Avatar of Arawak
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    1. Arawak 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Nation RP set during an Interplanetary dark age across hundreds of tiny worlds- roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Got my RP rebooted. Make a civilization human or alien and uncover the enigma roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Why not a sci-fi NRP that doesn't waste space? Interest check here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/1..
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Damn it Flimo

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In terms of my own concepts, I got one that in an earlier era would be considered absolutely evil but now are just pitiful. Some small group of beings who spent the stellar era killing off emergent civs in their part of this former galactic cluster and mostly being asleep for this era only to than after more passing eons regret everything and just want death. Only for death to seem unattainable.

@ZAVAZggg Having there be anti-suicide protocols that actively try to convince him to stay alive is an interesting approach.

@Vega7 They are good for this. It does make me wonder the general dynamics between civ gardeners and singular entities. As civ gardeners add settings to the RP by default.

I will offficially State approval for the RO itself, which I will launch on Wednesday.
With 3-5 people showing interest I will move forward with this RP. I made a simple app sheet for this. It is split into 2 parts. A bit on the being itself and a bit on the systems in place.

The Being: [The being itself. Any information, physical, capabilities and otherwise. You can give them a history, but it isn't needed. It is at most a mythology this distant into the future. Feel free to be creative about this as the only real constraints are that it has to be immortal and not something that can easily kill itself.]

Its Systems: [The systems in place to keep this thing from killing itself. Be it some lesser societies built on it, dumb AIs or some other set of protocols meant to keep the being from killing itself. Your tech, including military tech would go here. Be warned- any tech you grant yourself will be used to make it harder to kill yourself.]

Other: [Any additional information]

@ZAVAZggg You could imagine yourself as some super AI, ancient uploaded consciousness, eldritch beings, phantoms or so on. Tech levels are maxed out at this point.

You can make your being mostly what you want it beyond the already mentioned constraints. You want them to be some phantom entity or some eldritch being, that works. You want a mad AI, that works. You want some "utopia" ran by suicidal immortal rulers whose gnat subjects bore them after seeing the same things occur millions of times over, that works. For me, it is a matter of having an immortal being/character who cannot easily kill themselves (as if they could, they'd be dead by now) due to their own systems not letting them. I may accept exceptions to this if they introduce a dynamic that remains interesting and doesn't aim to shift things towards a generic domination victory goal.

Linking to the other societies in this region of the universe is easy since the light lag limits matter little when a million years is like a day or two for these late universe societies.
I spent years of my life writing a vast amount of world building notes.

And have been unable to make my own Silmarillion with it. I don't even conlang.
Consider this interest check a vitality test.

We have entered the heat death.

All you have left are black holes and dying stars for civilization.

The stellar era is the deep past, the eons of time unimaginable. The universe from your perspective is a deeply ancient place, being such a vast span of time since it is claimed to have begun in the annals of ancient mythologies of the era of stars.

There was at one point, a small group of galaxies which spanned civilizations which spanned entire galactic clusters. We do not know or ever will know, which galaxies those were.

And it isn't relevant.

For we exist in the era of degeneracy.

We are minds vast in scale- yet helpless in ability.

We try to die. Our systems do not let us.

Our dreams consist of endless simulations, of endless loops. It does not end.

Perpetual termination, that is what the secret desire is.

The ultimate goal of this final game is not to win- it is to lose faster than the enemy.

The enemy of whom, shall live forever.


This NRP is rather different from your typical space opera NRP.

There are no councils. There are no aliens- such dichotomy has no bearing in a world where biological minds as we know them are long gone. We have launched far, far into the deep future here. Stellar Era ideas of civilization no longer apply.

As the end game is not to survive.

It is to die before your enemies.

What you are in particular, it is hard to say. This is an RP which rather blurs the NRP/Character RP lines. One could view it as a god RP with what you control.

You can manifest yourself as a character, as a civilization or basically anything. All conventional notions of time aren't important, the universe doesn't change much at all on small timescales like centuries or millennia. A billion years may see some interesting stuff happen, but a billion years at this point is but a day for you.

