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@SantosGabriel77 we always have room

Rachel Wilson – Commonwealth

The cold, wet hallway echoed with her running footsteps and her hard breathing. The lights flickering as darkness crept in, the further she went, and farther and farther apart the working lights came. She arrived to a T and stopped not knowing which way to go. She had been running from floor to floor, trying to find an exit, and now it seemed she was trapped in the basement. She panted as she caught her breath and turned right. She stopped just to listen as she heard a voice.

“Come out; come out, wherever you are?” An angry raider shouted, as he banged a nearby pipe with the barrel of his shotgun. “Come on puppet, we won’t hurt you…much… I swear we’ll be gentle…”

Fear crept up on her, and she shivered, she started to run again. But she tripped on the broken up floor and fell forward slamming to the ground. She screamed in pain realizing she had twisted her ankle. She held her hands to her mouth hoping they hadn’t heard her. Tears were streaming down her face. She struggled to get up as she clawed away at the wall slowly made her way up, however the running steps were coming closer and closer.


Rachel slung her pack over her shoulder; she had been wandering the Commonwealth for a while now. There was lots of good loot available if you knew where to look. It had been a while since she had a good bounty, the Minutemen were pretty much taking up all the good jobs. She was always one step behind them. She regretted leaving them; after all it had been steady pay and work.

She had turned to scavenging in the past few weeks, traders always looking for one thing or another. It kept her well fed, but she wanted more, she wanted to settle down somewhere, lay some roots as they say. She looked through her other pack and took out a smaller bag filled with circuit boards. She showed it to the tin man, and he signaled for the gate to be opened. The door slowly moved on its track as it shifted from its position towards the right.

The Brotherhood had been a force to be reckoned with, but the Railroad planted a bomb on the airship, and it was destroyed. At least that was the official record, some say there had been a malfunction aboard or another group had destroyed it. They say the Railroad was blamed just so that they would have an excuse to destroy them. She didn’t care either way; she wasn’t a fan of those that loved synths.

Egret Tours Marina had become their only outpost in the Commonwealth. No one knew why they remained, but at least they brought some sort of stability to the area. Plus, they kept the Gunner’s from leaving their Plaza and reinforcing their forces up north. She walked inside the compound and went over to a line leading to a storefront, where the Brotherhood exchanged certain items for caps. They loved circuit boards, and she had made sure to always grab them when she came across them; no idea as to why they needed them.

As she waited in line, A vertibird soared above the compound and started to hover as it readied to land. It slowly descended and out came three fully armored Paladins, with two scribes carrying a woman in a stretcher. The Vertibird took off as an officer and medics ran towards the stretcher. It seemed one of the officers had asked why they had returned.

The one paladin removed her helmet, “Found her over at Milton General Hospital. We airdropped by hospital, and Dan must have landed on weak spot as he went through the ground into the maintenance tunnels. She had a broken foot, and there were a few raiders that were beating her and almost raped her. We sent them to hell. Got our gauntlets bloodied. They weren’t worth wasting bullets on.”

Rachel overheard them as they spoke. That girl had been lucky, and they even brought her via Vertibird, she had always wanted to ride one, they fascinated her how they stayed afloat. He moved forward as she was next in line, and handed the bag with circuit boards to the scribe standing behind the counter. She waited, and soon was handed a bag with caps, rolled up. The Brotherhood were trustworthy, but out of habit she ran her finger through the rolls counting the caps and making sure they were all there.

She had her caps, and stepped out of the line. She stepped through the open gate and looked behind her at the compound with its tall walls and strong gate. She wished she could join them, but as he had been told before, they weren’t recruiting at the moment. Had they been recruiting, she would’ve had to go to the Capital Wasteland for training.

