Avatar of apathy
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RP Summary

This story takes place on an alternate version of Earth, called Earth-F67X, set several decades in the future after a first and violent contact with alien life known as the First Contact War. As a result of fighting off the alien -- specifically, the "Val'Gara" -- invasion and with help from other, friendly aliens, Earth made remarkable technological advances. However, the war scarred the African continent with severe radiation and biohazards that made necessary its subsequent quarantine. Xanathan Industries, an alien megacorp that works in conjunction with Earth's government, controls much of the non-irradiated parts of Africa. The remainder is left to guerrilla groups and mutants. This RP involves the interaction between Xanathan Industries and the mutants.

Kichaka Siri
Marange, NYUNDO Headquarters

“Thula thul… Thula ba-ba… Thula sa-na…”

A young woman sings softly as she peels plantains and places them into an empty pot, the soft coos of her daughter in the other room creating a happy duet. Their melody continues as she fills the pot with water from a leaky spigot connected to the district’s aging water system by a short length of PVC pipe. She sets the pot on a salvaged stove then presses her palms flat against its sides.

With a faint glow, the water begins to softly boil. She collects a handful of thatch, ignites and throws it onto a pair of logs in the stove’s firebox. Satisfied, her words turn to humming as she picks an onion from a pile and cuts off its basal plate. Her chopping is cut short by voices arguing outside the small kitchen’s window.

“These permits are expired. Do you understand? You need new permits, you doos.” A heavily modulated voice barked.

“New permits… This is the second time this month! How can I afford to work if I have to wa-”

Setting the knife down, the woman crossed a colorful curtain of beads and approached the wriggling bundle that lay in a crib fashioned from an old shopping buggy lined with furs and blankets. She beamed down at her daughter, softly stroking the baby’s cheek as with a few last heated words the commotion outside came to an end.

Worries lessened, the woman returned to cutting the onion when the dry crack of gunfire shook her. Knife in hand, she ran back to check on her daughter as she howled in terror. The woman suddenly reeled in shock as the handle erupted into flames in her grasp. It falls to the ground with a clatter as the blackened, gnarled piece of wood smoldered.

The edges of reality distort as the roof of the shack is torn away and propelled skywards, the cozy surroundings around Ayanda churning into a new environs. The narrow, elongated leaves of an azobé shuddered as its roots festered in the mire of the pygmy’s anomie. She perceived Ndakala both as he was and as he saw himself, a helpless child paralyzed by expectation and fear- flames licking at his psyche.

Ayanda’s will passed through the earth and enveloped Ndakala in a capsule of loose soil that brought him to her. “Wake, scion of Gyele. Shake loose the burden of the zijonge, sit, and listen.”

A calming wave passed through Ayanda and into the waters she was immersed in as the other spoke, “Who are you?”

“I am many things. Let us focus on what I am to you. To you, I am insight. I am acceptance. I am Ayanda, and this-” she gave a sweeping gesture as the air hummed in crystalline refrain, “is my home. Tell me, Ndakala Blayhi. Why do you think you are here this day?”

"Lehlohonolo…," the drained pygmy's words were a whisper, his pain evident. Unconsciously he had reverted to his childhood tongue. "Mohato o mong le o mong oa leetong lena o ile oa eketsa le ho songoa ke ho hloka thuso ha mokhatlo. Ke tataiso ea mang ea lahlehileng?"

"Of what use is a guide who has not experienced being lost? You say you lack agency, but you could have easily chosen to do nothing and lost more." Ayanda's form gracefully turned toward Ndakala from within the vitreous basin.The reflective surface of the pools around them shifted to portray the image of an old man lifting a child over the buttress roots of a lombi tree. Their hearts were light with laughter, their satchels heavy with wild fruits, yams and kola nuts.

"Come, little ieta. Use your young ears and listen while we rest. The meat is getting old," Gyele laughed as he happily drummed on his taut belly. He chewed on a piece of cinchona bark and eyed the young Ndakala inquisitively. "Have I told you the tale of Leopard and Crocodile?"

