Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

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Okay so this Rp will take place about 28 years after the end of Young Justice season 2. Keep that in mind. I won't post the exact story as far as we have because all five of us can plan more properly on this here OOC.

Character Sheet
Age: {Under 18, please and thank you. I’m thinking from 14-16.}
Abilities/Skills: {Things you can learn, study, practice, etc.}
Powers: {Super powers that you gain from birth, mutation, heritage, etc.}
Equipment: {Items, weapons, etc. Stuff your character carries like all the time. Don’t get lethal on my. Or at least fight in the nonlethal way.}
Personality: {At least 4-5 sentences.}
History: {At least 2 paragraphs. Come on. There has to be something.}
Appearance: {Description or image(Animated images preferred). Please add your characters height and weight. That can’t really be portrayed through an image.}
Other: {I might have missed some things}


My Character{Complete for me}
Name: Nathaniel Bartholomew Allen
Alias: Kid Flash (KF for short)
Age: 15
Gender: Male
1) Nathaniel is gifted with a photographic memory, meaning he can memorize anything he has ever seen, heard, read. Anything. This comes in handy a lot.
2) While he isn't a genious Nate is highly intelligent noted, by his ability to not only memorize thanks to his memory, but also take in and comprehend high levels of information. He's smart.
3) He is skilled in gymnastics, parkour and both armed and unarmed combat. He is very far from being an expert, but he is adept.
"Nate has, by far, the most potential I've ever seen in a speedster." Were the words spoken by Barry Allen to Bart. It is true. Nathaniel's powers as a speedster far exceed the expectations of the heroes before him. However, he has yet to realize this potential. He can currently only run at supersonic speeds as opposed to much of the light speeds shown by The Flash and can only just barely tap into the speed force. He has a long way to go.
[Hider=More specifically]This link will lead you to the powers listed under Bart Allen and which are held by pretty much all Speedsters who utilize the speed force.
1) Nate doesn't understand at the moment, but he is mentally blocking his powers. It is unclear what happened, but something traumatic caused him to block off a fair amount of his speedster powers. While he is as fast as part he cannot utilize many of the techniques and abilities he should as a speedster and even keeps his link with the Speed Force partially severed.
2) Nate although unable to be hurt by most viruses and what not can still be killed by normal human means.
3) Nate’s metabolism functions several times faster than normal, so he must constantly take in large quantities of food to maintain his energy. Whether or not it tastes good is not a primary concern. For emergency situations in which he must be away from food for more than 24 hours, Jake keeps food in hidden compartment on his gloves.<--- A suggestion from Bart.
4) Nate is claustrophobic to a point where he’ll freak out and do anything he can to get out of wherever he is in. If he can’t he’ll probably just shut down due to the fear.
5) Nate’s temper over his mother and father being insulted or bad mouthed can make him do things that could get him in serious trouble.
6) His somewhat reckless attitude when it comes to his heroics can get him into some serious trouble.
1) New Kid Flash Suit made to Nate's design with a little help from Bart and Rose.
2) Snacks which are kept in the compartments on his gloves
3) Other little things.
Personality: In a nutshell Nathaniel serves as the relative outgoing joker and girl crazy speedster. He's a lot like his father and the late Wally West in many of those aspects. However unlike them he can get very serious much quicker than one would expect should the time call for it. This is most likely the influence of his mother. In addition, he has a bit of a short fuse when it comes to people bad mouthing his father or his mother, especially if they try to bring up her troubling past or question them altogether. He has nothing, but admiration for them. He's also very protective of the people he cares about. He’d do near anything for them. Nathaniel is pretty helpful, more so for girls than guys, but still helpful. And above all he could never sit still while someone needed his help. In this aspect of heroics he could end up getting himself into some really bad trouble since he’s one to help and jump into action first and question later. Not always the best.
History: It was about 4 years after the events surrounding the Reach Invasion that Bart Allen met the woman who would later become his wife and the mother of his child. Although at the time he didn’t know it. Especially since she was on the opposite side of the moral spectrum. He was a hero and she was to say the least a mercenary. Her name was Rose Wilson. Bart came face to face with her on multiple occasions. They seemed to have a mutual love/hate relationship. Of course, the love in that wasn’t really figure out for another 5 years.