She gripped her blade, and slung her SMG’s strap over her shoulder. Even though the Brotherhood had a presence here, the road was still treacherous. Especially since this are wasn’t patrolled by the Minutemen. She made her way north along a road that led to the train tracks. She followed the tracks for a while. She passed quite a few feral beasts, but they hadn’t taken notice to her. The yao guai was too busy attacking a Radstag to see her. The second one he had seen was busy chasing some feral dogs.

She soon found herself near Vault 81, she had an urge to go there, but needed to go down to the dock and see if there were any barges. To her luck there were three moored there. She approached the dock master, handing him some caps, and if there was one headed for Taffington Boathouse. He looked at his clipboard and pointed to the one headed there, to her luck it was departing now. She gave a crew hand some caps and made her way aboard. She found herself a spot, and leaned back to take a nap.

She was woken up when they were reaching the boathouse. The barge pulled to the dock, passing multiple water purifiers that had been setup, along with a pump house and bottling plant. She grabbed her stuff and got off the boat as it was docking, the crew hated when you did that. They rather you wait till it’s docked. Something about falling and being crushed.

She went inside the renovated house, and bought a 2lt bottle of water from a merchant. She made her way to the gate but a large caravan was arriving from Starlight City, looks like they were here to pick up water barrels, as the city grew, it needed more and more purified water, and the groundwater they were pumping wasn’t enough. The black clad Starlight City guards stepped off the caravan and they started to load barrels on their caravans. There was a rumor that their armor design was based off of that of Institute coursers. She had encountered one when she along with the rest of the Minutemen stormed the institute with the General, she was sure she was dead, but Colonel Preston had save her.

She looked at the guards, and the rumors were true, after all the design was menacing. The only discernible difference between an Institute courser uniform and one from Starlight city was the yellow Star of Bethlehem on their backs, along with two yellow stripes that ran along the side of the pants. Luckily, the guards themselves were friendly and not stuck up like those from Diamond City.

As she waited for the caravan to move out of the gate she overheard the guards talking to an officer. The officer was smoking a cigarette, “Covenant has buckled; they and their little Compound have joined Starlight City.”

The guard looked at the officer quizzically, “What do we need Covenant for? It’s a small settlement.”

“Well that small settlement is heavily guarded, and by chance there’s a pipeline that leads from underneath Starlight City to there, and it is intact. They discovered it, while they were preparing ground for some of the towers. This means we can build a pipeline from here to Covenant, which will connect to the city, and we can pump water.” He replied as he leaned against a cart.

“Why not just attack it and take it over?” Rachel asked as she walked closer.

The officer gave her a once over, “Because of their defenses. Any attack would’ve been costly. Besides they are controlled by a group called the Compound; bunch of scientists or something. Those eggheads are valuable. After all, some of the rumors are that Sanctuary Hills had some Institute scientist join them. So Mayor Goodall has made creating a scientific community within Starlight one of his priorities. Alright boys, enough blabbering, get back to work… Ma’am.”

Rachel nodded as they walked away. She hadn’t visited Covenant; hear they were pricks when it came to allowing people entrance to their community. She looked at her map, and decided to make her way to Greentop Nursery. It wasn’t that far from Taffington, only about an hour. There she could spend the night before she headed west.

Greentop Nursery was noticeable from other settlements, due to its wall being made up of scrapped cars. There wasn’t much of interest here aside from its farm. The Farm was one of the biggest producers of corn and gourds in the area. There was an inn that was built next to a pre-war house. She paid the caps for her room, and called it a day as she got on the bed, tired, her nap had made her more tired than rested.
Rick Noel – Diner (being interrogated) – Night

Lorelei finished her shake and leaned back in her seat before outstretching her arms across the outline of her booth cushion. “Hmm,” she mumbled, which seemed both insightful and satirical all at once. With that, Lorelei humorously bit her lip and folded both her arms and her legs. “Well, well, well. You’ve got manners on you...real ones...not just half-assed rituals that come with the standard-issue wasteland human. What universe are you from? Will you ever be able to get home?”