Ndakala shook his head vigorously, popping a guava into his mouth. The child's eyes bulged with joy at the flavor and the old man's laughs continued deep into his story.

"One day in a tribe far to the East a man's many wives grew unhappy with him and refused to work. At his wits end and quickly running out of food, a thought struck him as he worked cutting palm-kernels.

He sought out Leopard and befriended the noble hunter by presenting it with ten bunches of palm-nuts. Pleased, Leopard thanked the man and offered him a supply of fresh meat if he would pay tribute only to Leopard. The man thanked Leopard and happily agreed.

He then went to Crocodile and presented the great watcher with ten bunches of palm-nuts. Pleased, Crocodile thanked the man and offered him a supply of fresh fish if he would pay tribute only to Crocodile. The man thanked Crocodile and happily agreed.

The next morning Leopard came to the man’s hut and presented him with a wild hog. That afternoon came Crocodile and with him were plenty of fish. Full of food, the man’s many wives rejoiced and his family were never hungry again.”

The two resumed their hike back to their small village as Gyele continued.

“This continued for some time, until Leopard and Crocodile both grew tired of palm-nuts. Both had heard much of dogs but had never seen or tasted one but knew that men were keeper of dogs. Each day they would arrive separately, growing more demanding for dog’s meat until fearing for the life of him and his dogs, the man determined to rid himself of Leopard and Crocodile.

When Leopard came the next morning asking for dog meat, the man sadly told him to go to the river the following day and under a great limba tree he would find a dog to eat. Satisfied, Leopard left an antelope at the man’s doorstep and departed.

In the afternoon when Crocodile came asking for dog meat, the man sadly told him to go to the river the following morning and wait under a great limba tree. If he did, a dog would come to him and he would have his taste of dog meat. Satisfied, Crocodile smiled and left as a whole school of sardines flopped at the man’s doorstep.

The next morning, Crocodile arrived and decided to take a nap as he waited for the dog. The next afternoon, Leopard cautiously approached the river when it spotted what he thought was the dog, fast asleep.

‘No wonder men keep dogs. Look at how much meat it has.’

Crocodile, aroused by the rustling made by Leopard, slowly opened his eyes and thought that this must be a very large kind of dog, if not a bit skinny.

Hardly had Crocodile moved when Leopard sprang upon him. They fought for the rest of the day as the man brought his family to watch as they feasted upon the food brought by Leopard and Crocodile. The beasts killed one another and the family sang and danced.”

Outside their village, Gyele turned to the young boy and looked deep into his eyes as he asked, “Was what the man did right?” Before Ndakala could respond, an eruption of screams sent a flock of parrots skyward while they both looked on in horror as a conflagration swept through the thatch huts of their people’s homes.

The image reflected in the Kichaka Siri's pools rippled as Ayanda stepped out from the water, taut skin glistening. A cobalt moss collected at her feet and pulsed with life as it transformed itself into a patterned imibhaco that hung from her figure. She radiated a calm that belied her years, harkening to something primal in the heart of humanity.

"In life, we lose much. But never do we lose the ability to act, unless it is relinquished. Gyele understood this."

Mzinda wa Mitengo
Lake Malawi, Free Territories

A pair of turacos took turns singing happily to one another, pausing to give the occasional display of bravado. They puffed their emerald chests and flapped their indigo wings and roused Useni from his afternoon nap. He slowly swung in his hammock and watched midday shadows dancing along the open balcony, contemplating skipping his lessons when he suddenly recalled offering to join Sigele above the markets and see if they could pick out the strange visitors that had come from across the Free Territories.

Awkwardly rolling out of the hammock, Useni grabbed his pack and rushed to fill it with smoked mpasa and a handful of lalanjes as his mother and sisters teased him. “Where are you going in such a hurry?” “With a bag of our fish and fruit no less!” “Did you upset Sigele?”

Useni groaned and ignored his family, slipped on his sandals and exited their home. He stepped into the cool shade of the natural sprawl that was Mzinda wa Mitengo. Mangroves of magnificent proportions were the bulk of the city, each trunk grown wide enough to house hundreds. Useni brushed past a group of children who laughed as the vine-covered walkway they crossed bounced with the running teen’s motions.