By that time it was 2025. This year something happened. Nobody would say Rose pulled a 180, but she did decide to change her ways. She wanted to escape her life and her father. However, she ended up getting stuck in a tough spot. She was in trouble, but like any hero would do Bart saved her and help her get herself together. A year later, March 8, 2026 to be exact, the two had a relationship. They already knew each other quite well due to the meetings and situations they’d been in throughout their respective hero and villain careers. There were people who didn’t like it and many who thought she couldn’t really change, but Bart trusted in her. It paid off because on July 21, 2028 the two married.

That wasn’t the end of the story though. On May 13, 2029 the next chapter of their lives began. This was the day Rose gave birth to their son Nathaniel Bartholomew Allen. With Bart and Rose each about 26 or so they seemed to be ready. And in their line of business you couldn’t really afford to wait too long. So they went into a brief retirement. Raising and teaching their son the basics of normal life. At least until he began to show signs of having powers. His father’s powers to be exact. With that the normal learning became training. He needed to learn control and how to defend himself. And of course, the choice of what he would do with life was completely his. He didn’t make that choice until he was 13. Normal life? Or hero life? Boring, but safe? Fun, but dangerous? Needless to say he chose the latter and become Kid Flash. With that he and his parents became heroes. His parents join the current Justice League and his was a side kick. It wasn’t until 2 years later that the team was reinstated and he was made a part of it. Now he’s technically on his own. All of the sidekicks or young heroes are. But they have each other. Right?
Appearance: Appearance wise he takes a bit more after his mother. Not power wise though. Nathaniel stands at about 5’6” weighing approximately 134 lbs. It’s pretty much all muscle despite his large food intake. He maintains a lean yet muscular physique. As far as his uniform goes, the headset which normally rests on his ears can be pulled down (in case you can't read the notes.) And they serve multiple purposes. Music, communication, etc. Switches on the headphones can change the settings on the electronic lenses on his suit for various vision modes. He also has compartments for snacks on each glove around the wrist-forearm area. Electricity can be discharged from the fingertips of his gloves. The energy is not limitless, but it seems as such since they are kinetically charge with the impacts of his movements. Meaning he can’t just wave his arms. He has to punch or kick something for the units to charge. Finally the spike like protrusions near his elbows are in fact dangerous. They stab and slash. Although he wouldn’t use them on an enemy who he knew wouldn’t be able to handle the damage.

Other: N/A
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Karen Steele

Alias: SuperGirl

Age: 16

Gender: Female


- Adept Boxer
- Leadership ( in her universe she was second in command next to robin )
- Polyglot ( Knows, Kryptonian, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, German, Chinese, French, English, Latin, Dutch )


- Flight
- Solar radiation absorption
- Super Strength
- Super stamina
- Super Durability
- Heat vision


- Kryptonite ( Will disorient her and in long enough time kill her )

- Magic

- Psionics

- Red sun energy

- Mental block ( Karen has a block on some of her powers, she doesn't know it but she will realize it sooner or later )

Equipment: Super Suit

Personality: Karen is really outgoing and nice, she loves her friends on her team thinking of them as family, willing to risk her life to aid them with nearly anything, Karen bears no feelings for her mother since she never really gotten to know her but will be quick to stop someone that's willing to bad mouth her mother, she loves her father and like I said before she is willing to do anything to keep him safe. Karen is a bit of a nerd, she likes to collect comic books and snow globes from different places around the world ever since her mother started sending them to her, she also gets good grades and became the leader of her math club and science club once.

History: Karen is the daughter of Power girl and of a human banker, her mother stayed a heroine and go global with saving people and never really visited her while she was growing up, she came into her powers when she was only 10 when she was hit by a van it smash on her and she wasn't really harmed, after discovering her powers, her father contacted the old Supergirl so she could train her to use her powers wisely. Karen went to a farm, and for 3 years she had intense training with Supergirl learning to control her powers, after her vigorous training Supergirl gotten Karen a spot on the Young Justice team that was being made in her universe, when Karen heard this she started to learn other languages, make her own costume, basing it on her mother's costume, and try to research her Kryptonian heritage, along with trying to find her heritage she also started to research heroes and villains in the process, doing this made her a better fighter knowing her enemies weakness and strengths in a fight.