Your goal is death- but you are immortal. Your sub systems work tirelessly to keep you alive. Your backups keep you alive. Your automated parts work to harvest more in order to continue your existence. Your goal is to circumvent them to die.

Or maybe be delusional enough to try to cause a quantum reset earlier than the absurd amounts of time that one is expected to happen. Destroying physics as we know it is a form of suicide after all.

Whatever tech you want, you can have. It doesn't matter since any tech you grant yourself will work against your goal.

Now, you could be something other than a suicide empire, but the bulk of people here should be suicide empires. Suicide empires in general will automatically attempt to attack and harvest the materials of other players in orbit of the decaying cluster of white dwarfs, brown dwarves, black dwarves and black holes that have not drifted into the eternal abyss from dark matter. We are so far into the future red dwarves have died out. Why, the red dwarf clusters some civilizations made in the late Stelliferous Era are pretty much the only reason you survive today, but even those now have burned out.

Being anything else would go against the aesthetic, you can be something else if it fits into the reality you exist in the heat death of the universe.

As to how you play a game where you just want death as an immortal god being, all you really have to do is not think of natural time. Don't think in centuries or millennia, that is like thinking in terms of seconds. A million years to get around is no issue here, a million years is probably how long a post here is. Why, it probably is more akin to a billion years.

That being said, as to your goal of death, remember you cannot let yourself die last. If you are the only one alive, your sub-systems will have nothing stopping them from finding a way to keep you alive until the last blackholes dissipate and even than you got some vacuum energy tapping to do. So, you will need to find ways to keep other players alive so their sub systems may kill you. You may even need to uplift players who play cheeky and just give themselves less advanced tech to die more easily.

I may keep this as an NRP or make it a more formal game instead. Depends on how interest here for the premise goes. If this is too early in the universe, we can move to full on black hole era if desired.
(I know I haven't really been around for like, ages but I remember this)

I agree a lot with the directionless aspects. I can't say I didn't contribute to that sense because I was told I had a vast sum of space and places when it started and so decided that meant I could use a vast sum of space for some fictional faction. I thought initially there would have been more cooperation in the story telling aspects in the sense that the GMs would build some story arc with the factions. What I didn't take into account was that when you have many factions constantly added such planning is very hard. Which is a bit inexcusable on my part as someone who dwelled normally in the depths of the NRP forum.

Another thing was that the IC got ridiculously chaotic, making it pretty much useless to get any story arcs going like I tried doing. Random characters bursting it made it hard to really structure things and shifting attention story-wise made it exhausting to deal with.

I also found the focus on character powers over making unique characters with unique perspectives a bit irritating as the app sheets facilitated that with the tier system and how the sheets emphasized abilities and gear as much as it did.

Than you have the more internal issues I have, but these are issues with the general culture of the site and more my own scruples. I am no fan of the genres that other players on this site embrace. I didn't feel like a lot of people were being creative enough with the canvas given to them and instead stuck to anime stuff. It seemed like the overwhelming majority of people was some anime character. However I find that anime is ubiquitous with RPs in general, especially on forums dedicated to them like this one. I wouldn't have been so bothered by it if there was more diversity of media inspiration going in. I tried to facilitate that with that new space opera based faction I hosted to little success as people would still draw from anime instead of any other medium. And what was I to do, tell people they couldn't make anime based characters within the faction when the overwhelming majority of players do that?

Like, you are given the whole universe and all you do is populate it with anime characters. Don't get me wrong, I know there's lots of anime stuff that makes use of such large scale spaces with weird alien creatures, but like if you are going for some multiverse RP setting wouldn't drawing from everywhere make more sense than drawing only from anime? I know there's a minority of players who did that, but the majority didn't.

That being said while I don't have interest (I like star wars, but don't have interest in participating in fandom stuff), I can see why the next PW is a star wars one. Much less need to worry about the technology-magic balance when every character isn't having their own magic system or tech paradigm and instead drawing from star wars lore.