Minutes later he grew near the broad clearing that bordered the Gwirani, a bustling city-center of platforms just above the water level. He caught his breath, leaning heavily against a mossy railing while he watched polychromatic skiffs pass out from beneath massive roots and into a latticework of canals that traveled throughout Mzinda wa Mitengo.

A flash of brilliance draws Useni's eye to groups of workers throwing nets full of mpasa and chambo on to a narrow dock; the bright white of their bellies gleaming in the sunlight that cascaded through a translucent dome above the Gwirani.

"It was smart not to come empty-handed," Useni turned with a start, seeing no one nearby. "Up here, Mvuu."

He looked up in time to see Sigele gracefully drop from a bough above then take her place by his side at the railing. She leaned forward and scanned the bustling warren below, a faint murmur rising to meet them "Any luck spotting them yet, Mvuu? The Gwirani is thick as your head today."

"All I see are fish, same as always." Useni rubbed the back of his neck as it flushed with heat. He looked at Sigele, admiring her grace and courage as she precipitously leaned over the railing. "C-careful," he mumbled, turning his eyes away from her and scanning the throng beneath.

He passed her a lalanje and began to peel his own, the scent of citrus carried on a refreshing afternoon breeze. They stood in silence for a few minutes, eyes moving to and fro as they enjoyed their fruit. Growing weary, he peered at the gently swaying limbs above him. Suddenly Sigele spat as she pointed at one of the larger buildings close by. Useni's gaze followed and his eyes grew wide at the odd appearance of the visitors exiting the structure; the pair were clad in uniforms unlike anything he'd seen and were as blue as an utaka.

One was a petite and pale figure with stark white hair; the other was massive, dwarfing the group gathered around them. Sigele whistled at the size of the latter while pointing excitedly at one of the many in the crowd surrounding the pair. “Look at Tepwanji’s stupid hat! Once he is done we can visit his shop and ask about those two.”

It was then that the hulking frame of the stranger clad in blue turned and looked directly at Sigele and Useni, sending chills down their spines. They backed away from the railing and shared terrified glances when they heard it; a deep, low growl followed by a series of snarls. The two looked to Sigele’s former perch and yelled in fright at their discovery.

In a predatory pose amongst broad, swaying leaves was a creature that paralyzed the two in fear and wonder. The Gwirani saw many animals from across the Free Territories brought to its markets but never any like this was one of Useni’s thoughts that didn’t immediately revolve around his certain death. Its shape was vaguely feline only too thick-set, like a badger; its head like a mongoose’s but with a panther’s proportions. What captivated them the most, and would be a topic of much debate later on between Sigele and he was its pelt. The creature was covered in a thick hide of moss and vines, the occasional bloom of a solidago peeking out from the dense green .

“What have you found, Mlalo! Would-be assass-” a deep voice boomed then faltered as the gargantuan frame of a blue-clad figure came over the railing with a platform-rattling landing. “Oh.. children?”
"... If you want to speak to authority, contact the Prime Minister. Ms. Iedereen is quite an experienced diplomat."

We have you now, kabroia. The ghostly spectrogram in a portion of his field of vision displayed separate sine waves synchronizing.

A wry smile crossed Tartalo's features as the information was relayed up the chain of command. He noted the immediate assignment of Operative X7B to secure the HVT by General Millheiser. Unfamiliar with that particular agent, Tartalo attempted to access their dossier only to be met with a flashing red chyron across his mind's eye that read CLASSIFIED. Interesting, Tartalo reflected as his attention returned to his captive audience.

"Ezezagunen lurra, otso lurra. A saying ingrained in the nature of my people. Land of strangers, land of wolves."

Merse's ear twitched in response to Tartalo's words.

"I wonder; is Faith something you value? Is it a universal precept, or something idiosyncratic to human nature."

"I acknowledge that there are higher powers even I cannot attempt to comprehend. However, the term god is used too loosely these days."

