Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 12 days ago

Hehehe it was an accident. XD

Though I'm slow at typing...not sure if I can get this post done before you pass out lol
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

It'll be around for me in time. You waited a week. I can wait too. I do have a couple pm's you can take a look at though >.>
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 12 days ago

I probably won't wanna look at those until tomorrow. XD

I am almost done actually, well maybe 70% done...we'll see. I don't love it but maybe by the time I'm done I'll feel better about it. Bottling their perfect cute-ness...*cries*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

The fact you're waiting tells me I might do my job well ;3 despite the fact I barely did anything >.> don't sweat it, nothing really happened sadly, I'm just making Joffrey the ass we know and love. Truth be told, I could have done a lot better. You ain't missing much.

I should still be up for at least another hour. Bottling cuteness? Let that shit run free dude.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 12 days ago

I gotta keep smut-mind and fluff-mind apart from one another. XD It's for the posts/poster's own good haha. Speaking of GoT...I hear the last two episodes of the season were pretty good. And that fan theory for Jon was confirmed. Were they as good as they ratings say? And Joffrey gets to be an ass now but soon he gets to know what love is...and he and Arya will be sexy beasts who dominate Westeros. With whips.

Well I gots to bottle it so I can pour it all over my post. Shiori should be entering the picture soon, just as soon as Botan is done being blushy and sweet~

The girl eats compliments like they're candy.

Being a reaper is a hard, thankless job. And being Yusuke and Koenma's keeper...even worse lol
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

Aw, that's true though. GoT had a few moments that made me roll my eyes but other than that, the season ended pretty well. It's worth taking a look at yourself, but I think I'm growing out of it. I'm not as hype as I used to be. Some dumb shit happened that was probably better in the books. The path to love is riddled with bumps. They gotta fill the holes together <3.... >:3333

Haha, that's true! Botan probably seldom gets any sort of attention outside of work. This must be a big change for her. With Shiori also smothering Botan with a mother's love, I don't think Botan would want to go back to how things used to be soon enough! :D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 12 days ago

GoT should be ending in like 1-2 more seasons though right? I think I'm already over it. It's a lot of shit to keep track of. I almost wish they had cut more things from the books but...what can you do? It's a great show though, great music, acting, etc. But it's so daunting and there's seldom happiness. At least with our RP we get smut, SHAME, drama, happiness and awesome shit. XD

She may have to find some silly excuse to keep prolonging the case. Like...losing some important papers sent to her or something. Though right now she is getting a little philosophical, hopefully it does resonate well with Kurama, it's rare Botan gets to have adult conversations or get compliments. She's already loving her host family.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

I heard a couple more seasons, yeah. I don't find myself caring about many people anymore. I feel that even Arya's last few scenes in the season were a joke, and I liked her from the beginning. Our rp let's us keep what we care about closer to us, and we only kill it off when WE say xP

Yeah I did consider that Botan might find any excuse to stay on, even if Koenma is convinced that Kurama can handle everything alone once they have enough information. It's just that her life with him and Shiori was a lot brighter than it was before, just doing her job and being all smiles, but deep down she's lonely without him and the others with her. Not only a thankless job, but a lonely one, and I'm sure it might be hard for her to admit this to Koenma alone. Kurama should learn eventually. Gosh these two are so cute. I wonder if the eventual smut is going to kill it xD
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 12 days ago

I liked Arya's plot in theory but I'll have to see how the show executed it...at least in ours Ned and Syrio are alive and well. And Joffrey becomes a human being with needs that aren't just mutilating people. >__> At least people he loves.

As annoying as Yusuke is, she does care for him. She loves her job. But having gotten close to the gang and still having to do her job, she does become isolated. Yusuke almost died again, Genkai came back from the dead, it's a lot for anyone to bear. But with Kurama and Shiori, she has a family, something she hadn't missed in a long time but having them around, reminds her how alone she really is and makes her question how long she can keep doing her job. Koenma relies on her more than anyone else in her field, she's given a lot of burdens to carry. And you know she'd never want to say 'no' to anyone.

And the smut scene, at least their first, I think would be cute and sweet and a little funny/clumsy because they're finally crossing a line. But I think it'll just make everything better and let them show each other how much they mean to one another. <333 And argh, I need to re-write my Shiori part, it's not motherly enough. >___>
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

Agreed. And he ends up becoming more independent from the role as King. He didn't have much of a chance to be himself before then. Deep down I think he might despise how weak he is in truth.