Rick looked at her quizzically, not fully grasping what she meant, not understanding that she was joking. “Well astronomy has never been my forte, but if I had to say home, we share the same home don’t we. If I remember correctly, we are in Salem, located in the commonwealth, located on Earth. Which in turn is in the Solar system, located in the Orion arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Which is in the Virgo cluster, within the Virgo Supercluster within the observable universe. “

After pursing her lips and perusing the diner, she narrowed her brow. “What’s your deal, Rick? Scholar? Or did you loot those glasses off a dead guy?”

Rick borrowed his brow, almost mimicking Lorelei, “What do you mean that I took my glasses from a dead guy? Wearing prescription glasses that were made for another will harm your eyes. I would advise against it. As for my deal, I have no deal, I am who I am. Just because the world went to hell in a hand basket, doesn’t mean everyone gave up on society.”

“Sure a vast majority chose anarchy and pursuit of self-pleasures. Some of us decided that we should continue living as humans always have. There’s no species no more capable of adaptability than humans; which is why we survived a devastating war. So excuse me, for wishing to be educated in a world where strength and cunning are revered as the main evolutionary traits all perceive as greatest. So to answer your question, I’m just a person living life as we truly should, rather than waste it on nothingness.”
Ace Makovich - Diner - Night

“...Hold on a minute folks...Just received another report...It is estimated that a large number of Gunners escaped, and were headed north. Folks living in the northern parts of the commonwealth are advised to be careful, and if you see anyone strange, report them to authorities. If we receive any other news, we'll be sure to let you know.”

Ace listened to report and let out a loud sigh, "Shit, Minutemen sure ran them off. "

"Do...Do you think...Do you think they'll come here?" Betty asked as she leaned on the counter with her arms crossed. For once, Betty wasn't her "charming" self, she seemed worried.

"I could sugr coat it and tell you they'll most likely avoid us, but I can't. We are a new settlement, not well established at the moment..."Ace looked at her and she looked even more worried. Ace gave her a hug to comfort her, and stepped back, "Look, we'll be fine. Barney will do a good job keeping us safe, and we'll all have to be extra vigilant. Don't worry, I'll protect you, kiddo."

Betty smiled and thanked Ace. Ace looked outside, and it was getting dark. Things were too hectic, as everyone was pretty much just drinking and not eating. He pulled a cup and poured himself some of the moonshine. He took the cup and headed outside, he drank some of the shine, and it had quite a kick but the taste sure came about and mellowed as it made its way down his throat.

He lit a cigarette and started at the sky, and the stunning sunset. The orange and reddish hues in the sky as it slowly grew darker, and the light faded to nothingness. He took a gulp of his drink and followed it with a drag of his cig. He leaned his head back against the building and closed his eyes, he could feel himself mellowing out as a buzz was starting to develop.

He heard running feet and he turned his head to see what was making the sound. Brandy was running headed for his diner door. He looked puzzled, wondering why she was running. Before he could say anything she saw him, placed her basket down and threw herself on him, putting her arms around him. She buried her head in his chest, “I was so worried about you. The gunshots again, I'm so glad that you're alright.” She reached up and put her hands on his cheeks and kissed him.

"Of course I'm alright, why wouldn't I be? Do you mean due to those shots a while back? I think it was outside of town." Ace replied as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

“We should go inside, we'd be more safe in there with everyone.” she looked through the windows at the busy diner.

He looked through the window, "Yeah why not." He opened the door and followed her inside. She took a seat on the counter, and went to the other side and poured her a drink of her moonshine, "Gotta say this stuff is real good. You said it's your pops secret recipe? Better watch out, I may try and get recipe from you." Ace smiled and laughed as he said that.

Betty came up by him and placed her hand on his shoulder, "Well...if it isn't miss sunshine."

Ace shook his head, he patted her hand, "Be nice, Brandy was just worked up before. Just let her passion get to her."