"I speak not of gods, but of Faith. Gods balk in comparison to its power. With it, men can act against the grand indifference of Nature. Or the unnatural.

But yes, of course. Prime Minister.. Iedereen, was it? How convenient it must be to have such an auspicious figurehead at your disposal. An official head of state upon which to foist the sword of Damocles. That was her hijacking countless novelas across the globe, wasn't it?" Tartalo's words dripped with satisfaction.

"It grieves me to inform you that Ms. Iedereen has been deposed and at this very moment, she is finding herself in a situation very much like your own. Although I doubt she is dealing with someone willing to humor her as I have humored you.

Now, do you have any faith in Ms. Iedereen? In her actions? Does she stand firm and allow violence to continue against her city and those she was elected by? How many have been injured thus far in this quasi-invasion?

Does she cooperate and do what you have refused to do thus far, putting the people she represents before her own selfish gain? Does she attempt to shift the focus away from herself?

She wouldn’t happen to have anything incriminating on you, would she?”

"Nope. I'm certain she does not." Merse added with a touch a smugness.

“If she is intelligent, she’ll accept whatever offer is provided and begin a peaceful transition of power. If she is lucky, she just might find that she enjoys the new hand that controls her.

Now, let us see how much use for you remains. Is there anything we should know about Ms. Iedereen?"
“Girl. Follow or die.”

The words came to her through the sonorous din of the collapsing temple, her eyes following the mtyholi’s form on its journey across the courtyard. She scoffed as she recalled a favorite phrase of her father’s, picked up during his time fighting alongside Americans during the First Contact War. Najwa shifted to English as she muttered into tempestuous winds, “What an asshole.”

She considered the demon’s hesitance at engaging her head on, weighing various contingencies. Perhaps its purpose was to prolong the conflict, thus preventing her from returning to her comrades at Marange. Were they safe during all this? Or did it mean to goad her into lashing out in an attempt to capitalize on an emotional outburst? Calculations drifted through her mind at hyper-speed and she began to act as the mtyholi’s sole foot sank deep into the stone of an adjacent pillar, its intricate design obliterated with the impact.

Najwa’s torso shifted at the hips, knees beginning to bend as her right shoulder came up in a looping arc. She shot forward in a short parabola that covered a few meters, her thrown fist crashing downwards through the initial layer of the courtyard’s cobblestone, driving deep into the mountain. She remained on one knee as a network of fissures erupted from the impact’s epicenter; they channeled through the stone supports of gates and the temple’s foundation alike.

The courtyard shifted in a sickening manner and, with a sudden groan from deep within the mountain, it began to fall away into darkness below with the majority of the temple following close behind. Najwa’s weight shifted as she rolled forward into a series of descending somersaults, the soles of her boots coming into the contact with a plummeting pillar in a feat of exemplary coordination. She ran along its surface before pushing off, her motions bringing her closer to the sensation of moisture that clung to her skin as she deftly avoided the storm of incoming debris. Najwa’s palms pressed against the mountain’s interior wall for but a moment before she sprung off the surface, acrobatically launching herself into a subterranean pool with a graceful splash. She extended her senses outward in an attempt to localize her opponent’s position as wreckage continued to crash all around, the light from high above providing little illumination at this depth.

The hermetic chamber's surroundings faded into kaleidoscopic obscurity, the various augmented reality instrumentation panels whirling through his mind as senses melded. Tartalo accessed Spencer’s surveillance logs, and perspective shifted in a dissociative manner. He found himself looking at his, or rather Spencer’s, reflection in a polished observation portal as he was forcefully pushed into the private cabin by two exasperated stewards. Spencer appeared to be unconscious as he was unceremoniously deposited face-first on lush ultrasuede. The warm sensation of urine pooling coupled with the sickening undulations at the periphery of his consciousness forced Tartalo out of the memory and back to the chamber as Merse spoke of his scientists.