Oooh, true. Do you think it would be a talk Kurama and Koenma would need to have? I don't think Botan is overburdened, but he does expect a lot more from her than almost anyone else. She's a sweet woman. I don't think Koenma is taking advantage of her but, let's be real, when's the last time the girl's gotten a vacation? I think Kurama could put it in perspective, or at least let this be the start of Kurama helping Botan during his free time. At least if she has to work, she won't be so alone in the struggle of it. I'm sure some cases are just too painful to believe without seeing them for yourself. Kurama might end up becoming Batman and hunting down some murderers man... xD

Oh, first time, totally sweet. Everything else? We gon' see >.> xDD JUST KEEP THE EARS AND TAIL OFF, AND WE'RE GOOD! No pressure on Shiori. I don't think I can write a mom better than you anyway. I'm sure it's gonna be great.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 12 days ago

I don't think he even wanted the throne to begin with. I think he wanted what it symbolized. He wanted to be recognized, to have his "father" see him as a man and to have power. But in reality, he probably knew he couldn't handle the pressure. He was never 'groomed' to be a ruler. He was born from incest, into a bat shit crazy family. He needs actual love, acceptance and stability but instead no one said 'no' to him so he go to act out as much as he wanted. At least with Arya, he gets a challenge but also learns about his own faults and maybe discovers he wants something else...or that he needs to wait before taking the throne.

My post actually mentions a vacation. XD I think deep down, she knows she's over-worked. She'd never complain to Koenma, maybe to some of her reaper gal pals. And she cares for Koenma and her job. She's damn good at it. But she does need to consider a better end-game than where she is now. With Kurama, she can see the big picture a little easier. She'll have someone to come home to and cuddle up with at the end of a long day of taking souls away from the things/people they love. Kurama should tag along when she does do a job. It would be something she'd take comfort in sharing with someone else.

You know they gonna bang in the school closet. XD

In the bushes...

On the roof...

Greenhouse fo sho.

And I am almost done, one more paragraph and it's done~~~!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

All truth. Hopefully Arya doesn't use her sick skills on him later if he doesn't wise up.

I agree. I think sharing the experience would be very helpful to her emotionally and, later, romantically. When she talks about what she's seen, he would understand the pain or stress of it much better. One day on a coming weekend, he should just spend the whole day with her as she does it, and by the end he would be physically and emotionally drained. So much would go into it that he would commend Botan for having the strength to do it. Kurama might have potential in reaping, but it isn't something he can see himself doing for long periods. Botan's the real MVP.

They're banging everywhere eventually, this goes without saying. Cool, I'll keep an eye out ;3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 12 days ago

I pooooosted. Hopes it's a'iiiight.

Though Kurama should shadow her one day, if he insists on getting to know his fake gf a little a better, Botan wouldn't say no. They'd go to school, she'd get called off to reap, he'd follow, they'd go back to school, deal with drama, maybe reap some more, deal with Koenma and his mountain of paperwork, go home, etc. He clearly already appreciates her but after that, he'd probably be amazed she can still be so cheery but I have a feeling he may need to catch her crying at some point. Just out of sheer exhaustion or something. If Kurama subbed for Botan from time to time to give her a 'day off' she'd be so tickled...but also worried. She's mama Botan, she loves the souls she reaps. But she does need to step away even for just a day...But it would be so sweet of Kurama to offer to help out. <3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

Awesome post as always. I do love Botan's difficulty explaining her feelings, but you know what I REALLY love? The knowing smile Shiori gave them when they were about to leave. YEAH SHE KNOWS THEY'RE UP TO SOMETHING TOGETHER. SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT BUT A MOTHER CAN DREAM! And I loved Botan's frustration at the homework. We've all been there Botan xD

Oh god my heart at Botan crying from exhaustion >.< I always thought Botan's frustration with homework would be the same thing Kurama would feel about reaping. Good people who's lives were cut short due to such BULLSHIT. I want him to sit beside her when she's close to breaking, so she at least has a shoulder to cry on. He'll definitely help out. Yusuke and Kuwabara wouldn't last a friggin' day doing what she does daily. Botan's a BEAST!
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 12 days ago

Fuck school, right Botan? She knows it's useless shit. So does Kurama. Useless school is useless lol

And yes, Shiori knows they're probably going to the park to make-out. She can smell BS a mile away and she's more than happy to remain blissful for now. Of course when she and Botan go shopping, she'll try to put Botan and Kurama in cute matching outfits or something. Shiori has ninja senses. And if she can help nudge them even closer...

I imagine Kurama reading from a notecard on how to comfort and explain shit to those who have died. >___> It's a tactful job. I'm sure she doesn't say "bingo" to everyone since everyone might not connect the dots. I can imagine some bus load of kids being hit in traffic and she'd have to go explain to the cute faced babes about how they can't see their mommies and daddies anymore. And then Botan would ferry them off before they have to see the broken faces of the parents. And Botan feels like shit because life isn't fair and often times lacks and meaning or reason. And her book won't tell her if any of the kids could have grown up to be doctors or teachers cause they were only given 5 years on earth. And that death affects not just those taken away, but so many others. </3

And that seeing Yusuke still live makes her heart ache a little less because he got a second chance. Sometimes she doesn't think it's fair that only he got it and no one else could. But she is proud of Yusuke and believes in him, since she can't believe any of the other lost souls taken before she'd prefer.

