olivia tried to find the best way to phrase this. She would need to find the best way to phrase this that'd keep Vegas interested. Well, money is the magic word here, but she'd need to start from the top.

"I'm after a bastard," Olivia started off. She reached into her green jacket and produced a picture, sliding it across the table and presenting it clearly to Vegas. It was the picture of a strange man in black armor with his back to the picture taker. He was tall, and wore an outfit - a leather longcoat that looked like a cape, gloves, large heavy boots, and an orb-like helmet that had two red lights that were apparently his eyes, all black - that concealed his entire appearance.

"This bastard... I don't know anything about him, but he killed one of my friends, and I want payback." Olivia's tone took a much harsher, more serious tone. Almost like she was hissing out each word.

Calming herself down, she sighed. "I don't know anything about him, but I know he came over to this city, and I'm going to make sure that he pays." Olivia started off. "Which is why I'm willing to pay you if you can point me in the right direction, at least. Please."

Olivia only knows that he's in the city because she heard someone who fits his description killing gang members.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nyx of whiskers
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Nyx of whiskers I'll steal your wine and humanity.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Vanessa "Vegas" Daniels

Vanessa hummed a soft chuckle. "No, this place isn't the nicest but, at least, it is a place where we can be discreet and the other patrons will respect it." She had met with people enough in this particular bar to know most of those in it on a regular basis and enough for them to know her. They had a certain amount of respect for each other by this point and that meant one not double crossing the other without there being a very good reason.

The smirk still clear as day, Vanessa not so subtly checked out the young woman sitting across from her, both in the inappropriate and appropriate. Her face was quite attractive, though that's not what really caught her attention. She would be lying if she said she hadn't almost immediately noticed the woman curve. It was a bit difficult to really see with her clothes in the way but Vanessa had quite the trained eye.

"Olivia," she murmured under her breath, her eyes returning to the young woman's face. It was a fitting name for her.

She looked down at the photo, frowning deeply. She knew that man, better than she'd like too at that. He was in cahoots with the small group that tried to bring her down a little while back. Hell, he even had the nerve to try and fight her before turning tail. Vanessa sat up and lift the picture off the table with her thumb and forefinger, a look of disgust. Small flecks of light seemed to begin to fall from the fingers holding the photo.

"Interesting..." she murmured, leaning back in her seat and placing the corner of the photo in between her teeth as she watched Olivia. So, after killing one of her closest men, he went off and killed the friend of the girl sitting in front of her, both for reasons unknown. It was a strange situation to say the least.

When Olivia finished speaking, Vanessa watched her for a long moment in silence.

"You know," she said softly, "this man is also responsible for the death of a very close...partner of mine. From the sounds of it, he killed your friend just after killing mine..." She pause, the edges of the photo singed and curling with a growing blackness as she tossed it back on the table. "Alright, here's the deal, love. We both want this man found and preferable have his head on a silver platter, correct? And you seem desperate enough to be willing to pay for any amount of information, so I'll cut you a nice little deal. We help each other in this hunt and in the kill but, instead of money, I get you for at the very least twelve hours. Preferable a bed would be involved but, if you don't swing that way, I'd be more than happy with a date." She flashed Olivia a charming smile and winked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Olivia Verde
@Nyx of whiskers


Olivia was about to correct Vegas and say that he's no man, but a dog (and he's about to be a dead dog at that). She didn't even know this guy's name, but she was hellbent on killing him. Fortunately, Vegas was willing to help - the brute pissed her off, too. Looks like he has a lot of people on him. Vegas (or someone else ) should be able to track him. Olivia fought him once and lost the last time, but she'll know what to expect from the bruiser this time. With Vegas, and whoever the hell else stands with her, it should be simple taking him out, right?

Only one catch.

Vegas pretty much wants her ass.

While she thought it was just jokes at first, it became awfully obvious that Vegas isn't interested in money... but a lover. Olivia never thought about that part of her. Hell... Vegas was pretty hot- No, no, no. Have to focus on the mission. Vegas was a criminal that probably hurt tons of people. If there were any other circumstances, Olivia would be against her. But, for now, the young Verde woman would have to put up with it.

"Alright," Olivia agreed. "If you help me kill him; you can do whatever you want with me. I don't care."

She shook her head. Oh. Other than Vegas being thirsty for her, there was another thing she needed to discuss.

"Speaking of beds... I'm going to need a place to crash." Olivia said. "Preferably, somewhere NEST won't find me. Because... let's just say there's someone high ranking that wants to have a word with me."

And she wasn't going to touch that with a twelve foot stick.
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