Avatar of ArkhamInmate333
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 67 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. ArkhamInmate333 5 yrs ago
    2. █████████████████ 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Always remember, your focus determines your reality.
5 yrs ago
It's quiet...too quiet!
5 yrs ago
Hello Gotham! Joker's back in town! HAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!


Name: Arkham
Aliases: Inmate, Max, Tex, or Master of Dungeons
Age: 30
Ethnicity: Terran
Ancestry: Human
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Unitarian Universalist/Jedi
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Gender: Male
Major in College: History
Degrees: BA in History w/ Minor in Communications
Occupation(s): 7th Grade Science Teacher, Freelance Writer
Greatest Inspirations: J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, George Lucas, Stan Lee, Geoff Johns, Andrzej Sapkowski, Maria V. Snyder, The Russo Brothers
Years of Writing Experience: Going on 18
RP Level: Advanced
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Poor writing without a desire to improve
RP Strengths: World Building, Game Mastering, Peer Editing
Preferred Genres: High Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern Fantasy, Romance
Fandoms: Star Wars, Star Trek, Game of Thrones, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, Back to the Future, The Witcher, Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, Pokémon, Harry Potter, Marvel (MCU & Comics), DC Comics, Supernatural, Assassin's Creed

Current Roleplays:

Archived Roleplays
Star Wars: Knights of Fate
Star Wars: Light and Shadow

I first came to this realm and joined the Guild's ranks over a decade ago, long before the Dark Times that came after the Great Migration of 2014. Seven years ago I left to travel in the Mundane Realm. During my travels, I studied, grew, and honed my skills. I now return to this realm, armed and ready for the challenges that lie ahead!

In the Mundane Realm, I am a teacher, living on a horse farm in the Valley of the Shenandoah River. I am also a scribe of no small skill. I also serve as the Master of Dungeons for several groups of brave adventurers in the Forgotten Realms of Faerûn.

Most Recent Posts

@Sierra Dark side can be fun if it's set in the right Era. Old Republic is ripe for Dark Side characters because you've got the Sith Empire in the picture. Once you reach the Clone Wars, the Rise of the Empire, and the Galactic Civil War then the Rule of Two and the fact that the Sith have "been extinct for a millennia" makes playing a Dark Side character excessively challenging and problematic. Once you get into the New Republic and the Legacy of the Force Eras then you get a little more wiggle room, but it is still quite a challenge. If you're thinking of a Sith/Jedi pairing during the Old Republic we might be able to brainstorm something interesting together.

After a daring rescue of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine by Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, reports flood in of the defeat of the Separatist leader, Count Dooku. Rallied by the news, the Galactic Army of the Republic turns its attention towards the capture of General Grievous in order to bring a swift end to the Clone Wars. But, unbeknownst to the Jedi, a sinister plot is approaching its climax...

Greetings! I'm looking to get a small group together for a roleplay starting off at the end of the Clone Wars. Ideally the dramatis personae I'm looking to be filled are...

Clone Trooper One - Resists his programming and helps the Jedi escape Order 66

Clone Trooper Two - Best friend of CT-1, uncomfortable with the idea of treason but loyal to his friend

Jedi One & Jedi Two - Escape Order 66 with the help of two Clone Troopers and are forced to go into hiding

I'm very much open to new character concepts (such as roguish smuggler captains who help the Jedi escape, bounty hunters, etc.) so long as we can find a way to work it into the story. If interested, please post below.
The original post has been updated to include some teasers of the storylines and pairings that have been percolating in my brain.
The character in the CS Sample is an old OC of mine from a couple of RPs back on the original Guild site. He's not necessarily the character I will be looking to play, but if you're interested in my running with him I'm more than happy to.
I'm also not opposed to running something in the Old Republic, New Republic, or Legacy eras. My biggest hang up is that I prefer to play Jedi (surprise suprise).
Greetings! I'm looking to get a 1x1 Star Wars RP going. Ideally the story would be set during either the Clone Wars or the onset of the Galactic Civil War. Bear in mind that I enjoy the challenge of working in a universe as well defined as Star Wars (in spite of any canonical changes which may have occurred since Disney bought the franchise). When in doubt Wookieepedia ends up being my go-to source for information, and I'm starting to get into the Star Wars RPG System by Fantasy Flight Games so I will also utilize those source books when they contain pertinent information.

I'm looking for someone who can write on an advanced level. I have it in mind to involve a romance in the storyline and I prefer working with females. If it is decided that adult content will be involved, I prefer to handle it with an artistic flair (i.e. Indulging in the electrifying ecstasy of his skin against hers) rather than an explicit mechanical description of the activities. Also if adult content is to be included, I require (in accordance with Guild rules) that my roleplay partner be 18+. PM me if you're interested, a writing sample will be requested (I will also provide a sample upon request).

@Hellion Bold of you to assume I'm human, mortal! ;)
I first came to this realm and joined the Guild's ranks over a decade ago, long before the Dark Times that came after the Great Migration of 2014. Five years ago I left to travel in the Mundane Realm. During my travels, I studied, grew, and honed my skills. I now return to this realm, armed and ready for the challenges that lie ahead!

...and now for something completely different!

I am the artist formerly known as "AzraelKnightwolf" and "KryptonianSoldier". I have been a Game Master for several highly successful Roleplays on this site before it was relaunched the first time. Since my departure from this site in 2014, I have served as a professional Dungeon Master for Baldman Games and Gamer's Gambit Inc., running 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons adventures for both companies over the last five years. I'm excited to return to play-by-post roleplaying as an outlet for my creative writing and look forward to collaborating with others on many projects to come!
Greetings! My sincerest apologies but I'm afraid I am going to abandon this site. I believe that the head moderator (Mahz) made a serious error in judgement in deciding to build this new site from scratch and making it available for use before it's completed. I'm highly dissatisfied with the quality this site has sunk to and until such time as it is restored to its former glory I will be taking my creativity elsewhere. I wish you all the luck in the multi-verse on your creative endeavors!
Greetings! My sincerest apologies but I'm afraid I am going to abandon this site. I believe that the head moderator (Mahz) made a serious error in judgement in deciding to build this new site from scratch and making it available for use before it's completed. I'm highly dissatisfied with the quality this site has sunk to and until such time as it is restored to its former glory I will be taking my creativity elsewhere. I wish you all the luck in the multi-verse on your creative endeavors!
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