"Whateves... thanks for before Ace. Really put me at ease." Betty replied as she rolled her and then giving Ace a smile.
Rick Noel - Diner - Nightfall

Rick stared at his drink as he listened to the report. From the sounds of it, the Minutemen had done their job. However, Rick hated them, for they were the tool used by the devil to destroy his home and drive his people into exile. He gripped his cup firmly wanting to smash it but he controlled himself. He felt famished, starving, after all he had emptied his stomach. It wasnt smart to drink, luckily he had only had a sip.

He pulled two nutrient bars and wolfed one down. The second one he slowly ate. To a surfacer it would like a granola bar, which begged the question if surfacers knew what granola was.He shrugged his shoulders not caring. As he sat there slowly taking small bites, one of the women that was sitting at the bar sat in his booth, across from him. She stood out wearing an overcoat, a pale complexion and unkept hair.

Her eyes studied him up-and-down, “I don’t recognize you.”

Rick looked at her and adjusted his glasses. He kept silent and took a sip of his drink and abit of the nutrient bar. He put them down, like his lip, and patted them with a handkerchief to remove any crumbs. He was looking at his hands unsure what to say, but he kept his cool. He raised his eyes and looked at her over his glasses, "When one presents themselves before others, courtesy dictates one should first state their name."

He adjusted his glasses and lifted his face to look at her, "I do not recognize you either. For I have never seen you before. Therefore you wouldn't recognize me. However, if you must know whom am I, well my name is Rick, Rick Noel. I arrived to this town today. If you are with the welcome comittee, along with that Ace fellow, who offered me this drink, tahnk you for your kindness." He lifted his glass an took a big gulp before placing it down again.
yeah things have tensed up, wonder why?
Sam Littlehorn – Free Commonwealth of PA –

Sam leaned back on her char intensively staring at the representative of the Legion as he spoke. Her fingers tapping on the desk, as she listened to him go on about the acts of the NCR against his people in their foolish little campaign. Yet, she couldn’t help but smirk, as the so called legion played the part of victim in this situation, seemingly wishing to milk it for whatever it was worth.

Before she could speak the President of the FCTS spoke up, “The Free Confederation of Texan States will take time to consider your proposal.” he paused while giving the word for rangers to carry a statement. Each nation would receive the message from a grey clad Texas Ranger. Sam took her note from the ranger; it was invitation to discuss how issue should be addressed.

He turned his voice back to address the convention. “Now I would like to inquire about a matter we can surely agree on.”, he let that hang in the air for a few moments. “What action is being carried out against the Cult of Ug-Qualoth? My scouts report fighting in the north. This cult seems to defy basic human rights, and we believe action against them might be necessary”.

Barnaky of the Midwestern Brotherhood spoke of his people’s campaign against the Cult. This interested her group. They were in constant state of war with the cult, and for now the cult focused on them. Their fight allowed the Commonwealth time to build up their defensive line, and strengthen the western border. Soon the Crusaders would reveal themselves back home, and show just what they are capable of doing.

However, her face and demeanor showed her disgust when he spoke favorably of the Legion by taking their side. As he finished, she stood and laughed a bit. “Oh…poor Legion…poor little victims. I know the representative of Texas wished to have the member nations of the soon to be Co-Prosperity Sphere discuss our response in unison and how we should proceed…however, I’ll like to make our position known.”

She paused, looking around and then slammed the table, causing drinks and anything standing on it to fall over, “IT WILL BE A COLD DARK DAY IN HELL, BEFORE WE SIDE WITH THESE HEATHENS AND SLAVERS! TO US YOU’RE NO BETTER THAN THE CULT!” She plopped back down on her chair, and moved strand of her red hair to the side, and coolly replied “I vote no.”

Rick Noel - Diner - Nightfall

Rick sat on the booth and what seemed to be a server approached him. Howver, unlike the friendly synth servers or those that he read of in books. She approached him, "So watcha want...come on."

