Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Drache
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Drache Certified Dragon Expert

Member Seen 2 days ago

Starting Date and Time: Jedayan 40th, 301DM

Starting Location: The Labourer tavern in Pyresia

CS URLs: Aussir Denthanus & Drachiathoryx

Light and raucous music poured out of the open windows to the busy tavern onto the sandstone pavement beyond, mingling with the chatter and shouts of the crowd within. Beyond its windows a light breeze blew up the slope of the mountainside city from the sea, bringing both the scent of salt and the fragrance of jungle blooms to compete with the stink of sweaty bodies and stale ale. Looking down the slope to the harbour, many parts of the city glowed with a hellish light where the ornate stone culverts channeled lava safely down to the water.

The heavy stone door to the bar swung open with surprising smoothness, dwarven construction of course, under an engraved basalt sign identifying the place as The Labourer.

"Dwarves," Drache smirked a little, part exasperation, part fondness for the gruff stoneworkers and guildsmen of Pyresia. She was forced to bow her proud spiral horns under the door-frame to join the crowd. Thankfully the ceiling inside was a good bit more forgiving to non-dwarves.

Tucking her strong wings tightly to her back as she threaded her way through the crowd, the crimson beauty was unsurprised to find that she was far from the tallest person in the room. The Labourer was a known hangout for mercs and head-hunters and retired or failed arena fighters. Her amber eyes skimmed the low stage, her ear-frills catching the frantic and almost grating sound of fiddles, flutes, and drums being played at maximum volume. No doubt there was a different group of entertainers in here every night.

Not seeing the person she'd come here to meet, the shapely dragonkin made her way to the end of the bar and the last two free seats. The counter had been constructed out of a huge slab of rock, polished and finished with glass so that the spires of green gemstones glittered prettily within. Much of the decoration in any building in the city incorporated the natural seams of gems and geodes threading through the stone.

Sighing smokily, Drache lifted her tail and sat down on a wooden barstool with one long leg crossed over the other, drumming her black-clawed fingers on the smooth counter, her gleaming amber eyes following the dwarven bar-tender as he served drinks and cheap stew to patrons at the other end. other eyes followed her to her seat. There weren't many women present, other than the ones serving drinks or gradually losing their clothes in the laps of other patrons, and certainly none of those had scales.

Her hand lifted to touch a tiny quartz vial hanging from a chain around her neck while she waited. Purple wasn't normally her colour, but the tiny bottle contained a glittering purple powder that shifted as she spun it round and round.

Even in such a crowded place, Drache couldn't help but feel a certain oppressive loneliness. It was a feeling she though she'd outgrown long ago, but for some reason had returned to plague her full-force since the tragic events of the Vircastorian ruins. The voices around her seemed to fade and hear ear-frill twitched, her eyes growing unfocused, and she could almost hear the hiss of the slug-God's breath... turned it absent-mindedly. Apart from the necklace, the half-dragon wore a brown suede vest and a long black skirt slit up to the hip on both sides.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The sound of the parchment being unrolled for what seemed like the umpteenth time was heard, the clawed hands holding it belonging to the Dragonkin known as Alexander Bane. He read the contents once again before looking around; one thing he disliked about Pyresia, the layout. Sure, it was nice to look at, but quite often he had to get directions, even despite the fact he was born and raised there. He scratched his head, his eyes glowing slightly, You know, next time, I'm not asking a damn Dwarf for directions. I think he purposely gave me bad directions. he thought to himself, clearly irritated. He crumpled up the crudely drawn map and stuffed it into one of his packs before tugging on the reins of his horse, Destiny. The beast moved forward, her hooves clacking against the stone. Alexander, or Aussir as he preferred to be called, decided to take the path heading towards the center of the city. With any luck, he'd find what it was he was looking for, The Labourer.

Aussir was a unique Dragonkin, born from the love of a human and dragon, a rare instance among Dragons as he understood it. However, his life as of late had not been what it should have been, the cogs of fate turning against him. Orphaned before reaching maturity, Aussir grew distant from those he was once close to, even those who were kin. He is misunderstood, a common reaction given to closed off Dragonkin, coupled with loneliness. Aussir's loneliness was beyond that which typically manifested with his kin, and while there were those who truly understood why he was the way he was, the male had never accepted their sympathy. He chose to be alone of his own free will, not because it was thrust upon him as a child. Aussir was drawn from his thoughts when he heard the typical sounds of a tavern, deciding to alter course and investigate to see if it was The Labourer. As he drew closer, he found it was. Sighing, he turned to Destiny, "It's about time, isn't it?" he asked her, almost as if he expected her to respond. He made sure to tie her tightly to the post, moving to one side of her and retrieving a large sword with care from one of the saddlebags, strapping the weapon and it's sheathe to his back. After adjusting it, he took a few steps to the door, pushing it open.

The male had to lower his head as he entered, Of course the place was made by Dwarves, who else makes such a small archway? Sometimes I wonder if they even take other races into consideration when designing these places. he thought. He straightened up once inside, though had to keep his head bent a little, lest he grind the ends of his horns into stumps. He sighed and rolled his eyes, Dwarves, of course. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers, especially in his line of work. He spotted a single empty seat, though that wasn't what caught his attention next; it was who was sitting in the seat next to it. Another Dragonkin. He didn't recognize them, likely because they probably never met before. She appeared to be lost in her own world from what he could see, it was likely she wouldn't pay him any mind anyways, few ever did. He moved through the tavern and sat down at the bar, folding his wings even more. He turned his head to the other patrons, it didn't seem like anyone around there was interested in hiring a mercenary tonight. He let out a sigh, "Well, so much for finding work tonight." he muttered to himself.

He turned to the bartender, "Unless you have need of a bodyguard or something?" he asked. When he got no reply, he grunted before letting his eyes wander to the Dragonkin next to him. His interactions with others were usually male, she had been the first female he ever saw, so naturally he was curious. He didn't quite understand the reason why she wore so much jewellry, then again that could be like her hoard or something. It made sense to him in his mind, though his eyes drifted to what was in her hand, the color entranced him as she spun it. He blinked and cleared his head, was he seriously just thinking of trying to rob her? He couldn't believe himself, his mother had taught him better than that! She'd be rolling over in her grave if she found out! Clearing his throat, he finally turned his head to her, "That's a pretty necklace you have, purple is quite an enchanting color, if I say so myself." he commented, nodding slightly to the amethyst. He turned in his seat to face her properly, "The name's Aussir. What brings you to a place like this?" he asked, casually motioning to the patrons around them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Drache
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Drache Certified Dragon Expert

Member Seen 2 days ago

The jaunty and mostly off-key music from the stage faded to a background haze as Drachiathoryx continued to slowly twist the tiny jar in her fingertips, claws clicking lightly on the glass as the purple powder sifted around inside. A little vial, an urn, the substance she had no name for; all that was left of her friend.

Distantly she was aware when Aussir slid into the chair beside her and she shifted her wings and tail automatically to keep them out of his way, all without ever glancing in his direction. Warmth radiated off of her like a sun-warmed stone, moreso than most other Ixens, as though whatever inner turmoil causing the tense scowl on her features simmered tangibly under her skin like hot coals.