<< Ekhi, what was that? I was expecting an intelligence dossier, not something from some mozkorra. >>

<< I’m finding degradation on a majority of the covalent bonds from the carbon-aerogel pads on his surveillance device. The reports are heavily impacted from asset Tras’ dependency on psychotropics and psychedelics. >>

<< Is there anything you can do? >>

<< Not within a reasonable timeframe. >>

<< Arraio. >>

“You seem confident that their research and assets wouldn’t be seized immediately.”

Consciousness once more plunged into dissociation as he skipped ahead in the voluminous report. His vision focused as best it could on what appeared to be a half-eaten chicken’s drumstick. He felt himself moving as if through molasses as Spencer raised his sidearm and atomized the incoming projectile.

Tartalo scoffed internally as he increased the report’s playback speed. Hounds rose from infernal gashes in reality as old women rained from the artificial sky above the last few members of what Tartalo intuited as a wedding party. Frustrated, he skipped further ahead and picked up the report several hours after the doomed ceremony.

He looked into Spencer’s face through the lenses of his signature shades. They were leaning against a mirror over a running sink, forehead flat against the cool glass. Sweaty strands of ratty blonde hair clung to his skin as he dry-heaved, fighting the urge to purge himself of an ungodly amount of alcohol. A solitary bloodshot eye danced around the washroom, before stopping on a not-wholly unfamiliar sight to Tartalo.

A planet, very much like Earth, filled the majority of the vista through the wide, horizontal panels along one of the room’s walls. At that moment, the mozkorra mumbled a single word. Fortis. As the planet rotated, there was another moment of recognition as the outline of the Iberian Peninsula grew in prominence. But the familiarity ended there, as a technological brilliance grew against the rugged peaks of a range Tartalo determined to be the Pyrenees.

After a few minutes of near silence, Tartalo’s voice cut through the room.

“Tell me about Fortis.”
“No relation whatsoever. Figured he was…”

<< Director Amon has opened a channel in the neural subnet and is following matters unfold closely. He strongly urges you recall that information gathering is our primary goal and while he would not deny you this slight retribution.. >>

<< His sentiments are noted. Anything further, Ekhi? >>

<< Incoming transmission from the Q.U. along with an analysis of several strands of Merse’s fur, collected in the hard light field. >>

<< Patch them in and upload the breakdown. And.. Ekhi? >>

<< Yes, sir? >>

<< Thank you. >>

Tartalo split his attention between the felinoid’s lengthy protestations (with the occasional prod at its ego) and the feeds from three separate security cameras. Each was in a fixed position overlooking decontamination chambers containing Dex, Sweat, and Sarge. Stripped of their T22 armor and undergoing strict containment protocols, they’d been sequestered in complete silence. The T22’s had received a hard-light scouring while analyzing petabytes of combat data stored in each suit’s kinesic-logs. Dex and Sweat found their containment to be an easy-going if lonely affair as they sat in a fog of restorative nanobots, sipping on glasses of aged whiskey infused with a concoction meant to inoculate them against any foreign biological agents that could have slipped past the safety measures built into each MOAA ( Mobius Ops Advanced Armor) suit.

Matters differed greatly for Sarge, who had reacted violently to the whiskey, clawing at his throat as his form hunched over in a vain attempt to ease the burning he felt deep within. The chamber’s graphene walls sprouted restraining filaments that lifted Sarge in mid-air with limbs outstretched. An aperture slowly suffused through the ceiling’s surface. It projected a stream of condensed photons that shimmered as they took on the form of a speculum.

The photonic tool split a seam down the center of Sarge’s pale chest and abdomen. Flesh and muscle posed little opposition and as oxygen came into contact with pulsating viscera, Sarge’s exposed thoracic cavity shuddered with heavy gasps. His nerve-endings howl as he is pushed to the edge of neurogenic shock, the haze of nanobots actively working against his exsanguination. A mechanical limb descends from the ceiling, in its manipulator is grasped a noticeably ancient dagger. Its long blade was stained from the blood of untold legions, and what had once been a pristine ivory handle had now dulled to a sallow shade most foul. The only bit of brilliance on the antediluvian artifact was a silver ring that secured the blade to the ivory. It slowly pierced Sarge as his yells were absorbed by the cell’s walls.