*siiiiiigh* Botan needs Kurama's shoulder to cry on because there is gonna be on horrific tragedy one of these days...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

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YO if she gets them anything matching it better not be too dorky. Kurama loves his mother but he has limits damn it! XD Matching sweaters is perfectly fine!

I don't think Kurama will suck at it at all. It's just the part where they need to be consoled may be difficult. A motherly person like Botan fits the mold so much better than him, but in his defense at least he isn't Kuwabara or Hiei, the latter of which would just be like, "You're dead. Deal with it. Now let's go." Haha. The tragedy of it all would be the hardest thing to cope with. Kurama might be weakened after a single day of it. Yet that's Botan's entire career. Guiding these people to the next life, whether prepared or not. He wouldn't want her enduring that forever.

At least Yusuke made the best of his second chance and is doing considerable good for Koenma. He's tackled the Saint Beasts, helped save Yukina, and beat Toguro too. At least it wasn't some undeserving punk!

Something so terrible that Botan returns home and tries to hide it from Shiori as best she can, then dismisses herself with Kurama. He takes her to his room, and once the door shuts she is just starting to bawl completely. Full on tears, heavy sobbing, and smothering his chest during a hug before her legs give out. She got one of those cases so terrible that she doesn't even want to think about it anymore. And the GUY THAT DID IT IS STILL OUT THERE SOMEWHERE! >:C No but revenge later, comforting Botan now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 12 days ago

Kuwabara might be inept but Hiei would have zero sympathy. It would be a cold day in hell when Botan lets Hiei anywhere near her souls. XD

Yusuke is doing a lot of good with his second chance, even if sometimes he's reluctant about it. I mean Koenma needed another detective and Yusuke was a good candidate. It worked out for them both. In a way, Botan is happy at least one person has been spared a premature death. But Kurama would need to help steer Botan away from her line of work. She loves it, it's rough on her, but she'd be hard pressed to actually change careers. The next job would need to be doing some good, making a difference. I think she just wants people to be happy and safe.

I can picture her returning home because she knows Shiori is worried, it's late. She hurries up, not wanting food. Kurama follows and before she can fly out the window on her oar and cry alone somewhere, Kurama stops her and tells her she doesn't have to be alone anyone. So then she does cry on his chest until her body gives out. She hates how cruel people are and how selfish they can be. And so Kurama gets to cuddle up with her in bed and stroke her hair and tell her funny stories to take her mind off everything. Then he can sneak out at night, kill the bastard and reap his soul himself so Botan doesn't even have to deal with him ever again. It's not until later she checks her book and finds out the guy was killed, she wouldn't think much of it but deep down, she'd have a feeling it was Kurama and while she wouldn't approve, she'd feel rather happy that he did that for her and the innocent victims. :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hiei wouldn't want to either xD good lord imagine those two working on a case together! JUST IMAGINE!

True that! Botan's done her share. I'm thinking child psychologist! Or... KINDERGARTEN TEACHER! Something with kids and easily handled! Or a flight instructor because she loves flying too much to just give it up, so she teaches others the joy of it, only this time in GIANT MONSTROSITIES CALLED AIRPLANES!

Oh dude you know Yoko's coming back once a-motherfuckin'-gain to kill the sick fuck who's out there doing some disgusting, unforgivable shit. I mean Yoko's a thief and kind of an asshole but there's no way in hell he'd let that bastard live. But you hit the hammer on the nail; Kurama would NEVER confirm that he was involved at all. Botan can suspect though. Her approval doesn't matter, only her peace of mind, and if that peace of mind meant eradicating some filth from the face of the Earth, then he'd do it again. No more tears Bae-tan :CCCC
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 12 days ago

It would be an awful sitcom haha.

She would be a great teacher. I was almost tempted to write that she wanted to teach so it's def something she'd happily consider. But what would Kurama do in the human world? I assume they'd both need to have jobs but still be able to travel to demon and spirit world as they wish. Would he just be a businessman? I don't see it being that fun though. Maybe he'd do something with plants? Or teach as well?

She'd smile to herself but never bring it up. There'd be no need and part of her would be relieved to know some sick fuck is no longer able to live when he cost people so many lives left unlived. Yoko wouldn't be pleased that someone could be so cruel, at least he does things for a reason (may not be a good reason for everyone involved but still, he's not senseless). And hopefully when Kurama tells Koenma Botan needs a vacation, they can go have some awesome sex on a beach somewhere, cause they both need to get away from high school stress and whatnot. :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 1 day ago

Yet somehow get like seven seasons xD

I think Kurama would end up discovering some natural cures and pursue the field of medicine. He loathes fighting and loves the natural world. The easiest option is of course just being a businessman of some kind. No matter what though, he'd be successful in it. He's the fucking MAN.

I think Yoko might end up bringing it up--not KURAMA, YOKO--in a sort of romantic way. Because his eye is on her, he would be promising to destroy those that ever make her feel that terribly again. And he'd mean it. Botan can't put a leash on him like she could Shuichi. So she'd know all along, but Yoko would be bold enough to confirm it while in his true form. Anyone that hurts her, dies.
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