To say that the dragoness had been through a lot recently was an understatement, but her ear-frill gave a flick when Aussir spoke to the bartender. Something about his presence began to work through her private fog, a combination of the sound of his voice, the scent of a drake, and the pattern of pale scales on the edge of her vision.

Her fist clenched protectively around the necklace when he mentioned it, and her ember eyes blinked as her snout turned to face him, her pupils widening and constricting as she took in the sight of the first dragonkin she'd seen up close in a long time. His scales were pale and some small part of her expected him to have frost in his veins, especially when she noticed the blue blush along the trailing edge of many of those white plates, though her cutely flared nostrils told her otherwise.

One of her eyebrows lifted as she looked him over, the corner of her mouth rising to match it as a grin attempted to banish the cloud of tumult she had worn a moment before. The hint of a sly grin suited her much better.

"Thank you," she replied, letting the new amulet settle back against her generous cleavage and letting her hand come to rest on the polished countertop. "I tend to prefer red," she offered, her wings giving a tiny flex behind her in a motion meant to refer to her own scales, "but every now and then I a make an exception."

She watched him as he turned to face her, letting her eyes follow the line of his wings behind his shoulders. They were an interesting shape, but she wasn't sure they looked strong enough to mark him as one of the few dragonkin who, like her, could fly.

"I'll have a Drakespur Cider," the female ordered, glancing side-long at the sour-faced dwarven barman until she was sure he heard her. She had switched from Draconic to Common with ease, and switched back again as she turned on her seat to face Aussir.

"Well, it certainly isn't the view," Drache replied, not even bothering to spare a glance to the rest of the crowd. "Though tonight I'm finding it more difficult to complain." Her grin spread across her refined snout. The dragoness was hardly in the mood to make new friends tonight, but coming across other half-breeds, especially well-spoken and polite ones who were a treat to look at, was such a rare thing.

"I'm Drachiathoryx. I'm waiting for a friend of mine," she went on to explain. "And you? You're looking for work as a bodyguard? If so, I hear this is the place for it." Her eyes flicked observantly to the hilt of his sword peeking over his shoulderblades.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aussir's eyes traveled to her wings when she moved them, they appeared to be like other ones he has seen, muscular. From this quick observation, he figured she was able to use them for flight, a slight pang of jealousy could be felt. His wings, while unique, were useless for flying. However, they also gave him an edge over other Dragonkin in terms of intimidation; those wings were the sole reason why he chose to name himself Aussir Denthanus. The name itself, once translated from Draconic to Common, meant White Terror. He turned his eyes from her wings, back to her. When she ordered her drink, he was impressed with how quickly she had switched between dialects, not many Dragonkin could do it as easily as she had. She is an interesting one, nothing like the others I've met. Then again, those I've met have only ever been an opponent in the arena for me. he thought. He nodded politely when she gave her name, though it was likely he would probably mess it up if he had to speak it.

He noticed she was looking over his shoulder for a moment after she had spoken, "Yeah, I am. Well, I'm looking for any sort of work actually. Not too picky. Can't be when you're a mercenary, you know?" he replied. He looked at the patrons, his nostrils flaring a little, "Though the chances of me finding any work among them seems to be nigh impossible tonight." he told her. It was here her earlier words clicked, had she just...no, he was imagining things. And even if she had flirted with him, he really had no interest. That wasn't to say he didn't find her attractive, he just didn't see the point in flirting, harmless or not. Returning from his thoughts, he realized he was staring at the vial again. He quickly turned his gaze from her, becoming a little flustered by this point; he hoped she hadn't noticed his staring. He decided now was an opportune time to depart, before she'd slap him or something, or he made things even more awkward. "It was nice meeting you, I think I will be departing for the night. Hopefully I will have better luck in the morning." he said, standing.

He was in such a hurry to get out of there, his wings had wound up unfolding a bit and hit a few patrons, who luckily either didn't care or gave him a dirty look. Once outside, Aussir began to untie Destiny from the pole, though his focus was off. He stopped and looked at his hands, What the hell was that Aussir?! Get a grip on yourself! he thought, bringing his hands to his snout and lightly smacking it. It's alright, it's over and in the past now. You're good. Let's untie Destiny, make camp, and try again tomorrow. Forget about whatshername, you'll likely never see her again. I mean, how many Dragonkin are there here? The chances of me running into her again are astronomical. So everything's good. Put tonight out of your mind and lets go. he thought as he finally was calm enough to untie the horse. He led it through the city, following the various weaving paths until he had found his usual spot, starting to set up his tent. For the most part, Aussir ignored those around him, though he kept an eye on Destiny. He knew if she became spooked for any reason, she'd bolt, and he'd have nothing.

He finished setting up camp and stretched, looking up at the sky, Are you there mother? Have you always been there? Do you watch everything I do? I wonder if you're happy up there? Or maybe you aren't. Maybe I've disappointed you by not following your path, maybe you're ashamed of me now. Even if you are, I'm still going to take this path I've chosen. Don't worry about me, I'm not lonely...not really. I have Destiny, though she can't talk back, she makes for great company... he stopped his thought. He let out a sigh, who was he kidding? What Dragonkin wasn't lonely? He lowered his head, removing his sword and placing it back in the pack where it belonged before entering his tent. He wondered if he'd get any sleep this night, or if the nightmare would come again. The nightmare. It was always the same, he was younger, in the arena stands with his father. They were watching two Gladiators in the arena going through their scripted fight as part of the celebration being held; things were going perfectly, until it happened. The moment that changed Aussir's life forever. He watched in horror with his father as his mother slipped and fell forward, the battle-axe connecting with her head and cleanly removing it. Ever since that moment, Aussir has had that nightmare, and tonight was no different.

It was hours later and Aussir sat up, breathing heavily, tears flowing down the side of his face. One night! That's all I ask! Just one night of peace! Is that too much to ask for?! he mentally called out to whatever higher being would listen to him. He stood from his bedroll and exited the tent, his eyes glowing brightly, while smoke flowed out from either side of his maw. He was beyond pissed, and he had every right to be. He grabbed his sword and made his way outside of town, though not going very far, stopping at a familiar tree. The tree had evidence of previous slashes along its bark, it was clear Aussir used it to relieve his anger. Tonight was different though, his anger was intensified, yet he didn't know why that was. He looked at the tree for a few moments before stabbing the blade into the dirt, letting his instincts take hold instead. The next moment, he had unleashed all his anger and rage in one long breath of flames, the tree burning until it became nothing more than ash. Aussir's anger was less than before, but he felt like he had to do more. Then it happened, the one thing he held onto so much, the hatred that burned so deep within him, sprang forth. "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU FOR ABANDONING ME! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?! I WAS A CHILD! I NEEDED YOU, AND YOU ABANDONED ME! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" he roared.

