Avatar of ACHTUNG
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: -ACHTUNG-
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 422 (0.11 / day)
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    1. ACHTUNG 10 yrs ago


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I broke my left ankle... Now I'm disabled...
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Restarting that GuP thing from 10 months ago...
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Found myself liking the experience of drinking a garden...
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Making and world building a Girls und Panzer roleplay...
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Got over building things and now am tearin em down...


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We leave those on the other side, sides there's about a dozen mental models in the current manga arc who's just running around on land, trying to experience human lifestyle... Unless of course there's a convenient large body of water nearby.

Yo Vita... before I make a character sheet... Is an Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio mental model fine ability wise that is...

Hmm... Just so we're clear... We're not allowed to have a giant mecha pilot and have the giant mecha included? (I'm sure the people of this city wouldn't appreciate constant property damage)...
Accel be cool... Best laugh!

As for singing... Just have Scaramouche have a duet with Shurelia... though their taste in music are largely incompatible, I'm sure they can work something out...
We could apply "Misapplied Phlebotinum"... Both have displayed qualities of not taking the more logical and easier (for them) approach to situations they've been in...
I'm actually looking forward to that, Simply because I'm waiting for the moment that Scaramouche becomes the scatman...
In the interest of having more characters to post with and increase my post rate... I'd have a go with these two, they would have come earlier if not for a server error with my etherpad of characters... So they're a bit late...

  • Name:
    • Isone, Kotoha
  • Universe:
    • Yozakura Quartet
  • Appearance:
    Let's Sing!

  • Personality:
    • A sensible lass that though while kind, can be impulsive and aggressive at times. Doing the right thing comes natural to her but she often overdoes on how to get there. So much so that anger will usually bring out the nastiness in her. Has no qualms on swearing as a form of expression.
  • Powers/Skills:
    • Kotoha is hanyƍ with the ability to use kotodama. She is a powerspeaker with the ability manifest various items, concepts and forces through the use of vocalized speech. The complexity of the desired concept or item affects how much effort she needs to put into her ability to manifest it. Simple things require as little as a single word, while manifesting complex concepts and items can take a while since she has to vocally describe the purpose, composition as well as the overall structure of it. Usage of the ability involves speaking, followed by her sticking her tongue out then a resulting discharge of a small amount of energy followed by eventual manifestation of her desired item or concept if it was successful. Failure of the ability can result in physically manifested characters, letters and exclamations.
    • These physically manifested characters can still result in somewhat successful manifestation of what was desired if one were to arrange them in a way that they spell out the item correctly.
    • Shortcuts are a time saving system that allows her to "save" an object in her memory so she could manifest them with just a single word. This allows her to manifest complex objects without having to go through the long description process. She makes a shortcut of an object via first manifesting it in the normal descriptive method, then storing it, or the quickest way to do it is to physically lick the object to store the information through taste. Some of her shortcuts are...
      • Guns of various forms
      • Grenades and other explosive devices
      • A Flak 36 8.8 cm AA/AT artillery
      • A Microphone
      • A Bunker buster bomb
      • Some aircraft
      • Tools and certain supplies
      • A Box
      • A Fish tank and fish bowl
      • An RPG
    • Her ability can work a significant distance from herself provided her voice carries through. Be this through shouting or artificial amplification by a speaker system.
    • She has the ability to sense other youkai or half youkai.
    • She has near superhuman physical abilities, which allows her to have extremely good reflexes and reaction times as well as jump great heights.
  • Brief Bio:
    • Vice-director the Hiizumi Life Counselling Office where she works with her friends. A resident of Sakurashinmachi. She is a highschool student attending a school outside of town.
  • Equipment:
    • A phone... Because no schoolgirl should go out without one...
  • Others:
    • A confirmed Lesbian
    • Loves to sing and likely will make friends with anyone with the same passion

  • Name:
    • V Lila F
  • Universe:
    • Yozakura Quartet
  • Appearance:
  • Personality:
    • A sensual young woman that likes to have fun. She takes the initiative and can get impatient when something or someone holds her back from what she wants to accomplish. And if pushed just a bit more she is quick to anger as well. She has a hint of sadism and masochism in her accompanied with her violent tendencies. While all is said and done however, she's still a good person at heart and enjoys nothing more than the smiles of other people, this is also a reason she's an entertainer by trade.
  • Powers/Skills:
    • Lila describes herself as a magician... In a way one would describe a stage magician. There is truth in this since that's often how she uses her ability, to entertain people with theatrics and magical "tricks" though her catchphrase of "No tricks, No Gimmicks" shows the truth in this... Her ability blurs the line between stage magic and real honest magic. And she keeps it magic by never telling anyone how she does it.
    • Her "Magic" is quite varied, And so follows a list of things she's done explicitly in the animated material...
      • The ability to cloak herself in shadows as well as manipulate said shadows to act as prehensile limbs to hold on to things.
      • The ability to phase through solid matter aka Intangibility.
      • The ability to teleport in multiple ways including the "theatrical" sort where she locks herself in one container and come out of another unconnected container.
      • The ability to disguise herself and others. The disguise going so far as to even completely change the body shape and type.
      • The ability to dissipate objects including herself into either birds or petals (maybe other things but that's the most common)
      • The ability to make things fly and by extension also fly. This is also a property of her broom.
      • The ability to make illusions. This is the magic "trick" sort of magic smoke and mirrors and the like. Though how such objects came to be may also involve real magic.
      • The ability to appear very dead, this includes stopping her heart.
      • The ability to move objects via telekinesis.
      • And as a last one for the list, the most prominent ability, Her ability to manifest various objects, ranging from a bouquet of flowers to a skyscraper sized sword. She also displays the ability to manipulate the things she manifests into existence via telekinesis.
    • She displays superhuman stamina as she's able to repeatedly fight after being beaten and thrown about by a werewolf.
  • Brief Bio:
    • Wished for nothing more than to make her sister happy, through the use of magic tricks.The magic "tricks" escalated to the point that it was more creepy, dangerous, and unnerving than entertaining. This continued to the point where she eventually was able to use true magic. And for the biggest trick yet she essentially "died", though of course that was just fake death. At some point she became a youkai hunter as she wandered the world as a magician. She eventually returned to her sister, seeking to surprise her by being alive all this time. Though due to some misunderstandings things escalated into a violent confrontation. In the end however she made up with her sister and eventually became a citizen of Sakurashinmachi. Now she works as an assistant to her sister's clinic as well as an extra person to patrol the streets of the odd little town. She still does her magic and still loves to entertain people and see their smiles.
    • Equipment:
      • A phone
      • Her Broom cum concealed cane-sword
    • Others:
      • Completely adores her sister
      • Has a passion of entertaining people.

A short video that features both characters.

Never watched Generator Rex... Except for that time he crossovered with Ben ten...
It's entirely possible that he's got a working digestive system... We've seen robots in the franchise eat and drink before...

So re-reading the IC again... Are we sure that Scaramouche can't eat?
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