Tartalo receives an alert from the Aldaré as its restraints constrict reflexively at Merse’s attempt to stretch.

“Is that why I allowed myself to be captured?” Tartalo could practically feel the smugness this being exuded. He notes the mass of Merse’s fur that was recovered from Sarge being deposited into an aged clay lekythoi, runes carved along its narrow body.

"A grave miscalculation." A collar grows from the Aldaré and wraps itself around Merse’s throat, pinning his head to its surface. His gaze is directed upwards as a projection of the beam that struck Allure passes harmlessly through the center of his felid skull.

“You claim to not be an active invader, and yet you freely wield such terror. Tell me, did you enjoy taking millions of lives with your arrival? Would this alone not warrant your treatment of being ‘assaulted non-stop’?” Opus 91 had come to its final crescendo and was slowly fading into silence.

<< Patxi… I realize your priorities might not be the same as that of the organization, but I truly wish to help you. While you’ve been busy, I decided to go through all available intel and cross-reference what we know thus far with our records and… We have a concrete connection. >>

<< Show me what you found, Ekhi. >>

Tartalo smiled faintly as he received a lengthy report from one Spencer Tras, informant for The Abditory.

“I will humor you. Tell us, what brought you to Earth in such an inauspicious manner?”
The lapels of her fatigues flapped sporadically from hibernal gusts as globules of congealed blood fell from Najwa’s leading left hand, marring the pristine snow that was gathering at her feet. She had adopted a defensive posture similar to that of a Western boxer, one of many forms she was comfortable with. The demon bleeds… but does it live? Her gaze shifted from each possible avenue of attack she would consider as the lambent interior of the massive structure began to pulse with an amber effulgence.

A resounding crack sliced through the roaring winds and the courtyard shook in its wake. The sound reverberated through the surroundings and cascades of ice loosened from the karsts only to crash into the mountain and create a series of avalanches. The main supports of the temple buckled, its ancient roof crumbling to reveal a tempest of flames. Air had been funneled through the cavities created during their brief yet explosive encounter, feeding the fire’s intensity. The remains of the gate behind her collapsed, devastated further by the temple’s ongoing demolition. She watched dispassionately as distorted shadows danced with the inferno’s frenzied movements, focusing on any movement within the flaming edifice.

It can’t be this easy. It never is.
The force of her blow had caused a sudden drop in air pressure, sending a column of dust and smoke to billow out into the brumal air. Minute variances in this concealing cloud's atmosphere sent shivers across her bronzed skin, revealing the form's presence careening towards her.

Not enough time for a clean dodge, she reflected as her hands shot up in accordance with the attack's trajectory with it shifting from her face to her torso as her form lifted inches off the ground in imitation of the mtyholi's previous movements. The muscles along her arms and shoulders braced at the moment of impact, her armored right palm pressed against the flat of the monster's outstretched foot; her left hand wrapped around the toes.

Najwa gave a horrendous, twisting yank of her attacker's foot that would have torn the limb from its socket in a lesser creature. As she was propelled backwards, Najwa's grip tore loose and the two separated. Her form crashed through a layer of stone wall back-first, through a broad corridor where her body doubled-over itself then through a wooden latticework that overlooked an auspicious courtyard. A few tight sable tresses came undone as she flew across the square and came to a crashing halt against a central pillar of the temple's ornate gate, her boots sinking nearly a meter into the material. Tiles clattered to the cobblestone from its tiered design, their sound muted by the gate's heavy groan of severe structural damage.

Najwa dropped to her feet, immediately assuming a defensive position with fists at the ready, the familiar heft of her sheathed machete shifting along her waist. Her eyes took in the majesty of these empyreal heights, prismatic hexagons of light dancing along arctic winds; thick blankets of snow draped over towering, razor-edged karsts. Any other time, this would have been a pleasant experience. But others relied on her return, and return she would.
“You are wonderful!” the voice struggled against hibernal gales, carried across a wide chasm carved into the mountain the temple had been erected upon. It was immediately answered by the smoldering length of a support beam that had exploded through the remnants of the window, a muted clatter of debris striking against stone before plummeting into an expanse of densely-packed snow and ice.