He took several breaths, his chest rising and falling rapidly, "I hate you so much, father..." he said to himself quietly. He finally calmed down and looked at the sword, "Why? Why did you leave after mother died? Didn't you love her? Didn't you love me...?" he asked. He drew the blade out and made his way back to his tent, returning the weapon to it's sheathe inside the saddlebag. He wasn't likely going to be getting any sleep now, not after that episode. He decided to pack up camp before starting to wander aimlessly through the town, his mood having changed from anger, to somewhat depressed. He was alone in the world, he always knew that; but tonight, he knew that and felt it more than ever before. He had already resigned himself to being alone, but that didn't stop the feelings of wanting to be loved again, to be needed by another. A natural occurrence in his kin, though he would never admit it, even if he ever did find that someone who needed him. He was a loner, and he decided he would stay that way. Nothing and no one could change his mind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Drache
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Drache Certified Dragon Expert

Member Seen 2 days ago

A heavy click of glass against the stone drew the she-drake's eyes for a moment and she lifted the cocktail slid to her by the dwarf, sipping the cinnamony rum as she fished in a pouch on the black belt around her shapely hips for coin. A black shiny orb larger than her fist was tucked into the leather purse, and in the few moments it was exposed to Aussir's sight it seemed to flicker orange like a fire-brand.

A knowing look passed over Drache's face when Aussir admitted his line of work, and she nodded her horns a little. "I've been...traveling for over a season. Only been back in the city for a few days, but I hear that many of the Xarzi clan have left the Peak. I'd be willing to bet that those who remain might be feeling a need to protect their interest in the Guilds or along the trade roads."

Drache took another sip and scooted closer to Aussir, leaning close enough that their scales nearly touched. "Dragons say they don't like us but you might find that some would rather be in our company than that of dwarves or humans."

There was a silence between them, two half-breeds happening upon each other in a rowdy tavern, but after a while the pause seemed excessive and the pretty red looked up questioningly. For a brief moment Drache thought that Aussir had found his gaze captured by her ample bust, which would have been flattering as well as amusing. But a glitter of purple was reflected in his eyes and she understood that he really was entranced by the necklace.

Before she could say anything to stop him, the male dragonkin with the self-given name had hopped from his seat as though it had turned to ice under his tail. Drache's brow furrowed and she turned, her lips forming the word "Wait!"

But he was gone.


And Aussir would quickly find out that regardless of how passionate and justified his anger at the world felt, one did not simply incinerate trees in the middle of the night on the jungle-infested outskirts of the city without attracting some attention.

Just as the half-breed finished packing his tent, a loud leathery flapping like a ship's canvas sail whipping loose on the wind, followed by a heavy thud, announced the arrival of a dragon out of the night sky behind him. The large leaves of nearby trees rustled wetly against each other in the wake of the large creature's passing.

"Halt, nou'ara." The voice was business-like and authoritative, belonging to a male drake peering at him through the darkness. He used the Draconic word for 'half-breed', which was thankfully a bit more polite than the usual term that meant 'mongrel'.

Whenever Aussir got around to facing his challenger, he would find a small but well-muscled copper drake peering at him sternly, his long frilled tail twitching back and forth. He didn't fold his wings back until he was sure Aussir had a chance to see the blue stripes painted on those coppery membranes, which identified him as a Harrok of the Wing Host. Most of his scales were as bright as freshly-forged copper armour, though some of the thickest ones were tinged with a green patina.

"You're causing quite a lot of noise out here by yourself, half-Ixen," the Copper Harrok accused, eyeing Aussir's sword. "It isn't wise to set fire to anything this close to the city. Care to explain yourself? What is your name?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aussir heard the flapping of wings, knowing he had attracted the attention of another of his kin. When the drake landed, he still hadn't turned to face him, not particularly in the mood to socialize. The moment he heard the drake speak, he knew he would have no choice but to do so. His original intent was to tell whoever it was to simply buzz off and mind their own business, however, upon turning and noticing the markings on the drake's wings, he realized he had attracted the attention of a Harrok. Perfect. Just what I needed, to get the attention of a Harrok. Can this night get any more worse? he thought bitterly to himself. Despite his foul mood, he knew it best to keep himself civil and in check, lest he make things worse for himself. He cleared his throat, "Forgive me, Great Harrok, I did not mean to make such a ruckus at this time of night." he apologized, bowing his head in respect.

The next thing asked was something he'd have to answer truthfully, "M-my name? Well, you see...um...I..." he fumbled his words. He didn't like saying his real name, it reminded him too much of his father, so he never gave it out. But this was a Harrok, he had to give it, "My name is Alexander Bane, son of the famed arena Gladiator, Dragonsteel." he admitted. He lifted his head, "I was out there to try and calm myself after waking from a nightmare, as I always have. This time, I don't know...there was something more than my anger there. Whatever it was, it caused me to lose control of myself for a moment. I do apologize once again, I didn't mean to cause problems." the male explained, apologizing once again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Drache
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Drache Certified Dragon Expert

Member Seen 2 days ago

The Copper drake had his nostrils clamped shut, breathing through his teeth. In most circles this was considered rude, implying that he liked Aussir so little that he didn't wish to smell him. Some dragons did this during conversation when they suspected the other to be lying, as though shutting out falsehoods. In this situation, however, it was simply the Harrok being cautious with a stranger who may be up to no good.

Either Aussir's brief flattery was enough to fluff the copper's ego, or the Harrok heard a genuine note of remorse in the dragonkin's words. Whatever the case, the large dragon sat back on his haunches and curled his tail around his feet, assuming a slightly more conversational posture.

"Dragonsteel, hm? How pretentious..." the Harrok mused, reflecting on the name. "I don't follow the matches much but it sounds familiar. A human, yes? I wonder..." His large head turned and he eyed Aussir out of one side. The copper's horns were two large wedges on either side, and when combined with his rather sharp chin gave his face a triangular look. He was clearly wondering who Aussir's father was, but didn't ask.

"My name is Mojavico and well met. Consider it luck that you didn't burn down anything important. Pyresia may be made out of fire and stone, but the dwarves are wary enough without half-breeds throwing tantrums." Mojavico lifted his wing to scratch at his chin with a vestigal thumb-spike.

"I don't fancy the bother of taking you in for questioning but don't make me regret leniency by making a nuisance of yourself. Perhaps a woman in your bed might alter your dreams. Or a man, whatever your preference." There was an impish look in Mojavico's face as he teased the dragonkin. But after a moment his eyes fell on the packed tent.

"You speak our tongue too well to be an outsider. Don't you have a balcony or a lair to go to?" This Harrok was quite conversational for a dragon. Many of them would have jumped at the chance to make a half-breed's life miserable.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aussir felt the tension between the two of them, but it quickly faded away when the drake took a more neutral stance with him, allowing himself to relax as well. He committed to memory the Harrok's name, it was far easier to recall and say than the one he learned from that woman earlier...what was her name again? Drasomthingorother. Sighing internally, he decided to forget about learning her name again, it would only frustrate him. "Of course. I completely understand. The Dwarves do tend to be scared easily, and I would not wish to invoke the ire of several, lest I wind up dead myself." he agreed. This was one reason why he went out that far, so as not to provoke a Dwarf into attacking him. He didn't particularly want to follow his mother quite so soon. "I assure you, Lord Mojavico, I will not have a repeat of tonight in the future. I will learn to keep my anger under control, as difficult as that will be, I will do my best." he said. When he mentioned having someone in his bed, his mind instantly went to the Dragonkin from earlier, having recalled the flirting and how close she had gotten to him before he bolted out of there.