The Cooperative

Overview; The Cooperative is a civilization descended from rogue peacekeepers who rebelled against the ancient terranic order whose highly centralized, highly hierarchal empire is founded upon the belief in a human spirit with the grand soverign’s guidance.

The Cooperative as a civilization is one built around two sets of beliefs, that of a transhumanist hierarchal order that is viewed as a form of maturation within the meritocratic cooperative society. It is also built on the conception of a common human spirit that borders on theocratic even as AIs and Cyborgs run everything. The humanistic regime has a several other peculiarities, such as how their elite at times seems to view the common people like tending to a garden more or less and there is a strong natalist streak that has led to Cooperative space being flooded in Humans who are avidly encouraged by propaganda systems to breed, breed and breed with a system of guaranteed living and benefits to those who have kids.

The Cooperative has been mostly ran by the grand sovereign, of whom being part of is viewed as of the highest honor, for it is the highest position attainable within the cooperative and means to those part of it eternal wisdom. Lesser soverigns exist in the cooperative as well, and those who become part of the grand sovereign usually come from lesser soverign in practice. Lesser soverigns not part of the cooperative, or think tanks have been utilized by organizations part of the cooperative for ages, indeed the cooperative as a whole originated as a peacekeeper force ran by what by this point would be viewed as a lesser sovereign. The cooperative’s political developments have shifted over time with the grand sovereign being less direct a force as cyborg oligarchs take on much more direct roles as the cooperative’s elite with their ideological and experimental outlook- with a sense of nihilism caused by copies of their minds already being uploaded many times over so they fear their own annihilation far less.

The Cooperative is pluralistic in its beliefs, with death being viewed as just death with having one’s mind uploaded being a privilege and nothing else and a very secular attitude where propagating human genomes is viewed as one of the top priorities of their civilization.

Culturally the cooperative is very socially libertarian for most despite the highly hierarchy civilization, with a sub-class structure of genetically modified people and the lesser cyborgized elite. Such hierarchal changes are arbitrated mostly by lesser sovereigns.

The Cooperative is organized into a centralized force where the grand sovereign holds unilateral dominion over most human affairs. The cooperative’s presence for the common folk is that of a seemingly prevalent burning sensation with many people existing very insular, culturally desperate existences as if they were test labs even with the freedom of movement they can have in theory. In practice, movement freedoms usually are limited by the standards system that acts as the universal value metric all people are judged by mainly through having to show their capacity for greater things through all matter of arbitrary testing by those in power who act as patrons to those lesser in the cylindrical habitat. The sub societies in the cooperative tend to be built on frame works created by lesser sovereigns and A cybernetic elite the common people are taught to aspire to be part of who act on a more free plane where space travel and commerce is the norm.

The cybernetic elite is mostly known for being flesh humans whose exoskeleton is the cyborg they were from head to toe, with the internal body being partially replaced by synthetic components as well.

The cooperative’s military is descended from the peacekeeping corps, expanded into a sprawling interstellar institution that isn’t fully centralized, instead being a huge range of chapters that are under the command of lesser soverigns provisionally with the peacekeepers being known for how blurry civilian and military lines really are in the cooperative, as they also act as a humanitarian organization as they always have. The sector and regional militias are also quite common.

The humans of the cooperative live in a very wide range of habitation as per usual, with paraterraformed worlds, orbital habitats and all being utilized as places people exist.

The Cooperative makes use of a very developed industry of cybernetic technology. The usage of power suits, AI networks and virtual nets is combined with the regular usage of artificial wombs and genetic tweaking to create various humanoids adapted to a wide range of environments.

Their FTL consists mainly of warp drives.

The Cooperative continues the use of fusion energy, giving the cooperative the ability to support the massive human populations that their cybernetic elite so eagerly cultivates much like massive gardens.
Here is a proto-app that uses my own definitions until further notice.

The Cooperative

Overview; The Cooperative is a civilization descended from rogue peacekeepers who rebelled against the ancient terranic order whose highly centralized, highly hierarchal empire is founded upon the belief in a human spirit with the grand soverign’s guidance.

