Avatar of AlShayatin
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 127 (0.05 / day)
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    1. AlShayatin 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current @Fetzten If you hate DB so much, why dont you buy a car or something?
7 yrs ago
Looking for roleplayers to start a group with! Mostly into modern settings (yet not sci-fi), military, police,espionage, crime and martial arts are welcome. Hit me up if you are interested.
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Well, Roleplaying here and there for 7 years or so. Finally found this domain here with which I am satisfied >(in terms of freedom and post creation capabilities)<. At the moment totally into violence themed RPs, be it martial arts or war topics. Love the noir type medieval stuff too, things like the witcher books. IRL there is nothing much to say; gym, martial arts, calisthenics, anime, gaming, bars and such. Currently applying to become a federal investigator.

Most Recent Posts

@SlashInfiniteAll, good jump in whenever you´re ready. Else I can drop another reply.
@Solona AmellAny Modern Warfare, Battlefield or Splinter Cell episode to your liking?
@SlashInfinite Can you actually speak Italian btw?
@FrostedCaramel Ever came across U.S SOCOM?
Hey, in case you guys want to install a tracker I´d be down for it.
You know, checking what assets we have, how much ammo is left or what was lost.Something like this, nothing too fancy. Just essentials.

@Copperpen Lmao, fair enough. Just jump in when you are ready.
@Copperpen He better have some brown sauce in his MREs, I´d trade for jalapeno cheese spread.
@SlashInfinite Gotcha, don´t sweat it.
@Copperpenyou dont need images, you can describe them if that suits you better. They are optional
"Alright listen up!" he called out as he entered the locker room, clapping with his hands a few times to get their attention.
"I have scoped out the target area with the guys from 7th, it does not look good. The latest reports indicate that the lines are getting pushed further back into the city and the auxiliary forces are barely managing to evacuate people over the river. That makes our time window smaller. After talking to command they relaid to me that we have a 12 hour window, after that the JSOC will order the destruction of the target AREA. I stress AREA because they don´t even know which building it is and neither do we, the CIA is playing hard to get, saying that they´ll only provide the information when a team is on site. Justifying it with some theory about communication being intercepted." Bo walked over to a board at the end of the room, took out a piece of paper and photo from his A-Tacs pants and fixed it on the board with a magnet.
"Satellite images were not available but thank google and printers."

"So, the blue one is us right now. The red circle is the area where the CIA station is and the green square is the airport of Bangkok, that is where we are supposed to take the hardware and data after acquiring it. Apparently it is so important that it has to be flown out of country." Bo was pointing at each one as he talked, it wasn´t more than a sheet of paper with marker on it but that´s all he had. "The black lines mark the buffer zone, basically the front line, it´s filled with BluFor holding off the OpFor."

"The city is full of civilians, line infantry and saboteurs that break trough so we will use unmarked civilian vehicles."

"Our priority is to recover as much as we can and blow the rest or mark it for the indirect fire. The sooner we´re done, the sooner we can leave the country. That is all."
With that Boris stepped away from the board to his locker, he began to get ready by putting on the bullet proof vest and the plate carrier, checking if everything was in place. Prepping his weapons, headgear and backpack which he also would take with him.
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