He pushed that thought aside for the moment, "I...will take your advice into consideration." was all he said. When Mojavico asked about a balcony or a lair, Aussir couldn't help but sigh and motion to the tent, "I have no such things, not since my mother died and my father abandoned me; I have been alone since and have used this as my means of residence. I've nowhere within the city to go, and I refuse to stay in an inn or tavern, much too small for me to begin with anyways. A bit ironic, isn't it? I was born and raised here, yet I have nothing to call my own..." his hand motioned to the sword the drake had looked at earlier, "...except for the sword my mother left behind." he finished. His mind slipped from the topic at hand, to the dragoness, though not because of what the drake had said earlier. He recalled something, for a few brief moments he recalled seeing a black orb in her purse, it seemed to flicker before becoming concealed once again. What was that object? Where did she find it? He suddenly realized he didn't know what she did for a living, or even what her meeting was about. His mind snapped back to the present, "Come to think of it now, there is someone I think I need to go see. Perhaps things will settle down if I speak with them." he said, a slight smirk forming along his maw. His intent could be seen as him possibly taking the drake's suggestion to bed a woman, whether that be actual truth or not, was up for interpretation. No, at that moment, he was more interested in what she had said about the mountains.

His mind flipped once more, though this time it was pointing out the most obvious thing about this Dragonkin, she was female. Mojavico's words echoed once more in his head, perhaps he was right, perhaps the company of the opposite sex was what he needed to keep his nightmares at bay. He had to admit to himself again she was quite attractive, and she appeared to have no actual qualms with how he was staring at her earlier, especially since she decided to get closer to him. He sighed internally again, no, there was just no way she'd just let him bed her. She didn't seem the type to let a male do that without working for it in some way. He forced that thought from his mind, right now he needed to focus on the present, starting to gather his things. As he did so, he spoke, "Was there anything else you wished to discuss with me, Lord Mojavico, before I should depart?" he asked the drake, starting to take down his tent in a hurry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Drache
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Drache Certified Dragon Expert

Member Seen 2 days ago

A rude snort met Aussir's words when the pale-scaled dragonkin called him 'Lord'. This served the dual purpose of revealing Mojavico's age to be relatively young, but also indicated that he didn't think himself much of a Lord. No more than any drake considered himself.

"Harrok suits me well enough, Alexander," the Copper sniffed, inclining his head. Mojavico listened politely while the half-breed talked, his tail giving a rippling twitch of sympathy for his troubles.

"I can't say I've ever heard of a dragonkin who had it easy," he said, lowering his voice as if he was afraid someone might overhear. "But I have known a few like you and no matter what they started out with, they made something of themselves. My Sky Talon would flay my tail if she heard me say so, but when I'm in siladon I enjoy spending my time with half-breeds, when I can find them." Siladon translated into 'half form'. Mojavico was a shape-shifting dragon.

"If you're looking for work where that blade will come in useful, go talk to the dwarves at the Merchant Guild. Ask for Morris." The Copper lifted himself back up to his feet, his rippling wings sounding leathery in the night.

"No, nou'ara Bane. I have tarried from my patrol long enough." The dragon fighter strolled forwards, using a claw to casually assist Aussir as he folded up his tent. As he moved closer, there was a sort of sweet smell about him, clinging the way Aussir's own warmth clung to him, and for the same reason.

"Perhaps we shall brush wings sometime when I am not on patrol. Good luck on your hunt, and with finding someone to keep you company." He gave Aussir a weird knowing look, as though this was not the first time he had comforted a half-dragon with the same doubts Aussir had in his heart.

After that, he leaped into the air, his proud wings bearing him aloft into the shadowy night.


Back at the tavern, Drachiathoryx gazed thoughtfully at the retreating back of her associate. The half-drow scribe seemed to blend naturally into the shadows and was lost to the night. Turning back, the half-dragon sighed smokily and looked down at the leather satchel of books and parchmenet that had just been returned to her after being translated and deciphered. It would be a lot of reading and although the dragoness was eager to peruse the secrets of the books she had found the same night she had stumbled across Genrit'khath's frozen lair, not to mention the strange glyphs from the now-flooded fire temple in the Kerawac, she had possible downed a few too many cinnomony cocktails to focus on the task.

Without warning, someone prodded her on the back of the arm with a sloppy finger, and Drachiathoryx could smell the ale on the man's breath before she had even turned to see him.

"Oy. Erm. Mah buddies wanna know..." the drunken human jerked his thumb over his shoulder to where several more equally drunk mercenaries sat at a rough round table, "What does a dragon need titties for?"
The other men burst into blubbering snorts of laughter and Drache's lip peeled back in a snarl. While insults and rude comments were a matter of course for someone like her, she was in no mood to be trifled with. Unable to come up with a witty retort, she simply let her long tail creep around the back of the man's leg before yanking harshly, sending him toppling to the floor.

There was a sound of coins rolling across the counter as the dragonkin paid for her drinks, turning to heft her satchel over her shoulder and then step over the squirming man towards the exit.

"They're for you and your friends to stare at while telling yourselves you're better than me."

Her tail gave an angry, saucy flick. "You're not."


The cool breeze off the sea seemed to steal away some of her simmering anger as she started off towards the end of the street. she didn't fancy flying up to the balcony where she lived with the heavy bag, but she also didn't want to make that long walk. She mentally began listing all those she knew in this part of the city who might be willing to put her up for the night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aussir paused when Mojavico admitted he preferred the company of half-breeds, knowing that such an admittance would cause others to look down on the drake in disapproval. This sort of information held power, and someone who had this kind of knowledge could easily use it for exploitation of the dragon who made such an admission; his father had taught him this when he was younger. However, it was what his mother taught him that would ensure the Harrok's secret was kept safe. Aussir had no interest in exploiting any dragon anyways, they usually were inclined to leave him be, unless he had actual business with them. He could smell the sweet fragrance coming from the drake as he assisted Aussir in packing up his tent, it reminded him of his mother's baking. She did it when she wasn't in the arena, always baking different fruit pies. It was here that Aussir felt lonely once more, though he wasn't about to let it take hold, shoving the feeling back down to where it came from. Once he was packed up, he watched the drake take to the sky, Don't worry about your secret, I won't tell a soul. he thought. He sighed and turned to his horse, untying her and pulling gently on her reins, his mind going over what Mojavico had said to him. First thing was first though, he was going to see if that woman was still at the tavern. After that, he'd likely take the drake's suggestion and head to the Merchant's Guild if he couldn't find her.

He stopped for a moment, trying to recall the direction he needed to go in to reach The Labourer, finally heading left as he remembered. He turned down one more street and spotted the tavern, along with a figure outside of it; as he got closer, he recognized who it was. He was glad she was still around, but it looked as if she was getting ready to leave. Though he wasn't close enough to say anything yet, he could smell smoke coming from the direction she was in; he assumed someone must have angered her, a Dwarf most likely. They were always harassing his kin. They were probably drunk and said something inappropriate or offensive to her, she probably didn't take too kindly to it and either stormed out, or did something and left. In either case, it was obvious she was pissed. As he began to draw closer, he wracked his brain to remember the name she had given him. Drackisyoias? No...that's not right. Drashiyscorz? Not it either. Come on Aussir, think! Draschiathoryx? he thought. Wait! That last one! That sounded like it! Well, there was only one way to find out, "Draschiathoryx, right?" he asked, hoping he hadn't screwed her name up. He came to a stop after saying her name, "It's Aussir, from earlier. I'm actually surprised to see you still here, I thought you'd be long gone by now." he paused for a moment, Come on Aussir, don't get scared now. What's the worst that can happen? he thought, attempting to give himself a push.

