Avatar of Aragorn
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Aragorn
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1218 (0.32 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Aragorn 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Wow, its a wild 4channer


Just your average anime watching/video gaming young adult. And, of course, the occasional RP.

I build computers as a hobby! My first build and my second build!

Most Recent Posts

I'll work on getting a post up tonight. Past few days I was studying for a test, which I just took today.
In my experience, this kind of thing almost always ends up becoming simpler one way or another after some time passes, for better or for worse. But obviously, sitting around and expecting things to resolve themselves isn't a very intelligent way of going through life. So I'd say gather more information. Start with talking to your old roommate about their autoimmune problem, as that seems to be the path you want to go down. See if it's a problem that could be easily worked around(since I obviously know nothing about her.) I can already tell you though that your friend with the mental issues, going down that path will not help either of you, neither in the short nor long run. That said, nobody said you can't keep in touch with her. And it wouldn't be a terrible idea to have a serious conversation about this with her, so you don't blindside her(since that's the last thing she needs, obviously.)

It all boils down to that you need to have conversations with all these people.
In Ugh 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Fuck it, go anyway. YOLO.

That's the plan. :)
I'mma have a post up in the morning. I'm a bit distracted by My Cousin Vinny and some new episodes of some anime I've been watching.

@Jay Kalton

Alright, I'll have my character break off than so she's not stuck. :p
These are both from google images. I had made some Gif's, but they sadly didn't work.

Do you really want me to?
NacNak is gonna be away from the RP for a few days. He's feeling a bit under the weather.
*pokes @Jay Kalton
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