"Ummm...sorry...ummm" Rick was blanking out, he really didn't drink.

"Oh my fuck...seriously. I do not have all night kid...come on." Betty answered gruffly, looking impatiently, tapping her foot.

"Ok, ok..." Rick stuttered. He remember reading of vodka and its manufacturing process. Rick looked back up to her, "I'd like vodka...and umm...some...nuka cola." He smiled at her and she just rolled her eyes. She soon returned and placed a cup with vodka and a bottle of nuka cola on the table. He did note that she didn't slam it as he would've expected... Could her attitude and way she behaved be an act?

He tried some of the cola by itself...it was far different than what used to be served in the Institute. It had a slight metalic tinge to it, but it wasnt bad. He also tried the vodka, and he started to cough as the buring sensation went down his throat. He wheezed, it was not what he was expecting. The institute distilled alcohol, the scientist though tended to prefer whiskey or scotch. He never developed a taste for alcohol, yet his intellectual curiosity wanted to see why people liked it so much, especially here in the wastes.

He mixed the two beverages, and forced himself to drink it, he surmized it would taste better if it was ice cold, and perhaps had some ice cubes. As he drank and the alcohol began to spread through his body the radio came on. The travis guy began to speak.:

"Ladies and gentlemen, Diamond City Radio has some breaking news for you... hold on to your hats, and try not to spill your drinks... As reported yesterday, the Minutemen launched a daring raid on the Gunner's Downtown Boston Oupost located a Mass Bay Medical Center..."

Travis paused for effect, "The Minutemen were succesful in disloging the Gunners and taking control of the location. According to reports the Minutemen suffered a loss of 14 troopers. Quite a few were injured, most with non life threating injuries. Although the gunners outnumbered the Minutemen, they were defeated by Colonel Preston's swift strategy. We tried to get an exclusive interview, but he had promised one to Piper, Editor-in-chief of Publik Occurences."

"Gunner losses and injuries were severe, no official record, but losses are reported to be around a hundred. Captured Gunners are slated to be placed on trial and those deemed guilty of egregious crimes against the Commonwealth will be hanged...Hold on a minute folks...Just received another report...It is estimated that a large number of Gunner escaped, and where headed north. Folks living in the northern parts of the commonwealth are advised to be careful, and if you see anyone strange, report them to authorities. If we receive any other news, we'll be sure to let you know."
Ace Makovich - Diner - Nightfall

Ace stepped inside the diner with Rick following close behind. Rick took a seat at one of the booths and Ace made his way behind the counter. He instructed Betty serve Rick. He grabbed a paper and headed back outside. He sat on the ground in front of the diner, took out a cigarette and lit as he perused the paper.

The sun was going down, and soon it'd be dark. There wasn't much in it aside from the going on of the settlements. Nothing out of the ordinary, or at least nothing he cared about. As he sat on the ground, Lorelei walked in, not even looking acknowledging him. Ace just shrugged is shoulders, and took on last long drag from his cigarette.

He slowly let out the smoke and headed inside.Betty walked over to Lorelei, whom proceeded to order, sort of. She mumbled her order, “Mutfruit milkshake, please…and if you could sprinkle some rum onto that sucker, I’ll love you for all eternity" Ace motioned to Bety that he'd assist her, and she was more than happy to oblige.

"Well now, don't be making promises you can't keep. How bout you love me for half an eternity, after all, I may get tired of you." Ace replied with a smirk on his face as he walked over to the coffee maker and poured a cup. He placed it in front of Lorelei, "Here, looks like you need a pick me up."

Ace gathered the ingredients for the shake and began preparing a her a shake. He hummed to the music and laced the finish product in front of Lorelei. He put a double shot of rum in it, and then placed another shot next to it. "Don't forget your promise now, you hear," Ace winked at her. as he took a seat behind the ciunter, next to the radio.
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