"I'm glad I caught you out here, I had a couple of things I wanted to ask you...and to...well...apologize for rushing out the way I did." he said, his eyes averted away from her just a bit. He kept them just close enough to still be able to see her reactions, and to discreetly, even if obviously, check her out. He noticed the bag she had, it looked heavy, even for her. He thought about taking it and carrying it for her, but decided that might be a bad idea, "That looks pretty heavy, were you going to try taking that thing home by yourself with no help?" he asked. He had to admit, if she did intend to, she had to be just a little out of her mind. Then again, the smell of alcohol on her led him to believe she might just be a tad bit on the drunk side. He most definitely looked away from her this time, though he had done so to look at his pack; his tent was large enough for the both of them, and he had come all the way out here in search of her. Of course, that was to ask her a couple things; but seeing as how she was slightly inebriated, she wasn't likely going to give him answers...or at least, anything coherent if she did. He turned his head back to her, "You can...uh...stay with me in my tent tonight. It's more than large enough to fit us both. I really don't mind, especially since you're...well...you're not really in any condition to try and head home alone." he offered her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Drache
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Drache Certified Dragon Expert

Member Seen 2 days ago

The red-scaled dragoness hadn't made it more than a block from the tavern before she heard the sound of hoofbeats on the sandstone pavement behind her. Here on the coast in the land of mountainous jungle, horses were not terribly common. Beasts of burden were usually raptors or huge oxen, with the carriages usually being some sort of rickshaw. The flying overlords of the city were barely more than stomachs with wings, which didn't leave a lot of acceptance for juicy horseflesh to be "wasted" for riding.

After dropping the idiot drunk in the tavern, Drache was immediately suspicious that she was being followed by him or his friends, and the flicker of anxiety that made her flat belly clench and her tail stiffen seemed to be realized when Aussir's voice called out to her. Turning sharply, the crimson beauty raised her wings aggressively, letting the long phalanges flare as her tail lashed back and forth.

"What's it to you, tzaraf--..." The crude insult she half-spat from her bared fangs died on her lips as she realized who was approaching her. The combination of her bewilderment at seeing the male who had fled so rapidly earlier in the night and the fact that he was riding a horse was almost enough to keep her from noticing that he had mispronounced her name.

"Uh...It's Drachiathoryx actually," she corrected him. Her tail curled over where it was held up behind her back in the shape of a question mark, her wings shrinking even as her ear-frills flared out with her interest, her refined snout tilting up to face him.

The white and blue dragonkin was tall and fit, two attributes that Drache appreciated, but he seemed nervous and even shifty, which put her on her guard. But she was willing to give him a chance to talk, in no hurry to be anywhere and possibly more forgiving than usual when it came to handsome half-dragons. But her tolerance began to wane as soon as he mentioned her bag. She clutched it tightly, protectively. "I was. And I assure you that I'm more than capable of taking care of my own things. I carried far more for far greater a distance than across the city."

It was true that the dragoness had a decent amount of rum under her belt, but not enough to stand and be insulted but a mercenary with lovely wings. Her lip lifted to bare her teeth more and more with every word, growing angrier with each passing second.

"In any 'condition'?" she repeated, incensed by the implication that she was not fit to take care of herself. How disrespectful! There was a throaty growl shuddering through the air between them and Drache's amber eyes gleamed with indignant rage.

"How dare you! Who are you? You ran out of the tavern like a scared rat before I'd even said two words to you and now you're back to insult me for having a few drinks? And then offer to share a tent with me in the middle of the city? What kind of female do you think I am? What could you possibly hope to accompl.."

She was well into her tirade now, and more than one hot spark flew from her maw as she hissed her words at Aussir, not caring if her feral mannerisms might spook his horse. But all of a sudden she stopped in the middle of a word, nearly bristling in silence with how angry she had let herself become. But her spiral horns tilted and she peered up at the white drake.

"Wait." She lifted her hand and rubbed her snout. "You...you were trying to flirt with me just now, weren't you?" It wasn't really a question, more of a realization that she was voicing as it occured to her. "I take it you haven't done it much. If I might make a suggestion, why don't we find a place to talk before you start inviting me into your tent, hmm?"

Her voice had been ferocious a moment ago, and a furnace-like heat billowed from her in a way that just had to be magical, but now it faded, the glare in her eyes replaced by something a bit more amused or even impish. A tentative smile coiled across her lips, amused both by Aussir's awkward reintroduction and her own merciless reaction.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Uh oh! Now he had done it! He had gone and pissed her off even more than she already was, though that hadn't been his intent, I should've just stayed the hell away from her, all I did was make things worse for myself! he thought, spotting the spark fly from her mouth. He was certain Destiny was going to get spooked any moment now, though when he heard her pause and her tone change at her realization, he knew things were calm...for now anyways. He lifted a hand to the back of his head and rubbed it, looking down at her, "Kind of obvious, isn't it?" he replied. "I'll be a little bit honest, I've...never flirted before, I didn't know what the hell to do." he admitted as he lowered his hand. He got off his horse, "I think that would probably be a better idea...and I do apologize if I offended you at all, it wasn't my intent." he agreed when she suggested they go elsewhere to talk. He thought for a moment, "I would say we could go back to The Labourer, but I don't particularly feel like dealing with Dwarves and Humans tonight. We could go to the market square, I doubt there'd be anyone there at this time of night." he suggested. He motioned to Destiny, "However, before we go anywhere, I would feel better if you rode Destiny. I know you said you could carry the bag yourself, and I wouldn't dare say you couldn't. But what if you trip or lose your balance somehow? If that happened, I'm sure the contents would spill out everywhere, and I am positive you would not wish to lose anything this late at night." he added.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Drache
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Drache Certified Dragon Expert

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Very obvious," the female replied. Her angry posture had softened, her rigid tail relaxing into a slow weaving back and forth behind her thighs. She glanced up and down the street as Aussir slid out of his saddle, keeping well back from the horse. The way she glanced at the large quadruped seemed to suggest she had an inate mistrust for the beast.

But then Aussir was between her and the horse and Drachiathoryx let her gaze slide over the large white drake with renewed interest. He was quite impressive and she was not shy about letting her ember gaze wander. She resisted the urge to reach out and touch his interesting wings. All in due time.

"Perhaps the chivalrous route works on some females, Aussir, but in my case I consider myself quite self-sufficient. I don't need you to look out for me, even if I appreciate the gesture." She readjusted the satchel where it rested against her hip, the hard surface of the heavy tomes fairly unforgiving. The salacious dragoness had resigned herself to being the only person she could count on a long time ago.

"I may have made a bit of a nuisance of myself at the tavern before I left," Drache admitted with a feral grin, quite satisfied with her saucy exit. "I have a better idea. There's a garden at the end of Chandler Avenue before it drops over the cliff. There's a nice view and it's quiet at night." It was also closer than the Market Square.