Cinders fought to stay lit as the projectile soared through the air, its trajectory poised to crush the appendage the mtyholi was using to support itself and send it crashing down into the gulf between them.

Seconds prior…

Najwa holstered the sidearm as her lithe form gracefully pirouetted in mid-air in a short parabola, carried away from the point of contact that had sent that demon hurtling through the window. She noted the majority of her punch’s impact had been dispersed by timely reactions. Caution was warranted.

Landing by the demolished remains of the platform she’d initially leapt from, she heard the distant impact against rock, followed by the sound of its aged croak. She grimaced inwardly at the thought of this monster enjoying itself.

Wood splintered in her grip as she single-handedly tore the support beam loose from the rubble and began a short sprint that sent the projectile flying, approximating her enemy’s position through sound and thermal disparities.

The momentum of her throw continued to carry her forward into a charge that would end with her fist punching down a separate section of the temple’s walls down, creating her own exit from what would become a blazing pyre mighty enough for the Heavens to notice.
Tartalo’s pupils flushed with digital brilliance as the subject adapts its physiology in response to extreme external stimulus. Intrigued at the malleable nature of its fur, he began to ponder what, exactly, its threshold was as he traced an obscure pattern into the air. The nanothin membrane coating Tartalo’s inner retinas parsed the thaumic signature, synapses firing along synthetic tissue into neobohrium spikes in his optic nerves.

Its words came to him with a slight delay as they were filtered through layers of anti-memetic countermeasures, visualized as a translucent spectrogram in the corner of his field of vision. His dialectical optimizer dissected every word and began to assemble a rudimentary psychological profile of Merse.

<< Ekhi, continue to breakdown pupillary responses and infrared analyses with the dermal scanner. >>

“If you deal in information, then this will be a most pleasant exchange.” The music faded into the background but continued to play as Tartalo spoke, the darkness of the chamber suddenly replaced with a simulacra of Earth’s orbit, distant stars dwarfed by a colossal cnidarian flanked by an unfathomable legion that threatened to engulf the planet. Perspective continued to shift, alien worlds suspended between teeming monstrosities growing in scope until the feed was suddenly cut short, once more plunging the cuboid chamber in darkness.

“Why have you invaded us?”

A gestalt overlaid Merse's restrained form, registering spikes in activity in what the Aldaré had determined to serve as its amygdala at the image of the gruesome behemoth. Microvascular activity increased 30% and the apparition's hue shifted along the infrared spectrum as the subject calmed itself. Tell-tale fear responses.

"Invade? Let me respond with a question. Are you familiar with psychic measures of suppression? There is an individual whose existence I have barred from my mind simply because the mere thought of "him" allowed for my location to be revealed and mind to be probed. As an information broker, I realize public knowledge has zero capital. This individual is a threat to my empire. The reason I tell you this is because I have installed specific triggers in my mind to warn me when he was close. The gargantuan horror which I've come to know as Brobdingnag is one of those triggers, and here it is. What doesn't make sense is that if I was found, why use such excessive force? To add to the bleakness of things, I was unaware that Brobdingnag commanded a fleet and other horrors like it. As terrifying as this all is, the absurdity of the situation is quite intriguing. If this isn't all clear to you by now, let me say this. This ‘invasion’, is a mutual problem of ours."

The air grew dense as the chamber's temperature plummeted into the sub zero range, localized around the Aldaré. Another discharge of electricity pulsed through Merse.

“Refrain from any further questions.”

<< Ekhi, ping Apollo and make sure he patches in. Tangential connection with hostiles discovered. >>

“I am quite familiar with methods of suppression, although undoubtedly our praxis differs.” Photons distorted visibly as the image of the titanic jellyfish filled the room, hovering threateningly over Merse. Its form burst into a shower of kaleidoscopic particulates that reformed into the charging figure of gold clad in gaudy clothing.

“What is your connection with this man?”
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