The Cooperative as a civilization is one built around two sets of beliefs, that of a transhumanist hierarchal order that is viewed as a form of maturation within the meritocratic cooperative society. It is also built on the conception of a common human spirit that borders on theocratic even as AIs and Cyborgs run everything. The humanistic regime has a several other peculiarities, such as how their elite at times seems to view the common people like tending to a garden more or less and there is a strong natalist streak that has led to Cooperative space being flooded in Humans who are avidly encouraged by propaganda systems to breed, breed and breed with a system of guaranteed living and benefits to those who have kids.

The Cooperative has been mostly ran by the grand sovereign, of whom being part of is viewed as of the highest honor, for it is the highest position attainable within the cooperative and means to those part of it eternal wisdom. Lesser soverigns exist in the cooperative as well, and those who become part of the grand sovereign usually come from lesser soverign in practice. Lesser soverigns not part of the cooperative, or think tanks have been utilized by organizations part of the cooperative for ages, indeed the cooperative as a whole originated as a peacekeeper force ran by what by this point would be viewed as a lesser sovereign. The cooperative’s political developments have shifted over time with the grand sovereign being less direct a force as cyborg oligarchs take on much more direct roles as the cooperative’s elite with their ideological and experimental outlook- with a sense of nihilism caused by copies of their minds already being uploaded many times over so they fear their own annihilation far less.

The Cooperative is pluralistic in its beliefs, with death being viewed as just death with having one’s mind uploaded being a privilege and nothing else and a very secular attitude where propagating human genomes is viewed as one of the top priorities of their civilization.

Culturally the cooperative is very socially libertarian for most despite the highly hierarchy civilization, with a sub-class structure of genetically modified people and the lesser cyborgized elite. Such hierarchal changes are arbitrated mostly by lesser sovereigns.

The Cooperative is organized into a centralized force where the grand sovereign holds unilateral dominion over most human affairs. The cooperative’s presence for the common folk is that of a seemingly prevalent burning sensation with many people existing very insular, culturally desperate existences as if they were test labs even with the freedom of movement they can have in theory. In practice, movement freedoms usually are limited by the standards system that acts as the universal value metric all people are judged by mainly through having to show their capacity for greater things through all matter of arbitrary testing by those in power who act as patrons to those lesser in the cylindrical habitat. The sub societies in the cooperative tend to be built on frame works created by lesser sovereigns and A cybernetic elite the common people are taught to aspire to be part of who act on a more free plane where space travel and commerce is the norm.

The cybernetic elite is mostly known for being flesh humans whose exoskeleton is the cyborg they were from head to toe, with the internal body being partially replaced by synthetic components as well.

The cooperative’s military is descended from the peacekeeping corps, expanded into a sprawling interstellar institution that isn’t fully centralized, instead being a huge range of chapters that are under the command of lesser soverigns provisionally with the peacekeepers being known for how blurry civilian and military lines really are in the cooperative, as they also act as a humanitarian organization as they always have. The sector and regional militias are also quite common.

The humans of the cooperative live in a very wide range of habitation as per usual, with paraterraformed worlds, orbital habitats and all being utilized as places people exist.

The Cooperative makes use of a very developed industry of cybernetic technology. The usage of power suits, AI networks and virtual nets is combined with the regular usage of artificial wombs and genetic tweaking to create various humanoids adapted to a wide range of environments.

Their FTL consists mainly of warp drives.

The Cooperative continues the use of fusion energy, giving the cooperative the ability to support the massive human populations that their cybernetic elite so eagerly cultivates much like massive gardens.
Well, maybe.

I’ll just bring back the Metasyndicate. The fossers didn’t do shit last time so maybe this time they do something as I just have to do plug and play instead of spending time trying to get stuff figured out so it’ll be like the other fosskemian app but with some changing done as things dole out with whatever else this scenario has.

@Willy Vereb oh so the good ol build it yourself hyperspace?
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