Avatar of Argetlam350
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  • Old Guild Username: argetlam350
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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Have another Tholo post up hopefully tomorrow.
Was going to wait a little bit for others to post but can do another Tholo post.
Ready to go whenever everyone else is ready to start. Or are we waiting for more?
Bump. Ready to start whenever.
Thus the old wolf has entered the game. Figured a bit of dark suspense would be fun plus provides anyone in the black market for a bit of interaction if they so choose.
Tholo Whitlock

The Wolf Pack

Tholo sat in his office working through the repetitive nature of crunching numbers and the costs for the Wolf Pack. He hated it but it had to be done even if he knew the place was doing well. The only sound in the room coming from the clicks of a computer. The quiet didn't last long as the blaring ringing of the office phone went off. Tholo gave a annoyed huff and growled before reaching for it, picking it from its perch and answering.

"This is the Wolf Pack, we're currently close, what do you want?" Tholo answered, showing his rather poor people skills.

"Well it has been some time hasn't it, Gevaudan?" A mysteriously familiar voice replied, one that gave an irritable growl from Tholo as his hand clenched around the phone harder.

"I told you to not call me that. That was another time, one that is dead. So what the hell is with the call all of a sudden. Another pred hiding in a hole you can't get too?" Tholo asked annoyed and agitated. Ever since having done a rather, impressive albeit illegal act, he had somewhat of a leash on him. Mostly he was called in for favors by the so called precious higher ups to clean up shitty messes they got into or drag someone out of a hiding hole in the black market. Authority figures weren't exactly welcomed there and their red tape made it tough to find their culprits, where as Tholo could ignore it as long as he didn't damage the goods, well at least not to the point of death. In return he hadn't ended up in prison with a life sentence. He hated being a tool.

"More of a curiosity that needs to be looked into. Had a mole inside a new pack that formed. A few days ago he was suppose to meet up and give some details on what they were currently doing as well as a few insights on some other new players we are looking into. Problem is he didn't show and this new pack has gone quiet. Due to the location cops would be sniffed out in a moments notice so who better to send then the old beast that ruled their in the past," The voice replied, Tholo imaging an annoying smirk on their face. How he would love to rip it off of them.

"To chicken shit to do it yourself. Guess it is true what the say about lions, need the women to do the work for you," Tholo replied smirking himself knowing that the voice would be annoyed with that.

"I have more pressing maters to attend to. Don't forget who holds your leash Gevauden," The voice warned before hanging up. Tholo sighed before getting out of his chair, writing a note before shoving it on his office door. It left Zaina in charge when she got back and where he would be. She knew he did some work in the market but never question on what it was and even if she had, he wouldn't of told.

The Black Market

Getting to the black market didn't take long, the scent of seared meat wafted into his nostrils. The old smells of the underbelly of the city brought back bitter memories, both of better and worst times. A time where he had been just as part of it as many other gangs and thugs ran the place today. A time where he could make a plenty cower from his own shadow as he dealt the punishment of missing payments of protection money or lesser gangs weaseling in on their turf. Now hardly anyone noticed the lumbering wolf drift between the flow of other predators. Just another face in the crowd. Though unlike them who sought the sustenance of flesh that the world pretended to not exist, he had a different mission. One that took him to his old stomping grounds.

The building looked shittier then he remember, probably because it became mostly a drug den after the tragic events that transpired. Vagrants looking for a quick fix and homeless who sought refuge from the cold night air. That is until a new pack decided to claim it as theirs and kick the trespassers out. A bunch of punks wanting to make a name for themselves by hanging in the old ruins of a far greater pack. It was laughably pathetic and now with how silent they had been, probably meant they bit more then they could chew. Or bit the wrong hand and got a beating that pushed them out. He expected to find maybe a bloody warning from one of the stronger clans running around the black market but what he found was far worst then expected.

Tholo found the dumb punks, but in a state that went beyond a simple gang lesson. Rot hung in the air, rancid and palpable. The bodies of the various canines strewn about like mere play things, having been skinned and left to decayed. Their heads hung in the air from hooks or from the ground on rusted spiked poles, faces contorted in agony. Teeth pulled, eyes gouged, pieces of their skinless bodies mangled while their hides hung on the walls in a sick display of violence. This was far beyond a simple crime lord hit on a lower gang. More then simply turf disputes. This was torture, one he was somewhat certain was simply for sadistic pleasure. He definitely needed to ask for a pay raise on this job.
@Crystal Amalgam The world is doomed! XP
Huzzah for another big scary lady XP
Zaina 'Zee' Allaires

Eukary Campus
Interaction: @Zanavy Corrie Strickman

Zaina watched the owl take her final throw, slightly disappointed to see that the target remained upright but that had hardly been the reason for the entire confrontation. She smirked slightly hearing the owl do her best to burn the zonkey though seeing how stubborn the animal was, perhaps it went over their own head before the owl turned to her. While there were many things Zaina would prefer doing, being stuck wandering the campus didn't leave many options so letting the request of the owl swim around in her head briefly she decided it would probably be her better option to oblige her request.

"Sure why not, but don't worry about payment. Putting idiots in their place is my own payment," she replied before looking at the zonkey directly leaning in ",Now that this is settle I'll let you go back to your little games but if I catch wind of anymore of your bullshit, well, lets just say I've never had equine before." Zaina snapped her jaw shut, her teeth crashing together making a audible crunch sound that left the zonkey in a state of fear giving a shakey nod that wiped the previous smug look from their face. Zaina smiled and roughly pat their back

"Good now run along and take care," she said turning from threatening to sweet, or at least as sweet as a hyena could look to be. She straightened herself up back to her full height, dropping three dollars into the still seemingly petrified monkey that helped with the stand as a small peace offering. The zonkey seemed to glare at the smaller mammal but a glare back from Zaina made the zonkey look away and mutter a thanks before going about to what they had been doing before the altercation. Zaina turned to her new acquaintance.

"Welp lead the way," Zaina said, wondering what other trouble the owl could get into along with hoping there weren't going to be any more conflicts. While enjoying being the big bad bitch she was and despising animals like the zonkey, she rather avoid being thrown off the campus, so hopefully that was the only little bit of squabbling she had to take care of.
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