Avatar of arowne97
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Arowne97
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3917 (1.03 / day)
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    1. arowne97 10 yrs ago


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Name: Hakuno Kishinami

Nickname: Master, Praetor, Husband(depends on which Servant is speaking to him)

Age(if applicable since not every fandom specifies this): appears to be in his mid to late teens

Gender: Male

Powers/Skills: Mystic Codes - While he has no spells of his own, he can use a number of Mystic Codes to perform various effects just like spells.
Regalia - the prize for winning the Moon Cell Holy Grail War, he can call upon the power of the Moon Cell, though only the information and knowledge, due to not being within the Moon Cell itself.
Command Spells - he has 3 Command Spells he can use to empower his servants or even revive them from death, though once he uses up all 3 he is unable to use them anymore.
Servant Summoning - he can call upon any of the Servants that he is the Master of, though he can only call upon upon up to a few of them at a time, due to him needing to supply them with Prana.

Weakness(es): If you don't count his ability to tap into the Moon Cell's database of knowledge using the Regalia he got for winning the holy grail war, then he's just a normal human with the normal weaknesses of one. (most of the weaknesses of his abilities are mentioned in their descriptions)

Species: Human(sort of)

Crush: none

From: Fate/Extra, Fate/Extra CCC, and Fate/Extella


Pers(short for personality): Hakuno is normally quite calm and collected, his past experiences with the Holy Grail War serving to harden him against even the most surprising of things. Having helped his Servants face down an entire planet-eating entity, not much will actually phase him, especially not something as simple as a madman creating monsters. He does show quite a bit of compassion towards his servants though, being in a romantic relationship with some of them.

Bio(as always, this is optional): TBR

Other(anything else we should know about you?):

Where'd you end up?(Read above or put something here as a suggestion): Room Full of Human Blood

Are you going to stop the chaos or no?: Yes
I got a character! :D though he's actually my personal character from a game he also works as an OC since I had to create him.

Name: Mathias


Age: Immortal

Gender: Male

Powers/Skills: Thaumaturgy - Also known as Blood Magic, its the art of literally controlling blood. The Tremere Clan was once a clan of powerful human sorcerers, but the ritual that turned ancient members of the clan into vampires also stripped them of their magical abilities, and so they developed the art of Thaumaturgy. They can literally manipulate the blood in someone's body, for a variety of effects.

Auspex - Grants supernatural senses, powerful enough to see through walls and even hear or smell from extreme distances.

Dominate - The ability of the powerful vampiric mind to force one's will onto another. Any mind weaker than his own can be dominated, or those who have their mental defenses lowered enough.

Enhanced Physical Abilities, Minor Regeneration(faster when feeding)

Bloodbuff - further enhances physical abilities and basic skills for 30 seconds

Blood Healing - Speeds regeneration for 10 seconds.

(All of his abilities that he can activate at will use up blood he drank and stores in his body)

Frenzy - If he goes too long without blood, runs out of blood, or acts too cruel doing things like killing innocents then the beast within can take over and he will be controlled by his beastial instincts and his vampiric nature, becoming incredibly powerful but being essentially a mindless beast with only a thirst for blood.

Species: Vampire(Tremere Clan)


Crush: He has no need for crushes. He is a master of seduction and persuasion after all.

Relationship: None

Personality: While he's normally pretty laid back and carefree, he's also incredibly devious and cunning, having once even talked someone into becoming his Ghoul.

Likes: Blood(its the only thing he can eat/drink), Nighttime, Beautiful women, Magic, manipulating people.

Dislikes: The Sun(its extremely deadly to him), Vampire Hunters, idiots, people with authority, Wooden Stakes(fucking paralysis), buckshot(its a pain in the ass to pick shotgun pellets out of your skin)


History(optional): TBR

Sexual orientation(Straight, Bi, Gay or Lez): Bi
The Hunter merely kept his finger on the trigger, and took a slow step back. "I have no desire to join this company of hours..." He gave a brief glance around for escape routes. He noticed a broken window on the far side of the room, and quickly activated the Old Hunter's Bone, seeming to teleport a few feet at a time, moving rapidly towards the window before jumping through it and making a run for it.
The Hunter responded by taking a step back, flipping his cane into a reverse grip and turning it into its whip form. "I will lower my weapon once you prove you are not a threat." Strangely enough, everyone could smell a strange scent coming off him this entire time. It wasn't bad, but could only be described as...moonlit.
The Hunter fired two quick warning shots past them, to show he was serious about using his weapon if they came any closer. The quicksilver bullets his weapon used could harm some very powerful beings after all. They might only be fired from a pistol but they could cause some serious damage, even to someone like Wesker if they hit.
Of course, the Hunter did hear footsteps approaching, so he quickly got to his feet, holding his Threaded Cane in his right hand and his pistol Evelyn in his left just in case they were a threat. He watched the entrance carefully as he stood there, his pistol ready.
Apparently the building was more unstable than he thought, because as soon as the Hunter took a single careful step, it collapsed, sending him crashing down through to the top floor, and through that as it gave way. It was the same thing until he hit the ground floor, laying on a pile of rubble. His fall also caused so much noise that anyone outside would definitely hear it.
RE is Resident Evil
Shirou let out a sigh as he and his team made their way to Konoha, silently lamenting the fact that he was stuck with the only two idiots in all of Kirigakure that knew absolutely nothing about swords. He adjusted the two swords on his hip as they walked, before pulling his scarf up just enough to cover the lower half of his face. He hated this time of year in Mizu no Kuni(land of water). The fog was even thicker than normal and it rained nearly every other day.

Tatsuya was sitting in the Kurama Clan's library, a scroll of advanced genjutsu in his lap as he read through it. He was memorizing the information for the upcoming Chunin exams, so he could use his clan's techniques to give himself an advantage. After all, Kurama Clan genjutsu are powerful enough to even possibly act as a replacement for ninjutsu, since they can cause physical harm.
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