Her eyes flicked up to the horse again. She realized that Aussir was trying to be kind, even though he was offering help when it wasn't really needed. If he had offered to carry the bag himself she may have been happy to hand it over and accept the offer, but things changed when horses were involved. "It's nice of you to offer but...I have never ridden a horse before. Most of the time they don't seem to appreciate having someone like me on their backs. I'm surprised that it...that she allows you in the saddle." It was hard to think of horses as anything other than food. "I came back to the city on the back of an Auric Beetle but I really don't have any experience riding. At least not that kind of ridng." She winked suggestively at Aussir.

"Are you sure it wont spook?" Tentatively, she edged towards the horse and held out her clawed hand, fully expecting the horses eyes to roll, its ears to pin back, and to have to snatch her hand back from those massive flat-topped teeth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aussir nodded, she clearly didn't wish to ride Destiny, nor would he try and force her to do so on the off chance he pissed her off again. "Hmm. Very well, I will not press the issue any further." he replied. When she mentioned she had caused an incident at the tavern, he couldn't help but grin when she did, it was about time someone taught those hooligans a lesson. Of course, he knew the next night would be much of the same, they wouldn't have learned their lesson. Oh well, that was of no concern to him at the moment. He listened to her suggestion, nodding, "Alright, that sounds acceptable. Plus, it'd be even less likely we'd be overheard." he agreed. He was prepared to turn and mount Destiny when she spoke again, this time inquiring about the horse, "I'm quite sure she won't be spooked, I mean, look at me; I'm scary enough as is and she hasn't bolted from me yet. So long as neither of us start shooting sparks or breathing fire, I'm pretty confident she will be fine." he replied. He looked at her, smirking slightly, "I'm sure your riding techniques are informative" he added.

Aussir was slowly getting the hang of how flirting worked, though he knew that had likely been obvious as well, but he didn't particularly care right now. Deciding to move on from the topic, he motioned to her bag, "If you don't want to ride her, then at least let me carry that. I'd like to make myself useful to you somehow in exchange for taking the time to actually talk to me again." he said to her. By this point, Destiny had not reacted, taking a step closer to the dragoness and letting her hand press against her. Aussir chuckled lightly, "Seems she likes you Drachiathoryx, a good sign in my opinion." he said. He let his wings unfold a little, relaxing a bit more, though still keeping his guard up. He had come to the conclusion that, while clearly flirtatious, the dragoness could easily change her attitude at the drop of a hat. It was unwise to lower one's guard around her too much, lest they end up receiving a verbal lashing from her...or possibly worse. "This has nothing to do with what I want to talk about, but I was wondering something; just exactly how long have you been travelling for? I mean, I recall you saying you come back here from time to time, but from where exactly? You don't have to answer, I mean, it's really none of my business. I was just curious, as you never did specify what you did for a living." he paused for a brief moment before deciding to take a chance at flirting again. "Though I'm sure you meet some interesting people on your travels, no doubt." he added. Mentally, Aussir hit himself, that was such a stupid and lame ass attempt at flirting on his own.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Drache
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Drache Certified Dragon Expert

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Oh please, press the issue," she grinned. She had to admit that the horse seemed remarkably stoic, far more than she might have expected. Her eyes flicked to the large animal, giving the white drake a chance to look at her unobserved.

"You're not scary to me," Drache said more gently, looking back up into Aussir's eyes. It wasn't entirely true; Drache was always curious about other dragonkin, but Aussir was fairly formidable to look at. He may have even been forbidding if he wasn't so awkward to talk to.

With Aussir's encouragement, Drache tucked her wings in an attempt to no scare the horse and moved closer. "Well if you think so..." She chuckled at his tease and nodded her horns, her tail giving a little flip.

"Maybe I'll have to show you some sometime." Her sultry voice seemed designed for lusty insinuation and seductive implications.

Drache let her claws scritch lightly against Destiny's muzzle, surprised at how warm and soft it was. "Maybe I could...I bet it's a much different experience than Dibney."

Thinking of the huge beetle led right into Aussir's question about her life, and Drache handed the heavy bag to him, not quite ready for her first horseback riding lesson. She motioned with her snout and wing for him to join her in the direction of the gardens, hoping he would walk his horse so that talking would be easier.

"I was born here in Pyresia, but I started traveling about...sixty years ago. Usually only for a season or two before coming back. Officially I'm an archaeologist, but that's just a fancy way of saying 'treasure hunter'. There are a lot of ruins from before the Death of Magic and many of them contain very interesting and valuable things." Her eyes glittered with the mystery of all the strange things she had come across on her travels. "More recently, I was hired to find the ruins of Old Vircastoria. It...it was not a very pleasant trip." Her expression darkened, the exuberance of a moment ago fading to be replaced by a nervousness. It was not something she really wanted to talk about.

But true to his observation, her moods were fickle and changed rapidly. His next comment earned a smile and she looked at him again, "Indeed, I do. But it turns out there are plenty of interesting people here in Pyresia that I like to...meet." She was glancing at his wings again, and casually let the hot scales of her tail brush against his.

"But that makes me wonder, what did you really want to talk about? And what about you? You were looking for work as a bodyguard? Is that a new line of work or has that sword been used for something else?"

Even if his advances were a little clumsy, she seemed to like the attention.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

He grinned as she made certain insinuations, though he made no further comments, deciding to let their conversation move forward. As he took the bag from her and slung it around his broad shoulders, she began to answer his question about what she did for a living, revealing she was an archaeologist. He could see the sparkle in her eyes as she spoke about ruins from before the Death of Magic, it was obvious to him that this subject was a favored one, and it was likely she could talk his horns off all day about her various adventures. However her tone turned somber, and he immediately picked up she wished not to speak about what happened, nor would he press her for information. her instant change in attitude brought a smile to his face, and even a grin when she made yet another insinuation. He noticed this time that she had glanced at his wings, it seemed she was fascinated with them; of course, how could she not be? They weren't the kind you would typically find on any dragon, or even a Dragonkin, his were unique only to him and his father. He hadn't expected to feel her tail touch his own, though he made no attempt to move it away, the sensation of them touching having a somewhat calming effect on him.

Her questions came at him quickly, though he was not surprised to hear any of them, "I wanted to ask you about the mountains, you had sounded like you knew them pretty well earlier. I was wondering if you had any contacts who would be interested in hiring a mercenary like me for a job involving what's going on up there? I guess that kind of answers another of your questions, I'm not just looking to be a bodyguard; I mean, I can do...other things." he gave her a smirk, a somewhat playful gleam in his eye. He was comfortable enough with her to be a little more forward, however the playfulness soon vanished when he went to answer her final question. He remained silent for a long while, almost as if he was debating with himself on whether he could trust something like his past with her or not. His tail flicked of it's own accord, brushing against her own once more, their warm scales touching again. He sighed, "The sword is more than just a weapon I use for my job, Drachiathoryx." he spoke, coming to a stop. He looked at the sky, "It belonged to someone very important to me, someone I loved very much when I was a child." he paused for a moment, a small smile forming as he recalled a happy memory. He finally looked at her, "You know how the majority of us are born out of desire, rape, or some other common form of impregnation? My birth was...different. I knew both my parents, they were the rare couple that actually fell in love with each other. I was born from that love, and they raised me; my father taught me what he knew about Dragons, while my mother tried to instill some humanity in me." he started.