When Karen joined the Young Justice team she was really excited and ready to go on missions, she would usually be the first one ready, the first one leaving to do the mission and the last person ready to end the mission, she also cared deeply about the team and making sure everyone was okay and trying to help the others get better at what they were bad at. When the Young Injustice started to rear it's head, Karen and the Robin of her universe were the first to find out about them before the rest of the team, on several of the team's missions the Young Injustice would always try to cause the team to fail at their task or just straight out try to kill them recklessly and endangering many innocents in the process.

Appearance: Karen is the exact height of 6'2 and weights 199 pounds in weight, but it's mostly muscle.

Other: Theme song: her theme song
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

lol why so tall? Even for a kryptonian XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by J2


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Is Karen from a diffeeent universe?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I believe she is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Not for this Rp
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by J2


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I gotta wait till I get home for a cs. Can Dick be my characters father, but just not opemly?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I wouldn't see why not, Maybe he doesn't want to admit it? I'd have to edit my history around tho.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Demon Shinobi said
lol why so tall? Even for a kryptonian XD

So she can look down on KF all the time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

KF can probably look up her skirt *wink wink*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by J2


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Spriggs27 said
So she can look down on KF all the time.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Doesn't have a skirt though she has an outfit like power girl and she doesn't own one, Her father never bought her one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Jikkooooooooooooooo, Azureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, c'monnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by J2


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm making it now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avenger
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by J2


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

^ ^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Can't wait to see the cs
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by J2


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Clarence Zatara
Alias: Clarence
Age: 16
Gender: Male
- Skilled Pianist
-Master escape artist
-Decent martial arts skills (Baritsu)
-Skilled stage magician
-Master street magician
-Multilingualism, he speaks English, Spanish, Backwards-Speech, and Dog.
Powers: Clarence is a Homo-Magi, a human born with an affinity to manipulate magic, he casts his spells by speaking backwards, he is skilled in pyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, and telekinesis(moving things with his mind, no mind reading), he practices transforation(Turning things into things.)

-Covering his mouth is a no-no, no words means no magic.
-without spells, he has no increased durability

-A deck of cards
-An expandable metal circle(Clarences levitates it and stands on it, as he is not able to fly by himself yet.)
-A book of magic he is studying
-A journal that he writes in, detailed biography's of every person he comes across, powers and weaknesses. Along with his own musings.

-Outside of missions he plays the role of an entertainer. He possesses the voice of a radio god, and uses it to tell stories and keep the days alive. Him always trying to relate and be funny leads to a couple cringe worthy moments. Very talkative during missions, he likes to throw insults to keep villains off their game.

-From the beginning his life has been abnormal, starting off as the son of Zatanna, a legendary magician in the Justice League he was trained to be a protector of the people. He doesn't have a secret identity, or a real one. As the entire world knows of Clarence Zatara, The literal Boy wonder,or The Man wonder, as he goes through puberty. He wasn't hid from the life, his Mother having him embrace the destiny he had as a member of the league, his training took place in many different areas, mostly the tower of fate or Shadowcrest, Zatanna's legendary mansion.

His first appearance was a disaster, Zatanna was called to fight a lowly villain, some two bit magician using cheap tricks and calling it magic. Almost immediately things went south, Zatanna was hit by a "magical blast", and Clarence went crazy. He used everything in his arsenal, destroying buildings and pulling fire from thin air, he torched three city blocks chasing down the person who knocked out his mom, his magical stamina was bar none, and he almost killed his opponent, it also forced Zatanna to reverse time in the area, something that drained her for weeks. But it unearthed the fact: he wasn't ready.

Since then his training has gone smoothly, trying to regain the respect of his mother, she was appalled at the the thought he would just explode like that. He worked hard, studying magic and perfected arts he had already learned. Then, like any other growing boy, he wanted some spending money, so he started learning card magic, and coin magic, making things disappear, and reappear. He learned to be the cunning, deceitful, entertainer. He learned to be a magician.
6'4 200 pounds, Blue eyes instead

Other: two familiars he constantly summons
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So he's the rabbit
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