"I grew up pretty well, considering what I was. I had friends, people I trusted, and even a few contacts for my possible future job. Things were supposed to go as planned, I would enter the arena and become a Gladiator, then make a name for myself. But that all shattered in a single moment. I'm sure you've heard the story of Dragonsteel, yes? How she had been killed in an accident? Well, Dragonsteel was my mother. I witnessed her death that day..." he paused, looking away from her. He decided he didn't want to talk about it anymore, it was still far too painful for him. He was silent for awhile, starting to walk with her once again, reflecting on what he had told her so far. "I know what it's like to be lonely, more than anyone else in the world." he finally spoke again. "Earlier tonight, when I bolted, there was a reason for it. I didn't want you to get close, to understand me, and even now...I don't want you to see the real me. But there's just something about you, Drachiathoryx, that I can't put my finger on. Something about you that makes me want to trust you, to open myself up and let you know what it is I hide from the world. I'm sure other Dragonkin would say it's love, but I would disagree with them. Perhaps it's familiarity? I don't really know. But I've already told you things about my past that I haven't shared with anyone else. So who knows what the future has in store for the both of us, as I sure the hell don't." he finished. His wings had unfolded completely now and hung loosely behind him, somehow she had managed to bring down his guard enough that he didn't need to fear her trying something, she had earned his trust to a degree.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Drache
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Drache Certified Dragon Expert

Member Seen 2 days ago

The path took them through the mountainside city, and Drache avoided any of the subterranean short-cuts mostly because of Destiny. Like any large city, it was never truly quiet, and they passed more than one bustling dwarf or pair of meandering dragons in quiet conversation. But eventually, after coming down a sloping street of coopers and chandler shops, they reached a terraced garden where fountains trickled pleasantly in the darkness and they could sit among the greenery on benches carved into the sides of large blue geodes and look out over the harbour.

"I've been traveling through the mountains for a long time yes, but I was talking about the Peak," the red-scaled dragoness used her wing to point at the massive Ash Peak behind them. It was so high that there were low-lying clouds obscuring part of that terrible height, and the glowing openings to dragon lairs above that. "Everyone is talking about it. Most of the Xarzi clan has left the city, and the ones who are left are in chaos, fighting over politics and profits."

She didn't bother to explain that dragons separated themselves into clans based on breath weapon rather than family ties or scale-colour groupings. With most of the ice-breathing Xarzi gone, there would be a lot of scrambling. Most people who lived in the city knew all of that already.

Drache sat down on one of the benches whenever they reached the garden, lounging with her long sinuous tail draping over the edge of the seat. "What kind of things can you do, Aussir?" Her eyelids had lowered, but she was still watching him. "If you don't mind working for dwarves you can always try the Guilds. There's so much trade for livestock and metal into this city it seems like they are always looking for protection for caravans. If you like sailing you could put in a word with the Harbourmaster to see if any of the ships have room for fighters on the decks..." She shrugged her wings, trailing off.

But her conversational neutrality faded as he began to talk about his childhood, her face becoming carefully blank. Oh she listened well, but pointedly didn't comment on her own experience with the tough subject he had suddenly delved into. Her past wasn't one she wanted to think about, much less share with a stranger. It struck her suddenly how strange it might be, that she would rather sleep with someone than bare her soul.

"Dragonsteel? I can't say I'm familiar. All I know about the arena is that the fights are rumoured to be heavily rigged, especially recently. But I'm sorry to hear that she died. Both of my parents are dead." That was certainly strange. Most dragonkin tended to be outlived by their draconic parent. She reached out for his arm, gently curling her warm fingers around his wrist to draw him down next to her if he let her. When his words faded she didn't press for more, but privately disagreed that any one of their kind was lonelier than the next.

Drachiathoryx' ear-frills drooped a little, her eyes unfocused as she glanced out over the city. Aussir was sharing so much with her, and her first instinct was to withdraw, to hide from so much dangerous relatable emotion. For a moment she almost hated him for trusting her and opening himself up, finding it foolish for him to risk so much for her. She was just a stranger to him! In truth she just wanted to sit in his lap and let her fingers wander over his bare scales, but he had to get all sappy...

She heaved a sigh and looked back. "You flatter me with your trust, Aussir, and I'm not sure that I deserve it. You don't know me and I don't know you, and I certainly don't think I'll ever be in love with anyone, but I do believe our kind need to stick together. You don't have to apologize for taking your leave so quickly earlier, I understand. Perhaps someday I'll find out about the real you. I'm sure your birth name wasn't 'White'." She grinned at the soft tease, lifting her finger and running the tip down the front of his snout between his nostrils. Opening herself up, even a tiny bit, was distinctly uncomfortable.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

He didn't say anything when she told him her parents were dead, it was clear she didn't want to tell him about it, or anything about herself unless it was about her job. He didn't blame her at all, letting one see your soul, that was dangerous. He knew he had let her see a bit of his soul, but nothing deep, not the scars he had. No, he would never show those to her, or to anyone else for that matter. When she grabbed his wrist and tugged on him, he responded by sitting with her, folding his wings so he could be as close to her as she wanted him to be. His tail wrapped around his own leg, so it wouldn't be in the way of anything. The way she was speaking, she was trying to push him away, a typical response for their kind. He debated with himself, pursue her, or back off a bit. Backing off would simply mean he'd have to close himself off again; surely it's what she would like him to do, not to trust someone like her, even though she had said they needed to stick together. He chuckled internally, she probably thought he was falling for her, that's why he was opening up to her. That was far from the truth. She had simply made him comfortable with how she treated him, like he was a person, not a monstrosity. He didn't care if she was interested in him for other reasons, she had been the first person to show him kindness since his father left, and he wasn't about to let her push him away like he was nothing.

He unwrapped his tail and let it brush against her own, feeling her scaled finger trail between his snout, "You make it sound like I'm looking for love, Drachiathoryx. That's far from the truth. Yes, I was born out of love and raised by two parents with love. But love is simply a human emotion that they came up with to explain their attachments to another living thing. Do I believe in such an emotion? Sure, without a doubt. Does it have a place in my life? No, not at all. Especially in my line of work, love is not something I can afford to have. Besides, such an emotion is dangerous. Letting one that close to you is simply asking for fate to hurt you." he paused here and took her hand gently from his snout. He didn't let go of it, but he didn't move it anywhere either, "I've been watching you for a while since we ran into each other near The Labourer, you keep glancing at my wings, almost as if you want to touch them." he said, letting one side unfold itself. He shifted himself so her hand was close enough that she just had to move it forward a little to feel it, however, he still held her hand and wouldn't let her touch the unfolded wing. "Of course, to allow you to touch it means something, doesn't it?" he asked. He finally let go of her hand, his wing folding once more, "Perhaps one day you will get the chance to touch them, for there is a different meaning behind the action for me. However, I won't allow for just anyone to touch them." he told her.

He returned to his original position beside her, "That said, I realize you said earlier you may never love someone, so you likely will never get to touch my wings. Of course, that's even assuming I'd fall in love with you. Don't misunderstand or get angry, I didn't mean that in a rude way. You are very attractive, without a doubt. However, like you said, we don't really know each other. Hell, even I was a bit foolish to show you some of my soul earlier. However, that said, I can't just let you go, Drachiathoryx. You've made an impression on me, one I will likely never forget. You can try and push me away all you like, but I won't let you do that, you're part of my life now, for better or for worse. I know you're hurting, Drachiathoryx, you don't need to say a single word. It's our nature, it happens to us no matter what we do. Just know that you have someone in this world who'll listen to you whenever you're ready to talk about your past. I won't force you to talk about it, that's your choice and nobody can make it for you." he told her. He stood from the bench, though he wasn't going to leave, he was simply tightening Destiny's knot a little more. He finally moved over to the cliff and stood there, looking out over the city, "You know, I've never been up here before? Lived here my whole life, and I've never seen the city like this." he said softly with a small smile. He spread his wings out fully, as if he were about to take off, "I have to admit one last thing to you, Drachiathoryx, I envy your wings. You can fly. Mine, they're not strong enough, or designed well enough to do such a simple thing. No, my wings are almost useless to me. At most, I can glide downwards. Of course, I can also use them to intimidate someone should I so wish. So they have some use. Just that flying isn't one of them." he admitted, sighing softly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Drache
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Drache Certified Dragon Expert

Member Seen 2 days ago

"You may claim that love is not what you are looking for, Aussir, but you're the one who brought it up." The dragoness pulled her hand back. "I meant only to warn you that I have no intention of ever making that mistake again. And if you think love was created by humans you are sadly mistaken and obviously haven't spent much time among other races. Your parents aren't the only ones who forged a bond with that particular emotion."

The longer he talked the more Drache realized that Aussir was incredibly arrogant, making assumptions about her feelings that were far from accurate, and contradicting himself more than once. The tolerance that she had carefully offered him in spite of her better judgement disappeared behind a mask of dislike, and as soon as he let go of her wrist she used her hand to smoothly reclaim her satchel, letting it settle across her torso and against her hip. Trying to marshal her simmering irritation, she lifted the flap to check the glossy black orb that had become so important in such a short period of time.

"Letting me touch your wings wouldn't mean anything more to me than that you trusted me to be close enough to do so, and that you might enjoy the company of someone else. You can enjoy closeness without giving away your heart, but only if you want to. Denying yourself is your choice, but don't delude yourself into assuming you know what I want or what I'm feeling."

Her expression soured further, her pupils constricting to thin lines within the fields of fiery amber as he continued to talk about her as though he had the right, or even more laughably, the ability to have a say in the course of her life. In this moment she realized that she missed the company of someone else. Someone with a fiesty attitude and an atrocious accent.

"Let me go? You say that as if you have some kind of hold on me in the first place. I can't even imagine the arrogance that would lead you to think that you have a choice in what I do with my life." Whatever secret prerequisites she must meet in order to simply reach out and touch her fellow dragonkin she found she was suddenly very happy that she had no fulfilled.

"I found a life that makes me happy a long time ago and haven't looked back. Perhaps I will find someone someday who can soothe those old scars, and I hope it's another dragonkin like me, but I can tell you that it won't be someone who acts as presumptuous as you do."

With a full-body shimmy, Drachiathoryx opened her own wings. They weren't as uniquely shaped at Aussir's, but they were long, strong, and apart from a tiny hole in one side that would be healed before long, they were perfect. "The shape of yours makes it harder fly, but the bones within aren't bent or broken. You could fly, if you practiced hard enough." She was angry, but more than that she was sad. She never expected to be friends with every half-dragon in Pyresia, but none had ever been so rude.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aussir listened to her as she went off on him yet again, he had gone and done exactly what he didn't want to, now she was pissed. He sighed and rubbed the side of his head with his hand, "You misunderstand. I'm not trying to control you, nor direct your life. I was simply trying to tell you, although clearly in a very stupid and idiotic way, that I wanted to get to know you better. I want to understand you as a person, despite the fact I've been saying things to contradict myself." he tried to explain. He folded his wings and turned to face her once again, letting his hand drop, "Maybe you're right about love. I mean, what the hell do I know about the damn emotion? Only what I've seen and experienced. I'm sure love is a good thing, but from where I stand, I can't see it that way. And yes, you're right, perhaps I'm a presumptuous asshole. I try not to be, but that doesn't work out so easily for me. I apologize for coming off that way and assuming to know how you feel; truthfully, I have no idea how you feel about anything, aside from knowing how much you enjoy being an archeologist. That's the only thing I can say for certainty, you love your job. Everything else, all guesswork." he told her. He knew she was pissed, and he wasn't sure if he should continue with what he wanted to say. She had hit a nerve when she had gone off on him, how he could be close to someone, yet he didn't have to give them his heart.

He spotted the orb from before, his curiosity in it becoming renewed, "Maybe I am deluding myself into thinking these things. I'm...not even really sure what I want. I say I want love, then I don't. Look, I'm not sure if I should tell you this or not. I figure I may as well be honest and let you decide what you want to do. Hate me, walk away, whatever. Your choice, but just listen for a moment before you decide." he said. He sighed, "I know I've said and done things to contradict myself, but I'm going to tell you the how I really feel and what I want just in this moment. I feel regret for the idiotic way I've been acting tonight, mostly towards you, partially because I was stupid and attracted the attention of a Harrok. You also struck a nerve and made me realize just how lonely I really am; you're right, I do want someone to be close to me. All Dragonkin want this of course, and I am no exception, as I'm sure you aren't as well. Not assuming you're lonely right now, of course, just stating a fact that's known. That said, up until I pissed you off, I was enjoying your company. I was relaxed, more than I've ever been before. I think that feeling scared me. So, I did what I always do, I pushed you away. I acted like an asshole, like I usually do when I push someone away. Truth of the matter here, I want you to be close to me, Drachiathoryx. This has nothing to do with love, it has to do with how I feel and what I want. Of course, now that you're angry, I think I may have ruined any chance of actually having any sort of further contact with you." he finished.

He moved to the bench and sat there, folding his wings, "Of course, that's only what I think, whether that's true or not remains to be seen." he added with a sigh. He looked at the fountain, he was sure there was no chance for him to fix any of the damage he caused, he had acted like an ass. Her words still rung in his ears, it was likely he would be alone forever if he acted like this towards everyone he came across, it would be what he deserved after all. He honestly did not expect the dragoness to want anything further to do with him, he was likely unpleasant company for her by this point. He sighed and looked at her once again, "I wasn't lying when I said I liked you, Drachiathoryx, it was the truth." he said quietly. He looked away from her and back to the fountain, "I'd like to talk to you some more, but I understand if you don't want to be around me for another second, I haven't exactly been the best company." he glanced at her, "If you're intending to leave, Drachiathoryx, then I wish you a safe journey. If not, I want to ask you about the orb, I saw it in the tavern earlier before I left. I'm curious as to what it is and what it does." he finished. He hoped she'd stay and at least answer that for him, even if she didn't want to sit close to him again, that was fine.
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